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Conker's Pocket Tales (e)

   ______             _   __               _
  /  ___/____   ____ | | / /  ___   _____ /_/ ______
 /  /   / __ \ / __ \| |/ /  / _ \ / ___/  ) /  ___/
/  /__ / /_/ // / / /| |\ \ /  __// /       (___  )
\____/ \____//_/ /_/ |_| \_\\___//_/        /____/

 ____               _   __          __
| __ \ ____   _____| | / /  ___   _/ /_
|  __// _  \ / ___/| |/ /  / _ \ /_  _/
| |  / |_| // /___ | |\ \ /  __/ /  /_  
|_|  \____/ \____/ |_| \_\\___/  \___/
 ______        _   
/_   _/ ____  | |   ___   ______
  | |  / _  ` | |  / _ \ /  ___/
  | | / |_| / | | /  __/(___  )
  |_| \__/_/  |_| \___/ /____/
Conker's Pocket Tales Walkthrough - Version 0.4 - July 22, 1999
By: Bradley Furman
E-mail -

1. Introduction

2. Stuff From Nintendo Instruction Manual 
  a. The Story
  b. Conker's Moves
  c. Playing The Game
  d. Collectable Items
  e. Obstacles
  f. The Good And Bad Guys
  g. The Levels

3. Walkthrough

4. Cheats, Codes, And Gameshark Codes

5. Versions

6. Future Plans

7. Acknowledgments 
Section 1 - Introduction

This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough I have written.  (It looks pretty darn good 
for a first!)  If you think I messed up in a few spots or find typos, 
whatever just e-mail me at

Make Sure your browser is set to the fount Courier New and size 10 so you can 
see the top, which says Conker's Pocket Tales.

Please also note that this FAQ/Walkthrough is made for Game Boy Color, so if 
you are playing it on the Original Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Super Game 
Boy (The one that hooks into the Nintendo system), the controls may be 
different.  Also, if you start playing on Game boy Color, and save a game and 
put it into the Original Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Super Game Boy all 
your saved data will be ERASED!

Anyway, you probably got home and started playing it right away and got very 
confused (Don't worry I did too!).  So let me clear things up a bit on GBC 
only!  You start out turning your system on and going through all these 
annoying pop-ups, etc.  Then pick your language.  Then you press start and 
you're in a place that has three orange book slots (They are yellow when you 
select them).  The books represent 3 different files.  Go to one by using the 
control pad going to the right or left only.  Make sure at the bottom that 
START is in black.  Now press A and it will ask you to type in your initials, 
so do so with the control pad.  Now press A and you will sort of see the 
story animated.  You then get a message that says: 
Your nemesis, the Evil Acorn has taken Berri and all your presents.  You must 
retrieve them, or your birthday party will be ruined.  

You will be in a house.  Now press Start.  See those boxes in the center?  
That's your inventory.  You have nothing right now.  You will see six 
pictures.  I'll tell you what they are and you can look at the descriptions 
are in section 2d.  On the top right hand corner, there is an envelope.  That 
tells you how many invites you have. Below that is a red present, which is a 
secret present and tells you how many you have.  You will NOT find a lot of 
these.  Underneath that tells you how many regular presents you have.  You 
will find A LOT of these.  Now if you look on the bottom right you see an 
acorn.  Acorns tell you how many lives you have.  Next to those are little 
round conkers.  Conker's are your ammunition for a sling shot you will find 
shortly.  Well, now that you're a little cleared up, lets get the show on the 

Section 2a - The Story

"Surprise!" cheered Berri and friends as Conker stared speechlessly at the 
mountain of presents before him. "Happy Birthday, Conker!" 

He thanked them heartily, jumping up and down as he eyed the stash of gifts. 

"Hold on", said Berri stepping between the squirrel and his birthday hoard. 
"There's something else you have to do first..." She gave a whistle, and in 
came a trolley bearing the biggest birthday cake Conker had ever seen. 

"Wow, Berri! This is great!" he exclaimed. 

But Berri was frowning. "Hang on," she said suspiciously, "this isn't the one 
I made..." 

Suddenly the fake cake burst open with a crash. A bulky figure sprang up from 
the wreckage, cackling as it landed amidst the presents and started gathering 
them up for itself. 

