Real Bout Fatal Fury (e)

       R E A L   B O U T      F A T A L   F U R Y 

      _________    _________    _______________    _________    _________
     /  ______/|  / _____  /|  /  ___   ___   /|  / _____  /|  / _____  /|
    /  / _____|/ / /|___/ / / /  /|_/  /|_/  / / / /|___/ / / / /|___/ / /
   /  / /       / / /  / / / /  / //  / //  / / / _____  / / / / /  / / /
  /  /_/___    / /_/__/ / / /  / //  / //  / / / /|___/ / / / /_/__/ / /
 /________/|  /________/ / /__/ //__/ //__/ / /________/ / /________/ /
 |________|/  |________|/  |__|/ |__|/ |__|/  |________|/  |________|/
             _________    ___   ___     _________   ___    ___
            /  ______/|  /  /| /  /|   / _____  /|  \  \\ /  /|
           /  /______|/ /  / //  / /  / /|___/ / /   \  \/  / /
          /  ____/|    /  / //  / /  /     ___/ /     \    / /
         /  / ___|/   /  / //  / /  /  /\  \__|/      /   / /
        /  / /       /  /_//  / /  /  /| \  \        /   / /
       /__/ /       /________/ /  /__/ /\ \__\      /___/ /
       |__|/        |________|/   |__|/  \|___|     |___|/
                       BARBERMAN & Tan Wei Teck Victor

Explanation of symbols
x    This means the combo cannot be connected with any moves after but some 
     could follow up with a D attack .
..  This means any move can be connected thereafter to finish the combo
A,B,C,D   A button 
          B button
          C button
          D button
2|3  This means down or downforward plus the corresponding button
8|9  This means up or upforward plus the corresponding button
-->  This means that all items in the previous "box" can flow into the 
     next move or set of moves in the next "box".
==>  This means that ONLY the move directly preceeding the arrow can flow
     into the next move or set of moves in the next "box".

df       down forward
db       down back
d        down
b        back
f        forward
u        up

When certain characters have a combo that starts with 2 jump moves, it 
means that both the jump attacks are done during the same jump and NOT 2 
different jumps.

Combo Arts: Terry Bogard
 ____              ______
|    |    ____    |      |
|  A |   |    |   |    C |
| cA |-->|  B |-->|   6C |            ___     ___
|  B |   | cB |   |   1C |==> J...   |   |   |   |
| cB |   |____|   | 2|3C |           | A |-->| C |-->...
|____|            |______|           |___|   |___|
 ____     ____      ________     ___     ___     ___     ___
|    |   |    |    |        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| cA |-->| cC |    | dash A |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |
|____|   |____|    |________|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|

B           >                      >           C     x 
Crouch B    > cancels    B         > cancels   f+C   x
A           > into       Crouch B  > into      db+C  ...
d+A         >                      >           d+C   x

A,C  ...
d+A,Crouch C  ...

dash A,C,C,C,C   x
dash A,C,C,C     ...

Combo1: Crouch A 3-5 hits, Crouch B, db+C, Rising Tackle (d,u+A)
Combo2: Jump B, jump C, crouch A x2, crouch B, db+C, Rising Tackle
Combo3: dash A,C,C,C, Power Dunk(f,d,df+B)
Combo4: Crouch A x3, crouch C, (d,db,b+B)
Comco5: Jump B, Jump C, A x3, C, Burning Knuckles
S.Power Juggle: (in corner) S.Power into Rising Tackle
P.Power Combo1: d+A x3,B,f+C,D, P.Power
P.Power Combo2: d+A x3,db+C, P.Power        

Combo Arts: Andy Bogard
 ____              ______
|    |    ____    |      |
|  A |   |    |   |    C |    
| cA |-->|  B |-->|   6C |==>...
|  B |   | cB |   |   1C |==>...
| cB |   |____|   | 2|3C |   
|____|            |______|   

 _________     ___     ___     ___     ____
|         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |
| close C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->|  C |==>...
|_________|   |___|   |___|   |___|   | 6C |

