Andere Lösungen

Faery Tale Adventure 2 - Halls of the Dead (e)

 Faery Tale Adventure 2 - A FOREIGNER'S GUIDE TO FARR - (Part 1-5)

  As Composed by KIA and Modified and Added to by Multitudes
                   Supplied by Dave Booth

Warning and disclaimer - This Guide has been assembled through
sheer game experimentation and is not endorsed by the creators,
publishers or distributors. Any errors or omissions are... well,
errors and omissions. Please hasten to correct them by submitting
information to the Halls of the Dead board located at


Important items are marked with an asterisk (*) Critical items are
marked with an exclamation point (!) Directions are given in the
unrealistic, but simple, format of left, right, up, down, all in
relation to your screen. This is done because North, South, East
and West are somewhat tough to follow on the main screen.

General Note
One of the more successful tactics in the game is to "unband" then
explore using a single character who carries the best equipment
available while the other two wait in a safe location. This tactic
is particularly effective once the spell "Rejoin" is learned, as
the other brothers can then be summoned on a moment's notice.  In
Padavis, one brother is more than enough and the others will
probably not get into too much trouble... This appears to be a
"take everything you can" game where there are no negative
consequences for stealing, literally, everything you can pick up.
In the beginning you will need to do this to get armor and
weapons, but later, when you have found incredible riches, you may
decide to be more noble.


Yea verily, yea merrily, just plain yea.

You begin in the simple town of Padavis, home of rogues and
cutpurses.  Before you is the statue of the three horses with
three conspicuously empty slots in the base. Behind you a rat
scurries about and a rat-hole is easily seen.  As the game manual
suggests, you should go on in to the Inn. Doors on the left, no


Human occupants: Mrs. Riddenbutter, Gwen Riddenbutter, Moreton,
First level items: Oil lamps (2), Sextant *, Bellows (2), Scrolls
(3), misc. food

The first scroll on the bar is the Song of the Golden Apple,
talking about the theft and dispersion of the golden apples and
the need to replace them (duh).  The second scroll on the bar is
the Glass Sparrow Drinks Menu and contains nothing of major
importance. The third scroll, found in the bedroom on the first
level is from Gwynnthelene. She is writing on behalf of her master
and she refers to Kram the Mad and a Tesserect Key. The most
important item here is the Sextant, which will give you your map
coordinates when you use it. Keep it and do not abuse it.

The residents have a number of interesting things to say. Mrs.
Riddenbutter refers to the "wizard's stronghold" and Gwen refers
to the "man in the woods" who will trade with you "if you look
right." Moreton speaks of a haunted castle. There is also a
bulletin board containing notices about the following people,
places and things: Caladrin's Blacksmith, Weapon Training, Moon
Temple, Goblin Village, Castle Jovanic, Sorcerer's Lair, Spell
Training and a parchment seeking volunteers to maintain the statue
of the horses (Holy Pigeon Poop, Batman! What an ignoble fate!).
The lower level of the inn contains a number of kegs along with
food supplies, evidence of rat activities, rats and some supplies:
oil lamp, light blue potion ("LBP"), a bow and twenty arrows.  The
rats will need to be killed. The rats stop moving when they hear
flute music, so...

Second Level Human Occupants: Trelawny
Items: Book of Artifacts and Relics, Vanquish Graveborn, Minor
Healing, dark blue potions ("DBP") (x3), LBP, The Book of Six and
Ten (I of VI), Bellows.

Trelawny speaks longingly of the Flagon of Everpouring Mead, but
the Book of Artifacts and Relics speaks much more authoritatively
about Kram the Mad, his nemesis and the magic sword Cauldera.
There appears to be something under the bed in the back room.  For
reasons explained later, I believe this may be the Map of Ages,
but I may be way off, too. No known way to reach this yet...


The house next door to the Inn contains a sliver plate and two
books.  The first is the Diary of Jar Dighton and the second is a
Log of Padavisian Crimes.  Both reveal much about Dighton and
Padavis, including the following points:
- there is a rat problem in Padavis
- Tessay is named a thief
- Dighton was involved with rebels over in Darnoc - he intended to
organize a revolt
- Reference is made to Sariloth
- Jorl Sebrinak was abducted
- A tree bearing carvings about Keyser Sose was chopped down and
sold to the pedlar
- Vakirin was robbed
- Wyverns circle near Padavis
- Birket Stonewheel annoys folks by singing love songs into the
wee hours of the morning
- Cheryl Danby was abducted
- A shadow creature was seen within Padavis (and under a child's
- Semink's Nectarine Orchard was looted
- Eric Shantipol killed Pylanthius Athentroch in a duel
- Egarsh has been caught pick-pocketing for the eleventh time (11
lashes... OUCH!)
- Notes re Dark Elves
- Theory that the Wizard was back from the dead
- Meeting with Wort to discuss the Rats.

So much for the theory of the quiet town of Padavis!

Dighton himself is a wanderer who can be found about town. He is
the Sheriff of Padavis and was the Captain of the Guard in Darnoc.
He will teach swordplay or shieldcraft for a fee - starting at 500
sovereigns and increasing as you become more skilled.

Behind Dighton's House
Several mushrooms may be found as well as a minor healing scroll.

House near inn (Lower Left direction from statue)
Contains a flute, bellows (x2), DBP, scroll. The scroll is the
Legend of Venom, a magic sword, and it speaks of the sword's
creator Shaman Frollo.

Next house down (Lower left)
Contains another oil lamp, a silver plate and LBP.

Vakirin's House (Lower left, near lower gate)
Vakirin speaks of love potions and l'amour for reasons which will
become clear later.
Her house contains a crystal ball with no known use, a DBP and a
caustic ward scroll.

As you walk in the area near the lower gates of Padavis, Kwarrel
will approach, speak to you and croak. His wife and child were
kidnapped by goblins and he wants your help.  Since he's dead now,
you can take his stuff to assist you. It consists of a broken
sword, a goblin skull, a pouch, 6 gems, a flute and 3 gold. Don't
use it all in one place...

Another wanderer, Egarsh has no kind words for anybody. If you
feel like hearing the abuse, however, feel free to engage him in

Peasants, Merchants and Children
Several generic types are wandering about. They all seem to share
a similar set of responses, but more investigation is needed to
see if the child who saw the shadow creature can be found...

