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Brigandine (e)

                          B R I G A N D I N E 
                      Brigandine FAQ Version 1.4
                         For Sony Playstation
                           By Scott Ong
E-Mail Address:

This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be reproduced 
electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer 
remains unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by me. So don't try to 
get any ideas on it or I will get YOU! This FAQ cannot be sold for 
profitable purposes!

Brigandine is a Strategy/RPG game, which requires you to deploy your 
men around the borders of your country. The story take part somewhere 
in the second month of 215, the Sacred King Calender that Admiral 
Zemeckis assassinated King Henguist of Almekia under the corruption of 
Death Knight, Cador and thus proclaimed himself as the emperor and 
established the Esgares Empire. Now he tends to set his eyes on the 
neighbouring countries... Now you take the role of becoming one of the 
Rune Knights and participate in the war for the continent with a mission. 
That's to bring back peace to Forsena.

Version 1.0 - Contains the main document. 
Version 1.1 - Added Bulnoil information, special Rune Knights and clear
              up some minor errors.
Version 1.2 - made all corrections [hopefully], added a new section in 
              the Miscellaneous section. Find more gameshark codes
Version 1.3 - Found the way to fight Bulnoil and make some corrections.
Version 1.4 - Added the way to get Ranguinus and Aldis
            - Edit my e-mail layout and URL address
            - Added flow chart of classes.

This FAQ can be found at the following address:
Scott's Homepage 
Cheat Code Central

Firstly, I must thank GameFAQs for teaching the proper way to write 
the FAQ and this is my first FAQ, so there may be many errors. So inform 
me if you have any corrections regarding this FAQ. This FAQ is under 
copyright law and any unauthorized copying or production will lead to 
severe punishment! Please take note of the new URL

This Document is Copyright 1999 Scott Ong. It may be freely distributed
but It may not be SOLD for any price

L I S T   O F    C O N T E N T S

1.    Controls
2.	Basics of playing Brigandine
3.    Tips and Strategies
4.    List of Quests
5.    List of Classes
6.    List of Items
7.    List of Monsters
8.    Ruler's Walkthrough
9.	Gameshark Codes
10.   Miscellaneous

1.    C O N T R O L S

Name of Button                Functions
D-Pad	                        Move the cursor on the battlefield or map                              
Cross                         Select commands on battlefield or map
Triangle                      Cancel commands
Circle                        View the status of monsters, knights and 
                              country's income.
Select                        Brings up main menu.
Start                         Pauses the game.

B A S I C S    O F    P L A Y I N G   B R I G A N D I N E

First of all, I will introduce the rulers and their country's stats

Norgard [Blue]
Name of Ruler:  Vaynard
Knights:        13            Domain: 6
Monsters:       44            Mana:   797

New Almekia [Red]
Name of Ruler:  Lance
Knights:        12            Domain: 6
Monsters:       31            Mana:   797

Caerleon [Green]
Name of Ruler:  Cai
Knights:        8             Domain: 6
Monsters:       23            Mana:   797

Iscalio [Yellow]
Name of Ruler:  Dryst
Knights:        12            Domain: 6
Monsters:       33            Mana:   797

Leonia [Light Green]
Name of Ruler:  Lyonesse
Knights:        11            Domain: 6
Monsters:       26            Mana:   797

The following implies to all rulers. I will firstly explain the meaning 
of the Organize phrase. During this period, you can move your knights to
another castle [provided that you have a route] or wait and defend the 
original castle, sent your knights for quests, summoning monsters, place 
your troops in order or viewing the stats of your knights and monsters.

This option allows you to view the stats of your leaders or monsters 
based on the amount of HP, MP and their strength, intelligience, agility 
and their movement range. Note that you can also view the stats of your 
opponents too.

Allows you to switch places of your monsters and moving monsters from 
your stocks. Take note of the amount of Rune Power the knight has or you 
will be able to exit this screen if it is exceeded. Pressing Circle will 
view the status of your knights or opponent. You can equipped weapons 
[Rune Knights only] or use items. You can named your monsters or delete 
your monsters. 

Allows you to move leaders along with the monsters within their Rune 
Power from a castle to another castle [same coloured flag, and must 
provide a route]. Note that you can not move monsters that found in the 
stocks to another castle.      

This cancels the "MOVE" command. Note that you can have as many Rune 
Knights stationed in the same particular castle. By the way the calender 
is measured by month, so take note of it.

