Devil Summoner 2 - Soul Hackers FAQ (e)

Devil Summoner 2: Soul Hackers FAQ - ver 0.20
Started on October 17, 1998
Latest Version released on May 7, 1999
written by Robert Boyd

This FAQ is copyrighted by Robert Boyd.
All other products are copyrights of their respective companies.
This FAQ can not be reprinted on any public medium (web site, magazine,
etc.) without the express written permission of its owner. 

This FAQ is best viewed in WordPad with no wrapping options on.

 I.     About this FAQ
  i.     Version History
  ii.    Introduction
  iii.   What is Soul Hackers?
  iv.    Introductory Story
  v.     Comparison to Persona
  vi.    The US future of Soul Hackers
  vii.   Special Thanks

 II.    Walkthrough - CD1
  i.     Introduction
  ii.    Vision Quest 1
  iii.   The Algon Soft Net Services Building
  iv.    Your COMP and the warehouses
  v.     The Planetarium
  vi.    Vision Quest 2
  vii.   Summoner Building
  viii.  Your sister, Tomoko
  ix.    Muuuisu
  x.     The rest of CD1 (under construction)

 III.   Walkthrough - CD2 (under construction)

 IV.    Equipment Charts (under construction)
  i.      Weapons
   a.      Close Range
   b.      Firearms
   c.      Bullets
  ii.     Armor
   a.      Body Armor
   b.      Helms
   c.      Gloves
   d.      Shoes

 V.    COMP Module Chart (under construction)

 VI.   Spells & Skills Charts (under construction)

I.      About this FAQ:

 i.      Version History:

  0.20: Completed sections 8 & 9 of the walkthrough.  Added more items and
        more details to the lists.  Fixed some mistakes and added details
        to various parts of the walkthrough (since I had to start over due
        to battery failure).  New gameplay details, especially for the
        Dorikadoman (iv of the walkthrough) and Pet Shop (viii).
        Information on the Soul Hackers Hyper Rearranged CD. 5/7/99

  0.15: 2 New Walkthrough sections (the 2cd is only partially completed).
        Added the Special Thanks and Introductory Story to the 1st section,
        a COMP module chart towards the end plus general fixes and updates
        throughout the file.  Moved the version history to the beginning. 

  0.12: 2 New Walkthrough sections; updated charts; minor fixes. 11/10/98

  0.1:  FAQ originally created. 10/17/98

 ii.      Introduction:

        Welcome to the Devil Summoner 2: Soul Hackers FAQ!  For some reason,
no one has made a FAQ for this great game yet, so I decided to step in.  When
this FAQ is complete, it should be the definitive guide to Soul Hackers,
complete with a full blown walkthrough, story notes, gameplay tips, and
charts galore.  Of course, this is all still quite aways away so it may never
actually come to pass, but I can dream can't I?
        As you will undoubtedly notice, this FAQ is very incomplete.  There
are several reasons for this.  First of all, my Japanese skills are very
limited.  I'm working on this - my college (Brigham Young University in
Provo, Utah) has an excellent Japanese program - but learning any language
takes a lot of work and time and I'm still a long ways away from achieving
full fluency.  Secondly, I haven't completed Soul Hackers yet (it's pretty
hard to write about things that you don't know).  Finally, this is my first
FAQ so I'm a bit new at this kind of thing.  Still, I figured any FAQ is
better than none, so I've uploaded this FAQ despite its noticeable
        If you have any information on Soul Hackers that I don't have or if
you notice a mistake (excluding spelling and grammatical errors) or if you
just have a comment (hopefully positive), feel free to give me an email at  Make sure to include Soul Hackers in the email title.

 iii.     What is Soul Hackers?

        Devil Summoner 2: Soul Hackers is a science fiction RPG for the Sega
Saturn (and now the Sony Playstation) that was created by Atlus.
Unfortunately, none of the Devil Summoner games have been translated for the
US (probably due to complexity and the lack of popularity of the Saturn
here).  The closest thing that we have is Revelations: Persona for the PSX.
This FAQ covers the Saturn version, although it should be helpful for people
playing the Playstation version as well.
        The story of Soul Hackers is very different from your typical
medieval RPG plot.  In the near future, a software company has created an
exciting new virtual world called Paradigm X.  Sounds like a typical day in
the 21st century, right?  Unfortunately, there's something seriously wrong,
even evil, with this piece of software.  As an amateur hacker, it's up to you
to set things right.
        Gameplay is very unique as well.  Instead of just mindless attacking
every enemy that comes into your path, you can actually try to negotiate with
them.  Successful conversation can result in nice things like money and
items.  It's even possible (and often necessary) to talk enemies into joining
your party!  However, failed attempts at negotiation often results in your
enemies getting a free attack on you.  Other nice gameplay features include
lots of weapons (2 types like in Persona), a portable computer with add-on
modules, and a semi-permanent save feature that can be used anyway - perfect
for long dungeons.
        Graphics aren't fantastic, but they work and fit the story of the
game well.  Unlike most Japanese RPGs, most of the graphics are shown from a
first person perspective. Music tends to be well done and helps the mood a 
lot.  There are plenty of neat FMV scenes that advance the story along. Good
graphics, moody music, deep gameplay, and a very unique story - in short,
Soul Hackers is a very good RPG.  Hopefully, through this FAQ, players who
were having trouble with this game, will find the help they need to enjoy
this unique and fun game.

 iv.      Introductory Story:

        Soul Hackers, Atlus' new Sega Saturn RPG, contains the same
hard-boiled look and feel of the previous title, Devil Summoner. Set in
the near future, Amami City is a sprawling oceanside metropolis. The
theme of the game is the bond among human beings, and how their lives
affect one another. 

        In each household in Amami City sits a computer, all linked
together by one big network. The flow of information is managed by the
government, something that the people have grown accustomed to and no
longer mind. In an environment such as this, it's only natural for
computer hacking to become popular, and recently this has become a big
pastime amongst younger males. The main character of Soul Hackers is one
such person, spending many of his days hacking away at various government
computers - so much so that he brings together a group of hackers called
the "Spookies." One day, he accidentally gains access to a virtual city 
created in the network - Paradigm-X. Created by Algon Soft, Paradigm-X 
has been secretly created for one sole purpose - the collecting of human 

The Characters 

Main Character
        18 Years old. While he is very interested in and studies computer 
hacking, he is actually a good person and has a strong sense of 
judgement. While he may not look it, he is a skilled fighter, and has 
taken classes in the martial arts. The main character has been friends 
with Hitomi, a fellow hacker, since childhood. 

