=============================================================================================== AN UN-OFFICIAL WALKTHROUGH/STRATEGY GUIDE TO: /#####\ `##../##. ./##| /####. /#'#\ `##.##\ ..`##\ ##|/ |#| #"##| .##' \# .#/|"#. ##/ ##. ##| \## ##\| |#| .| |#\ |## /' |#| || ##' |#| ##| |## ###..##' ../' |## ##| ## # ## |#| ##| |## ##/|#| /"######. ##| '##. ## # ## `## ##| |## ##| ## |.| ##| |## ##| |#| || ## ## ##\ /#/ ##| |#| #/' \#\ '##.|\#| `#\ /' ## ## .#####/ ##| ##. ## |## \##/|#| "#\/" ## ## `/ |./#| "" \#.\#.|#| ./##| `##../##. `##../##. \#| /#'#\ `##../##. 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Also, at the end of this guide there is a list of upcoming guides made by me. I would also like to say that even though this game is over 10 years old, it was one of the first RPGs for a game console, and it is DEFINENTLY a classic! If for some reason you are looking at this but have never played the game, please do so! To download this game, visit my website at 'http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/3214/index.html', but be sure to read the disclaimer. Also, there is a much better HTML version of this guide (with game snapshots!!) at my website. Well now, on to the good stuff! TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1 - Version Updates 2 - Description of Game 3 - Story: History of Alefgard 4 - Alefgard: A Mini-Atlas (coming soon in a future version) 5 - Controls/Basic Gameplay 6 - Walkthrough/Strategy Guide 7 - FAQ/Hint Guide 8 - Enemy Guide (will be finished in a future version) 9 - Weapons, Armor, and Shields 10 - Other Items (will be revised in a future version) 11 - Level Guide (will be finished in a future version) 12 - Spells 13 - Legal Mumbo-Jumbo and a Closing Statement (READ THIS) =============================================================================================== 1. Version Updates Here is a summary of all of the version updates (when and what they were): v.1.0 - This is my first version of the Walkthrough, and it was started on 5/30/99, finished on 6/17/99. Yeah! Any suggestions, comments, or (hopefully not) complaints, you can 6/17/99 e-mail me at 'lordsunflash@usa.net', or visit my website at 'http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/3214/index.html'. Oh, and you don't have to tell me that the Atlas isn't there, or that the Level Guide isn't finished. They will be fixed in a future version. The enemy guide and item guide will also be finished/re-checked later. =============================================================================================== 2. Description of Game This game is an RPG. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a Role-Playing- Game. For those of you who don't know what THAT is, it is a game where you take one or a few characters and control them. You take them around, usually fighting people. (However, you just tell them what to do, you dont actually fight. For instance, you would push an 'ATTACK' button instead of moving you character up to an enemy and getting in a sword fight with it.) You can get better as you fight and get better weapons and such. There are usually many, many items to get in an RPG, and many, many people to talk to. The Final Fantasy series is a good example of an RPG. In this game, you play the decendant of Erdrick, a mighty warrior of the past. Your main goal is to defeat the evil DragonLord. To do so, you must fight his loyal minions, gaining experience and gold with which to buy better weapons. You will do so until you are finally ready to hunt out and destroy the DragonLord. Good Luck! =============================================================================================== 3. Story: History of Alefgard Long ago, a guy named Erdrick was born. He was destined to become a warrior, and guess what: he did! He defended the land of Alefgard from a bunch of evil demons with the mighty Ball of Light. He did so valiantly. However, after he died, the DragonLord arose and stole the Ball of Light, hiding it in darkness. Now you come along. The King of Alefgard brings you before him and explains that you, being the decendant of Erdrick the Warrior, are also destined to become a warrior. He sets a quest before you: You must go to the DragonLord's castle and defeat the evil being, and bring the Ball of Light back to its rightful place. Now, the fun begins... =============================================================================================== 4. Alefgard: A Mini-Atlas COMING SOON IN V.1.1!! =============================================================================================== 5. Controls/Basic Gameplay I'm gonna get this out of the way now, so I won't be doing it all the time during the walkthrough. There isn't much to it. Here it is: D-PAD: Move your character around, move cursor on menu A BUTTON: Select a choice on the menu B BUTTON: De-Select/Go Back in the menu Here is a list of the menu commands, and what they do: TALK: Talk to someone in front of you STATUS: Check on your fighter's status, including equipped stuff STAIRS: Go up/down stairs when youa re standing on them SEARCH: Search the floor/ground directly under you, revealing hidden items and chests SPELL: Cast a spell (some can only be cast in battle; some only when not it a battle) ITEM: Use an item DOOR: Open a door right in front of you TAKE: Take the item that a search revealed to you And, in a battle: ATTACK: Attack the enemy you are fighting RUN: Run away from the enemy (don't be afraid to use this!) SPELL: Cast a battle spell ITEM: Use an item =============================================================================================== 6. Walkthrough/Strategy Guide This guide will be split into sections as follows: A - Tantagel Castle and Surrounding Areas B - Garinham, Erdrick's Cave, and the North-West Continent C - North-East Continent, Kol, Rock Mountain Cave, Swamp Cave D - The South Island, Rimuldar, Princess Gwaelin E - Grave of Garin, Magic Armor, Cantlin F - Silver Shield, Erdrick's Armor, Erdrick's Sword G - Hauksness, Charlock Castle, the DragonLord H - The End Here we go! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Tantagel Castle and Surrounding Areas Welcome to the world of Alefgard. I am SykoBadger; I will guide you through your quest. First, you must give yourself a name. Keep in mind that as you travel about Alefgard, only the first four letters of your name will show. So, type in your name, and the King of Alefgard will give you your quest. You must defeat the DragonLord. Easy, right? Hah! Well, let's get started. The King allows you to take his treasure, which consists of 120 Gold (120-G), a torch, and a key. If you talk to the guard that is wandering around the room, he will tell you about the missing Princess Gwaelin. Ah, that would explain the empty space next to the King, wouldn't it? Well, now you have a little side quest to do. Don't worry, you will take care of this in due time. The other guards will tell you of a town to the east with an inn, and the other tells you how to open a door (with a key). Well, open the door, and head down the stairs in the corner. Welcome to Tantegel Castle!! First rule of this game: TALK TO EVERYBODY!!! Though most of what they