Andere Lösungen

Diablo (e)

From: Desslock 
Subject: Diablo FAQ/Guide-v.1.5 (1 of 3)
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 1997 04:03:36 -0500

- The Attributes of over 150 monsters, including the resistances and
immunities of unique monsters.
- Complete explanations of all of the spells in the game.
- An explanation of the importance of magical resistances.
- Detailed lists of the magical items in the game, including unique
- List of Shrines and their effects
- Description of all of the books in the game
- Class differences and attribute maximums explained.
- FULL Walkthroughs to all of the Quests
- Many convenient tables and charts.

A full list of the changes from prior versions is contained at the end.


copyright 1997

Table of Contents

1.	Monsters:
	(a)	List of Monster Attributes
	(b)	List of Monsters by Type
	(c)	List of Unique Monsters
2.	Spells/Magical Resistances
3.	Magical Item Lists
4.	Ordinary Item Lists
5.	Shrine List
6.	Book List
7.	Character Classes and Attributes
8.	Quest List and Walkthroughs


I have provided three separate charts which list the monsters
in Diablo. The monsters are organized into the following "types".  All 
creatures of the same type look exactly the same in shape (except as
below), but color, resistances and abilities vary between monsters of
same "type":


	1	Fallen Ones (regardless of weapon type)	
	2	Scavengers				
	3	Zombies				
	4	Skeletons (including archers)
	5	Goat Men (including archers)
	6	Winged Fiends
	7	The Hidden
	8	Gargoyles
	9	Horned Demons
	10	Overlords
	11	Mages
	12	Lightning Demons
	13	Magma Demons
	14	Spitting Terrors
	15	Balrogs
	16	Knights
	17	Vipers
	18	Succubus Demons
	19	Diablo

In the first two charts, unique monsters are indicated with an asterisk(*).
A random number of unique monsters are present in each game.  Each of the
unique monsters listed below, if present in a particular game, can always
be found on the level indicated opposite its name.  The first chart lists
the hit points (in the single player version of the game) resistances, 
immunities and special abilities of the monsters, and presents the monsters 
alphabetically based upon the level of the dungeon in which they can
initially be encountered.  The special abilities which a specific monster
possesses, such as the ability to cast spells, are indicated in parenthesis
after the resistances and immunities of the monster, but special abilities
which all monsters of a certain type possess (such as the ability of
"Spitting Terrors" to spit), are not generally listed in the charts below.
The second chart organizes the monsters by type and the third chart provides
some additional information about the unique monsters in the game.  

As stated above, the hit points listed below relate only to the single player
version of the game.  The hit points for monsters in the multiplayer version
of the game are higher than those listed below (generally twice as high, plus
one hit point to the low or high end of the range).  As you increase the
difficulty level of a multiplayer game, the hit points of monsters increase
based upon the following formula: Nightmare = 100 +(3 x Normal) and Hell=200
+ (4 x Normal).  In a subsequent version of this information guide, I will
provide a list of the hit points of the monsters in the multiplayer version
of the game on the “normal” difficulty level.  The hit points of the 
monsters on the other skill levels can be obtained using the formula listed

Since the game does not indicate the specific resistances and immunities of
the "unique" monsters, I have indicated in square brackets immunities and,
less frequently, resistances which I have observed.  All unique monsters 
carry magic items which, except as noted below, are randomly determined. 
I have also listed unique items which can always be obtained by killing a
particular monster. Unique items are described in detail in part 3 of this
information guide.


1	Fallen One (spear)	1	1-2	none
	Fallen One (sword)	1	1-2	none
	Scavenger		2	1-3	none
	Skeleton		4	1-2	none/magic
	Skeleton Archer		4	1-2	none/magic
	Skeleton Captain	4	1-3	none/magic
	Zombie			3	2-3	none/magic

2	*Bladeskin the Slasher	1	n/a	some/none
	*Bonehead Keenaxe	4	n/a	none/some[magic]
	*Boneripper		4	n/a	none/some
	*The Butcher		10	n/a	some/none	
	 (Butcher's Cleaver)
	Carver (spear)		1	2-4	none
	Carver (sword)		1	2-4	none
	Corpse Axe		4	2-3	none/magic
	Corpse Bow		4	4-8	none/magic
	Corpse Captain		4	6-10	none/magic
	*Deadeye		4	n/a	some/some[magic]
	Devil Kin (spear)	1	6-12	none
	Devil Kin (sword)	1	8-12	none
	Fiend			6	1-3	none
	Flesh Clan		5	15-22	none
	Flesh Clan Archer	5	10-17	none
	Ghoul			3	3-5	none/magic
	Hidden			7	4-12	none
	Plague Eater		2	6-12	none
	*Pukerat the Unclean	1	n/a	some/none
	*Rotfeast the Hungry	3	n/a	none/some[magic]
	Rotting Carcass		3	7-12	none/magic
	*Shadowbite		2	n/a	none/some[fire]	
	*Soulpus		3	n/a	some[fire]/none

3	Blink			6	6-14	none
	Black Death		3	12-30	none/magic/(drain life)
	*Bongo			1	n/a	none
	*Brokenhead Bangshield	4	n/a	some/some[magic]
	Burning Dead		4	4-6	fire/magic
	Burning Dead Archer	4	5-12	fire/magic
	Burning Dead Captain	4	8-15	fire/magic
	Dark One (spear)	1	10-18	none
	Dark One (sword)	1	12-18	none
	*Ed Chupacabras		2	n/a	some[fire]/none
	*Gutshank the Quick	1	n/a	some[fire]/none
	Horror			4	6-10	lightning/magic
	Horror Archer		4	7-22	lightning/magic
	*Rotcarnage		3	n/a	some/some[magic]
	Shadow Beast		2	12-18	none		
	*Skeleton King		4	n/a	some/some[magic]/
	(undead crown)				(raise skeletons)
	*Skullfire		4	n/a	none/some[fire]
	*Warpskull		7	n/a	some[fire]/none

4	*Backlash the Burning	4	n/a	none/some[magic,fire]
	Bone Gasher		2	14-20	magic/none
	*Gharbad the Weak	5	n/a	none/some[lightning]
	Gloom			6	14-18	magic/none/(charge)
	Horror Captain		4	17-25	lightning/magic
	*Moonbender		6	n/a	none/some[fire]
	Overlord		10	30-40	none
	*Pulsecrawler		2	n/a	some[magic]/some[fire]
	*Snotspill		1	n/a	some[lightning]/none
	*Spineeater		2	n/a	none/some[lightning]
5	*Bloodskin Darkbow	5	n/a	some[fire,lightning]/none
	Familiar		6	10-17	magic/lightning/(lightning)
	*Foulwing		6	n/a	some[fire]/none
	Horned Demon		9	20-40	none
	*Shadowcrow		1	n/a	none/none
	*Shadow Drinker		4	n/a	some[fire]/some[magic]
	Stone Clan		5	20-27	magic/none
	Stone Clan Archer	5	15-20	magic/none
	Winged Demon		8	22-30	fire/magic
	*Wrathhaven		6	n/a	none/some[fire]

6	Acid beast		14	20-33	none
	*Bileforth the Pit Master10	n/a	some[lightning]/some
	*Bloodgutter		5	n/a	none/some[fire]
	*Deathshade Fleshmaul	5	n/a	some/some[magic]/(charge)
	*Death Spit 		14	n/a	some/none
	Fire Clan		5	25-32	fire/none
	Fire Clan Archer	5	20-25	fire/none
	Unseen			7	17-25	magic/none

7	*Blightfire 		5	n/a	none/some[fire]/(bloodstar)
	*Blighthorn Steelmace	5	n/a	some/none/(charge)
	Blood Stone		13	27-37	none/magic,fire
	Gargoyle		8	30-45	lightning/magic
	*Gorestone		5	n/a	some/none
	Illusion Weaver		7	20-30	magic,fire/none
	Magma Demon		13	25-35	fire/magic
	Mud Man			10	50-62	none
	Night Clan		5	27-35	magic/none
	Night Clan Archer	5	25-32	magic/none
	*Nightwing the Cold	8	n/a	some[fire,lightning]
	Stalker			7		
8	*Baron Sludge		10	n/a	some/some
	*Chaos Howler		14	n/a	none
	*Firewound the Grim	13	n/a	some[fire]/some[magic]
	Lava Lord		13	35-42	none/magic,fire
	Poison Spitter		14	30-42	none
	Toad Demon		10	67-80	none/magic
	*Zhar the Mad		11	n/a	some[lightning]/some[magic]

9	Blood Claw		8	37-62	none/magic,fire
	*Breakspine		9	n/a	some/none
	*Brokenstorm		12	n/a	none/some[lightning]
	Hell Stone		13	30-40	none/magic,fire
	Mud Runner		9	25-45	none
	*Oozedrool		10	n/a	some[fire]/none
	Redstorm		12	27-55	lightning/magic	

