======================================================================= = Contra 3: The Alien Wars Revised version 1.0 ======================================================================= = Author: Hunter-K01 Email: kool_knight2@hotmail.com AIM: AZNDrgn831 ICQ: 21297177 Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/~Argus83/main.htm Game Type: Action Publisher: Konami Number of Players: 2 Difficulty: Mode Select (c)1999 by Hunter-K01. All rights reserved. You all know the rest; no ripping of my work etc. Updated versions of all FAQs will be only @ gamefaqs.com. This FAQ/Boss guide must not be sold under any circumstances as this is free to the public. *********************************************************************** * ------- Stage 1 ------- Stage 1 Mini-boss: Alien Tank: Grab the laser and stand to the far right corner. Turn back and shoot. Way to easy for a mini-boss. Stage 1 Boss: Alien Tortoise See that little red/purple heart on the bottom? That's where it is vulnerable. Beware of stray bullets and the things it can shoot out from it's mouth and back. Careful of it's flame breath too. ------- Stage 2 ------- Stage 2 Boss: Alien Spider I thought spiders had 8 legs! This one has six... Oh well anyways, shoot the "legs" and the laser tail gun and finally the red spot. When it starts to try to crush you, move away in any direction and blast everywhere. ------- Stage 3 ------- Stage 3 Mini-boss: Spike (Form 1) Grab the hangers and let loose a barrage of bullets while staying away for it's tail. Stage 3 Mini-boss: Spike (Form 2) Shoot the missiles; avoid the legs. Simple as that. Stage 3 Mini-boss: Spike (Form 3) Man, this dude never quits! Now it's spikes are located next to it's vulnerable spot. It'll try to ram the wall from wher you where hanging. This guys is pretty tough even in easy mode. Stage 3: Mini-boss: Troop Dropper Aim for the red spot. That's all I have to say. Stage 3 Mini-boss: Alien Cyborgs It'll be easier to hang left on the ceiling and blast away. The gold one can jump quite high to catch you off guard so be careful. Stage 3 Boss: Aaarrrggghhh! A huge robot skeleton! Aim for the head while avoiding it's fire breath, eye lasers, and a few occasional bombs it may drop out. ------- Stage 4 ------- Stage 4 Mini-boss: Road Tank Jump up and keep shooting. Need I say anymore? Stage 4 Mini-boss: Airship There is no way to kill this boss. Avoid it's fire. Shoot the grey dude while dodging or shooting the red ones. Stage 4 Mini-boss: Junk Core Avoid the missiles and jump and fire away. Pretty easy. Stage 4 Mini-boss: Alien Samarai It's best to stay in one spot and jump if he's firing anything or trying to slash at you. Stage 4 Boss: Airship Woohoo! Ride the missiles! Man, is this dude hard! Take out the side barriers and finally the core. ------- Stage 5 ------- Stage 5 Boss: The Mind A laser will make quick work of this boss. Watch out for tentacles and other stuff. Aim of the eye. ------- Stage 6 ------- Stage 6 Mini-boss: Alien Larvae The spread cannon can also make this guy a goner. Shoot when the mouth is opened. Stage 6 Mini-boss: The Heart Shoot the pods on the top and bottom and the rest is simple. Stage 6 Mini-boss: Alien Frog Get on the face and shoot as much as you can. If you get in it's face and shoot it, it'll be finished quickly. Stage 6 Mini-boss: Alien Dragon He'll start teleporting like crazy once you've shot him enough times. Blast away. Stage 6 Boss: Overlord ...goodness...oh my...wow...it's like...geez...what the... NOTE: If you've played on the HARD mode select, then you'll find a nice surprise waiting for you at the end. If you need help, use the game genie codes found only @ gamefaqs.com under Contra 3.