A         >                      >           C       x 
d+A       > cancels  B           > cancels   db+C    ...
B         > into     crouch B    > into      f+C     ...
crouch B  >                      >           d+C     x

C,C,C,C...   This combo can hit for a total of 8 hits
             by allowing each C to hit twice.
C,C,C,C,f+C  x

Zan Ei Ken Combo: db,f+C  then  db,f+C  then  d+C
Combo1: C,C,C,C,(f,df,f+B / b,db,d,df,f+B / Zan Ei Ken combo)
Combo2: C,C,C,C,f+C,D,(b,db,d,df,f+B / Zan Ei Ken Combo)
Combo3: Jump C,(Air d,df,f+D),D,Zan El Ken Combo
Combo4: (in corner) Jump C, (in air d,df,f+D), D, HishoKen, C, Zan El Ken 
        Combo, after knockdown do d+C
Combo5: Crouch A x3, B,db+C, Shor Ryu Dan
Combo6: (in corner) Jump C, A, B, C, Flame Kick (f,d,df+B) 
Power Combo1: Jump C,(Air d,df,f+D),D,S.Power/P.Power
Power Combo2: C,C,C,C,f+C,D,S.Power/P.Power
S. Power Combo: d+A (up to x3), crouch B, db+C, S.Power (d,df,f+BC)

Combo Arts: Joe Higashi
 ____              ______
|    |    ____    |      |
|  A |   |    |   |    C |    
| cA |-->|  B |-->|   6C |==>...       ___     ___
|  B |   | cB |   |   1C |==>...      |   |   |   |
| cB |   |____|   | 2|3C |            | A |-->| C |-->...
|____|            |______|            |___|   |___|
 ____     ___     ___      ____     ___     ___     ___     ___
|    |   |   |   |   |    |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 1A |-->| C |-->| C |    | 4A |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->...
|____|   |___|   |___|    |____|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|

A     >                     >          C     x 
d+A   > cancels   B         > cancels  f+C   ...
B     > into      crouch B  > into     db+C  ...
d+B   >                     >          d+C   x

A,C          ...
db+A,C,C     x
b+A,C,C,C,C  ...  This combo can hit for a total of 9 hits
                  by allowing each button to hit twice and the 
                  final C hitting once.

Combo1: b+A,C,C,C,C,(f,d,df+B)
Combo2: A,C,A reapeatdly,(d,df,f+A)
Combo3: Jump C, B, B, TNT for 5hits, TNT finisher 2hits
Combo4: C, b+A, C, C, C, TNT for 3hits, TNT finisher 2hits   
Combo5: (in corner) big Jump C, (b,db,d,df,f+A), close C, (b,db,d,df,f+A), 
        (will recoil a bit), B, B, TNT 2hits, TNT finisher 2 hits

Combo Arts: Mai Shiranui
 ____      ___
|    |    |   |     ______
|  A |--->| A |--->|      |             ___     ___
| cA |_   |___|    |    C |            |   |   |   |
|____| |           |   6C |==>...      | A |-->| C |
 ____  |   ____    |   1C |==>...      |___|   |___|
|    | `->|    |   | 2|3C |                   
|  B |    |  B |-->|______|     ____     ____ 
| cB |--->| cB |               |    |   |    |
|____|    |____|               | cA |-->| cC |-->...
 ___     ___     ___           |____|   |____|
|   |   |   |   |   |
| B |-->| C |-->| C |
|___|   |___|   |___|

A           >           A          >          C     x
Crouch A    > cancels   B          > cancels  f+C   ...
B           > into      crouch B   > into     db+C  ...
Crouch B    >                      >          d+C   x

A,C   x
Crouch A,Crouch C ...
B,C,C x

Combo1: Jump C,crouch A x3,crouch C,(d,db,b+A)
Combo2: Jump C,C,b+A,D,(d,df,f+A)
Combo3: (in corner) Jump C, A, C, (d,df,f+A), crouch A, B, db+C when 
        opponent on ground
S.Power Combo: Jump C, C, S.Power
S.Power Combo: A x3, B, S.Power
S.Power Combo: Jump C,d+A x3,d+C,S.Power
S.Power Combo: Jump C,A,A,f+C,D,S.Power
S.Power Combo: Jump C, Dive attack (2hits), crouch A, B, S.Power
S.Power Combo: A,C, (d,df,f+A), C, S.Power
P.Power Combo: B,B,f+C,D,P.Power when enemy near corner