Knights that went for quests do not return for while and takes about 3 
months most. You will be unable to assign them to battles and attack 
enemies' castles. They are temporarily out of duty and will only return 
back to the castle where your ruler is. Sometimes, your knight may 
wounded during the process of the questing and may have attributes 
gained or new weapons. [More details on the Quests and Items sections.]

As you are done with organizing your country, press the SELECT button 
and choose "EXCUTE" option and you see the "ATTACK" phrase. You can only 
attack adjacent castles only and take note of the following:

1. Once you have won the battle and all victorous knights will be 
   occupying the castle. The wounded ones are sent back to main captial
   of your country, for example in the case of Norgard, Flogeru. They 
   will be able to battle again after a month. So remember to sent 
   someone to replace them and repulse any enemy's invasions.
2. Get your country in order, move your most powerful Rune Knights 
   along with to-be-trained Knights such as Loufal and Lance to castles
   located at your bounderies. 
3. Note that if you managed to seal of those castles, there is no need 
   for you to defend the castles located behind as the enemies could 
   not reach it. Try and control as many castles as possible as it will
   be easier for you to launch an attack. Target your attacks on the 
   key castles such as Orkney of the Esgares Empire.
4. Before attacking your enemies, take note of the status of the 
   enemy's troops as it would be better to know your foe well before 
   attacking them.

During battles, you can only send out the maximum of three troops of 
Rune Knights, so make sure that the Knights does not have only one 
monster in your Rune Area or you better retreat. The battle will only 
end if you have accquired the following conditions:
1. The enemies has retreated.
2. You have succeeded in defeating them by have them use up all their
   HP and they will retreat.
3. You have wounded the ruler [they are Vaynard, Lance, Lyoneese, 
   Zemeckis, Cai, Dryst and Bulnoil] and the ENTIRE army will retreat.
4. This applies for defence only. If the enemies to do not attack your
   party or kill your generals in time. There will be a time limit and
   they will automatically retreat. This also applies to you too. This
   happens twice to me, at the battle of Lidney and Dilworth.

SPECIAL: If you did not finished defeating all countries within 60 
         years, the Snake of Chaos will appear and it's game over. 

B A T T L E    T I P S    A N D     S T R A T E G I E S

B A T T L E   T I P S
1.  As you viewed the status of the knights and monsters, you will find 
    coloured orbs [black, white, red, green, white] and these are 
    called elementals and they are important. These will determine the 
    amount of damage done on your opponents. White units such as 
    Gryhons and Unicorns will do a higher damage on black units such as 
    Ghouls and Hellhounds. There are some monsters that does not have 
    an elemental orb, such as Rocs. The number of these elementals are 
    important. For example, a three red unit such as the Salamander 
    will do massive amount of damage on a two blue unit such as Hydras. 
    However, a monster with a mixture of elementals such as Gigas, a   
    red and black elementals will not do much on the same Hydra.
2.  Movement range is also important as it determines the amount of 
    time that you required to set up your formation. Flying monsters 
    such as Rocs, Wyverns and White Dragons has a longer movement range 
    compared to heavy type monsters such as Hydras and Dragons. Move 
    the heavy units first then the light ones [example: Unicorn] and 
    finally, the flying monsters. Don't overlook terrains on the     
    battlefield, this will sometimes affect the movement range. 
    Unicorns will move slowly on mountains or forests [green patches]. 
    Hydras on the other hand can not walk on mountains but moves faster 
    on water.
3.  There are several monsters, that have long-range attacks such as 
    Centaurs. This can done in further distance up to the maximum of 5
    hexes. This attacks can NOT be counterattacked even the unit is
    normally able to do so. Examples are Hunter shot and Killer Shot.
4.  At higher difficulty levels especially Normal and Hard, the enemies
    will remain in place and wait for you to approach them. There is a
    case that the computer trying to escape from battle which leads to 
    time over, so it is advisble to have flying monsters such as Rocs.
5.  At water-based battlefields, it's advisble that you have water-
    based units such as Hydras and Mermans as they could regenerate 
    their HP due to their Aqua Recovery.
6.  Do not overlook castles that have water surrounding them as they 
    will allows you to summon marine forces such as Hydras and Mermans.
    Examples are Humber of Norgard and Lidney of Esgares.
7.  When surrounded by enemies, use area-based attacks such as Holy 
    Word, Geno-Flame, Geno-Frost to wipe them out. This will greatly 
    weaken most of them within a turn.
8.  Target your main attacks on Rune Knights as these will help you to
    conserve as many HP as possible. If the ruler of the country is 
    there, concentrate on attacking him / her and this will force the
    ENTIRE army to retreat.
9.  Kill off healing parties such as Unicorns or Angels as they will 
    help to regain lost HP and will create more trouble as you will 
    have start all over again to kill the dying monster or leader. 
    Also, protect your Unicorns from harm as this help to conserve more 
    MP and use it affectively, cast only when the HP is low about 100+
10. Cast Fog on low agile and red-elemental creatures such as Dragons 
    as this will causes the monster to miss and aid in conserving HP.
11. When you are about to be defeated, try this method. Keep your 
    monsters within the Rune Area of Rune Knight. Have them do the 
    attacking first and then select the knight last and choose 
12. Cast Power on the Hydras and don't get shock if they does about
    400+ HP damage to a Mage unit.
13. Having a hard time fighting against enemies at HARD difficulty
    mode ? Here is a trick to lure them. Make use of low levels 
    monsters such as Ghouls to force them to fight and the entire 
    troop will move towards you just like in the EASY MODE. It will
    be better if the "sacrifice" is a flying-type such as Gryhons.

