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Cruis'n USA (Driving FAQ) (e)

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 05:40:22 -0700 (PDT)

Updated Crusin USA Driving FAQ v1.5
Crusin USA Driving FAQ v1.5
by Poln (

What's New
-Minor additions/corrections 

-Added minor stuff for San Francisco

-Fixed minor Stuff for Iowa/Indiana
-Other fixes
-Added Radio Section
-Added Ending 
Hi there, I don't know how to title this...since I broke a lot of records in a
couple of arcades, I had a tendency to get bored so I may share some of ways 
to get improve a bit.  If this FAQ take so much critcism from it, then it will
be asked for removal.  The records broken is Fastest times.  Of course, I did 
not broke every record around.  

I did Not list all the Avg. times or Fastest times in some stages.  You may 
have to figure that out yourself. If you have a better explaination about the 
stage, or have better times, e-mail me. Avg times is usually people who play 
well and usually get within that time.

My writing sucks in this one... If you can give me a better description of the
race, techniques, etc. that would be great.

|NOTICE:  I will NOT post any fastest times if machine malfunctions (resets  |
|itself).  [i.e. machine resets itself, then you choose the race, race it    | 
|extremely fast (few cars, etc.) then get a faster time like 5-20 sec. faster| 
|than the usual fastest time].  It's an unfair advantage to others.          |
I know what to expect the fastest time in each of the 14 races in Crusin USA.

Crusin World is little different. If you do stunts, it will take 1-2 seconds 
off per stunt performed.  Harder stunts may take 2 or 3 seconds off the 
elapsed time when completed the race.  Ex. New York  1:38:12.  You did two 
stunts which takes a total of 2 sec. off the elapsed time (1+1) so your time
would be 1:36:12.  but this is another story.  Just for your FYI.

If stunt setting is turned off.. don't attempt to do any stunts.  It's not 
worth your time.

Settings are my area..It costs 50 cents.  Simulater costs $1.00
Nickel Arcades $0.10, and Free Play ones.  Some are 2 player link.

The senstivity in stearing vary.  The default is 1-5 where 5 is most senstive.
The default is 3.

If you are in first place, you get to play again.  Some arcades, set that you 
pay per play.  If you are in 1st place, you cannot choose your car and/or 
choose what type of engine used.  You are stuck for a while until you got 2nd,
then you can choose again. (Similar to any Capcom game).

After you press start, you can choose your race, you have ~10 seconds. to 
choose.  Otherwise, it will choose the one that you highlighted.

You can choose a stage that is not listed.

1+3 Indiana [Medium] Do this replaces Bev. Hills
1+2 Golden Gate Park [Easy] Do this replaces US 101
2+3 SF [Expert] Do this replaces Grand Canyon

You cannot choose Washington can only race it if you choose SF to DC 
option and you go all the way...

Next, you select your transmission either Automatic or Manual 4 Speed.  This 
is self explanatory.

Last, you select your car.  Hold any view button to choose a different vehicle
then the ones shown.  You can drive a school bus, police car, jeep, or a 
regular vehicle.

There are 3 Views.  1. Lo-Rider.  This view is like when you are driving 
                                  the car..

                    2. Crisin'    This view is like a car behind a car.

                    3. Sky-hi.    This is a view like what you see from a 
                                  helecopter's view.

The Maximum speed for driving is about 147 MPH.  When downhill about 150 MPH.

Under the start button, there is a Radio Button where you can change the 
music during the race.  Below are types of music that you can choose if 
you don't like the default music for any reason.


I forget what the last one is... I'll get that to you later..

When a car comes towards are voices..

"We're going to Crash!"    "Go for it"
"Hurry it up!"

Be careful the cars that swerve around from lane to lane..  You can get 
clipped and get into an accident.


I'm telling you tips in a great race.

Usually from the start until the first Checkpoint, (15-20 sec). You will see
no oncoming traffic so you can use either lane (not in all cases).  

You have 75 seconds (default) to start.  20 seconds will be added as you go 
through the checkpoints.

