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Bushido Blade 2 (e)

From: "J. Winkler" 
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 13:34:06 -0800

            |             Bushido Blade 2 Movelist ver 0.1          |
            |                                                       |
            | author: The Original Jon ( |

Table of contents:
1:  Intro & Version History
2:  Key
3:  General Moves
4:  Parry system
5:  Claymore
6:  Katana
7:  Naginata
8:  Ninja-to
9:  Nodachi
10:  Spear
11:  Hand Gun
12:  Rifle
13:  Character-specific Moves
14:  Still need...
15:  Credits


Personally, I feel that BB2 is a great game, but it's almost nothing like
the original Bushido Blade.  There are definitely less moves per character
from what I've seen.  Nonetheless, I will try to have a full movelist for it
by around mid-to-late April.  The names of the moves are just descriptive,
so if there are any official names for these moves, let me know.  One more
thing: this is my first serious attempt at a FAQ, so if anyone wants to use 
any of the information here in another FAQ or guide please give me some 
credit, OK? :)

ver 0.1:  First run.  Only the general moves and katana moves are up.


O = horizontal attack
X = vertical attack
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
[a],[b] = [a] then [b] (ex: f,f)
[a]+[b] = [a] and [b] at the same time (ex: f+R2)

In the stance order section:

 - [Starting stance], [next stance], [last stance]
...where [Starting stance] is the stance he/she starts a match in, and [next
stance] is the stance you get when you change stance.  When you change from
the [last stance], you get the [Starting stance] again.


O - horizontal attack
X - vertical attack
Square - change stance
R1 - hop (taunt for gun-users)
R2 - duck
During duck, O - throw sub-weapon
During duck, X - throw dirt
L1 - run
During run, O - attack
During run, X - attack
L2 + R1/R2 - camera zoom in/out (1st-person mode only)
Select - surrender (re-load gun)
f,f - step forward
b,b - step back
u,u - step to background
d,d - step to foreground
R2,R1 - jump
After jump, O - stab
After jump, X - spinning attack
(Gun users can't attack after a jump)

When knocked down:

f - get up
f + O/X - wake-up attack
b - roll back
b + O/X - roll back, attack
u - roll to background
d - roll to foreground




Stance order:
Kannuki      -   High,           Forward,        Back
Mikado       -   Back,           High,           Forward
Tatsumi      -   High,           Back,           Two-Sword
Utsusemi     -   Back,           Two-Sword,      High
Hotarubi     -   Forward,        Back,           High
Matsumushi   -   Forward,        Two-Sword,      High
Suminagashi  -   High,           Forward,        Back
Nightstalker -   Back,           High,           Forward
Sazanka      -   Back,           High,           Forward
Hokkyuko     -   High,           Forward,        Back
Gengoro      -   High,           Forward,        Iai
Kaun         -   Forward,        Back,           Iai
Joe          -   Back,           High,           Forward
Chihiro      -   Back,           High,           Forward
Isohachi     -   Forward,        Back,           High
Utamaru      -   High,           Forward,        Back
Hongo        -   Forward,        Back,           High
Tony         -   Forward,        Iai,            High
Highwayman   -   High,           Forward,        Back
Katze        -   High,           Forward,        Back

Forward Stance:
f + O - lunging overhead strike
f, f + O - thrust stab
f + X - lunging vertical strike
f, f + X - low strike
f + R2, O - stab
f + R2, X - low slash
O, X, O
X, X, X

Back Stance:
O - quick strike
f + O - lunging quick slash
f + X - lunging upward swing
f + R2, O - stab
f + R2, X - low slash
X, X, O
X, O, X
X, O, O

High Stance:
f + O - lunging quick strike
f, f + O - lunging overhead strike
f + X - lunging vertical swing
f, f + X - lunging vertical strike
f + R2, O - stab
f + R2, X - low slash
O, X, b, O
O, X, X
X, X, O

Two-sword Stance:
O, X, X
O, X, O
X, O, O
X, O, X
X, X, O
X, X, b, X
X, X, f, X

Iai Stance:
NOTE: Characters cannot crouch or hop when in Iai Stance.

O - Iai horizontal slash
X - Iai vertical strike
f + O* - lunging horizontal slash
f + V* - lunging low slash
b + V - Iai low slash
f, f + O - Iai lunging horizontal slash
f, f + X - Iai lunging straight slash

Special attacks:
High or Back Stance:
b, f + O, O, X, O, X, O - flash strike combo (Tatsumi, Utsusemi)
f, b + O, X - dodge strike (Tatsumi, Utsusemi, Matsumushi)
f, b + X - dashing sideswipe (Tatsumi, Utsusemi, Matsumushi)
f + R2, X - skyward strike (Mikado, Tatsumi, Nightstalker)
f + R2, O - overhand swing (Tatsumi, Utsusemi, Nightstalker)
b + X - ducking forward lunge (Gengoro, Isohachi)
f, b + O - overhead strike, spinning strike (Isohachi)
f, b + X - sideswipe, spinning strike (Gengoro, Kaun, Joe, Tony)
b + O, X - Iai strike (Gengoro, Kaun, Joe)
b + O, O - Iai double-strike (Gengoro, Kaun, Joe)
b, f + O - rolling stab (Kaun, Tony)
b, f + X - running strike, back roll (Tony)
f + R2, X - backflip slash (Kaun, Joe)

High Stance:
(close) b + X - neck snap (Kannuki, Utsusemi, Hongo)

Back Stance:
(close) b + X - gut kick, slash (Kannuki, Utsusemi, Hongo)

Two-sword Stance:
b + X - 100 stabs (Utsusemi)

Iai Stance:
f, b + X - Iai horizontal slash (Gengoro, Tony)









Hehe, I don't need anything... nope... :)
Anyway, I could use a concrete explanation of the parry system, and any moves
I might have missed so far.  Some tips for FAQ-writing would be appreciated


PSM - for the character names
Square/Lightweight - for making this silly game.  Thanks guys!

If you have any questions, comments, or additions, email me at:

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          |   |   |        The Original Jon         |       |   |
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                    Digipen Institute of Technology

"Study!  Study!  Study!  Study!  Study!  Study!  Study!  Study!"
					-Kintaro Oe, 25 years old