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Bushido Blade (e)

			Bushido Blade Player's Guide
		      (see Disclaimer and Note of Usage) 

1234567890		       By Leif Powers
			         Version 2

	There are many Bushido Blade move lists kicking around the 
litany of cyberspace. However, when I actually tried to play the game 
with these lists, I found their limited scope a hindrance to learning 
the game's nuances. Although they do an excellent job of providing 
bare-bones commands and workings of the game, they fail in aiding 
players (especially novices) with the tricky and the not-so-obvious 
details in the game. This, then, is the purpose of this Guide, to 
help new players ease into playing well and to help others with 
analyses and (somewhat) thorough exploration of the game. 

1. Where do I begin?
2. Now that I can see past my face...
3. Bushido Blade Damage and Rules of Fighting
4. My General Fighting Strategies 
5. My Weapon Tactics
6. Stance Properties 
7. Crippled/Ground Fighting
8. Stages
9. Totally Subjective Observations
10. Hints for Hunting
11. Slash (Chambara) Mode
12. Secrets and Other Stuff
13. Credits for all Involved Parties
14. Heretofore and forthwith, the obligatory Disclaimer
15. Guide Questions and Feedback 
16. Now that you've read that, the good stuff...
17. Note of Usage
1.Where do I begin?

	Well, whatever character you choose, you will be in a half-cage (Yahiro 
Road), with a path leading to trees. One opponent will be before you. Now, you've
got 2 options. Kill all these people who come one at a time, or run to the well. 
If you wish to spill blood ASAP, just defeat all these opponents here and 
you will advance to fight more and, if you complete this quest with honor, you 
get the first ending. To get the second ending...

2.Now that I can see past my face...

	Hit L1 and start running like no tomorrow in the direction of the trees
(cropped for cleanliness). Eventually, you will hit a passage that seems like a 
dead end. Go on, for it is a) a way for the game to load data about the next 
section and b) a cheap way for a dumb computer player to catch up with you. You
should keep running against the "dead end" until the enemy catches up with you, 
at which point the game should load the next section, a bridge. Another dilemma. 
Run across it, and you may access the hole which leads around the waterfall into 
the bamboo (Hint: you can hold the climb button while running and automatically 
ascend.). If you like extreme sports, take a fall off the bridge or the ledge, 
and you end up on ground level. Now, for purposes of orientation, look directly 
in the direction of the passage you just went through. On your right is a loop 
which leads you back up to the ledge and the waterfall bypass. On the left, a 
route which leads to a waterfall and thence to the Bamboo Thicket. When one 
reaches the thicket, move towards the narrowing passage until it meets the next 
scene, the front of the castle. Now, there are two ways to go, AGAIN:

1. Jump off the wall and end up in a pile of mud. This has 2 effects: 

	a) you lose your opponent 
	b) your clothes get muddy. I hate that palette. 

	After you run out of the muck, drop into the frozen Dozaemon Moat and 
	pass through to the procession of steps to the top.

2. Go through the gate and run past the Cherry Blossoms to the steps until 
you reach the top. 

This top step leads into a massive yard (Yagura Point), the exit of which is at 
the corner opposite your entrance. This passes into the construction yard, where 
the well is located, fenced off by yellow barricades. Now, for the second ending 
to work properly, you must injure your first opponent's knee and then fall in. 
Stuart Kushon e-mailed me with a tip, saying that you can jump straight into the
well without injuring your opponent to get the second ending. Amazingly, after 
the fall into a muddy Grotto, your clothes are clean once again. After this, you 
must defeat all comers from here on out, save (except for) the last boss, 
flawlessly (no scratches, they ruin your clothes). The rest of the 
navigation is easy once you arrive in the Grotto.  

3. Bushido Blade Damage and Rules of Fighting

	Whatever weapon you pick, it is governed by certain rules of collision,
determining the results: weapon deflection (or struggle), light hit, kill). All 
attacks may be classified into roughly 1 of 4 categories.

Strike: an attack which originates from above or below along in a vertical change
of direction. Usually targeting either the head or the knees.

Lash: an attack coming from the left or right side of the body and moving in a 
horizontal direction. Usually targets body and knees. 