10	*Blackstorm		9	n/a	none/some[lightning,magic]
	*Flayer			12	n/a
	Frost Charger		9	30-50	lightning/magic
	Obsidian Lord		9	35-55	lightning/magic
	Pit Beast		14	40-55	magic/none
	*Plaguewrath		14	n/a	some[lighning,fire]/some
						[magic]/(rapid fire attack)
	Slayer			15	60-70	magic/fire/(inferno)
	Succubus		18	60-75	magic/none/(blood star)
11	Cave Viper		17	50-75	none/magic
	Death Wing		8	42-75	none/magic,lightning
	*Fangspier		17	n/a	none/some[fire]
	Flayed One		10	80-100	magic/fire
	Guardian		15	70-80	magic/fire/(inferno)
	*Goldblight of the Flame8	n/a	none/some[magic,fire]
	Storm Lord		12	37-67	magic/lightning
	Storm Rider		12	30-60	magic/lightning

12	Maelstorm		12	45-75	magic/lightning
	*Viletouch		8	n/a	none/some[lightning]
	*Viperflame		17	n/a	some[lightning]/some[fire]

13	Blood Knight		16	100	fire/magic,lightning
	Firedrake		17	60-85	fire/magic
	Gold Viper		17	70-90	lightning/magic
	Lava Maw		14	50-75	magic/fire
	Snow Witch		18	67-87	lightning/none/(blood star)
	Steel Lord		16	90	magic,lightning/fire
	*Warlord of Blood	16	n/a	none/some[fire,magic,
	*Witchmoon		18	n/a	some/none
14	Doom Guard		16	82	magic,fire/none
	*Fangskin		17	n/a	some[lightning]/some[magic]
	Hellspawn		18	75-100	magic/lightning/(blood star)
	*Lachdanan		16	n/a	none/none/(will not attack)
	*Stareye the witch	18	n/a	none/some [fire]/(blood star)
	*Steelskull the Hunter	16	n/a	some/none
	Vortex Lord		15	80-90	magic/fire
15	Advocate		11	72	fire/lightning,magic
	Azure Drake		17	80-100	fire, lightning/none
	Balrog			15	90-100	magic/fire
	*Blackjade		18	n/a	some[lightning]/some[magic]
						/(blood star)
	*Bloodlust		18	n/a	none/some[fire,lightning]/
						(blood star)
	Cabalist		11	60	magic,fire/lightning
	*Dreadjudge		11	n/a	some/some [lightning]
						/(charged bolt,flash)
	*Lazarus		11	n/a	some[fire,lightning]
	Magistrate		11	42	magic,lightning/fire
						/(charged bolt,flash)
	*Red Vex		18	n/a	some[fire]/some[magic]
						/(blood star)
	Soul Burner		18	70-112	magic, lightning/fire
	*Vizier			11	n/a	none/some[fire]
16	Black Knight		16	
	*Diablo			19	n/a	n/a [immune to stone curse]
	*Sir Golash		16	n/a	none


The following is a list of monsters by type (see the list in part (a) of
this section for the attributes of a particular monster).  Unique monsters
are indicated with an asterick (*).  The monsters are generally listed in
the order in which they appear:

[Fallen Ones]		[Skeletons]		[Goat Men]
Fallen One (spear)	Skeleton		Flesh Clan
Fallen One (sword)	Skeleton Archer		Flesh Clan Archer
Carver (spear)		Skeleton Captain	*Gharbad the Weak
Carver (sword)		*Bonehead Captain	*Bloodskin Darkbow
Devil Kin (spear)	*Boneripper		Stone Clan
Devil Kin (sword)	Corpse Axe		Stone Clan Archer
*Bladeskin the Slasher	Corpse Bow		*Bloodgutter
*Pukerat the Unclean	Corpse Captain		Fire Clan
*Bongo			*Deadeye		Fire Clan Archer
Dark One (spear)	*Brokenhead Bangshield	*Deathshade Fleshmaul
Dark One (sword)	Burning Dead		*Blightfire
*Gutshank		Burning Dead Archer	*Gorestone
*Shadowcrow		Burning Dead Captain	Night Clan
			Horror			Night Clan Archer
			Horror Archer		*Blighthorn Steelface
			Horror Captain		
			*Skull Fire		
			*Skeleton King		
			*Blacklash the Burning		
			*Shadow Drinker		

[Scavengers]	[Winged Fiends]	[The Hidden]	[Gargoyles]
Scavenger	Fiend		Hidden		Gargoyle
Plague Eater	Blink		*Warpskull	*Nightwing the Cold
*Shadowbite	Gloom		Unseen		Winged Demon
Shadow Beast	*Moonbender	Illusion Weaver	*Blood Claw
*El Chupacabras	Familiar	Stalker		*Goldblight of the Flame
*Pulsecrawler	*Foulwing			Death Wing
Bone Gasher	*Wrathhaven			*Viletouch

[Horned Demons]	[Overlords]	[Mages]		[Lightning Demons]
Horned Demons	*The Butcher	*Zhar the Mad	Red Storm
*Breakspine	Overlord	Magistrate	*Broken Storm
Mud Runner	*Bileforth 	Advocate	*Flayer
Frost Charger	Mud Man		*Dreadjudge	Storm Rider
*Blackstorm	*Baron Sludge	Cabalist	Storm Lord
Obsidian Lord	Toad Demon	*Vizier	Maelstorm
		*Oozedrool	*Lazarus	
		Flayed One		

[Magma Demons]	[Spit Terrors]	[Balrogs]	[Succubus Demons]
Magma Demon	Acid Beast	Slayer		Succubus
Blood Stone	*Death Spit	Guardian	Snow Witch
Lava Lord	Poison Spitter	Balrog		*Witchmoon
Hell Stone	*Chaos Howler			*Blackjade
*Firewound 	Pit Beast			Hellspawn
*Plague wrath					*Red Vex
Lava Maw					*Stareye the Witch

[Vipers]	[Knights]		[Dark Lord]	[Zombies]
Cave Viper	Steel Lord		*Diablo		Zombie
*Fangspier	*Warlord of Blood			Ghoul
*Viperflame	Blood Knight				*Soulpus
Gold Viper	*Lachdanan				Rotting Carcass
Fire Drake	Doom Guard				*Rotfeast the H
*Fangskin	*Steelskull the Hunter			Black Death
Azure Drake	*Sir Golash				*Rot Carnage
		Black Knight				*Goretongue


The chart in part 1(a) of this Information Guide provides a significant
amount of information concerning the unique monsters in Diablo, including
 the hit points, resistances and immunities.  The chart in part 1(a) of
this Information Guide also identifies which of the 19 “types” of monster
which each of the unique monsters is associated with.  Most unique monsters
also have a pack of  "followers", and the followers of a particular unique
monster possess the same powers as that unique monster.  Other unique
monsters are essentially solitary versions of their “type”, except they
have certain additional abilities.  The Butcher and the Skeleton King are
essentially just being giant versions of their "type" (Overlords and
Skeletons, respectively).

This list is substantially complete, but where I do not yet have the
"specific type" for a particular unique monster, I have provided my "best
guess" in [square brackets].  The monsters alphabetically, based upon the
level in which they appear:


2      	Bladeskin the Slasher	Fallen One (with sword)	--
        Bonehead Keenaxe        Corpse Axe		--
	Boneripper		Skeleton		--
        The Butcher             None/solitary Overlord	Giant
        Deadeye                 Skeleton Archer		--
        Pukerat the Unclean     Fallen One (with spear)	--
        Rotfeast the Hungry     Zombie			--
        Shadowbite              Scavenger		--
        Soulpus                 Zombie			--

3       Bongo                  [Dark One (with sword)]	--
        Brokenhead Bangshield   Corpse Axe		--
        Ed Chupacabras          Plague Eater		--
        Gutshank the Quick      Carver (with sword)	--
        Rotcarnage              Ghoul			--
        Skeleton King           Variety of Skeletons	Giant,Raise 
							Skeletons (single
							player version)
        Skullfire               Corpse Bow		--
        Warpskull               Hidden			--

4       Backlash the Burning    Burning Dead Archer	--
        Gharbad the Weak        None/solitary Goatman	NPC
        Moonbender              Blink			--
        Pulsecrawler		[Shadow Beast]		--
        Snotspill		Dark One (with spear)	NPC
        Spineeater              Bone Gasher		--
5       Bloodskin Darkbow       Flesh Clan Archer	--
        Foulwing                Gloom			--                       
        Shadowcrow              Dark One		--
        Shadow drinker          None/solitary skeleton	Disappear
        Wrathhaven              Blink			--

6       Bileforth the Pit Master Overlord		--
        Bloodgutter             [Stone Clan]		--
        Deathshade Fleshmaul    [None/solitary]goatman	Charge	
        Death Spit              Acid Beast		Rapid Attack