Combo Arts: Kim Kaphwan
 ____     ___     ___     ___     ___
|    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  A |-->| B |-->| B |-->| C |-->| C |
| cA |   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|
|  B |    ____     ______
| cB |   |    |   |      |
|____|-->|  B |   |    C |   
         | cB |-->|   6C |==>...     _______     ___
         |____|   |   1C |==>...    |       |   |   |
                  | 2|3C |          | far C |-->| C |
                  |______|          |_______|   |___|

*A,B,  } These can continue into any of the following: 
B,B,   }                 C    X
                         D+C  X
*A,B,B,C,C    X
*A,B,B,C      ...
B,B,B,C,C       X
B,B,B,C       ...
C,C from far

Special combo: F+B,Down+C   X

Combo1: crouch A x4, crouch B x2, crouch C, HienZan
Combo2: A x3,B,B,C, Sand Blaster or HeinZan
Combo3: Jump C, C, crouch A x2or3, B,B,B, Hien Zan or Sand Blaster
S.Power Combo: (in corner) Jump C, S.Power, juggle with Sand blaster
P.Power Combo: A (up to x4), B (x2), C, P.Power

Combo Arts: Duck King
 _________              ____
|         |    ____    |    |
|       A |   |    |   |  C |
| close B |-->|  B |-->| 8C |
|      cB |   | cB |   | 4C |==>...
|_________|   |____|   | cC |
 ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| A |-->| A |-->| B |-->| B |-->| C |
|___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|
                          |      ____
                          |     |    |
                          `---->| 4C |-->...

A,B,      }   These can continue into the following
B,B,      }               C      X
Down+B,B, }               Up+C   X
                          Back+C    ...
A,A,B,B,C    X
A,A,B,B,Back+C ... 
db+B,db+B,db+C   x

Combo1: Jump C,A,B,C,D,(d,df,f+C)
Combo2: B,B,b+C,(f,d,df+B)
Combo3: Jump C, jump away C, in air (D,DB,B+A), A, B, C, D attack,(D,DF,F+C)
Combo4: Jump B, Jump C, jump away C, (d,db,b+A in Air), A,A,B,B, (f,d,df+B)
Combo5: Jump B,jump C, standing C, P.Power SHADOW ROLL,A,A,B,B,(f,d,df+B)

Combo Arts: Mochizuki Sokaku
 ____              ______
|    |    ____    |      |
|  A |   |    |   |    C |==>...
|  B |-->|  B |-->|   6C |           ___     ___
| cB |   | cB |   |   1C |==>...    |   |   |   |
|____|   |____|   | 2|3C |          | A |-->| C |
                  |______|          |___|   |___|

 ___     ____     ____           ___     ___     ___     ___     ____
|   |   |    |   |    |         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |
| B |-->| 6C |-->| 6C |-->...   | C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| 2C |
|___|   |____|   |____|         |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |____|
A        >          B        >           C     ...        `-->... 
B        > cancels  crouch B > cancels   f+C   x
crouch B > into              > into      d+C   x
                                         db+C  ...

A,C        ...
B,f+C,f+C  ...

C,C,C,C,d+C  x
C,C,C,C      ...

Combo1: C,C,C,C, A repeatedly or Possesion Blast
Combo2: db+B,db+B,db+C,(f,b,f+C)
Combo3: Jump C (2 hits), C (2 hits), C,C,C,d+C
Combo4: Jump C (2 hits), A, B, db+C, Possesion Blast
Combo5: Jump C (2 hits), C(2 hits), C,C,C, (d,df,f+A), A, C, A repeatedly
        (2 hits), D (when Evil stick dance is almost finished), far C

Combo Arts: Bob Wilson
 ____     ___     ____         _________     ___     ___     ___     ___
|    |   |   |   |    |       |         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  A |-->| B |-->|  C |       | close C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |==>..
| cA |   |___|   | 6C |==>... |_________|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|
|  B |    ___    | 1C |==>...                 |       |       |   ______
| cB |   |   |   | 3C |                       |       |       |  |      |
|____|-->| C |   |____|                       `----------------->| 8|9C |
         |___|                                                   |______|

A    >             >           f+C   ...
d+A  > cancels  B  > cancels   df+C  x
B    > into        > into      C     x
                               db+C  ...