If you have any strategies, feel free to send in yours. I would be very
to happy to edit it and listed you in the credits section

1.  Straight Line Defence
    This is apparently is the MOST affective strategy in Brigandine.
    Place those high-based HP monsters such as Dragons on the frontline
    knights behind the line. Arrange these monsters in a line and they
    would be able to aid each other. Have Unicorns as back support for
    Heal while the rest do the attacking.

2.  V-Shaped Defense
    This is meant for defense purposes. Have your troops consists of 
    Dragons or Hydras, arranging them and form a V-shaped and place
    Unicorns and Knights in the middle. This will enable to set your
    enemies' in cross-fires with these creatures' breath weapon such
    as Acid Breath. This method is more affective if the enemy use to 
    send troops attacking from different directions.

3.  Golem Defense
    Golem may be rather weak due to their crappy hit rate but they are
    great defenders as they could protect your mages from harm. This
    strategies works well for those knights with low Rune Power. 
    However, this is rather risky. Golems are great for fighting 
    against Rocs as due to their Golem Attributes. Could easily cured
    with a heal spell.

4.  Rocs and Centaur Defense
    This strategy is great. Place Rocs in the front row as due to their
    high HP and their petrifying ability. Place Centaurs behind the 
    Rocs. Have your party consists of a mage, pirest and a scout or 
    archer, place them at the back. Have aleast 2 Unicorns at the back.
    At the battlefield, concentrate your attacks on the Rune Knights
    and this should works, but do expect serious injuries.

5.  Twin-Genos and a Area-Heal
    This strategy only works if you have the following:
    1. Enchantresses Class
    2. Bishop / Cardinal or the Phoneix
    3. Mage Class
    Have high HP units such as Hydras and Dragons in the front row and
    the Rune Knights behind the line. If you use the Phoenix instead of
    the Bishop / Cardinal, place them at the back row. As you are 
    surround, rip off your foe with twin-Genos and Heal all injuries
    will an area-heal. Works well for Leonia.

L I S T   O F    Q U E S T S
Note:  Rulers cannot go on quests. After a Rune Knight has completed 
       his / her quests and will go to castle where the ruler is.

Here is the list of Quests, I myself have managed to get so far and 
their brief explainations. I would greatly appreciate if someone could
sent in those quests that are hard to get. For your information, I have 
added some key phrases.

1.    Flower Girl in Town
Your character will meet the flower girl on the street and the flower 
girl will offer her flowers for free and your character will pick 
either of the following:

Name of Flower                Affect Status
White Lily                    Raises Intelligience
Red Rose                      Raises Strength
Yellow Sunflower              Raises AGI

2.    Old Soothsayer
Your character will meet the Soothsayer on a deserted road and the 
Soothsayer and will ask your character to draw a card and will result 
in attributes gained.

Type of Card                  Affected Status
Chariot                       Increases HP
Star                          Increases Agility
Magician                      Increases MP
Strength                      Increases Strength
Hermit                        Increases Intelligience
World                         Increases Rune Power.

