Andere Lösungen

Bushido Blade 2 (e)

			Bushido blade 2 faq v1.1 
		By John Cavallaro -

This is the the first faq I've ever written.To veiw this at it's best 
               word wrap and maximize the window.

What's New:
Fixed some minor mistakes
Fixed secrets section
Added support characters and stances to Character moves and more
Added better explanation to defense
Added throw section
Added more moves
Added strategies section
Added weapon attributes to weapon moves


1.   Menu
2.   Story mode
3.   General moves
4.   Weapon moves
5.   Characters
6.   Character Moves and more
7.   Defense
8.   Throws  
9.   Injuries
10.  Strategies
11.  Secrets
12.  Comments and credits

  1.Story Mode
  2.Fight all the characters you have gotten
	a.against a ninja were you control his stance
	b.against a computer controlled regular character
  4.2 player v.s
  5.Tournament mode             
  6.Link mode
  7.Chambara mode(To get Chambara mode you have to get all the support  
    characters from story mode)
	d.Memory Card
	e.Key Configuration
	d.Exit options

 pause menu
	2.restart from character select screen
	3.quit to main menu

 note: some modes let you select first person mode or regular camera mode
 select it by highlighting either the left or right box besides the mode.
 The box with two people shown is regular camera the box with on person 
 shown is first per son mode.

2. Story Mode
In story mode You have to pick a character from either the Meikyo
school(left side) or the Shainto(right side). Once you pick from one of the
characters you'll have to fight through several stages of ninjas and 
characters from the other school.  Along the way you be able too play as
other characters.  If you get through their levels without them dying you 
can select them from the character menu in any game mode even story mode. 
At the end of each Story you'll have to fight the head boss from your 
opposing school.   See strategies for help on the bosses.

3.General moves
B=back T=towards D=down U=up

Throw                  		B+x (close to opponent)
Escape throw                    tap the o button
normal hit			o
reverse hit			x
block normal hit		x
block reverse hit		o
Back up quick                   B,B
Move forward quickly            T,T
Duck                            R2
Jump                            R1 & R2
Jump then attack		R1 & R2,o or x
Throw weapon                    R2 & o 
Throw dirt or water             R2 & x
Pick up weapon (even enemies)   R2
Jump on downed enemy            R1
Climb				R1
Climb and hit low		R1,x
Climb and hit mid		R1,o
Move down quickly               tap D,D
Move up quickly                 tap U,U 
Run                             L1
Change Stance                   Square
Surrender                       Select

While on ground
-roll up			U
-roll down			D
-get up forward			T
-get up forward attack		T+x or T+o
-get up backing up		B		
-get up backing up attack	B+x or B+o

4.Weapon moves
Note: Some characters have different stances than others

B=back T=towards D=down U=up

overhead is an attack that comes down from above
upper is an attack that comes from below and goes up
head is an attack that hits at head level
leg is an attack that hits the feet
body is an attack that hits the body
o,x means press o then release it and press x
R2+T means press bothe R2 and toward at the same time

These are the weapons from left to right:

1.Naginata (only usable by Meikyo School)---------------------------------
range: long
speed: slow
power: medium

Front Stance (holding weapon in front of you)

Two leg slash                   x,x
Dodging body slash              U or D+x
4 front stabs                   o,o,o,T+o
3 front satbs move forward fake o,o,o,T
spin stab                       T,T+o
overhead slash                  T+o
Leg slash, overhead             T,T+x,o
Million spin slash rush         x,T+o,x

High stance (Weapon overhead)

2 body spin                     x,o,x
overhead and two front stabs    o,o,T+o
overhead and spin fake          o,o,T
overhead spin overhead          o,T+o
stomach stab                    T,T+o
3 spin slashes                  T,T+x
low slash                       T+x
powerful overhead               T+o
dodging leg slash               U or D+x

Behind stance (weapon behind you)