C,C,C,C,C    ...
C,C,u+C      x
C,C,C,u+C    x
C,C,C,C,u+C  x

Combo1: C,C,C,C,C,(f,d,df+B)
Combo2: A,B,f+C,D,(d,db,b+C)
Combo3: Jump A, JumpC, A x5, B, db+C, (f,d,df+B)       
S.Power Combo: C,C,C,C,C,(f,b,db,d,df,f+BC)
S.Power combo: Jump C, (b,f+B), crouch A, C, S.Power
P.Power combo: Ax5, B, db+C, P.Power
P.Power Combo: Questions are still raised over this combo but 1 one these
               can really work.
    1: While Opponent is in mid air ,hit them with Bob's b,f+B then go into
    2: Throw the opponent with f+C ,then quickly do up-forward,up-forward+C
         and go into P.Power
    3: Or Simply do the P.Power after hitting his combo

Combo Arts: Hon Fu
 ___        ___
|   |      |   |    ______            ___     ___
| A |----->| A |   |      |          |   |   |   |
|___| _    |___|-->|   C  |          | A |-->| C |
 ____  |           |  4C  |==>...    |___|   |___|
|    | |   ____    |  1C  |==>...     ____     ___     ___
| cA | `->|    |-->| 2|3C |          |    |   |   |   |   |
|  B |    |  B |   |______|          | 1A |-->| C |-->| C |
| cB |--->| cB |                     |____|   |___|   |___|
|____|    |____|

A            >                      >             C    x
d+A          > cancels   B          > cancels     f+C  ...
B            > into      crouch B   > into        db+C ...
crouch B     >                      >             d+C  x

A,A  >  cancels into  C    x
                      f+C  ...
                      db+C ...
                      d+C  x

Special Combo: db+A,C,C when close

Combo1: A,C,A repeatedly
Combo2: db+B,db+B,db+C,(f,d,df+A)
Combo3: Jump C,A,B,db+C, (f,d,df+a)
Combo4: Jump C,db+A,B,B,db+C, (f,d,df+A)
S.Power combo: A,C, S.Power
P.Power combo: A,C, P.Power
Lane Combo: A,B,f+C, D attack, A repeatedly (best in corners)

Combo Arts: Blue Mary
 ____     ____     ______
|    |   |    |   |      |           ___     ___
|  A |   |  B |   |    C |          |   |   |   |
|  B |-->| cB |-->|   4C |==>...    | A |-->| C |-->...
| cB |   |____|   |   2C |          |___|   |___|
|____|      |     |   3C |
            |     |   1C |==>... (f,d,df+B x2 works nice)
            |     |______|
            |   ____     ____________
            |  |    |   |            |
            `->| 6C |-->| M.Snatcher |
               |____|   |____________|

A,C  ...

A          >                      >              C      x
B          > cancels   B          > cancels      b+C    x
crouch B   > into      crouch B   > into         db+C   ...
                                                 d+C    x 
                                                 f+C    ... *
*After the f+C you can do a f,d,df+B x2
Combo1: Crouch B x2,crouch C,(b,f+B),(b,f+B)
Combo2: A,C,(f,d,df+B),(f,d,df+B)
Combo3: Jump B, Jump C, A, A, crouch B, db+C, (b,f+B), (b,f+B)
Combo4: (d,df,f+A), crouch B x2, db+C, (b,f+B), (b,f+B)
Combo5: A,A,B,f+C, (f,d,df+B)
Combo6: (in corner) Jump B, Jump C, A,A,A,B,f+C, (f,d,df+B)x2
P.Power Combo: Jump C,P.Power

Combo Arts: Franco Bash
 ____              ______
|    |    ____    |      |
|  A |   |    |   |    C |
|  B |-->|  B |-->|   6C |           ___     ___
| cB |   | cB |   |   1C |==>...    |   |   |   |
|____|   |____|   | 2|3C |          | B |-->| C |
                  |   8C |          |___|   |___|
 ___     ___     ___     ___     ____
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |
| A |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->|  C |
|___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   | 6C |==>...
                                | 8C |

B,C  ...