"Hey!" Berri squealed at the intruder. "What do you think you're...YIKES!" 

Quick as a flash, their uninvited guest turned on Berri and grabbed her under 
one arm, even as it turned to flee with its haul of goodies. 

"Conker!" came Berri's suddenly-panicked voice. 

But by the time Conker had pushed through the stunned crowd and made it to 
the door, the Evil Acorn and his captive were nowhere to be seen...

Section 2b - Conker's Moves

WALKING: The Control Pad lets Conker walk around and explore the game world. 

RUNNING: To make Conker run on all fours, double tap a direction on the 
Control Pad and keep it help down.

JUMPING: Pressing the A Button makes Conker jump. Get a running start to 
increase Conker's jumping distance.

PUSHING Stand next to a crate, press the Control Pad towards it, and press 
the A Button to make Conker slide it across the room. 

ATTACKING: Pressing the B Button allows Conker to punch at first then to fire 
conkers (slingshot ammo) once he collects the slingshot. Conker can also 
stomp enemies by pressing the A Button to jump, then pressing it again in the 

DIGGING: Stand in a patch of dirt and press SELECT. Conker will reappear in 
another patch nearby, usually on the other side of an obstacle.

SWIMMING: Conker can wade through shallow waters by just walking through it, 
but to swim and dive through deeper areas he will need to find a diving mask.

And remember-Conker has no attacks while underwater!

Section 2c - Playing The Game

You get to take control of Conker himself, roaming from level to level 
unraveling puzzles, battling bosses, and storming through sub-games in order 
to retrieve your stolen birthday presents and rescue Berri from the clutches 
of the Evil Acorn.

**************************Getting Information*************************

There are plenty of friendly Acorn people wandering around who'll provide you 
with a quick hint or word of advice.  You can also gain information from 
notices stuck to the wall and signposts planted in the junctions throughout 
Conker's world will keep you heading in the right direction.  Press the A 
button to read signs and talk to people when standing next to them; press it 
again to scroll through their text and return to the game.

***********************Gaining And Losing Energy***********************

You lose energy when you are hit by an enemy or run afoul of the devious 
traps that hinder your progress.  If you lose all your energy your quest will 
end (and you have to go through everything you went though when you turned 
the system on).  However, energy can be restored by picking up the acorns 
left scattered around Conker's world.  Acorns also appear when you defeat 
certain foes.

***************************Conquering Levels***************************

You must retrieve all eight (8) presents on each level to access all areas of 
the game world and ultimately track down the evil acorn.  AT the end of each 
level you will encounter one of the Evil Acorn's minions.


These usually appear to warp you from a sealed-off area back to the main level

***************************Saving Your Game****************************

Okay I guess I'll put in information about both systems here.

There are no save points in the Color version.  Instead, you may access a 
save screen at any time by simply bringing up Conker's inventory (by pressing 
START) and pressing select.

At certain points in throughout the Original Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, and 
Super Game Boy you'll come across rotating S symbols: these are Save Points.  
By approaching one and pressing the A button, you'll bring up the option to 
save you position before continuing.

Section 2d - Collectable Items

ACORNS: Replenish Conker's energy

CONKERS: Ammunition for the slingshot

PRESENTS: There are eight (8) of these to find on each level.  While         
you don't always have to find them all to proceed to the next area, you will 
have to come back for them eventually if you're to make it to the end of the 

INVITES: When all four of these are collected from a level, a door will open 
in the secret caves beneath Willow Woods...

SECRET PRESENTS: Hidden away in areas off the beaten path, you can ignore 
these completely if you like, but its impossible to achieve the game's 
highest rating without them.

KEYS: To get passed some of the locked doors you encounter on your way, 
you're going to need a key.  These can be given to you by characters, found 
in secret places or earned by solving puzzles.

SLINGSHOT: Conker's long-range weapon, found early in the game in Willow 
Woods.  Keep picking up conkers or you'll run out of ammunition.

MASK: Allows Conker to swim in deep water - otherwise he can only wade.

TORCH: Brings light to dark places in later levels.  You won't be able to 
make much progress without it.

PICKAXE: Useful for smashing any inconvenient boulders in Conker's way.