2 body slashes back up slash    x,x,B+x
2 body back up fake             x,x,B
Dodging body slash              U or D+x
2 body move forward slash       x,x,T+x
2 body move forward fake        x,x,T
body, overhead                  x,o
body hit, leg slash             o,x
body hit, overhead              o,o
body bang                       T+o
leg slash                       T+x

While Running

Lunge stab                      x
overhead                        o

Any stance      

Million spins over head         R2+T,x
Stab and pull up                R2+T,o

2.Broad sword----------------------------------------------------------------
range: long
speed: slow
power: strong

High stance (sword overhead)

body, overhead                  x,o
over, over, lunge		o,o,T+o
two overhead, then homerun	o,o,x
overhead, upper slash, overhead o,x,o
spin slash			T+x
fast overhead			T+x

Front stance (sword in front)

two head, stab			x,x,T+o
two head spin fake		x,x,T
overhead, upper, head		o,x,x
over, upper, over		o,x,o
lunging stab			T+o
leg slash			T+x

Sword behind (sword behind)

2 body, overhead		x,x,o
fast overhead			T+o
2 body spin body slash		x,x,T+x
2 body spin spin fake		x,x,T
over,upper,over			o,x,o

While running

lunge stab			x
leg slash lunge			o

Any stance	

stomach stab			R2+T,o
leg slash combo			R2+T,x,o

range: medium
speed: medium
power: medium

High stance

2 body shots overhead slash	x,x,o
over, upper, lower slash	o,x,x
lunging body slash		T+x
lunging overhead		T+o
lunging head tap		T,T+o
lunging opposite body slash	T,T+x

Front stance (sword in front)

3 mid slashes			x,x,x
over,body,over			o,x,o
lunging stab			T,T+o
lunging leg stab		T,T+x
hit away slash			T+x
lunging head tap		T+o	

Side stance (sword by side)

two lower, over			x,x,o
lower, two over			x,o,o
lower, over, lower		x,o,x
fast overhead			o
down the middle over hand	T+o
fast lower			T+x
lunge lower			T,T+x

sheath stance (Sword sheathed)	

quick body			x
quick over			o
leg lunge slash, change stance  T+x
upper slash, change stance	T+o
lunging upper			T,T+o
lunging stab			T,T+x
ducking leg slash		B+x
*Spin slash			press toward sheath+x
*Upper slashes			press away sheath+x

*Pressing toward or away from sheath can be either up or down depending on your position.

Note: Running attacks in this stance take longer because the weapon has to be sheathed.

Two Sword Stance

two body lunges, over		x,x,o
upper, lower, lunge stab	o,x,x
body lunge, 2 uppers		x,o,x
stab lunge, upper, stab lunge	x,o,o

While running

lunge stab			x
overhead			o

Any stance

Duck, lunge stab		R2+T,o
Leg slash combo			R2+T,x,o

range: long
speed: medium
power: medium

High Stance

over, body, over		o,o,x
body, over			x,o
over, body, over		o,x,o
2 over, head lunge		o,o,B+o
overhead			T+o
spin slash			T+x

Front stance (sword in front)

2 head, spin lunge		x,x,T+o
2 head, spin fake		x,x,T
over, upper, slash		o,x,x
over, upper, over		o,x,o
head, upper			x,o
leg slash			T+x
lunge stab			T+o

Behind stance (Sword behind)

upper, under, leg lunge		x,o,B+x
upper, under, back up		x,o,B
upper, lower, jumping upper	x,o,T+x
powerful upper			o
jumping upper			T+x
lunging overhead		T+o

While running

lunge stab			x
overhead			o

Any stance			

leg slash combo			R2+T,x,o
lunge stab			R2+T,o

5.Long Sword-----------------------------------------------------------------
range: short
speed: fast
power: weak

High stance

2 body, over			x,x,o
body, stab, over		x,o,o
over, upper, over		o,x,T+o
over, upper,fake		o,x,T
over, upper, twisting over	o,x,B+o 
over, upper, twisting fake	o,x,B
lunge to body			T+x
overhead			T+o
opposite lunge to body		T,T+x
lunging head tap		T,T+o