7       Blightfire              Fire Clan Archer        BloodStar
        Blighthorn Steelmace    [Night Clan]		--
        Gorestone               Night Clan Archer	--
        Nightwing the Cold      Gargoyle		--
8       Baron Sludge          	Mud Man			--
        Chaos Howler            Poison Spitter		Rapid Attack
        Firewound the Grim      [Magma Demon]		--
        Zhar the Mad            None/solitary Advocate	NPC

9       Breakspine              Mud Runner		--
	Brokenstorm		[Red Storm]		--  
      	Oozedrool               Toad Demon		--

10      Blackstorm              Obsidian Lord		--
	Flayer                 [Storm Rider]		--
        Goldblight of the Flame Blood Claw		--
        Plaguewrath             Poison Spitter		Rapid Attack

11      Fangspier               Cave Viper 		--
12      Vile touch		Deathwing		--
	Viperflame              Fire Drake		--

13      Warlord of Blood        Steel Lord		--
        Witchmoon               Snow Witch		--

14      Fangskin                Gold Viper		--
        Lachdanan               Blood Knight		NPC
        Stareye the Witch       Snow Witch		--
        Steelskull the Hunter   Steel Lord		--

15      Blackjade               Hellspawn		Guard of Lazarus
        Bloodlust               Hellspawn		--
        Dreadjudge              Magistrate		--
        Lazarus                 Advocate		NPC
        Red Vex                 Hellspawn		Guard of Lazarus
        Vizier                  Cabalist		--

16      Sir Golash              Blood Knight		--
        Diablo                  Dark Lord		Casts Apocalypse,
 							Immune Magic, S.Curse


The following is a list of spells, based upon the order in which they
in the spell book.  Spells marked with an (m) are only available in the
multiplayer version of the game, and spells marked with an asterick (*)
are only available on scrolls or items:

[Level One]		[Level Two]	[Level Three]	[Level Four]
(character ability)	xx		Phasing		[Nova]*
Firebolt		Firewall	Mana Shield	Golem
Charged Bolt		Telekinesis	Elemental	Teleport
Holy Bolt		Lightning	Fireball	[Apocalypse]*
Healing			Town Portal	Flame Wave	Bone Spirit
Heal Other (m)		Flash		Chain Lightning	Blood Star
Inferno			Stone Curse	Guardian	xx

The following additional spells can be found on scrolls or items, but are
not available as books: identify, infravision, resurrect (m).

By reading a book on a particular spell, your character will acquire the
ability to cast that spell.  Reading additional books on that spell will
raise the level of that spell in your spell book.  Certain shrines can also
raise or lower the level of spells in your spell book.  The maximum level
of spells, without the assistance of magic items, is 15.    

The following charts provide a brief description of each of the spells in
the game.  Except as noted below, each of the attacking spells in Diablo
an be classified as either “Magical”, “Fire” or “Lightning”.

Spells available from Books, Scrolls and Staves:

[Name of Spell and Type][Description of Spell]	[Effect of +Spell Levels]
Firebolt 		Small missile of fire	Less mana, faster bolt.
(Fire based)					Damage increases as character
						level increases
Charged Bolt 		Spread of small	bolts	additional bolts + duration
(Lightning Based)

Holy Bolt		Small missile		Less mana, faster bolt.  
(Skeletons, 					Damage increases as character
Zombies and Diablo)				level increases

Healing			Heals your character	Increased healing, varying mana
Heal Other		Heals others		Increased healing, varying mana
Inferno (Fire Based)	Short stream of fire	Increased range and duration,
						less mana.  Damage increases as
						 character level increases
Firewall (Fire Based)	Stationary fire wall	Increased duration, less
						increased damage
Telekinesis		Move objects, monsters	Less mana, greater strength
Lightning 		Long burst of lightning	Less mana.  Damage increases 
(Lightning Based)				as character level increases
Town Portal		Create door to town	Less mana
Flash (Magic Based)	Attacks all 		Increased damage, less mana
			in immediate vicinity
Stone Curse		Temporarily 		Increased duration, less mana
			turns monster to stone
Phasing			Teleport (uncontrolled)	Less mana
Mana Shield		Mana used as hit points	lose less mana when hit
Elemental (Fire Based)	Running man of fire 	Increased damage, less mana
			(autotargets enemies)
Fireball (Fire Based)	Missile of fire		Increased damage, less mana
Flame Wave (Fire Based)	Wall of fire 		Increased area of effect
			which moves from caster
Chain Lightning 	Multiple streams of	Additional streams, less mana.
(Lightning Based)	lightning	        Damage increases as character
						level increases
Guardian (Fire Based)	Stationary defender	Increased damage, less mana
Golem			Wandering defender	Increased duration ]
						(hit points), less mana
Teleport		Teleport (controlled)	Less mana
Bone Spirit		Weakens opponents	Less mana
Blood Star (Magic Based)Magic missile		Less mana, faster bolt.
						Damage increases as character
						level increases

Spells available only on Scrolls or Staves:

[Name of Spell and Type]	[Description of Spell]		[+level]*
Identify**			Identifies magic items		n/a
Infravision**			Shows “heat” image of monsters	n/a
Nova (lightning)		Propels circle of lightning	n/a
Apocalypse			Attacks all monsters on screen	n/a
Resurrect (m)			Brings dead players to live	n/a

*	Since books for these spells are not available, you are unable to
 ever raise the level of these spells directly, although presumably items
 which raise the level of your spells (such as the “Thinking Cap”) may also
 be effective at raising the level of these spells.  Of course, since you
 will only see these spells in your spell book if you are using a staff
, and since you are unable to see what level a particular spell is if you
 have equipped a staff of that particular spell, it is impossible to 
confirm that there even are more than one level for these spells.

**	Identify and Infravision are not available on Staves.

Spell Casting Tips:

· Mana Shield and Golem spells will only work until you leave the level
  you cast the spell on.
· Flame Wave will not work on creatures immediately next to you - there
  must be some distance between you and your target(s).
· In order to control where you reappear when using the Teleport spell,
  move your mouse cursor over to your target landing area prior to
  "right-clicking" your mouse.
· Each player can only cast one Golem at a time.  If you cast an additional
  Golem spell while your first Golem is still alive, your spell will fail
  and your first Golem will explode.  If more than one player casts Golem
  on the same level of the dungeon, the Golems will seek and attack another.
· Firewall, Town Portal and Guardian spells also have the side-effect of 
  creating a great deal of light.
· The Bone Spirit spell will only weaken monsters, not destroy them.
· As indicated above, apocalypse, nova, infravision, identify and resurrect
  are only available on items.  Identify and Infravision are only available
  on scrolls.
· The spells listed above without a "type" (i.e. magic, fire, lightning),
  will affect all monsters (other than Stone Curse, which will not affect
  Diablo or other players).  
· Apocalypse affects all monsters, including Diablo. Holy Bolt will work on
  Diablo, as well as "Skeleton" and "Zombie" types.
· Fireball has an "area of effect" and therefore each Fireball can affect
  a number of monsters.
· Apocalypse will affect all of the monsters on the screen, regardless of
  whether or not they are accessible to your character. 
· For you pkillers out there, many of the spells in the game are intended to
  work only on the monsters.  Spells such as Stone Curse have no effect on 
  player characters.
· With Telekinesis, you can move monsters away from you (helpful in getting
  some space so that you can shut a door.  Telekinesis is also helpful for
  obtaining items which your character was carrying (and consequently lost)
  when killed while playing the multiplayer version of the game.
· In order to Resurrect a character in the multiplayer version of the game,
  the character killed must not choose to “restart in town” from the option
  menu - in fact, the player which is killed shouldn’t  even touch the
  options menu, as it may cause his or her character’s body to disappear,
  preventing resurrection.
· Use your keyboard spell “hotkeys” (F-5 to F-8) to make your favourite 
  spells available quickly.  In the early levels of the dungeon, I suggest
  setting Firebolt, Holy bolt, Charged bolt and Heal (or Firewall) as your
  four hotkey spells.  Replace charged bolt with Lightning, and Firebolt with
  Fireball when the more powerful spells becomes available to your character 
  (provided that the mana requirements are not overly prohibitive for your
  character), and remove holy bolt once you stop seeing “Horror” skeletons 
  in the Catacombs (around level 7).  By the time you get to the deeper
  levels of the dungeon, the four spells which mage characters should
  select are:  Fireball, Chain Lightning (unless playing multiplayer), 
  Stone Curse and Teleport.
· Stone Curse is ideal for taking out unique monsters easily.  Kill the 
  unique monster’s followers first so that you can concentrate on the
  unique monster while it has been temporarily paralyzed.
· Mages should always have a Mana Shield cast.  Higher level mages are 
  almost invincible with a Mana Shield cast and a belt full of full
  mana potions.

