Andere Lösungen

Cool Boarders 3 (e)

        &##b,  &##b   &##b   d##Y/                                              
       &####b &####b &####b  &##V
      &#b d#P&#P Y##&#P Y## !##Y
      &#b    d## Y##d## Y## &##V
      &#b    g## d#Yg## d#Y!###!  
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                                     #####b   d######P
                           CoolBoarders 3 FAQ
                              Version 0.5
                            By: Robert Stone
             The latest version of this FAQ can be found at:
                           PlayStation Haven


*****Important: Please Read*****

To best view this FAQ, it is highly recommended that you use a basic text 
veiwer, such as Wordpad or Notepad, with a type-writer font such as Courier
New. The margins should be set at one inch, as well as the font size 
should be 10 or lower. The exact characters are 76 characters per line. The
FAQ is being veiwed properly if the dashed line above this paragraph isn't 
cut off and fits on one line. Now that you've been completely confused, 
onwards to the rest of the FAQ.


-- Table of Contents --

- What's New in this Version

- Introduction

- Frequently Asked Questions

- Controller Key
  - Directional Pad
  - Buttons
  - Commands

- The Characters
  - The Regular Characters
  - The Secret Characters
- The Boards
  - Free Ride
  - Free Style
  - Alpine
  - Secret Boards
    - Free Ride
    - Free Style
    - Alpine

- The Tricks
  - Spins
  - Flips
  - Grabs
  - Grinds
  - Scoring System
    - Trick Points
    - Combo Points

- The Courses 
  - Downhill
  - Boarder X
  - Slalom
  - Halfpipe
  - Big Air
  - Slope Style

- Tournament Tips

- Cheats
  - Codes
  - Completion Date Screen

- Gameshark Codes

- What's Different from CoolBoarders 2
  - Graphics
  - Controls
    - The Power Bar
    - Tricks 
    - Fighting (#_*)
    - Announcer
  - Scoring System
  - Courses

- Credits

- Legal Mumbo Jumbo


-- What's New in this Version --

Version 0.5 (12/5/98) - Well, since this is the first version, everything 
is new. This FAQ isn't even close to being completed, but I think what 
I've got down currently will be of some use. Hooray!


-- Introduction --

Well, hi there. If you're really busy and just wanna know some of the 
gameplay factors of this awesome game, then read right on ahead. I just 
want to make out some points to you (the reader) during this FAQ. I'll be 
refering a lot to CoolBoarders 2, and how different it is compared to
CoolBoarders 3 (even included an entire section on it). I'm just warning 

Once I'm completely done with this FAQ, it will contain nearly everything 
you'd need to know about CoolBoarders 3. I would like to add more to the
cheats and/or a gameshark/action replay section to this FAQ, if anyone 
could send contributions. Send any questions, comments, concerns, 
corrections, and/or additions concerning this FAQ to 
Oh yeah, and if you want to see a really cool effect with the ASCII art, 
kinda unfocus your eyes for a few seconds and move your head in circles 
(if you do this too long, it'll give you a headache, not to mention people 
might think you're doing somekind of bird impression. Believe me, it's 
happened ^_^, Just kidding)(Another side note: If you just took anything
that I just said seriously, you should have your head examined). Well 
that's enough of my bad humor, so on with the show! I guess.


-- Frequently Asked Questions --

(Being that this is the first edition of this FAQ, I'll need people to ask
me a few good questions before I start filling this section in)


-- Controller Key --

Here's the Controls for CoolBoarders 3, as well as my abbreviations of the 
butttons and directions:

      [ L2 ]              [ R2 ]                 
      [ L1 ]              [ R1 ] 
     UL  U  UR             
      O  O  O              (T)
       \ | /
   L O---+---O R      (S)       (C)
       / | \
      O  O  O              (X)
     LD  D  DR

Note: CoolBoarders 3 does make use of the Dual Shock Analog controller, so 
you can use the left digital joystick. The directions for the digital 
controller are the same as the analog one listed here.

-- Directional Pad --

U = Up direction on the controller
D = Down direction on the controller
L = Left direction on the controller
R = Right direction on the controller
UL = Up-Left direction on the controller
UR = Up-Right direction on the controller
DL = Down-Left direction on the controller
DR = Down-Right direction on the controller

-- Buttons --

S = Square button
X = (You guessed it) X button
C = Circle button
T = Triangle button
L1 = L1 button
L2 = L2 button
R1 = R1 button
R2 = R2 button

-- Commands --
Press = Press and release the button or direction
Hold = Hold the button down for the time mentioned
+ = Execute the next command 
() = Execute these commands simultaneously


-- The Characters --

The all-to-handy section on the many "characters" in this game. I must 
admit, some of these riders seem pretty stereotypical to me...