3.    Mushroom from the Drawf in the forest.
Your character will meet a Drawf while in the forest and were asked to 
eat the mushroom, which will either allows your character to understand 
the languages of the birds, which leads to get a treasure from a hollow 
tree OR raises your character's attributes.

4.    Drunken Man in the Bar
Your character will stop at a bar and meet a drunken man whom will 
thank your character as a Rune Knight has helped you once, which gives 
your character nothing [note: "I knew it!"] OR he was rather fed up 
with Rune Knight and punches at your character, causing your character 
to fight back and gives your character a weapon or armor.

5.   Mysterious Fountain in the forest.
Your character will reach a fountain inside a forest and drinks from 
fountain and gain attributes or just left due to the huge hideous thing 
found in the fountain OR your character will meet the Fountain Fairy 
and cursed your character as your character throws a coin is unholy, 
resulted wounded for a month OR the Fairy will says "This is 
beautiful" and kiss your character and gives a good weapon.

6.    Flying Dragon in Deep Valley.
Your character will be walking in a valley and meet a flying dragon 
that is not seen before and hide from it get a weapon or armor OR just 
ran away from it as the dragon spotted him. The dragon will joins you 
if your questing knight's level is high, about Level 20+.

7.    Ghost Castle in a City
Your character is resting at a castle and meet a group of Rune Knights 
[Ghosts] talking about whom is going to get the weapon and they 
quarrelled over it and your character laughs, causing them to overhead 
and try to attack your character but sunlight enters and your character 
gets the weapon.

9.    Nabbing a Secondary Monster
Your character will be greeted by the Mayor of the vilage and your 
character were asked to tame a secondary monster [promoted one] and 
will stare at the monster over the night, until one of them give way. 
Aldis and Dogal has always a high chance getting one, no matter what 
level they are at presently. Low Rune Power Knights has little chance 
of getting them.

10.   Bard Reciting Street Parade
Your character were walking on a street and heard a Bard singing 
praises on Rune Knights and shake hands with your character, thus left. 
When your character is trying to sing but seems forget the lyrics and 
due to this mysterious song, your character gains more MP.

11.   Ancient Ruins and the Forgotten Tomb
Your character will be at an ancient ruins and reads some words and get 
a item or cannot get out due to a trap and left. OR your character 
found a tomb and a rare weapon on the tomb take it and leave or lost 
his/her way due to the weapon and suffered from Malaria and rest for a 

12.   The Lake and the unattended boat
Your character will see an unattended boat coming towards him/her and 
gets on it and reach a deserted island and meet an old Rune Knight 
trapped in a tree, whom teaches about Rune Power OR find a huge idol 
and get the Final Class promoting items such as Rage Lightning.

13.   Hunting a Rabbit in a Forest.
As your character is about to kill the rabbit, it's start to talk and 
would give it's treasure on a condition, not to kill it and your 
character will search the place and get either a weapon or an armor OR 
bitten a little viper and wounded for a month.

14.   At the edge of the Lake
Your character will meet dancing maidens and was taught on how to walk 
on water and gained AGI attributes OR invited to a paradise island and 
stay for a night and gain in MP.

15.   Kettle found on the ground
Your character will find a kettle containing honey and attempts to 
drink results a huge bee chasing him/her, which results in MP gained.

16.   Flower in foggy Forest
Your character will find a flower and smells it and become drowsy and 
fallen asleep. As your character awakes, results in attributes gained 
OR got robbed and lost his or her way in the forest.

17.   In Front of a Secret Cave
Your character will find tracks on the ground, revealing someone is in 
the cave which results to get a primary monster OR get a weapon from 
the altar OR got wounded due to fall into a pitfall ["something wet 
fall onto your character"]

18.   Waiting for a loved one under a tree.
Your character will walk to a huge tree for shelter and thus meet a 
girl whom will mistook your character for her boyfriend and thus give 
an accessory and left after telling your character to watch the 

19.   Cursed Sandstone
Your character meet an old man grinding a sandstone in a cabin. Your 
character tries it and it's cursed. After seven days, the curse is 
broken and your character received a welcome breeze, results gained in 
strength or HP [rare]

20.   The Forbidden Bridge
Your character was about to cross the bridge and meet an old man 
telling a sad story [he is actually the guy in his story] and raises 
your character's intelligience.