A           >                    >          C      x
B           > cancels  B         > cancels  db+C   ...
crouch B    > into     crouch B  > into     f+C    x
                                            d+C    x
                                            u+C    x

A,C,C,C,f+C  ...   This combo can hit for a total of 8 hits
                   by allowing each C to hit twice.
A,C,C,C,u+C   x

Combo: C, (db, f+C)x2, C   (db+C works for a knockdown, also try to 
       follow up with Armegedon Buster)
Combo2: B,B,u+C,D, (db,f+C)x2, B,B,u+C
Combo3: Jump B, Jump C, B,C, (db,f+C)x2, A,C,C,C, (d,db,b+A)
Combo4: Jump C, B,C, P.Power<2hits>, (f,d,df+B)<3hits>, (f,d,df+C)<2hits>

Infinite Combo: Power Bike, D, adjust position, (repeat over and over)

P.Power: Below are the moves to be added to be aded after his P.Power:
        d,df,f+A     f,d,df+A
        d,df,f+B     f,d,df+B
        d,df,f+C     f,d,df+C


Combo Arts: Ryuji Yamazaki
 ____     ____     ______            ___     ____
|    |   |    |   |      |          |   |   |    |
|  A |   |  B |   |    C |==>...    | B |-->|  C |-->...
|  B |-->| 6B |-->|   6C |          |___|   | 6C |
| cB |   | cB |   |   1C |==>...            |____|
|____|   |____|   | 2|3C |                
 ___     ___     ___    |    |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |  C |==>...
| A |-->| C |-->| C |-->| 4C |
|___|   |___|   |___|   | 6C |

A        >            B   >            C      ...
B        > cancels    f+B > cancels    f+C    x
crouch B > into       d+B > into       d+C    x 
                                       db+C   ... 

B,f+C   ...
B,C     ...

A,C,C,C    ...
A,C,C,f+C  x
A,C,C,b+C  x

Combo1: Try A,C,C,C then cancel into A,C,C,C again for a mega hit combo
Combo2: jumping C,d+B,d+B,C, (f,db,f+C),d+C,A,C,C,C, (f,db,f+C),d+C
Combo3: Jump C, B, crouch B, C, (f,db,f+C), d+C
Combo4: Jump C,B, crouch B,C, (d,db,b+C),A,C,C,C, (f,db,f+A),d+C
Combo5: Jump C,B, crouch B,db+C, S.Power,d+C
Combo6: Jump C,B, crouch B,C, (f,db,f+C),d+C
Combo7: Jump C,B,C, (d,db,b+C),D, (d,db,b+C), A,C,C,C, (f,db,f+A),d+C

S.Power combo: A,B, db+C, S.Power
P.Power combo: jump C, P.Power

Infinite combo: A,C,C,C,d+C (repeat over and over)

Combo Arts: Jin Chon Shu
|    |     ___
|  A |--->|   |     ____
| cA |_   | A |--->|    |
|____| |  |___|    |  C |
 ____  |   ____    | 6C |==>...
|    | `->|    |-->| cC |
|  B |    | cB |   |____|
| cB |--->|____|

A,A,  }  These can continue into the following 
A,B,  }          C     X
B,B   }          F+C   ...

special combo:

Combo1: A,B,B,(f,d,df+C)
Combo2: (in corner) Jump C, C, (d,df,f+A), crouch A, (f,f+A)