        18 years old. Hitomi has a very rigid personality, and can handle
any situation responsibly. However, her attitude and nature comes off wrong 
to others, giving the impression that she is cold and cocky. Her father 
is a researcher of ancient remains, and is the one connection between 
Soul Hackers and Devil Summoner: Hitomi's father is a student of 
Professor Gotsuma, who has appeared in previous games. 

The Spookies 
        The Spookies are a six-member group of computer hackers, all of
which have incredible knowledge and skill relating to computers. Each
member has their own strong subject and area of expertise, forming a
cohesive unit of varied personalities who compliment one another. 

 v.       Comparison to Persona:

        Since a number of people in the US have played Atlus' Revelations:
Persona, a game that is a gaiden (side story) of the Megami Tensei series
(which Soul Hackers belongs to), I thought it might be useful for those
people if I described some of the major differences between the two games.
        The story, characters, and locations are different (obviously).
The control is much better in Soul Hackers than in Persona.  The isometric
perspective in Persona has been removed.  The town layout in the two games
are very different (3D town in Persona, still shots in Soul Hackers).  The
FMV in Soul Hackers is more frequent, is of higher quality, and is better
integrated into the actual gameplay (like FF7, but the transitions aren't
quite as smooth) than in Persona.  Battles are shown from a first person
perspective (like Dragon Warrior/Quest) in Soul Hackers.
        The map command is a tad more functional in Soul Hackers (you
can switch floors, for example).  A 1 time load/save feature has been
added.  Six characters can be in your party (5 in Persona).  The formation
system has been simplified (3 characters in front, 3 in back).  A
character's actions in battle don't affect how much XP they receive in Soul
Hackers.  Guns in Soul Hackers have a limited number of bullets (they can
be reloaded).  The negotiation system is very different in the two games -
in Persona, each character has 4 conversation options and the results of
these interactions are shown through enemy emotion meters; in Soul Hackers,
enemies talk to you and you have to select your response.  Your main
characters has a portable computer with a number of different abilities in
Soul Hackers.  Battles don't seem to take up as much time in Soul Hackers as
they did in Persona.  And of course, there's the really big gameplay
difference between the two games - the persona magic system in Persona and
the monster summoning in Soul Hackers.

 vi.      The US future of Soul Hackers:

        Until recently, I thought that there was no chance at all that
Soul Hackers would ever come to the US.  After all, the game was very
complex, it's been out for about a year, and it's for a system that is
not very popular in the US.  However, due to the response they received
when they suggested the idea, Atlus has decided to translate the
Playstation version of the game!  They still have to receive approval by
the US division of Sony, so something could still go wrong, but chances
are looking better than ever for us getting a US version of this game.
	  Update: Apparently, something did go wrong.  Sony has denied Atlus
a US license for Soul Hackers.  Sony hasn't given a reason why probably
because it's hard to think up a good reason why Soul Hackers shouldn't
be translated into English.  In more positive news, a Megami Tensei game
for the Game Boy Color is being translated by Atlus and should be out
some time this summer.

 vii.     Soul Hackers Hyper Rearrange Soundtrack

        For those of you who are interested in video game music CDs, I
thought I'd give my impressions of the Soul Hackers Hyper Rearrange CD.
Not the best music I've ever heard, but not bad.  You should be able to
order it at any internet music store that carries a wide selection of
Japanese music.  I ordered mine from Game Cave which I wouldn't recommend
as they still haven't sent me all of my order yet.
        Here's a song by song review of the CD.

1-Soul Runnaz: If you like rap, you'll probably like this, but I don't
        like rap so I didn't.  I liked Redman's part though. English vocals.
2-Hard F: This song would go well in a Wipeout game.  Not bad, but not
        great.  Instrumental.
3-Shoot, I Should Have "Dear" Ed - Ugh.  This isn't music; this is torture.
        English vocals (actually English screaming).
4-EL115: I don't like rap as a rule, but I found this song pretty good
        anyway.  English vocals.
5-XX:    The werewolf song.  Pretty good.  Instrumental.
6-Mad Poco: Not enough variety to be interesting.  Instrumental.
7-Le Monde a Glace: Probably my favorite song on the CD.  Very moody.
         French vocals.
8-Snow in Jamaica: Very weird with a catchy tune, and probably my second
         favorite song on the CD. ? vocals (I can't make out any words).
9-R-Amb Remix: A nice pleasant song.  Good background noise as you're doing
         something else.  Instrumental.
10-Transvestite: Though I can't say I approve of the message of the lyrics,
         the song itself isn't bad.  English vocals.
11-Home:  The lyrics may be corny, but the music is nice and catchy.  English
12-Amami-city: Decent.  Instrumental.

 viii.    Special Thanks:

        Special thanks go to the following people for the help they've
given (sometimes without realizing it) to this FAQ.

  Alan Wortham - for being a good Japanese teacher.
  My 2 Japanese TAs - for being awesome.
  Jason Harlan - for helping me with the Chess board and writing the
      Intro Story section.  Be sure to check out his Megami Tensei web site
  Atlus - for making such a great game.
  and to everyone who has offered encouraging words, thank you.