21.   Tower
Your character ended up at forbidden tower and go up, taking a look and 
found the Lost Text [which blown off] and gains INT or your character 
hear rumbling sound from the ground and caught in an explosion and took 
a month to heal.

22.   Merchant on the Road
Your character will meet a merchant and has a short conversation. The 
merchant gives the accessory as a memento of the time they have met 

23.   The "Free Drink" Bottle
Your character find a bottle that says "Free Drink" and drink it. The 
drink will causes the body of the character to jump, results gain in 
AGI or fall over as the drink is a poison and order to rest for a 

24.    Reading the Scroll about the Snake of Chaos
Your character will enter a dark cave and found a scroll in the 
Underground labyrinth which stats about the Snake of Chaos. The scroll 
disappears after the character has read it.

25.    Fastest animal in Forsena
Your character will meet the eight-legged horse and grab it. The horse 
will fight over the land of Forsena and your character gains in STR due 
to the horse's blessing.

Character Quests:
All countries will have a chance in getting this characters except for 
the Esgares Empire. There is one exception that is Carmine, Level 10
Bishop, Rune Power: 181 will join Esgares after complete Millet and 
Mira Quests.

1.    Cortina
Your character meet Cortina in a theater, whom is presently a dancer 
and receives a scolding from her boss as she is a Rune Knight and 
decides to join your country.
Rune Power: 199, Level 1 Enchantress.

2.    Hyude
Your character will lost in a forest. As fog embraces the forest, your 
character will meet Hyude and has a short chit-chat. Hyude will joins 
you but he is go for another quest.
Rune Power: 202, Level 4 Ranger.

3.    Hyude's Quest: Getting LimLight
After about 3 months, sent Hyude for a quest. He will be lost in the 
Fileria Forest and meet an Elf Young Woman and an Elf Young Man. The 
Elf Young Woman tells Hyude her name [Peryner] and they gradually fall 
in love. After the second month, Hyude remembers his duty as a Knight 
and meet Elder. Limlight will thus joins you.
Rune Power: 150, Level 5 Mage

4.    Klauques and Cathleen
Your character will reach a village, where he/she will meet a pirest 
approaches your character and asked him/her to help to heal the wounded 
and this lasts a month. On the second month, your character would tell 
them whether they are interested in becoming Knights. Then Cathleen is 
injured and your character decides to stay until Cathleen recovers. On 
the third month, Klauques and Cathleen will joins you.
Klauques, Rune Power: 163, Level 4 Priest
Cathleen, Rune Power: 163, Level 12 Lector.

5.    Mira and Millet [After the fall of Esgares]
Your character will meet them on a road and they tell your that they 
have no intention of fighting your character and wishs to join your 
country and will meet your ruler and joins in.

6.    Mira's and Millet's Quest: Find Nanny
Send both of them at a time and they will be back at their hometown, 
the Goache Village and decided to visit their parents' graves. They 
meet a Bishop [notice the Bishop's attitude towards them] and a woman 
will scream and a Salamander will attack a village, the twins decided 
to help, but Mira got injured and Millet was knocked unconscious. At 
the next month, they recovers and meet Carmine whom has healed Mira's 
injuries and meet their nanny there and recieve the Pin of Protection.
and Carmine will joins you about a year later, no quest needed.

7.     Rain [Fall of Esgares]
This guy will joins your country in about 2 or 4 months later after 
both Millet and Mira joins your country. Esgares has no chance of 
getting him. He is Millet's step brother and loves one of the twins. If 
you send him for quest about a year later and he will meet his father, 
Ranguinus whom is a former Ex-Esgares Rune Knight.
Rune Power: 149, Level 1 Mage

You can get him by doing the following. You need to see the scene 
where Rain actually mistaken Mira for Millet. After that scene, 
Ranguinus will return back home and meet his father. Ranguinus will
join your country after that quest. His levels may be promoted 
depends on the length of time that he serve for the Esgares Empire.

8.    Shiraha [Fall of Esgares]
After the fall of Esgares, your character will meet Shiraha, whom is 
sitting on the rocks near the stream meditating and he will join your 
country. Note that another Ninja calls Kazan along with his Bronze Golem 
and a Dao will join the other country.

