Dragon Ball Z (e)

DragonBall Z 
"Super Legendary Battle" 
A Help Manual by Edward F. Rishel 
terishel@mcs.drexel.edu on InterNet 
73477,730 on CompuServe
With help from the readers of rec.games.video.nintendo
and Joab Kong
1.0 Introduction:
	Dragonball is the smash hit comic by Akira Toriyama published weekly
in Shonen Jump magazine in Japan.  It started off as a martial arts
comedy that draws characters from the Monkey King legend of China.  
Over the past couple of years, it has become even more action oriented
with super heroic fights, aliens, cyborgs, and people throwing around
enough energy to level a planet (and one of them does!)  It has also
spawned a TV series that has run around 300 episodes (Dragonball and
Dragonball Z combined), eight theatrical releases, a few TV specials,
three Famicom (Nintendo) games, and two Super Famicom (SNES) games
(this being the most recent).
	This game is like your typical Street Fighter II clone except with
some twists.  The playing field is much bigger with a dual plane
(ground and sky) combat system and all players can use long distance
energy attacks.  Each character has seven unique special attack with
one undocumented maneuver with the exception of Son-Goku.
2.0 Characters:
Son-Goku:  Our hero.  Wears the orange gi with black sash and has the
spiked black hair.  Sort of a thick headed person with a heart of gold.
He is very strong and could already shrug off bullets early in life. 
He was sent to Earth as an infant from the saiya- jin home world just
before Freeza destroyed it.  He was raised by Son-Gohan and later
trained by Muten Roshi and several other power martial artists.
Super Saiya-jin Son-Goku:  There is a legend among the saiya-jin race
of a savior who will be the most powerful person in the universe and
will avenge his people.  This is the super saiya-jin. Goku becomes is
when he fights Freeza on the planet Namek.  In this form, he has green
eyes and his hair becomes golden.  This form is obtained when one's
heart is filled with fury.
Vejita:  Short man wearing blue fighting suit with a white breast
plate.  A prince of the saiya-jin race and attitude personified.
Originally came to Earth to look for Kakaroto (Goku's saiya-jin name)
and fight him but he was beaten badly.  Through a series of events and
uneasy alliances he now fights alongside Goku but still vows that he
will beat him one day.  Vejita is very egotistical and believes he is
the one who is supposed to be the super saiya- jin.
Super Saiya-Jin Vejita:  Much to the surprise of the others, Vejita
does obtain the power to become the Super Saiya-Jin when our heroes
fight Dr. Gear's androids (more on this later).
Trunks:  Young man with golden, spiked hair.  A mysterious man from the
future who reveals to Goku that he is the future son of Vejita and
Buruma (one of the main characters not in this game). He came back in
time to stop two androids from being built who would kill all our
heroes and destroy the planet.  He was trained by Goku's son and can
also obtain the Super Saiya-Jin form.
Super Saiya-Jin Son-Gohan:  Young boy with golden, spiked hair.
Son-Gohan is the first son of Son-Goku and ChiChi and is named after
the old man who raised Goku.  He was trained by Picollo Daimyo and sort
of sees him as a second father.  Gohan became Super Saiya-Jin after
training in the Room of Space and Time.
Picollo Daimyo:  Alien with green skin and antennae.  Born of the evil
that God cast off before obtaining his divine status. Picollo was
killed by Goku at the end of the first series but not before he gave
birth to this current incarnation.  Started off as a villain but soon
reformed and recombined with God to become a Super Namek-Sei-Jin.  Is
very fond of Gohan.
Freeza:  Short, white alien with purple hi lights.  Claims to be the
most powerful being in the universe and is very evil.  He destroyed the
saiya-jin home world and personally killed Goku's real father.
Android #20:  Old man with the hat marked with the Double R symbol.  Is
in reality, a cyborg containing the brain of Dr. Gear, a scientist who
has sworn to kill Goku after he destroyed the Red Ribbon Society.  He
built several androids to do the job for him but some of them were too
dangerous so he kept them locked away.
Android #16:  Tall android with orange hair and light green armor. A
prototype android who is 100% artificial in nature.  Dr. Gear kept him
locked away in fear that he would destroy the world but #17 and #18
activated him.  He is a gentle being who only fights when necessary but
he has been hard wired to seek out Goku and kill him.
