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Cruis'n USA (e)

* Crusin USA FAQ *
Author: Jdude84
Version: 1.0

==========Version Hitory==========
1.0 And yet i release anonther FAQ..

1. Gameshark Codes
2. Tips And Tricks
3. Controls
4. Credits
5. Legal Stuff
6. The End

Note: This FAQ is for the N64 version, not the arcade version of Crusin USA, 
I've never even played the arcade version!

1. Gameshark Codes

Always Place 1st

2. Tips And Tricks

Bonus Cars 
At the car selection screen, hold C-Up + C-Left + C-Down. 

Bonus Tracks 
To access three tracks that you normally can not race without "Crusin' the USA", 
go to the track selection screen and hold the proper buttons:

Golden Gate Park: L + C-Left + C-Down 
Indiana: L + C-Right + C-Up 
San Francisco: L + C-Right + C-Down 

Chicago Crash 
As you begin the Chicago race you will be on the freeway. After the first two 
turns you should see a broken down car. If you hit the car just right (causing 
it to FLY through the air) it will land in front of the first place person. 

Color Change 
After you've earned new cars, press C-Up on the Car Selection screen to change 
your vehicle's color. 

Easy Upgrades 
Here's a faster way to update cars in a two-player game.
Start a two-player game, and race until you reach Washington D.C. When the DC 
race begins, press Start and quit the game.
Next, have player #1 return to Washington D.C. and upgrade his car. After player 
#1 has finished, player #2 should do the same thing. Happy cruising! 

Flashing Lights and Siren 
Enter the "Secret Head" code, then start a new race as the School Bus or Police 
Car. While playing, tap Brake, Brake, Gas to flash your lights and/or sound your 

Iowa Hitchhiker 
In Iowa go to the second field of corn and find the pine tree in the left and 
middle of the field. and you should see a hitchhiker. 

Lost Wheels 
After a two-player challenge game, the losing player's right front wheel will 
fall off if you continuously rotate the analog joystick clockwise. This should 
happen after the car rotates 3-4 times. Talk about driving till the wheels fall 

Nitro Boost 
Enable the "Secret Head" code, then start a new race. While driving, press 
Brake, Brake, Brake, Gas, Brake, Gas after each checkpoint for a nitro boost. 
This won't increase your top speed, but it will increase your acceleration. 

Secret Head 
To view the secret head, make a "Hot Time" on any stage. Enter your initials and 
scroll down to the bottom of the screen, then hold Left on the analog stick for 
about 35 seconds. A head should come moving down the conveyer belt saying "I 
love this job." 

3. Controls

L Button: Brake
R Button: Brake
Z Button: Accelerate
D-Pad: Not Used
C-Up: Shift To A Higher Gear*
C-Down: Shift To A Lower Gear*
C-Right: Change Screen Display
C-Left: Not Used
A: Change View
B: Change CD(Finally, a car with a CD Player!)

*Used Only In Manual Shifting Mode, Not Used With A Automatic Transmission

4. Credits

Nintendo: They Made The Game

Gamesages: I Copied The Hints From Their Site, Check It Out At

Me: I Wrote This FAQ

InterAct Accessories: Copied Codes From Their Site, Check It Out At

5. Legal Stuff

You may not reproduce this faq in any way, shape, or form. Reproduction of this 
FAQ without my consent is prohibited, this document is copyright 1999, all 
rights reserved. The most updated version can ALWAYS be found at if you are reading this FAQ from another site, and have 
a question be SURE to check the one out at GameFAQs first before you ask. For 
you site owners out there wondering if you can use my FAQ just e-mail me with 
your name, e-mail, web URL, and where you found this FAQ. I'll probably give you 
permission to use it, so don't hesitate to mail me.

6. The End

That's it for now, so far this is what...12 FAQs by me, so why don't you go and 
visit some of the other FAQs I have written and catch up on all of my earlier 
work you've missed? You can find them all at 

                                                  ©1999 Jdude84