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Dino Crisis (e)


                              DINO CRISIS
                           JAPANESE VERSION
                 !!General FAQ / Walkthrough Version 0.1!!
                          by Jade Weapon (EXW)

                      Latest Updates : June 12th, 1999


What's Inside?
• Introduction
• Instruction Manual
• Characters Recognition (Under Construction)
• Weapon Glossary (Under Construction)
• Walkthrough w/ Map
• Wonderful World of Mixing (To Be Concluded)
• FAQ (To Be Sorted)
• Available GameShark Codes (To Be Sorted)
• Favorite GameShark Codes (To Be Concluded)
• Item and Supply Guides (Under Construction)
• Disclaimer
• Credits


• Introduction

 I know nothing, but of course this is Capcom's latest game as we waits
 for the third series of Resident Evil.

 Your friend agent called Tom has reported there are unimportant weapon
 development on Ibis Island. But he suspected Dr. Edward Kirk which is
 believed died in an accident three years ago.

 You are Regina, member of the squad led by Gale. You team mates
 would be Rick and Cooper. You've sent to Ibis Island to secure and
 repatriate Dr. Kirk.

 Your team arrived on the east gate of the research facility. But you
 did not suspect Cooper. He was eaten by T-Rex but none of your mate,
 even you, have realized. Gale refused to wait for Cooper, so the party
 goes without him. The mission begins...


• Instruction Manual


 Note: The following control is at default configuration.

       L2                                   R2 --> Turn 180 Degree
       L1 --> Choose Target                 R1 --> Weapon Ready

       UP --> Forward / Up                  Tri --> Enter / Exit Menu
  LEFT     RIGHT                   Sqr --> Accept <-- Cir
      DOWN --> Backward / Down               X --> Dash / Cancel

              SELECT --> Game options   START --> Pause


 Enter any save room. As you leave the room, hold Cancel (X) then press
 Sq or Circ (Accept) at the door. Choose your memory card.
 If you overwrite the old file, choose the first option, then press X
 all the way.


  STRUCTURES                                                ADVERSARIES
   •  > Corner                           Velociraptor velociraptor < &
   |  > Vertical Wall                            Tyrannosaurus rex < #
   -  > Horizontal Wall                Compsognathus compsognathus < *
   :  > Vertical Active Door                 Horizontal Laser Gate < _
   =  > Horizontal Active Door                 Vertical Laser Gate < !
   +  > Vertical / Horizontal Inactive Door  Vertical Rolling Door < `
   Dx > Downstairs with x as destination   Horizontal Rolling Door < ~
   Ux > Upstairs with x as destination
   Xx > Airshaft with x as shaftways' number
   @  > Elevator
   e  > Emergency Box
   S  > Save Room


• Walkthrough w/ Map

                    |                                     |
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 After a short conversation on 1, Rick goes to control room. Regina will
 have to wait for him. Talk to Gale, he tells Regina to sweeps the area.

 Go to 3, get a key to generator at 5. Still in 3, get a orange health
 kit behind the shelves. Of course, you have to push the shelves first.

 Rick will contact Regina, he's already in control room. He'll
 ask you to turn on the power at 5. Gale heard your conversation, Reg
 lend the key to Gale and heads for 5. Follow him. At 4, you'll find
 a corpse. Examined it, you'll get a blue liquid. 

 Gale will guard you outside, use the key to go to 5. To turn the power
 on, you have to solve the puzzle. First, look at lever on the right
 side of the panel. Memorize the color order: red, blue, green and
 white. Get the battery on the panel into the same color order.
 Then pull the lever, the power will go on. Suddenly, you heard a gun-
 shot. Go find Gale outside. Be prepare.

 As you get outside, get ready to run. You'll be chased by raptor.
 What you have to do is run, you don't have to kill her since you'll
 not return to this area later on the game... probably. 

 After you successfully return to 2, go to 6. Head towards the laser
 gate, climb into the airshaft (X1). On the airshaft, take the first 
 exit that went to 7. Get the handgun bullet, go to Rick at Control
 Room (8), have a short conversation. Then go to the save room (S). 

 Before you leave to 9, examine the body near the safe. You'll get
 LEO Medal. Don't forget to obtain Shotgun SPAS12, DDK [H] disk 1,
 and plug. To get further info about DDK disks, turn the computer on
 from the switch near the door to 9. And to access the green emergency
 box at north of the door to 8 at 7, you need a plug. Go there and
 obtain some medical packs and green liquid.  

 Next, what you have to do is go to 10. But beware of Raptor. At 10,
 you'll get DDK [H] disk 2, and blue stunner dart. Read the blue book,
 you'll get a combination for the safe at S. The number's 0375.
 Note if you didn't kill the raptor, she'll try to get in. And is she
 can get in, dodge it and she keeps following you. BTW Pay no attention
 to those posters... 