say I will have in this guide, it's still good to make sure I didn't miss anything. The guards outside of the throne room will tell you how to save your game. You can't do it until you leave the castle, though. Head down, and you will find a man telling you about Brecconary and a woman obsessed with Princess Gwaelin. To the bottom left are two green-shirted merchants, but they don't have much to say. To the bottom left, there is a guard obsessed with the Princess, another guard with info on torches, and a man behind a desk. This man is VERY useful, though not until you have learned the Heal spell. We will go back to that man later. At the top of the castle there is a man that can tell you a little about what experience points and a guard who talks about keys (again). The guards at the front of the castle just welcome you to it. Now, you're ready to head out. Welcome to the overworld. Here, you can see where you are, Brecconary, and the DragonLord's castle. Don't get excited, though: you can't get there yet. It will be quite a while, actually. Let's just head over to Brecconary and arm ourselves first. Make a bee-line to the small town to the east; if you get in a fight with a slime, go ahead and kill it. Once you're in Brecconary, talk to everyone (not counting people behind desks). You will first be welcomed; then, heading to the right, you will find a well-wisher and a man that will tell you how to get to Garinham. Other people you will find wondering about will tell you the following things (not quoted): Good luck; I'm not Princess Gwaelin; Do you have proof of being Erdrick's descendant; The castle to the south is Charlock; Enter where you can; See King Lorik after experience level raises; It gets harder after crossing bridges; and Watch out when crossing a swamp. The woman outside the weapon store will tell you it is a store, and the two guys surrounded by stone will tell you that you can buy keys somewhere and to come back if cursed. Now, head for the weapon shop. Here, you should buy a Club(60-G) and the Clothes(20-G). This will leave you with 40-G. Now, you have to make enough money to get the Leather Armor(70-G), which means you have to get 30-G. Actually, you should always have enough to make an emergency visit to the nearest inn(6-G), so now you need to collect 36-G. To do this, head out to the overworld and wander around. For now, make sure to stay in the nearby forest, hills, or the grassland that is very close to the castle. Make these your boundaries until I say otherwise, for your own safety. So, wander around these areas until you have built up 76-G. When your hit-points get down to 4, the screen will go red, hinting that you should visit the inn. DO IT!! Dying is bad, and you should avoid it. Also, after getting in 7 fights, you will have enough experience points and become a level 2 warrior. This will almost double your hit-points, so you can stay out that much longer. So, after a while (visiting the inn when needed), you will have 76-G. After getting to the 3rd level, your strategy should change a little. No that you have learned the Heal spell, you have no need for the inn! You know that guy behind the desk in Tantegel Castle? He can refill your magic points - FOR FREE!! I told you he would be useful. So, instead of going to the inn, heal yourself, then talk to the man. Now, you no longer need the extra 6-G. Once you have 70-G, head in to Brecconary and get your Leather Armor. He will buy your clothes for 10-G. Now, you can venture a little farther out from the town and castle. Don't go up yet, though, just a LITTLE farther west and south. This will get you into fights with Drakees. Do NOT go into the forest and hills to the southwest, though. Also, only go down there to fight Drakees if you are feeling a lttle daring. Now, you will want to get the Copper Sword (180-G) before actually going anywhere interesting. So, fighting only Slimes, Red Slimes, and Drakees, build up more gold and experience. Upon becoming level 4, you will learn the Hurt spell (this is an attack spell) and your magic points will triple. Now, you should have little trouble taking out those Drakees. By now, you should be able to go safely into the forest west of Tantegel Castle and the hills to the south of that forest (BUT NOT THE BOTTOM ROW), but don't go past the mountains to the north. The next thing that will happen will probably be your upgrade to Level 5. Now, you are quite powerful, and will notice that Slimes are now running from you. Though you should still stay away from the bottom row of hills to the south, you can now enter the forest directly north of the mountains north of Tantegel, and the hills east of those (but stay away from the desert). Here you will encounter Ghosts, but they won't be too tough. You will quickly build up the 180-G needed for the Copper Sword. Once you get the Copper Sword (and leave the store with an extra 30-G), and refill on hit points and magic points, it's time to explore the world! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Garinham, Erdrick's Cave, and the North-West Continent Head north, and once you hit water, go west. You might meet some Magicians on the way, but they should be no problem. They might make you heal yourself though, because they love to use the Hurt spell. In Garinham, people will tell you the following things: Princess Gwaelin is in a cave; The town was built by Garin; There is a guy named Nester; Welcome to Garinham; and Gwaelin was takeneastward. Go ahead and buy a Dragon's Scale(20-G) at the item shop and use it. You will also notice that there are some new weapons, some that are very expensive. Don't worry, though; we'll take care of that in no time at all. Now, its time for a little quest. You remember that little patch of desert with a cave in the middle you passed on the way to Garinham? It's time to go there now! You should still have the torch from the King's Throne Room, so head on over. This is Erdrick's Cave. Go ahead and use your torch; it will reveal the area around you. It's not much, but believe me, it helps. Head down to the intersection, and go east. Go as far as you can until you hit a wall, go up, then continue east. Next time you hit a wall, go down and hug the wall to the east, until you hit some stairs. Go down the stairs. On the next floor, go in each direction I say until hitting a wall. Up, west, down, west, up, west, up, west, up, east, up, west, up, east. Now, going east, there will be an opening in the wall to the south; go through it. Then, go south, east, and--wait! A chest! Take it, and you will find Erdrick's Tablet. This will tell you that you need three items before you can get to the island housing Charlock Castle, the DragonLord's stronghold. Well, that was nice. I trust you can find your way back to the surface. I would just like to say that this is the only cave in the game with no enemies. Now you can pretty much go anywhere on this continent, but don't cross any bridges. When that guy said danger increases over bridges, he was right! You shouldn't go to that bottom row of hills south of Tantegel, though. Just chill awhile on the continent, and build up your stats. Right now, you should be Level 5, equipped with the Copper Sword and Leather Armor. You should get up to Level 7, get a Small Shield(90-G), and a Chain Mail(300-G) before leaving the continent. If you hang around the desert across the mountains near Brecconary, you will get what you need quicker. Or, if you want to battle some Magicians head over to the western shore. Always be ready to refill your Magic Points at Tantegel, though. After you fill the requirements listed above, we are going to cross a bridge. I'm sure you are very excited. Leave Tantegel, and head north, then east. Eventually, you will hit a river, containing a bridge near the middle. Go across. Welcome to the North-East Continent! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. The North-East Continent, Kol, Rock Mountain Cave, Swamp Cave After crossing the bridge, you should go east, then south, following the grassland. You will come to yet another bridge, and should cross it. You should head north now. After passing a small mountain range, head north-east into a forest, and you will find the lovely village of Kol. Here is the customary list of sayings of the people: This is Kol; The south island is dangerous; Save us from the DragonLord; Golem is afraid if a Flute; East of Hauksness is a town; Fairies can put Golems to sleep; Nester needs help; This bath cures rheumatism; Do you have proof of being Erdrick's descendant; Rimuldar is to the south; and You can buy keys at Rimuldar. The man behind the swamp says, basically, that you are a weakling. How pleasant. Well, it's about time to get some better weapons, now, isn't it? Well, you may remember the Hand Axe(560-G) from Garinham. It is time to buy this weapon now. You should also save up for a Half Plate(1000-G). Go ahead and wander around Kol, but try as hard as possible to avoid Skeletons. This is for your own good, as Skeletons are armored well and hit hard. If you do get in a fight with one, though, you should probably run. If you are feeling dangerous, you should try putting them to sleep and attacking them. Keep an eye on your magic points, though. You can, however, go ahead and fight Magidrakees and Scorpions safely. When your hit points and magic points get low, you can either head back to Tantegel (make sure you have enuogh hit points to make it alive) or use the Kol Inn(20-G). You may wish to choose the Inn, since you are a ways away from the good ole Castle. If you wish, you can head west from Kol, then north on a little peninsula. At the top of the peninsula, you will find a little cave. In the cave is a little guy that says if you bring him a Silver Harp, he will give you a Staff of Rain (which you will need at some point). However, there isn't much you can do about it now, but I just thought you'd like to know about this little side quest. Be careful, though. I have spotted a Skeleton or two over there. After getting your Hand Axe, you should be able to fight Skeletons without running. You should still use the Sleep spell on them, though. You can also now go to the desert area south of Kol. Fighting Skeletons, you will get the 1000-G needed for the Half Plate a lot quicker than you might have origionally thought. The next thing that will happen is you will graduate to Level 8. Upon doing so, you are quite strong, and are having regular attacks from 10 to 15, and will have Slimes, Red Slimes, Drakees, Ghosts, and Magicians running from you. You can now go pretty much anywhere on both northern continents, but dont cross the bridge leading south located west of Tantegel or enter any swamps. You should still be waiting to get that expensive Half Plate. After finally getting the Half Plate, we get to move on to another cave. First, make sure you have a torch. Head west of Tantegel to the bridge leading south. Cross it. Welcome to the South-West Continent! However, we aren't going to stay long, just long enough to get something. Head south until you pass some mountains. Then head east, avoiding the swamp. Eventually, you will come to a cave. Go in. Welcome to Rock Mountain Cave. In this cave, you will find some pretty whacked-out enemies, but you should have no trouble with them. Upon entering, light a torch, and go up. Follow this wall until you get to a stairway. Pass it. Continue following this wall, and you will find an herb. Continue, and you will find another stairway. Go down. Go east until you get to an intersection, and go up. Follow the wall above you to the west, and you will find two chests, containing a torch and the Fighter's Ring, the reason we came here. Go ahead and put on the ring. (If you ever need to light another torch, feel free to do so.) Continue along the wall, and you will find 129-G, and then 15-G. Find your way back to the stairs, and head up. Head back the way you came, and go up again. You are done with that cave. While you were down there, you should've racked up quite a bit of Gold. This will help you in a few minutes. Refresh your Hit Points and Magic Points at Tantegel, and head back east. Build up enough Expirience to get to Level 9 (a big one), then head south. With this new level, you will gain a new spell, Radiant, that will make Torches moot. Go ahead and sell any that you may have. Radiant also lights up to a radius of 3 instead of 1. Go across the swamp (hugging the top to lose as little Hit Points as possible) and into the cave. We are going to the South Island, and we will stay there for a while. In this cave, the Swamp Cave (imaginative, huh?), you needn't use Radiant just yet. Simply follow the directions I give you, going as far as you can in the instructed direction until you hear a bumping sound. Go down, east, down, east, down, west. You will come to a stairway, and should go up. You are now at the South Island, home to Rimuldar, the key-town, and the famous Goldman. Let's go have some fun! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. The South Island, Rimuldar, Princess Gwaelin After leaving the cave, cross the swamp to solid ground. Heal yourself. Go south-east, then south. You might get into a fight with a Wolf or Warlock. If you do, you are highly advised to run. You may wish to use Sleep on them, and run while they're asleep. After you pass the second mountain range, wrap around them to the south, and cross the desert strip surrounded by water. This is Rimuldar, the fabled key-town. Here are the town quotes: I have no tomatoes; Welcome to Rimuldar; It's been awhile since we last met; Scales are hard as steel; Leave or I'll call my friends; Do you have proof of being Erdrick's descendant (I'm getting sick of this one, aren't you?); Erdrick built a rainbow, and entered the darkness from a hidden entrance; The Stone of Sunlight is in Tantegel; The enemy will arrive soon; Can any sword kill the DragonLord; Monsters are hard to the south; To the south there is a temple where sun and rain meet; Is that a wedding ring; I am Orwick, waiting for my girlfriend; Welcome; and Orwick is late (haha). For these last three people, you will have to travel on the outside of the moat, wich you can actually do here. Orwick is to the north, his girlfriend to the south. You will also find the keys to the north: Hug the moat, going around the top, towards the back of the town. Once there, you will