-- The Regular Characters --

The regular characters' abilities aren't up to par with many of the secret
characters', but everybody has to start out with them, so might as well
get acquainted with 'em.


Cliff       This guy seems good enough, but he's just your average boarder.
            He's got a cool sweatshirt, but that's about it.
Summer      Your main girl character, with blond hair. Really can't say 
            much else about her except that she seem's pretty quick.
Flint       Besides Travis, this is my fav character. He gets real high 
            when he jumps, plus he seems to pull off flips quickly. Plus,
            he's got the coolest hair in the game (besides Cool).

Sasha       I have to admit, Sasha looks like one of the ugliest girls 
            I've ever seen. I really don't use her that much.

Nick        This guys seems like the game's impression of a punk 
            snowboarder, but I guess he isn't all that bad. The goatee is
            cool, but that beanie of his gives me headaches. 

Grant       A black guy with pretty simple wear. He (believe it or not) is
            a pretty good jumper.

Violet      This girl looks like she's gonna shatter if she's falls on a
            jump. Obviously, she wears violet colored clothing. 

Joker       OK, there's just one word to describe this guy: weird. With 
            that blue mohawk of his, he is the oddest looking regular 
            character in the game. I guess that mohawk has some good 
            aerodynamic properties cause he's pretty good for racing.

Blake       I guess this was the developer's idea of what a homey-G 
            snowboarder should look like. He's got the headphones and 
            everything. Haven't used him that much.
Travis      As much as I hate to admit it, this is my favorite person. 
            This little midget is kinda like the alien in CoolBoarders 2,
            being that he's small and a fast spinner (not as much as the 
            alien was, though).

Akiko       She's your basic Asian rider, my friend uses her a lot, cause
            he says she's got good agility.

Tadashi     He's another Asian boarder, as if you couldn't guess by the 
            name. When the comp uses him, he's always one of the fast ones.
Gordon      This guy is nothing special in the appearance department, but 
            he's got really good agility.

-- The Secret Characters --

This is the section that lists (guess what!!!) the many secret characters
of CoolBoarders 3. I don't think that there is any disticint advantage on
the courses when it comes to regular characters, but some of the secret 
characters are the much better and faster, plus they're the coolest looking 
ones in the game. They're listed in the order that you'll earn them, no 
matter what course you get the trophy for. Note that you may earn a secret 
board instead of the next secret rider, so I put dashes in the slots for 
when you get a secret board instead.


Fast Eddie     You gotta love the racing helmet! Real fast!           

Mars           This guy looks like he's been smoking something.      

Kimber         She's kinda plain, pink duds, cool pigtails.      


Irving         I never imagined an old man snowboarding, but it happened.      


Bob            A cowboy that's got hops. The whole getup is there, jeans,
               cowboy hat, giant belt buckle, the works. He seems to be 
               floating when he jumps.

Joshua         Some kinda doctor or somethin'. Basic snowboarding wear. 
               He's a good all-around kinda guy.      

Cool           One word: Disco! He's got the fattest afro this side of 
               "Saturday Night Fever". He's also got some weird symbol on
               the back of his parka.     

Burg           Heard he's the fastest (and fattest) character in the game. 
               Likes burgers. A lot more than you realize, judging by his
               appearance. Another character I thought I would never see 
               in a snowboarding game.     

(Need the rest of the order after Irving)


-- The Boards --

Boards completely affects how well your boarder does, so it is essential to
choose the correct board for the right situation.

-- Free Style --

Free Style Snowboards are predominantly for tricks, mainly the halfpipe and
big air contests. They have the most balance, middle of the road handling,
and poor speed.


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average         Make     

Special          1          9          9          6.33          Burton     
Chopper          1          9          9          6.33          Burton
Punch            2          9          9          6.66          Burton
Canyon           2          8          10         6.66          Burton 
Concept          2          8          10         6.66          Burton

Personal Favorite: Concept

-- Free Ride --

Free Ride Snowboards are the balance between Free Style and Alpine boards.
They are good for Downhill, certain Boarder X and Slope Style courses. All
of the boards stats are usually middle-of-the-road.


