Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix FAQ (e)

	Bust a Move 2 : Dance Tengoku Mix


Table of Contents

1.  	Revision History
2. 	How to play
3. 	The Characters
4.	Secrets
5.	Tips
6.	Credits
7.	Legal Mumbo Jumbo

1. Revision History 

April 27.  1.0 - Finished the game with ALL secret characters found!
                 first draft of FAQ =D

May 10 1.08 - Worked on this some more~

May 28 1.50 - Ready for release! (You can tell I'm a lazy ass =P)

2. How to Play 

ˇ An explanation of the gameplay ˇ

Bust a Move 2 (aka Bust a Groove on this side of the ocean) is a competitive dancing
game in which players press specific buttons (and the last button on the fourth beat)
displayed on the screen in order to execute dancing moves.  The better you dance during the
song, the higher your score rises.  You also get to dance solos as well as attack your
opponent in order to screw him/her up.  As well, if you dance with few mistakes, you get
a special encore dance known as Fever Time!

ˇ Difficulty level ˇ

In the first Bust a Move, difficulty was selected from the Options screens, but not
anymore.  You now select your difficulty after choosing your character.  There are three
levels of difficulty

        - Easy:     This is the easiest (le duh) level to play at.  You are only given 
                    directional buttons to press, no other buttons required, except the
                    Circle (attack) and X (dodge) buttons.

        - Normal:   The same type of gameplay as the first Bust a Move game.  You are given
                    directional buttons to press and on the fourth beat, you press either
                    Circle or X.  Attack is R1 and Dodge is R2.

        - Mix: 	    The Hard difficulty level.  You are not only given direction buttons to
                    press before the fourth beat, but also other buttons (Triangle, Square, X,
                    Circle).  Attacking and Dodging is the same as Normal level

ˇ Intensity and Luck system ˇ

New to the BaM series is the Intensity and Luck systems, located at the bottom of the screen.
The Intensity system is the border around your score, which changes color if you do exceptionally
well.  The Intensity starts off at blue (cold) and builds up to red (hot!) during the song.
The Luck systems are those 3 columns of color blocks in the bottom middle of the screen.  
Whenever a character performs a combo, it will add a block to that stack.  If that stack is 
already at 3, then it will reset to 1.  The Green bars are Cool combos, the Pink are Chillin
and the Blue are Freeze.  If a player manages to get all 3 columns to the maximum height (3), 
then their Intensity bar will flash wildy and they will be able to garner more points than

ˇ Attacking, Dodging and Reversing ˇ

When you attack an opponent (X in easy, and R1 in Normal/Mix), you render them unconcious 
for about 3 bars of music.  The cool thing is that if you attack them right before a solo, 
you can steal their solo and get more points! >:D  The little circles sitting beside your
scores are the number of attacks you have left.  You only have two, so make sure you use
them at opportune times.

To dodge someone's attack, just press the dodge button (Circle in easy, R2 in Normal/Mix) and
you'll either backflip or crouch down to avoid the attack.

Reversals are *very* hard, I personally haven't been able to do one, but here goes... to 
reverse someone's attack, press the Attack button right on the fourth beat of the bar.  You'll
know you've done this right because your character will "store" the opponents attack and
send it back to them.

3. The Characters

Character and stage information was taken from Fiefo!'s amazing BaM2 FAQ and edited by
yours truly ;P

Age: 20
Symbol: Flames
Style: Break Dancing
1st Costume: Mostly white jumpsuit and red stripes with an "F" in the middle. He's got a 
             hat hanging on his back
2nd Costume: Mostly red jumpsuit and white stripes with an "F" in the middle. No hat!
Attack: Throws a large fireball at the opponent
Stage: Dance on an elevator moving over molten metal!
Music: Hip-hop Rap. Slower than in Bust-A-Move 1, but just as good

Age: 16
Symbol: Cocktail glass
Style: Rollerblade Dance
1st Costume: Waitress costume. Note that the rear of her skirt is transparent
2nd Costume: Black Bunny outfit
Attack: Casts a spell and the opponent turns into various stuff (frog, rice bowl, etc.)
Stage: In front of the Sushi Planet drive in restaurant.
Music: Bouncy kind of music... don't really know the style. J-Pop perhaps?
Notes: she's supposed to be Frida's younger sister, but for one thing, Frida was black, and
       Comet is white... and...they really don't look alike ^^;

Age: 12
Icon: Like a sign on a Women's Washroom door ^^;
Style: Hip-Hop Street Dancing (?)
1st Costume: Extremely long sleeved white shirt and blue pants. Very Hip-hop! Her hair is
             tied to her sides. Columbo sits upon her head wearing a small baseball cap. 
2nd Costume: Black Hip-hop costume with a white "S" in the middle of her shirt. Hair is tied
             in loops. Columbo sits inside her backpack.
Attack: A large cake falls and flattens her opponent!
Stage: Riding on a raft, the dances tour the "Jungle Tour" fun park on a river.
Music: Cute kid like song. I think it's pretty good, but then again, I've always been a 
       fan of Shorty ^^

Age: 22
Symbol: a hand holding a bag of money
Style: Seems like Rave or Hip-Hop style
1st Costume: Black tanktop and bellbottom pants. Has an "S" in the middle of the shirt.
             Wears bug-eyed sunglasses and also has a long ponytail!
2nd Costume: Same as the 1st costume with a very loose yellow shirt over the tanktop and no
Attack: Takes out his GAT and starts shooting. The screen "shatters" if the attack connects!
Stage: In front of a bank vault. Alarms and security systems go off as time moves on.
Music: Gangsta Rap.... BOI! 