Shoulder stance (Sword by shoulders)

2 uppers, over			x,x,T+o
2 uppers, fake			x,x,T
2 uppers, lunging over		x,x,B+o
2 uppers, back up fake		x,x,B
overhead			o
lunging upper			T+x
lunging over			T+o

Side stance (Sword by side)

head, upper, head		x,x,x
over, upper, lunge		o,x,T+o
head tap			T+o
slash away			T+x
lunge stab			T,T+o
leg slash			T,T+x

While running

lunge stab			x
overhead			o

Any stance

leg slash combo			R2+T,x,o
lunge stab			R2+T,o

6.Yari {Only usable by Shainto School)--------------------------------------- 

High stance

body, legs, overhead		x,x,o
2 head slashes, leg poke, head	o,o,T+o,o
2 head, body			o,o,B+o
body, legs, body		o,x,o
head poke			T+o
2 swings			T+x
3 swings			T,T+x
million pokes			T,T+o

Mid stance (stick pointing straight out)

2 body, head			o,o,T+o
2 body, fake			o,o,T
2 body, feet, swing		o,o,B+o
2 body, back up fake		o,o,B
3 body slashes			o,o,x
head, body, head		x,o,o
3 swings			T,T+x
Lunge stab			T,T+o

Low stance (stick pointing towards ground)

pokin around			T,T+o
2 body, head			o,o,B+o
2 body, head(further)		o,o,T+o
swing, 2 overhead		x,o,o
2 legs, body			o,x,o
leg, body, head			o,o,x
head, upper slash		T,T+o
million spinning slashes	x,x,T+x
2 spins and a fake		x,x,T+o

While running

lunge stab			x
angled lunge stab		o

Any stance

Swing above head		R2+T,x
lunge stab and pull up		R2+T,o


This is exactly how the characters appear in the character select screen:

Meikyo Characters (left side)

Kannuki		Matsumushi 
Mikado		Suminagashi
Tatsumi		Night Stalker
Utsusuemi	Sazanka
Hotarubi	machine gun Girl (only in vs mode)

Press of the screen to the left to select the weird Meikyo character
(only in vs mode)	

Shainto Characters (right side)

Gengoro		Utamaru
Kaun		Hongou
Jou		Tony Umeda
Chihiro		Highwayman	
Isohachi	Katze (only in vs mode)

Press of the screen to the left to select the weird Shainto character
(only in vs mode)

6.moves and weapons for characters

Meikyo School


Throws: He can use throws with any weapon
Second weapon: Iron fan (medium damage)

Support characters
1. Hotarubi
2. Matsumushi     

-Katana: 	high, front, side	
-Long Sword: 	high, side, shoulder
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Naganati:	high, behind, front
-Broad sword:	high, front, behind


Throws: She can use throws only with the Naginata
Second weapon: Throws two knives (weak damage)

Support characters
1. Suminagashi
2. Sazanka

-Katana:	side, high, two sword
-Long Sword:	side, high, high
-Nodachi:	behind, high, front
-Naganati:	front, high, behind
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

Special moves:

Naginata-High stance
-Diving leg slash		B,T+x

Long Sword-any stance
-rising slash			R2+T,x


Abilities:He can use katana two sword stance
Best weapon: Katana
Throws: He has no throws
Second weapon: Sword (Fatal) 
note: you can't use two sword stance if you throw the second weapon

Support characters:
1. Night Stalker
2. Utsusemi

-Katana:	high, side, two sword
-Long Sword:	side, shoulder, high
-Nodachi:	front, back, high
-Naganati:	behind, front, high
-Broad sword:	front, behind, high

special moves:

Any weapon
-throw weapon and attack	R2+o,o

Katana-mid sword by side and high stances
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x
-spin combo			B,T+o,o,x,o,x
-lunge and overhead		R2+T,o
-rising slash			R2+T,x		