II.      Walkthrough - CD1:

 i.       Introduction:

        Upon starting a new game, you'll see some dialogue and then a news
report on Paradigm X.  After this, you'll find yourself outside where you're
trying to hack into Paradigm X.  You will meet your best friend, Hitomi, at
this time.  Eventually, you manage to break into Paradigm X's user database
(nice FMV here) and will replace one of the user's name and code with your
own.  Enter your name (family name is first in Japan) and your code name and
then select the choice on the left (for those of you who know absolutely no
Japanese, the word on the left is yes and the word on the right is no).
        After this, someone named Redman will call you from the terminal.
He seems to know you, even though you don't know him.  Then, you'll get a
phone call from your sister, Tomoko, who says she has "Big news!" and wants
you to come back home quickly.  At home, you'll meet your father, sister, and
mother.  I think Tomoko's big news is that you now have access to Paradigm X
(which of course, you already knew).  When you head into your room, you get a
coded message from Spooky, the leader of your hacking group.  I'm not sure
about this, but I imagine the message tells you to meet him (since that's what
you have to do next).
        Next, you'll find yourself in one of the area maps.  While on an area
map, you can talk to people (people are represented by colored dots; a
message will appear in the corner when you're close enough to talk), enter
buildings and other locations, look at the locations you can enter (press L
or R), and look at the main menu (press C).  The main menu is pretty self
explanatory (all the commands are in English-yeah!) so I won't spend too much
time here.  You can look at, equip, and use items (you only have 2 story
items at the moment), look at your status (LV1 for you and Hitomo), change
your characters' position in battle, change the settings, and do a temporary
save (select Quit and yes).  Temporary saves will be erased when you restore
them so they are useless as insurance against death, but if you want to take
a break in the middle of a dungeon, they are quite useful.
        Talk to the people in this area if you want and then leave the area
by walking to one of the edges and pressing C (I love the "TV off" effect
when you do this).  You'll now find yourself on the city map.  Only two 
areas are currently selectable; the bottom one was where you just came from,
so choose the top selection.  You'll find yourself in another area.  There's
a mall in this area, but all the shops are closed right now, so ignore it.
Go to the rendezvous point with Spooky (the other location that you can
enter besides the mall).
        After a short FMV, you'll find yourself in the Spookies' semi-truck.
Spooky is there and he'll show you your portable gun-style computer (COMP
for short).  After some conversation, he'll leave, and you'll be a given a
list of things to do.  The top left item is to save, and the bottom left
item is to leave (you can't do this right now).  Select the top right item
twice and you'll logon to Paradigm X.  The receptionist and "Captain
Paradigm" will greet you and tell you about Paradigm X.
        Now, you'll find yourself in the 1st person perspective mode.
Holding B while pressing a direction will cause you to move instead of
changing directions (like in Shining the Holy Ark).  Explore if you like,
but there are really only two things you have to do here.  First, go all the
way down the alley and watch a news report.  Then go to the VR building
(Hitomi will comment when you're in front of it) and enter it.  You don't
actually have to do anything here (you can try out different VR worlds if
you want), but if you don't go here the next event won't be triggered.
        When you're tired of Paradigm X go back to the room that you first
entered Paradigm X.  Instead of seeing the cheerful receptionist, you'll
find that there is nowhere there.  Hmm, this is odd.  An unidentified voice
will speak to you, a burst of energy will emit from your monitor (FMV), and
then you'll find yourself face to face with a talking coyote named Redman.
The coyote will talk to you for awhile, teleport you to the VR building and
then you will experience the first Vision Quest.

 ii.      Vision Quest 1:

        After a few FMV scenes and some dialogue, you'll find yourself in
the Algon Soft Net Services building.  Instead of controlling yourself and
Hitomi, you're now in charge of a man name Urabi.  You can be attacked in
the NS building, but don't worry, Urabi is LV20 and he has three monsters
to help him.  There are two new commands in your main menu now - Magic and
COMP.  Magic is used to heal your characters (two of your monsters can use
healing magic; take advantage of this) and COMP enables you to use your
portable computer.  Only use automap for now; you shouldn't mess with the
summoning commands right now.  Battles aren't very hard here - commands are
in English, and your characters are powerful.
        The back of the Soul Hacker manual has a map for this building so
you shouldn't have much trouble with it.  On floor 1, go up the elevator to
floor 2.  On floor 2, the elevator has been locked off so go up the stairs
to floor 3.  On your way there, there's a room where the coyote will save
your game and restore your HP and MP (it's marked T on the map).  You can
also pick up two items near the stairs.  On floor 3, go up the stairs to
floor 3 (you'll meet a security guard on the way; ignore him).  On floor 4,
go up the stairs to floor 5.  
        On floor 5, go to the only room that isn't locked.  Here, you'll
get the data you're looking for, the Nemissa Program.  A man named Fuinegan
will show up, forcing you to flee.  You'll automatically try to escape the
building, but unfortunately the path back down has been blocked off so
you'll be forced to go to the roof.  Once there, you'll need to enter in a
password to lock off the contents of your COMP.  Any password will do so
make it simple, since you'll need to re-enter it soon.  Then, Fuinegan
catches up to you, the screen goes black, and Vision Quest 1 is over.