Resistances/ Immunities:

Monsters which are “immune” to a particular form of spell cannot be hit,
and consequently cannot be damaged, by that form of spells.   Monsters
which are resistant to a particular form of spell, on the other hand,
suffer less damage from that form of spell.  Player characters can never
be entirely immune to a particular form of magic, but can be up to 75%
resistant (and therefore avoid 75% of the damage caused by that form of

Many players underestimate how important  resistances are, especially in
the deeper levels of the dungeon, where you are constantly attacked by one
form of magic or another.  Traps can cause magical, fire or lightning damage
and a variety of monsters can attack using a particular form of magic. The
ollowing chart provides an outline of all of the monsters which attack using
a particular form of magic, as well as an indication of that form:

[Name of Monster and Type]	[Form of Attack/Resistance which is Relevant]
Familiars (Winged Fiends)	small bolt of lightning
All Lightning Demons 		lightning spell (stream of lightning)
- hence the name
Magistrate (Mage)		charged bolt spell (multiple bolts of 
Dreadjudge (Unique Mage)	charged bolt spell (multiple bolts of
Cabalist (Mage)			lightning spell (stream of lightning)
Vizier (Unique Mage)		lightning spell (stream of lightning)
Zhar the Mad (Unique Mage)	fireball spell (missile of fire)
Advocate (Mage)			fireball spell (missile of fire)
All Balrogs			inferno spell (short stream of fire)
Lazarus (Unique Mage)		fireball spell (missile of fire)
All Succubus Demons		Blood Star spell/ magical damage
Blightfire (Unique Goatman)	Blood Star spell/ magical damage
All Mages			Flash spell/ magical damage
All Spitting Terrors		Spitting, which does magical damage


The following is a list of "adjectives" which are used to describe the 
various items in the game, as well an indication of the magic bonuses which
such items grant.  These tables are substantially complete and reflect 
ranges which I have personally confirmed.  Where I have not yet determined
the full extent of an item’s effects, I have provided the range in
[square brackets].  Rather than provide the list alphabetically, I have
grouped items which have similar effects together:

[+ Attributes]	[+ Strength]	[+Vitality]	[+Magic]	
sky	+1-3	strength+1-5	vitality+1-5	magic	+1-5	
moon	+4-7	might	+6-10	zest	+6-10	mind	+6-10	
stars	+8-11	power	+11-15	vim 	+11-15	brilliance+11-15
heavens	+12-15	giants	+16-20	vigor 	+16-20	sorcery	+16-20	
zodiac	+16-20	titans	+21-30	life 	+21-30	wizardry+21-30	

[Resist Magic]	[Resist Fire]	[R/Lightning]	[Resist All]	[Fast Attack]
white	+10-20	red	+10-20	blue	+10-20	topaz  	+10-15	readiness{q}
pearl	+21-30	crimson +21-40	azure	+21-30	amber 	+16-20	swiftness(f)
ivory	+31-40	garnet	+41-50	lapis	+31-40	jade     +21-30	speed(faster)
crystal	+41-50	ruby	+51-60	cobalt	+41-50	obsidian+31-40	haste(fastest)
diamond	+51-60	sapphire+51-60		

[+ Mana]	[+Hit Points]	[+Damage Points][-Damage Points][Hit Recovery]
spider's+10-15	fox	+10-15	quality	+1-2	health	    -1	balance(fast)
raven's	+15-20	jaguar	+16-20	maiming	+3-5	protection  -2
snake's	+20-30	eagle	+20-30	slaying	+6-8	absorption  -3	harmony(fastest)
serpent's+30-40	wolf	+30-40	gore	+9-12	deflection  -4	blocking(f/block)
drake's	+41-50	tiger	+41-50	carnage	+13-16	osmosis	    -5-6	
dragon's+51-60	lion	+51-60			
mammoth +61-80			
whale	+81-100			
[Steals Mana]	[Steals Life]	Increases Light	[+ Spell Levels]
bat	-3%	leech	-3%	light      +20%	angel   +1 lvl	
vampire	-5%	blood	-5%	radiance   +40%	arch-angel+2lvls
[Durabilit			[+Dexterity]
Craftsmanship   high		dexterity  +1-5
many		high		skill	   +6-10
plenty          high		accuracy   +11-15
structure       high		precision  +16-20
sturdiness      high		perfection +21-30
ages            indestructible

[+Hit% / +Damage%]	[+ % to Hit]	[+% Damage]	  [+% Armor]
sharp+1-5/    +20-35	bronze	+1-5	jagged  +20-35	  fine	  +20-30
fine +6-10/   +36-50	iron	+6-10	deadly  +36-50	  strong  +31-40
warrior’s +11-15/+51-65	steel 	+11-15	heavy   +51-65	  grand	  +41-55
soldier’s +16-20/+66-80	silver  +16-20	vicious +66-80    valiant +56-70
lord’s    +21-30/+81-95	gold	+21-30	brutal	+81-95	  glorious+71-90
knight’s +31-40/+96-110	platinum+31-40	massive	+96-110	  blessed +91-110
master’s+41-50/+111-125	mithril	+41-60	savage	+111-125  saintly +111-130
champion’+51-75+126-150	meteoric+61-80	ruthless[+141-144]awesome
king’s +76-100/+151-175	weird	+81-100	mercilous[+164-166]holy   +151-170
			strange +101-120		  [godly  [+198]
[Other Attributes]
bashing			- damages armor
bear			- pushes target back
bountiful		- extra charges 
burning			- fire damage (1-16)
fire			- fire damage (1-3 prefix, 1-6 suffix)
flaming			- fire damage (1-10 prefix,  2-20 suffix)
lightning		- lightning damage (1-10 suffix, 2-20 prefix)
plentiful		- extra charges 
piercing		- damages armor
puncturing 		- damages armor
shock			- lightning damage (1-6)
shocking 		- lightning damage 
thieves			- absorbs half of trap damage
thunder			- lightning damage (1-20)

[Cursed Items]
clumsy			-8 to hit, - 74% damage
disease			-2 vitality
illness			-7 vitality
night			-20% light
pit			-3 to all attributes
paralysis		-6 dexterity
rusted			-28% armor
trouble			-(7-10) to all attributes
uselessness		-100% damage
vulnerable		-97% armor

[Unique Items]

1. "Arkanines' Valor" (armor) AC 25, +10 vital, -3 damage from enemies,
    fastest hit recovery
2. "Baranar's Star" (mace) chance to hit +12%, +80% damage, quick attack,
    +4 to vitality, -4 dexterity
3. "The Bonesaw" (claymore) +10 damage, strength and life, -5 dexterity,
    mana and magic
4. "Black Razor" +150% damage, +2 vitality
5. "Blackoak Bow" +10 dexterity, vitality -10, damage +50%, -10% light,
    no requirements
6. "Bow of the Dead" +10% to hit, +4% dexterity, -3 vitality
7. "Butcher's Cleaver" +10 Str, unusual damage, altered durability
8. "Civerb's Cudgel" +200% damage versus demons, -5 dexterity, -2 magic
9. "Cranium Basher" +20 damage, +15 strength, mana -150, resist all +5%
10. “Dragon’s Breach” (shield) armor 20, indestructible
11. "Empyrean Band" (ring) +2 attributes, +20% light, fast hit recovery,
    absorbs 20% of trap damage
12. "Executioner's Blade +150% damage, -10 hit points, -10% light, high
13. "Fool's Crest" (crown) -4 attributes, hit points +100, +6 damage from
    enemies, attacker takes 1-3
14. "Gibbeous Moon" (sword) +2 attributes, +25% damage, mana +15, -30 light
15. "Gleamsong" (staff) +25 mana, -3 strength, -3 vitality, 76 phasing charges
16. "Gnarled Root" (club)+20% to hit, +300% damage,+10 dexterity, +5 magic,
    resist all +10%, armor-10
17. "Gotterdamerung" (crown)	+20 all attributes, Armor 60, -4 damage from
     enemies, all resistances=0, -40% light
18. "Griswold’s Edge" (sword) Firehit 1-10, +25% to hit, fast attack, 
    knocks target back, +20 mana, -20 life
19. "Hammer of Iholm"
20. "Harlequinn Crest" (crown) Armor -3, -1 damage from enemies, +2 to all
     attributes, +7 mana and life
21. "Immolator" (staff) resist fire +20%, firehit damage 4, mana +10, 
    vitality -5, no requirements
22. "NAJ's Lightplate" (armor) Armor 46, durability 7, no strength 
    requirement, +5 magic, mana +20, resist all 20%, spells increased 1 level
23. "Optic Amulet" +20% light, resist lightning +20%, -1 damage from 
    enemies, +5 magic
24. "Rainbow Cloak", Armor 10, +1 all attributes, resist all +10%, 
    hit points +5, high durability
25. "Ring of Engagement"-1 damage from enemies, attacker takes 1-3, 
    Armor 5, damages target's armor
26. "Ring of Truth" -1 damage from enemies, +10 resist all, +10 hit points
27. "Rod of Onan" 50 Golem charges, +100% damage, +5 to all attributes
28. "Shadowhawk" hit steals 5% life, +15% to hit, resist all +5%, -20% light
29. "Split Skull Shield" AC 10, +10 hit points, +2 strength, -10 light,
    altered durability
30. "Stonecleaver" +30 hit points, +20% to hit, +5% damage, 
    +40% resist lightning
31. "Storm Shield" 40AC, +4 damage from enemies, +10 strength, fast block,
32. "Storm Spire" (staff) +50% resist lightning, lightning hit damage 2-8,
    +10 strength, -10 to magic
33. "Thinking Cap" Spells are increased 2 levels, mana +30, armor 4, 
    resist all 20%, altered durability
34. "Thundercall" (staff) chance to hit +35%, lightning damage 1-10, 
    resist lightning +30%, +20% light 
35. "Torn Flesh of Souls" (rags) AC 8, +10 vitality, -1 damage from enemies,
36. "Undead Crown" life stealing, armor 8
37. "Veil of Steel" (crown) -20% light, +50% resist all, +60% armor, 
    mana -30, +15 str, +15 vitality
38. "Wicked Axe" +30% to hit, +10 dexterity,-10vitality,-2damage from enemies
39. "Wisdom's Wrap" (cloak)
40. "Wizard's Spike" (dagger)+15 magic, +35 mana, +25% to hit, resist all +15

