Andere Lösungen

Dragon's Lair (e)

by The Avenger


U - Up
D - Down
L - Left
R - Right
A - Attack


Drawbridge - A U

End of Corridor (Collapsing Entry) - R

The Goons - A R U A

Metallic Ball (Throne Room) - R U R R

Closing Wall (Bedroom) - U

Rolling Balls (Colored Balls) - D D D D D D U

Tentacles from Ceiling - A R D L U

Phantom Knight (Dark Knight on Horse) - L L R

Pool of Water - L U R U L U A U

Sliding Stairs - L A L L

Snake Room - A A R

(Cauldron)* - U A A R

Drink Me - R

Metallic Flying Horse - L R L R R

Bats - A L L A L

Large Wooden Platforms (Collapsing Bridge) - U U U D A R R

The Smithy (Flying Weapons) - A A A R A A

The Lizard King - L R R R R R U A L R D A

Checkered Floor Knight (Dark Knight w/ Electric Sword) - R L U L R L R A A

Checkerboard Corridor - D U L

Room of Fire (Lightning Room) - R D U L L

Haunted Hallway - U A U A L A

Giant Spinning Batons - U A D U  (hitting the first U about Dirk's fourth
grunt seems to work)

Whirlpools/Rapids - U U U U R L R L R

Lava Field of the Mudmen - A U U U U U U U

The Round Cage - U U L

The Dragon's Lair - U L L D D D L U D R A A L A

*I have verified that this scene is not defined in the DL booklet.This is
the room with the green glob that attacks from the cauldron.  It replaces
the Falling Platform from the arcade game.


1. I'm not sure how to acurately document the timing of all these moves,
but the only scenes that are particularly difficult are (in order of
difficulty): Whirlpools/Rapids, Giant Spinning Batons, The Lizard King,
and The Dragon's Lair.  A little experimentation should get you through
(maybe a lot in the Lair).

2. I've double-tested the command sequences and they've worked for me
every time.  The only thing to keep in mind is that some of the scenes are
mirror-imaged so you need to reverse left and right commands.

3. The scenes are presented in semi-random order (including mirroring) so
you can't just work your way down the walkthru list.  These individual
walkthrus are presented in the order in which I happened to encounter them
when I recorded my actions for the overall walkthru.

4. I've tried to use the same names for each scene that are used in the
Dragon's Lair booklet, but I may have strayed in some places to make it
more clear which scene I'm referring to.  I use these names in ( ).


Space Ace just came down to $10 at Target so I'm working on a walkthru for
that one now, too.  I mastered it back in High School (circa 1985).


This walkthrough is copyright 1996 by Jason Buchanan and may be freely
distributed as long as this credit is retained.