9.    Balder
In the town, your character will meet Balder's father whom is a 
merchant whom thinks Balder is a suitable person for being a Rune 
Knight [he could reap in more profits] if not he will disowns Balder. 
Balder did so and then joins your country since they are not longer
Rune Power: , Level 10 Sorcerer

10.   Dogal
Your character will find a wounded Pixie in a mountain crossroads. On 
saving the Pixie, your character got hurt by a rock. Next your character 
will meet Dogal [whom has retired for 30 years] and will join you with 
his little friends, a Pixie, a HellHound and a Centaur.
Rune Power: 268, Level 2 Barbarian.

11.   Layoneil
Your character will meet him in a forest displaying his swordplay and 
he will joins your country. His old rival, Helrato will join the other 
country with two Fenrirs and is an Avenger.
Rune Power: 172, Level 16 Samurai

12.   Aldis
Your character will arrive at a savage island called the Lake of the
Illusion Dragon and meet Aldis whom is playing with her Dragon. She is 
a member of the Dragon Clan and will join you with the Fafnir, Puro.
You must try to keep down the number of Dragons in your country, she
does not like dragons being used for battles that much ^_^;
Rune Power: 301, Level 10 Lector.

As you have succeeded in defeating a country, two of the Rune Knights 
will join your counrty and some of them will join the other countries 
except for main generals. For example, Iscalio: Iria, Dryst, Camden, 

Iscalio:               Daffy and Victoria
Caerleon:              Janfadar and Bilcock
Leonia:                Langueborg and Chantail
Norgard:               Kirkmond and Dillard
New Almekia:           Loufal and Carlota
Esgares:               Fiel and Ivan.

L I S T   O F   C L A S S E S

Before I begin this section, I think there are several important things
to take note of and here they are:

1.  When a character gains a total of 5 stars for that particular class 
    and they reached the EXPERT status, which will result all magic and
    skills permanently remain in them, no matter what class they have
    changed to. Even before you have change the class before reaching 
    EXPERT, the stars will remain.
2.  Note that you can only choose an one-way path. For example, a Mage
    can be promoted to a Druid or Sorcerer and you can only choose one 
    of them and can't change back to former class and will not be able
    to the other class.
3.  When you reach higher levels, and the maximum is Level 30 and you 
    can advance to the secondary classes or the final classes, provided
    that you has attained an EXPERT in the lower classes.
4.  Since that you can go up to Level 30, and each star requires a level
    and so it's rather a waste to remain in that particular class. For
    example, if you have reached Level 5, so that you can changed to a 
    Cavalier/Berserker or a Sorcerer/Druid.
5.  Rulers such as Cai, Vaynard, Zemeckis and Lyoneese cannot changed 
    to any other classes except Prince Lance and Dryst.

For the case of Lance, you need to defeat the Esgares Empire and Lance 
will promote from Prince to King and he will acquire Geno-Flame in 
addition to his normal attributes. PS: Must accquired Logres.
For the case of Dryst, you need to have Dryst reached Level 30 and he
will declare himself as Super Tyrant and gain extra spells and boosted 
abilities. Now for the list of abbreviations used in this FAQ.
Symbol            Meaning
MPC               MP Cost
hex.              Hexagons
RunePow.          Rune Power needed to control monsters
ATK               Attack
STR               Strength
INT               Intelligence
AGI               Agility
MOV               Movement Range
Hit               Hit rate
[A]               Area based attacks
[C]               Critical

L I S T   O F    S P E L L S
This is the section where you can find notes about magic. This section
also includes MPC, hex. and brief description what the magic does.


Flame:            Throws a fireball at one opponent. Standard magical
                  damage. Good against units that have blue elementals 
                  MPC: 68, 3 hex. 
Geno-Flame:       Summons a firestorm and burns enemies. Area-based 
                  attack. Great for attacking a troop of monsters in
                  a single turn.
                  MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
Thunder:          Calls a thunderbolt from the air. High blasting 
                  damage against one enemy.
                  MPC: 91, 3 hex. 
Power:            Increases offensive power of one unit temporarily. 
                  Great when use on powerful units such as Giants and
                  Bahamut. [use on allies only]
                  MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Exa-Blast:        Calls forth a thermal explosion. Extreme blasting
                  damage against one opponent [about 200 HP damage]
                  MPC: 152, 2 hex.
Geno-Thunder:     Summons unlimited thunderbolts. High blasting area-
                  based attack. 
                  MPC: 193, 3 hex.