Android #18:  Blond haired woman.  One of the two androids that Trunks
came back in time to warn the others about.  She and #17 seem to only
care about having fun, but fun to them can range from stealing a car to
nuking a city.  She is equipped with an infinite energy reactor and can
never tire in combat.
Cell:  Tall and scrawny looking lizard like being.  Before his death,
at the hands of #17 and #18, Dr. Gear programmed his computer to build
the perfect being.  A couple of decades later, this creature emerged
with the combined abilities of all our heroes but he was still not
complete since he had to consume #17 and #18 in order to obtain his
ultimate form.  But the two androids had long since been destroyed by
Trunks so he seeks out Trunks, kills him, and travels back into the
past to find #17 and #18.
Perfect Cell:  This is Cell after he has consumed #17 and #18.  He is
perfect in mind, body, spirit, and power.  He claims he can destroy
entire suns with his new found powers but decides to have some fun with
our heroes first by holding a contest in which if he wins, he gets to
destroy the world.
3.0 Title Screen:
	After the game introduction and the opening comments that Goku and
Picollo say to one another (skip it by pressing start) the title screen
comes up.  Here you see four options that you can select.  They are as
	Story           Tenkai-Ichi Budokai     
	Options         Versus
3.1 Story:
	This is the option you select when you wish to play the story mode of
the game in which you go through the opponents as Goku and his friends
did in the TV series.  You start off fighting as Goku but you get the
choice using other characters as the story progresses.  If you solve
this game using certain characters on Difficulty Level 3 or above, you
get to see the real ending (more on this later).
3.2 Options:
	There are four option screens that allow you to configure the
game.  They are as follows:
3.2.1 Option 1:  Allows you to reconfigure the buttons of the game 
more to one's liking.  The default buttons setup goes like this:
	Y:  Punch
	B:  Kick 	
	X:  Change to sky or ground 	
	A:  Fireball 	
	R:  Fly forward/back 	
	L:  Fly forward/back (R and L depend on facing of your character)
3.2.2 Option 2:  This screen has the following settings on it:
	Continues:  Values can be 0, 3, 5, 7, 10, or infinite. Default of 3.
	Sound:  Either Stereo or Mono with a default of Stereo
	Slow Motion:  Yes or No with a default of No.
	Meters:  Determines whether life and energy bars are displayed during
	game play with a default of yes.
	Radar:  Determine whether radar is shown during game play with a
	default of yes.
3.2.3 Option 3:
	Difficulty:  Ranges from 1 to 4 with a default of 2. 	
	Super Moves Skill:  Can be set so that one can do the moves by just
	pressing the A button when it is on Auto. (More on this later).
	Block Super Moves:  Sets whether players can block the super moves or
	not.  Default is yes.
	Music Test:  One can sample the game music. 	
	Sound Test:  One can sample the sound effects.
3.2.4 Command Help:  This is an online reference that tells you how  to
do each of the 13 characters maneuvers.  Some working knowledge  of
Japanese may be needed to understand which character you are looking
at.  (Note:  In the game and in the instruction manual, they list the A
button as the S button, the B button as the K button, and the Y button
as the P button).
3.3 Tenkai-Ichi Budokai:
	This is Japanese for the Number One Martial Artist in the  World
Contest.  It is a competition held once every three years  with a large
cash prize.  Up to eight people can compete in this  mode.  You chose
eight characters and the computer randomizes  them for the elimination
3.4 Versus:
	This allows you to either fight the computer or a human opponent in
the setting of your choice.  As soon as the two opponents are chosen
you go an option screen which has the following settings on it:
Difficulty Level               Starting Life for Fighters Playing
Field for this fight           Starting Energy for Fighters 
BGM for this fight             Automatic Super Moves On/Off 
End                            Block Super Moves On/Off
	These values can be configured by pressing the start button or the
buttons on the joy pad.  After configuring the settings for this one
fight, Player 1 must choose End and the battle begins.  After the fight
is over and the winner gloats a screen comes up showing points scored
based on hits made, life remaining, and bonus points with a grand
total.  Also shown is percentage of hits that struck home and
percentage of hits guarded against.  The final thing shown is the
finishing blow of the match.  After this, press a button to get back to
the character selection screen.