Thrust: an attack which moves straight at the opponent blade first. Usually 
targets body.

Sidearm: doesn't do anything but a light hit, but a strike afterwards can kill.

Now, the game makes attacks end in a weapon deflection if the two weapons collide
with each other, even if that Nodachi was sitting on your opponent's head. A 
clash is the result of both players using the same attack motion (most likely 
using single button presses from the same stance) and colliding. The outcome of 
the clash is determined in this way (I think):

	Forward: Opponents are pushed off their feet.
	Back: You fall to your knees. Consider a prayer. 
	T: \
	X:  These buttons make you struggle harder. It's a button mash!

When your opponent scores a light hit, its damage depends on the region hit:

	Legs: Fall down and enable kneeling commands.
 	Non-weapon arm: lose the use of sidearm and dirt throwing techniques. 

Anywhere else is a negligible hit, except if you're trying to get the second 
ending and you get cut up. 

Killing hits are determined by two criteria: 

	1. Hit must go through head/torso/upper legs to a significant degree.
	2. The edge (usually tip) or foremost part of the weapon must be the 
	point of impact. All other hits are light hits.

Speed: Listed below is a ranking of moves based on average connection time for a 
kill (fastest to slowest).

1. Thrusts	1. Single Button Presses	
2. Slashes  2. Stationary Special Moves
3. Strikes	3. Dashing or Sidestepping Moves
Honor: Honor, which is necessary to get endings, is violated by these actions:

	1. Hitting opponents before they are in ready stance.
	2. Hitting opponents while they are on the ground or getting up.
	3. Hitting opponents in the back when their backs are turned. 
Hitting an opponent in the back while they are facing you does not dishonor you
in most instances. However, the game has been known to declare you dishonored if
you hit an opponent in the back:
	1. During an opponent's attack
	2. If you do a dodging lash and you chop the opponent in two, back 

4. My General Fighting Strategies

	There are, IMHO, 4 kinds of effective fighting strategies. 

1. The Running Game

	This strategy involves running around your opponent until you are in 
position to strike a vital area, at which point you attack with a running
O or X move. Elicits comments like, "You cheap son of a spoony bard" and,
"That doesn't count." Ha Ha Ha. This strategy is why I have no friends anymore.

2. Noble Swordmanship

	Go straight for the kill using head and body shots and combos. The 
hardest way to play this game. The only way to settle which player is better.

3. Mercenary 

	Use anything and everything. Throw dirt, sidearms, and insults at your
opponent. Thrust incessantly. Hit them in the knees, then run away. Sidestep 
until you vomit. Jump like an astronaut. If possible, hit opponents in the back
with a running lash. After death, mutilate the body. 

4. The Masochist's Dream

	This is hard, but it sure pays off in "Boo-Yah" points. Get right next
to your opponent and start defending from middle stance. When your opponent 
hits you in the knee, roll back and wait for the opponent to move in. Then start
striking, throwing dirt, and laying down like a severed frog's leg plugged into
the wall. The Sidearm Throw into High Strike is a great attack from here. 

5. My Weapon Tactics

Stance Ratio: 10-45-35

	The Katana is the most diverse weapon in the game. So make use of it.
Don't sit in one stance or do one attack. Those are for other weapons, with
skewed strengths. Katana players need to keep their opponent guessing, because
not only is this the most familiar weapon in the game, but its attacks are 
formulaic, and most have simple counters. 
		Oddly enough, this does low shots the best. With about
	half the decent moves targeted there, High Stance is one to put your 
	opponent off guard with. The T-O and O-T combos work well against
	incorrigible turtles. 
		You can do almost anything from here. This is just a plain
	decent stance to return to. Use thrusts to pester opponents' defenses.
	Just use dashing attacks sparingly.

		The attacks from this stance are actually better than most from
	Middle Stance. The only gripes here: speed and lack of diversity. This is
	the stance that makes your opponent turtle because of its range.

	Utsusemi: Against a running opponent, and especially the computer, use
	the four quick strikes. It's a tad risky in close, and only useful when
	your opponent is at a medium distance and incapacitated.
	Against: Go through Slash mode. Devise your own tactics for countering and
	handling different attacks. Use the strengths of your weapon. No weapon
	can out-average a Katana. These tactics will also help with all fights.