 iii.     The Algon Soft Net Services Building

        Now, you're back in the Spookies semi-truck.  Take out your COMP and
enter the password that Urabi entered.  The summoning functions (including
the new command, Unite, which combines two monsters to create a more
powerful one) have been activated on your COMP.  However, this is not the
only thing that happens.  A ball of energy flies out of the COMP and into
Hitomi.  Now, Hitomi is possessed by the female devil, Nemissa.  Hitomi's
appearance will change to let you know who is currently in charge of her body.
        You'll meet two more members of the Spookies group at this time,
Six and Lunch.  You'll also get a phone call from Spooky.  Turns out,
he's calling from the Algon Soft Net Services building.  After seeing what
you just did in the Vision Quest of that building, you're worried about
him and decide to go after him.  Six and Lunch will follow you, but
they won't show up as party members.
        Around this time, your LVs should go up.  It's up to you to decide
what stats to allocate your points to.  As far as I can tell, the stats are
(from top to bottom): Strength, Intelligence, Magic, Stamina, Speed, and Luck.
Strength increases the power of your close range weapon.  Intelligence and
Magic both affect the power of your magic and your MP total.  Stamina affects
your defense and HP total.  Speed and Luck both affect your evade %; Speed
also affects the accuracy of your close range weapons and who goes first in
battle, while Luck affects the accuracy of your guns.  I personally focus
Nemissa's stats towards Intelligence and Magic while I make the main character
good overall with an emphasis on Strength.
        Go to the city map and select the 3rd area.  Go to the NS building.
You'll talk to Six and Lunch here; Lunch will stay with you, while Six will
stay behind.
        The enemies here are much weaker than before, but so are you so be
careful.  Thankfully, you aren't as weak as you were at the start of the
game - you should be at around LV6, you now have some equipment, and you
should have some HP+40 items and a decent supply of bullets. In battle, try
to talk monsters into joining your team.  I don't have any suggestions 
here - if you can't read Japanese you're just going to have to rely on trial
and error like I've been doing.
        Now would be a good time to explain MAG (abbreviated M$).  This is
the amount that is listed right below your yen total.  M$ can be won in
battle and found in chests and is used with your summoned monsters.  Each
monster costs a certain amount of M$ to summon into your party and a certain
amount of M$ per step to keep in your party (with the more powerful monsters
obviously costing more).  The decision between conserving M$ and having a
powerful party is one that you're going to have to make throughout the
entire game.
        Another important game concept that you might not understand
immediately (I didn't figure it out for a couple hours) is the loyalty
system.  Each monster that you summon has a different loyalty rating.
There are 5 major loyalty LVs, each of which has 4 colored bars underneath
it for a total of 20 different loyalty ratings.  Monsters you get from
negotiations start out with a loyalty rating of 10 (right in the middle)
while monsters created by uniting existing monsters will have a loyalty
that is the average of the monsters that were united.  Monsters with high
loyalty are more likely to do what you tell them, may block the hero from
fatal attacks, and can be turned into items (later in the game).  Monsters
with low loyalty tend to disobey you and may even leave your party.  Loyalty
can be changed in combat (if a monster's attack is show in blue, their
loyalty has gone up slightly; if it's in red, their loyalty has gone down
slightly), and by giving your monsters gifts (select item, then gift).  Be
careful when giving commands to monsters with low loyalty as they tend to
disobey you (which decreases loyalty further).  I find that using the Defend
command is a good way to raise loyalty with many monsters.
        Your path in the NS building is going to be different than it was
while you were Urabi.  Go to the 2cd floor via the elevator.  Here, go to
floor 5 through the locked elevator (Lunch will unlock it).  Go to the
previously locked door on floor 5.  Lunch will leave you here.  Go to the
area beyond the door and make your way to the elevator (picking up an item
on the way).  Take the elevator to floor 4.  On floor 4, you'll get a phone
call from Lunch.  Go down the stairs to floor 3.  On floor 3, you'll get a
phone call from Six.  Make sure to pick up M$300 on this floor; it's in a
chest in a small room.  Go down the stairs to basement 1.
        A boss encounter is in the small room at the west end of basement 1
so make sure you're ready before going there.  Your HP and MP are fully
restored when you LV-Up so if you're almost at a new LV, you might want to
fight a few more battles.  If you haven't already done so, summon a monster
or two to help you out; if you don't, the next battle will be very hard.
        When you're ready, go to the small room in basement 1.  You'll meet
(of all things) a guitarist.  After some conversation, he'll summon 4
monsters and attack you.  None of the enemies are particularly hard, but
there are 5 of them, so be on your guard.  Use healing items and magic when
necessary and attack when you can.  If Nemissa has learned the spell, Agi,
use it; it is very useful here.  Make sure none of your characters die,
especially the main character and Nemissa.  If the main character dies, the
game is over, and if Nemissa dies, she will miss out on the very large EXP
reward that you get for winning this battle.  Monsters don't gain EXP so
it is less important (but still a good idea) to keep them alive.
        After defeating the guitarist, you'll find Spooky.  With him,
you'll leave the building (the game will do this for you) and regroup with
Lunch and Six.  Then you'll return to the Spookies' semi-truck.  Here,
you'll meet the final member of the Spookies group, Yu-ichi.  Your COMP
will start emitting an error message; your next task is to fix it.

 iv.      Your COMP and the Warehouses

        A new location has been enabled in this area - the cruise ship.
Go here and after some dialogue and an FMV, you'll go to a secret 
underground room and meet Victor.  Here, your COMP will be fixed and you
will get 2 new COMP modules, Neo Clear and Davinchi.  Neo Clear will enable
a small map in the corner of the screen and Davinchi will show you all the
possible results of the union command with the monsters you currently have
(select unite and then the 2cd command).  While here, you can combine unite
monsters together (2 or 3 at a time) and there are some unions you can only
do here (you can't do them on your COMP).  If you have monsters with full
loyalty you may be able to trade them for items.  I was able to get some
very powerful weapons for Nemissa (Acheri for Toigan Knife and Nekomata for
Nyaoso 2 Claws) this way.
        Go back to the Spookies semi-truck.  You'll get a new message
from Summoner Net with the ominous message, "The Day is Coming."  A new
command has been added here.  The bottom right command lets you insert and
remove modules from your COMP.  Change your module setup if you want (Neo
Clear takes up 2 of the 5 slots in your COMP).  Three modules are already
in your COMP: Enemy Sonar (detect enemy activity in dungeons), Honey Bee
(automap feature), and Muun Adaruto (increases conversation skill when
the moon is full).
        The shops in the mall have been opened so go there now.  From top
to bottom the shops offer: weapons, armor, special items, healing items,
special items & gifts, HP/MP restore, and Mag<>Yen transfers.  Get ready
for the next dungeon by buying new equipment, items, and restoring your HP
and MP. The last shop will enable you to exchange M$ for yen and vice
versa - the exchange rate varies, but it's usually around M$10 for 100 yen.
The shops will get new merchandise as the game goes on, so be sure to come
here often.
        Go to the city map.  A new area has been added; go here.  The next
dungeon, the warehouses, is in this area.  Like the Algon Soft Net
Services building, the instruction manual has a map for this dungeon at
the back of the book.
        Try entering the middle warehouse; it's locked.  Then enter the
warehouse on the left.  Make sure to pick up the Jaba foot; it's a useful
piece of equipment that is in one of the side rooms.  Go to the small room
at the northern end of the warehouse.  A guard is here; he'll talk to you
and then give you some items.
        Now go to the warehouse on the right.  There's a cure poison item
in one of the side rooms.  In the small room at the end of the hall is
another guard.  Talk to him.
        If you've talked to the guards in both of the side warehouses, you
should have the password to the middle warehouse door.  When you enter the
middle warehouse, it is quite obvious that something is definitely wrong
here.  Since the manual has a map for this area, you probably won't get
lost.  Many of the enemies here use ice magic so equipping armor and
summoning monsters that are strong against ice are good ideas.  On floor 1,
take the elevator to B1F (either elevator will work, but the western
elevator is quicker).  On B1F, take the elevator in the NE part of the floor
to B2F.  At the beginning of B2F, there is a healing spot and a terminal
room (you can save your game and switch COMP modules here).  Take the
southernmost elevator to B3F (picking up M$400 on the way).  On B3F, go to
the freezing room at the end of the hall.  Here, you'll meet the second
boss in the game.  It has around 350HP and has some powerful ice based
attacks.  If you've been powering up Nemissa's magic like I have, you
should have little trouble here (the boss is very weak against Nemissa's
Agi spell).
        Once the boss has been killed, the mist in the warehouse will go
away and the previously locked doors on F1, B1F, and B2F are now unlocked.
Although you could take a short cut out of here via an elevator, don't.
Instead go to all of the rooms that were previously locked for some items.
On B2F, there's 1 item.  On B1F, you can find M$200, a Chakra Pot (MP+), a
healing item, and a Battle Fury Knife.  The locked door on F1 is the most
important.  Here, you'll talk to a scientist, see a strange FMV (very
reminiscent of Jenova from Square's FF7), and pick up a key item.
        After you've gone to the locked room on F1, you'll automatically
go to the area map.  You'll receive another phone call from Spooky.  Go
back to the Spookies' semi-truck for a story scene.  After this, go to
the secret room on the cruise ship.  Here, you'll give Victor the item
you just got in the warehouse and will receive a new item, the
doriikadomon.  This item can be combined with one or two monsters to
create a very unique monster (it looks like an alien with a chain and
its appearance changes based on its level).  This monster will have the
same LV, spells, and skills as the monster (or monsters) you used to
create it, but its loyalty is maxed out and it doesn't have any summoning
or maintenance cost!  Stats are dropped, but you can continue to combine
monsters with it until its stats are quite good.  It can only have 6 spells
or abilities at a time, so when you combine it, it may lose some of its old
abilities.  And you can name it, in English if you like (its default name
is Cid).  Note, only Victor can combine Cid into more powerful forms; you
can't do it on your COMP.

