CRIMSON CROWN Well, we're here again in the Kingdom of Transylvania. The king has died and the crown has suspiciously disappeared. Your role will be to guide Erik, the pretendent to the throne, ans Sabrina, remember her ?, in order to retrieve the crown and to save the Kingdom. HINT : If a sage appears, speak to him. He may be able to help You. Your adventure begins near the lake shore. GO EAST, NORTH, you now fall in a subterranean crypt, EAST, where you will discover a pulsating crystal ball. LOOK INTO CRYSTAL BALL ; the vampire appears ans menaces you... but you, as an adventurer fears nothing as it seems, you will also recieve some assistance. READ SIGN, SAY WINDMILL, NORTH, you are now in another crypt in front of a sword ; ask erik to take sword (ERIK, TAKE SWORD), SOUTH, PUSH BUTTON to avoid falling back in here in the future. WEST, DOWN, DOWN, NORTH, and now you face the gryphon. TALK TO GRYPHON ; he will ask you if you are ready to answer his three riddles. SAY YES. The answers to the riddles are in order : FEAR, CLOUD, DREAM. Having solved the riddles GET SCEPTER, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, EAST, ENTER HOUSE. Inside the house go UP, GET CANDLE, DOWN, EXIT HOUSE, WEST, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH. Inside the cavern light the candle : ON TORCH. You must now return to the abandonned house : SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, EAST, ENTER HOUSE, OPEN CRATE.... Oh no! A Zombie!!! But don't worry, you can BURN THE ZOMBIE. DROP CANDLE, GET MOUSE, GET SACK, LOOK IN SACK, EXIT HOUSE, WEST, SOUTH, WEST. You are now under a tree and there's a black cat in your way... bad karma! "SABRINA, CAST SPELL", the cat disappears. WEST, and facing the witch, ask Erik to drink the potion : "ERIK, DRINK". EAST, EAST, SOUTH, Erik is feeling funny, SOUTH, he metamorposes into a frog, GET FROG, WEST, you are now in front of the lake, so : DROP FROG. The frog, (Erik !) returns with a silver coin. CLIMB TREE, GIVE MOUSE TO OWL, DOWN, Erik changes back into himself again. GET COIN, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, back to the cemetery. Your gravestone is already there ! "ERIK, PRY GATE WITH SWORD", DOWN, it now looks like you're trapped, but : PUT SCEPTER IN SACK, PUT COIN IN SACK, GET CENSER, SAY WINDMILL, and you find yourself back in the crypt. WEST, DOWN, DOWN, LIGHT CENSER, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, WEST. You are now in front of the wizard's castle. NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, UP, WAVE CENSER, NORTH. The wizard Zin appears. TALK TO ZIN. He proposses an agreement. Do you really have a choice ? SOUTH, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, and you find a scroll. "SABRINA, GET SCROLL AND READ IT". UP, UP, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, WEST. Return in front of the witch. "SABRINA, CAST SPELL", and the witch is eliminated. DROP CENSER, GET TABLET, Erik drinks more potion (frankly you begin to wonder how he'll manage to rule over the whole kingdom). EAST, EAST, NORTH, WEST, NORTH, Erik changes into a frog again. Resist the envy of tossing him into the water.... GET FROG, NORTH, NORTH, UP, NORTH. GIVE TABLET TO ZIN, who gives the word 'lorelei'. (Erik gets back to his former self again..) SOUTH, DOWN, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH. PUT SCROLL IN SACK, GET FLUTE, NORTH, NORTH. You are now in front of a menacing cobra. PLAY FLUTE, WEST and you meet this not very commendable character named Sam. GET COIN, TALK TO SAM, GIVE COIN TO SAM. He gives you a sphere on annihilation, LOOK AT SPHERE. NORTH, DROP FLUTE, SAY LORELEI, the vampire appears and seems rather unhappy. He grabs Erik. Sabrina, who is unconscious, and yourself are made prisoners. SEARCH PIT, EXAMINE WATER, SPLASH WATER, Sabrina wakes up. LOOK AT GROUND, "SABRINA, WHISTLE", the owl appears and leaves a beehive. GET BRANCH, GET BEEHIVE. PUT BEEHIVE IN HOLE, "SABRINA, PUT BRANCH IN HOLE". Wait for six turns until you see Erik. SPLASH WATER ON ERIK, NORTH, WEST, "ERIK, GET SWORD". NORTH, NORTH, GET SPHERE, SOUTH, EAST, and ...... ahhh.... here's another one of these inhumanoids... PULL LEVER, "ERIK, ATTA{CK TROLL", the troll, sensing a menace, knocks himself against the grating in his retreat and falls unconscious. PUSH LEVER, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, WEST, NORTH. You're in a trolls den, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, EAST. You discover a ring, GET RING, WEAR RING. And now, NORTH, EAST, EAST, WEST. You see an armed centaur. THROW SPHERE AT CENTAUR, GET BOW, GET ARROW, EAST, EAST. You're now in front of a dragon. (You'll have seen it all by the time you finish this adventure, right ?). WAVE SCEPTER and you've made a new friend ! DROP SCEPTER, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, DIP ARROW IN WATER, SOUTH, EAST,EAST, NORTH. Facing you is now a menacing black sentinel. LOAD BOW, SHOOT SENTINEL, DROP BOW. SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, EAST, and you're standing on a lonely seaside. DIG IN SAND, GET SHELL, EXAMINE SHELL, LISTEN TO SHELL. Seems a lot of people don't like the vampire in this kingdom... WEST, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, EAST, EAST, NORTH, and this is the moment of truth. CALL FURY (or : how to open a door without a key), NORTH. Thanks to the Fury, the vampire drops the crown. "ERIK, GET CROWN", "ERIK, WEAR CROWN". But now you have to leave if you don't want to end up a dead hero. GET ERIK, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH EAST, wait for 11 turns. It seems the Fury will not make it to the meeting. Thanks to you : ******************************** ***** The Kingdom is saved ***** ********************************