Castlevania Legends (e)

Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 19:14:48 PDT

  Castlevania Legends FAQ
     By: Dj Wolfchase


-=Legal Note=-

This game was created and copyrighted (c) by Konami 1998. It was made for 
the GameBoy (tm) system. This FAQ was created and copyright (c) by Robert 
Morrison 1999. Do not steal any info on this FAQ without permission from the 
author. email: All info on this page is original 
and was discovered from my extreme boredom.

Thank you for visiting my FAQ!!

~ Table of Contents ~

1. Story
2. Controls (and how to play)
3. Passwords
4. Weapons
5. Stages (walkthrough)
6. Characters
7. Monsters
8. Authors Note


It was the Middle Ages in Transyvania. One man came into possession of an 
evil power, and the Prince of Darkness was born. Before long, this bieng had 
used his newfound supernatural powers and the magic powers of his followers 
to spread his plague of darkness and dispair throughout the European 
continent. He was Count Dracula. Even the mention of the name of this Prince 
of Darkness was to cast fear into the hearts of the people of the land, who 
were powerless to do anything save voice thier
concern. However, at about the same time a baby girl possesing special 
powers was born to a family living in a remote area of the country. "Your 
powers are meant for a higher purpose and not only yourself," she was often 
reminded as she was growing up. The plot of this girl's fate began to 
develop one night in her seventeenth year when she met up with the young 
enigmatic Alucard, who was on a journey to search for the father that had 
desserted him. The young girl's name was Sonia Belmont, and she was the 
first of the vampire hunters in the Belmont family to becone legendary.

Well, this is a great game, and suffices well for any Castlevania fan. About 
the story, well this is the 'REAL' first Castlevania game. This is the 
prequel to the first ones for nintendo. I have not played the other Gameboy 
Castlevania games, nor do I know someone who has. But needles to say, 
Dracula is yet again the 'last' boss.

2. Controls (and how to play the game)

New Game- starts a new game.

Password- Enter a password and it will allow you to continue a saved game

Game Select-
Standard Mode- Player starts in a normal state with the 'crappy' ship
Light mode- Translated 'Easy Mode'. Player starts with the 'best' whip

You start with three lives but you get more. There is infinite continue's 
and a password for every stage.
It's basically played out like any other Castlevania game.

A button- Jump
B button- Attack
Start Button- pause/continue, and for skipping conversations
Select Button- Displays Window
Directional Button- Move or crouch
A button + Down direction- Sliding down rope
B button + Up direction- using Soul weapon
A button + B button- Using Burning mode
Down + left or right - Move in a crouch

Oh yeah, A + B + START + SELECT resets the game.

You get a life gauge of
You get a burning gauge of

Life Gauge- how much life you have

Burning Gauge- gauge for Burning Mode (read about Burning mode in Weapons 

Time- you get 500 seconds.

Any info missed here will be covered in Chapter 4.


Standard: axe, axe, blank, knife
Light: cross, axe, axe, watch
Standard: axe, cross, blank, candles
Light: cross, cross, blank, meat
Standard: watch, blank, knife, meat
Light: candles, axe, watch, candles

Standard: watch, holywater, meat, candles
Light: candles, holywater, meat, candles

Standard: knife, candles, candles, candles
Light: meat, candles, candles, meat

Standard: knife, blank, candles, meat
Light: meat, blank, meat, candles


meat, candles, candles, meat

This takes you to the last level and gives all items and soul weapons (Light 


You bieng Sonia Belmont your only weapon is a whip. There are three levels 
which it can be on. You should know what each is if you've played the game.
Burning Mode:
You basically are invincible, but only until your burning gauge is finished. 
You can only do this once every stage, per life. After it runs out, you are 
returned to a normal state.

Soul Weapons

When you beat a boss you get a little stone. These are soul weapons. You 
can't use two types at the same time, but the hearts detirmine your number 
of uses.