Frost:            Freezes one opponent, blue-elemental damage. Standard
                  magicial damage. Good against Dragons.
                  MPC: 68, 3 hex.
Geno-Frost:       Freezes surrounding enemies. Area-based attack. Great
                  for attacking a troop of monsters in a single turn.
                  MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
Fall Berg:        Causes damage with a giant Iceberg. Extreme blasting
                  damage against one opponent. [about 200 HP damage]
                  MPC: 135, 2 hex.
Flight:           Allows an ally to float in mid-air. Use in on heavy
                  creatures such as Hydras and Dragons.
                  MPC: 90, 3 hex.
Fog:              Cover an opponent in smoke. Use this only low AGI 
                  creatures such as Golems.
                  MPC: 49, 4 hex.
Charm:            Causes enemies to fight each other. Cast this on a 
                  powerful unit will result in massive damage on your
                  MPC: 110, 2 hex.


Venom:            Generates poison around one opponent. Standard 
                  magicial damage, which poisons the enemy.
                  MPC: 45, 3 hex.
Curse:            Damages enemies by hex. High blasting magicial 
                  attack. Use it wisely.
                  MPC: 108, 2 hex.
Dimension:        Transport one foe elsewhere on the terrain. Move
                  away key Knights such as Bishops and Priests.
                  MPC: 83, 4 hex.
Weakness:         Lowers the power of an enemy briefly. Use this on
                  Dragons and Hydras.
                  MPC: 66, 4 hex.
Meteor Doom:      Causes meteors to fall on those that are within
                  range. One of the most deadly spells in Brigandine.
                  This affects both allies and enemies.
                  MPC: 255, 3 hex. [A-2 hex.] 
Necro Rebirth     Blows false life onto a dead monster within the same
                  battle. This spell is very effective as it could get
                  you a dead monster into your party without any
                  Rune Cost.
                  MPC: 97, 1 hex.


Heal:             Recovers lost HP. Standard healing magic. This is one
                  of the most commonly spells. 
                  MPC: 65, 3 hex.
Area Heal:        Recovers surrounding allies' lost HP. Area-based 
                  healing magic. Good for healing a troop at a time.
                  MPC: 147, 2 hex.
Cure:             Cures abnormal status. Another useful magic used to
                  cure Poison, Paralysis, Petrify and Silent.
                  MPC: 54, 4 hex.
Halo:             Raises EXP by half after a single hit on one ally.
                  MPC: 88, 4 hex.
Divine Ray:       Sacred Ray that destroys one foe. High blasting 
                  magic against one opponent.
                  MPC: 112, 2 hex.
Holy Word:        Holy Word destroys enemies. Largest area-based attack
                  in Brigandine. 
                  MPC: 183, 4 hex.


Protect:          Raises DEF Power briefly. Use this on high DEF units 
                  such as Golems.
                  MPC: 61, 4 hex.
Accel:            Increases MOV briefly. Use this on units that has low
                  MOV, e.g. Hydras.
                  MPC: 59, 3 hex.
Paralyze:         Paralyzes one opponent. Once it took effect, assign
                  other units to attack the foe as it is unable to
                  MPC: 77, 3 hex.
Silent:           Keeps one opponent from using magic. Use this on 
                  Mages as Mages use Magic.
                  MPC: 50, 4 hex.
React:            Enables one unit to do another act. One of the best 
                  spells in Brigandine.
                  MPC: 126, 2 hex.
Solid:            Petrifies one opponent. Applies the same for 
                  MPC: 85, 3 hex.

Now let's proceed to the female units.

* F E M A L E   U N I T S *


   Scout ================ Archer ===================== Artemis
    || |
    ||  ================= Lancer ===================== Valkyrie
 Enchantress =========== Sorceress =================== Witch
    ||  |
    ||   =============== Mystic ====================== Sage
    ||                     |
 Cleric ================ Lector ====================== Saint

Scout [*]
Requirements:      STR 55 and above
Attacks:           Short Bow, 2 hex.
                   Twin Shot, 2 hex. [C]
Elemental:         Nil
Class:             Scouts

Enchantress [*]
Requirements:      INT 60 and above
Attacks:           Slash Whip
Magic:             Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                   Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                   Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
Elementals:        1 Blue
Class:             Enchantresses

Cleric [*]
Requirements:      INT 60 and above
Attacks:           Pilgrim Rod
Magic:             Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
Elementals:        1 White
Class:             Clerics


