The Cyberplasm Formula (e)

Cyberplasm Formula 

1. Start mission 

2. When the mouse is over a "hot spot" the words in the upper left 
hand corner of the screen will prompt you to the action that will 
occur if you click on that area. This guide will get you through as 
fast as possible and show you a few highlights of the program but 
please explore outside of these hints since free interactive 
exploration is what makes Victor Vector so much fun. Anytime you do 
explore outside of the guidelines, save your program so you can 
return to that point if you get caught by the robo ts or run out of 

3. Click the mouse on the building that says "JUNK". 

4. Click on the magnet and the can of food, then return to the last 
screen by clicking on the arrow. 

5. Go into the yellow building, then up the stairs. 

6. Ring the bell for Apt 102, and go inside. 

7. Listen to the women's story by clicking on her.. When she offers 
you something, click on the cabinet next to the TV. Take the 
champagne and the Elvis CD. If Yondo is losing energy, click on his 
food bowl.

8. Click on the door and then the stairs in the next screen. You 
will be approached and arrested. Follow the story and when Victor 
Vector prompts you to use something from the virtual backpack, click 
on the green triangle at the bottom of the screen. Scroll through 
the objects that you have collected until you reach the champagne 
bottle. Click "use" to get out. 

9. When you are back to the screen with the buildings, click on the 
rubble area to the far right. This will take you to the demolition 
screen. Click on the crean-like machine, then on the hole below the 
flashing light. In the next screen click on the hole . 

10. In first screen in the subway click on the right side. You 
should be in front of the bathrooms on the platform. Click on the 
gumball machine in the right hand corner. 

11. On the close-up of the gumball machine, clcik on the coin return 
lever and then take the coin that drops down. Return to the main 

12. Go to the men's washroom and follow the subsequent scene. Take 
the gizmo when it is offered to you. 

13. Return by clicking on the tunnel. Now go to the left side of the 
platform screen. Then go up to the ladder. 

14. Click on the other side of the road and you should get an 
overhead view of the cars with Victo Vector in the bottom of the 
screen. Now would be a good time to save the game. Click on the 
green triangle to the right of the screen and then on the save 
button. Save the game to a folder on your hard drive and return to 
the game. 

15. Try to cross the road by clicking on the place you want Victor 
Vector to go . It can be tricy but don't worry since you have saved 
the game. Once to the other side, a red car will stop: get next to 
the car and click on it. Get in the car by clicking on the passenger 

16. Follow the story to the Robocorp Headquarters, click on the 
front door. Disable the robot guard by using the magnet. Go to the 
elevator, the red door on the left side of the screen. 

17. Press the button for any floor and then use the gizmo that the 
punks gave you to get to the access code. You will have to play a 
Simon-type game remembering a sequence of the colors and reenter the 
code by clicking on the colors on the control panel. You may want to 
save the game again in case you enter the wrong code. When you are 
succesful, the elevator will go to the floor you choose. Eventually 
you want to go to the 12th floor. 

18. Once on the 12th floor, go to the door through the hall to the 

19. Go into the office of Dr. Alfred Mode. After a few screen he 
will be finished speaking: go into your virtual backpack and "use" 
the Elvis CD. Take the key to the 257th floor that Dr. Mode offers 

20. You should have jumped straight back to the elevator. Use the 
key to get to the 257th floor. 

21. Go into the secret lab and click on the curator robot on the 
right. Click on the robot to the left. Write down the combinations 
for the missing chips. Return to the elevator through the doorway. 

22. Go to the 9th floor and enter the parts department. Click on the 
keypad and enter 911 to get an explanation of how the keypad 
operates. The "P" series chip will be in inventory; the computer 
will give you instructions to the others. Enter the number to get 
the "P" series chip. Take the chip and return to the elevator. 

23. Go to the snack bar on the 5th floor. Order veggie burgers until 
Yondo's health is 100%. The robot will stop you from opening the 
panel, so order a burger and a tofu dog at the same time and while 
he is busy click on the panel and take the "K" series chip you need. 
Return to the elevator. 

24. Go to the Hazardous Waste Area on the 2nd floor. Click on the 
far wall. The matrix on thr right shows a series of rooms; you want 
to get to room E5. You must go through them in this order: A1, B2, 
C1, D1, D2, D3, E3, E4, E5. If you go out of sequence you will not 
have enough energy to get back to the beginning. 

25. At room E5 click on a robot and then "use" the coin to open the 
panel. Take only the chip you need, any other will activate the 
robot. Return through the same sequence of rooms to get out. Go to 
the elevator. 

26. Return to the 257th floor and place the chips from your virtual 
backpack into the Ybor robot. After the robot is activated go back 
to the 12th floor. 

27. Go through Dr. Mode's office, through the open door, up the 
stairs to the 13th floor, and into the lab. A seiries of animations 
will explain the Great Crash and the origins of RAM Axis. Be sure to 
eat your can of food from your backpack. Now you have enough energy 
to take the formula disk. To finish press the red button on the time 
travel control lever that will appear after you have the disk. 
Congratulations!! You have completed the mission (with a few helpful 