Colony Wars - Vengeance (e)

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   \___/____/_/ /_/  \___/_/     /_/ /_/  \__/___/

Colony Wars: Vengeance
Faq: Walkthrough and Guide Ver 1.0
Log: 21-2-99

This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes 
being used by publishers of 
magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY 
way. This FAQ was 
created and is owned by me, Reuben Kee . All copyrights and 
trademarks are 
acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit 
where it is due. 

So, you actually went and bought such a kickass game,
Congratulations. IGN rated it a 9.8+! This Faq will provide you with all the 
Information you will need to be an Ace fighter pilot.
Any Questions, comments, feedback can be sent directly to me at Please feel free to send a mail to correct any errors.
This Faq is copyright c By Reuben 1999


1.  Characters
2.  Gameplay
-2.1 Controls
-2.2 Ships
-2.3 Primary Weapons
-2.4 Secondary Weapons
3. What I wanna add

1. Characters

You are Merters, a veteran fighter pilot trained by the navy to fight against 
the league hierarchy in a 
struggle between humanity. 

A pilot, you trained with, you share many experiences with your old friend, but 
there may not be enough 

Another pilot you trained with, Merters, Klein and Beck seem to have a good 
relationship together, 
however, Beck is hiding something from them.

-Commander Kron
The mad and sadistic Kron, vent on wiping out the league, he led the Navy into 
thinking the league were 

-The Watch
The watch is another group which works with the navy to seek out and destroy 
traitors working within the 


Ok, what you need to know to get started, hrm.. When any moving object with an 
engine moves out of 
view, you can still see them by a `flashing star' The colors of the star varies 
dependant on their map colours 
which is found at the bottom left of your screen. 

Your top Left corner is your Primary weapon and top right corner is your shield, 
hull and secondary 

The shield/hull meter in the top right of the screen is represented by a yellow 
bar, that's your shields, when 
you ram into something or get shot, your shields go down, then when they are 
depleted, a red bar is left, 
that's is your hull's structural integrity, when depleted you go, boom!

2.1 These are the controls,

Triangle is to change your secondary weapon
Square is to change your primary weapon
Circle is to fire secondary weapon
X is to fire primary weapon
L1 is to fire reverse thrust
R1 is to fire forward thrust
L1+R1 is to ignite afterburners
L2 is to rotate left
R2 is to rotate right
L2+R2 is Rear View
Start is to pause game
Select is to switch view

Watch that your primary weapon doesn't overheat, just spray, wait one sec, 
spray, wait one sec and so on.
Your secondary weapon is limited, be careful

2.4 Ships

After completing a certain number of missions, you will get your hands on a new 
ship, these upgraded 
ships have a larger token capacities And different default weapons.

Your standard Navy fighter pilot ship, looks small and stout.

This one looks like the Hex, just with two huge cannons at it's side and a 
larger engine.

The best ship the navy has to offer, it's awkward shape makes it pretty hard to 
know which way it's facing.

Having captured the alien ship's technology, VOODOO has it made, it's the 
coolest ship in the game! 
Clearly the Unknown Alien technology is far superior than both the Navy and 

2.3 Primary Weapons

Lasers - Your standard laser impulse cannon, good for damaging hull.

AS Lasers (Anti-Shield Lasers) - Use these to take down enemy shields, once 
shields are down, they will 

Grappling gun - Attaches something to your ship to move or attaches you to 

Seismic Laser - Strong single continual laser beam, good for breaking off 
asteroids and mines.

Particle Cannon - Press and hold to charge, then bombs away! You now have 
control over the purple ball 
that can go boom!

Ion Cannon - Super fast jets of laser stream from your ship at random after 
charging up.

Plasma Cannon - Twin powerful charged Cannons can knock out shields at first 
hit, only backside to this is 
that you have to wait for the cannons to cool before you can fire them. Best 
used against big ships.

Scatter Gun - Very rapid shots of medium impulse energy beams cut out through 
your ship, Kinda makes 
CWV seem like a world war II game, eh?

Leach Cannon - Drains enemies shields, and in some missions, drains power and 
charges up objects, pretty 
weird if you ask me.

Alien Laser - Whoa! This one's cool, its 2Xs the power of an ordinary laser and 
it's a AS laser as well! 
Great weapon for dogfights.

2.4 Secondary weapons

Missile- Your standard homing tracking tube of destruction, wave your `+' on an 
enemy ship after loading 
it for one second and it will lock on and home when you fire it.

Defense Pod - Not very many people know how to use pods. Target any ship, and 
load, then wave the `+' 
at your target and fire. The defense pod, is like a little fighter in it's own, 
it will protect the designated craft 

Attack Pod - Does the opposite of the Defense pod, Noo! Don't launch it at the 
navy ships! It WILL 

Repair Pod - Repairs designated ship, (duh)

Probe Pod - Only needed in selected missions, Acts like a spy to probe a ship :P

Alien Missile - Har har, and you thought the missile was great, this one's twice 
as fast, as powerful and it's 
homing abilities are awesome! Until of course that friggin ship lets out a 

Alien Torpedo - This one's awesome, it may look like it's slow, but it's 
actually really fast! I once hit a 
fighter while he just came out of a `flashing star' in about 2 seconds after a 
fired it!


New in version 1.1, 
Gonna add full mission briefing and tactics
Fighting tactics
Gameshark codes
Add more weapons (I feel I'm leaving something out.)