Stance Ratio: 25-5-70
	This weapon is one of the most off-balanced in Bushido Blade. With most
of the power in its Low Stance, players must strike first and strike true. Kills
are just a thrust away, so put thought into your tactics. Try some lashes every
so often to let sidesteppers know you're onto them. Do what your opponent does.
The Rapier is best in a side-to-side fight, so convince your opponent there is 
no other option.
		When your opponent is close, switch here. This has the most 
	slices, which can knock your opponent away just a bit, perfect for Low
	Stance, the best one by far. Just don't switch too fast, because that is
	the best way to die. Make it clear with mad strikes and a couple 
	follow-up thrusts that you are not to be messed with. 

		Why, o why does the game start you here? This position is a good
	contender for Worst Stance. Only a novice will fall for the cheap tricks
	here. Get into Low Stance IMMEDIATELY!

		The thrusts are quick and effective. Even button mashers can win
	consistently from here. Get in range and let a fusillade of attacks put 
	your opponent on the retreat. That means you, Black Lotus!

	Against: Sidestep. No other option is as effective against the might of
	Low Stance. Never sit in one place. The T-T thrusts are like a flood that
	keeps on coming.

Stance Ratio: 30-30-40

	Your opponent's distance is your power. The farther away you are, the 
more options and therefore strength you have. If there's even an off chance that 
your adversary will get inside, run. Thrusting is the only out in many of your 
fights. Impatience plays into your hands. When you think your opponent is 
boiling over, strike. 
		Long range fighting is this stance's forte. The triple T strikes
	and the dashing attacks can surprise an opponent innured to close-up
	brawling. Just watch it. Overextension is very easy with the Naginata.

	Mikado: Change up T-T-T and T-T-O.

		Thrust when close with ruthless timing. Prediction of incoming
	attacks is critical to effective fighting here. 
	Mikado: The combo with a jump should be abused. 
		Two hit combos from this stance can knock off a hasty opponent.
	Close fighting is easiest here. Knock opponents into thrust range for
	rapid disposal with triple jabs (four for Mikado).

	Against: Overload deflection with fast combos and harass with running 
	strikes. Get in closer than you think possible by sidestepping and then
	advancing with an attack. 

Stance Ratio: 50-15-35

	Fighting with a weapon like the Hammer depends on first strikes. So play
easy. Tease your opponents. Deceive them into believing your assault is over. 
Then show them who's boss.

		The hammer flurry is half your strength. Move close, and let 'em
	have it. If you miss, go for a longer range single move. Always be ready
	to whack unsuspecting opponents with low hits, because the mentality is,
	"High stance! Get ready for a pounding!"

		The Advance Stance. Show opponents how fast you can crack their
	noggins. Or let opponents advance, and punish them with quick combos.

		When opponents get in your face, Hammerspin till you barf. There
	is also a unique X-T attack that changes levels, for confusing opponents
	used to the big head swings. Kannuki players, use this stance more often
	than High Stance, since you have the four strikes from Hammerspin.

	Against: Time attacks so that they will collide with the Hammer. What you
	don't need is a Hammer blocking attacks. That's the Hammer that comes
	crashing down on your head. And keep your fighting short and sweet. The
	Hammer has good deflection. Either fight or flee.

Stance Ratio: 35-25-40
	You MUST take the intitative. Your weapon is lethargic in close. Plan on
taking your range and leveraging it for the battle pace. Fighting with a Saber 
in close should not be a priority. Make a fight a series of trading blows. 
Stance changes should be premeditated to give yourself time. Consider running
and then changing strategy. You, however, need to also see to it that runners 
going for you be punished for their follies. One last note: Conserve your energy.
Don't try to make the other person pay for every mistake. You'll just make one
of your own.  

		From this stance, catch close opponents in different strikes and
	combos, hopefully leading up to the Triple T strikes. Diffuse 
	sidesteppers from this stance. 