see a guy with a green shirt next to a building. Go in, and you will find the key salesman. Go ahead and buy all the keys you can, which should be six. Then, head on over to the weapon shop and check out the new hardware. Yow will notice the Broadsword(1500-G), and the Magic Armor(7700-G). I know what you're thinking: 'Holy crap, I'm never gonna afford that! This is rediculous!' Well, you are very wrong. Eventually, we will go an fight the Goldman, a, well, man made of gold. You can get around 200-G for killing this guy! That will make the time pass so fast... but that is for later, not now. Now we have to go use those keys you just bought. Oh, and really quick, to get you on the right track: you have now heard of a rainbow made by Erdrick, a Stone of Sunlight, a Staff of Rain, and a temple where rain and sun meet. Hmm, I wonder if these are somehow linked? Believe it, they are. That, however, will also come later. Now, for the keys. There are only two doors in Rimuldar. Behind one is the famous Howard, and he will tell you that, four steps south of the bath in Kol (you know, the one that cures rheumatism), you will find a magic item. Behind the other door, you will find wings. Don't open the doors (unless you absolutely HAVE to see for your self) because the wings only cost 70-G, and two keys cost 106-G. It's not really worth it. Now, just for a short while, we will head back to the northern continents to explore a tad more. Be sure you are sufficently healed (you may wish to use the Rimuldar Inn(55-G)), and leave the South Island the way you came. Once in the Swamp Cave, follow these directions to get back northward: east, north, west, north. Once out, re-check your Hit Points and head out of the swamp along the northern end. Stop by Kol, and search the area four steps south of the bath. Pick up the Fairie's Flute (hey, didn't we hear about a Golem who hates music? And that Fairie's can put things to sleep? Hmmm......), and head to Tantegel. Pick up a free healing, and head around to the north side of the castle. Behind the door that you will pass is a guy saying that brave people don't steal (HAHAHA) and 39-G. Don't go in; once again, a key is worth more than that prize. Continue, and enter the door you will find. Behind that door, you will find people saying: Keys for 85-G (uh, no); When sun and rain meet, a bridge will appear (ah, another clue); The cellar is hard to find; Let the light be your strength; and Enter only if your Hit Points are high enough. Well, don't enter at all (each space of the diagonal stuff takes out 20 Hit Points), for I will tell you what the guy back there says. He says to go to Garinham and look for the Cave of Garin. He also says to push on a wall of darkness. Well, guess what we're gonna do? Not go to Garinham, because we aren't ready yet. Instead, let's find that cellar that guy was talking about. Go near that lady just south of the key salesman, and go around her to the east. We are pulling the same trick we did at Rimuldar to get the keys. Go south, and you will find a little stairway leading down to... the cellar! Go down, and the guy will say he's been waiting for you. Take his chest and find the Stones of Sunlight. Yep, the first piece of the rainbow puzzle. Now, let's go back to the South Island and get that cool expensive stuff at Rimuldar. Go back to the south following the directions I gave you earlier. Hang around close to Rimuldar, always ready to duck into the inn for refreshing. At this point, you should be fighting Wolves and Warlocks, and maybe a few Skeletons. Buy the Broadsword(1500-G) when you get the money. Then, you can head to the second set of hills to the south of Rimuldar, and fight... The Goldman!! When you fight him, there is one thing you MUST do: USE THE SLEEP SPELL! Otherwise, he will completely kick your butt. He hits for around 15 Hit Points, and you will have to hit him around 6 times to kill him. Don't try to fight if the Sleep spell doesn't work. If you win, though, it WILL be worth it. Also, once you get Level 10 (you can now hunt around on the little island south of Rimuldar) and the Stopspell spell, you might want to try it on the Warlocks. They will stupidly try to continue casting spells, even though they will all be blocked. This will also work well on Wolflords, once you get down to the south. This might also be a good idea against Wraiths, because they have a nasty habit of healing themselves. Another big ticket baddie is the Metal Scorpion. They don't hit very hard, and don't have very many Hit Points. They do give out decent-sized rewards, though. Fighting them, you will be able to stay out for a while longer. Wyverns can be found very far south, on the little island. They hit hard, but the Sleep spell works pretty well on them. They pay out over 80-G. After you achieve Level 11, you should go to Tantegel and get recharged. Then, it's time to rescue the Princess!! Head back to the Swamp Cave. Once in, use your Radiant spell (finally) and light up the area around you. Go east, and then weave your way to the south (without returning to the long aisle to the west) until you come to a small opening much like a doorway. Heal yourself, and enter. It's... A GREEN DRAGON! This younger cousin of the DragonLord has dedicated its life to protecting the captured Princess. IF he gets the first hit, run, heal, and return. Immediately put him to sleep; if it doesn't work, back out, heal, and return. The Dragon has about 60 Hit Points, and every hit you make will count for a little under 10. You have 62 Hit Points, and the Dragon hits for 20 to 30. If he awakes after 4 or 5 hits by you, keep it up; otherwise, retreat. You may need to stop by Tantagel, re-fuel, and come back to do it again. After defeating the Dragon, walk around to the south and open the door. Speak to the lovely Princess, who will ask you to take her to Tanegel. Say yes (if you say no, she will say 'But you must' and ask again). Take her to the castle, and bring her to the King. He will be grateful, and Gwaelin will give you her love. You can use her love to figure out where you are in Alefgard, and how many Experience Points until you get your next Level (though the last one is useless because there is a table of Levels and info on them near the end of this guide). Also, if you want to talk to some of the people in the Castle and other towns that used to mention Princess Gwaelin, they will now thank you (except for one man who is now very envious of you). Now, remember when that guy was talking about a cave in Garinham and a wall of darkness? It's time to head over there now. Refill your Magic Points, and go to Garinham. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Grave of Garin, The Magic Armor, Cantlin Once in Garinham, go to the east side of town and go through the door. The people here say: Erdrick's Armor was long ago hidden; There used to be a town called Hauksness to the south; People suck; and You should make a map. Don't bother using a key to talk to the guards; they both say that they're to talk to the other one. The chests contain a torch, an herb, and 15-G. Now, does anything seem strange about that wall above you? That's right, it's a 'wall of darkness'! Push on it above the room with the two guards in it. Follow the path to the old man, whom will tell you not to go in for the Silver Harp is inside. Don't listen to him; that guy north of Kol needs it, remember? Well, head on in. This is a four level dungeon; the prize we are searching for is on level 3. Here we go! After you go down, light the area with Radiant, and go north. Head west to the big wall, and then north again. Follow the wall to the west, and you will soon find three chests, containing 26-G and an Herb. Continue along the wall and you will find a door. Open, go through, and head west again. Don't forget to re-cast Radiant as needed. Go down the stairs that you find. Don't go down the next stairway; it leads to a dead end. Instead, follow the outside wall to the south, passing the first stairway you come to. Go down the next one. Follow the hallway north, go east at the split, and go down the stairs. Go around the wall in the middle of the room to the stairs on the other side, and go back up. Here you will find the Silver Harp. Now, follow your steps back to the top; we are done here. If you want to explore around a little more you can, but the only other item here is the Cursed Belt, which you really have no need for. This is a decent place to build up gold and expirience, though. Anyway, since you don't need to be here, let's return to Garinham. Once there, head out of town and back to Tantegel. Pick up a free healing, and then go to the man north of Kol to collect the Staff of Rain (ooh, another piece of the Rainbow puzzle!). Don't worry; after you talk to him, he's supposed to disappear. Now, go back to the South Island to get that Magic Armor. You should have somewhere around 3500-G right now. Alright, only 4000 to go! Seriously, though, it's not that bad. Just keep it up with the Goldman, and follow the advice I gave above, and you'll do fine. Also, just a little info for you: That building that you may have found to the far south is the magic temple you heard about in Rimuldar. The guy there is kind of rude right now; you need to prove to him that you are Erdrick's descendant before he will help you at all. Eventually, you will need to bring him the Stones of Sunlight, the Staff of Rain, and Erdrick's Tablet. As always, this will take some time, though. First, just get that Armor. The thing that is so special about the Magic Armor is that for every four steps you take, you gain 1 Hit Point! It is also a lot stronger than the Half Plate that you have now. By the time you finally get the armor, you should have reached Level 12 and have a little over 500-G. Now, you can either hang around an save up about 10000-G, or, if you would like a change of pace, save up 10000-G in a different place! You probably should go to the different place; there seems to be more Goldmen here. Just go towards the Rock Mountain Cave, and go south at the swamp instead of east. Continue south along the shoreline until you come to a bridge. Don't cross it, just hang around east of it. Once you get the grand total of a little under 8000-G, you should also either have or almost have reached Level 13. With this level comes one of the most useful spells: Return. This spell will take you back to Tantegel Castle - no matter where you are, as long as you have the necessary 8 Magic Points. Extremely useful, because you can literally run yourself to the limit now. You're also ready to head to Cantlin. You may wish to buy a bottle of Fairy Water in Brecconary for this trip. Fairy Water works like bug spray: it helps to keep enemies away, though it doesn't always work too well. Continue beyond the area I told you to build up gold, across the bridge. Go south across the desert, and keep going south until you come to yet another bridge leading east. Go across, and go north-east. Pass by the first bridge, and cross the next (the one with a little swamp on the other side). Then go south; you will soon find a town surrounded by a wall. In the opening will be the Golem. If you remember correctly, you should use the Fairy's Flute on him to put him to sleep. Fight him; if he awakes, then put him to sleep again. The reward really sucks, but you will gain access to Cantlin. There are a lot of people in Cantlin, and here is what they say: Welcome to the castle town; The DragonLord can cleave steel and melt stone; Buy my radishes; What d'you want for dinner; I know anything; I'm Nester, where am I; Wynn last owned Erdrick's Armor; Wynn buried something behind his shop; Erdrick's Sword can cleave steel; and To prove that you are in the line of Erdrick, see someone in this town. One man behind a locked door says Wynn had a shop in Hauksness (so, in summary, Wynn buried Erdrick's Armor behind a shop in Hauksness, right?). A man behind a door and a barrier says to search 70 to the south and 40 to the east of Tantegel. Eventually, you will use Gwaelin's Love to find what's here (Erdrick's Token, to prove you are in the line of Erdrick). You needent open these doors; I told you what they say. The only door you need to open (though only if you have 9800-G) is the one with two people behind desks. You will buy the Flame Sword here. While you're in the city, you should also buy the Large Shield(800-G). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Silver Shield, Erdrick's Armor, Erdrick's Sword Okay, you got the best sword you can buy, the best armor you can buy, and the second best shield in the game. I bet you didn't realize you were doing that good, did you? Well, you are. And, sadly, we get to do more gold-collecting. I know you're all getting sick of it; to be honest, I am too. However, we don't really have a choice. Now that you have the Flame Sword, though, you can stay out even longer. Only heal yourself if you're in the red; otherwise, just walk around and let your Armor do the work. This time, we're building up to 14800-G. I promise this is the last time! If you stay around the Goldmen the entire time, it's quite possible that you won't even have to get re-feuled at Tantegel. Once you get to Level 14, probably your biggest level yet, you can probably explore a little more. You can now go south a little more, but stay north of the mountain range north of the desert. We aren't quite ready for Demon Knights just yet. Instead, be ready to fight Wraith Kinghts, Rogue Scorpions, and Knights. Don't be afraid to run, heal, or return to Tantegel as necessary; just stay alive. You may try to put some of these monsters to sleep, too. If you do happen to see a Demon Knight, you should probably run unless you have a LOT of Hit Points. It may be your wish, though, to keep it up with the Goldmen. After finally getting the needed Gold, head back to Cantlin (running and healing, of course) and enter the place that you bought the Flame Sword. This should use up the last of your Keys. Buy the Silver Shield, and you will recieve 400-G for the Large Shield trade-in. Not that it matters; we have no need for gold now, what-so-ever! I'm sure you are very excited. No more Goldmen! Now, we just need to get one more level, and then we can get Erdrick's Armor. You can wander around the area south of the desert to build up the needed Expirience. As always, be ready to heal yourself