Andere Lösungen

Dark Rift (e)

         Dark Rift
          For N64

    Combo/Move List FAQ

Contents of this FAQ :

1. Story of Dark Rift 
2. Controls of Dark Rift
3. Characters of Dark Rift
    a. Col. Aaron Maverick
    b. Demonica Grroux
    c. Lord Demon Demitron
    d. Eve 
    e. Gore
    f.  Morphix
    g. Niiki
    h. Scarlet Zerai
    i . Sonork Nezom
    j.  Zenmuron  
4. Codes for Dark Rift
5. Credits & Thanks

The Story of Dark Rift :
   The legend of Dark Rift centers on the powerful Master Key,an ancient 
artifact that was forged
to lock away all the forces and secrets of the cosmos. The Key was then divided 
into Prime
Elements,which were sent tp separate circles of reality for safekeeping. Two 
tyrants hold pieces
of the Key : Sonork Nezom,who controls the Core Prime Element,and the Lord Demon 
who has the Dark Prime Element imbedded in his head. Offering his element as a 
prize, Sonork
is holding a fighting tournament to lure the unknown holder of the Light Prime 
Element into his dimension. Sonork is so certain that he can defeat this mystery 
fighter that he's already plotting to use the two pieces of the Key to destroy 
Demitron and take control of the cosmos.

The Controls of Dark Rift :

L -The top Left Button(Sidestep Button)
R -The top Right Button(Sidestep Button)
U- Up on the Directional Pad
D- Down on the Directional Pad
B- Back on the Directional Pad
F- Forward on the Directional Pad
a- a Button(Special Move Button)
b- b Button(Throw Button or Close Move Button)
C Up- The top C Button
C Down- The bottom C Button
C Left- The left C Button
C Right- The right C Button 
The Characters of Dark Rift :

Character Analysis : Col. Aaron Maverick
Story : With the planet Earth in ruins-the result of savage and protacted wars-
Colonel Aaron Maverick of the Colonial Commando Special Task Force has been 
ordered by his superiors to
enter the tournament. As an explosives and weapons expert,Aaron believes he can 
beat the other competitors,win the Core Prime Element,and use it to restore 
peace on his planet. The Core Prime Element is the only thing that can save the 
war ravaged planet. He is equipped with the MFG-16,the latest design in assault 
rifle weaponary.

Special Moves :

1. F,F + C Up
2. F,F + a
3. F,F + C Left
4. D,DF,F + a
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down,C Down,D + C Up

Horizontal Combos :

1. C Left,C Left,F + C Left
2. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Up,B + C Left,B + C Left
3. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Up,F+ C Left,F + C Left

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Down,C Left,F + C Left
2. C Up,C Down,C Left,C Up,C Up,C Down,C Down,C Left
3. C Up,C Down,C Left,C Up,C Up,C Down,C Down,C Left,b
4. C Up,C Down,C Right,C Up,C Up,F + C Left,F+ C Left

Character Analysis : Demonica Grroux
Story : Demonica,at the bidding of her evil master,the Lord Demon Demitron,hopes 
to fight Sonork for the Core Prime Element and take it back to the Dark 
Dimension. While she may not easy on the eyes,she's more than a match for any 
warrior. Years ago,Demonica was captured by Sonork and she revealed the secret 
of the elements in order to spare life. Seeking revenge,she has returned to 
fight Sonork for the Core Prime Element.

Special Moves : 

1. DB + C Left
2. F,F + C Up
3. F,F + a
4. B,B + C Left
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down,C Down

Horizontal Combos : 

1. C Left,C Left,D + C Left
2. C Left,D + C Left,D + C Left
3. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,D + C Up,b
4. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,D + C Up
5. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,C Up,D + C Left,D + C Left,C Up

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,D + C Left
2. C Up,C Up,C Up,C Left,D + C Up,b

Character Analysis : Lord Demon Demitron
Story : 

Special Moves :

Kick Combos :

Horizontal Combos :

Vertical Combos :

Character Analysis : Eve
Story : Years ago,Eve was the head researcher of Sonork's secret project to 
create a race of 
Sentient Integrated Droids. When a batch of droids malfunctioned and went 
berserk,Sonork ordered his forces to destroy all traces of the secret labratory 
on the Planet Eden. Mortally 
wounded while fleeing the lab,Eve spent the last moments of her life 
transferring her consciousness into a highly advanced prototype droid. The Core 
Prime Element is the only thing
that can repair and restore her human body in its proper form.

Special Moves :

1. DB + C Left
2. F,F + C Up
3. D,DF,F + a
4. F,F(Hold) C Left
5. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down

Horizontal Combos : 

1. C Left,C Left,D + C Left
2. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,D + C Left
3. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,D + C Up,F + C Up
4. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left,C Left,D + C Up,B + C Up

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,D + Up
2. C Up,C Up,C Left,C Up,C Left,D + Left
3. C Up,C Up,B + C Left

Character Analysis : Gore
Story : Axe-toting Gore of the Highlands is the champion warrior of the Planet 
Dorlon. The King
the Dorlons decreed to his subjects that they are the rightful owners of the 
Core Prime Element,
and ordered Gore to recover the relic.