		Make a quick blow every so often at the beginning of the fight.
	It pays dividends in a cautious opponent who will fall easily to a 
	brutal onslaught from a long range later in the fight, even if the first
	strike fails. O-O-T should not be left aside. It can make mincemeat of
	even a cautious opponent in a bad position.

		This stance pulls its weight in its O-O slashes against dashing
	attackers. Coupled with the high-low capability of the high stance, the
	offensive capabilities of this stance extend your attacks to the entire
	opponent. Be on the lookout for a close attacker. Not only are you in 
	a bad defensive position, your slow attacks make you an easy target.  
	It's doubly important to use this stance cautiously. 

	Utsusemi: See Katana, Low Stance.

	Against: Trying to block this thing is a lost cause. Get your opponent 
	first. Even if you miss, you've probably got better position. Turn that
	into an inconvenient strike to the body or knees.

Long Sword
Stance Ratio: 10-30-60

	Use sparingly. That's the mantra for the Long Sword. Most attacks are
short range. The ones that aren't become abused because they are easy avenues
to a kill. One important aspect is to lure your opponent in. How? By using quick
strikes to provoke a hasty strike or lunge. Sidestep or back away, and now a
swift end is near. Only the Saber can fight with a Long Sword in close, so making
use of your speed is essential.
		I will admit, some of the attacks here rock. But the moves are 
	not too dissimilar from Middle Stance. For almost all intents and 
	purposes, the loss of lower defense and the time taken shifting stance
	are not justified by tactical advantage. Purely a surprise stance.

		The top says it all.

		The confusing three hit combo makes this a superior stance.

	Against: Block. Then show what a nuisance you can be with knee attacks
	and sidestepping hits.

Stance Ratio: 30-30-40

	This sword, unlike the Long Sword, has the diversity and the speed to 
take the fight to the opponent. From every stance, advancing and fast combo moves
give the Saber a wider scope. But the range is still a problem. Instead of 
focusing on yourself, one must look at the adversary for victory. Mistakes are
just cause for retaliation. You are a pirhana, and the opponents are meat. Chop
them up.

		Tatsumi, Red Shadow & Mikado: Work those combos!
		Tatsumi & Kokuren: The five thrusts are finishers, not lead-ins.
	When you can see the whites of their eyes, let this one loose.

		Advance, then make opponents lunch from their body parts.

		T-T is a really tricky move. If you have it lined up, no one can
	stop it. But if you miss, pray that your opponent is as freaked as you.
	Perform advancing strikes when your opponent is ready for them. If your 
	adversary is going for an attack, it's more than likely that attack will
	give you an unwelcome haircut. Your recovery time will probably be fast
	enough to start another attack that your opponent will not be ready for.

	Against: Block it, but don't hit right away, especially if you have an 
	unwieldy weapon. Instead, maneuver for better position and fight on your
	own terms.

Broad Sword
Stance Ratio: Who cares?

	Let's put it this way: The broad sword just does one thing: it cuts right
through prepared defenses. High strikes to rival the Hammer, Middle slashes to
knock off heads, and a thoroughly brutal Low X move give any fighter power to 
kill. The sidestep is your biggest enemy. Alternate your moves, and the fight
is yours. All the stances are effective. Don't be afraid to shift. 

	Against: Sidestep like a top. Nearly all the moves are vertical. The ones
	that aren't, can be easily outrun with a dash.

6. Stance Defensive Properties 

This is not intended to point out specifics of each stance for each weapon, but
rather to raise some general points about the majority of stances.

When one starts the fight in Middle Stance, most general attacks are blocked, by
nature that the weapon is stuck out in front of you. Is that a good thing? The 
extended weapon serves as easy prey for quick deflections and death. Putting your
weapon out for your opponent to manipulate must therefore hand over the intiative
and possibly the fight. What are your alternatives? High Stance? High Stance puts
your weapon in the middle of your head. Now all of your front leg protection is
gone, and all that stands between your leg and your opponent's weapon are your
reflexes and the mercies of collision detection. That puts you, in a bad way,
out of the fight. The pluses? More head and body protection. Low Stance. When you
stick your weapon down here, you either have it in front or back. If you have it 
in front, it guards against crippling, but most of the weapons have it in back, 
providing little protection against anything! Of course, the moves of each stance
have to be considered to paint a complete picture of which stances are proper 
to assume, but this is just a little thought exercise. 