House to Left of Lower Gate
Contains an acid beaker, DBP, pillow and, under the pillow, a
scroll of minor healing


There are many inaccessible goods in the store, including cloth,
pouches, plates and cups.
The accessible items include 2 DBP, 2 LBP and a scroll of bounty
of the earth. Caladrin himself is a personable chap who sells all
sorts of things: DBP (25), LBP (30), Silver Potion (50), Sack (7),
Empty Bottle (2), Small Steel Box (25), Chest (30), Steel Box (35)
Pouch (12), Beaker (3). I do not recommend spending anything here
because you'll get all of these and more later.


Above the general store the mill can be found. Its proprietor,
Ulinarius, sells spell scrolls and training. Again, training is
not recommended at the start - save your money for those expensive
spell scrolls. Scrolls available here include Freeze, Chill, Major
Heal, Shocking Touch, Terror, Meteor Shower, Battle Fervour, Acid
Spray, Flaming Orb. Prices are steep, at least 525 gold each and
some as much as 700.

MOON TEMPLE (Left of Mill)

Attached to the mill is the Moon Temple. The Moon Priestess is a
healer who, in addition to offering to heal you for a fee (don't -
you should have plenty of healing capacity yourself) refers to a
"key to the astral plane" which is supposed to rest inside the
sorcerer's lair to the south of town. She cautions you that demons
guard the key, though... She also invites you to use her library
Contents: Purple Mana, LBP, Vanquish Graveborn, Scroll re types of
restore potions, scroll re enchanted weapons, fruit, plate, six
books and two parchments. The books, in order, speak of the
following: 1) the Three enemies and the theft of the fruit of the
tree of life, 2) The Red Castle of Teeth to the East, 3) (Purple)
History of the Moon Priestesses, 4) The Enemy who Burrowed, 5) The
Legend of Attentroch, the Golden Rope and the Seven Beasts, and 6)
the Tower of Malice in the West. The parchments refer to the
dwarven mines and a stone that drained the writer. This writer
exhorts the reader to "wade through a river of lava" if necessary
to reach the stone. The second parchment speaks of joining order
and chaos to the mortal realm to lead to an age of enlightenment.
No literary analysis will be performed here.


Run by One-Eyed Wort, there are only two things of significance
here.  First, Wort wants the rats killed. Second, the lower level
of the mill contains several rats and a chest which holds Blue
Mana, a potmetal short sword, a bronze long sword and a scroll of
icicles.  All are worth having, even the chest. Wort does not seem
to react to the death of the rats...


Despite Dighton's continued arrests of Hildebrand for drinking,
starting fights and raising hell, Hildebrand appears to make
decent weapons and armor.  Actually, the only weapons and armor
you won't have to kill people for in Padavis other than those in
the Inn and Granary. Prices are not listed here but should be
compiled by some enterprising soul. While you can get much better
armor and weapons elsewhere, you may need to travel, and the
countryside is rough. Forearmed is ... well, better than dead, so
stock up, people!


The pedlar here buys a wide assortment of items at ruinous rates.
He's the only game in town, though, so at present you should
probably buckle down, bite the strap and offload ANYTHING you
don't have equipped (plates, cups, lamps, pillows, etc). You
should be able to afford at least one decent potmetal breastplate,
and probably more when all is said and done. See suggestions,
below for an alternative, though. The trader has two scrolls lying
on his counter. The first talks about the types of healing
potions.  The second appears to be a random set of notes to
himself which is noteworthy only because he talks about getting
the MAP OF AGES* from Riddenbutter's. Holy cow!  Where's that map?


Birket Stonewheel can be found here and he will arrange travel for
one or more of the brothers at any time. Note that it is cheaper
to send only one brother than all three, and points farther away
(logically) cost more. Costs have not been assembled...


Birket's home contains several goodies: DBP (x2), scroll - Ode to
the Tesserect Key, a box and a secret love letter to Vakirin.


1) Kill the rats. No known reward at this time, but this may build
up one of the brothers' skills.
2) Take love letter to Vakirin. She will give you a return letter
to Birket, and you will have brought two people together.

Awwww =sniffle=. Now where's the cash? Birket gives you a coach
pass as a reward. A coach pass? Big deal, you think. Ahhh, but
wait! That pass will take you anywhere the Royal Coach travels.
For free. You could go off to points unknown.  You could go to
Karminac to get superior armor. You could go to Maldavith to get
good resale prices for your loot. You could go to Pentere to steal
(oops!) talk to the nobles... There are many possibilities. Where
will you go today?


This chapter covers the features in the land surrounding Padavis.
Features like sticks, fruit, herbs, mushrooms and so forth are not
included as they are both common and not particularly useful. This
chapter does include the following (in no particular order): Magic
Fountain Cave; Big Rock Cave, Krone's Cave (Dark Elf Expedition),
Dark Adept Cave, Rosewind, Gowin's House, Goblin Cave, House of
Rifoss, Kobold Cave, The Cemetery, Gutzon's Bomb Factory, The Cave
of the Blind Fish, Goblin Fort, Castle Jovanc, Bandit Cave,
Obelisk locations, various campsites, locations of Traders and
general observations about the countryside. The real Wizard's Cave
(643/573) is omitted temporarily because it is too tough for
beginning characters.  The Demon-face Spell Emitter (blasting a
magma bolt every few seconds) is your tip-off for that little
tidbit. Each of the major locations are provided a location using
the Sextant from Padavis, so, for all of you who are wondering
what to do when you get tired of killing rats in Padavis, pick a
destination and go. Enjoy!

Oh, and one last thing. Several of these locations are DANGEROUS.
Save early, save often. Let's be careful out there...

Farmer John

Just outside the gates to the South of Padavis you will find
Farmer John. This is just mentioned because characters are seldom
seen outside of cities. He doesn't appear to have any functions...

The Cemetery 859/706

You may have seen the fences of the Cemetery from inside the
Northern section of Padavis. It is a grim place, haunted by three
Zombies who will regenerate every time you return to the cemetery
(and sometimes while you're in the cemetery!). The Zombies are not
particularly tough unless they mob a single character... There are
some sixteen tombstones inside, each with their own inscriptions,
including the final resting place of the left big toe of the great
warrior Pylanthius, Goode (His Death Wasn't So) and one entitled
"Flesh Wound, My Arse!" Check them out, it's worth a minute or
two. Also worth a moment's time is the scroll of electric arc
hidden next to a stone post on the top wall (2nd or 3rd post from
the front).

House of Rifoss 927/843

"When among consenting adults, why not?" This befuddled oldster
bears more than a passing resemblance to Kram the Mad... but no
effect is gained from dropping Caldera on him... maybe he does
something else... Don't bother killing him except to recover quest
items you drop on him... he doesn't seem to give things back...

