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Chocobo Racing (e)

     ____ _                     _             ____            _             
    / ___| |__   ___   ___ ___ | |__   ___   |  _ \ __ _  ___(_)_ __   __ _ 
   | |   | '_ \ / _ \ / __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \  | |_) / _` |/ __| | '_ \ / _` |
   | |___| | | | (_) | (_| (_) | |_) | (_) | |  _ < (_| | (__| | | | | (_| |
    \____|_| |_|\___/ \___\___/|_.__/ \___/  |_| \_\__,_|\___|_|_| |_|\__, |
FAQ                                                              By Rob Ledrich
Version 1.0                                           
8/18/99                                                             ICQ #901192


1) Introduction
2) Hidden Characters
3) Hidden Stages
4) OTher Things

1) Introduction

   The information in this FAQ was discovered by me on the US version of this 
game. If you have any problems/questions feel free to ask me. I'm not affiliated 
with Square, Sony, EA, or anyone else involved in the making of this game. This 
FAQ isn't just a secrets FAQ, I will be expanding it soon.

2) Hidden Characters

   There are 12 hidden characters in this game, most of them are pretty useless.
To get the hidden characters, you just have to beat Story Mode. Each time you 
beat story mode, you get a new character. The characters are listed below in the
order you get them.

Name                 How To Select
Bahamut              He appears on the character select screen
Squall               He appears on the character select screen
Cid's Tank           Highlight  Squall and press L1
Mumba                Highlight  Squall and press L2
Cloud                Highlight  Squall and press R1
Cactuar              Highlight  Squall and press R2
Aya                  Highlight  Squall and press L1 + L2
Classic Chocobo      Highlight  Squall and press R1 + R2
SS Invincible        Highlight  Squall and press L1 + R1
Jack                 Highlight  Squall and press L2 + R2

3) Hidden Stages

There are 2 hidden stages in Chocobo Racing, Bahamut's course and Squall's 

Bahamut's Stage

Beat Story Mode one time.

Squall's Stage

Beat Squall at the end of story mode, the second time through.

4)Other Things

Mirror Mode

Get first place in all the courses (except Fantasia and FFVII Circuit) in 
Grand Prix mode in both Chocobo and Behemoth Classes. The option for mirror 
mode will be in the options screen.

Get all music test music

To get all the music for the music test in the Sound Room under options, just
hear the music track in the game and it wll be added. The easiest way to do 
this is play through story Mode.

This FAQ is Copyright 1999, Rob Ledrich. It is not to be reproduced or placed 
anywhere, in any form, without my permission. This FAQ is not to be published 
in any magazine or housed on any website, without written permission from the 
author, Rob Ledrich, Don't put it up and then ask if I object, 
because I most certainly will. If I don't answer your request, then my answer 
is no. Currently this FAQ can only be found at, if you find it 
anywhere else, email me and tell me. Don't post this to USEnet.