Gottlieb: Bronco _________________________________________________________________ by David GersicVersion 1.0 May 1999 _________________________________________________________________ Notes and Disclaimers This rule compilation and tips sheet is, to the extent possible (in light of the subject matter being the property of D. Gottlieb and Co. and/or Mondial Distributing) freeware. It can be modified, updated, or revised, provided only that credit to the original author(s) remains intact. It can be published or otherwise distributed, provided only that such distribution is effectively free. Bronco, the pinball machine is the property of D. Gottlieb and Co., and a trademark of the licensor. The author disclaims all interest in any trademarks or other intellectual property referenced herein. Playfield Layout ---------------- Described from the flippers, and going around the playfield more or less clockwise. Flippers There are two. Normal configuration, normal placement. Extra Ball Light Between the flippers. When lit, the same player shoots again. Left Inlane Normal left in lane. Scores 300 and the B rollover. Ball feeds to the left flipper. Left Outlane Normal left outlane. Scores 300 and the A rollover. Left Slingshot Bumper Normal slignshot shape, but with no kicker. Scores 10. Left Ball Kickout A cup shaped ball trap facing up the playfield. The ball can stop here, before being kicked back in to play. The kicker sends the ball over the Left Ball Kickout Rollover and in to the Left Ball Saucer. Scores 500 points. Left Ball Kickout Rollover Scores 100 points and can be lit for Extra Ball. Scores Extra Ball when lit. Left Ball Saucer A standard ball saucer. Scores 3000 points, plus advances the Bonus one step (1000 points * bonus multiplier) for each of the lit Left Spots. Left Spots Three small playfield lights. Each one corresponds to one of the three Drop Targets. When the drop target is down, the spot is lit. The Alternating Relay changes the lit Spots from Left to Right. B Rollover A standard rollover lane. Starts out with "B" lit. When the ball rolls over a "B", either this one or the Left Inlane, "B" is collected and the light is turned off. Scores 300 points, and advances the Bonus one step. A Rollover A standard rollover lane. Starts out with "A" lit. When the ball rolls over an "A", either this one or the Left or Right Outlanes, "A" is collected and the light is turned off. Scores 300 points, and advances the Bonus one step. Can be lit for Special by completing the A-B-C rollovers and dropping all three Drop Targets. C Rollover A standard rollover lane. Starts out with "C" lit. When the ball rolls over a "C", either this one or the Right Inlane, "C" is collected and the light is turned off. Scores 300 points, and advances the Bonus one step. Special Light A large red playfield lamp insert. Lit by completing the A-B-C rollovers and dropping all three Drop Targets. Remains lit until the ball drains. While lit, any ball going through the A Rollover lane collects one Special. Left Pop Bumper A standard pop bumper. Scores 100. Middle Pop Bumper A standard pop bumper. Scores 10. Used to fire the Alternating Relay, and the 00-90 Unit for the Match feature. Right Pop Bumper A standard pop bumper. Scores 100. Drop Targets Three drop targets with rubber posts behind them. Scores 300 points, advances the Bonus one step, and lights one Spot for each drop target hit. Completing all three drop targets lights Extra Ball. Completing all three drop targets and the A-B-C rollovers lights Special. Star Rollovers Three star rollovers, directly below the three drop targets. Scores 10 points. Right Spots Three small playfield lights. Each one corresponds to one of the three Drop Targets. When the drop target is down, the spot is lit. The Alternating Relay changes the lit Spots from Left to Right. Right Ball Saucer A standard ball saucer. Scores 3000 points, plus advances the Bonus one step (1000 points * bonus multiplier) for each of the lit Right Spots. Right Ball Kickout Rollover Scores 100 points and can be lit for Extra Ball. Scores Extra Ball when lit. Right Ball Kickout A cup shaped ball trap facing up the playfield. The ball can stop here, before being kicked back in to play. The kicker sends the ball over the Right Ball Kickout Rollover and in to the Right Ball Saucer. Scores 500 points. Right Slingshot Bumper Normal slignshot shape, but with no kicker. Scores 10. Right Outlane Normal right outlane. Scores 300 and the A rollover. Right Inlane Normal right in lane. Scores 300 and the C rollover. Ball feeds to the right flipper. Bonus Lights In the lower center of the playfield, above the flippers, and below the Star Rollovers, are ten playfield lamps labled 1000, 2000 ... 