7. Crippled/Ground Fighting (In Chronological Order)

1.Knee Hit

	These are the considerations: a) Is my opponent crippled? (Let's assume
no for the time being.) b) Where is my opponent? 

	1. Medium or Long range
		a) Roll back. 
			1. Distance closes. *Starting Position A*
		b) Get up. 
			1. Distance closes. *Starting Position A*
		c) Lay down/roll around and get dirty.			
			1. Wait for the opponent to get close.
				1. What are you thinking?
				2. Suicidal. 
	2. Short range, In Front Of Legs
		a) X press. Fall over. 
			This is a bad position because if the strike is blocked,
			you are dead. 
		b) Roll back.
			1. You escape. 
				1. You attack. *Starting Position B*
				2. You sit. *Starting Position A*
			2. You get hit. 
				1. Fatal.
				2. Minor.	
					1. Back to #2.
		c) Roll over.
			1. Increases your chances of escaping.
			2. Roll until your opponent is on your side.
				1. Refer to #3.
	3. Short range, On Side
		a) Roll away/back.
			1. Escape. 
				1. Attack. *Starting Position B*
				2. Sit. *Starting Position A*	
			2. Do nothing. *Lying Position*
	4. Short range, Head At Opponent's Feet
		a) Roll back/forward.
			1. You get hit.
				1. Fatal.
				2. Minor.
			2. Escape.
				1.Turn around.	*Starting Position A*
		b) Roll over.
			1. Increases your chances of escaping.
			2. Roll until your opponent is on your side.
				1.Refer to #3. 

*Lying Position* Now, you've decided to fight your opponent while on the ground.
There are certain criteria for this, that IMHO, need to be met before a lying 
attack is made.
	1. Is your opponent lined up?
	2. Where is the weapon?
		If your attack will just hit the weapon, it's more than likely 
	that your opponent will recover fast enough to make you a grave man.
	3. What happens if it does hit?
		The attack, if sucessful, will either cripple or knock your 
	opponent away. Most of the time, it will be to your advantage to roll
	back and set yourself for the next attack. Be ready to fight when you get
	up and not a second before.

*Starting Position A* Your opponent is now in front of you. How does one fight 
this adversary? Unless you have a quick weapon, blocking is probably not going to
be a stellar choice because your adversary has the edge on you in almost anything.
Strike first, and a little luck might win you the day. Throwing your sidearm and
then striking often proves an effective move, but a tad predictable. One can fall
down, but there are risks in that, as outlined above. Not every strategy will work
against every opponent. Be prepared to lose, and don't freak about it, either.
It happens. 

*Starting Position B* Same as above, but blocking takes on more urgency, because 
an attack will almost unfailingly come from the ruffled opponent. If you have a 
slow weapon, it might not be such a good idea to end up here as opposed to A.

When fighting a crippled opponent from one's knee, the same rules apply, but the 
speed and consequences often vary. For instance, a miss on a dashing strike might
not prove as fatal as it would if one's opponent were standing. All that changes 
here are one's odds. 

8. Stages

	Here is outlined some basic stage strategy as well as specific stuff.


		In every stage, there are walls. So? You can get your opponent 
next to a wall, but how does that help? Well, obviously, your opponent's strikes 
will be limited from a wall, reducing the possible attacks. What that means to an 
experienced player is that, more often than not, an opponent will try a thrust or
a short attack. From that viewpoint, a sidestep or moving backward will put you in
a great kill position. Now, there are some considerations to be made. Try to make 
opponents come to you, rather than attacking them on the wall. That's because, 
with the exception of thrusting, the barrier will deflect your hits too. Don't 
use the wall as your weapon. Use it to move your opponent. How does one, then, get 
people to the wall to perform all this fancy-schmancy mumbo-jumbo? Well, the 
quickest way is simply to run to the wall, not too close, and also not with the 
wall to one's back. The purpose in this is to get the opponent not to think "Hey, 
I'm not going there!" but rather to get your opponent fighting so that then your 
opponent will not actively avoid the wall, but focus on killing you, and thus fall
into easy patterns and traps. 