Wind- Stops all enemy movement except bosses. 5 hearts.
Ice- Restores entire life gauge. 20 hearts
Flame- A flash attack against all enemies. Doesn' t effect bosses. 5 hearts.
Saint- Sends a wave in front of player. 1 heart.
Magic- Destroys an enemy. Bosses excluded. 5 hearts

Normal Items

Heart- increases hearts by one
Meat- restores half of life
1 up- 1 extra life
Crystal- restores power of whip one level

Special Items

Holy Water
Pocket Watch

They determine multiple endings.

5.STAGES (walkthrough)


Easy stage. Should be no problem for any Castlevania fan. Remember to press 
A + Up button to jump on rope. Other than that, no problem!

Boss Battle
Creature Bat

What a wuss! Dodge his gay attempts to jump on you . Follow him to a corner 
and then wail on him!


This stage is somewhat easy. Parts get annoying though. But don't get 
frustrated. You can continue as much as you want.

Boss Battle
Death Dragon

Another wuss. Boost to 'Burning Mode', Bombard him with whips, and...BAM! 
he's finished.


Annoying stage becuase you do alot of climbing. Watch out for the lizard 

Mid Boss:
Flying Dragon

He flies up and shoots three (easy to dodge) fireballs at you. Then starts 
walking. When he walks just whip him and he'll die.

If you go the wrong way you'll have to fight another Mid boss of:
3 bats
2 hunchbacks
3 flying ghouls

Man... The stage gets rather tricky...

Boss Battle
Grim Reaper

He's a nasty fellow. He jumps around throwing sickles at you. Dodge them and 
whip when he's open.
He'll die in a little bit. Dont forget to put it on 'burning mode'


This is a somewhat medium stage. Its not too hard.

Mid boss:

You might want to 'burn mode' to kill her. She is a wimp that way.

The stage is smooth sailing from there. You'll eventually get to Alucard.


Alucard: "Sonia! I didn't think it was true, but its you!"

Sonia:     "Alucard!! I could say the same, what are you doing here?"

Alucard: " Listen to me, Sonia, This is no place for someone like you."

Sonia:     " But Alucard...."

Alucard:  "This problem concerns only me and my father. I've come to fight 
the lord of this castle. I          cannot let my father, Count Dracula to 
get away with this. I must do this for my mother and the world she dearly 
loved. Please understand. I am the only one who can make amends for the sins 
commited by my father and there is no reason for you to get involved in this 
battle. Sonia, I could not bear to lose you. Now turn back!"

Sonia:    "Thank you, Alucard, you-you're probably right, In fact you have 
always made the right desicions. But I have no intentioin of going back now. 
Just as your father was granted strength from the evil diety to conquer the 
world, I have been granted strength to fight your father. I will not run 
away. We all decide our own fate. It was you who taught me that, Alucard.

Alucard: "All right, Sonia, then show me this strength you belive so 
strongly in, for I too want belive. Let us test this stregth on me. Prepare 

Boss Battle

Despite how cool he is, he's just a wuss. Burn mode and kill his 
gold-bricken ass.


Alucard: "Ooww! I had no idea you had become this strong."

Sonia:    "Oh, Alucard"

Alucard: "It looks like this time I learned a lesson."

Sonia:    "Alucard, did you purposly..."

Alucard: "No, Sonia. You have made me belive in your strength"

Sonia:    " Alucard, Im so sorry."

Alucard: "Do not trouble yourself about it, Sonia. Now I must sleep. I fear 
I shall not meet you again. Farewell my beloved, my beautiful vampire 

Sonia:   "Alucard!! I will never forget you. Farwell dear Alucard."


Is it just me, or does this stage get really hard.

Boss Battle
Jumping Lioness

'Burn mode' and kill him.


This stage is pretty easy considering how short it is. You should have no 
problem getting to Dracula.
When you get there, there is a convo.