Combo Arts: Jin Chon Rei
|    |     ___
|  A |--->|   |     ____
| cA |_   | A |--->|    |
|____| |  |___|    |  C |
 ____  |   ____    | 6C |==>...
|    | `->|    |-->| cC |
|  B |    | cB |   |____|
| cB |--->|____|

A          >                     >           C          x
crouch A   > cancels  A          > cancels   f+C        ...
B          > into     B          > into      crouch C   x
crouch B   >          crouch B   >

Combo1: Crouch A x5,A,C
Combo2: Crouch A,A,f+C,D,(f,f+A)

Combo Arts: Billy Kane
|    |     ___
|  A |--->|   |     ____
| cA |_   | A |--->|    |          ____     ___     ______
|____| |  |___|    |  C |         |    |   |   |   |      |
 ____  |   ____    | 6C |==>...   |  A |-->| B |-->| 236C |
|    | `->|    |-->| cC |         | cA |   |___|   |______|
|  B |    | cB |   |____|         |____|
| cB |--->|____|

A,B,(D,DF,F+C)  Hits for a total 9 hits

A,A,  }  These can continue into the following
A,B,  }                  C     X
B,A,  }                  F+C   ...
B,B,  }                  

Combo1: Crouch A, B(hits 3x), (b,f+A), (b,f+C)
Combo2: Jump C, C, (b,f+A), (b,f+C)
Combo3: Jump C, crouch A, crouch B, f+C, crouch D, D
P.Power combo: A, B, P.Power

Combo Arts: Geese Howard
 ____     ____
|    |-->|    |    ______
|  A |   |  A |-->|      |        ___     ___     ___     ___     ____
| cA |_  | cA |   |    C |       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |
|____| | |____|   |   6C |==>... | A |-->| C |-->| C |-->| C |-->| 6C |
 ____  |   ___    |   1C |==>... |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |____|
|    | `->|   |-->| 2|3C |                                 |
|  B |    | B |   |______|                                 |
| cB |--->|___|                                            `-->...

A         >             >            C      x
d+A       > cancels   B > cancels    f+C    ...
B         > into        > into       db+C   ...
crouch B  >             >            d+C    x

A         > cancels   A        > cancels    C     x
d+A       > into      crouch A > into       f+C   ...
                                            db+C  ...
                                            d+C   x

A,C,C,C,   ...
A,C,C,C,f+C  ...   This combo can hit for a total of 9 hits 
                   by allowing the 2nd and 4th C to hit twice.

Combo1: A,C,C,C,Jae El Ken,d+C
Combo2: Jump C, crouch B x3, B, f+C, D, reppuken, far already B, B, C
Combo3: Crouch B x5, B, C or Reppuken
Combo4: (in corner) A,C,C,repuken,A,C,C,repuken,.....repeat up to 20 Hits 
Aerial Assault: (only against Franco Bash and Yamazaki) jumping B, jumping
C,                 land on the ground and immediately follow with another 
                jumping C, "C" Shippuken 

Trapping combo:
      When Geese traps an opponent in the corner do this repeatedly if 
      your opponent is not Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary, Mai, Hon Fu or the Jins.
      There is absolute no recoil after this combo and those without 
      uppercuts are doomed when they meet up with this.
      Furthermore it is 80% Guard Cancel proof.
S.Power Combo: crouch B,B,f+C, Raging Storm
P.Power Combo: A,A, Thunder Break
Super Combo: (in corner against airborne opponent) S.Power into Final Rave
Final Rave Combo: A, C (hits twice), C (single hit), C (hits twice), Final 
                  Rave, then while opponent is falling dash forward and do a 
                  d+C to hit then on the ground.
Final Rave: During MAX for P.Power

Barberman  (   =  Co-author 

Tan Wei Teck Victor  (  =  Co-author

Galen Komatsu  (  =  for the preliminary "combo boxes"

NeoGeoFreak Magazine  =  For some of the combos and all thier coverage on
                         this great game!

And to all the kind people on the NeoGeo Mailing list (Peter, Onaje, 
Pedro, Sandro, Sie, and all the rest) for all thier help!

If you have any questions/comments/corrections/additions please feel 
free to drop either of us a line.  And enjoy the Faq!