Golden Gate Park
You will cross the Golden Gate Bridge as you begin the race.  Try to be as 
smooth as possible especailly the turns (no smoking comming out).  Until you 
see the Nintendo Sign, then you need to do a hard left towards the finsh.  Try
to stay on your side of the road.  This may give you a feel for what's more to

San Francisco
When race begins, CPU cars always had a tendency of bunching up and hitting 
each other.. don't know why... Anyway.. try to avoid a pileup when starting 
this race.  This is a 2 lane road w/ a four lane in the tunnel.  I don't know 
why a tunnel is there.  You see houses on either side of the road (victorian 
houses).  If you hit any metal object (Mail Box, lamp post), it will slow you 

In real life, the tunnels in Bay area are The Broadway Tunnel, Geary Tunnel 
(Geary Expressway), Cadecut (misspelling) in Easy Bay through Berkley Hills.  
Bay bridge.  Any others??   Avg. Time  1:40:xx

Anyway...try not to stear hard.  2. As you get into the tunnel, try to 
minimize the hard stearing.  And try to stay on the right side of the road.

U.S. 101
Try to stay on the right side of the road if possible. 2) If you know that the
turn is going to be smooth, use it.  The last one is a hard right (try to stay
in the right lane). Then you're on your way to finish the race.  You will see 
jumps, etc.

Towards the middle of the race, will see a Police Helecopter fly by..if you 
are currently in 1st place and he comes, it will be with you for a while 
before it leaves..   Avg Time:  1:48:xx  Best time:  1:46:41

Redwood Forest [Expert]
Nothing Available
If you want to contribue, let me know.  This is for Experts.  For now, look at
the FAQ by crusin12.  This is a 2 lane road with lots of turns and trees.  
Mid-way through, it will be a four lane road.  On the side, you will see a 
sand and palm trees.  As you first start the race, you will go into Redwood 
forest.  "You'll hear the lady say "Redwood."  Towards the end, you will two 
hard lefts before you reach the finish line.  
Avg. time if you are good at it.. 1:45:xx

Beverly Hills.
This one is a toughie.  The Level if Difficulty is medium, but I think that 
this is hard.  There are several turns that you have to manuver.  One of the 
turns is that you will need to do a hard right before you enter the tunnel. 
Try to stay on your side of the road if possible.  If you accidently hit a 
palm tree (when you hit it, a coconut will fall from it.) or a metal object 
(ex. fire hydrant), your speed drops down towards zero so try to avoid those.
There are landmarks in which they sometimes distract the 
"HOLLYWOOD" sign or houses ahead of you.
      Avg time:  1:38:xx  Best time (NO BS): 1:35:07

LA Freeway [Easy]
Similar to Golden Gate Park.  Try to be as smooth as possible, even when 
passing.  When you see the curve sign at the very end, you will need to do a 
hard left towards the finish line.  Avg time:  1:50:xx

Death Valley [Medium]
This is a two lane road with a 4 lanes at the end.  Try to pass all the cars 
before the first checkpoint.  Always stay on the right side of the road if 
possible (except when passing) Please be careful when you pass. 2) There is NO
oncoming traffic once you are on a 4 lane road so you can try to beat the 
other player (if you have a 2P link).  Otherwise (in a 1P game, you need to 
beat the train before you cross the track.  Otherwise, you are screwed.  
You'll hear the voice "Death Valley."  You also see the elevation of Death 
Valley as well as the Speed Limit which is 65. (Don't worry about that sign).
U.S. Congress approved the lifting of the 55 Speed Limit accross the USA and
each state can have it's own rules on each speed limit.. Ex. in CAlif. Max 
speed limit is 70MPH in rural areas..Urben area vary from 50-60.  Some at 65.
In MT, NO speed limit.. as long as you follow the basic driving rules. (you 
need to set yourself the right speed for different conditions (night, wet 
weather, etc.)  Sorry if this bore you out, this is just FYI.  You will also 
see the green highway sign that says "Death Valley Elevation:  below sea 
       Avg Time:  1:39:xx or 1:40:xx 
       Best time:  1:38:20

Grand Canyon [Expert]
I don't think this is expert..Of course, there are a lot of turns.  You don't 
need to steer very hard as you might think.  Towards Mt. Rushmore, try to be 
smooth as possible, heck..I did 150 MPH in that turn as I head downhill...At 
the very may need to do a hard left to finish.  This is one of those
Southwestern look.  I beleive that this is hard partly of the turns, but 
you'll like be in position 7 with other cars and al of the sudden, the cars 
are in a collision and you may by-pass it, or get involved in it.
Avg time:  1:43:xx

Arizona [Easy]
This one has a couple of "S" curves that you have to manuever.  And a few 
sharp turns (Not as sharp as Iowa or Indiana).  When you see one, you go left,
right. That's it.  Best time (NO JOKE):  1:28:12.. Avg.. 1:32:xx
You see caves in "S" curves.