Kobold Cave 924/947

The Kobolds tend to attack en masse with light armor and rather
inferior weapons. You can gain a scroll of surestrike, a steel
greatsword, a bronze shortsword, a scroll of sun flash, bronze
breast plate, bronze shield, violet mana and a gem stone (under
the rock near the entrance) in addition to any loot from dead

Dark Adept Cave 653/883

The broken sword in front of the entrance ought to be a warning -
BAD THINGS INSIDE! The dark adepts attack with violet (acid?)
magic doing massive damage to all party members simultaneously.
BEWARE. They can kill your group rather quickly if you are not
careful. In addition to the adepts' gear you can get a scroll of
surestrike, a bronze dagger and gold. Acid shield is the way to

Rosewind the Healer 690/890

In addition to healing the brothers for a fee, Rosewind has
interesting information including: Argus in Maldavith has the best
blades for sale in Farr; Saldonaa-ar sells magic items; Faa-tavel
teaches spells to virtuous humans; armor can be purchased in
Darnoc to the North or Pentere to the North-East. Lying about on
the ground are a blanket, an empty leather pouch and Rosewind's
Lute. No known use yet...

Gutzon's Bomb Factory 831/955

After Gutzon is dealt with (he doesn't appear to enjoy being
disturbed) you will find a scroll of will barrier, parchment (How
to Make A Goblin Bomb), several goblin bombs ("Don't stack goblin
bombs - OUCH - Carla") a steel log sword, steel breastplate, and a
parchment speaking of the Blind Fish Cave. Whee, time to blow up

Goblin Cave 701/932

The Goblins are basically cake - as long as you don't let them
riddle you with arrows from a distance. This site is a perfect
place to stock up on arrows, though, so long as you're taking them
from goblins and not vice-versa. You can score a sack with five
normal mushrooms, 12 gold, a scroll of cushion of air, and a blue
mana, a tapestry (?), 4 Cyclone Arrows, a hide shield and goblin
equipment. The funky-looking mushrooms will poison you. I didn't
notice any gains from eating them... urp!

Gowin's House

Gowin appears to be a big Orc. He has good weapons and armor,
though, so maybe he's a Troll. Or possibly an Ogre. In any event,
he's unhappy to see you too, so you can take the following from
the former homeowner's corpse and estate: empty beaker (x2),
beaker of yellow acid (x2), steel greatsword, wood shield, steel
breast plate, steel boots, steel gauntlets, gold and a cup. The
empty beakers can be filled at the steaming yellow cauldron on the
premises (for those of you of a more destructive bent). Oh, by the
way, don't ever try to stack acid...  oh dear, you didn't... oh, I
wonder if those stains will come out...

Fountain Cave 613/803

It is a wonder that the goblins and oozes inside fight for this
particular real estate, but the magic fountain inside can recharge
wands used to blast the aforesaid protectors of the fountain...
how odd. Of course, the standard corpse-robbing tactics will yield
some return for this little venture.

Krone's Cave 636/918

The cave is named for Krone, the poor sap in front clutching a
scroll entitled "Last Words of Krone the Miserable." The scroll
speaks of the Overworld, but more interesting stuff lies inside
the cave. After defeating bats and slimes, you will find what
appears to be the remains of a Dark Elf expedition! There is a
scroll entitled "Expedition Log" and it speaks of Kaidar's Gift,
Hethrallin and the Dark Elves. The scroll is found inside an
abandoned pouch along with a scroll of minor healing, gold and a

Cave of the Blind Fish 756/557

Drethnok Goblins inhabit this squishy excuse for a cave - don't
mind the water, it's only shin-deep. The antisocial bum named
Havelock will confront you in very short order, and once all of
the Dreth (?) are dead, you will settle down for some decent
looting: DBP, hard leather boots, bronze shield, scroll of minor
healing, bronze long sword, 6 gem stones, a bow, scroll of
Ironskin, and all of the blind fish you could eat (or build bombs
out of, depending...). Don't forget to loot the bodies of your
fallen foes!

Big Rock Cave 749/1019

This cave is named for the... big rock in front of it. The
occupants are Orcs and Dire Wolves with a couple of Oozes thrown
in for good measure. You will find a potmetal breast plate, some
bronze cutlery, a pouch (with DBP and a Bluegill??) along with a
chest containing a steel great sword, a scroll of sun flash, green
mana, another pouch (DBP) and the regular assortment of used goods
on the deceased.

Goblin Fort 600/661

"Bash skulls is what we do!" At last, major undertakings! A wooden
palisade surrounds crude straw-thatched huts. Goblin guards
surround the area and periodically shower the brothers with
desultory arrows intended to harass, not kill. Goblins will emerge
from the huts to fight you, some with bows, some hand-to-hand.
They will keep emerging periodically too until you get inside.
There is one main gate to the fort and two gates inside. There are
also stairs down in the courtyard area.  The left entrance leads
to a rough-furnished area containing red mana, a "Device", a pot,
2 cauldrons (green and blue) 1 GSP and a Conch Shell (good
sound!). The Right Entrance leads to a section with blue mana,
skulls, bones, a chair, a scroll of arc shield and stairs down.
Oh, yeah, before you can take the stairs down you're going to need
an introduction to Krogatt (you may have killed him in the
courtyard or on the other side) and Grima. Krogatt carries a steel
short sword and a mithril dagger while Grima carries instructions
on making a goblin bomb along with a beaker of yellow acid.

Downstairs from the inside stairway you will find a scroll of acid
shield and several slimes. Eeek. An alcove on the left yields a
skeleton, skull, rocks, a chest and a book and a scroll of
Ironskin. The book is a set of field notes of Kwarrel and His
Adventures (remember Kwarrel?) He swears that a secret door is in
the lowest level of the sorcerer's lair in his office chamber...
The chest contains a potmetal longsword, some gold, an axe, a hide
shield and violet mana. Around the corner from the alcove you will
enter a rather gruesome area with meathooks, gore and implements
of ungentle inquisition. Several goblins will protest your entry
and when they are silenced you can liberate the remains of Ma
Kwarrel and Kid Kwarrel. A scroll also refers to an evil in the
old palace in Bilton sapping the strength of people and causing

the Blight.  Hmm. Your final explorations here should yield fish,
club, stool, chest, wood shield, DBP, mutton and bluegill.
Whoopee. Return to the courtyard and return to your journeys,
content in the knowledge that you have exterminated a nest of
indigenous beings.

Bandit's Cave (Arthol's Hideout) 868/853

The bandits are not particularly tough and some good treasure can
be gleaned here, including a scroll of minor healing, jade
necklace, gold ring, scroll of cushion of air, bronze stuff, a
composite bow (yowza!), a scroll of surestrike, 2 frostbolt arrows
and a steel warhammer. By the way, look out for the bandit leader,
Arthol. He swings a mean steel mace and wears a steel breastplate.
He can hurt you bad, particularly if you come here soon after
leaving Padavis. You should leave the bandit cave much better
equipped and heeled than you came in.

