Procyon Lotor presents: The __________ __ .__ \______ \_______ __ ___/ |______ | | | | _/\_ __ \ | \ __\__ \ | | | | \ | | \/ | /| | / __ \| |__ |______ / |__| |____/ |__| (____ /____/ \/ ___ ____ ____ \/ / _ \ / __ \ / __/ / ___// /_/ / / _/ /_/ (_)____(_)_/ Moves list and FAQ v0.66 *** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! *** The reason this is FAQ version 0.66 is because I only have the moves for 8 out of 12 characters (66%). If you have ANY information about the moves for the other 4 (they are Psycho Kitty, The Pantha, Karate Croc, and Chung Poe) please email me when you can at Thank you. *** What kind of moves are there? Like street fighter, there are 3 punches, and 3 kicks, and a variety of positions you can use them in. Standing, crouching, jumping, advancing, or retreating. The strength of the punch or kick determines how fast it hits, weak being the fastest, and strong being the slowest. Then there are special moves. These are activated by compinations of key presses, attacks or directional. The attack buttons used are weak, medium, strong. It does NOT matter if they are punches or kicks, BUT if you need to press more than one attack button, it MUST be the same kind of attack until the whole move is completed. For example, if you must press medium attack or strong attack together, they must be either both kicks or both punches. Again, if you must hold down light attack, then press light attack two more times, you must always use punch or kick and not alternate. Next is the Taunt. Every character can taunt by pressing Light and Medium at once. Taunt puts your character in a taunting position while your energy increases quite a bit. While taunt gives you back energy, you are completely open to attack for about 2 seconds. Lastly there are Katas which are preformed much like Special moves, only they are preprogrammed series of hits, or combos. Katas often hit many times, but can leave you dizzy after all the moves are completed. *** I have no problem with the moves for Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat *** so this will be easy, right? Actually, in my honest opinion, no, it won't be. The timing required for button presses are odd, and at times feel really awkward. Here are some suggestions that might help you. * Wait a split second if you are required to press any attack after a directional motion. Don't tag it on right at the end. * For moves that end in a diagonal, make sure you release the keys/ joypad from both directions that make the diagonal at once, or it will seem like you entered an extra instruction. * For moves that require you to hold a button down and then press two more buttons, hold the one button down for 1-2 seconds at most, then tap the next buttons fairly quickly. * Practice the moves on a non-exsistant second player. *** What are the references? B = Back F = Forward DB = Down Back D = Down DF = Down Forwad W = Weak Attack M = Medium Attack S = Strong Attack + = Press together () = Hold down (1-2 seconds) * = Move is a Kata before you enter the next move For example: (W+S)+M means to press Weak and Strong down for 1-2 seconds, and add Medium at the end and release. *** What are the moves? I will list the moves in the order of key presses you must make. Kung-Fu Bunny: Hi Flash Kick: (D)+M Flash Kick: (M)+S S Double Flash Kick: B D F Scissor Kick: M+S *Dance of Death: (W) W W *Iron Fist: (S) S S *Devil's Kiss: F D B Prince Leon: Bite: M+S Swim Attack: F D B Roar: D F M Powerchord: B D F *Wild Side: (W) W W *Rage Within: (W+S)+M *Leon Experience: (M) S S S S Tai Cheetah: Fire Punch: D F Fire Kick: B D Fire Run: F D B *Way of the Crane: W+M+S *Fist of the North: (W) W W *Divine Wind: (M) M M Rhei Rat: Knockout Punch: W+M+S Frenzy Attack: B D S Face Pull: D F Neck Choke: M+S *Tsumai: (S) M M *Lightning Fury: (W) W W *Berserk: (M) W M Kendo Coyote: Slam Punch: W+M+S Headbutt: M+S Cannonball: F D DB M Spinball: D F *Five Rings: B D DF M *Ki Force: (W) S S *Hapkido: (M) W W Foxy Roxy: Whiplash Kick: M+S Spinning Attack: B B S Rolling Attack: D F *Kuntao: W+M+S *Call of the Lotus:(S) S S *Mind Throw: F D B S (?) Ivan Bear: Big Belly Attack: F D B Earthquake: B D F *Strength of the North: D B M *Jar Al Nar: (S) W W *Rage of the World: (M+S) L+S Dali Llama: Headbutt: M+S Smoke Attack: B D F Mind of the Gods: F D B Apocalypse: D F M *** Please help me fill in these moves! The Pantha: Fireball: Drain: In the Bag: *Serpent's Kiss: *Summon Chi: *The Gentle Path: Karate Croc: Tail Whip: Torpedo Attack: Flying Tail Whip: (M+S+F+)+Up *The Swallow: *Path of the Empty Hand: *Escrima: Psycho Kitty: Wall Run: Alleycat: Chung Poe: Dimensional Punch: Morphing Attack: -- ___ *** Akuma lives... in X-Men! *** __ __ / _ \_______ ______ _____ ___ / / ___ / /____ ____ / ___/ __/ _ \/ __/ // / _ \/ _ \ / /__/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ __/ /_/ /_/ \___/\__/\_, /\___/_//_/ /____/\___/\__/\___/_/ LIFE IS SHORT. /___/ Scott Jacobi ROW HARD! PENN CREW '97!!!