 v.       Planetarium:

        You can access two new locations.  You can go to the building
near the warehouse (Shack?), but since almost all of the doors there are
locked, it's pointless now.  Go to the building near your house.  This is
the first dungeon that the manual doesn't show a map for, but it's pretty
short.  There's nothing on floor 1 except a couple of citizens so go up to
floor 2.  On floor 2, there are a number of small rooms with nice goodies.
On the western side, you can find an engage ring, a XchiXXnoX, and a
terminal room.  On the eastern side, you can find a chest with M$1000 and a
healing spot.
        There's a small room between the terminal room and healing spot
called the Check room.  You have to take a quiz here in order to open the
locked doors here.  You have to answer 5 questions correctly.  The questions
and answers are the same each time, but the order is randomly chosen.  If
you choose a wrong answer or take too much time on a single question,
you'll be teleported to another part of the dungeon.  I'm not 100% fluent
in Japanese, so I can't tell you what the questions are, but I have
listed some noticeable (to me) features of each question and its correct

The word "libra" is written in English   - answer: top right choice
All the answers are numbers              - answer: top right choice (12)
The first two characters are both shi    - answer: bottom left choice
The first word is kono                   - answer: top left choice
Third character looks like upside down T - answer: bottom right

        Sorry, I couldn't be more precise, but that should be enough
help to enable you to complete the quiz in a couple tries.  After you've
solved the quiz, save at the terminal room, and then go up the stairs at
the northern end of floor 2.  On floor 3, there are two small rooms, one
has a Chakra Pot and the other holds a monster in a box (if you defeat
him, you'll get an item).
        At the northern end of floor 3, there is a large room.  If you've
completed the quiz on floor 2, the door will be unlocked.  Enter and
you'll meet a guitarist named Carl J.  After some dialogue, a mysterious
voice will start laughing and a bright light will enter CJ's body, turning
him into an ugly demon.  After some more dialogue, the third boss, the
demon Muuuisu, will attack.
        Muuuisu has some decent attacks - a poison attack that, when
successful, lowers your character's sword power (or a monster's attack
power), a powerful single hit physical attack (Short Jab), and a couple of
other magical attacks.  But with a decent party, he shouldn't be too
difficult.  Muuuisu has around 550HP.
        When you defeat Muuuisu, the light that possessed CJ will leave
his body and fly towards you!  The screen will fill with light and then
you will hear Nemissa.  Then the light and Nemissa will leave.  CJ seems
to be a normal person now and he will give you a new COMP module, the
Back Up (2 slots; allows you to permanently save your game on the 2D or 3D
areas).  Spooky will then call you and tell you that he's seen Nemissa and
she's inside the Paradigm X computer!
        Now, you'll automatically go to the Spookies semi-truck.  No
one's there, but when you look at the computer, you'll see Nemissa.
Somehow she manages to get out of the computer and back into reality.
After some conversation, you are given a list of options.  Save and then
access Paradigm X.  Instead of accessing it, Nemissa will hold your hand
and physically teleport both of you into the computer system (FMV).
        Soon after entering Paradigm X, Nemissa will lead you to the
clothing store, where she will get a new outfit.  Hitomi gets rather
upset over Nemissa's selection - a black outfit that makes her look like
a gang member.  After this, walk by the alley.  Redman will appear
(this time as a rabbit) and talk to you.  Now go to the VR building.
Vision Quest 2 begins.   

 vi.      Vision Quest 2:

        After some FMV and some dialogue (with references to Vision
Quest 1), you'll find yourself in a large building which I call the
Summoner Building.  You'll be in charge of Yuda (LV25-great sword
attack) and 4 monsters - Maruto (LV25-Lighting attacks), Tokebi (LV23-
has the map spell), Oshirasam (LV21-Only useful when you need to cure
bad conditions), and Shirukii(LV24-Excellent healer with good ice
        On F1, try to go to the elevator in the north east area of the
floor.  When you reach the locked door, go back, and you'll talk to a
summoner.  Then go to the counter room (in the middle of the floor) to
unlock the door.  Now, you can go to F2 via the elevator.
        On F2, you can meet Redman (in the Terminal room) and restore
your HP, MP, status, and save the game.  Xs on the floor map are damage
zones; stepping in these will lower your HP.  In the terminal room on
this floor, you'll meet a girl named Ray.  She will attack you and she
is EXTREMELY powerful.  After you do around 700HP of damage to her, the
battle will end (you won't actually defeat her), there will be some
conversation, and then she will leave.  The locked door on F2 will now
be unlocked so now you can take the northern elevator to B1.
        On B1F, go to the counter room in the middle of the floor to
unlock the door on F3.  Go to F3.  Go to the room at the northern end
of F3.  Here, you will fight the fourth boss, the monster Uinpe.
Uinpe isn't very powerful, but he does have one dangerous spell that
can turn your characters to stone.  It took me about 3350HP of damage
(he healed twice) to defeat Uinpe.  After defeating Uinpe, a pink
mist will appear, some dialogue will occur, and then Vision Quest 2
will be over.

 vii.      Summoner Building:

         After some conversation and a message from Summoner Net, go to
the fourth area on the city map.  There's a new location here, which (for
lack of its true name) I call the Summoner Building.  As you might have
guessed, this is the same building you were in during Vision Quest 2, but
many things have changed here, both in appearance and in layout.
         There is a chest with M$400 on the east side of floor 1 and a
chest with a Chakra Pot on the west side.  Go down to B1.  On B1, you can
find M$1000 (northwest part of the floor) and a potion that restores life
(northeast part of the floor).  Now go to F2.  Here, you can find an item,
M$800, and a healing spot (with Redman, now a rabbit).  There is a small
room in the northeast part of this floor, go there for a necessary story
scene (darkness and then a voice).
         Now go back down to B1.  In the southeast part of the floor, is
a very important room.  Here, you will find Yuda's saxophone, the Power
Memory item (a key item that enables you to hold 12 monsters at a time),
and the 4 monsters that Yuda had in Vision Quest 2.  Wonderful!  Now, you
can go to floor 3 (if you tried early, you would have been stopped at the
entrance of the floor).  Go to the room where you fought Uinpe in the
Vision Quest.
         Uinpe will disappear without a fight and then you will run into
Fuinegan (from the Vision Quests).  After some conversation, Fuinegan will
summon 4 monsters and then leave.  The monsters are strong (the one in the
back heals everyone each turn), but you just got Yuda's strong monsters so
it shouldn't be too difficult.
         Afterwards, a man dressed in purple comes and talks to you.  He
then shows you a picture of Ray (from Vision Quest 2).  Now go back to the
Spookies' semi-truck.  Spooky and Lunch are there.  Go with them to a new
location in this area, the COMP module shop.  After a lot of dialogue,
you'll be able to purchase new COMP modules (right now they have 6, each
for 480 yen).

 viii.     Your sister, Tomoko:

         When you leave the COMP module shop, you'll receive a phone call
from your mom.  Apparently, something seems to be wrong with your sister,
Tomoko, so go back home.  You'll also get some mail saying that the Pet
Shop is open plus the password necessary to access it.  When you get home,
it's obvious that Tomoko isn't feeling well - she isn't responding to
anything!  It's as if someone has stolen her soul...  Looking at your
computer, you see she was currently accessing the VR Palace of Paradigm X.
         Go to Paradigm X.  The Pet Store is open now and it functions as
a type of trader outlet for summoners.  You give summoners monsters that
they want and they give you something in return.  The first summoner wants
monsters with particular types of spells or abilities.  The second summoner
wants monsters with particular stats (1st option is Str&IQ=10 or higher, I
think).  The third summoner wants monsters of particular types (1st option
is dark type).  The fourth summoner wants specific monsters and the fifth
summoner wants a monster with full loyalty (more options after you give him
one).  Be sure to save before doing any trades.  You'll want to be sure to
give the fourth summoner a Siruki (one of the monsters you got from Urabi)
for the Debidasu '99 - a very useful and interesting software module that
will give you a new command under analyze which will help you figure out
which monsters you haven't seen or obtained yet.
         Go to the VR palace and enter the museum/art gallery.  On the
first floor, there is a person who seems to be in the same condition that
Tomoko is in.  On the second floor, go to the picture with dolphins in it.
You can hear a human voice, Tomoko's voice, from the picture.  And to your
amazement, the picture sucks you into it!
         There are no fights in the Aqua Dolphin picture area.  If you
walk forward, you'll soon notice that you don't seem to be getting
anywhere (if you walk long enough, Hitomi will speak and I'm guessing she
says something to this effect).  If you are attentive, you'll notice that
as you are walking forward, the scenary seems to jump at one point.  It
looks like there's a barrier preventing you from going further.  Leave
the picture.
         When you exit the painting, someone named Jagura will come and
talk to you.  You're trying to get to Tomoko (who is in the dolphin
picture), but to do that, you'll first need to find 3 chess pieces.
         First go to the first floor of the museum and enter the only
picture that you can enter there.  You'll find yourself in a cave.  There
are three items in this small cave - a poison cure, a sword that will
attack a row, and a chess piece (a bishop).  The chess piece is in a
locked room to the north.  In each of the four corners of the cave, there
is a room with an old man in it.  First go to the locked room, then go
talk to each of the four men.  Then talk to them again.  Then go to the
man in the southwest room and talk to him again.  When it gives you a
choice, pick the top one.  He'll give you a key to the locked room and
you'll finally be able to get the bishop piece.
         Next you need to go the "Strange Place" picture on the second
floor of the museum.  You can't use your map here so it's easy to get
lost if you don't pay attention.  If you want to make a map yourself,
this area is a 16x16 size grid that never ends; think of it as a very
small globe.  The chess piece you're looking for is in a room near the
entrance.  Use the warps scattered around the area to get to it.  Using a
warp will usually change your direction so don't become disoriented.  In
addition to the chess piece, you can also find M$1000 and Roman Sandals.
         Once you get the two chess pieces, go to the chess board picture.
In the big room, only step on floors with a chess piece on them, otherwise
you'll get warped back.  In the small room immediately past the large one,
you'll fight a battle with Jagura (unless you don't have the 2 chess pieces
in which case, you'll get warped back).  Jagura himself isn't especially
difficult, but he has two monsters guarding him who are very strong
physically and have fantastic defense against all non magical attacks.
Defeat them quickly with magic, because Jaguara casts an anti-magic spell
on the first turn.  Grenades might be useful here although I haven't tried
them.  After defeating Jagura, you'll get the final chess piece.
         Keep on exploring the chess board picture until you find the room
with a chess board in it.  You'll use the 3 chess pieces you have to get a
checkmate and then the magic barrier in the dolphin picture will be
dispelled.  Save and heal and then go to the dolphin picture.
         In the dolphin picture, you'll find Tomoko and a dolphin demon.
You'll have to fight the dolphin demon, Iruku, in order to rescue Tomoko.
It primarily uses Ice attacks and its most powerful move is an Ice All/
Sleep All combo.  It absorbs magic and has very high defense so it'll
take a while to defeat it.  Iruku has about 630HP.
         When you defeat Irukuk, Tomoko will go back to normal and will
leave Paradigm X.  You'll automatically go to the Spookies' truck.  There's
some mail telling you that EL-115 has some new software modules for sale.
Go there if you like and then go back home to check up on Tomoko.  She seems
well.  After talking to her, go to your room.  Your dad is in there, but
what is he doing?

