Andere Lösungen

Dragon Wars (e)

Miscellaneous Facts and Spoilers v1.02

by Stephen S. Lee (
You may distribute this freely, so long as you give proper credit to me.
This was derived from the PC version; I make no guarantees about
  applicability to other platforms.
Please feel free to e-mail me with corrections or suggestions.

This isn't a walkthrough (check those out if you want one), but this
guide is meant more to cover information not covered elsewhere.


Don't transfer characters from Bard's Tale II -- the routine is seriously

As for Bard's Tale I, the transfer routine IS worthwhile, and is clearly
different from the transfer routine on the Apple ][ that I've read many
complaints about.

A level 1 character in Bard's Tale I becomes level 1 in Dragon Wars.
Otherwise, you start at level 2.  Thus, you get a slight edge from
transferring a magic-user to Dragon Wars from Bard's Tale I immediately
after making a class change.  This is different from the Apple ][ version
-- there, you retain your levels, which is a serious liability in Dragon
Wars, as levels do not mean anything other than an opportunity for more
skill points.

Transferred characters get 12 extra skill points to distribute, or more
if their transferred stats are particularly poor.  (Transferred characters
get only 10 extra skill points in the Apple ][ version.)

Strength, IQ, and Dexterity in Bard's Tale I remain the same.  This is
particularly nice for Dexterity, which is very useful and expensive in
Dragon Wars.  Constitution gets turned into Spirit.  Health will start at
18, no matter what, as far as I could tell.

Magic-users will start with Arcane Lore and Low Magic; Monks will get
Fistfighting (which is worthless except at the very beginning); other heavy
fighters will get Swords and Two-Handers; and Rogues and Bards will get
Town Lore, Hiding, and Lockpick.

If you transfer a character with 18 in all statistics, you will be about 30
skill points ahead of a newly-rolled character.  That's significant, even
though some of the skill points will be where they aren't really needed.
It especially pays to have everyone learn at least Low Magic if you
transfer characters.


Skill points are very precious, like the manual says -- take care not to
waste them!  (This is assuming you are not going to abuse the location in the
Underworld that gives you five skill points, which can be re-used if you
restart the game, and can be reached fairly quickly if you know where it is.)

It helps if everyone can swim, but that's one skill point, and that's all
that's ever useful as far as I know.  Low Magic is also excellent to have
on everyone.  Other than that, you should definitely specialize.

It isn't useful to have more than two characters learn a given advanced
magic skill, considering the lack of scrolls they can learn from.  Also,
don't pile the advanced magic skills on one character; spread out the load
and specialize.  There's a hirable character with Sun Magic, and you can
eventually have one character learn Druid Magic free of charge.  Putting
more than one point into Low Magic is close to useless, but your
specialists should pump up the advanced magic skills (it's useful well
beyond the few points the manual suggests).  Don't neglect Spirit, either.

Axes are superb early in the game, but there are no powerful late-game
axes.  The first available hirable character, Ulrik, has Axe 3; you can use
him as your early-game axe wielder, and dump him later when your party gets

Apart from axe, you probably want your front-line characters to specialize
in Sword, Two-Handers, and Flails; there aren't any good late-game Maces, and
Fistfighting is only useful for the first half-hour or so of play.
Specialization is much cheaper in skill points than increasing Dexterity, and
increasing Dexterity has relatively low benefits beyond about 20 or 24 anyway.
Once you have both the Charger spell and items that can cast Zak's Speed, you
can magically obtain high Dexterity whenever you want it.

You also want one of your eventual back-rank characters to learn bow skill
as well as magic.  If you're not above a bit of bug-exploiting, you can
also train another character in crossbow, as it's possible to recharge a
Dead Bolt quiver.  The Dead Bolt and Tri-Cross combination isn't the match
of the Magic Quiver and Gatlin Bow combination, but it's still nice to

Bandage is not useful to have on more than one character, but it's useful
to pump up on one.  This skill has no cost to use, and cures any character
outside of combat to (10 + Bandage Skill) health.

It's useful to increase Lockpick to as high as 7-8, but such high skill is
only useful in places where alternate puzzle solutions exist; 3-4 is still
enough to fully explore the game.

Climb is only needed on one character, but getting it up to 3-4 comes in
very handy many times.

Lore skills above one are generally not useful, as the manual says (one
"two-handed" sword does require Mountain Lore 2).  Two of the hirable
PC's come with Cave Lore, so you don't need to spend any points on that
at all, as it has no use at all in Purgatory.

You can also get away with not putting any points into Hiding and
Pickpocket, since there's an early hirable PC who comes with those skills
at level 2 (which is enough for all purposes that I know of), and you'll
almost certainly retain him all the way to the end; those skills have no
use I know of in Purgatory either.


