Andere Lösungen

Destrega (Celia) (e)

                 Destrega - PlayStation

                 (C) 1998 Koei Co., Ltd.
                   (C) 1999 Koei Corp.

       Walter F. Williams III (

*** This character FAQ is the property of the above author. ***
*** You are free to distribute this thing to anybody you    ***
*** want, as long as the original author is given credit    ***
*** for creating it.                                        ***

                       Character FAQ
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Like Gradd, Celia is one of the last surviving Strega. After becoming
separated from her family during the 11-year war, she was taken in by
a nomadic tribe in the East. She lived her life not knowing she was a
Strega until she met Rohzen, who tells her of her mission she has as
a Strega. Celia now accompanies Rohzen as they travel throughout Ipsen
seeking other Strega.

Tidu - speed magic (press Square)
     - travels at a high speed
Est - power magic (press Triangle)
    - deals a lot of damage
Foh - span magic (press Circle)
    - covers a wide area

Magic Type: Wind
Celia's wind magic does not have a lot of power, but it travels at
high speeds, allowing her to hit an opponent several times in a few
seconds before they have a chance to counterattack. The only
exception is her Tornado, which travels slowly, but has excellent
homing capabilities, and her opponent will have a hard time escaping

 Power - weak
 Speed - medium
 Homing - great
 Run - medium
 Dash - fast
 Jump - high

Spell Description:
 First number in parentheses: damage at long range
 Second number in parentheses: damage at close range
 only one number in parentheses: damage at any range
 (#+$) multiple-hit combo: # - 1st hit, $ - 2nd hit, etc.
 #-shot: will fire # of shots in a row
 #-way: will fire in # directions
 homing: follows the enemy

Level 1 magic:
Tidu - Wind Cutter (8-16) (2-shot)
Est - Air Blast (22) (2-shot, homing)
Foh - Gust (22)

Level 2 magic:
Tidu-Tidu - (12-24) (2-shot)
Tidu-Est - (11-22) (3-shot)
Tidu-Foh - (17-26) (5-way)
Est-Tidu - (28) (2-shot, homing)
Est-Est - (37) (2-shot, homing)
Est-Foh - (37) (5-way, homing)
Foh-Tidu - (30)
Foh-Est - (53)
Foh-Foh - (27)

Level 3 magic:
Tidu-Tidu-Tidu - (23-40) (2-shot)
Tidu-Tidu-Est - (23-28) (2-shot)
Tidu-Tidu-Foh - (33-36) (3-way)
Tidu-Est-Tidu - (16-27) (4-shot)
Tidu-Est-Est - (22-31) (5-shot)
Tidu-Foh-Tidu - (29) (5-way)
Tidu-Foh-Foh - (26) (7-way)
Est-Tidu-Tidu - (33) (2-shot)
Est-Tidu-Est - (39) (2-shot)
Est-Est-Tidu - (42) (2-shot)
Est-Est-Est - (55) (2-shot)
Est-Est-Foh - (58) (3-way, homing)
Est-Foh-Est - (53) (5-way, homing)
Est-Foh-Foh - (42) (7-way)
Foh-Tidu-Tidu - (38)
Foh-Tidu-Foh - (35)
Foh-Est-Est - (59)
Foh-Est-Foh - (48)
Foh-Foh-Tidu - (35)
Foh-Foh-Est - (43)
Foh-Foh-Foh - (32)

Special Magic Attack: Tornado (48)

Close-Range Attacks:

Square - Quick attack
       - Hit this rapidly to form a combo
Triangle - Strong attack
         - Can knock down the enemy in a single hit
Circle - Sidestep attack
       - dodges the opponent, then attacks

Square - (9)
Squarex2 - (9+11)
Squarex3 - (9+11+11)
Squarex4 - (9+11+11+13)
Square + Triangle - (9+15)
Squarex2 + Triangle - (9+11+16)
Squarex3 + Triangle - (9+11+11+17)
Triangle - (17)
Circle - (18)

Charge Dash - (8)