Broad sword-high stance
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-spin combo			B,T+o,x,x,x,x

Nodachi High stance
-spin combo			B,T+o,x,x,x,x
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, 2 slashes		T,B+o,x

Long Sword-any stance
-spin combo			B,T+o,o,x,o,x
-fake, 2 slashes		T,B+o,x


Abilities:He can use katana two sword stance
Best weapon: katana
Throws: He can only use throws with the katana
Second weapon: Sword (Fatal) 
note: you can't use two sword stance if you throw the second weapon

Support characters
1. none
2. Tatsumi

-Katana:	side, two sword, high
-Long Sword:	side, shoulder, high
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Naganati:	behind, front, high
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

Special moves:

Katana-mid sword by side and high stances
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x
-spin combo			B,T+o,o,x,o,x

Katana-two sword stance
-million stabs			B+x,o

Nodachi-high stance
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x
-spin combo			B,T+o,o,x,o,x


Ability: She can use the two sword stance with the long sword
note: the moves are the same as katana two sword stance 
Throws: She can only throw using the broad sword
Best weapon: Broad sword
Second weapon: Sword (Fatal)

Support characters
1. Kunnuki
2. Night Stalker

-Katana:	front, side, high
-Long Sword:	shoulder, two sword, side
-Nodachi:	front, behind, high
-Naganati:	high, back, front
-Broad sword:	high, front, back

Special moves:

Any weapon
-throw and attack		R2+o,o

Any sword-while running
-fast lunge slash		x

Broad sword-high stance
-rising slash			R2+T,x
-diving leg slash		B,T+x
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x 

Long Sword-shoulder and side stance
-diving leg slash		B,T+x
-Fake, two slashes		T,B+o
-rising slash			R2+T,x
-duck and overhead		R2+T,o


Abilities:He can use katana two sword stance
Best weapon: katana
Throws: He has no throws
Second weapon: Sword (Fatal) 
note: you can't use two sword stance if you throw the second weapon

Support characters
1. Suminagasi
2. Kannuki

-Katana:	front, two swords, high
-Long Sword:	side, shoulder, high
-Nodachi:	behind, high, front
-Naganati:	high, behind, front
-Broad sword:	back, high, front

special moves:

Any weapon
-throw and attack		R2+o,x

Katana-high stance
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x
-spin combo			B,T+o,o,x,o,x

Nodachi-high stance
-lunge slash			T,B+x
-fake, two slashes		T,B+o,x


Throws: He can throw using the Naginata, broad sword, Nodachi, or Long sword
Second weapons: 2 bombs (weak)

Support characters
1. Matsumushi
2. Mikado

-Katana:	high, front, side
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	behind, high, front
-Naganati:	behind, front, high
-Broad sword:   behind, high, front

Night Stalker----------------------------------------------------------------

Throws: He can only throw using the Nodachi
Second weapons: 6 stars (weak)

Support characters
1. Tatsumi
2. Hotarubi

-Katana:	side, high, front
-Long Sword:	shoulder, high, side
-Nodachi:	front, back, high
-Naganati:	front, high, behind
-Broad sword:	front, behind, high

special moves:

Any sword-while running
-fast lunge slash		x

Katana-mid sword by side
-diving leg slash		B,T+x

Katana-any stance
-rising	slash			R2+T,x

Long sword-any stance
-diving leg slash		B,T+x


Throws: He can throw using the Naginata, broad sword, Nodachi, or Long sword
second weapon: 2 knives (weak)

Support characters
1. none
2. Mikado

-Katana:	side, high, front
-Long Sword:	shoulder, high, front
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Naganati:	behind, front, high
-Broad sword:	high, front, behind

Special moves:

Nodachi-while running
-fast lunge slash		x

Machine gun girl-------------------------------------------------------------

Throws: no throws
Second weapon: none

reload				square
kneel and shoot 3 times		o,o,o
shoot standing			x
taunt				R1

While running

stop and fire			x
keep running shooting   	o

Weird Meikyo guy-------------------------------------------------------------

throws: none
second weapon: none

-Katana:	front, side, high
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Naganati:	high, behind, front
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front


Shainto school


Ability: He can use the sheath katana stance
throws: He can throw with the katana, yari, or Nodachi
second weapon: 2 daggers (weak)

Support characters
1. Isohachi
2. Chihiro

-Katana:	high, front, sheath
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Yari:		mid, high, low
-Broad sword:	high, front, back

special moves:

Katana-high stance
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		B+o,o
-2 spin slash			T,B+x
-million slashes		B+x,o
-knock away slash		B+x

Nodachi-high stabce
Katana-mid stance
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		+o,o
-2 spin slash			T,B+o
-2 spin slash(faster)		T,B+x
-million slashes		B+x,o
-knock away slash		B+x


Ability: he can use katana sheath stance
best weapon: katana
throws: he can only throw with the yari
second weapon: Double edge dagger (heavy)

Support characters
1. Highwayman
2. Utamaru

-Katana:	front, side, sheath
-Long Sword:	front, shoulder, high
-Nodachi:	front, behind, high
-Yari:		high, low, mid
-Broad sword:	front, behind, high

special moves:

Any weapons
-throw element, attack	R2+x,o

Katana-mid stance
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		B+o,o
-2 spin slash			T,B+x
-rolling lunge			B,T+o

Katana-sword by side stance
-back flip			R2+T,x

Yuri-mid stance	
-overhead and spin		T,B+o
-Three stab lunges		B,T+o

Nodachi-high stance
-rolling lunge stab		B,T+o


Best weapon: long sword
throws: none
second weapon: sai (medium)

Support characters
1. Tony Umeda
2. Hongou

-Katana:	side, high, front
-Long Sword:	shoulder, high, front
-Nodachi:	behind, high, front
-Yari:		low, mid, high
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

special moves: 

Any weapon
-throw element, attack		R2+x,o

katana-high and medium sword by side stance
-2 spin slash			T,B+x
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		B+o,o

katana-any stance
-back flip slash		R2+T,x

Long sword-any stance
-Roll lunge stab		B,T+o
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		B+o,o
-back flip slash		R2+T,x
-rush slash and retreat		B,T+x


throws: none
second weapon: a frog (this weapon makes some characters fall stunned)

Support characters
1. none
2. Gengoro

-Katana:	side, high, front
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	behind, high, front
-Yari:		low, mid, high
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

special moves:

Any weapon
-throw element and attack	R2+x,o


Best weapon: Nodachi
throws: He can throw with the broad sword, or yari, or the Long Sword
second weapon: he yells which sometimes stuns opponents
note: if you use too much he starts to cough which makes him vulnerable

Support characters
1. Hongou
2. Gengoro

-Katana:	front, side, high
-Long Sword:	front, shoulder, high
-Nodachi:	front, behind, high
-Yari:		low, mid, high
-Broad sword:	front, behind, high

special moves:

Any weapon
-throw element and attack	R2+x,o
-Yell to stun then attack	R2+o,o

Nodachi-high stance
-Spin slash			T,B+o
-Spin slash(Faster)		T,B+x
-knock away slash		B+x
-Million slashes		B+x,o


Abilities: He can use sheath stance with the long sword
note: when in sheath stance the moves are the same as katana sheath stance
Best weapon: Long sword
throws: He can throw with the Long Sword
second weapon: ??? (weak)

Support characters
1. none
2. Kaun

-Katana:	high, front, side
-Long Sword:	high, front, sheath
-Nodachi:	high, front, back
-Yari:		high, low, mid
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

Special moves:

Any weapon
-throw element and attack	R2+x,o

Long Sword-Mid and high stance
-rush slash retreat		B,T+x
-back flip			R2+T,x
-spin slash			T,B+x

