Exitilus (BBS) (FAQ) (e)

(8132)  Sat August 17, 96  9:31a			EXITILUS FAQ
By: Jonathan Roberts  & Blackfist                              Written By: Delusion & Blackfist
Edited by: Blackfist                                                     Edited By: Blackfist
To: All                             
Re: EXitilus FAQ...

Here are some very nice tips for Exitilus. If you have a tip, send me some mail to me at the address on bottom. I'll include your name in the thanx list.


                   The Following Take Away One Evil Deed.
     May repeat as often as you like as long as you have an evil deed


  A.  Need some high experience points to get up a level in your speciality?
          Look no more, go into the church. Hit D to cure disease, and type  in PLAGUE. 
          ( No, it doesn't have to be in caps ) That will give you five high experience points!
          You will be able to do this only Five times a day.

  B.  What about some magic points? Need some of that? Go into the church and do the 
        same as above, except instead of typing PLAGUE, type MALARIA. Not a whole lot 
        of experience, but for one evil deed, and no price, it's worth it.

  C.  If you want some dexterity, enter AIDS and thou shalt receive 3 of it.

  D.  If you need money, go into the church and hit C to contribute to the church. When 
        the deity faces you, enter:  OanCitadel. Don't be greedy! Or you won't get any 
       Money! This DOES take away all evil deeds! Even if you ARE greedy and don't get 
       the money. That means you can only do this ONCE a day.


  A.  When out of the kingdom fighting monsters, did you ever notice how sometimes it 
        gives you stuff whenever you enter the fighting grounds and in between fights? Well, 
        have I got a cheat for you! When you enter the fighting grounds hit B to buy potions 
        and hit 0. Repeat    repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, you get the 
        point. Repeat as often as you like, it'll keep giving you stuff.  After a while though, it 
        may seem to stop after a while, but it  just takes a little longer now.

  B.  Ever had an option to interfere with a disturbance and you can do the good thing OR 
        the bad thing? Well if you were scared that it would be unright to do the bad thing,
        think again. When doing an evil thing, it usually gives you a higher item! When doing 
        a good thing, it USUALLY gives you a lower item. Don't be afraid to do the evil 
        thing, it won't kill you. :) For instance, When you stop the trolls from raping that girl?
        Go ahead and Do her Too!

  C.  Kinda chinky to put here, but the potion trick can be done from the church also.

  D.  Ever notice how when selecting the place you want to go outside of the kingdom it
        goes from like 1-30. well it seems they skipped #29. or then again, more than meets
        the eye. Try it if your sysop registered it or the trial isn't up yet. Pretty neat place. 
        1 HP Characters  with over a million gold each! WATCH OUT THOUGH!!! They're
        powerful, If there are more than a few, and you have low hit points RUN!

  E.  When you have spells, the ones that take the most power are all the way to the right.
        But, when the last on isn't available anymore, and they have one or two left. Look at
        the number you have to enter to activate the spell all the way to the right. Type the 
        number right after it. For instance, if it was 2 enter 3 and you will cast the other spell 
        which would make you go into negatives! pretty cool for those high costing spells!


  A.  Orthodox Training			   B.  Art Of Endurance

9   Hit Points							16  Hit Points
3   Strength							3   Strength
4   Defense							3   Defense

7   Magic points						2   Magic points
3   Wisdom							1   Wisdom
3   Intellect							1   Intellect

3   Stamina							6   Stamina			
3   Dexterity							2   Dexterity

0   Leadership							0   Leadership

3   High Experience Points					3   High Experience Points

C.  Art Of Offense				  D.  Art Of Evasiveness

11  Hit Points							11  Hit Points
6   Strength							3   Strength
3   Defense							7   Defense

1   Magic points						2   Magic points
0   Wisdom							1   Wisdom
0   Intellect							1   Intellect

4   Stamina							6   Stamina
4   Dexterity							3   Dexterity

0   Leadership							0   Leadership

3   High Experience Points					3   High Experience Points

E.  Ancient Arts						F.  Art Of Night

6   Hit Points							6   Hit Points
1   Strength							1   Strength
2   Defense							2   Defense

9   Magic points						12  Magic points
6   Wisdom							3   Wisdom
4   Intellect							5   Intellect

1   Stamina							0   Stamina
1   Dexterity							1   Dexterity
0   Leadership							0   Leadership

3   High Experience Points					3   High Experience Points

G.  Art Of War						H.  Warped Art

8   Hit Points							*   Hit Points
3   Strength							*   Strength
3   Defense							*   Defense

7   Magic points						*   Magic points
3   Wisdom							*   Wisdom
2   Intellect							*   Intellect

1   Stamina							*   Stamina
3   Dexterity							*   Dexterity	

4   Leadership							*   Leadership	

3   High Experience Points					*   High Experience Points	
								* Are the wildcard, numbers
								are totally at random, so,
								Warped Art's Stats are 

 ******ULTIMATE CHEAT******

 A.  The high players will hate me OR love me for this. The low people should bow to my
       feet. This goes with a lot of other things dealing with money too. When you go into
       the Merchant's Wharves, and go to buy something, it will give you the maximum like 
       1,500 Ore Mines. now comes the fun part. Take the FIRST number off of the 
       maximum. and for however many spaces they have after it, put 9's or any other
       freaking number, but if you want maximum use 9's. That would make it 1,999 Ore 
       Mines. it will let you buy them alright. But the FABULOUS part about it is....... IT 
       Pretty cool eh? Well before you go try it, lets perfect to make sure you got it down.
       (If the version you are playing has been patched to ver 2.05 using patches 4 & 5 this
       cheat will not work....it just laughs at you and says Yea Right!)