4.0 Game Play:
	The object of the game is to fight your opponent and knock their life
down to zero thus winning the match.  Unlike Street Fighter II, this is
not a best out of three match.  It is one match only.
4.1 Screen:
	The screen shows the playing field when combat begins. Opponents 
start facing one another and are on the same screen. There are two sets
of two bars at the top of the screen.  The top two show the current
life of both fighters.  A fighter can have up to three bar fulls of
life.  The life bars are colored green, yellow, and red.  Green is the
most full a life bar can be.  If a green life bar of a fighter is
knocked down to zero during combat then the life bar will turn yellow
then when that is knocked down it is turned to red and when the red
life bar runs out then the fighter is defeated.  Note:  in the story
mode, some of the computer opponents will start out with more life than
you thus you can gauge them by looking at the color of their life bar
before combat begins.  
	The bottom two sets of bars show the energy or "ki" of the two 
fighters.  This can only fill up one bar (the color red).  Energy 
determines when and how powerful a super move can be performed.  
After a super move is performed then the energy used is subtracted 
from the fighter's bar.  Also, when an energy bar fills up, the 
fighter begins to flash on and off meaning they are temporarily 
stronger, can hit harder, and jump higher.  This is temporary though
and as soon as it wears off, your energy bar drops back down to half
full.  Note:  Before versus combat begins, the players can adjust 
their starting life and energy.  Also displayed near the life and 
energy bars is the names of the two fighters in Japanese.
	Below the energy bars is the radar.  In situations in which the
fighters move off screen in relation to one another, the radar is used
to keep track of where they are.  Radar can also track fireballs that
fighters toss at one another so they can see them coming and take
evasive maneuvers if they so desire.  Fighters are represented as
different colored squares and fireballs as yellow circles on the radar.
Note:  Some of the fighters are invisible to radar as are their
attacks.  This applies to Dr. Gear's androids since they are artificial
beings and then only during the story mode.
	When players move off the screen in relation to one another, the
playing field will split with a line dividing the playing fields of
both opponents.  The color of this line ranges from red to yellow to
black which is a good gauge for how far an opponent is if they are
invisible to radar.  Another purpose the color of the dividing line
serves is to tell when you are in range to do a super move.  When it is
black, the fighters are out of range.  When it is yellow (and sometimes
when it is red) a fighter can get off a super move if they have enough
	Finally, there are two levels the fighters can duke it out on.  
The can either be on the ground or up flying in the sky. This does not
change game play much except that it makes it easier for one fighter to
zip past another if one is on the ground and the other up in the sky.
4.2 Joy pad:
Directional Pad:  A fighter's movement is controlled by the pad.
Pushing up allows a fighter  to jump straight up.  Pushing diagonally
up to either the left or right will cause the fighter to jump forwards
or backwards.  Pushing down while on the ground causes the fighter to
crouch down.  While up in the sky, pushing down will cause the fighter
to start charging them self up and their energy bar will charge even
quicker than before.  To walk forward or backward (or fly slowly
forward or backward while in the sky)  is down by pushing left or
right.  Defending from punches, kicks, and fireballs is done by pushing
away from the incoming attack.  Note:  Take a look at your energy bar
after you successfully block, notice that your energy bar goes up some.
A defensive crouch is done by pushing diagonally down and away from
the incoming attack.
Note on Joypad Descriptions:
	When it comes to describing joy pad movements, assume that the pad is
a compass with up being north, down being south, right being west, etc.
The moves are described assume that the player is facing to the right.
If they are facing to the left then do the mirror image of the move
described.  EXAMPLE:  Goku's Kami- Hami Ha is done by pressing S, SW,
W, E, then A.  If the player is facing to the left then you do it by
pressing S, SE, E, W, then A. Also if a plus sign is listed next to a
joy pad direction and a button then you press that joy pad direction
while simultaneously pressing the button.  EXAMPLE:  N+A mean press up
and A at the same time.  Any move that is a super move is marked with
an "*" after then move description.  The undocumented move is marked
with an "=".
X Button:  This allows a fighter to fly up into the sky or land back on
the ground.  This can only be done when the split screen is on.  One
cannot do this when both fighters are on the same screen.
