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Subject: Guide to US Bust a Groove changes
From: (Shidoshi Naga)
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 09:21:33 GMT

Just in case anyone is still wondering what has been changed and what hasn't...


* Hiro lost his cigarette.

* Strike's flask has been changed to a coke (or, more specifically, a
red-canned beverage).

* Hamm's lips are not as pronounced as they once were.

* The word "Nigga" from Hamm's song has been edited out, but poorly - the
initial "N" sound can still be heard.


* Kitty-N is now part of the "Litterbox Warriors 5." (I'd LOVE to know
what they were thinking on that one) She is a CosPlay Soldier from a
television program, when I believe before she was an actual CosPlay
Soldier in the Japanese version. (could be wrong on that one)

* Shorty is the child of a father who is a DJ and a mother who is a model.
I believe in the original Japanese version, her parents were rich, or at
least were not of those jobs. (could be wrong on that one)

* Hiro is Italian - was he in the Japanese version?

* Hamm is an employee at Eat N' Move. If I'm not mistaken, he was never an
employee, he was just a loser who spent all of his time there.


* Hamm's song has a strange part at the beginning. The line "Hamburger
lovers let me hear you say ho!" is in a place where it shouldn't be,
before and ends up being in the song twice. Upon closer inspection, the
line was thrown in to cover up the line "McDonalds, Burger King, or any
other place."

* Strike's song is edited strangely too. The original song had the lines:

"Like Arnold Schwartzeneger I'm the only true eraser, [line I can't make
out] ... Too Bad..."

The song now goes:

"Like Arnold Schwartzeneger I'm the only true era ... blank space ... Too

This edit is odd. If it was a case of copyright, why not take out Arnold's
name? Why leave part of "eraser" in? Why take out the whole line following
eraser? Why suck a crappy edit? ^_^

* Frida's music NOT translated from Japanese. Very odd.

* Menus and menu fonts changed. No idea why.

* Hiro lost the "kun" from his name in the loading screen announcement -
the cut sounds odd. Would have been better left untouched. (Fans still
call out "Hiro-kun!" though)

* Stages are easier to "intensify."

* Cars on Robo-Z's stage now start blowing up in an annoying way. I don't
remember ever noticing this in the Japanese version, but it might have
been in there.


* Kelly. Not too bad. Lyrics seem to fit, vocalist fits well. Thumbs up.

* Shorty. Lyrics, as far as I know, aren't quite what the original song
was about ... didn't it have to due with her being at the amusement park
where she dances? Vocalist is also, IMHO, NOT fitting - the song used to
be cute, not anymore. Thumbs down.

* Kitty-N. This was my favorite song of the Japanese version, so I was
eager to hear the changes. Name of song totally changed, lyrics don't seem
to really fit anymore - not neccessarily Kitty-N's song anymore, more
generic. However, the remix is AWESOME - not better than the Japanese
version, but just as good in it's own way. Awesome opener, vocalist fits
great, definately a good English job. Thumbs way up.

* Capoera. Ugh. This one doesn't work at all. Lyrics and vocalist's pitch
screw the song up. Thumbs way down.

There you go. That's what I've noticed - one things I'm still not sure of
is the fact that Short's song is called "Shorty and EZ-Mouse," which leads
me to believe that they may have changed Columbo's name to "EZ-Mouse." I'm
not sure though.

Anyhow, hope the list helps someone out there!

^_^ shidoshi
"Because forgiveness... for one like you... could never be an option." / / ICQ 2082815