SAW: Helps Conker hack down dead trees standing in his path.

SPECIAL KEYS: Only two of these exist, and their purpose is to get you into 
Aztec Temple.

Section 2e - Obstacles

BOULDERS: Frequently block your path, but once you've collected the pickaxe 
they will pose no problem.

TREES: Similar to boulders, but these are disposed of by finding and using 
the saw.

PITS: Found in later levels.  Fall into these and not only  will you take 
damage, you'll be transported all the way back to the doorway.  You can also 
take damage in some peoples' homes if your not careful.

SPIKES: A common trap.  Conker can jump over short stretches of spikes, but 
larger areas have to be tackled differently.  Watch out for sections that 
rise and fall...

WALL HAZARDS: Whether they fire heavy cannonballs or lethal arrows, these are 
certainly something to be avoided

BLOCK PUZZLES: You'll find many rooms containing a pattern of crates and 
holes in the floor which need to be filled in.  Push the crates by pressing 
the Control Pad and A button.  If you make a mistake, simply exit and 
re-enter the room to reset the puzzle (You can also press START twice).  
Successfully solving it will usually unlock a nearby door.

LOCKED DOORS: Some can be opened with keys, others are linked to floor 
puzzles or the enemies in the room they open from...

LONG GRASS: Slows Conker's running or walking speed.

MUD PATCHES: Same effect as long grass, but more likely to be found in swampy 

FLAGSTONES: Sometimes cover the patches of dirt Conker uses for digging.  You 
shouldn't have too much trouble breaking through them...

ROCK SLAB: Similar to boulders, but the pickaxe has no effect - you'll need 
to solve a puzzle somewhere in the same level to get rid of them...

SWITCH PUZZLES: A series of switches on the floor need to be stomped in a 
certain order.  If the wrong switch is hit, it'll pop back up along with any 
others you've set.  All of the switches must be pressed down to solve the 

Section 2f - The Good And Bad Guys

*****************************The Good Guys*****************************

CONKER: Conker's always been a sucker for a good adventure, but in taking 
Berri prisoner and stealing all those unopened presents, the Evil Acorn has 
gone too far!

BERRI: Berri's confident that Conker will come after her, but will the traps 
and enemies thrown in his path prove too much for her furry friend?

FOREST GUARDIAN: The Forest Guardian lives in Willow Woods, near the spooky 
forest area.  All the guardian can do now is hope that Conker is successful 
in stopping the Evil Acorn!

FOREST WONG: Forest Wong is a hermit who promises to give the crusading 
squirrel all the help he can.

ACORN PEOPLE: These mostly cheerful folk inhabit Conker's world and are happy 
to help when they can.

******************************The Bad Guys*****************************

EVIL ACORN: Conker's Nemesis is the final target of his quest and, 
unfortunately, Berri's captor

HONKER: A real skunk-of-all-trades, this scheming creature is always around 
when there's mischief in the air.

HSSSTAMEAN: This slippery costumer is a huge snake who patrols his domain day 
and night, ruthlessly running down any intruders.

LUXO AND SOLO: A pair of ragged and grouchy old birds who've lived in Vultre 
Ville since its earliest days - and it seems their tempers haven't improved 
with age!

WALDORF: Krow Keep's only inhabitant, a miserly wizard whose main use for his 
spells is to get rid of uninvited guests who could be out to steal his 

SWAMP FRIEND: This nasty piece of work doesn't need much persuading to lash 
out at anyone passing through.

SIEGFRIED: The last remaining Stone Golem, and the Evil Acorn's most powerful 

Section 2g - The Levels

WILLOW WOODS: Conker's home Territory, it used to be peaceful, before the 
Evil Acorn and his cronies showed up...

VULTURE VILLE: The dry and dusty wilderness beyond Willow Woods is home only 
to some of the hardier Acorn people and an assortment of desert critters.

KROW KEEP: A dark and gloomy castle, much like its only remaining occupant. 
Ils scenic grounds are still used by travelling merchants, but few would want 
to venture into the Keep itself.

MAKO ISLANDS: The tropical paradise of the Mako Islands has inspired many of 
the Acorn People to begin a new life there.