Castle Jovanc 906/595

This is a big one, so don't expect the details. The short version
is that this castle is chock-full of skeletons. Impact weapons do
plenty of damage, edged weapons almost none, so make appropriate
adjustments. There are many items and things of note. First, Rallo
Jovanc, the small child-ghost, is significant. Don't blast him.
Next, many items are found here and nowhere else, including a
"gadget", 2 "devices", a brazier, 2 urns, a candle, Jovanc crocks
(for Goblin Bombs), a teddy bear, various books and scrolls, a lot
of gold just lying around and more. Also present is Bhimrao,
wielding the magic sword Caldera (along with mithril gauntlets and
a mithril greatsword) and a Health Kick. This little goody raises
the health of one character by 35- 40 points!!!! Choose carefully,
there's only one. You can also gain the Staff of Life (a/k/a
"BreadStick") here by fulfilling a minor quest (it's no great
spoiler - give the teddy bear to the child, duh!). The Staff will
raise one character from the dead (only ONCE - don't waste it) and
appears to heal wounds which are non fatal. There is almost
undoubtedly another or several other side quests in here, probably
involving laying the dead to rest, but nobody has proven anything
yet...  The Irastikaan Scroll speaks of Amber Castle in the East
and refers to the Network and the Cult. it is signed by Lord
Thebe, High Priest of the Cult of Sariloth. In the process of
killing everything skeletal, I do not recommend venturing into the
Ooze area in the bottom right of the top level. They are tough
opponents for beginning characters and regenerate at a very rapid
pace. Later you can return to smack them around, but for now
there's nothing worth dying for downstairs.  Similarly, the
Web-Blocked rooms can be investigated later once you have made a
Web-Cutter, but there's nothing truly significant there right now.


922/804 642/589


900/884 780/645 1076/539


611/906 626/594 763/588 1052/908 (no trader)


1076/949 771/1027

(For pity's sake don't go to the East signpost - Banshees are

I'm sure that some things have been omitted. Submit any new
findings or notes to the board so that others can learn!

Boy, that was a lot of work. Who's helping me out here for Chapter
3, 4, 5, 6 and so on?

Addendum added by Pel

1. North-East of Castle Jovanc on the other side of the lake is a
hobgoblin camp.

2. North-West of that at roughly 1052/593 is a cave with trolls,
cave vipers, and spiders. In it are a good number of gems and an
admantium mace! It was VERY hard getting in... I kept thinking,
"I'll never make it out!" Damn that mace makes a difference.

Chapter 3 : Wildevarr & Pentere

This travelogue continues the Guide to Farr.

As your travel around Farr, the story of Sariloth and Thorolis
will unfold before your eyes. Not until you have completed a
number of tasks and collected the required items will access be
given to their domains.

Listed herein are places in this fair but troubled land to
explore. There is no particular sequence in which the locations
are listed; discovering the wonders of Farr is a worthy quest in

Where an item of especial value can be found, it is *marked* for
your convenience. These will be essential to the success of your

Please be careful! There are many powerful enemies in your path.


Fiery Cave (633/155)

Occupants are Fire Wisps and a Flame Giant. They can cast
fireballs.  Ouch! Never mind, there's experience and a little
treasure in here.

Cave of Kram the Mad (642/575)

There's a fireball-spitting gargoyle near the front hall, and
Goblins form the welcoming party. Further on, down some stairs,
are Ghouls guarding the way to a square room containing three
cages, a pressure plate, and three levers. Separate the party. Hit
the levers and walk on the plate to open each cage in turn. Kill
the occupants; one has an Oak Key. This opens the exit gate to the

Down some more stairs, more Ghouls and levers. Split the party
again, one operates the levers to open the two doors beyond. Meet
Kram and listen to his little speech. Then kill him. ;) His scroll
reveals that Krammy boy was in difficulty with Sariloth for
incompetence! If only he had placed the Tapstone of Wildevarr.
Also Sariloth's mate Roska is not happy at the appearance of the

A secret door in Kram's office leads to gold, gems, a steel
breastplate, firebrand arrows, and best of all, a *Tesseract Key*.
Whoopee, now you can use the Overworld to fast travel.

The Amber Castle

The approach to the Castle is guarded by lots of Swarms of Pixies,
little flying buggers who paralyse your guys but don't seem to
inflict much damage, though they can be accompanied by Hobgoblins
who definitely do hurt you. Once inside, you're presented with a
classic levers-n-doors puzzle. Nip upstairs and flip the switches
like so :

DDU - to West room - teleport to a room with Wyverns and a Chest
with a Wand of Demon Dancer and 43 gemstones. A Wyvern drops the
Sapphire Key. Out through the in teleport.

DUD - to South-East room - Hobgoblins, Chest with Emerald Key and
a scroll explaining the legend of the Darksweeper sword. Loot
armour from the Hobgobs. Another chest holds a Blizzard Wand.

UDD - to North-East room - Lava Golems, Chest with Bloodstone Key.
The Emerald, Bloodstone and Sapphire Keys open the three doors in
the corridor to the north of the entrance. Through the teleport is
a dungeon with orange mana, a scroll of Maelstrom (ice spell), and
battles against Brass Slimes, Giant Spiders, Skeleton Lords, and
the giant dragon Irrasstikan. This last battle is tough as heck -
I sent one bro' in at a time, using magic to plug him. For your
pains you'll receive a *Golden Apple*, *Tesseract Key* (if you
didn't get one from Kram), scroll of Rejoin, a scroll that tells
you that Sariloth is with Kaidar in the caves of Hethrallin, a
grass jerkin (resists lightning, poison, orange and green magic!),
a scroll of Flaming Aura (single target at range), a ruby amulet
(prot vs heat & fire), and firebrand arrows. Phew! If that all
looks enticing, be warned that I didn't pick up an Emerald Key
from a Wyvern on my first trip to the Castle. Good job though, my
characters could never have taken on Irrasstikan on the first tour
of duty.


Bilton (1320/637)

There was a scroll in the Goblin Fort which mentioned this place
as the source of the Blight. Okay then, time to clean it up.