10,000. Showing the player's current Bonus score. There are also "2X" and "4X" lights, showing the Bonus Multiplier. Manual Plunger This is a normal plunger. Its lane leads to the top arch over the A, B, and C rollover lanes. Rules ----- There are only a two main goals, completing the A, B, and C rollovers and completing the three drop targets. There are three secondary goals, collecting the Extra Ball, maximizing the Bonus count, and collecting the Special. A-B-C Rollovers Roll the ball over the rollover switches marked with "A", "B", and "C" lamps. Lit letters have not been collected yet. When complete, the end of ball Bonus is doubled (2X for most balls, but 4X for the last ball). Completing the A-B-C Rollovers is one of two requirements for lighting Special on the A Rollover lane. Drop Targets and Extra Ball Knocking down all three drop targets lights the Extra Ball feature, but only "sometimes". There are two Extra Ball lights on the playfield, at the Left Ball Kickout Rollover, and one at the Right Ball Kickout Rollover. Only one can be lit at a time, and the Alternating Relay is used to toggle between them. An additional wrinkle is imposed though, the Extra Ball is only lit for certain Bonus Lights. As the bonus advances, if the three drop targets are all down, the Extra Ball light will come on and go off, and will cycle from side to side, so the game instruction card describes it as being lit "occaisionally". In addition to this, collecting the lit Extra Ball from the side rollovers is not an easy shot. This limits the number of Extra Balls collected by players. Dropping all three drop targets is the second requirement for lighting the Special. Extra Ball vs. Bonus Bonus Extra Ball Lit 1000 No 2000 No 3000 Left 4000 Right (3 ball only) 5000 Right 6000 Left (3 ball only) 7000 Left 8000 No 9000 Right 10000 No 11000 No 12000 Right (3 ball only) 13000 No 14000 Left (3 ball only) 15000 No Special Once all three drop targets are down, and the A-B-C Rollovers are complete, Special lights at the A Rollover. It remains lit, and can be collected multiple times, until the end of the current ball in play. There are no direct shots at the rollover lane, though, so it is hard to collect and rare to collect more than once. End of Ball Bonus Assuming that the player does not Tilt the game, when the ball drains, the current Bonus ammount shown by the playfield Bonus Lights will be added to the current player's score. If the A-B-C Rollover sequence has been completed, the Bonus will be multiplied by 2. If the game is on the last ball (ball 3 or 5, depending on Operator setting), the Bonus will be multiplied by 2. The maximum Bonus is 15,000 (10,000 and 5,000 lights lit), and the maximum multiplier is 4X (2X for being on last ball, 2X for completing A-B-C), for a grand total of 60,000 points. On a game that rolls over at 100,000, a 60,000 point bonus is obviously significant. Altnernating Relay The Middle Pop Bumper is used to fire the Alternating Relay. Depending on Operator settings the game can use this to make things slightly harder on the player. The Alternating Relay moves the Extra Ball, when lit, from side to side, and moves the lit Spots from Left to Right. Strategy -------- Get the Drop Targets to light the Extra Ball. Get the Extra Ball. Then get the bonus multiplier via the A-B-C Rollovers. Then hit the Left and Right saucers (whichever one has the Spots currently lit) to run the Bonus up. Note that the Extra Ball is NOT lit when the Bonus is up to 15,000, so you must collecte the Extra Ball before maximizing the Bonus. Try to get the playfield Special if possible, but since there is no way to shoot for it directly, ignore it. Operator Adjustments -------------------- Being an electromechanical game, Bronco has several adjustment plugs that the operator can use to tune the game play to the location. The options are: Gameplay 3 balls per game or 5 balls per game. When set for 3 balls per game, the Spot lights are lit on both sides simultaneously and do not alternate, and there are more chances to light Extra Ball. Extra Ball : Conservative or Liberal. When set for Liberal, the Extra Ball lights are both lit simultaneously and do not alternate from side to side. Special Special options are Replay or Extra Ball. Earnings There is a small stepper unit that counts down from 90 to 00, stepping one time each time the Middle Pop Bumper is hit. This is used to compare against the last two digits of the players' scores at the end of the game. End of game Match can be enabled or disabled. Match awards "Special". It is possible to set the game for Match and Special = Extra Ball, but in this case the game awards nothing if the player matches. Tilt Penalty = Ball in Play. Pricing - how many coins and how many credits per coin(s). Settings Here are the settings I use on mine: * Specials @ 78,000 and 90,000 * Special = Replay (credit) * Match enabled * 5 Balls per game * Extra Ball = Conservative * Tilt Penalty = Ball in play * Pricing = 1 quarter / 1 play, 2 quarter / 3 plays. I also set the game up for optional free play by adding an SPST switch to the Credit Unit to jumper the switch that lets the game know that there are credits on the game to be permanently closed. By flipping the switch, the game reverts to normal use of the Credit Unit. _________________________________________________________________