Iowa [Medium] and Indiana [Medium]
Both of them are similar to each other.  There are 2 lane roads throughout the
course.  Try to pass all the cars before you hit the toll booth.  Here are the

Iowa has 2 toll booths.  If you screwed up on the 2nd toll booth, other cars 
will follow you and you are in trouble.  There are animals in the middle of 
the road.  Iowa has a deer, Indiana has a cow.  Both of them are there at 
random.  Try to stear clear of it.  If you have to, you can go off road (on 
the left side to avoid the crash).  There are telephone poles on the right 
side of the road, if you hit one of them, it will slow you down considerably 
towards 80-90 MPH.
At times you will see a fly hit on your windshield or when birds fly by, 
they'll put bird waste on the windshield (just keep going).  You get to see 
this if you choose View 1.
But, (IOWA) if the deer is at the bridge and the oncoming car comes, you have 
NO choice but to go at it.  Indiana has a hard turn, ahead.  Don't turn and go
hard all the time.  Instead turn, let go, turn, let go til you are in the 
straightaway.  If you hold the turn, you'll end up in the bushes or you may 
hit by an oncoming car.  Stay on the right side of the road if possible at the
end to avoid a last minute crash.  Don't steer too hard unless absolutly 
neccessary or you know that you have to do it..  Stearing hard is when you 
turn the steering wheel as far as possible.  Indiana does not have a bridge.  
You will do a final left turn for the finish.

Best time: 1:38:05 Iowa     Avg. 1:40:xx
           1:28:83 Indiana  Avg. 1:32:xx

Chicago [Expert]
This is one of the hardest races other than redwood forrest.  I ususally 
choose it in a 2 player link.  
As you start the race, you will see an airplane fly by...indicates that you're
near Chicago O'Hara Airport.  Anyway...First, try to pass all the other cars 
before you are in the tunnel.  (Before the tunnel on the right side, you see a
car that got into an accident and caught on fire.  If you hit that, mercy!)  
This is very important to pass all cars if you can...  2nd, once you are in 
the tunnel, don't stear too hard, if you do this, you will hit walls, pillers,
etc. and it's a mess..Once you got into an accident, you are screwed for the 
rest of the game.  Anyway...steer, but NOT too hard.  In other words, try to 
maintain control of the car.  At times, there is an accident in progress.  Try
to steer clear of it..  You will need a good grip on your car.  Use IDPE 
process if needed (You should know this term if you took driving classes).

After you are in the tunnel, you are under the bridge which is the "L" train.
Same rules apply as in the tunnel.  If you hit the medal part, you don't look 
that good.  At times, the oncoming traffic will hit the pillar or swerve from 
one side or the other.  That one is risky.  
Best time (NO JOKE):  1:37:12  Avg. 1:39:xx (If you did well)

Appaliacha [Medium]
This one has hills and sharp turns.  try to stay on the right side of the 
road if possible.  Before the first bump, get to the right side of the 
road, hit the bump, then try to stear right. You may have to go to the 
grass on the right to avoid a major disaster which is ending up through 
the bushes and that will cost you time.  There are different turns, 
strightaways, etc.   Avg time:  1:40:xx

Washington DC [Unknown] {probably Medium/Expert}
This is the last stage.. Only available in you choose SF to DC option and you 
went all the way.  You see some landmarks as you drive through.  There are 2
very hard turns (you do a hard right).  I don't know what the best way to 
steer them.  Then you go through the money tunnel, and one last hard right for
the finsh.. My best time for this one: (NO JOKE) 1:22:65.  
                             Avg time:  ?? 1:25:xx ??      

When completing all 14 races from SF to DC, you'll see the president and his 
wife in a hot tub.  You also see a cow, secret service agents, and other 
things.  The wife looks very similar to Hillary Rodom Clinton, but the 
president doesn't look like Bill Clinton.

End.  Hope you like driving games.

c. 1994-1998 All rights reserved.  You take take the information here, but
give credit where credit is due.  Don't stick your name claiming that this FAQ
is yours.  That's fu**** bullsh*t.  Nobody likes to plagerise someone elses 
work.  OK?  This FAQ is FREE ($0).  NO profit will be permitted.  I heard from
LAX that someone charge big bucks for the X-Men vs. Street Fighter combo FAQ 
written by James Chen.  That is a big NO NO. I'm trying as well as other 
people to share knowledge about different games and how to improve them.  Not 
just for bribeary or earning.. RIPOFFS are NOT permitted.  

Be a good, but safe driver.