 ix.       Muuuisu

         As you leave your house, you are stopped by a mysterious figure
named Muuuisu.  After talking a bit, he attacks.  He has around 2000HP and
has several powerful attacks, but is a little weak even so.  Just pound him
with your best moves and he'll go down quickly.  After defeating him, you'll
get a story item and automatically head to the Spookies' truck.
         Everyone's there and they join you.  There's a new area on the city
map now (it's the third choice) and a new location, the Leon Manufacturing
Plant.  Go there.  When you first get there, the electricity is off and
there are no enemies.  Go to a room to the northwest, to turn the electricity
(and the monsters) on.  Soon after you do this, you'll meet Ray, the girl
from the second Vision Quest.  Go to the elevator.
         You can go to floors 2-4.  There isn't much to do on floor 4 other
than talk to Six so you can skip it for now.  Go to floor 3.  Near the
elevator, you'll find a key.  With this key, you can enter a locked room on
this floor and activate a second elevator on floor 2.  Do so.  When you do
this, you can take advantage of the terminal room and healing spot that are
located near the locked room.
         Now go to floor 2.  The second elevator is on the opposite end of
the floor and you can get there without being attacked since there are no
enemies on the edges of this floor.  But before you go there, jump off the
ledge that is farther east than any other ledge.  You'll jump down to a
new area on floor 1 where you can get several items.  Most of the items are
mundane, but you can get M$2000 and a Luck+1 item.
         Use the second elevator to go up to floor 4.  There are items on
floor 3, but I'm not sure how to get them since there are invisible holes
guarding them so skip that floor.  On floor 4, if you jump off a certain
ledge, you can get to a hidden central location on floor 2 with two items,
but neither item is essential.  On floor 4, go to the room in the middle
of the floor (making sure to have a strong party before doing so).  You'll
meet Muuuisu again and he's much more powerful.  At first, he'll waste a
couple of turns doing nothing, but then he starts using powerful spells
and techniques.  He starts with the Mark command (focuses his single
attacks on a specific character) and then starts to unleash powerful
offensive spells (Fire and Megido), some of which will target both rows
for immense damage.  Keep your characters alive and attack when you can.
He has 3800HP and it will take a while to defeat him.
         After defeating him, he'll turn into a ball of energy and enter
the monitor behind.  You'll automatically follow.  You'll chase Muuuisu
and when you catch up to him, he'll disappear.  You then will leave this
virtual world and have a conversation with Ray.  When she leaves, you'll
regroup with the Spookies and leave the manufacturing plant.
         Go to the cruise ship.  You'll meet a friend of Ray's and she'll
give you a sword.  This is a very special sword - you can combine it with
a monster and it will take on the power and attribute of that monster.  I've
found that it's Attack Power is equal to about the LV of the monster + 2x
its Strength.  Some combined swords can be used by your hero whereas
some can be used by Nemissa (the top-right corner of the sword screen
tells you who can use it - male or female).  I recommend you make swords
for your Hero.  Be sure to make swords with an elemental attribute
(especially electricity or ice since they can stun the enemy) since such
swords are effective against enemies that are strong against physical
attacks and weak against magic (and of course, enemies that are weak
against that specific element type).  You can fuse as many monsters as you
want to your sword, but past fusion have no effect on future fusions.

 x.        The rest of CD1 (coming in future versions)

         (Hint - you'll need to use the shuttle in the basement of the
Summoner building in order to get to the next dungeon)

III.    Walkthrough - CD2 (coming in future versions)

IV.     Equipment Charts (under construction):

        An X in the name represents a kanji symbol.

 i.        Weapons:

  a.        Close Range:

Name           Atk Power  Hit%  Gender     Cost  Comments

Sukiauvooa          30     16    Male         ?  Hits Row
Igu Knife            9      4    Male         ?
Sukiandou            8      6   Female        ?
Razer Comb          11     18    Male       800
Half Pike            9      3   Female      980  Hit from back row
Battle Fury Knife   14      8     MF       1600
Army Dato           16     12   Female     2400
XX mikisa           14     54    Male         ?
Syamashiiru         64     25    Male         ?  Some damage to back
Billy Club          20      3    Male      2600
Torential Knife     22     24     MF       2980
XX Knife            22      4   Female     3500
Bagu Naku           22     10   Female     4480
Ninja Sword         28     58    Male      4480
Spinner             28      2   Female     5200  Hits Row
Toigan Knife        32     18   Female        ?  Luck+2
XXnoXXX             20     22     MF          ?  Hits Row
Fakiizu Horn        32     30    Male         ?
Firangi             31     68    Male      6800
KogarasuX           28     38    Male         ?
Iiru Sukinaa        28     24   Female     6800
Jairooiiru          30     34   Female     9980  Hits Row
Chakurama           41     18   Female        ?  Hits Row
Tokebi Knife        44      8    Male         ?
Fusion Sword        14      2     MF          ?  Before Fusion
Nyaso 2 Claw        56     56   Female        ?  Hits Row  Speed+2
XXNihuru            51     21   Female        ?  ?
Gradius             46     30    Male      9800

  b.        Firearms:

Name         Atk Power  Hit%  Gender #Bul  Uses    Cost  Comments

AKS74             34     12     MF    20   Shot    5980
Lousy K*K         14      4     MF     3   Shot       ?
Rugaa P95DC       17      8     MF    10   Shot    1200
Sutekki XXXX      18      2     MF    10   Shot    2200
Muzzled SR93      42     22    Male   20   Shot   12800
Sookomu Pistol    25     24     MF    10   Shot    3980
Annihilator       18      4     MF    30   Shot    3600  Hits Row
XpipeXXXX         20      2     MF     5  Shells   3400
Arukusu-96        28     52    Male   30   Shot    8800  Hits Row
Side by Side      40      8    Male    5  Shells      ?

  c.        Bullets:

Name         Atk Power  Hit%  Type   Cost  Comments

NormalX            1      1   Shot     10
Bad Shot           3      8   Shot     30
XXX                8      4   Shot     90  Sleep
Shack Killer      10     14   Shot    120
Bad Shell          6      6   Shell    60
Biker Shell        8     14   Shell   100
Lucky Shell       10     10   Shell   100

 ii.       Armor:

  a.        Body Armor:

Name            Def Power  Eva%  Gender     Cost  Comments

Brigandine          32      11    Male      5980
Keburaabe Suit       8       5     MF          ?
Padded Armor        10       8     MF        780
XXX                  8       6     MF          ?  Ice Def+
High Leg Armor      12       8   Female     1600  Ice Def+  Fire Def-
Hide Armor          20      12    Male      3480  Str+2 ?
PuchibruXXXX        16      10   Female     2300
XchiXXnoX           11       9    Male         ?  Vit+2
XXX                 22      16     MF       3480
XXXXXX              26      24     MF       7450
XXX                 42      19     MF       7600  ? Requires Vit=15

  b.        Helms:

Name            Def Power  Eva%  Gender     Cost  Comments

"Urabi's Hat"        6       8     MF          ?
Nokkuauto X          2       2     MF          ?
Fleece Helm          4       6     MF        680
NBC XX Mask          7       2    Male      1300  Vit+1
Metal Taaban         8       6     MF       1180  ?
XXmaik6X             7      12    Male      1600  ?
Furufuiisu Helm     12      14     MF       2980
Bareru Helm         20      12    Male      3980  Luck-4
SGE XX Mask         14      14     MF       5500  ??
Barubyuuta          18      15    Male      6980
Tooten Koppu        15      18    Male      6980

  b.        Gloves:

Name            Def Power  Eva%  Gender     Cost  Comments

Rattle Snake         8       8     MF       1280
Razer Glove          2       3     MF          ?
XXXX Ring            4       2   Female      600
Jamming Arm          7       9    Male      1100  IQ+2
Engage Ring          3       8     MF          ?
Gauntlet            13      10    Male      2200
XXXX                 1      12    Male      2400  ?
G-Radaazu            1      15   Female     3480  Str-2  Magic+3
XXnoXX               8       1    Male         ?  Str+3  Magic-4
Kaiser Ring         15      12    Male      4980  Str+1
Guard Angel         16      18     MF       4980
Intel Guard         18      14   Female     6480
XXXnoXX             20       8    Male      7200  Str+2

  b.        Shoes:

Name            Def Power  Eva%  Gender     Cost  Comments

Escape Shoes         7      24     MF       1580  Speed+2
Razer Boots          2       2     MF          ?
Crime Boots          4       1     MF        980
Jaba Foot            5      15     MF          ?
Ieroo Chapusu        6      12     MF       1200
XXnosuneXte         12      24     MF       3980
Dashing Heels       10      15   Female     2980
Engineer Boots      11      10    Male      2780
Roman Sandals        8      16   Female        ?
Hesian Boots        14      28    Male      5980
Metal Boots         17      24     MF       7800

V.      COMP Module Chart (under construction):

(* after name means module takes up 2 spaces)

Name            Type    Received/Cost    Effect

Enemy Sonar     3D      After VQ1        Detects Presence of Enemies
Honey Bee       Map     After VQ1        Enables automap function
Muun Adaruto    Talk    After VQ1        Conversation+ w/full moon
Neo Clear*      3D      Cruise Ship      Shows surrounding area
Davinchi        COMP    Cruise Ship      Informative command under Unite
Back Up*        COMP    Planetarium      Enables permanent save anywhere
Grab Magic      3D      $480             HP increases as you walk
Time Gaoru      3D      $480             Shows time
Hiromon         Battle  $480             Find more items after battle
Nurse Call      Battle  $480             Heals demon when summoned
Lady Killers    Talk    $480             Conversation+ w/female demons
Arubato         Talk    $480             ?
Debidasu '99    COMP    Pet Shop         Extra Analyze Command
Panpu Bokkusu   3D      $720             ?
Nightingale     Battle  $720             ?
XXX             Battle  $720             ?
Moon Palace     Battle  $720             ?
Daburu Baryu    Talk    $720             ?
Syutaina        COMP    $720             ?
Capsule Lock*   3D      $980             Avoid encounters with weak enemies
Scanning Zero   Map     $980             ?
Mr. Surprise    Battle  $980             ?
Gibo Aizu       Battle  $980             ?
Dark Man        Talk    $980             ?
Jibe Talking    Talk    $980             ?

VI.     Spells & Skills Charts (under construction):

(Note-LVs are approximations in some cases)

Name           Target   MP  Learned    Effect

Deia              1      2   LV  1     Restores HP
Agi               1      3   LV  7     Fireball
Medeia           All     6   LV 15     Restores HP
Roman Candle    2Rows    6   LV 18     Random Damage
Hama              1      4   LV 21     Instant Kill
Rikamu            1      8   LV 23     Restores Life
Maha Ragi        Row     8   LV 27     Fireball
Deia Rama         1      4   LV 30     Restores HP

Thanks for reading the Devil Summoner 2: Soul Hackers FAQ!

Robert Boyd