Special Moves :

1. DF + C Up
2. F,F + C Up
3. F,F, + C Left
4. D,DF,F + a
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down,D + C Left

Horizontal Combos : 

1. C Left,C Left,B + C Left
2. C Left,C Left,F + C Left
3. C Left,C Up,C Up
4. C Left,C Left,D + C Left,C Left,D + C Up,C Up

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,D + C Up
2. C Up,C Up,C Left,C Up,b

Character Analysis : Morphix
Story : Morphix is pure energy and enigma. It's speculated that he came from the 
Light Dimension and even that he carries the Light Prime Element,but nobody 
really knows why Morphix is in the contest.

Special Moves : 

1. F,F + C Up
2. DF + C Up
3. DB + C Left
4. D,DF,F + a
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos : 

1. C Down,C Down

Horizontal Combos :

1. C Left,C Left,D + C Left
2. C Left,C Left,C Left,C Up,C Left
3. C Left,C Left,C Left,C Up,D + C Left,D + Left,C Up,b

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,F + C Up,D + C Up,
2. C Up,C Up,C Left,C Up,D + C Left,D + C Left,D + C Up

Character Analysis : Niiki 
Story : Niiki is a trouble-making princess from the Jungle City of Faralon. She 
ran away from home after her over protective parents forbade her from leaving 
the palace. No one knows Niiki's 
true identity. She was trained by the best warriors in Faralon,and she is a 
master of Inverse
Kinematics,the art of applying balance and leverage to displace a foe's momentum 
against himself. She has no interest in obtaining the Core Prime Element.

Special Moves :

1. D,DF,F + a
2. F,F + C Down
3. B,B + C Down
4. DB + C Left
5. B,B + C Left
6. DF + C Up
7. F,F(Hold) C Left
8. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down,C Down,C Up
2. C Down,C Down,C Down,B + C Down,C Down,F + C Down
3. C Down,C Down,C Down,F + C Down,D + C Up,D + C Down

Horizontal Combos :

1. C Left,C Left,D + C Down
2. C Left,C Left,C Down,B + C Down,C Down,F + C Down
3. C Left,C Left,C Down,F + C Down,C Down
4. C Left,C Left,C Down,B + C Down,D + C Up,D + C Up
5. C Left,C Left,C Down,F + C Down,D + C Up,D + C Up

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,D + C Left
2. C Up,C Up,C Down,B + C Down,C Down,F + C Down
3. C Up,C Up,C Down,B + C Down,D + C Up,D + C Up

Character Analysis : Scarlet Zerai
Story : An official custodian of the Core Prime Element,she was removed from her 
post when
the tyrannical Sonork decreed that females were unfit for using relics and 
having a lofty position.
Scarlet vows to destroy Sonork and declare herself  Empress of the Chosen Ones. 
She shuns
technological advancements and is very fond of classic weapons and ancient 

Special Moves :

1. DB + C Left
2. DF + C Up
3. F,F + a
4. D,DF,F + a
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos :

1. C Down,C Left

Horizontal Combos :

1. C Left,C Left,C Left,C Down
2. C Left,C Left,D + C Left,C Up,b

Vertical Combos :

1. C Up,C Up,C Up
2. C Up,C Up,C Left
3. C Up,C Up,D + C Left,C Up,C Up,D + C Left

Character Analysis : Sonork Nezom
Story : 

Special Moves :

Kick Combos : 

Horizontal Combos :

Vertical Combos :

Character Analysis : Zenmuron
Story : No one really knows much about Zenmuron since no one ever survived an 
encounter with this mysterious warrior. There is speculation that Zenmuron 
belongs to a secret society that teaches warriors lethal Ninja techniques 
combined with Samurai style,but nobody knows the intentions of this clandestine 

Special Moves :

1. DB + C Left
2. F,F + a
3. D,DF,F + a
4. F,F + C Left
5. F,F(Hold) C Left
6. F,F(Hold) C Down

Kick Combos : 

1. C Down,C Down,D + C Down
2. C Down,C Down, F + C Down
3. C Down,C Down,F + C Down, C Up,C Down,C Up,b

Horizontal Combos :

1. C Left,C Left,D + C Up
2. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Down,C Up,b
3. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Down,C Down,C Down,B + C Down,C Down
4. C Left,C Left,C Up,C Down,C Down,C Down,F + C Down,C Down

Vertical Combos : 

1. C Up,C Up,B + C Left
2. C Up,C Up,C Up,C Down,C Up,b

Codes for Dark Rift :

To play as Sonork Nezom :

At the main Title Screen,press L,R,C Up,C Down,C Left,C Right
(Note : This code may also be found when you beat the Hard Difficulty Setting)

To play as Sonork Nezom and Lord Demon Demitron :

At the main Title Screen,press a,b,R,L,C Down,C Left

View Endings :

(Note: Codes done at main Title Screen)

Col. Aaron Maverick Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,C Left

Demonica Grroux Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,C Up

Lord Demon Demitron Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,L,L,C Down

Eve Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,C Right

Gore Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,C Down

Morphix Ending : 
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,b

Niiki Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,R,R,a

Scarlet Zerai Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,L,L,C Left

Sonork Nezom Ending : 
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,L,L,C Up

Zenmuron Ending :
Press U,C Left,R,F,D,L,L,C Right

Credits & Thanks : 

-Vic Tokai for actually making this better than that crappy game,Criticom.
-And me cause this FAQ wouldn't have been done without me.