CLAW SWAMP: The claustrophobic paths and scurrying denizens of Claw Swamp are 
best avoided by all but the most intrepid explorers...

AZTEC TEMPLE: A seemingly-endless labyrinth of trap-ridden rooms and 
corridors, the Temple has been reopened for the first time in centuries by 
the fleeing Evil Acorn.

Even after you've conquered all six levels, Conker's nemesis refuses to give 
up!  Can you track him to the final confrontation at one remaining hideout?

                     Section 3 - The Walkthrough!

It's a good thing all went good and I am doing the walkthrough only a day off 

******************************Willow Woods*****************************

You will start out in Conker's house in front of 2 beds.  Go left into the 
next room.  Get the conker and acorn.  Leave Conker's house.  Go down and get 
the conker.  No go northwest and read the sign.  It says: Press SELECT while 
standing in the dirt area to dig.  So do so.  You mend up on the other side 
and wala!  There is your first present.  

Now press SELECT in the dirt patch and go a little south of Conker's home.  
Before you do so, feel free to get the conkers and acorns around Conker's 
home.  Below Conker's home you will see another dirt patch.  In it press 
SELECT.  Now, go down to the path and press A when the acorn dude is on top 
of you.  He tells you that they give Conker advice.  He also says to head 
northeast to the Forest Gaurdian's house.  He also says to double tap the 
control pad to run.  From here, go right until you come to a dead end in the 
path.  Now go down.  When you have the option to go right, do so.  Keep going 
until you can go up.  So, now go up and watch out for enemies!!  Keep going 
down that path until you get to some stairs.  Climb the steps, and keep 
running until you get to the Forest Gaurdian's house.  Please note that you 
will come back here A LOT!  So, every time I won't route you there.  Go 
inside, pick up the conker and acorn and go left a room.  Talk to the Forest 
Gaurdian.  He is a very good supplier of information.  He tells you you need 
a weapon before he can help you, but however, he gives you present #2 and a 

Now go back towards home, where you saw that first acorn dude.  If you talk 
to any acorn he will say: Hmm! That key looks like it fits the Windmill.  
>From the first Acorn dude, go left and when you can go up, go up.  But watch 
for the enemies that charge at you (The ones that are red and brown and look 
like mushrooms)!  Keep going up and watch out for the spider!  Keep going and 
going and going until you get to more stairs.  When you get there keep going 
and going up.  You will find another set of steps.  Go up a little more and 
enter the windmill.  Talk to the acorn dude.  He says how to solve block 
puzzles.  Go north a room and get the conker and acorn.  No go down a room 
and then left.  You will see some blocks/boxes.  Below is a diagram of how to 
sole it.

N - non-moveable block
H - hole in ground
1, 2, 3, etc. - Moveable blocks

  H   H
 N    1

Push 1 left, then up.  Push 2 up.  Wow! You've just soled the first puzzle of 
the game.  No go through the newly opened door and get present #3.  

Now go upstairs and get the conker and acorn.  Go down a room and get the 
conker and slingshot!  It says to fire conkers press B.  Be careful!  Don't 
waste them!  You will run out of them very quickly.  If you got everyone I 
told you to get you should have AT LEAST 11 or 12 conkers.  Leave the 
windmill and go back down.  When you can go right, do so.  But watch out for 
enemies.  It helps to walk on the bottom of the path.  Or you can waste your 
conkers and kill them!  Where there is a little spot of empty grassland (like 
no walls) go into it.  When you get to the dirt patch, press SELECT.  You 
arrive in a real big dirt patch with four conkers in it. Get the conkers and 
kill the spider.  Go to the left and follow the path up.  And meet your good 
friend mini-spider.  You come across a lot of these in the game.  It takes 1 
conker to kill them.  Now keep going up the path, get the acorn and keep 
going.  Now it leads to a dead end.  You can go in the cave, but it says at 
the door inside the cave that the door won't open.  If you were observant and 
read the sign outside, it said: 2 Aztec keys are needed to enter.  Go back 
down the path.  All your enemies you killed reappear.  Go past the dirt patch 
and follow the path down and around.  Meet another good friend - Mr. Bird.  
He is easy to kill but bothers you A LOT!  Gather the acorns along the way 
and watch out for the snake that you can't kill.  Now go back to the dirt 
patch and press SELECT.  Go back to the main path and go into another open 
area.  At this point if your really good you should have like 8 or 9 lives.  
But if your not... Hey! Its Ok!  You'll get better, trust me!  Anyway go kill 
the enemy and get the conker.  Right now I strongly suggest you save your 
game because you are about to go in a cave where you can barely see a thing.  
In the cave you will see good friend Wind-up mouse.  The only way to kill him 
is to double stomp on him by pressing A twice in a row.  Go to the very top 
right hand corner of the screen and press SELECT in something that looks like 
water.  Now go to your right and pick up invite #1!  Now exit the cave.  When 
you get out you should save it again so you don't have to do that again when 
you die.  Now follow the path go down and you should no where you are.  From 
there go to the Forest Gaurdian's house.  Talk to him.  He tells you if you 
beat his game you will have access to Spooky Forest.  While you are playing 
don't spend too long on each one.  For each one you miss another one gets 
added.  When you beat it, save your game, and go around the back and pick up 
present #4.  