A Button:  This throws the generic fireball attack.  It is a small
burst of energy that travels across the screen towards you opponent and
has a limited range.  The A button is also used in conjunction with joy
pad moves to perform other maneuvers and defenses (more on this later).
B Button:  This throws a simple kick.  When used in conjunction with
the joy pad, more elaborate moves can be done.
Y Button:  This throws a simple punch.  As with the kick button, more
elaborate attacks can be done with the Y button.
Left & Right Buttons:  These allow the player to fly forward or
backward very fast depending on which direction they are facing. While
flying very fast, a fighter can ram his or her opponent to cause damage
but is helpless against any attacks since it takes a second to stop and
then block.
Start Button:  This pauses the game during combat and is used to select
options elsewhere.
Select Button:  This is not used in combat but when the game is paused,
pressing the select button on the first pad will bring up the option
screens so the game can be reconfigured in the middle of combat.
4.3 A Note About Fatigue:
	During game play, fighters generally try to beat the living stuffings
out of one another but just because these are super heroes does not
mean they don't get tired.  A player can wear him or herself out by 
throwing four or five fireballs in rapid succession.  When you try to 
throw one more fireball past your limit, it will fizzle in front of you 
and your fighter slumps and begins panting.  When in this state, the 
fighter is helpless to defend from any incoming attacks.  Any attacks 
that strike will snap them out of it but not before they take damage.  
This goes for both regular attacks and super moves done against them.  
Also, a fighter can be fatigued if they take several rapid hits from 
their opponent and are knocked over.  Fatigue only lasts a few seconds 
but in those few seconds, your opponent can send a powerful attack your 
way that you cannot defend against.  #16 and #18 are not subject to
4.4 Super Moves and Defenses:
	Dragonball is a super hero comic after all so what would it be without
super powers?  Each of the fighters has at least one super move that
they can perform.  These are long distance attacks in which the fighter
powers up and then throws a powerful energy attack at their opponent. 
The victim is not completely helpless though and there are several ways
of protecting them self from the incoming attack.  As mentioned
earlier, a super move can be performed when the two fighters are apart
and the dividing line is either yellow or red and the attacker has
enough energy to attack (usually more than one quarter energy).  The
attacker then performs the necessary joy pad movements and then we see
the attack go off.  The view then switches to the defender who is in a
defensive crouch.  The defender then changes his or her position which
signals that any defenses should be done now.  The player playing the
defender must act fast because the incoming attack will strike mere
seconds after the defender changes stance.  The following defenses are
Block:  Push away from direction of incoming attack and then press A. 
Only 1/2 damage done.
Dodge:  Push up, then down, then A.  Only 1/4 damage done.
Disperse:  Press away from attack, then press towards attack, then
press A.  Attack is destroyed and no damage is done.
Deflect:  Assuming that the defender is facing to the right press W,
SW, S and then A.  Defender swats attack aside.  No damage done.
Reflect:  Assuming that the defender is facing to the right press W,
SW, S, SE, E then press A.  The attack is reflected back to the
attacker who must do a defense immediately but can only Block or Dodge.
No damage is done to the initial defender.  Sometimes unreliable and
may blow up in the defender's face.  
Shield:  Can only be done by Android #18.  Press up then A.  An energy
shield will form and block the attack.  No damage done.
Absorb:  Can only be done by Android #20.  Press up then A.  #20 will
cry out "NOW!" in Japanese and absorb the energy from the attack and
add it to his life bar.
Note:  These moves to defend have to be done immediately after the
defender changes stance and have to be done fast!  On the higher
difficulty levels such moves as deflect and reflect are much harder to
4.4.1 Automatic Super Moves:
	In the versus configuration & options screens, there is an option 
that allows for automatic super moves.  What this does is to eliminate 
the need for complex joy pad movements to get the super moves off. 
Instead, all one had to do is press the A button when one is the proper
distance and had the right amount of energy to do a super move.  The
computer will select one for you.  The drawback is that you cannot
choose which super move is about to be done and you have no choice 
whether you are going to throw a regular fireball or other moves that
use the A button.
5.0 Character Move Descriptions:
	Each character has typically seven moves listed in the instruction
manual with the exception of Son-Goku.  In addition to these listed
moves there is one undocumented maneuver.  Assume that all players
are facing to the right, otherwise do the mirror image.