Talking to the Guards and townsfolk will get you lots of info on
where in Farr to get trained, armour, food and magic stuff. Others
will explain where the Elves and Dwarves hang out - in Hethrallin
and Aroblin respectively. Some talk obliquely about forces in
Bilton 'that you cannot understand'. Tosh. A bit more exploration
will sort that out.  Near the Slaughter Yard (where no
slaughtering happens, it seems) is a hut. In there is a scroll
from a family man who's gone to the Halls of the Dead to persuade
old S to relieve the Blight. What a prawn.

Gully's Bakery holds another scroll, this one penned by Hogsbreath
the Jester. It tells of the Golden Apples needed to revive the
stone statue in Padavis, and how Sariloth stole and hid them.
Boo-hiss. The owner, Rollo Gully, thoughtfully points you at the
Amber Castle to get one. Nice fellow, that Rollo.

The Elegant Ornament shop is well worth a visit. Provided you have
the cash, you can pick up magic jewellery here. It certainly made
life easier! The magical stuff on offer is a Jade Necklace (anti
Poison/Green magic), Sapphire Ring (anti Cold/Blue magic), Ruby
Ring (anti Heat/Red magic), and a Gold Ring (Anti Fire/Yellow
magic).  Ignore the Medallion and Gold Bracelet, they're useless.

If you're really up on your luck moneywise, visit Atticus Barnable
the locksmith and stock up on some keys. At 200 gp each they're
not cheap though. Swine's Pride has a scroll of Death Cloud (area
at range). This is a powerful spell but your characters are
susceptible to it, so watch out when using it. Wander out of the
merchant's quarter and you'll end up in the posh part of town.

The nobles sure like to power dress. Most are dismissive of mere
adventurers, and downright scathing of the peasants. Never mind.
There's a big dwelling where they are all taking tea or something,
in which you'll find a scroll which mentions the Seven Evils - the

Count Ranick's place is good for stocking up on free mana, and has
a Scroll with a story about the three Keys - Raikain, Tesseract,
and the Unnamed. The nearby Wizard's Guild is home to Gulchmay. He
will train you in magic, though (like all magicians) his prices
are extortionate. There's a couple of books dealing with famous
(if all barking mad) mages, plus a Parchment describing the Rock
of Despair.  To the north-east is the barracks, populated by folk
of the Dwarven race. As expected, they love to fight, and like to
brag about it too.  Read 'Big People & How to Cope' for a
Dwarfs-eye view of the world.

Head for the Castle. This is where things get interesting. Nimdok
the Flautist has carelessly left his Diary lying around. It tells
of how he screwed Jar Dighton for money by promising that his
flute would dispel the rats, which (as you know from visiting
Padavis) it didn't. I didn't take this to Jar for a reaction -
give it a whirl? You also find a Scroll of Cold Shield, and then
the stairs to the Cellar.

Thump the Ogres about until you find and dispose of Iron Jack. He
has an enchanted Greatsword. A nearby cookbook is proof of how
much the Ogres like Elves (stewed ones that is). On to a room full
of Ghouls and a Wand of Fireballs. Beyond, the double act of Bluto
and Pluto awaits. They're the guards to the Royal Crypt. After
skewering them, move on to the Crypt, where you'll see the graves
of King Kaiger, Queen Esmerelda, and the Eternal Gatekeeper. Oooh.
Over in the corner is the Celestial Orb. Looks nice, doesn't it?
So smash it to bits, it contains a Brass Key. This wakens up
Kaiger 'n co, who don't take to your vandalism too well. Pity they
don't take too well to a good bludgeoning either.

Use the key on the east gate, then fight your way out and up to
ultimately meet Smash. Show him the fast track route to eternal
rest.  Divest his body of the loot (an Enchanted Warhammer,
Mithril Armor including a Helm - the only one I found in the
game), then go on to find the *Tapstone of Pentere*. When you pick
it up the Golden Tree springs back to life! Round here are scrolls
which shed light on the existence of the sunken city of Tamnath,
and notes on Aroblin, land of the Dwarves.

Other locations

Healers : 1351/925

Peddlers : 1328/968

Signposts : 306/979 Filmore - NW, Forest Elf Town - SE
828/509 Castle Jovanc - N, Amber Castle - SE, Aroblin Coach House
- SE, Padavis - NW.

Empty Houses : 625/315

Magic Fountains (to recharge wands) : 1086/1397


After your tour of duty in Wildevarr and Pentere, your team have
probably already had more than their fair share of random
encounters with the baddies you met en route.  This guide will
show alternatives to trudging between towns, though the experience
and loot you pick up from doing it the long way can be useful in
itself!  However there are other options...

1. Let the coach take the strain

All towns have a Royal Coach Service outpost somewhere.  For a not
modest fee, the coachman will drive you to any other town on the
map.  It's a fast and convenient way to travel.  You can use the
coach ticket you picked up earlier to make your first journey from
Wildevarr to Pentere, if you didn't fancy doing the full route
march.  However, if your team still have the pass, it can be used
anywhere else on the map with an RCS office.

2. The Overworld

What possible use is a Tesseract Key?  It's your pass to fast,
free travel.  All you have to do is to find one of the Obelisks
that are dotted around the land.  Oh, so that's what they do!
Yes, they're not just there for decoration or for praying at.  Use
the Key on an Obelisk and a gate appears, which is the entrance to
the Overworld.

Isn't it pretty up here?  You're on a golden path (no sign of
Dorothy or the Tin Man though).  Around you the celestial bodies
twinkle and, er, twinkle.  Looks like a long way down!  But don't
worry, you can't fall off.  I think.  I never tried to find out.
The path leads off to other skybound Obelisks, each of which will
take you to a different location around Farr.  There is one
special, special Obelisk on terra firma that will lead you back to
the Overworld, albeit a section that you are as yet unable to
access.  Steady now... plenty to do before then.

There are a lot of Obelisks around, so having a map makes using
the Overworld a lot more convenient. A map like the one below

Map of the Overworld with Obelisks (after Thorin & Medar)

            ____---                      N
           |  __ 1 |  ---_____         W + E
    _______| |  ---  | 2 ___  |          S
   |  _____  |        ---   | |
   | |     | |________      | |
   | |     |________  |_____| |
  | 6 |             |  ___   _|
   ---             | |   | |____---
                --- | |   |______ 3 |
               | 8 || |          ---
    ________--- | | | |
   |  ______ 7 || | | |
   | |      --- | | | |
   | |__________| |_| |________________
   |______   _______   _______   ____  |
          | |       | |       | |    | |_---
         |12 |      | |      | 9 |   |  _ 4 |
          ---   ____| |       ---    | | ---
               |  __  |              | |
               | |  | |    ---_______| |
            ___| |  | |   |10 _________|
           |  ___|  | |    ---
           | |      | |  ________________---
    ---____| |  --- | |_|  ______   _____ 5 |
   |13 __   _| |15 ||  _  |      | |     ---
    ---  | |    | |_| | | |      | |
        |14 |   |_____| | |     |11 |
         ---            | |      ---
                  ---___| |
                 |16 _____|

 1 Northern section of Mons
 2 North of Bilton
 3 SW of Bilton and E of Castle Jovanc
 4 SE of Amber Castle
 5 Northern section of Amazon Jungle
 6 Middle section of Mons
 7 W of Roska's Citadel
 8 E of Padavis
 9 Goblin Village SW of Padavis
 10 Amber Castle
 11 Southern section of Amazon Jungle
 12 W of Darnoc
 13 N of Maldavith
 14 Maldavith town
 15 E of Elf Village, S of Maldavith & W of Padavis
 16 S of Elf Village & N of Amazon Jungle

Blimey. Did I say this game covered a big area?  Anyhow, the RCS
and Overworld enable you to cover it in record time.