          			[Q] If it is 37 what would you maximumly round it to?
			[A] 39

          			[Q] What about 954,593,293,593?
			[A] 999,999,999,999

         			[Q] What if it is 3,999,999?
			[A] If you do, it will take your money! they have plenty of other
		                   places. Go buy there.


Quest Warning

 YOU MUST NOT embark on more than one quest a day! EVER. If you do, your character will become scrambled. The way it works is this: If you have ten (10) monster fights in quest mode in a day, your character stats are all saved in the wrong locations.....sometimes this will result in a total loss of backed up stats as well! I have been creating QUESTS which grant many of the same things the cheats will provide - 
Download them now from Blackfist's House of Pain....URL: http://users.aol.com/Blackfist1/

OKAY! you're Done! Ready to go beat the snot out of that punk that has been picking on you?!?! well go ahead! one last tip that pretty much goes with the ULTIMATE CHEAT!!!! 

   B.  When you go into the shops and blacksmiths or whatever, Have him list weapons. 
         It ends on 342(or something like that) but try a few more numbers above that, like 
         343 and the weapon is the NEMESIS SWORD!!! High price, but using the above
         cheat, you should Have it in NO TIME!

According to Matt Thomson The Ultimate Cheat is The high Experience Cheat!
To use it follow his directions: 
	Ok, here it is. Become A king, and the realm master. Death match people 
MORE THAN 5 LEVELS UNDER YOU (get the wrath of the gods). Do this for 5 days, never raising your high exp. After the 5th day, start to raise your levels, 1st day only go up 
one, after that, you have a lot of high exp. I usually have 30,000 of everything in the games that I play. Now That's an Ultimate Cheat!!

Blackfist's Rebel Insurgence Cheat

This handy little cheat works Even in patched versions of Exitilus. It allows ANYBODY to gather up 10,000,000 soldiers into and army - AT NO COST!
Here is a down and dirty way to do it yourself. Yet Be AWARE This is SURE to annoy the SYSOP!

Either in rebel action (in the alley) or at the palace, Hire a negative number of soldiers. You will have to do this a number of times. Hit the minus sign then a number that fills all the digits the game allows. If the game tells you not hired start the next negative number with the next consecutive digit. For instance hit minus (it won't show up on the screen) then 123456767898. if that doesn't work then try minus 2345678778. Get it? The first time will get you a negative amount of soldiers....do it again, and it rolls over to 10 million. Once you have ten million rebel fighters with a training of 70%. No kingdom is safe, and the game is easily won! All the kingdoms united into one huge empire!
Rebel Insurgence The Blackfist Way.....CHEAT!

The Ultimate cheat was fixed with patches 4 and 5...However there is a money cheat still floating around....I have seen it used, but haven't had the time to figure it out. If you would like to have it placed in this faq...full credit will be given to whoever sends it to me first.

Squash that rebellion!

According to Jennie M the way to surrvive a rebelion is to get a few trillion Soldiers.
The way to do this, once you have your 10 million the Blackfist way,  is to send home 22222222222 soldiers. This rolls over a number someplace and leaves you two trillion some soldiers. This also renders attack useless, but defense then becomes a non entity - No one can attack you but you can attack no one - Stale Mate - - - - It's Good to be the KING!

Warped Cheat?
Dane Muckler and Kevin Stansen have beaten the random nature of the warped arts. To insure that you get the following:

15 Hitpoints	4 Strength	5 Defense 	9 Magic Points
4 Wisdom	4 Intellect	3 Stamina	6 Dexterity  and 3 hep

And get those stats on a regular basis, simply follow their directions.
	Go to Level Master, take warped art, go to main street, then get Warped 
Art again. Try it... Based on belief, that the Warped Art is not totaly random, 

Thanks To...

Warlord, For the AIDS church disease
Gremlin, For the OanCitadel deity password
Blackfist For the Insurgence Cheat and the Wri conversion
Black Widow for the Rebel Insurgence
Jeannie M for the Way to combat it
Send any furthur tips to the following WWIV based networks.

1@1      IllusioNet				1@1540   WWIVNet
1@5413   TerraNet				1@2550   AirNet
1@5421   ROTISH				1@9      NiNterNet

or try the following on the InterNet.


Last updated - 6/23/96

Or E-Mail Gremlin AKA Jonathan Roberts 9@1:396/48 If anything cut off or just messed up, tell me and I'll repost it. Hope that helps you all that play Exitilus. Later.

This Faq or it's updated version can be found on the WWW at Blackfist's House of Pain....Home of many quests, add ons for LORD and duke nukem 3d levels and faqs.

WWW URL        http://users.aol.com/blackfist1/