An item whose price is marked by an asterisk can't be purchased; the price
is just calculated from the selling price.  It's not quite complete, but
the weapons and armor section should be complete (much information comes
courtesy of the clue book).

The "Str" and "Dex" columns indicate the requisite Strength or Dexterity
needed to wield that weapon.


Name             Price   Damage  Str   Other
Small Pick          50      1d4    4
Pick                60      1d6    7
Hand Axe            60      1d6    5
Battle Axe          70     1d12   17   -1 AV
War Axe            700*    1d12   18   -3 AV
Rusty Axe         2000*    1d20   18   -3 AV
Axe Of Kalah      7000*    1d12   18   +4 AV; 1d20 at 20'-50'
Magic Axe          700*    1d30   20   +1 AV
Nature Axe                 1d30   18   -6 AV

Name             Price   Damage  Str   Other
Flail               40      1d6   10
War Flail          400     1d12   10
Bladed Flail      1000     1d12   10
Runed Flail       2000*    1d20   14   +2 AV, +1 AC
Barbed Flail      2000*    1d30   16   +2 AC
Spiked Flail      3000*    4d20   16   +2 AV, +1 AC

Name             Price   Damage  Str   Other
Dagger              30      1d4    3   +1 AV
Ruby Dagger         40      1d4    3   +3 AV
Shortsword          50      1d6    8   +1 AV
Broadsword          60      1d8   12   +1 AV
Hook                60*     1d8   10   +1 AV
Firesword          900     1d12   17   +2 AV, +1 AC
Lance Sword         60*    1d20   12   +1 AV, can melee at 20'
The Slicer          --     1d30   17   +4 AV, +2 AC
Glow Sword                 1d30   24   +1 AV
Dragon Tooth               2d20   12   +8 AV, +2 AC, can attack at 60'
Freedom Sword             1d100   15   +15 AV, +5 AC, casts Inferno if blessed

TWO-HANDED WEAPONS (you CAN equip both a shield and one of these!)
Name             Price   Damage  Str   Other
Polearm             90     1d10   13   +1 AV
Greatsword          80     1d12   17   +1 AV
Magic Sword         80*    1d12   17   +1 AV
Grand Sword       5000*    2d12   22   +1 AV
Mountain Sword    2000*    1d30   --   +3 AV, +2 AC, requires Mountain Lore 2
Holy Lance        9000*    3d20   13   +4 AV
Heavy Sword                8d10   25   -3 AV
Dragon Sword      5000*    4d20   21   +3 AV

Name             Price   Damage  Str   Other
Mace                40      1d8   10
Old Peg Leg        200*     1d8   10   +1 AV
Hammer              40     1d10   12
Long Mace         2000     1d20   15   +1 AV, can melee at 20'
Holy Mace         4000*    1d20   12   +2 AV, +1 AC, casts Exorcism
Druid's Mace      2000*    1d20   12   +2 AV, +2 AC, casts Cure All
Throw Mace        4000*    2d12   18   +1 AV; 1d12 at 20'-30'
Spiked Mace                2d20   18
Crush Mace        4000*    4d10   15
Spell Staff       7000*       ?   --   +5 AV, +8 AC; requires Low Magic 1

Name             Price   Range   Dex   Other
Bow                 60     20'    10
Long Bow            90     40'    14   +1 AV
Great Bow          310*    50'    16   +2 AV
Archer's Bow       900*    50'    18   +3 AV
Magic Bow           60*    70'    10   +4 AV
Gatlin Bow          60*    20'    10   option to fire 1, 3, or all arrows

Crossbow            60     30'    12
Tri-Cross          600*    30'    15   +1 AV; option to fire 1 or 3 bolts

AMMUNITION (20 in a normal quiver)
Name             Price   Damage  Other
Arrow               50      1d6
White Arrow        150*     1d8
Silver Arrow       500*    1d12
Grey Arrow          50*    1d20
Magic Arrow        700*    1d20
Magic Quiver        50*     1d4  infinite number of arrows

Bolt                60      1d4
Long Bolt          200*     1d4  +20' range
Pierce Bolt       1200*     1d6  +1 AV
Mega Bolt          600*    1d20
Dead Bolt          100*    1d20  can be replenished with the Charger spell

Name             Price   Range   Dex   Damage
Javelin             40     30'    12   1d6
Spear                      40'    12   1d8
Holy Spear          40*     ?     14   ?
Bomb               200*    10'    --   ?
Fire Spear         400*    50'    14   1d12
Boomerang          700*    50'    12   1d12 (bridge)
Boomerang         2000*    50'    14   2d20 (Kingshome dungeon)
Barbed Spear      4000     40'    16   1d20
Trident           4000*    40'    15   2d20; not lost when used in combat