Enough of the cartography, back to the game.  Find an obelisk,
jump in a coach, or put your running shoes on and head for your
next stop...

(West of Padavis, by RCS, or a short trek W from obelisk 9)

Well, Elves and Drow actually.  The Drow have been making life
difficult for the Forest Elves of late, doing Sariloth's deeds.
Who better to settle a few old scores than your trusty party?

The Elves make home in Ta-Taaven, a nest of tree houses linked by
walkways, which is okay for avoiding monsters which roam below.
Unless you fall off.  Unfortunately this happens often if your
brothers are banded!  It's best to disband them and send one
brother on to get the lowdown on the Drow from the locals.

Ta-Taavan has shops and gossips just like any other place.  Seek
out Hinesa the healer, who's handy if you happened to fall into
one of the bands of roaming spiders that are around.  Hinesa also
puts the blame on the Blight firmly on the shoulders of the Drow.
Hmm.  You'll bump into Ee-unati, who directs you to a cave to the
South where the Blight resides.  For Blight read Tapstone.
Finally, Taluaa warns you of the Drow leader Kaidar whose
underground domain houses much gold.  And more besides, no doubt.

So, head for 276/614 which is a Brigand's cave just south of town.
Drow, Cave Spiders and Fire Wisps frequent this place.  The walls
are encrusted with gems, which, alas, are decorative only.  But
there are plenty of riches to be hand from the inhabitants!
Additionally there are some strange artifacts which look like the
tools of a trade... a cauldron, crystals, device, pliers, wire,
and admantium and steel rods.  What craft is this?  After a
pitched battle against three Drow -Morgalia, Fenrith and Thyrac -
the possible answer hits you in the face.  Literally. A spider's
web blocks your path further in.  Web cutters are the things you
need...  And lo and behold, after you meet and dispose of the
vulgar Ballyron, you'll find instructions on making a web cutter.
This is the way: combine a rod with a crystal to make a crystal
rod (doh), then use pliers on wire to make a cage.  Trap a fire
wisp in your cage, then use the crystal rod and pliers on the
trapped wisp to make the web cutter.  Got all the parts for that?
No?  Then find Kevin, who has kindly prepared a cage & crystal rod
for you already.  Just add pliers and 1 wisp.

Cut through the first web and move on.  Not surprisingly the
spiders aren't well pleased with your handiwork, so fight your way
through them and keep an eye on your health - it's easy to get
stuck in the maze of webs.

Eventually you'll meet up with a fierce Drow.  It's Kaidar!  He's
dismissive in true Drow fashion of mere mortals, and after a
little speech will set on your party.  Watch out for magic attacks
from him, they are not nice.  Your reward at the end is a
*Tesseract key*, webcutter, *Golden Apple*, and a scroll in which
Lord Thebe, the High Priest of the Sariloth Cult congratulates
Kaidar's good work.  You've done everyone a favour in disposing of
this fellow.

In Kaidar's hideout you'll find a chest containing two things :  a
scroll in which he brags of secreting TWO tapstones - one in
Hethrallin, another in Maldavith.  There's also a book, in which
the anonymous author spins the following riddle :

"I am a woman's name,
  though you can have the same.
 Kill me, you'll be filled with sorrow,
  until I grow again tomorrow.
 Drop me where the rocks ring true,
  and to an astral land I'll bring you.
 To the plane where Chaos reigns,
  heed him right and stop the Blight."

Remember the Rock of Despair?  There's a link in there
somewhere...  Still, you haven't yet done with this cave.  Onwards
you'll locate Mordekai, whose demise will yield the HellRazor
sword - one of the magical artifacts that make life that bit
easier.  He guards the *Tapstone of Hethrallin*, so run over and
grab it!  What, it won't budge?  Looks like it's magically
protected - typical Elven trickery.  Reread Kaidar's scroll :
"Only Sartion himself could take it from me".  Sartion?  Wasn't
there a Skull of Sartion a little way away?  That's right, the
skull is the key. Use it to free the Tapstone - and remove the
Blight from Hethrallin!

Following all that, it's time to say ta-ta to Ta-Taavan and the
fair (or lanky), noble (or haughty) Elves.  What better contrast
could there be than a bunch of Dwarves?  Some of the Elves speak
of the Dwarven mines.  True to type, these mines contain riches
beyond belief.  Good.  Time to harvest!

(East coast, by RCS, exit 4 on the Overworld Express)

South of the Amber Castle is the hilly region Aroblin.  Not much
sign of Dwarf activity, but then they are all busy mining under
your feet.  In their absence you'll encounter hordes, and I mean
=hordes= of Pixies and lizardmen.  If you survive a lizardman
attack (which by now shouldn't present a problem), he'll yield
turquoise plate armour. This is the best non-magical armour to be
found, so chuck away that plain plate and don the lizardman's
garb.  Or leg it to one of the pedlars at 817/139 or 932/119 to
sell it.

En route to the Mines you will encounter Lisan (624/66) who is a
magic trainer.  A good use of the cash you recently amassed.

At 929/304 lives Sharneed, another magic trainer, who plies his
trade outside the entrance to the mines you seek.  Good siting for
business, I reckon.  Dive into the mines, and you immediately
disturb the industrious dwarves. Who turn into incensed dwarves.
They're good melee fighters and naturally resist magic, so make
tough opponents.  Bows are a good bet at this stage.  Keep the
little guys at range and ping away.  Working your way through,
you'll come across a lever at 893/332.  Throw it.  No apparent
effect - except that it opens a door at 948/332.  A similar
combination is found at 1053/312 (along with red & orange mana)
which opens 1009/357.  Levers and doors.  Very Dwarvish.  The
latter door leads downstairs.