When a stage has different levels, this aids a smart person with a long range 
weapon or one who is quick and exacting. Why? The different levels offer outs for
a person who is in a bad spot and needs somewhere to regroup without getting one's
opponent in one's face. When moving to low ground, run and jump off as far away 
from the wall as possible. When moving to high ground, jump onto the wall rather 
than climbing. Then pursue one's opponent ruthlessly ,not letting one's opponent 
onto your level, and attack only when the strike is sure to kill. Don't needlessly
squander a height advantage with wild swings. 

On obstacles, practice on your own finding attacks and combos that will bypass the
obstacle and still score a hit. Any obstacle in the game can and should be used 
for a sort of wall effect, whereby your opponent may feel trapped against it and 
attack rashly, to your advantage. To the best of my knowledge, the bamboo is the 
only thing that can be chopped down (consequently, the only effects it has are 
visual). Here are some I like:

Trees: Thrust in any way possible. Running near one of these is a great way to 
stop a relentless runner, by sidestepping around the tree and attacking. Running 
around the tree yourself can change the camera movement so fast that a human 
opponent may feel discomfort, at which point you strike. This strategy has also 
been known to reset one's Playstation (by your human opponent).  

Tombstones and Tablets: Higher slashes work, as well as strikes, but your opponent 
must be very close to the stone to die. Try sidestepping around and slashing to 
move your opponent away from the stone in a direction better suited to your weapon
(such as in Yahiro Road, try getting your opponent trapped behind the tombstones, 
then jump over and thrust).  

	Yahiro Road: For most weapons, fighting in the default area usually works. 
But if you're using a slower weapon, try moving the fight over to the trees. This
allows you to retreat to the trees if the fight gets too rough. Now, onto running.
If you're playing with a fast runner, or a skilled one, try running in between the 
trees and the walls to gain better position. For laughs, you might try to get your
opponent to run very close to you, at which point you enter the tombstone corridor
and turn out of them very quickly. At that point, a human opponent might lose 
sense of their position due to the camera movement and bump into the tombstones.

	Bridge and Ledge: Just like fighting on a concrete block. No barriers. 
Just fighting. If you like to gamble, jump off the bridge and try to hit your 
opponent while your opponent is falling off. If you fall off, use the bridge 
supports as though they were trees. 

	Long Passage to Ledge (Right way from facing Yahiro Road): Nothing of note 

	Waterfall Passage to Bamboo: Nothing of note here either that hasn't been
said before, save the fact that one's opponent can be driven more easily to the 
wall if you move them in a pattern around the frozen pool.

	Ledge Passage to Bamboo Forest: Try putting yourself behind the panels 
protruding from the castle and thrusting when your opponent comes past. 

	Bamboo Forest: Nothing of note.

	Castle Front: Jump into the mud pit once, just for fun. 

	Cherry Blossoms: Jump up into the trees if you feel threatend as per 
Yahiro Road.
	Dozaemon Moat: Use the levels to your advantage. Jump back and forth. 
Don't get too close to the tree. It can often cause more harm than good. 

	Steps to Yagura Point: Jump, never climb up steps.

	Yagura Point: Only a fool dares step into the pit. A person can jump and 
kill a person inside there very easily, much more than usual.

	Construction Yard: One may jump in the well, but take note of the visual
obstructions. Climbing onto the small platform is a good idea. 

	Grotto: Nothing of note.

	Helipad: Run around Katze (the Gunman) until he loses all his bullets 
(10, to be precise), then hit him.

	Executioner's Cove: The sea is not a wall. I repeat, the sea is not a 
wall. Trying to treat it as such limits your thinking. With the sea, you may do 
any move, but so can your opponent. Trying to pen opponents back there is a 
needless waste of time. The rock just keeps one's shorter attacks from connecting.
Most attacks still work, so don't be complacent and don't strike without cause. 

	Graveyard: Nothing of note.

	Meikyokan: The two pillars may be treated as the trees in Yahiro Road, but 
don't let yourself be pushed to the corners. The shrine should not even be 
approached. The deflection makes it as if it were a wall. 

