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Cool Boarders 2 (e)

                          COOL BOARDERS II - FAQ v1.1

                            By ZyXx (

  This is my attempt to write a FAQ to this great game. I only have the
  Japanese version of the game and no Manual so I guess there are a lot of
  things missing in the FAQ. If you have anything you want to add to the FAQ or
  or have some corrections please E-Mail me. Remember to check back to my Site
  often for the latest version of this FAQ plus many other of my Game FAQ's.

  KEYS            MOVEMENT
  ----            --------
  F ... Forward   Left/Right ........ Steer Left/Right
  B ... Back      Up/Down ........... Lean Forward/Back
  U ... Up        >< ................ Hold to Crouch and Release to Jump
  D ... Down      [] + Left/Right ... Sharper Turns / Faster Spins
  + ... And       /\ ................ Change View
  / ... or        L1/R1 ............. Switch to Fakie and Back

  Spin Techniques are done by holding a direction while holding down >< before
  and until you get in the air. The longer you hold a direction before a jump
  the faster you will spin. You can do even faster horizontal and diagonal
  spins by holding down the Square Button and in the direction you are
  spinning. Once you get up in the air you can then do a Grab for a nice Combo
  Trick and get plenty of Points.

   MOVEMENT           NAME                              PTS
   B ................ FrontSide Spin ................. (50*n)
   F ................ BackSide Spin .................. (50*n)+30
   U ................ Flip ........................... (100*n)
   D ................ BackFlip........................ (100*n)
   UB or DB ......... Misty .......................... (50*n)+250
   UF or DF ......... BackSide Misty ................. (50*n)+280
                           180=n1 360=n2 540=n3 etc.

  Grab Techniques are done anytime while you are in the Air. The longer you
  Grab the more Points you'll get. You can combine two Grab Techniques into a
  Grab Combo and get a lot of Points. To do a Combo do the Movement for the
  first Technique and then quickly do the other. To calculate the points for
  a Grab Combo add the first Technique's Points to the second technique's
  Combo Points. All techniques and Grab Combos has different Ranks. I don't
  know exactly what they mean. If you do a "Stalefish to Melancholy" for
  example the points would be (120+200) = 320+ and it would be ranked "S".

   MOVEMENT           TRICK NAME            RANK  C.RANK   PTS   C.PTS
   D+R1 ............. Lien Air ............. D .... A ... (100+) (120+)
   D+R2 ............. Stalefish ............ D .... A ... (120+) (150+)
   L1 ............... Shifty ............... D .... A ... ( 70+) ( 70+)
   D+L2 ............. Method ............... D .... A ... (100+) (120+)
   U+R1 ............. Mute Grab ............ D .... A ... (120+) (150+)
   U+R2 ............. Indy Grab ............ D .... A ... (120+) (150+)
   L1L2 ............. Shuffule ............. ? .... ? ... (120+) (150+)
   DD+R2 ............ Tail Grab ............ C .... SS .. (145+) ( ?? )
   UU+R1 ............ Nose Grab ............ C .... SS .. (150+) ( ?? )
   D+R1L1 ........... Tweak ................ B .... S ... (170+) (225+)
   D+R1L2 ........... Melancholy ........... B .... S ... (155+) (200+)
   U+R1L2 ........... Stiffie .............. B .... S ... (150+) (195+)
   U+R2L2 ........... Indy Nosebone ........ B .... S ... (160+) (210+)

  You can combine Spin Techniques with Grab Techniques into a Combo. To do a
  Combo first choose if you want to board Fakie or Regular. Fakie gives more
  points and I haven't found any disadvantages with this so I suggest you
  choose this one. Then prepare for a Spin Technique. Timing is important!
  Once the Spin has begun and you get up in the air you can grab the board
  until it's time for the landing.

  [ Fakie / Regular ] --> [ Spin Technique ] --> [ Grab Technique(s) ]

  When you are boarding in the Half Pipe there are some changes. The Grabs are
  the same but the Spin Techniques has new Names and Movements.
  Frontside is the right side of the Ramp and Backside is the Left.

  Tips: When you do a Twist Trick where you Hold in a diagonal Direction
        Towards the Edge Hold down Square and the direcion in the Air to do a
        Alley-Oop Combo Trick.

   MOVEMENT                TRICK NAME
   Towards Edge .......... Alley-Oop
   Towards Center ........ Spin
   Up .................... JohanFlip
   Down .................. BackFlip
   Up/Left or Up/Right ... JohanTwist
   Down/Right ............ McTwist
   Down/Left ............. Crippler

  Mirror Mode - Complete all 9 Rounds in "Snowboarding Combined". You don't
                have to be ranked 1. Then when you choose "Freeride" or
                "Snowboarding Combined" hold down R1 to play the courses

  If you have any additions, corrections or anything else, e-mail me!!!