In this region are a cluster of giant spiders and - horrors to
Betsy - dragon hatchlings.  It's a hard slog, but keep going.  En
route you should find orange, red and blue mana, and a pair of
dragonskin boots.  Wonder what they're used for!  At 1138/371
there's two more useful items - a Cloak of Shadows, and more
dragonskin boots.  That's two brothers equipped for later on.
Up another flight of stairs, along, and at 1000/333 the stairs
descend down again. The baddies here are flame giants (fireballs,
ouch) and hobgoblins - the latter aren't tough, but numerous.
You'll discover blue and violet mana at 1187/338, but better
still, at 1148/325, along with yellow mana, another set of
dragonskin boots. Three sets, three brothers!  Hit the down flight
of stairs, to the lowest level.  This area is cut through by a
lava flow.  Toasts your feet, unless of course you have the boots.
More flame giants & hobgoblins to dispatch - along with Jagadis.
He's the keeper of the Darksweeper sword, at least until you prize
it from his dead grasp.  You're close to your objective now.  In
little islets in the lava flow are the real guardians of the place
- laval golems.  One each at 1104/221, 1084/225, 1057/201,
1071/212, and 1083/193.  It isn't essential to kill them to reach
your goal, but the experience and loot are worth your while.

In either case, make your way to 1075/203, in which the *Tapstone
of Aroblin* is seated.  Another one rescued!  Hightail it out for
all you're worth (which, with the loot you got from the Mines,
should be quite a bit).  You can dispose of the dragonskin boots
on the way, this is the only place you need them.  Recall how
Kaidar was entrusted with the Tapstone of Maldavith?  Time to pay
that place a visit.

(West of Ta-Taaven, RCS or Overworld Obelisk no.14, sextant ref.

If you walk around near this town you'll be beset by aggressive
bandits.  Each speaks with a distinctly nautical burr.  That's
because the town has been overrun by a band of pirates!  This once
thriving coastal area is now a hell for landlubbers, as the
Tapstone in their midst has made them too weak to defend.

Being attacked every two minutes by pirates can become a bind,
particularly when you're trying to explore.  Thankfully you can
stop their onslaughts.  Simply divest one dead pirate of his
Pirate Sigil and equip it - instantly every other will take you
for a shipmate.  This is most useful when exploring the area
around Maldavith, which positively crawls with them.

In Maldavith itself, people talk (in sotto voce of course) of the
tyrant Muybridge.  This guy loves gold.  Other peoples'.  He
commands the pirates, and uses their muscle to extort the
townspeople. So, he must die.  If you can find him.

Esmond Kendall in the Warehouse is a good trader for selling any
excess armour and weaponry you collect from dead pirates.  Amble
into the 'Skull and Cleaver' for a drink and a chat with Dodds,
your friendly host.  He lets slip that Argus the blacksmith could
make you a blade with which to eliminate Muybridge.  Argus in turn
is in the Curious Cutlass - maybe a visit to appraise his gear is
in order.  Magical swords?  You already have two...but another one
won't go amiss if the price is right.  Useful, but not essential.

Visit the House of Brindav, to consult the local library.  Here
you'll learn of the magical sword Tempest, its owner Devlin, and a
book on Chaos, which of course means Thorolis.  Knowledge is
power, as they say.

Along the bay you'll find a boat, but the Captain won't sail.  Who
would put to sea with so many pirates about?  Remember the
vessel's location though, it'll be handy later.

Back to the action - time to find Muybridge.  He's holed out in a
cave out of town at 114/977.  It's fun to find this place without
a Sigil, because the pirates swarm it like flies.  With a Sigil,
you have to endure their calls of 'Ar matey!' and the like.
Without, you have to fight. Personally I prefer to knock them off.

Down in the cave you'll bump into Dark Warriors.  The fights just
get harder, don't you think?  Not surprisingly, because at the end
of this onslaught you'll encounter old Muybridge himself.  The man
has a nerve, he invites you to join with him!  Of course you
object.  With his merrie men he assaults your group.  Prepare for
a battle royal!

The dead Muybridge has on his person a Resurrection Spell scroll
(at last!) and a poxy steel long sword (find the nearest bin for
it).  However, in the boxes he guarded you'll find better loot :
a scroll describing the dark pact between the Drow and Muybridge,
oodles of cash and mana, a ruby amulet (protects against fire,
heat, yellow and red magic), a scroll of ice storm, and a book on
the legendary land of Tamnath.  Tamnath, it transpires, is a
sunken city in the heart of Maldavith.  Nice place to hide
something, don't you think?

Exit the cave, fighting Wraith Spiders en route and collecting a
chest full of arrows and an Emerald Crown (giving immunity to
mental attacks, very nice).  Notice anything different on the way
back to Maldavith?  All the pirates have turned to ghosts!  Looks
like Muybridge had more sway over them than mere money.  Still,
with the buccaneer threat gone, that boat you found is available
for passage.  Board and prepare to sail to Tamnath!

Your welcoming party in the sunken (well, half-sunken) city is a
band of serpent men.  Again, easy meat by now.  What is less
straightforward, is that you have to walk along rooftops to
explore.  Don't slip!  You did?  Watch the bubbles, too many and
it's a watery grave for a brother.  And once in the drink, it's
difficult to get out.

At the apex of Tamnath is a house with three switches on the wall.
You need to throw them in order, and in two combinations.  Without
further ado, the combinations you need are DDD followed by DUD.
'Click' - and the *Tapstone of Maldavith* appears in a nearby
room, hitherto flooded. It's useful at this juncture to post a
brother near the centre room and one in the switch room, and flip
between them as you throw the switches.  Saves traipsing around in
the wet.

You've saved Maldavith!  What now?  If you visited Flump at
'Swines Pride' in Bilton, you will have learned of a frozen waste
to the North - the land of Mons.  Wrap up well, it is darn cold
there.  Sapphire rings do just as well, by the way, as will the
Cold Shield spell if you're desperate.

(Due N or Maldavith town, RCS, Overworld 7, 1178/1426 typically)

Brr! Very pretty snow covered landscape though, makes up for the
freezing cold.  There's a magic fountain at 1086/1397 if you have
any magic items that need recharging.  At 1099/1459 there's a
cave, pretty empty but containing a nice chest with a Scroll of
Ring of Force (energy spell, area around caster) and a Scroll of
Rejoin!  Worth a visit!