Age: 11
Symbol: 10 yen coin
Style: I have no idea, it looks like a kid trying to break dance ^^;
1st Costume: Blue school uniform with a backpack.
2nd Costume: Red school uniform with a backpack.
Attack: A door appears in front of the opponent. It opens and a load of bricks drop from
        the window sill onto the opponent.
Stage: In front of a rich looking Japanese style house.
Music: Nice upbeat song, it sounds like a fast pop song

Age: ??
Symbol: Two intertwined lines
Style: Capoeira fighting style
1st Costume: Shiny silver skin.
2nd Costume: Shiny green skin.
Attack: A sattelite shines a beam on the opponent, shrinking the body, but not the head!
Stage: Inside their spaceship from their home planet to earth.
Music: Techno remix of their first song, sans lyrics

Age: 47
Symbol: Skull
Style: Zombie/Robot Dance
1st Costume: Blue outfit and green face. Has an axe embedden in his head!
2nd Costume: Same blue outfit but with a green face (skull).
Attack: Throws his head at the opponent and starts eating!
Stage: Pileo..er... Priate Ship! =D
Music: Rock music! Almost Heavy Metal... Great drums here!

Age: 21
Symbol: Burning cigarette
Style: 70's disco
1st Costume: White leisure suit. Think John Travolta in "Staying Alive"
2nd Costume: Weird sailor costume. 
Attack: Tosses a picture at his opponent.
Stage: Disco dance floor, complete with disco ball and floor lighting!
Music: Disco! "Dance like the Hiro" is definitely not as good as his theme
       song in Bust-A-Move 1. But, how could they top "The Natural Playboy"?

Age: 17
Symbol: A can of Tuna
Style: Broadway/Stage Dance
1st Costume: White cat costume. She's got these pants that are robotic sounds as she moves.
2nd Costume: Black cat costume. The black pants make those sounds still...
Attack: A giant claw grabs the opponent, lifts him or her up then drops them! 
Stage: Television Studio
Music: J-pop! Very cool sounding!

Age: 24
Symbol: Policeman
Style: I have no idea, but it's.... very.... sexy *drools*
1st Costume: Police uniform with very short shorts and a baton
2nd Costume: Rich Tycoon (like the guy in the Monopoly board game) suit and has a painted
             on moustache (Gimme the police uniform all the time!)
Attack: Takes out a megaphone and screams at her opponent!
Stage: A scene of a traffic accident. (for God's sake, she's probably causing the traffic
       with that delicious police costume with the VERY, VERY SHORT SHORTS! I LIKE!)
Music: Very slow song, but it's nice and catchy.. I don't know the style really...

4. Secrets 

-  Psssst, the more points you rack up in a stage, the more chaotic the stage gets!  Try
   this in Hiro's stage, a HUGE Gorilla comes out and starts roaring! >:D

-  As you know, there's 8 empty slots in the player selection screen, meaning that there's
   only 8 secret characters.  I think I've found the solution to getting all the secret
   characters in the game:

        + It *does not* matter if you play Normal or Mix, I've gotten all my    secret
          characters in Normal Mode

        + I don't know if you have to follow this exactly, but because you get all the
          secret characters on the 5th stage, you must get a fever time on the first 4
          stages.  That's what I did and I got them.
        + Who you dance off against in the 4th stage determines if you get a secret character
          or not.. I think.  Whenever I had Hiro, Shorty, Comet, or Capoeria on my 4th stage,
          I got the secret characters (if you didn't know, all the secret characters save for
          for Robo-Z and Pander are part of a dancer's background)

        + You can actually get Robo-Z using only normal mode!  The catch is that you MUST get
          Fever Time on every stage INCLUDING Pander's 3 times straight.  

        + Tip: Sometimes the Mix Mode is actually easier than the normal mode!  For example, 
          Capoeria's Mix Mode only contains buttons, with no directional inputs.  Hiro and Heat's
          Mix Mode's are basically their normal modes but with Square and Triangle inputs 
          included.  This makes getting some secret characters INSANELY easy.

- Here's the list of secret characters you can get, and who they relate to (Dancing styles)

        + Columbo (Shorty)
        + McLoad (Kelly, but appears in Shorty's stage as the huge dinosaur)
        + Hustler Kong (Hiro, and by far the coolest secret character =D)
        + ChiChi & Sally (Capoeria)
        + Micheal Doi (Kitty-N)
        + Sushi Boy (Comet)
        + Robo-Z
        + Pander

7. Legal Mumbo Jumbo 

- Character information was taken from Fiefo!'s amazing BaM2 FAQ, which can be         found at

- All other information was created by me, Reno (aka Andrew Alfonso).  Information on this FAQ
cannot be reproduced in any form without the consent of.. uh.. me =)

Oh and btw, this FAQ is copyright Andrew Alfonso (c)1999 >:P