Fireball:  Press A 
Kai-Oh Ken:  Press and hold SW, S, or SE for one to two seconds 
then press N+A. 
This is a move that allows Goku to start flashing and get extra strength 
and speed without waiting for his energy bar to reach full.  Does not
last long. 
Genki-Dono:  S, SE, E+A 
This takes a few seconds for Goku to charge up and fire. It is more 
powerful and faster than a regular fireball but it will also follow 
your opponent if they try to avoid.  May leave you open to attack.
Kami-Hami Ha:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Mega Genki-Dono:  E, SE, S, SW, W+A * 
Jump Up and Kick:  SW, NE+B
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Goku is jumping. 
Back Up then Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Throw, Slam, Charge Combo:  W, SW, S, SE, E, NE, N+B =
Fireball:  Press A 
Ground Wave:  W, SW, S+A 
Energy Steal:  E, SE, S, SW, W+A 
Cell's tail stinger hits opponent and sucks life force from
them and adds to Cell's. 
Kami-Hami Ha:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Ma-Ken-Ko San-Po:  W, SW, S, SE+A *
Sliding Kick:  W, SW, S+B 
Tail Swipe:  SW, NE+B
Buster Kick:  E, SE, S, SW, W+B  =
Fireball:  Press A 
Eye Beams:  W, E+A 
Tracking Fireball:  S, SE, E+A
Like's Goku's Genki-Dono, this follows the opponent but does
not take any time to charge up. 
Ma-Ken-Ko San-Po:  W, SW, S, SE+A *
Super Ki Discharge:  E, SE, S, SW, W+A * 
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Picollo is jumping. 
Double Flying Kick:  E, W, E+B 
Stretch Arm Grab and Kick:  E, SE, S, SW, W+B =
Fireball:  Press A 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A 
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid succession with the third 
one going a little bit further than the first two. 
Big Burn Attack:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Final Crush:  W, SW, S, SE, E+A * 
Sliding Kick:  S, SE, E+B 
Flip and Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Flip and Kick:  SW, NE+B 
Super Dash:  E, W, E+Y =
Fireball:  Press A 
Finger Beam:  E, W+A 
Invisible Shockwave:  S, SE, E+A 
Spinning Disk:  W, SW, S+A * 
Planet Buster:  E, SE, S, SW, W+A * 
Backup & Elbow Strike:  S, SW, W+Y 
Jumping Tail Spin:  SW, NE+Y
Spiral Tail Attack:  W, SW, S, SE, E+B =
Android #20: 
Fireball:  Press A 
Eye Beams:  W, E+A 
Energy Drain:  E, SE, S, SW, W+A 
#20 grabs opponent and sucks life from them and adds to
his own. Must be within striking distance. 
Energy Discharge:  S, SE, E+A  * 
Head Bang Jump:  SW, NE+Y 
Head Bang Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Flutter Dance:  E, W, E+Y = 
Upper Cut Combo:  S, SE, E+Y =
Android #18: 
Fireball:  Press A 
Ground Wave:  W, SW, S+A 
Tracking Fireball:  S, SE, E+A 
Like's Goku's Genki-Dono, this follows the opponent but does not 
take any time to charge up. 
Energy Discharge:  S, SW, W, E+A  * 
Flip and Butt Slam:  SW, NE+B 
Sliding Kick:  S, SE, E+B
Retreat then Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Hip Attack:  S, SE, E+Y =
Android #16: 
Fireball:  Press A 
Eye Beams:  W, E+A 
Rocket Punch:  S, SE, E+A 
Hell's Crush:  W, SW, S, SE+A * 
Jump Kick:  SW, NE+B
Shrug Punch:  W, E+Y 
Spin Kick:  S, SE, E+B 
Hurricane Crusher:  E, W, E+B =
Special Character Move Descriptions:
	These are the five characters one can only play by getting to them in
the story mode or entering the boss code (described later).
Fireball:  Press A 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A 
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid succession with the third 
one going a little bit further than the first two. 
Super Move 1:  W, SW, S, SE, E+A *
Super Move 2:  S, SE, W, E+A * 
Flip & Kick:  SW, NE+B 
Charge & Attack:  S, SW, W+Y 
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Trunks is jumping.
Tornado Shot:  W, SW, S, SE, E+B =
Super Saiya-Jin Son-Gohan 
Fireball:  Press A 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A 
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid succession with the third
one going a little bit further than the first two. 