	??? I haven't gotten this far yet. Contributions are more than welcome.

9. Totally Subjective Observations

That tree in the Dozaemon Moat is a paradox. Most of the time it works for whoever 
is defending it, but the attacker always seems to hit the tree.

Jumping and attacking is not really that much good at all. It can be sidestepped,
amd most of the time it doesn't even hit. It takes lots of practice and a good 
dose of humor to use that attack (as you will be hit many times). 

Kannuki always kicks in the Character Select Screen, but he can't kick in a real

Odd, while you could just go inside the castle through the window, that doesn't 
seem to be an option. 

There's no sake for weary warriors!
10. Hints for Hunting

More often than not, a flurry of attacks will work, even against a blocking 

Look for ways to knock your opponent's weapon away, such as the Katana middle 
stance O-O. It's easier to fight and win consistently when you know the outcome.

Block. It works a lot more than you think. Not against Hammer T-T-T-T, but against
cheap stuff that turns into nasty hits. Also, blocking gives you an speed edge.

Thrusting is consistently fatal. If you have to abuse a move, use this one.

Honor is no virtue in VS Mode. Hit 'em in the back!!! 

Throwing dirt is a good way to make your opponent frustrated. It doesn't help
your position, however.

11. Slash (Chambara) Mode

	Fight 100 ninjas, geishas, and old men with only a Katana. What fun. 
The characters come ten at a time, each with their own attack that they do for no 
apparent reason. When you kill nine stock enemies, you fight a boss and move on 
to the next level. Now, here's the deal. All the enemies will come at you, 
probably running. Let them run around. Sidestep or block if they get too close. 
When they are not too far from you, they start doing the attack shown in the chart
below. It's up to you to kill them, using anything (I prefer a Thrust). Don't get 
in too close. Enemies start really fighting up close. No damage is healed, ever. 
The bosses are unpredictable. It's better to just kill them than figure out their 
strategy du jour. Most of the time (that is to say, when you're not close) the 
enemies will assume middle stance.

Enemy Numbers and Attacks

91-97:Anything goes.						
98-100:Boss: You're done!						

12. Secrets and Other Stuff

To summarize what I know and have heard:

1st ending: Beat the game without being disgraced.

2nd ending: Run to the well as described above, then injure your opponent's leg,
and fight all the other opponents (save (except) the last last one) without an 
injury of any sort.

Some hints on this:

(from Stuart Kushon)

"Uh, also . . . you can get the
> second ending without injuring a leg and jumping into the well.  You can
> jump into the well, kill the first person you fight, then kill your
> characters "Well opponent", and proceed without a scratch.  And when I
> mean without a scratch I mean W/O a scratch.  Even blows that don't mark
> up your costume.  Like a shot from Katze that just nicks you, but doesn't
> kill or even appear as a wound.  If you see orange you are done.  If you
> still haven't beaten it. . . here is an easy way.  Pick who ever you like
> (preferably Mikado, Utsemi, or Black Loctus) and run to the well, jump
> From there the fighting tactic is to just run away.  The computer will
> run around for a while and then "lock onto you" and run at you from a
> distance (you'll be able to tell that they are locked on).  At that point
> just wait and press T,X.  The first hit will crack them in the head for a
> kill generally, if that doesn't kill them the second will put them on
> their kness.  It generally kills though."

(from Kayin Amoh)

"The way my brother has done it 5 times already (with Mikado soon to 
come) is to use katana, go into Low Sance, and when the time is right 
just hit Square, Square for those 2 mid swipes. It usualy kills if 
repeated enough times, but sometimes you'll get offed by the guy on the 
beach or the girl before Meiyokan." 

Enable Katze (the Gunman) in VS Mode: After doing the first two secrets, Beat 
the Slash (Chambara) Mode fighters honorably and without receiving a scratch and
Katze will be next to Kannuki on the right of the selection bar (I think). 

Play VS in the entire Story Mode level (donated by Paul Barney): "Start a story
mode game, then have the second player press R1+R2+L1+L2+select+start on the 
second controller. The game will go to the character selection screen and both
players will be able to play on the entire island."