in Tantegel. Level 15 will be even better than 16, and you get a spell: Repel. This works like Fairy Water. Now you can go get the best armor in the game, Erdrick's Armor. We learned from the good people of Cantlin that it was buried at the foot of a tree behind a shop in Hauksness. Now, we have passed Hauksness many times. It is the town in that big desert on the way to Cantlin. First, and you absolutely MUST do this, go to Tantegel and heal. Then go to Hauksness. After entering the town, you may wish to cast your newly-learned Repel spell (I'm not sure how well it works, if at all, but it is slightly reassuring to have it on). Go south, then east along the broken wall. Soon, you will see two swamp spaces followed by a tree. Walk across the two swamp spaces, heal yourself fully no matter how many magic points it takes, and walk to the tree. Here you will find... an Axe Knight! Treat this guy a lot like you did the Green Dragon in the Swamp Cave - back out if he gets the first hit. No need to put him to sleep, though; it probably won't work anyway. Don't waste time healing yourself in battle, and only run if you have less than 15 Hit Points. Soon, he will perish. Search the area, and you will find the much sought-after Erdrick's Armor. This is better than the Magic Armor in three ways: It has a higher defense power; It heals you four times as fast while you're walking; and It makes you invulnerable to swamps and barriers! Now, we can get Erdrick's Token, which will prove you are Erdrick's descendant, and will get you access to Charlock Castle and Erdrick's Sword. Leave Hauksness as quickly as possible, and then go south. Go in the direction of Cantlin, only instead of passing that first bridge, go across. You will soon find a huge, and I mean HUGE swamp. Now you know why we got Erdrick's Armor first. Go east across the swamp, and after a little bit, use Gwaelin's Love. You will notice that we are pretty close to 70 south and 40 east of Tantegel (you heard those numbers in Cantlin, remember?). Use Gwaelin's Love to get to that certain spot, and search. Ta-da! Erdrick's Token. Use Return to get to Tantegel, heal, and head towards Rimuldar (to the east). Go past the town and go south to that cave with the rude guy in it. He will take the Staff of Rain and the Stones of Suntlight and give you the Rainbow Drop, the last piece of the Rainbow Puzzle. Now, go north, past Rimuldar, and then west. You will find a little peninsula that looks like the perfect place for a bridge. Guess what? It is! Use the Rainbow Drop, and a bridge will miraculously appear before you. Go across, and follow the path to Charlock. Wave to Tantegel if you'd like; then, into the evil castle. Once in, take the west path. Always run from the enemies you will find in here, trust me. Go past the doos you will find. Soon, you will be at the empty throne. Go behind it, and search the area. You will find a Secret Passage. Go down, and use Radiant. Follow the only available path, and go down the stairs at the end. Follow the only available path around the room. You will see a chest in the middle of this floor. That chest contains Erdrick's Sword, but we can't get there quite yet. Also, you should probably re-cast Radiant as soon as your area of sight decreases, just to be safe. Go down the stairs. Here, you will have some choices. Take the north-west road, and go down the stairs. In this new room, go north, then east. Pass that stairway leading down, and go south (to the west of the wall). Go up the stairway. Follow the path and go up the stairs at the end. Go up the next stairs. Follow the path, and go down the stairway. Finally, the chest! Open it up, and breathe a sigh of relief; it is in fact Erdrick's Sword. Cast Outside, then Return. Heal at the good Castle. You are now equipped with the absolute BEST of everything. Congratulations! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Hauksness, Charlock Castle, the DragonLord Finally, the last leg of your quest. You will need to get no more items, no more weapons or armor, nothing. However, we are only at Level 15 (ONLY!?!?!?! I say only because I have a book at my house that says you should be at Level 16 right now at the least). We should be at Level 20 (at least 19) before trying to take out the DragonLord. Now, I'm sure you are being impatient (like me) and saying, "I don't wanna wait anymore, I wanna in NOW!" Well, too bad. "If I HAVE to, then how can I do it as quick as possible?" One word: Hauksness. This place is stuffed full of Starwyverns, Wizards, Werewolves, and even an old friend, Green Dragons. You will probably have to use Return a whole lot, but this is still a lot quicker that anything else. So, leave the Castle, and head over to the ruined town. Most of the enemies you can just fight straight up, but be ready to heal after almost every fight. On Starwyverns, you should either use Sleep or Stopspell, because they love to draw the fight out by casting Healmore (heals up to 100 Hit Points!). You may want to do that to Wizards too; they cast Hurtmore a lot. If you'd like to fight your old friend the Axe Knight, he's right where you left him. If you need an easier place to fall back to, head south from Hauksness where you can battle Knights and Demon Knights. With Level 16 will come an extra 21 Magic Points. These will be very helpful, as I'm sure you can imagine. By now you can probably safely hang around in Hauksness, but if you need a breather, you know where to go. Level 17 really sucks, escept for the Healmore spell. This can heal up to 100 Hit Points, conveniently enough your maximum right now. Use this new spell whenever your Hit Points fall into the red. Level 18 is one of the best with 15 more Hit Points and a big power increase (you can now hit regularly anywhere from 30 to 50!). It also means that you are one level away from heading over to Charlock for the final confrontation (uh, and the first, I guess). Finally, Level 19. Another big boost to your maximum Hit Points, and your last spell: Hurtmore. Now, you are ready to take on the DragonLord. (*** I WARN YOU, YOU HAVE A MUCH BETTER CHANCE OF KILLING HIM AT LEVEL 20 ***) Stop by Tantegel, heal, give a temporary farewell to the Princess, SAVE THE GAME WITH KING LORIK, and off to Charlock (by way of Swamp Cave). Once in the castle, go behind the throne as you did to get the Sword. You may want to run from all the enemies you see. I know you can kill most of them, but it is smarter to conserve Hit and Magic Points for the final battle. Once under ground, use Radiant, and follow the path. Go down. Follow the path. Stairs. Go north-west. Stairs. North, east, west (other side of wall). Stairs. Path. Stairs. Path. Ah, a courtyard! Go as far west as you can, then north. Take the next opening east. Ignore those chests in the middle; we are so close to the end of the game, I doubt you care. Go as far east as possible, then south. Once all the way south, go back west. That little guy there holding the staff is the evil DragonLord. Talk to him. He will ask you join him in his conquest of the world. Yeah, right. (If you said yes, he will babble about how you made the right choice, and then kill you.) Say no. He will call you a fool and then go into battle. Fight him. He won't be much trouble. After killing him, though, you will realize that that wasn't really him! Now you get to fight the REAL DragonLord! I think he looks a little more like an evil world-conquesting DragonLord, don't you? Well, now for the real fight. Magic does not work on him, but you can still heal yourself. You should cast Healmore every time your Hit Points drop below 40; otherwise, attack him. If you have less than 10 Magic Points and need to heal, don't worry about it. Just attack. If he doesn't die (which he should), than just try again. When he does finally die, you will find the Ball of Light (remember, from the intro?