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average         Make

Charger          8          6          6          6.66          Burton
Motion           8          11         6          8.33          Burton
Swatch           8          7          7          7.33          Burton
Supermodel       9          11         7          9.00          Burton
Mountain         9          6          7          7.33          Burton

Personal Favorite: Supermodel

-- Alpine --

Alpine Snowboards are for one purpose: racing. Don't even think that you'll
be able to pull off any kind of trick with this type of board. But what it
does do (race, that is) it does extremely well. This board has the best
speed and handling of all the regular boards by far. But like I said before,
don't even try to jump with this thing because its balance is nil.


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average         Make

Wire             11         13         2          8.66          Burton

Personal Favorite: Just Guess...
-- Secret Boards --

The game becomes a lot easier once you get access to a few secret boards. 
You can get the secret boards by meeting or exceeding the required score 
and/or time that's listed at the bottom of the loading screen for each one
of the Downhill, Halfpipe, Big Air, and Slope Style courses for each 
mountain. Here's a list for the order in which you'll earn the secret 
boards. Note that you may earn a secret rider instead, which will be 
indicated in a slot with 5 dashes.


(Need the rest of the order after Timeless)

-- Secret Free Style --


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average        Make     

Balance          4          7          11         7.33         Burton     
Custom           6          7          12         8.33         Burton
Waara            8          6          13         9.00          Ride
Brushie          10         6          14         10.00         Ride
FL               11         5          15         10.33        Burton

Personal Favorite: Custom

-- Secret Free Ride --


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average        Make     

Element          10         9          9          9.33         Burton     
Timeless         11         6          10         9.00          Ride
Freedom          11         11         10         10.66        Burton
Mahaffey         12         6          11         9.66          Ride
Johan                                                          Burton

Personal Favorite: Freedom (The best board in the game, in my opinion)

-- Secret Alpine --


Name         Max Speed   Response  Stability     Average        Make     

Factory Prime                                                  Burton
Ultra Prime                                                    Burton

Personal Favorite: Ultra Prime


-- The Tricks --

This section is devoted to the all-powerful tricks that you must master to
be truly effective at CoolBoarders 3. There will be a description for each
of the kinds of tricks, any helpful hints, and the best record of each 
trick (please submit any records that beat out mine).

-- Spins --

Spins are the backbone of any good trick. Most of the time, you should 
start off a trick with a spin. You can spin in the air by pressing L2 or
R2 once your boarder is in the air. The degree of the spin correlates with
the score you get for the spin. So if you do a 360° spin, you'll get 360
points for the spin. 1 point per degree.

:: SPINS ::

Frontside Spin:   L2     1 Point per Degree
Backside Spin:    R2     1 Point per Degree 
(Note: These commands are for regular stance riders. If you selected 
goofy stance after the board select screen, please reverse the above 
Biggest Spin: Frontside 1440° - 1440 Points          

-- Flips --

Flips may not net you as many initial trick points as spins, but they are
easy to pull off and relatively quick (especially the frontflip). But 
most importantly, they are essential in pulling off a big combo. I really
suggest using the frontflip over the backflip, because it's easier to 
land on the back of the board than it is to land on the nose of the board
(yes, that was confusing wasn't it?). Take special note that if you keep
using one kind of flip too often, the initial points that get for the 
trick itself will decrease. Here's the list of the different kinds of 

:: FLIPS ::

Frontflip:        U + C     400 Points
Backflip:         D + C     400 Points
Misty:            L + C     250 Points
Rodeo:            R + C     250 Points
(Note: To execute two flips in the air, just press the command again.)

Biggest Flip(s): Double Backflip - 800 Points

-- Grabs --

A truly skilled player will be able to add grabs into his combo of tricks.
There are nearly a dozen different grabs. You should keep your grabs 
varied throughout your run through a downhill course, halfpipe, big air 
contest, etc., because you won't get as many points for grabs that you 
use too often. You can do as many as four grabs in one trick (it might be
possible to do five, but I've never personally done it myself). Oh yeah,
if you want your grabs to accummulate more points, then perform the 
command for the trick, and then hold the button that you used for the 

:: GRABS ::

Tailgrab:         D + X     50 Points
Stiffy:           U + X     250 Points
Stalefish:        L + X     75 Points
Sad Air:          R + X     75 Points
Indy:             DL + X    100 Points
Method:           DR + X    200 Points
Japan Air:        UL + X    150 Points
Melancholy:       UR + X    100 Points