Long Sword-Sheath stance
-Slashes the lunges		away from sheath+x


throws: He can throw with all weapons
second weapon: axe (fatal)

Support characters
1. Isohachi
2. Jou

-Katana:	front, side, high
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Yari:		high, low, mid
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front


Ability: he can use katana sheath stance
throws: none
second weapon: 2 boomerangs (medium)
note: if it misses it comes back to you

Support characters
1. Jou
2. Highwayman

-Katana:	front, sheath, high
-Long Sword:	shoulder, high, front
-Nodachi:	front, back, high
-Yari:		low, mid, high
-Broad sword:	high, front, back

Special moves:

Any weapons
-throw element, attack  	R2+x,o

Any sword-while running
-fast lunge slash		x

Katana-high stance
-Roll lunge stab		B,T+o
-rush slash and retreat		B,T+x
-2 spin slash			T,B+x

Nodachi-high stance
-Roll lunge stab		B,T+o
-back up			B+o
-back up and slash		B+o,x
-back up and 2 slashes		B+o,o
-back flip slash		R2+T,x
-rush slash and retreat		B,T+x

Long sword-any stance
-Back flip			R2+T,x
-spin slashes			T,B+x
-Rolling lunge stab		B,T+o


Ability: He can use his Rapier with the long sword
note: the moves are the same as katana two sword stance 
Best weapon: Long sword
throws: none
second weapon: Rapier (fatal)
note: if you throw this you can't use two sword stance

Support characters
1. Kaun
2. Tony Umeda

-Katana:	high, front, side
-Long Sword:	front, two sword, high
-Nodachi:	back, high, front
-Yari:		mid, high, low
-Broad sword:	front, behind, high

Special moves:

Yuri-mid stance
-overhead and spin		T,B+o

Broad sword-high stance		
-spin slash			T,B+o
-spin slash(faster)		T,B+x

Long sword-mid and high stance
-knock away slash		B+x
-million slashes		B+x,o
-fast spin slashes		T,B+o

Long Sword-2 sword stance
-million stabs			B+x,o


Throws: no throws
Second weapon: none
reload				square
kneel and shoot 3 times		o,o,o
shoot standing			x
taunt				R1
back flip			B,B
double back flip		B,B,B	

While running

stop and fire			x
keep running shooting   	o

Weird Shainto guy------------------------------------------------------------

throws: none
second weapon: none

-Katana:	front, side, high
-Long Sword:	high, front, shoulder
-Nodachi:	high, front, behind
-Yari:		high, low, mid
-Broad sword:	behind, high, front

	Defense in this game is pretty complex. If the opponent attacks with
the o button you have to hit the x button to defend and if they attack with 
the x button you have to defend with the o button.  You can still defend an 
x attack with x and an o attack with o but you'll probably get unbalanced for
 a few seconds or even get injured or killed.  The way to tell which kind of 
attack the enemy is using is to either memorize all the attacks in the game 
(yeah right) or watch what direction the attack is coming from. Attacks 
coming from the opposite side from where they're holding the weapon in their
stance can be blocked with the o button, attacks from the side they're 
holding their weapon can be blocked with x.  Also you can tell how good you 
blocked it by the color of the sparks. Green means you blocked too late or 
with the wrong button and you could get unbalanced for a few seconds.  Blue 
means you blocked at the right time with the right button and you can follow 
up with any attack with little lag time. Orange means your you got hit and 
might have gotten injured. White means you have struck an obstacle or a 
weapon and you can follow it up with a reflect attack which leads me to the 
next paragraph.

	If you get blocked or attacked or hit an obstacle and see a white 
spark you can do what I call a reflect attack. Reflect attacks are quick 
attacks that can be uesful if your opponent isn't expecting anything after 
the've attacked. Most reflect attacks consist of just hitting x or o. It's 
not always good to use reflect attacks because you might go right into an 
enemies attack.
	Another thing to remeber is that some stances offer better 
protection than others.  An attack on a you with a stance with the weapon 
in front is less likely to get to you than if you had your weapon behind 
you or above you. 