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. The End Radiance will stream forth from the Ball, and all of the DragonLord's former minions will go poof. Take the Ball of Light back to Tantegel Castle (yes, even though the game is essentially over, you still have to go through Swamp Cave just like anyone else). Once in the good castle, you will notice a celebration in progress (good news travels fast, huh?). Everyone will tell you taht King Lorik is waiting for you, so head on up towards his throne. Ooh, a parade, sort of. The King will tell you that you truly are in the line of Erdrick (like he really doubted you) and that you should become King. Now is when the game starts speaking for you. You will say that you can't because you should only rule a land you discover yourself. Then, the Princess comes out and says that she wants to come with you. If you say no, she will say 'But you must'. So, take her into your arms. Your quest is over. Congrats! It's all over. Now, at the end, it said that the land was safe 'unless the dragons should come again'. Well, they are. Their return is told of in the games Dragon Warrior 2, Dragon Warrior 3, and Dragon Warrior 4. Those are excellent games as well as this one, and are highly reccomended. Walkthroughs/Strategy Guides for them by me are coming soon (see the end of this document to see the entire 'Coming Soon' list). =============================================================================================== 7. FAQ/Hint Guide This is for those of you who need just a little help in the game, but don't want someone telling you exaclty what to do. It is in the form of an FAQ. If you have any questions to add to this, e-mail me at 'lordsunflash@usa.net'. Huh? How would I go about defeating this Dragon fella? Whoa, relax. You've got a ways to go. Just explore, talk to people, get levels and better equipment. Then ask again once you've done that. I suck. How do I get better? Go to the Rock Mountain Cave (southwest of Tantegel) and get the Fighter's Ring. You should also (obviously) get better weapons and armor. I seriously need money, but it's taking to long. Look in the hills south of Rimuldar and the forest northeast of Hauksness. Fight the Goldman. I still suck, and I've gotten the best stuff I can buy. Help me! The best stuff have to be found. Erdrick's Armor is in Hauksness (gaurded by an Axe Knight) and Erdrick's Sword is in Charlock (the DragonLord's castle). I wanna rescue the Princess. How? Where? Go to the east of Swamp Cave and defeat the Green Dragon. Take her back to the castle. How do I get into that town surrounded by a wall with one opening housing a Golem? Use the Fairy's Flute on the Golem. Fairy's Flute? Look south of the little pool in Kol. How do I get to the DragonLord's castle? Get the Rainbow Drop from the guy south of Rimuldar. How do I get the Raimbow Drop? Get the Stones of Sunlight, the Staff of Rain, and Erdrick's Token. How do I get the Stones of Sunlight? Get a key at Rimuldar, then explore Tantegel. (The east side of Tantegel. Far east.) How do I get the Staff of Rain? Get the Silver Harp. How do I get the Silver Harp? Get a key, and go to Garinham. Go to the north of town, and into the cave. How do I get Erdrick's Token? Explore the swamp south of Cantlin (using Gwaelin's Love and a hint from a guy in Cantlin). Okay, I'm finally in Charlock. I keep hitting dead-ends, though. How do I get somewhere useful? Go to the middle-north of the castle, and search behind the throne. HOW DO I KILL THE @#$! DRAGONLORD? Get to Level 19/20, Erdrick's Sword and Armor, Silver Shield, Fighter's Ring. Whoa, Level 19? That'll take forever!! How am I supposed to retain my sanity while doing that? Hang around in Hauksness. Lots of big-expireince baddies in there. I've finally beaten the game. I'm bored now. What'll I do? Play Dragon Warrior 2!! =============================================================================================== 8. Enemy Guide This is a table of all the enemies in the game (in the order you will probably encounter them), including Maximum Hit Points, any Spells that it can cast, what TYPE of beast it is, Experience Points gained for killing it, and the Maximum Gold you can get for killing it. In parentheses beside the name of the enemy is any special information on it. NAME MAX.HP SPELLS TYPE EP MAX.GOLD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slime 3 ------ ------ 1 1 Red Slime 4 ------ Slime 1 2 Drakee 6 ------ ------ 2 2 Ghost 7 ------ ------ 3 4 Magician 13 Hurt ------ 4 11 MagiDrakee 15 Hurt Drakee 5 9 Scorpion 20 ------ ------ 6 16 Skeleton 30 ------ ------ 11 30 Druin (Caves Only) 2 ------ ------ 7 16 DruinLord (Caves Only) 35 Hurt Druin 20 85 Wolf 34 ------ ------ 16 50 Warlock 30 Hurt, Sleep Magician 13 35 Poltergiest (Caves Only) 23 Hurt Ghost 8 18 Droll (Caves Only) 25 ------ ------ 10 25 DrollMagi (Caves Only) 38 Hurt, Heal Droll 22 90 Drakeema (Caves Only) 20 Hurt, Heal Drakee 11 20 Specter (Caves Only) 36 Hurt, Sleep Ghost 18 70 Metal Scorpion 22 ------ Scorpion 14 40 WolfLord 38 Stopspell Wolf 20 80 Goldman 50 ------ ------ 6 200 Wraith 36 Heal Skeleton 17 60 Wyvern 42 ------ ------ 24 100 Knight 55 Stopspell ------ 33 130 Wraith Knight 46 ------ Skeleton 28 120 Rogue Scorpion 35 ------ Scorpion 26 110 MagiWyvern 58 Hurt, Sleep Wyvern 34 140 Demon Knight 50 Hurt, Sleep Skeleton 37 150 Metal Slime 4 Hurt Slime 115 6 Wizard 65 Hurtmore Magician 50 165 Werewolf 60 ------ Wolf 40 155 StarWyvern 65 Healmore, Stopspell Wyvern 43 160 Golem 70 ------ Goldman 5 10 Green Dragon 65 ------ ------ 45 160 Axe Knight 70 Sleep, Stopspell Knight 54 165 Stoneman (Charlock Only) 160 ?????? Goldman 65 140 Blue Dragon (Charlock Only) 70 ?????? Dragon 60 150 Armored Knight (Charlock Only) 90 ?????? Knight 70 140 Red Dragon (Charlock Only) 100 ?????? Dragon 100 140 DragonLord (End Boss) ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? =============================================================================================== 9. Weapons, Armor, and Shields Here is a list of the weapons you can get in this game, the LOCATION that you either buy or find them, their PRICE (if applicable), and how they affect your ATTACK POWER. NAME LOCATION PRICE ATTACK POWER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bamboo Pole Brecconary, Cantlin 10-G +2 Club Brecconary, Garinham, Cantlin 60-G +4 Copper Sword Brecconary, Garinham, Kol, Rimuldar, Cantlin 180-G +10 Hand Axe Garinham, Kol, Rimuldar, Cantlin 560-G +15 Broad Sword Rimuldar, Cantlin 1500-G +20 Flame Sword Cantlin 