FS Shifty:        L + T     204 Points
BS Shifty:        R + T     204 Points
*90° Noseslide:   D + T     10 Points
*180° Noseslide:  U + T     10 Points
(Note: The FS and BS Shifty commands should be switched if riding in the 
"goofy" stance)

* The Noseslides aren't actually grabs, since the point deduction rule 
doesn't apply to them and the fact that they can be performed on the 

Biggest Grab(s): Method to Stiffie to Indy - 550 Points

-- Grinds --

Grinds are probably the most underestimated trick in CoolBoarders 3. But,
if you want to be good in the slope style courses, you're just gonna 
have to learn how to use grinds effectively. To perform a grind, just 
tap the triangle button when you're near a rail. Your boarder should jump
onto the rail and start grinding. If you'd like to change the way that 
you're facing when you're on the rail, hit L2 to turn left 90° or R2 to
turn right 90°. This is helpful when you want to land straight on the
ground after a grind, because if you don't land after a railslide, then you 
don't get the points (duh). The cool part about grind though, is the fact
that you can charge your power meter while on the rail. This means you can
jump off elevated rails and perform tricks! The railslide actually becomes
the first part of your combo! This adds an entirely new dimension to the 
art of grinding. See what you can mix up with a grind.
-- Scoring System --

This is the section dedicated to the all-important scoring system, which
should be understood thoroughly before playing the game.

-- Trick Points --

These are the points you get for just doing the trick. Ex. 250 points for
a misty flip or 10 points for a Noseslide. If you do multiple tricks in 
the air, they will be added onto one another. Doing multiple tricks in the
air will also give you combo points, which is discussed in the next section.

-- Combos --

You can really start to rack up points if you do multiple tricks in the
air, known as combos. The bigger the combo, the more points. The way to
make combos in CoolBoarders 3 is as simple as this:

Spin + Flip + Grab + Grab + Grab = Big Combo Points

That's it. I'm not saying this is the best way to pull off combos, just 
the way that I found was the easiest. You could always switch or skip
one of the forementioned steps in the combo, whatever suits your taste.
The trick is to be able to pull off all of these in one simple, smooth 
string of commands.


Easy (2-button)     |   250 Points  
                    |                [+750 Points]
Medium (3-button)   |   1000 Points 
                    |                [+1000 Points]
Hard (4-button)     |   2000 Points
                    |                [+1500 Points]
Extreme (5-button)  V   3500 Points


-- The Courses --

(Info on the courses to come soon)

-- Downhill --


Powder Hill:           

Devil's Butt:          

Mt. Koji:




Powder Hill:            1.52.16                             Travis
                        12362                               Cool
Devil's Butt:           1.43.83                             Travis
                        8375                                Travis    

Mt. Koji:               1.58.23                             Travis
                        6478                                Eddie



-- Boarder X --


Powder Hill:            0.40.10                             Travis

Devil's Butt:           0.55.06                             Travis

Mt. Koji:               0.57.90                             Travis



-- Slalom --


Powder Hill:            0.42.10                             Travis

Devil's Butt:           0.41.73                             Travis

Mt. Koji:               0.41.96                             Travis



-- Halfpipe --


Powder Hill:
Devil's Butt:     

Mt. Koji:




Powder Hill:            52183                               Travis    

Devil's Butt:           19135                               Travis
Mt. Koji:               39243                               Travis



-- Big Air --


Powder Hill:

Devil's Butt:
Mt. Koji:




Powder Hill:            4260                                Eddie

Devil's Butt:           9381                                Travis     

Mt. Koji:               13486                               Cliff



-- Slope Style --

On the slope style courses, you only have one chance, so make it count 
by going conservative and build small combos at the beginning, then bust 
out the big tricks at the end of the course. Always plan your jump or 
grind ahead of time, so you'll be prepared for the jump. Don't go out of
your way for some big ramp when there's a rail or small mogul nearby. Most 
likely you won't be powered up enough or line up correctly, though you 
were in perfect position for a good small trick off the rail or small 
mogul. Once you think you have enough points and time is starting to run
short, head straight for the finish line, or you'll start losing tons of
hard-earned points. Also, once you're in penalty time, don't do any 
tricks, because they won't be added to your score.