4	Ordinary Item Lists

The following is a list of the various "non-magical" weapons and items of
armor which can be found in the game.  Although this list is substantially
complete, some of the "armor values" will have to be adjusted once I have
an opportunity to confirm the "ranges of protection" certain items grant.

Item			Damage or Armor	Durability	Requirements


Dagger			1-4			16	none
Sabre			1-8			45	17 str
Short Sword		2-6			24	18 str
Scimitar		3-7			28	23 str, 23 dex
Blade			3-8			30	25 str, 30 dex
Falchion		4-8			20	30 str
Long Sword		2-10			40	30 str, 30 dex
Claymore		1-12			36	35 str
Broad Sword		4-12			50	40 str
Bastard Sword		6-15			60	50 str
2-Handed Sword		8-16			75	65 str
Great Sword		10-20			100	75 str


Short Bow		1-4			30	none
Long Bow		1-6			35	25 str, 30 dex
Hunter's Bow		2-5			40	20 str, 35 dex
Composite Bow		3-6			45	25 str, 40 dex
Short Battle Bow	3-7			45	30 str, 50 dex
Long Battle Bow		1-10			50	30 str, 60 dex
Short War Bow		4-8			58	35 str, 70 dex
Long War Bow		1-14		`	60	45 str, 80 dex

Clubs/Blunt Weapons

Club			1-6			20	none
Spiked Club		3-6			20	18 str
Mace			1-8			32	16 str
Morning star		1-10			40	26 str
Flail			2-12			36	30 str
War Hammer		5-9			50	40 str
Maul			6-20			50	55 str


Small Axe		2-10			24	none
Axe			4-12			32	22 str
Large Axe		6-16			40	30 str
Broad Axe		8-20			50	50 str
Battle Axe		10-25			60	65 str
Great Axe		12-30			75	80 str


Short Staff		2-4			25	none
Long Staff		4-8			35	none
Composite Staff		5-10			45	none
War Staff		8-16			75	30 str


Buckler			1-5			16	none
Small Shield		3-8			24	25 str
Large Shield		5-10			32	40 str
Kite Shield		8-15			40	50 str
Gothic Shield		14-17			60	80 str
Tower Shield		18-20			50	60 str


Cap			1-3			15	none
Skull Cap		2-4			20	none
Helm			4-6			30	str 25
Full Helm		6-8			35	str 35
Crown			8-11			40	none
Great Helm		10-15			60	str 50


Rags			2-6			6	none
Cape			1-5			12 	none
Cloak			3-7			18	none
Robe			4-7			24	none
Quilted Armor		7-10			30	none
Leather Armor		10-13			45	none
Hard Leather Armor	11-14			40	none
Studded Leather		15-17			45	20 str
Ring Mail		17-20			50	25 str
Chain Mail		19-22			55	30 str
Breast Plate		20-24			80	40 str
Scale Mail		23-28			60	35 str
Splint Mail		31-34			65	40 str
Field Plate		40-45			80	65 str
Plate Mail		46-50			75	60 str
Gothic Plate		51-60			100	80 str
Full Plate		63-75			90	90 str

5	Shrine List

Abandoned Shrine  "The hands of men may be guided by faith" +2 dexterity.
Blood Fountain	  [no quote is given] each drink restores +1 life.
Cauldron	  Random effect (and related quote)
Creepy Shrine     "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith"  +2 strength.
Cryptic Shrine	  "Arcane power brings destruction" casts Nova spell 
		  and restores mana.
Divine Shrine 	  "Drink and be Refreshed" - Restores health/mana, gives
		  two full potion of rejuvenation, or one full potion of
		  mana and one full potion of Life.
Eerie Shrine	  "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self"  +2 magic.
Eldritch	  "Crimson and azure become like the sun" - all potions
		  become rejuvenation potions.
Enchanted Shrine  "Magic is not always what it seems" lose 1 spell lvl
                  for 1 spell, all other know spells gain 1 lvl.
Fascinating Shrine"Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom" - lose mana,
		  gain firebolt spell levels if	not already maxed out at
		  15th level.
Fountain of Tears[no quote is given] -1 to one attribute, +1 to another
Glimmering Shrine"Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason" - 
		  identifies all items in inventory
Goat Shrine	  Random effect (and related quote)
Gloomy Shrine	  "Those who defend seldom attack" -1 max damage to all 
		  weapons,+2 to armor items.
Hidden Shrine	  "New strength is forged through destruction" one item
   		   in inventory -10 durability, all others +10 durability. 
Holy Shrine	  "Where ever you go, there you are" phases you to random
		  location of currently explored level.
Imposing Shrine	 ["A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts" +2 Dexterity.]
Magical Shrine	 "While the spirit is vigilant the body shines" casts 
		  mana shield
Murkey Pool	[no quote is given] casts infravision
Mystic Shrine	“Your skills increase, but at a price” lose all gold in
		 inventory except one, gain experience points.
Mysterious Shrine"Some are weakened while one grows strong" +5 to one
		 attribute, -1 to others
Ornate Shrine	"Salvation comes at the cost of Wisdom" lose mana, gain 
		Holy Bolt levels if not already maxed out at level 15.
Purifying Spring[no quote is given] restores one mana point per drink
Quiet Shrine	"The essence of life flows from within" +2 vitality
Religious Shrine"Time cannot diminish the power of steel" restores all 
		items to full durability
Sacred Shrine	"Energy comes at the cost of wisdom"  lose mana, gain 
		levels of charged bolt ifnot already maxed out at level 15.
Secluded Shrine	"The way is made clear when viewed from above" - gives map
		 of current level
Spiritual Shrine"Riches abound when least expected" - gives a small amount
		 of gold to each open spot in your inventory.
Spooky Shrine(m)"Where avarice fails, patience brings reward" (user),
		 “Blessed by a benevolent companion” - all other players
		 get hit points restored.
Stone Shrine	"The Power of mana refocused renews" - restores charges
		 in staves
Tainted (multi)	“Those who are last may yet be first” (user), “Generosity
		 brings its own reward”, User gets a random +1 stat, other
		 players get -1 to all attributes.
Thaumatology Shrine	"What was once opened is now closed"  re-fills 
		chests on current level
Weird Shrine	"The sword of justice is quick and sharp" +1 damage to all
		 weapons in inventory


The following is a list of the books in the game, as well as the purpose,
if any, of the book:

Name of Book		Purpose

Ancient Tome		Arcane knowledge gained - gain Guardian Spell
Binding of the Three	Provides background to the binding of Baal,
			Mephisto and Diablo
The Black King		Provides background to Lararus' abduction of
			Prince Albrecht
Book of the Blind	Initiates "Halls of Blind" quest
Book of Blood		Initiates "Valor" quest
Book of Vileness	Teleports you within Lararus' unholy altar
The Dark Exile		Provides a history of the exiling of Baal, 
			Diablo and Mephisto
Fungal Tome		Initiates "Black Mushroom" quest when given to Adria
The Great Conflict	Provides an introduction to the war between the 
			heavens and hells
Library Book		Scroll or Spell book
Mythical Book		Initiates "Chamber of Bone" quest
The Realms Beyond	Provides an introduction to the awakening of Diablo
			and the Sin War.
Skeleton Tome		Scroll or Spell book
The Sin War		Provides an introduction to the demons' war on earth
Steel Tome		Initiates "Warlord of Blood" quest
The Tale of the HoradrimProvides a history of the Horadrim
Tale of the Three	Provides more history on Baal, Mephisto and Diablo
The Wages of Sin are WarProvides additional history of the Demons' war on


I may add more to this section in a future revision of this guide, but for
now here's a chart summarizing the  attribute maximums (without the
assistance of magical items) for the three character classes, and an
indication of the different benefits each class gains with each new
experience level:

[Class]	[Max Str][Max Magic][Max Dexterity][Max Vitality][Effect of Level]
Warrior	250		50		60		100	  +2 life, +1 mana
Rogue		55		70		250		80	  +2 life, +2 mana 
Sorcerer	45		250		85		80	  +1 life, +2 mana

In addition, a Warrior will gain +2 Life points for every +1 increase in
Vitality, while a Rogue or Sorcerer will only gain +1 Life for every +1
increase in Vitality.  A Sorcerer will gain +2 Mana points for every +1
increase to Magic, while a Rogue or Warrior will only gain +1 Mana for
every +1 increase in Magic.  As indicated in part 3 of this Information
Guide, an increase in a character’s level will also increase the amount
of damage certain spells inflict.