 Carefully back to 9, deactivate the laser gate (it's best to do
 it before you enter 10), go to S to open the safe. Get the entrance key
 and blue liquid, then go to 11. 

 At 11, get blue liquid and handgun bullets then go upstairs (12).
 At 12, get a blue liquid below the box and health kit. Go to 15, but
 careful at raptor on 13. 

 At 15, read the yellow book to obtain password for 16 and 17.
 For 17, it's '7687'. For 16's password, read its example.
 If there's {OXPYEZN} and the key is {XYZ}, the password would be {OPEN}. 

 Kill the raptor to ease your way to 16 and 17. Get the shotgun SG ammo,
 go to the panel at 16's door.
 If there's {HBCEFAGDI} and the key is {BCFGI}, the password would be
 {HEAD}, then press the upper kanji words. 

 Inside 16, have a conversation with the doctor. You'll obtain another
 medal, SOL Medal. Get shotgun SG ammo and DDK [N] disk 1, then go for
 the panel behind the chair. Use the SOL Medal to the right (that's first
 option), and LEO medal to the left (second option), then enter the code
 that exactly coated on both medal... in this case [705037].
 Get the L keycard, then leave the room as USING THE SHOTGUN.

 Go to 17 if you're ready. There is raptor and another raptor from 13
 you need to blown up. After that, read the manual at the desk and go
 for the panel at the right of the shelves. Enter the code you've obtain
 at 15, that's 7687. You'll get handgun upgrade kit. Then look around
 for Green Dart. 

 Head back to the main hall (11), then go to 18.
 Grab DDK [N] disk 2, SG ammo and don't forget to examine the body for
 more blue liquid. Also, look at the paper for ID recognition for later
 in the game. It's the ID of Mark Doyle, with its number 47812.
 Memorize it. Don't worry, no dino shall ambush you here... probably.
 Go back to 11 then head to 19 as Rick calls you. 

 Another puzzle similar to 16 that you have to solve, at the door to
 the password would be {NEWCOMER}, press the upper kanji words.  

 At the elevator lobby (19), obtain the map and push the box for blue
 liquid. Also check the red emergency box, but the plug you've got
 nearby doesn't suit. 

 Then go to 20, deactivate the laser gate. You'll get cornered by 2
 raptors, you don't have to kill them YET. Dodge them (use the gas
 panel switches on the wall), and quickly examine the body for plug
 and get more green liquid, then go to 21. 

 Get the B1 key, and have some fun with the raptor. Gail will appear
 and put some bullets to the raptor's rear (REALLY!). After short
 conversation, get SG ammo nearby and go to 20. 

 Right after you exits (that means you are in 20), quickly go to
 airshaft (X2) that ends at the toilet (22) near the save room (S).  

 Get back to 8, raptor beware at 9. 

 Have a short conversation, go back to 23 outside the building.
 As you exits 8, beware of raptor. Quickly go to shaft X1, and exits
 at 6. Turn the laser gate off, then heads for 23. Another raptor will
 burst in.

 At 2, get a blue liquid at the front of the door to 23. Use the key,
 get another blue liquid and go down.

 Well, you'll face the same puzzle at the generator (5), but there are
 no red battery. Find it at the southeast of the room, then put it
 inside the panel. Once you solve it, Rick will call you. Before you
 exits, obtain a plug by pushing the shelves near the switch.
 Return to 8.

 Back to control room, Rick and Gail had a conflict. Gail wants to
 check any survivor at the basement as he saw a person at the base
 ment, while Rick wants to rescue a survivor that his signal comes
 from the east gate. If you choose Gale's way, choose first option,
 for Rick, choose the second option.
  To be concluded...
  To be concluded...


• Disclaimer

 This FAQ shan't be reproduced freely by electronicaly / visualy /
 audio-visualy, without Blue Moogle's LABELED permissions.
 Any illegal reproducement is prohibited.


• Credits
 Goes to :
 - The Almighty God
 - Someone who taught me Japanese Kana long time ago whom I forgot
 - The SquareSoft Archives' staffs, for their acceptance and supports
 - Final Shock with his apprentices
 - Shinji Mikami of Capcom of Japan
 - Japanese Anti-Piracy Comitee (kotobate shimae...)
 - InterAct and Datel for making those unbelievable GameShark / Pro
   Action Replay devices
 - GameShark Code Creators Club at for their
   basic knowledges about GameShark and its components
 - Cheat Code Central at
 - GameFAQS for publishing my FAQs


                Thank you, I hope my FAQ would help you.
                Sorry for my English, and have nice day.


                    © 1999 Blue Moggle Productions
                          All Rights Reserved
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