Super Move 1:  W, SW, S, SE+A * 
Ma-Sen-Koh:  W, SW, S, SE, E+A * 
Flip & Smash Kick:  SW, NE+B 
Sliding Kick:  S, SE, E+B 
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Gohan is jumping. 
Explosive Punch:  E, W, E+Y =
Perfect Cell: 
Fireball: Press A Rapid 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A 
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid  succession with the third 
one going a little bit further than the first two. 
Super Ma-Ken-Ko San-Po:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Double Fireball:  W, SW, S, SE, E+A * 
Perfect Attack:  SW, NE+B 
Sliding Kick:  W, SW, S+B 
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Perfect Cell is jumping. 
Buster Kick:  E, SE, S, SW, +B =
Super Saiya-Jin Son-Goku: 
Fireball:  Press A 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A 
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid succession with the third
one going a little bit further than the first two. 
Genki-Dono:  S, SE, E+A This is an improved version of the old 
Genki-Dono in that Goku does not have to take time to cast it. 
Kami-Hami Ha:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Back Up & Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Flying Jump Kick:  E, S+B 
Done while Goku is jumping. 
Jump & Kick:  SW, NE+B 
Four Chain Kicks:  W, SW, S, SE, E+B =
Throw, Slam, Charge Combo:  W, SW, S, SE, E, NE, N+B =
Super Saiya-Jin Vejita: 
Fireball:  Press A 
Rapid Fireballs:  S, SW, W+A
This shoots off three fireballs in rapid succession with the third one
going a little bit further than the first two. 
Big Burn Attack:  S, SW, W, E+A * 
Final Crush:  W, SW, S, SE, E+A * 
Sliding Kick:  S, SE, E+B
Flip and Charge:  S, SW, W+Y 
Flip and Kick:  SW, NE+B 
Super Dash:  E, W, E+Y =
6.0 Codes:
	No good video game is complete without a whole bunch of codes
"accidentally" left in by the programmers before the game ships. Here
are the ones known so far:
Boss Code:  During the still shots opening sequence (following Goku's
greeting) hold down the L & R buttons and make press the X, Y, A, & B
buttons in a clockwise motion while twirling the joy pad in a counter
clockwise motion.  You should hear a chime but don't stop!  Keep on
going until you hear Goku's voice again.  The first chime signals the
Same Character vs. Same Character code has been entered for versus
mode.  Goku's voice signals that the complete code has been enter and
that you can now play the five special characters.  Upon entering
the first part of this code, any fight in which you play the same
character against him or herself, you get to hear some of the other
sound effects heard in the sound test.
Invincibility Code:  Before you get your hopes up and think this is the
solution to beat level three I must tell you that this works both ways.
Neither you nor your opponent can be harmed so it is good only for
practice.  When the intro appears, press A to to get the game title to
appear. Goku and Picollo are in the background. Wait for a while and
they will start to fight. While they are fighting, press L and  R
buttons,  select and start. This will reset game and go back to the
beginning. Hit any button to go to the main menu and select the Option
menu. If you do this correctly then you will see that the game level is
shown as 4.
Computer Control Code:  During the Versus mode and the Tenkai-Ichi
Budokai mode, either player can set their fighter to computer mode. 
Just pause the game and hold down the X, Y, A & B buttons at once and
you should hear a tone.  Now the fighter controlled by that pad is
cruising on automatic. To turn computer control off, just repeat the
7.0 The Real Ending:
	Normally, upon defeating the game, you see DenDen revive the Dragon
God after Cell's defeat and the game ends.  To see the real ending you
must fight the game on difficulty level 3 and fighting each opponent in
the following manner:
	Goku vs. Picollo 	
	Goku vs. Vejita 	
	Goku vs. Freeza 	
	Picollo vs. Android #20 	
	Vejita vs. Android #18 	
	Picollo vs. Cell 	
	Goku vs. Android #16 	
	Vejita vs. Trunks 	
	Goku vs. Gohan 	
	Gohan vs. Perfect Cell
After Perfect Cell is defeated you see "The End" but you must wait until
you see "Final Battle"!  Get ready to duke it out to see the real ending! 
I have yet to confirm that such an ending exists.