Keep going until you get to a sign.  At the sign go right.  Follow the path, 
and gather the conkers and acorns along the way.  Keep going and enter the 
Forest Wong's house through either door.  Get the two acorns and go left a 
room.  Talk to the Forest Wong.  He says he will give you a key to Mushroom 
Town.  Pick up the key and go left a room and go upstairs and get present #5.

Now exit the Forest Wong's house through any door, and follow the path back 
to the Forest Gaurdian and talk to him.  He tells you the same thing any 
acorn dude will tell you - Head Southwest to Mushroom Town.  If you want to 
see where Mushroom Town is, click A when you are under a piece of square 
paper to the left of his bed.  Now exit the Forest Gaurdian's house and go 
down until you can't go down no more.  Go left and follow the path until it 
ends.  From there, go down - watch out for enemies!  Now cross the bridge and 
follow the path, down 2 flights of steps.  After down the 2nd flight of 
steps, go to your left, follow the path, and watch out for those ramming 
dudes.  Now go into that first house.  Talk to the acorn dude.  He gives you 
present #6, which opens the door.

Go up a room, and get the acorn.  Go to your right and get the conkers.  Now 
go down a room and you will see a block puzzle.  Here is how you sole it: 
(Use the same key as shown before)

 NN    1
 N H
  2N  N

Push 1 left, down then right.  Push 2 down, then right.  Push 3 down.  Now go 
up a room, and go upstairs.  Go south a room and kill the wind-up mouse by 
pressing A twice.  (Some times you don't have to kill them, I'll let you know 
when you don't have to.)  No go back up a room.  Go downstairs collect the 2 
conkers.  Go back upstairs.  Collect the conker.  Go downstairs and collect 
the 2 conkers.  Repeat this until you have about 50 or 60 conkers.  If you 
don't do this, you will regret it later.  (I was once playing a game, I was 
at a boss, and ran out of conkers!)  Now go to the left and go through the 
now open door.  Get the conker and go left a room.  Go kill the mini-spider 
and get the acorn.  Exit this house to the South.  Go to the right, get the 
acorn and go into the next house.  Go up and get the acorn.  Go right a room 
and you will see a complex puzzle.  Heres how to solve it:

   N 2
  NH  NN
   34 H
  N NN

Push 1 left.  Push 2 left, then up.  Push 3 up.  Push 4 right.  Exit at the 
bottom of the screen.  Talk to the acorn dude.  He tells you that in the next 
room there is a switch puzzle and use your stomp to activate them.  Go go 
left a room.  Activate the switches in this order:




Now, go through the open door.  Take present #7, and activate the switch.

Go downstairs and go one room to your right.  Exit the house at the bottom.  
Get the acorn and enter the next house.  Go up and get the 2 conkers.  Go up 
a room and kill the wind-up mouse. (You have to kill this one) Once you kill 
it, go up a room and kill the mini-spider with a conker.  Go down, get the 
conkers and kill the mini-spiders.  Now exit the house to the South.  Go to 
the right, get the conker and watch out for the ramming dude!  Go through the 
left door.  Get the acorn and exit.  Go past the right door and get the 
conkers.  Now return by going through the right door.  Get the conker and go 
north.  You will see a switch puzzle.