Frost giants however guard the cave at 1178/1234, sensible really,
since it contains the following goodies for your burgeoning
collection : Scroll of Frost Bolt, Admantium Greatsword and
breastplate, green mana, a *tesseract key*, Scroll of Cold Wind,
Scroll of Ice Ward, and a Scroll of Major Healing - with includes
curing poisons.  Such a loot-rich environment is bound to have a
real goodie, which is the *Shimmering Mace* held by Procrustus.
Don't lose this!  A larger cave at 1394/1154 contains yet more
goodies, as well as Frost Giants and Dire Wolves, including very
nice mithril armour and a diamond longsword.  Once inside, fight
through till you exit at 1458/1119.  There are caves containing
more quest data as well.  In the cave reached at 1435/1322 you
find a scroll asking for help for the writer and his comrades who
are lost to the north...  whilst in 1442/1300, you hit real pay
dirt when, among the frost giants you just popped off, you find a
scroll reading 'to break the ice and free the stone, you must have
the hammer', plus one which tells that the Object of Hope is
locked up within the Rock of Despair.

Locate the green pillars that herald the cave entrance at
1386/1404 and you're nearly there as regards Mons.  Lots of frost
giants here, and at the centre of their den you find the *Tapstone
of Mons* - but it's imprisoned in ice!  Where's that hammer?
Well... not far away in fact, at the cave at 1345/1186.  But it's
not easy to get at, with lots of storm giants around - these
fellas like to hurl electric arcs at you.  A difficult fight later
you find the Tekton hammer.  Then a quick trip back to the green
pillar cave, break the ice, and free the stone.  Whee, another one


The land of Hatak is just south of Hethrallin, so hit the RCS or
use the Overworld Express, exit number 11.

One of the books you located in Castle Jovanc referred to the
jungle of Hatak, and of the Demon which holds dominion there.  The
demon lives in a cave, well well, buried deep in the heart of a
tropical rainforest.  Not surprisingly it's infested with critters
like spiders and plant men, but the caves here also are home to
weird incarnations like hellhounds, dragon men, and blood vipers.
Cripes!  No place for a nature study.

Anyway, it's relatively simple to locate the castle of Glengl Zur.
Inside, among the wraiths and serpent men who guard the place,
you'll find the charming Shanon Frolio.  He's a tough cookie, and
no wonder - he has a lovely Venom Sword on him, which is most
useful.  As is the Scroll of Invisibility he carries - but best of
all, he's guarding the *Tapstone of Hatak*.  That's all but one of
the Tapstones gathered, plus two apples.  Nearly there...  By the
way, Frolio was the demon.  Nasty, 'orrible man.  Nothing compared
to our next visit.  Guess who has the last apple and Tapstone?
No, not your local greengrocer, it's good old Roska.

(West coast, no RCS, Overworld point 7, sextant ref 781/1443)

Recall if you will one of the scrolls you got from Kram the Mad.
In it, Thebe (the High Priest of the Cult of Sariloth, and all
round bad guy, as you'll have gathered) commanded Kram to give
fealty to Roska, who dwells in the West.  Fealty indeed.  What he
needs... well, you will soon show him.  From the scroll Loweena
Gully gave you in Gully's Bakery in Padavis, it transpires that
he's holed up in a castle to the West.  Right.  Time for a visit.
This place is infested, I mean infested by imps, skelly warriors
(ouch), dark warriors (double ouch), shadow warriors, serpent men
and lava golems (multiple ouch).  There's a locked door puzzle at
the end which I won't tell the answer to exactly... except that,
well, Rejoin is jolly useful at this stage.  :) Sitting in his
office is Mr Roska.  He's another arrogant sort, and a pretty
handy mage as well.  Best strategy is to rush and bash the living
daylights out of him.  From his twitching body you liberate the
*apple*, *Tesseract key*, and Roska's Heart (yuck) - and nearby,
through a secret door, is the *Tapstone of Karminac*.  All apples
and Tapstones collected!  Well done!

(Pentere, starting point of your odyssey)

The first quest you have to perform, quite simply, is to smash the
Rock of Despair to get the Object of Hope, with which you melt
Roska's Heart.  Ok?  Simple enough... actually it is, now you've
got this far.  At the statue of the steeds which carried you here,
are three apple-shaped indents.  Pop the apples into place, and
the ground miraculously opens up - to the entrance to the Halls of
the Dead.  At the north of the corridor is the infamous Rock of
Despair. Now, nothing will have prepared you for what happened
next, certainly it didn't me.  When you smash it, using the
Shimmering Mace, the Object of Hope is revealed.  Yes!  Use it on
Roska's Heart!  No!  Nothing happens!  Unresolved game event.
Doesn't crash the game, and doesn't stop you finishing it
successfully ... but a bummer nonetheless.  This bug was left in
when the software writers went bust.  Naughty of Encore not to
complete coding it.

So... onwards to the main Halls... full of wraiths, lava golems,
wooden golems, and skeletons.  You'll also encounter a block of
interconnected lever puzzles - what is this, Myst? - and a series
of teleports.  Now, the spawn rate down here is phenomenal, as
you'd expect for the denizen of the Lord of the Dead.  Or undead.
So be prepared to die a lot.  Again, recall comes in very handy if
you leave someone up above to pull your dying comrades out.

At 1274/1161 there's a big building.  Kind of like a palace.  Oh,
it is... the palace of Sariloth!  You did remember to bring the
Tapstones with you?  Ok, then place them in the slots provided,
and up pops Lord Sariloth.  Now you have a choice.  Do you :
a) Join Sariloth in his vision of a world of order, or
b) Liquidate cocky Lord Sariloth, or
c) Bugger off quick like?
Assuming you have a prior save game, try the first two.  You get
an ending in both cases, neither very palatable.  Hmmm.  What to
do when you escape the Halls?  Only one thing left to try...

(Via 1125/1299)

Thorolis isn't up to lording it over some subterranean palace.
No, he's a bit more crafty, and is hidden.  It's a pain to find
manually, but the entrance to his bolthole is... a broken Obelisk.
Now one of the books *does* mention this, but it's not alluded to
more than once, so would be easy to miss.  Still, at least you
know where it is now.  Use the Object of Hope on the broken
Obelisk to fix it, and transport your party to a new section of
the Overworld.  Crafty old Thorolis, he's hiding here.  He seems
like a harmless old duffer, but make no mistake, he's hiding a
great secret.  Which his dead body shows to be the Chaos Orb, the
source of his concentrated power.  Now, what would happen if Chaos
and Order were fused?  Want to find out?  Hightail it back to
Sariloth, and once again listen to his rants.  Of course he
doesn't realise you're packing a secret now.  So kill him off
(which is less than easy), and collect the Orb of Order.  This is
your moment of glory... use one Orb on the other...  And enjoy the
ending.  Well done!