	There are several throws in this game all of the ones I know of are
done by getting as close as possible and pressing B+x. You can do throws at 
any angle to the opponent even from behind.  Not all characters have throws 
for every weapon. Sometimes you can't complete a throw if the throw takes 
you over a cliff or if you are to close to a wall.  Throw can be blocked by 
tapping the o button right when the throw starts. Some throws are different 
for different characters and stances. A description for the throws for each 
weapon are:

Katana: 	kick then slash 
		break neck

Broadsword: 	Flip over and stab and through the back
	    	body slam and stab
	    	3 kicks and stab through
Nodachi: 	flip over and stab through back
        	pick up and stab
	 	body slam and stab
	 	3 kicks and stab through

Yari: 		3 kicks lift up and stab

Naganati: 	Break neck over back with stick

Long Sword: 	break neck
	    	kick then slash

	There are other things you can do to the opponent. You can  knock 
the opponent down by running into their back. You can sometimes stun the 
opponent by running into them And if two characters run into each other	they
get knocked down.

	Sometimes if you get close to an opponent your swords may get locked
together and you'll fight each other to the ground. To get away from this 
without really any trouble just hit back when you both are standing and no
ones winning. To knock your opponent to the ground just keep hitting o or x
it doesn't really give you an advantage though.


	In the course of a battle you might get hit in the arm and see a 
orange spark. If that happens you might not be able to use that arm again 
that battle. While your arm is injured using weapons take longer and you 
can't throw opponents and you can't throw weapons or elements. Unlike the 
first game you can't get your leg crippled.  I haven't noticed any other 
injuries but I've heard getting hit in the leg slows you down. Also in two 
sword stance you can get a second weapon knocked out your hands but not be 
injured. Another thing to remeber is that falling off big cliffs is fatal.


Meikyo end boss:
The Meikyo characters will face up against a boss with armor who can only be
 defeated by being hit in the back. To do this just keep running in circles 
around him until he stands with his back to you then lunge at his back. 

Shainto end boss:
The Shainto characters fight a boss that teleports right before you can 
strike him.  Each time he teleports he gets a little closer to you.  The 
best strategy is to keep doing lunging attacks on him until he teleports close 
to you. Then start doing combos so you can make him teleport and hit him right
 when he reappears with the same combo.  When you defeat him you get to go 
to another room where a preistess is Kneeling.  She won't fight you and you 
can either kill her or let her live.  You get a different ending depending 
on what you do.

Katze and Machine gun girl strategies:
These characters can get real annoying so here are some strategies for them.
The best thing to do is to run behind them and knock them down then slash
them on the ground with an overhead. No matter what strategy you use never
stand still keep moving. Also don't try throwing cause they almost if not
always will block them.


Support characters: to get the support characters from story mode don't let 
them die in their scenarios.  

extra characters: To get the characters with the guns beat chambara mode 
in under 15 minutes.  You have to win with a Shainto and a Meikyo character
to get both characters.  You can use continues to do this but every time 
you continue 30 seconds is added to your time. To get two freaky kubuki 
looking characters beat chambara mode without dying. Here again you have 
to win with both a Shainto and Meikyo character to get them 
both. You can only play these four characters in v.s.or tournament mode.

chambara mode: to get this mode you have to win the game with a certain 
number of characters or get a certain number of support characters. (If any
one know for sure exactly how to get this mode tell me and you'll get 

completed 1:07 AM 4/5/98

	!Don't copy any part of this faq without asking me first!	
	        Bushido blade 2 is copyright of square
	     Questions, comments, more info, anything or
  	  if I have anything wrong or have missed something
            	    mail me at
                  everyone who helps will get credited

Thanks to these people for info:
	"john yein" 
	Kuan Chen 

Wanted additions:
more special moves
character description
weapon descriptions
more on defense