Powder Hill:

Devil's Butt:     

Mt. Koji:




Powder Hill:            10991                               Travis

Devil's Butt:           6141                                Flint     

Mt. Koji:               9676                                Irving



-- Avalanche --



-- Tournament Tips --

Here's some helpful hints when it comes to tournaments:

•  Always know what event is coming next, so you can pick the best board
for the best situation. It says the next event at the bottom of every
results screen. But if you forget anyways, here's the order:

Boarder X Semifinals
Boarder X Finals
Slope Style
Big Air
Slalom Semifinals
Slalom Finals

•  You gotta know what boards to use when, so here's a list of what boards
to use for each event.

Boarder X - Free Ride or Alpine
Slope Style - Free Style or Free Ride
Halfpipe - Free Style
Big Air - Free Style
Slalom - Alpine
Downhill - Free Ride or Alpine
(Note: There may be two types of boards listed for some events. This is 
because you might want to sacrifice speed for balance with a Free Ride 
instead of an Alpine on the Boarder X and Downhill courses, and some 
Slope Style courses are long, so you might want some extra speed that 
you could get from a Free Ride board instead of a Free Style.)

•  If you do good on the first few events, save your game so that if you
mess up, you can just go back and retry it with your good scores. Don't 
worry if you don't get first place in every event. Unlike in CoolBoarders
2 (oh great, here he goes again), you don't have to get first place in 
nearly every event, because the field evens themselves out. Hopefully, 
you'll get a few first place finishes, but it's probably possible to get
first place in a tournament with all second place finishes (I wouldn't 
know, since I usually get first or last place ^_^).

•  If you have a lot of patience and want to be cheesy in the tournament,
you can always start a tournament and get first place in the first event,
save, then restart from your loaded tournament if you don't get first on
the second event. You usually only need to get first place in the first 
three events and you'll win the tournament. (I know this paragraph is 
contradicting the previous one, but both methods can be used, just that 
this method is a lot cheesier.)


-- Cheats --

Here's some codes for the game, like it isn't easy enough ^_^.

-- Codes --

Enter one of these codes as your name at the Tournament entry screen, 
you'll hear someone say "cheater" or "big heads activated" in the 
background, depending on which cheat you input. You can enter all of them
at one time if you wish, just erase the first name and input the second
code that you want. You don't have to go through a tournament to activate
the codes either, so just press Triangle once you're through with 
inserting the codes that you want to use:

wonitall     Access all tracks
open_em      Access all riders
bigheads     (Believe it or not) Big heads 

-- Completion Date --

At the screen that has the single player or split screen option, press 
and hold (L1, L2, R1, R2) to show the date the game was completed on the 
bottom-right hand corner of the screen.


-- Gameshark Codes --

I haven't tested these codes myself, so if someone could verify these for
me or submit more Gameshark codes, please feel free to e-mail me.


Have 50000 Points                      8009AD9C C350 
Always Place First & Infinite Time     8009C694 0000 
Have All Mountains                     80069078 0005 
Have Extra Characters                  800BD7CC 0015 
Have Extra Free Style Boards           800BDDE0 000A 
Have Extra Free Ride Boards            800BDEF8 000A 
Have Extra Alpine Boards               800BE010 0003


-- What's Different from CoolBoarders 2 --

This is the section where I describe what differences there are between 
the most recent edition of CoolBoarders as compared to CoolBoarders 2. 
If you've never played CoolBoarders 2, then go and buy it right now, 
you're doing yourself a favor (It's a greatest hit, or something like 
that, so it'll only set you back $20). Even though CB 2 is a great 
game, CB 3 is in a different league when compared to CB 2, and a much 
more realistic experience. But now on to the detailed sections, 
explaining why each one of these factors are important in CoolBoarders 3.

-- Graphics --

First off, when I started playing the game I was really impressed with 
graphical detail, but that isn't really important when it comes to playing
the game. What _is_ important though, it the game's processing speed. 
Even though the game is really fluid, it does seem considerably slower.
This allows more time to prepare for jumps, as well as tricks in midair.
In CB 2, you were tapping out the grabs as fast as you possibly could, 
while in this game, it allows more time for grabs. But I'm not saying 
that this makes tricks easier in the long run, but allows beginners to
have more time to perform grabs and simple tricks. For info on this 
subject please read on to the controls section.