Each class also has certain abilities which it does better than the other
classes, and a unique ability spell.  The only unique ability spell of 
real value is the rogue's which allows her to detect traps.  The 
sorcerer's ability (to recharge staves) and the warrior's ability (to
repair items) should each only be relied upon in emergency situations as
any item which one of these abilities is used upon will be weakened.

For every +2 increase in Dexterity, a character’s % to hit will increase
by one, and for every +5 increase in Dexerity, a character’s armor class
will increase by one.  Increasing strength will also increase the amount
of damage caused by a character’s attack.


The following is a list of the quests in the game, as well as the manner
in which each quest is started, the level upon which the quest can be
solved, and the reward for completing the quest.  

[Name of Quest]	[Initiated By]	[Level of Solution]	[Reward]
The Butcher	wounded townsman	2		Butcher’s Cleaver*
P. Water Supply	Pepin			2 (mini level)	Ring of Truth
Leoric		Odgen			3 (mini level)	Undead Crown*
Tavern Sign	Odgen			4		Harlequinn Crest
							(if returned)
Gharbad		Gharbad			4		Magic Item
The Magic Rock	Griswold		5		Embryean Band
Valor		Book			5		Arkanines’ Valor 
Chamber/Bone	Book			6 (mini level)	Guardian Spell, 
							magic items
Halls/Blind	Book			7		Optic Amulet
Zhar the Mad	Zhar			8		Books, magic item
Black Mushroom	Adria (fungal tome)	9		Elixir (+3
Anvil of Fury	Griswold		10		Griswold’s Edge
Warlord of BloodBook			13		Magical armor (2)
							Magical weapons (4)
							(plus magic item)
Lachdanan	Lachdanan		15		Veil of Steel
Lazarus		Cain (Staff of Lazarus)	15 (mini level)	Magic items
Diablo		Cain (death of Lazarus)	16		End Game

*	In the multiplayer version of the game, you will not receive the
Butcher’s Cleaver or the Undead Crown from the Butcher or the Skeleton King,
respectively, but will instead receive a random magic item.

Solutions to the Quests:

Note that in any one single player game, you will NOT receive all of these
quests, as quest allocation is random (except for Lazarus and Diablo,
which appear in every game).  In a multiplayer game, the only quests which
you will receive are the following:  The Butcher, The Skeleton King,
Lazarus, and Diablo, which appear in every multiplayer game.  Some of the
quests available in the multiplayer game are presented in a different 
manner than the same quests in the single player game.  

1	The Butcher - A tough quest early in the game.  His lair is a 
square room on the second floor of the dungeon which will be easily 
recognizable because of all of the bodies on stakes inside the room.  If
 you can afford, and are capable of casting, Stone Curse, this quest is 
very easy - cast it and chop away until he's history.  But very few 
players will be able to cast Stone Curse early in the game, and unless
you have very fast dexterity or an item which gives you a magically "fast
attack", or "fast recovery", it is difficult to go toe-to-toe with the 
Butcher.  A "bear" weapon (which forces him back) makes it possible to 
take him head on.  A better plan, however, is to open the door to his lair,
wait until he announces "fresh meat", and then flee to any nearby location
(and it helps to map out an escape route first!) with a door and a chain
link wall.  Go through the door and shut it before the Butcher follows you.
He won't be able to follow you through the door, and you'll be able to hit
him with arrows and spells until he finally goes down (which may take a
while).  You can greatly speed up this process if you are capable of
casting "Firewall" - you can cast it right through the grate where the
Butcher is standing and he will gleefully wait around until he fries.
If you happen to replay a dungeon with an advanced character and you're
capable of casting "Golem"  - do so, it's more than a little amusing to 
watch the golem take about two seconds to plow through the Butcher.  The
Butcher's weapon makes a nice weapon for a relatively low-level character,
although it is prone to break easily.

Monsters: The Butcher (and any nearby monsters on level two which you
	  haven’t cleared out yet)

Reward:	The Butcher’s Cleaver (single player game) or random magic item
	(multiplayer game) from the Butcher’s body.

2	Poisoned Water Supply - You'll know if you have this quest in your
game by checking the color of the water in the fountain in the middle of
the town (near Cain).  If the water is brown, as opposed to its normal
blue, you'll have this quest on the second level.  If you talk to Pepin
(the healer) in town after you start the first level, he will give you
 this quest.  If you don't happen to notice the color of the water in the
 town fountain, you'll still be able to tell that this quest is in your
 game if, during your exploration of the second level, you run into a 
crack in the wall which is surrounded by candles (described as "to a 
dark passage").  If you haven't already initiated the quest by talking
 to Pepin, return to town and do so prior to exploring through the 
opening (not necessary to complete the quest, but will provide you 
with more of the story line).  The opening will take you to a separate 
'mini-level', which you'll have to clear out of monsters in order to 
solve this quest.  On this quest you'll likely meet your first 
'goatmen' (flesh clan, the easiest), and a bunch of 'fallen one'
 types, Devil Kins with swords and Carvers with spears.  Once you kill all
 of the monsters, the waters in the mini-level will clear and you'll have
 completed this quest.  Don't forget to return to Pepin to obtain your 
reward - the Ring of Truth.

Monsters: Carvers (with spears) [22], Devil Kin (with swords) [11],
	  Clan Archer [1], Flesh Clan [4].

Reward:	  Ring of Truth from Pepin

3	Skeleton King Leoric - This quest is different in the single player
game compared to the version in the multiplayer game.  Ogden will initiate
this quest which, like the Poisoned Water quest, also occurs in a separate
'mini-level', this time off level 3.  There is a separate entrance to the
Skeleton King's Lair, and by moving your mouse over any staircase you 
ncounter on the third level you can check if it leads to Leoric's lair.
Once in Leoric's lair, take it slowly, and gradually pick off his 
skeleton army without getting too many on the screen at once, to avoid them
overwhelming you.  Use "Holy Bolt" as much as you can.  If you engage in 
hand to hand combat, try to use a 'blunt' weapon, like a club, mace or 
staff, instead of a cutting weapon, like a sword.  You may meet your first
skeleton archers on this quest.  Avoid advancing too far into a room in 
order to avoid being caught in a crossfire.  The Skeleton King is straight 
left (NE), look for the glow he creates.  As with the Butcher, Stone Curse 
is once again the easiest way to defeat your enemy - cast it when he gets 
close and attack him while he's vulnerable.  Holy Bolt spells also work very
 well against the Skeleton King.  It's probably not wise to fight him in
 hand to hand unless you have high dexterity, a "bear" weapon, or an item
 which allows you to "fast attack" or "fast recovery".  If he gets near 
you, you can run away from him - although he may chase you for a while, 
eventually he'll veer off.  He also has the nasty habit of raising the 
skeletons which you've already killed, so try and take him out quickly.  
Once you've killed him, pick up the undead crown (a great item for 
fighters), and don't forget to "click" on the crosses in each of the 
corners - they'll open up a secret room with more magic items.

Monsters:  A large variety of skeleton and skeleton archers, including 
	   Burning Dead and Corpse Bows.  Skeleton King

Reward:	Undead Crown from Skeleton King.  Additional magic items from the
	secret room opened by “attacking” the four crosses in Leoric’s lair.

4	Tavern Sign - Ogden also initiates this quest, if you talk to him 
after clearing a couple of levels in the dungeon.  You'll know if you get
 this quest in your game because you won't be able to get down to the 5th
 level until you solve it.  The sign is guarded in a room by "Overlords",
 and it'll be the first time you meet these big guys.  They aren't too 
difficult, especially if you have some spells (they have no immunities or
 resistances).  You won't be able to open the chest in their lair until you
 talk to "Snotspill", a  "fallen one" leader, who is on the other side of 
the room with the Overlords (hey, if you find Snotspill first, now you know
 where the sign is).  He'll tell you to go get the sign for him.  Once you
 talk to him, if you haven't already spoken to Odgen to initiate the quest,
 return to town to do so now.  Once back in the dungeon, go and get the 
sign from the lair of the Overlords.  DO NOT give it to Snotspill, instead
 return it to Odgen in town, and he'll give you the Harlequinn Crest.  
Then go back into the dungeon and return to Snotspill, who will attack you
 immediately, and he'll have lots of "Dark Ones" to help him.  Firewall 
works wonders here.  If you can't cast Firewall, wait outside the door and
 pick off Snotspill and his friends one at a time - don't let them get 
through the door and surround you. 

