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Chocobo Racing (e)

                       CHOCOBO RACING FAQ
                          VERSION 1.0
                          BY KYLE BOON

Version 1.0: FAQ just made. Put some stuff in.


Something you should know
What is it about
Characters abilities


This FAQ is made for personal use and can only be
reproduced electronically. If you are going to 
put this FAQ on another website other than, make sure proper credit is given
to me. This FAQ is made and owned by me Kyle Boon.
Copyright 1999

                     SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW

This game is really fun and you'll certainly get
hooked once you have played it. It's kinda like
the game "WACKY WHEELS". But the difference is
that each character has different attributes
which "WACKY WHEELS" didn't have. You can also
alter your character's attributes.


Circle = accelerate
X = brake
Triangle = I don't know what it does
R1 = Use a weapon you've have in collected
L1 = Use the special you've chosen at the 
specials screen


Chocobo: It's the main character of the game.
Has good acceleration and is very fast. 
Controlling Chocobo is not very easy. Once 
you've mastered Chocobo, he's really good to

Whose to use him: Advanced players

Mog: Good acceleration. Also very fast. 
Probably the fastest character in the game.
He's hard to control.

Whose to use him: Advanced players

Fat Chocobo: Good acceleration but slow. 
Weird on the turn as he can't do small
turns properly because he likes to make huge

Whose to use him: Advanced players

Golem: Slow acceleration, average speed but
extremely easy to control. Easy to use.

Whose to use him: Beginner players

Black Mage: Can fly over ice patches. Average
character, faster than White Mage but a bit
harder to control.

Whose to use him: Beginner players

White Mage: Also can fly over ice patches.
Average on the whole, but slower and easier 
to control than Black Mage.

Whose to use her: Beginner players

Goblin: Best acceleration in the game, I
didn't have much trouble with him but my
brother did, so I think he's okay.

Whose to use him: Intermediate players

Behemoth: About the same as Golem, 
acceleration is a bit better and the
control is a bit different.

Whose to use him: Intermediate players

Bahamut: Slow acceleration, but fast.
Not bad to use after you get him
moving. Can fly over obstacles like

Whose to use him: Intermediate players

                      ABOUT THE GAME

As you know, Chocobo is the main character of the game.
It goes around to find 8 other gears or something like
that. He finds other characters to challenge. If you
play the story mode, this is what you will do. Each
character has a different ability which you can gain
after winning them. They each also have a different

                        CHARACTERS ABILITIES

Don't get mistaken that the abilities are fixed.
You can use other peoples abilities too. And if in
story mode, can only use abilities that have been

Chocobo's special ability is: blue speed
Takes longer than red/yellow speed although gives you
a longer burst of speed. Ultimately, red/yellow speed
is better as it charges like twice as fast.

Mog's special ability is: wings
Doesn't do much, just lets you fly over ice patches.
And also if I'm not wrong, helps you avoid the
irritating Goblin from stealing your magic. Useless
for the mages

Golem's special: tire guard
Allows you to go on grass and stuff like that without
losing speed. Can bump into other characters and walls

Goblin's special: steal
Allows you to steal magic from your opponents.

Black Mage's special: Magic up
Allows you to level up your magic without having to 
store and collect. Quite useful but can get stolen
and used on you! Charges quite fast.

White Mage's special: Barrier
Cast a barrier around yourself once charged. After
cast, will protect you until someone uses a spell 
on you and will start to charge again.

Fat Chocobo's special: Reflect
This ability is to reflect any spell that is used 
on you when your bar is full. Can be very useful
if other people cast spells that are at level 2
or 3.

Behemoth's special: Red/yellow speed
This ability is about the same as blue speed.
But it last shorter. It also charges faster. But
overall, it's better.

Bahamut's special: Mega Flare
Builds very very slow. Once it's full, you can
cast a level 3 spell on all the other characters.


To Squaresoft, for this great game.

To Gamefaqs, for this super website.

To Jonathan and Carol, my good friends.

To Kao Megura, my idol.

To all Ping Yians in the PYSS band.

To Doreen, as I love her very much!

And lastly to myself, for making this