9800-G +28 Erdrick's Sword Charlock Castle N/A +40 Now, here's the different types of armor, their LOCATION, their PRICE, and how they affect your defense power. NAME LOCATION PRICE DEFENSE POWER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clothes Brecconary 20-G +2 Leather Armor Brecconary, Garinham, Cantlin 70-G +4 Chain Mail Garinham, Cantlin 300-G +10 Half Plate Garinham, Kol, Rimuldar 1000-G +16 Full Plate Kol, Rimuldar, Cantlin 3000-G +24 Magic Armor* Rimuldar, Cantlin 7700-G +24 Erdrick's Armor** Hauksness N/A +28 * - Heals 1 Hit Point for every four steps taken ** - Heals 1 Hit Point for every step taken; immune to swamps and barriers The three shields, their LOCATION, PRICE, and DEFENSE POWER modifiers. NAME LOCATION PRICE DEFENSE POWER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Shield Brecconary, Garinham, Kol 90-G +4 Large Shield Garinham, Cantlin 800-G +10 Silver Shield Cantlin 14800-G +25 =============================================================================================== 10. Other Items This is a list of all of the items that you can buy in the game. HERB: These work like the Heal spell, only a little more powerful. You can buy them in almost any town. TORCH: These are a very, very weak form of the Radiant spell. They cost 8-G. WINGS: These work like the Return Spell, and cost 70-G. DRAGON'S SCALE: This raises your defense power 2. It can't hurt to pick up one of these. It costs 20-G, and most towns have one. FAIRY WATER: Works like the Repel spell. Found in the locked building in Brecconary and in Kol. MAGIC KEY: You need one of these to open doors. Once you use one, it disappears. The first one you get you have to use to leave the throne room; the next you will have to buy at Rimuldar for 53-G. After you buy some there, you can buy more in Tantegel Castle for 85-G or in Cantlin for ??-G. You should always have some of these stocked up. This is all of the items in the game not for sale. ERDRICK'S TABLET: Just a little info to get you on the right track. Found in Erdrick's Cave. FIGHTER'S RING: Increases your fighting ability. FAIRY'S FLUTE: Found in Kol (south of the bath), you use it to put the Golem guarding Cantlin to sleep. GWAELIN'S LOVE: Needed to help you find Erdrick's Token. You get it once you save the Princess from the Green Dragon in Swamp Cave. It tells you how many points needed until your next level and where the castle is compared to where you are. SILVER HARP: Needed to get the Staff of Rain. Found in the Grave of Garin; give it to the guy north-west of Kol. STAFF OF RAIN: Needed to get the Rainbow Drop. Get it from the guy north-west of Kol; take it to the guy south of Rimuldar. STONES OF SUNLIGHT: Needed to get the Rainbow Drop. Get in in Tantegel's basement; give it to the guy south of Rimuldar. ERDRICK'S TOKEN: Needed to get the Rainbow Drop. Found in a huge swamp south of Cantlin (you will probably need Gwaelin's Love); take it to the guy south of Rimuldar. RAINBOW DROP: You get it from the guy south of Rimuldar after giving him the three preceding items. Use it to form a bridge to the island containing Charlock (use it north-west of Rimuldar). CURSED BELT/NECKLACE: Found in caves. They put a curse on you. If you get a curse, visit the guy in Brecconary that said to come to him if cursed. =============================================================================================== 11. Level Guide Here's a list of all of the levels you can get in this game, how many total expirience points (EP) you need to get it (and how many you need just for the level, not total), what the maximum Hit Points (HP) and Magic Points (MP) are (and how far they go up), how high your POWER (strength) and response speed (AGILITY) are (and how high they go up), and any SPELLS you get. *** These do fluxuate between games, this is just what I got when I played. It may and probably will be different for you *** LEVEL EP HP MP POWER AGILITY SPELLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 N/A 15 --- 3 3 ------ 2 7 (+7) 22 (+7) --- 4 (+1) 3 (+0) ------ 3 23 (+16) 24 (+2) 5 (+5) 6 (+2) 5 (+2) Heal 4 47 (+24) 31 (+7) 15 (+10) 6 (+0) 7 (+2) Hurt 5 110 (+63) 35 (+4) 19 (+4) 10 (+4) 9 (+2) ------ 6 220 (+110) 38 (+3) 22 (+3) 14 (+4) 9 (+0) ------ 7 450 (+230) 40 (+2) 24 (+2) 16 (+2) 15 (+6) Sleep 8 800 (+350) 46 (+6) 27 (+3) 20 (+4) 18 (+3) ------ 9 1300 (+500) 50 (+4) 33 (+6) 28 (+8) 19 (+1) Radiant 10 2000 (+700) 54 (+4) 37 (+4) 33 (+5) 27 (+8) Stopspell 11 2900 (+900) 62 (+8) 46 (+9) 38 (+5) 31 (+4) ------ 12 4000 (+1100) 63 (+1) 53 (+7) 46 (+8) 36 (+5) Outside 13 5500 (+1500) 70 (+7) 58 (+5) 50 (+4) 43 (+7) Return 14 7500 (+2000) 78 (+8) 64 (+6) 58 (+8) 49 (+6) ------ 15 10000 (+2500) 86 (+8) 65 (+1) 66 (+8) 57 (+8) Repel 16 13000 (+3000) 92 (+6) 86 (+21) 70 (+4) 63 (+6) ------ 17 16000 (+3000) 100 (+8) 91 (+5) 70 (+0) 69 (+6) Healmore 18 19000 (+3000) 115 (+15) 98 (+7) 83 (+13) 74 (+5) ------ 19 22000 (+3000) 130 (+15) 104 (+6) 85 (+2) 76 (+2) Hurtmore 20 26000 (+4000) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 21 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 22 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 23 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 25 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 26 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 27 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 28 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 29 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ 30 ????? (+????) ??? (+??) ??? (+??) ?? (+??) ?? (+??) ------ =============================================================================================== 12. Spells This is a list of all of the spells in the game, how many MAGIC POINTS they use, what LEVEL you get them, and their EFFECT. SPELL MAGIC POINTS LEVEL EFFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal 4 3 Raises your Hit Points 15-20 Hurt 2 4 Lowers your opponent's Hit Points 10-15 Sleep 2 7 Puts your opponent to sleep for a short time Radiant 3 9 Lights up the area around you in a cave Stopspell 2 10 Blocks any spells your opponent tries to cast Outside 6 12 Teleports you outside of a cave Return 8 13 Teleports you back to Tantegel Castle (only on overworld) Repel 2 15 Lowers the enemy encounter rate on the overworld Healmore 10 17 Raises your Hit Points 85-100 Hurtmore 5 19 Lowers your opponent's Hit Points =============================================================================================== 13. Legal Mumbo-Jumbo and a Closing Statement This has been my first walkthrough/strategy guide, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please, please, PLEASE do not reproduce any part (or modify and reproduce) of this strategy guide without my personal permission. To get said permission, e-mail me at 'lordsunflash@usa.net'. A list of my (hopefully) future guides: NES: Dragon Warrior 2 Dragon Warrior 3 Dragon Warrior 4 Final Fantasy Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Legend of Zelda I hope to have more after that, but this is all I am garuntee-ing. See you next guide! This document copyright (c)1999 - SykoBadger Dragon Warrior (c)1986, 1989 - Enix Liscensed to Nintendo 'Dragon Warrior' Trademark of Nintendo