Monsters: Dark Ones (with swords) [20], Overlords [5], Snotspill

Reward:	  Harlequinn Crest from Odgen upon returning the shrine.  A
	  determined magic item from Snotspill’s body.  Access to the fifth 
	  level of the dungeon.

5	Gharbad the Weak - When you first encounter this Goatman, you 
probably won't even realize that he is a quest, and you'll likely try and
 attack him.  You can't hurt him, so once you clear out any monsters near 
him, click on him to initiate a conversation.  He'll plead with you not to 
kill him - you can't anyway, so leave the room.  You'll have to leave and 
return to the room several times in order to complete this quest, but there
 is no time limit, so you can explore at your leisure and return when you
 want.  The first time you return he will give you a magic item, which may 
or may not be useful to you.  The second time you return he will tell you
 that he isn't quite finished making you another item.  Finally, the third
 time you return, Gharbad will decide that the item he has made is "too 
good for you", and he'll attack immediately.  Gharbad the Weak lives up to
 his name, however, so you shouldn't have much difficulty killing him in 
any number of imaginative ways.  You'll receive the item he made once you 
kill him.

Monsters:  Just poor old Gharbad (unless you haven’t cleared out the monsters
	   on the 4th level near him)

Reward:	   A magic item from Gharbad the second time you speak to him and an
	   additional magic item from his body.

6	The Magic Rock - Griswold will initiate this quest by telling you of
 a caravan that passed through the town some time ago.  There's not much to
 this quest, you'll find the rock on a pedestal on level 5.  Take your time
 in getting to it, as it is usually surrounded by a fair number of monsters.
  Return it to Griswold, who will give you the Embryean Band.  If you find 
the rock before you've talked to Griswold, take it anyway, but drop it in 
town before you talk to him, then pick it up again and complete the quest 
(this strategy also works for the Tavern Sign quest discussed above).

Monsters:  Randomly determined monsters on the 5th level of the dungeon

Reward:	   Embryean Band from Griswold for returning the rock.

7	Valor - This quest is initiated by reading the Book of Blood on 
level 5.  You'll be able to complete this quest in the same room as you 
find the book, but you may want to drop back into town in order to see what
 the townsfolk have to say about the quest first (see Farnham, in particular,
 for a few laughs).  Once you go through the room with the book, you'll see
 a blood stone on the floor.  Pick it up and click on the pedestal which is
 also in the room.  There are some Horned Demons in this room, so look out
 for their charges, you can normally hear them picking up speed.  If you 
dodge them they will ram into walls (they can't stop their charges), which
 will leave them momentarily helpless. Try to take them out at a distance 
with spells or a bow.  Once you place the first bloodstone on the pedestal,
 you will open another door to the north, opening an attached chamber.  
There are more monsters and a second blood stone in that room.  Take the
 second blood stone and click on the pedestal again (back in the first 
room), which will open up a third, attached chamber, where you can find 
the final bloodstone.  Using the last bloodstone on the pedestal, you will
 open the chamber to the Arkanines' Valor armor.

Monsters:  Horned Demons [8]

Reward:    Arkanines’ Valor Armour in the room of Valor.

8	Chamber of Bone - This quest is initiated by reading the Mythical 
Book, on level 6.  Once you've read the book (and for those of you who are 
impatient, you don't have to listen to all of it, just hit the "escape" key
 to close the book), a staircase will be available on the 6th level to take 
you to another "mini-level", the Chamber of Bone.  You will likely meet both
 Horned Demons (if you didn't get the Valor quest) and Unseen for the first
 time on this quest.  There are three passageways - the ones on the left 
and the right lead to levers and are guarded by Horned Demons (see the 
Valor quest for combat tips).  The center passageway leads to the chamber
 of bone which, as the name implies, is heavily populated with skeletons.
  Firewall works great here, as all of the skeletons are crammed in a 
relatively small area.  4-5 firewalls can fill the entire room, quickly 
exterminating the skeletons and the Hidden (who are hiding!).  There are
 a few more Horned Demons through the skeleton room, and a book in the 
middle of the room.  If you charge and get the book, you will receive the
 "Guardian" spell, and a three headed dragon will appear out of the ground,
 and it will blast any remaining monsters in the room.  Once you read the 
book the quest will be completed, but make sure you explore the two 
"secret" rooms on the right hand passageway (they are opened by the two
 levers).  Each of the secret rooms contains more hidden and skeletons,
 and also a chest with several items, all magical.

Monsters:  Horror Captains [45], Horned Demons [9], Unseen [12]

Reward:    Guardian Spell from reading the Ancient Tome, 3 randomly 
	   determined magic items from each of the quests in the two rooms
	   opened by the levers.

9	Halls of the Blind - This quest, like the Valor and Chamber of Bone
 quests, is also initiated by a book (see how important my book summary in
 part 6 of this Information Guide is...), this time appropriately called 
the "Book of the Blind", which will be found on level 7 if you get this 
quest.   The Halls of the Blind is a tilted "figure-eight" shaped room, 
with a door on each of the north and south sides.  You'll find the yellow
 "Illusion Weavers" in the room, and they are fairly tough, but can be 
taken out by spells (lightning preferably, as they are resistant to magic
 and fire), or in hand to hand.  They are fairly easy to run from if you 
get in over your head.  Inside the Halls of the Blind room, there will be
 two small rooms.  Both contain more Illusion Weavers, so don't open them 
until you clear out the ones already in the main room.  The small room to 
the North contains the "Optic Amulet".  Once you take the Optic Amulet, 
you will solve the quest.

Monsters: Illusion Weavers [17]

Reward:	  Optic Amulet in the small room at the top of the “figure eight”
	  shaped room.

10	Zhar the Mad - This non-player character is found on level 8, in a
 room with some books and scrolls on pedestals and a bookcase.  Talk to him
 first in order to initiate the quest, as he will give you a free magic 
book.  You can freely take the items off of the pedestals, but as soon as
 you touch the bookcase he will admonish you and attack.  Stone Curse will
 take him out in seconds.  Spells are generally the best way to take him 
out, as he will teleport when you try to engage him in hand to hand

Monsters:  Zhar the Mad

Reward:	   Books or scrolls from the pedestals, a book from the bookcase and
	   a randomly determined magic item from Zhar’s body (“I’m sorry, did
	   I break your concentration).

11	Black Mushroom - In order to initiate this quest, you'll have to 
find the Fungal Tome, which can be found on level 9 if this quest is 
present in your game.  Take the Fungal Tome to Adria, the witch (there
is  no other use for the book).  She'll tell you to go get a "demon's brain",
 for Pepin the healer.  Talk to the healer to get additional information.
 The first monster you kill after speaking to Adria will release the 
"demon's brain" (that monster doesn't have to be labeled a "demon").  
Many people complain about missing the brain, because it is quite small 
and in the caves it is easy to lose an item behind a wall.  Return the 
brain to Pepin, who will give you an elixir for Adria.  Take the elixir 
to Adria, who will tell you to keep the elixir for yourself.  Use it and 
you will gain +3 points to each of your attributes.  In the initial 
release of Diablo, there is a bug which may prevent you from using this 
potion if you don't use it right away, so be sure to gulp it down 
immediately.  A demon's brain never tasted so good.

Monsters:  Just the randomly determined monsters on the 9th level of
	 (and deeper if you don’t take the Fungal Tome to Adria until later).

Reward:	  Elixir from Adria (actually Pepin, but take it to Adria before 
	  trying to use it).

12	Anvil of Fury - This is another quest which people often have 
difficulty completing, but it actually is fairly easy.  Griswold will 
initiate this quest by telling you about the mighty Anvil of Fury.  The 
Anvil itself can be found on level 10, but it is on a peninsula surrounded
 by lava, and well guarded by monsters (including Night Clan Archers and 
Obsidian Lords).  Take your time and gradually clear out the monsters 
prior to trying to get to the Anvil - identify the weaknesses of the 
monsters by looking at my charts in Part 1 of this Information Guide. 
 The Anvil is actually quite small and easy to miss, but most people 
miss the Anvil because they explore the "Caves" by patrolling around 
the edges, picking off targets of opportunity.  The lava pool is 
closer to the center.  Return the Anvil to Griswold in order to receive 
"Griswold's Edge", a pretty good weapon.

Monsters: Night Clan Archers [8], Obsidian Lords [10]

Reward:	  Griswold’s Edge from Griswold after returning the Anvil.