Dracula: "You have done well my girl. In fact you are the first human to 
come this far. You have my praise."

Sonia:  " You are the Prince of Darkness. Because of you many people have 
died, many people have suffered."

Dracula: "Oh no, my dear. I have nearly done what you humanswished for. 
Fufilling your insatiable desires."

Sonia: " People must fufill thier dreams with thier own power. You have been 
consumed by the power of evil. You no longer have the strength to determine 
your own fate."

Dracula: " Silence! On the contrary, I am just the one to use this power, 
and I will be king who rules over the entire world! Give yourself to me 
young lady. There may be merit in having your presence."

Sonia: "My strength will be used only to protect the entire world! Lord of 
dark prepare to suffer with trifiling with so many lives!"

Dracula: "As you wish, girl! Then it is your fate to kneel before my 

Boss Battle
Count Dracula

He's one tough customer. "Burn mode" and beat him in his first mode.


Dracula: "Well, well.. You are worthy of me. You have lasted me longer than 

Sonia:  "Prepare yourself!"

Dracula: " I've just been toying with you so far. But now its time to get 

Boss Battle
Count Dracula

Watch out now! Use the ice soul weapon to get your health back when you low. 
Be careful. He' very difficult.

This is as far as I'm going in the stage walkthrough. Basically you beat him 
and you see the ending. And I don't want to spoil it for anyone. E-mail me 
if you'd like to know it and can't beat  it.


Sonia Belmont -
This young lady was the first of the Belmont family to leave her name to 
posterity as a vampire hunter. She was taught how to handle a whip by her 
grandfather and learned at an early age
of her ability to sense the presence of biengs physical and spiritual that 
cannot be seen by ordinary humans.

Creature Bat-
The Creature Bat is a fiendish artificial life form that was created by 
fusing the abilities of a bat with those of a human. The bat can fly and can 
attack with superhuman stregth.

Death Dragon-
This legendary monster was slain by Count Dracula himself and then was 
brought back as a living corpse. The dragon attacks by breathing flames.

Grim Reaper-
This apparation recieved the great power of magic in return for bieng bound 
to Count Dracula in the eternal master-servent blood contract. The Grim 
Reaper also brandishes a very sharp sickle.

In order to pass to Sonia his own hope of slaying his father Count Dracula, 
Alucard lurcks somewhere in Dracula's castle, waiting for the fateful day 
when he must rise to the final test.

Count Dracula-
Master of the evil castle, this legendary Prince of Darkness undertook a 
transmigration from his human body and, in so diong, came into magic ability 
powerful beyond imagination.


Bats: From the top, fly after you. 1 hit

Sludge: from the top,fall, come after you. Duck and kill. 1 hit

Flying ghoul: Ghost that flies after you. 1 hit

Fireball: Some type of monster that flies directly at or behind you. 1 hit

Zombie: Chase after you real slow. 1 hit

Zombie w/ spear: Zombie with a spear. 2 hits

Hunchback: walk fast and bounce in the air. 2 hits

Skull Head: Fly at you when you're not looking at them. 2 hits

Knight: Armor and Sword. Watch out! 6 hits

Lizard Climbers: Climb and breathe fire at you. 3 hits

Giant Spiders: Spiders that chase after you. 3 hits

Iguana: Jump out of a cliff and shoot a fireball. 1 hit

Disc Shooter: Disk that shoot fireballs at you. 4 hits


Basically this is my first FAQ, and I realize how hard it is to make one of 
these. So be sure to thank all
of those who supply you with FAQ's and walkthroughs. I wanna thank Konami 
and KGE Nagoya for making this game and sending it to America to support my 
Castlevania addiction.

As for people the only person I can think of to thank is Andrew Tobias. That 
mofo kept whistling the damn 1st level song over and over and he and I 
talked a bit about the game. So thank you Andrew.

Please mail me what you think
You can also mail me for anything you didn't find.

Copyright (c) Robert Morrison 1999