-- Controls --

Oh yes, the controls. You might as well as throw away all of the rumors 
that you've heard that say CB 3 is anywhere close to being like CB 2 in 
the controls department, because I can't stress how different they are 
when it comes to controls. There are many different elements of the 
controls that need to be given attention to.

-- The Power Bar (No, not that energy food crap) --

In CB 3, instead of charging up for as long a time as possible as you 
did in CB 2, you have to actually time your power level in this game. 
Power is important in determining the height of your jump, as well as
the quickness in which you pull off tricks in midair. Also, that power bar 
in the bottom right hand corner of the screen actually falls after it has 
reached its peak for a second or so. Believe it or not though, you can 
raise that power bar before a jump. How is that possible, do you ask? If 
you hold down, your bar will slowly rise. You can do this anytime, not 
just while you're holding down X. I think that it also correlates with 
speed and momentum. If anyone knows anything more about the 
characteristics of the all-powerful power bar, please tell me.

-- Tricks --

Of course, what would a CoolBoarders game be like without eye popping 
tricks. Sadly to say, you can't pull of anymore 7600º spins or 2060º 
misty flips with the Alien now. But you now have the power to decide what 
you're gonna do in mid-air in CB 3, instead of on the ground like you had
to in CB 2. The button layout has been changed too. These two factors 
take on large importance, and if you want more info on this subject, 
just read the Tricks section in this FAQ.

-- Fighting --

In the December 1997 edition of "GamePro" magazine, the reveiwer for 
CoolBoarders 2 said "If you only you could punch your opponent, we'd be
talking godlike (as relating to the gameplay of CB 2)." Well, apparently 
that guy must've been on the development team from CoolBoarders 3, 
because there's fighting in this game. Yes, you can actually punch out 
the guy standing next to you. All it takes is two punches right after 
the other to knock one of your opponents flat on their butt. I have to 
stay it's a stress reliever, and one of the main reasons for playing 
in two-player mode.

-- Announcer --

Thank god! There isn't one! I just realized this when I went back and
started playing CoolBoarders 2 again. That guy was so damn annoying! I
can't thank the developers enough for not including an announcer again!

-- Scoring System --

The scoring system in CoolBoarders 3 is a lot easier to figure out than
CB 2, mainly because of the fact that the computer keeps a running score of
what you do in mid-air. It takes out a lot of the guess work of what your
score will be once you've landed the trick. The scoring system is somewhat
different too, and the two main parts of the scoring system are trick
points and combo points. If you want to know more about the scoring system,
check out the Tricks section.

-- Courses --

The courses have some major differences from CoolBoarders 2, but the width
is the most important element when it comes to difference in style of 
gameplay. Instead of those thin, "tunnel" courses that relied heavily on 
tight control in CoolBoarders 2, the track is wide. There are multiple
ways to go around the courses, unlike in CoolBoarders 2, where you were
given a jump, and you took it. This allows you to replay courses and find
better jumps that you didn't notice the first time you went down the 


-- Credits --

(If you have some info about CoolBoarders 3 that you think should be posted
in this FAQ, please mail me at

Myself =) - Of course, I'm gonna thank myself for working so diligently
on this thing for what seems like forever. Whew, I'm beat. I
think I'll take a nap...

TheSK8Kid - For showing me some good strategies for getting the secret
boards and courses.
Idol Minds - For making such a great CoolBoarders game with enough new
ideas to make me wanna play this game all day.

Zach Keene - For letting me "copy" his copyright info. 


-- Legal Mumbo Jumbo --

(Yeah, I know that I'm copying off of Zach Keene's Einhänder FAQ, but he
phrases it so well...)

 This CoolBoarders 3 FAQ is (C) 1998 Robert Stone. As Grand King-Pimp-Daddy 
of Copyrightedness, I grant upon thee the following rights:

1) Thou mayst give this FAQ to whomever you so choose. The key word here is
   "give". If anybody gets paid for this, it darn well better be me. :)

2) Thou mayst put this FAQ up on thine website, so long as it remains
   completely intact. And I do mean completely.

(Oh yeah, Zach Keene just wishes he was a King-Pimp-Daddy like me ^_^, if
you're reading this Zach, I'm just kidding)

The Unofficial CoolBoarders 3 FAQ (c) 1998 by Robert Stone. 
CoolBoarders 3 (c) 1998  989 Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment

                              !!!The End!!!
 !!!Now you don't have to put up with anymore of that lame humor of mine!!!