13	Warlord of Blood - Yet another quest initiated by a book, this time
 the Steel Tome, which is found on level 13.  You'll know if you have this 
quest in your game, because you will be unable to get to the stairs leading
 to level 14 until you read the Steel Tome.  The Warlord and his henchmen are
pretty tough, but vulnerable to stone curse if you can get them to follow you
so that you can take them out one at a time.  His henchmen are Steel Lords,
 and therefore vulnerable to lightning.  Or just swing and chop, but try to
 avoid being surrounded by fleeing if necessary.  A defensive spell like
 Mana Shield also comes in handy.  After you have disposed of the Warlord
 and his men, you will be able to loot his treasure, which includes 2 
sets of magical armor and 4 magic weapons.  Not bad.  He won't be
 needing them anymore anyway....

Monsters: Steel Lords [many], Warlord of Blood

Reward:	  Magic Armor [2] and Magic Weapons [4] in the Warlord’s Lair, 
	 another magic item from the Warlord’s body, access to the 14th lvl.

14	Lachdanan - Lachdanan himself will initiate this quest, and he can 
be found standing still on level 14.  He is a Blood Knight, so your first 
instinct will likely be to attack him, which is fruitless.  He'll ask you to
 get the Golden Elixir, which you will find in the center of a room on level
 15.  When you find it, return it to Lachdanan (don't worry, he won't 
attack), and he'll give you the Veil of Steel in exchange for it - and 
a merciful death.

Monsters:  Blood Knights will always be on level 14 if this quest is present
	   in your game, plus additional randomly determined monsters on
	   the 14th and 15th level

Reward:    Veil of Steel from Lachdanan after returning the Golden Elixir.

15	Lazarus - Getting close now...In order to initiate this quest, you
 will first have to find the "Staff of Lazarus", which is an unusable item
 found on level 15, near a strange contraption.  Once you have the staff,
 you'll have to show it to Cain in town in order to start the quest.  Once
 you speak to Cain, there will be a red portal available on level 15, 
which will take you to another "mini-level".  Lazarus' lair is populated
 with Succubus type monsters, as well as mages.  Take your time, the 
narrow corridors make it easy to avoid being surrounded.  Use Stone Curse
 or other offensive spells such as Fireball.  Clear out as much as you
 can without reading the "Books of Vileness" (there are two books on 
opposite sides of this mini-level).   There are a number of Hellspawn 
initially trapped in cages - ripe for a nice Firewall spell.  In order to
 read the Books of Vileness, you have to be standing on the teleport pad 
nearby (which will light up).  You will be teleported into an area with 
more Hellspawns, which will be again be vulnerable to Firewall. You'll 
have to read the second Book of Vileness as well, and then return to the 
beginning of the level to step on a teleport to Lazarus himself.  Lazarus
 surrounds himself with Hellspawns (hmmm....), including two "leaders", 
"Blackjade" and "Red Vex" - flee to the north or south passageways in order
 to avoid being surrounded immediately, and then pick off the Hellspawns 
when they follow you.  Lazarus will not chase you.  Once you have gotten 
rid of his guards, Lazarus is quite easy to take out with Stone Curse.  He
 is difficult to engage in hand to hand with, because he will use "Flash" 
spells and teleport.  You're likely to have better success with ranged 
weapons or spells.  After you kill Lazarus, return through the red portal,
 which will have reappeared, and return to town to talk to Cain, in order 
to initiate the final quest.....

Monsters:  Hellspawn [many], Advocates [6], Lazarus

Reward:	   A randomly determined magic item from each of Lazarus, Red
	   and Blackjade.  Access to Diablo.

16	Diablo - Diablo is initially trapped in a room, so be sure to take 
out all of the other monster on this rather small level prior to pressing 
all of the levers which allow him out.  This level is essentially 4 large 
areas, connected by a passageway in the middle.  There will be lots of Blood
 Knights and Advocates.  Mana Shield is a must for this level, particularly 
if you are a mage, and lots of Mana potions come in handy.   If you can 
cast Golem, try and use one against the mages, but realize that the Golem
 won't last long against the Blood Knights on the level.  To help your 
Golem, cast Stone Curse on enemies near the Golem and watch him shatter 
them.  Three of the four main areas contain levers (2 in one area), and 
the fourth area contains Diablo and yet more minions.  The area with the 
2 levers will open Diablo's chamber, so leave it until you have cleared 
out the other areas.  When you finally do let Diablo out, you may want 
to get him to chase you into one of the other cleared out areas 
(preferably on the other side of the level).  He tends to get lost 
following you, so you should be able to sneak back to finish off his 
minions (for extra experience points).  Diablo casts Apocalypse spells,
 which are quite dangerous, so keep an eye on your hit point level or, 
if you are using a  Mana Shield, your mana level.  If you are luring him
 away, zigzagging will allow you to dodge his spells.  Unfortunately, 
Stone Curse will not work on Diablo.  I found that the best way to take
 him out was actually to go head to head with him, keeping Mana Shield 
up and using spells from a staff (like Fireball or Lightning), and chopping
 away.  Diablo appears to be vulnerable to all types of spells, including 
Holy Bolt, but excluding Stone Curse, as discussed above.  Ah, he was a 
wimp after all.....

Monsters:  Blood Knights [many], Advocates [many], Black Knight [1], 
	   Sir Golash, Diablo

Reward:	   A magic item from Sir Golash.  End game for killing Diablo.


Thanks to everyone who has written to me with comments (and especially 
praise!), and to the following people in particular:

- Sandra (slink) for info on the following unique items: Baranar's Star, Black
  Razor, and the Blackoack Bow, and for help with the hit point ranges;
- Franklin MacKenzie for information on several shrines (mainly multiplayer 
- Nick Lock for some info on “Godly” items (which I have personally never
- Trung Nguyen for some info on “Strange” items;
- Gamespot;
- Origin Systems, Inc. and Richard Garriott in particular, for the enjoyment
  I have received from the Ultima games over the years; and
- Blizzard Entertainment for producing Diablo, and for quickly developing a
  well deserved reputation as a company that develops extremely well polished,
  entertaining games.


Changes Between Version 1.2 to 1.3

- Moved “blocking” item under “Hit Recovery” table, Added the effects of 
 increasing Mana Shield levels.

Changes Between Version 1.3 to 1.4

- Added the level maximums, and a short section on character classes
(Part 7)
- Moved "flesh clan" and "flesh clan archers" from lvl 3 to lvl 2.
- Added *Blighthorn Steelmace as unique monsters
- Adjusted the ranges for "deadly" and "heavy" items
- Added "night", "pit" and "useless" to the cursed items list
- Added +10 hit points to the description of "Ring of Truth"
- Changed the range for "large shield" from 8-10 to 5-10
- Added the Tower Shield to the list of shields
- Tweaked the range for "Plate" items
- Removed the description of the negative effect associated with "Eerie 
 shrines", I now believe there is no negative effect.
- Added a description of the bug associated with the "Black Mushroom"
 which prevents you from using the elixir unless it is used relatively 
 quickly after completing the quest.

Changes Between Version 1.4 to 1.5

	General Changes:
-  Converted the Information Guide/FAQ to a Word 6.0 document, converted 
 most of the information to formal tables.

	Changes to Part 1:

-  Added additional commentary re:  Hit Points of monsters on other
   levels and formulas for calculating hit points on other skill levels.
-  Added the following monsters to Part 1:  *Boneripper, *Bladeskin the 
   Slasher, *Breakspine, *Viletouch.
-  Added the “charging” special ability to Deathshade Fleshmaul.
-  Added *Deadeye’s immunities
-  Deleted duplicate entry for Death Spit (was on level 6 and 8)
-  Fixed reference to “Stalkers”.
-  Moved Toad Demons to lvl 8, Brokenstorm and Mud Runners to lvl 9,
   to lvl 10, Black Knight to lvl 16.
-  Added immunities for Bloodlust.
-  Added Diablo’s ability to cast Apocalypse.
-  Made related changes to the list of monsters by type, fixed a typo in 
   *Plague wrath.
-  Added a Monster chart solely dealing with unique monsters.

	Changes to Part 2:

- Added additional commentary, and several new spell casting tips.  Also 
  amended some of the existing tips.

	Changes to Part 3:

- Changed +Mana, + Hit points low end  to 10 instead of 11.  
- Added the following item attributes:  absorption, slaughter, jagged, 
  silver (deleted from previous version), strange, plenty, thorns,
- Added Dragon’s Breach as a unique item, amended Shadowhawk disclosure, 
  deleted Staff of Onan (red herring of mine, hehe).

	Changes to Part 4:

- Changed the ranges for the following items:  Gothic Shield, Breast
  Scale Mail, Splint Mail, Field Mail, Plate Mail and Full Plate.

	Changes to Part 5:

- Minor fixes, deleted some information I was previously provided but
  unable to verify.
- Added quotes for Tainted Shrine, Ornate Shrine, Mystic Shrine and

	Changes to Part 7:

- Added a significant amount of commentary re: effects of leveling, etc.

	Changes to Part 8:

- Added a full list of the monsters associated with each quest, as well
  a more detailed description of how to obtain quest magic items.
- Revised the wording (minor tweaks mainly) on virtually all of the