Name             Price   AC   AV   Other
Cloth Armor         25   +1    0
Leather Armor       50   +3   -1
Brigandine          80   +4   -1
Scale Arm.         250   +6   -2
Chain Arm.         310   +7   -3
Plate Mail        3100  +10   -5
Heavy Plate       4000  +12   -6
Pilgrim Garb        20*  +1    0
Royal Robe        2000*  +1    0
Mage Cloth        2500*  +3    0   requires Low Magic 1; casts Mage Light
Magic Chain       6000*  +7    0
Magic Plate      50000* +10   -2
Dragon Plate      3100* +14   -3

Gauntlets          700*  +2    0
Helm              1000*  +1    0
Shield            1000   +2    0   requires Str 10
Large Shield      1000   +3   -2   requires Str 12
Gem Helm          2000*  +2    0
Lucky Boots       2000*  +1    0
Silver Glvs.      2000*  +3    0
Black Helm        3000*  +3    0   casts Zak's Speed
Fire Shield       5000*  +2   -2   requires Str 12
Dragon Helm       7000*  +4   -1
Magic Shield     10000*  +4    0   requires Str 10
Dragon Shield    12000*  +5    0   requires Str 10
Golden Boots        --   +2    0   has multiple quest uses, don't lose them!

Healing Potion  varies*  casts Heal; can be charged despite being a potion
IBM PS/2           100*  +4 AC; casts Guidance, infinite number of charges
Dragon Stone       250   restores 20 power
Wand               400*  casts Major Healing; yes, it's just a "Wand"
Beast Horn         500*  casts Beast Call
Ice Wand          2000*  casts Ice Chill
Luck Wand         2000*  casts Luck; infinite number of charges
Mage Ring         2000*  +1 AV, +4 AC; requires Low Magic 3
Speed Wand        2000*  casts Zak's Speed
Battle Wand       3000*  casts Battle Power
Dragon Horn       6000*  casts Rage of Mithras
Blow Horn           --   casts Whirl Wind
Magic Lamp          --   casts Mage Light
Magic Ring          --   +1 AV, +2 AC; casts Whirl Wind

USELESS ITEMS (some can be sold for gold)
Rare Books
Royal Robe


Ulrik   Str 20  Cave Lore   3
        Dex 17  Swim        1
        Int  8  Axes        3
        Spr 14
        HP  15

Louie   Str 14  Hiding      2
        Dex 16  Pickpocket  2
        Int 16
        Spr 16
        HP  15

Valar   Str 11  Low Magic   1  all Low Magic spells
        Dex 14  Sun Magic   1  Sun Stroke
        Int 18                 Armor of Light
        Spr 16                 Heal
        HP  19                 Guidance

Halifax Str 21  Arcane Lore 2
        Dex 18  Cave Lore   3
        Int 14  Climb       1
        Spr 14  Swim        2
        HP  23  Maces       3


These are some treasures that are not mentioned in the walkthroughs out
there.  Combine this with actual walkthroughs for a more complete treasure

Salt Mines: there's a locked chest behind a secret door, with:
  War Axe, Gauntlets, Magic Sword, Pierce Bolt, 9 Dragon Stones.

Bridge from Forlorn to Isle of the Sun: there's an arms cache southeast of the
  bridge, with: 4 Dragon Stones, Shield, Helm, Sun Light scroll, Bladed

Mystic Woods: there's a treasure on the shore of the ocean guarded by some
  water spirits, in a locked chest: Plate Mail, Great Bow, Gauntlets, Wand,
  7 Dragon Stones.

Mystic Woods: successfully wrestling Enkidu requires the Beast Horn and Str
  18 (may require several tries).  The character who wrestles successfully
  gains Druid Magic skill level 2, along with the spells of Death Curse, Fire
  Blast, Insect Plague, Whirl Wind, Scare, Greater Healing, and Beast Call.

Lansk Undercity: you can use Strength to move the statue of Irkalla in the
  northwest corner; this will reveal a locked chest containing a Glow Sword
  and 12 Dragon Stones.

Heavily Guarded Bridge: inside the barracks, a strongbox that can be opened
  quietly with a high Lockpick skill, or by Pickpocketing a key from one of
  the guards, contains: Ice Chill, Disarm Trap, Radiance, Healing Pot.,
  Runed Flail, Grey Arrow, 500 gold.

Kingshome Dungeon: there's a secret door, leading to a secret passage that has
  another secret door, to a disused room with the Kingshome throne, as well
  as: Crown, 1000 gold.