	Physical Insults

Standing next to your dead opponent in VS mode so that, when you strike a pose, 
you will stick your weapon into them, spurting fountains of blood.
Hitting a dead opponent until the replay starts.
Throw your weapon at a kneeling opponent.
Running into and knocking over your opponent.

	Verbal Insults

	I couldn't think of anything funny for this section. Sorry.

13. Credits for all Involved Parties
I hereby give credit to:

All the people, institutions, and other stuff I have ever heard about in my life:

And more relevantly:

Square, Lightweight, all those people for making this game


	Barney, Paul 'OO (
	For the two-player story mode code.

	Stuart Kushon (
	For the tip on second endings.

	Kayin Amoh (
	For the tip on second endings.

Whoever is posting this: (The Bushido Codes) 

	Draco (Draco's Bushido Blade Page)

	Al Amaloo (

	The Game Masta (Bushido Blade HQ)

	The Krazy Elf

All those FAQ writers (in the order that I typed their names) 

My Playtesters, Steven and Mike

You, for reading this

14. Disclaimer

	I do solemnly swear, that the purpose of this Guide is to inform. It is 
not to deride, nor is it to defame. It is not intended to make money. All 
trademarks, names, etc. mentioned are probably protected by various legal 
devices and are property of their respective owners. Thanks for not suing me. Your
cooperation is appreciated (seriously). All rights reserved. This Guide has been 
a total waste of time. And most of all:


15. Guide Questions and Feedback

Q: Where can I get the move lists?
A: Try for most of them. I don't know where Drblasfemy's 
Katana FAQ is, though.

Q: Is there going to be a Bushido Blade 2?
A: There is.

Q: Where can I learn more about Bushido Blade?
A: There are plenty of Bushido Blade sites on the WWW. Some are:

Q: What's New Horizons?
A: Go to to find out more.

Q: Is your real name Ivan Hoe?
A: Yes, it is.

 16. Now that you've read that, the good stuff...

Environmentalist (AD&D version)

	This game is simple. Choose any two characters, one with a bladed weapon 
and the other with a hammer. The person with a hammer is the Druid, and the other 
is the Necromancer. Choose the Bamboo Thicket Stage. The object of the game, for 
the Necromancer, is to kill all the bamboo. Howvever, no one may attack until the 
Necromancer kills one bamboo tree. Then it is the Druid's job to kill the 
Necromancer. The Necromancer may not kill the Druid. If he does, the Druid wins. 
If the Necromancer hits the Druid in the leg, the Druid may surrender and the 
Druid will win. Good luck!

And its sequel, Moral Relativism...

	Pick any two characters with bladed weapons. Choose the Bamboo Thicket 
stage and commence battle. However, if Character 1 chops down one bamboo, then he 
may no longer attack, and Character 2 may chase him around with the goal of 
killing C1. But, if C2 then chops down a tree, then C1 and C2 are equal, and they 
can both hit each other. If C2 chops down one after that, C1 must now chop down 2 
bamboo trees for C2 to be equal. If C1 then chops down a bamboo, C2 must chop down
4 bamboo trees for C1 to be able to fight again. The penalties stop at 4 bamboo 
trees per 1 bamboo. Players who may not fight their opponents may still chop down 
bamboo. If players are not dead by the time all the bamboo is gone, the person who
cannot fight or the person who chopped last is the loser.  

Well, that's just about it. Thanks.

					Leif Powers

17. Note of Usage
	This text is copyright 1998 by Leif Powers. This document and the text it
encompasses may not under any circumstances be sold for a profit, coupled with
another product as a "bonus" (don't you let me see it, Game Cave), altered, 
tampered with, improved upon, or any other action which destroys the integrity
of the document as the author originally made it, denies the author rights to
his work, denies the author's ability to determine the usage of his document, 
denies the author payment for his work, or any other action not specifically 
authorized by the author. These authorized actions are as follows:

1. Posting on a network, BBS, or similar medium for the FREE distribution to the
visitors of that forum, and complying with the usage stipulations above.

2. Distributing hard copies (i.e. paper or other non-electrical, magnetic, or 
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