 3   4
5 2

Go North through the newly opened door.  Just Run down!  Don't pick up 
conkers!  Just run down to the bottom and exit the room through the door.  
You get away from those enemies and come across 2 wind-up mouses.  These you 
do not have to kill.  Go and exit the room the right.  In here kill the 
mini-spider and get the conker.  Exit at the bottom of the room.  Kill the 
spider and go down.  Get the conker and kill the enemy.  Follow that grassy 
path and gather the conkers and the acorn.  Go back towards the house.  While 
you go back, notice the secret present (the red and yellow one) to your 
right.  When your back up there go left, get the acorn, and save your game.  
Enter the cave.  Kill that ugly spider.  It takes 3 conkers.  Once you shoot 
at him he starts moving.  Go up and get the conker.  Go to your right and 
watch out for those shooting things.  Follow that path until you get to an 
acorn dude.  Talk to him.  He asks if you've found 7 presents yet.  He asked 
if you found the one to the left of your house.  He then tells you how to 
dig.  Go down and press SELECT in the dirt patch.  Get the acorn and avoid 
the wind-up mouse.  You don't have to kill him.  Get the acorn below you.  Go 
to the left, go down the stairs, and kill the spider.  Follow the path, 
collecting conkers on the way.  You end up by this weird looking acorn dude.  
This is your nemesis, the Evil Acorn.  Before talking to him save your game, 
and get the conker and acorn above you.  Now talk to him and he says he 
didn't expect you to come this far and it's the end of the road.  He also 
says why don't you play with Hsstamean.  He is your first boss.  He is pretty 
easy, but you might want to read the boss guide located at, 
but you don't have to.  Now enter the cave entrance and run inbetween the two 
trees and turn around.  When he comes by, throw a conker at his head.  Repeat 
this until he dies.  It takes about 4 hits to kill him.  No you can explore 
the land.  You won't find any conkers or acorns.  At the top there are cave 
entrances that don't do anything!  Once your done, Go down and get present 
#8!  When you get it a message should appear saying that you achieved a new 
rating.  That rating is FOREST FIEND.

Now go up the stairs and go into that whirlpool.  Go up and talk to the acorn 
dude.  He says Wow you've beaten Hsstamean.  He says he saw someone run up 
towards the barn.  Go to your left and pick up invite #2.  A log blocks your 
way.  Pretend it's a block.  Walk up to it and press A.  The log goes 
bye-bye!  Follow the grass up, and cross the river.  Go to the right.  Get 
conkers on the way.  Catch the path and keep going right.  Watch out for the 
enemy!  Now go up the stairs, collect the conker and acorn around the barn 
and then enter the barn.  Talk to the acorn dude at the top of the screen.  
He says he'll be at the barn when you return. (IF you return, that is! 
Hahaha!!) Go north a room and kill the wind-up mouse.  You got to kill this 
guy.  Go right a room and get the conkers.  Go down and do the switch puzzle.

1 2

Now, go upstairs.  Here is a block puzzle.

H   H
 1  N2
 N    N
    N HN
    N 3N

Push 1 right, then up.  Push 2 up, then left.  Push 3 up.  Push 4 left.  Go 
down a room.  DON'T EXIT THE BARN!!  Go a room to the right and get the key.  
Now exit the barn at the Bottom.

You've just completed the game's first level.  You will be back, don't worry. 
 You are now in Vultre Ville, the game's 2nd level.

Your inventory should look like this, except the number of conkers and the 
acorns are probably going to differ...A LOT!!

In your inventory - A slingshot
Invites - 2
Secret Presents - 0
Presents - 8

Acorns - 12
Conkers - 80

Well, I completed Willow Woods in only 2 days - pretty good!  Hopefully 
Vultre Ville can be done by July 25.  

Thanks for taking your time to read my FAQ/Walkthrough.  Cya!

Nobody may take anything off my FAQ/Walkthrough without my permission. If you 
want something off it, just e-mail me and I will reply to you with-in 2 days. 
 Trust me, I check my e-mail twice a day usually.  

© 1999 Bradley Furman