Archer [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Scout, Level 10+
Attacks:           Middle Bow, 3 hex.
                   Triple Shot, 3 hex. [C]
Magic:             Accel, MPC: 59, 3 hex.
                   Paralyze, MPC: 77, 3 hex.
                   Silent, MPC: 50, 4 hex.
Elementals:        1 Green
Class:             Scouts

Lancer [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Scout, Level 10+
Attacks:           Spear
                   Mirage Spear [C]
                   Spear Throw, 2 hex. Unable to use after movement.
Magic:             Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
Class:             Lancers

Sorceress [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Enchantress, Level 10+
Attacks:           Slash Whip
Magic:             Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                   Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                   Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
                   Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex
                   Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
                   Fall Berg, MPC: 135, 2 hex.
Elementals:        1 Blue, 1 Black.
Class:             Enchantresses

Mystic [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Enchantress, EXPERT Clerics, Level 10+
Attacks:           Force
Magic:             Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                   Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                   Flight, MPC: 90, 3 hex.
                   Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
                   Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
Elementals:        1 Blue, 1 White
Class:             Mystics
Notes:             This is an odd class, once change into a Mystic, you 
                   can no longer changes back to Enchantresses or 
                   Clerics Classes except for Scouts Class. The Mystic 
                   could only change to the Sage Class.

Lector [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Cleric, Level 10+
Attacks:           Pilgrim Rod
Magic:             Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
                   Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
                   Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
                   Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex. [A]
Elementals:        2 White
Class:             Clerics


Valkyrie [***]
Requirements:      EXPERT Lancer, Level 20 
Attacks:           Spear
                   Mirage Spear [C]
                   Spear Throw, 3 hex. Unable to use it after movement.
Magic:             Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex. [A]

Artemis [***]
Requirements:      EXPERT Archer, Level 20+
Attacks:           Long Bow, 4 hex.
                   Marvellous Shot, 4 hex. [C]
Magic:             Accel, MPC: 59, 3 hex.
                   Paralyze, MPC: 77, 3 hex. 
                   Silent, MPC: 50, 4 hex.
                   Protect, MPC: 61, 4 hex.
                   Solid, MPC: 77, 3 hex.
                   React, MPC: 126, 2 hex.
Elemental:         2 Green
Class:             Scouts

Witch [***]
Requirements:      EXPERT Sorceress, Level 20+
Attacks:           Slash Whip
Magic:             Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                   Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex.
                   Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
                   Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Fall Berg, MPC: 135, 2 hex.
                   Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
                   Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
                   Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex. [2 hex A]
                   Flight, MPC: 90, 3 hex.
Elemental:         2 Black, 1 Blue
Class:             Enchantresses

Sage [***]
Requirements:      EXPERT Mystic, Level 20+
Attacks:           Force
Magic:             Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
                   Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                   Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex.
                   Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
                   Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
                   Flight, MPC: 90, 3 hex.
                   Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex.
                   Exa-Blast, MPC: 152, 2 hex.
                   Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Elementals:        1 White, 1 Blue, 1 Red
Class:             Mystics

Saint [***]
Requirements:      EXPERT Lector, Level 20+
Attacks:           Pilgrim Rod
Magic:             Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                   Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
                   Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex.
                   Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
                   Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex.
                   Divine Ray, MPC: 183, 2 hex.
Elementals:        3 White
Class:             Clerics

* M A L E   U N I T S *

  Priest ================= Bishop ============= Cardinal
     || |
     ||  ================== Monk =============== Guardian 
Barbarian ================ Berserker ========== Avenger
     ||  |
     ||   ==================
     ||                     |
 Fighter ================ Cavalier ============ Paladin
     ||  |
     ||   =============== Samurai ============= Shogun
   Mage ================ Sorceress ============ Wizard
     || |
     ||  =============== Druid ================ Necromancer
  Ranger =============== Grappler ============= Champion

* Ninja is a special class, avalible if you have Shiraha in your
  country. You must get Level 10 and above. A Ninja can be promoted
  to a Ninja Master.


Priest [*]
Requirements:     INT 60 and above
Attack:           Clergy Mace
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex. 
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex. 
Elemental:        1 White
Class:            Priests

Fighter [*]
Requirements:     STR 60 and above
Attacks:          Fighter Blade
                  Power Strike [C]
Elemental:        Nil
Class:            Fighters

Barbarian [*]
Requirements:     STR 65 and above
Attacks:          Fury Axe 
                  Axe Rush [C]
Elemental:        Nil
Class:            Barbarians

Ranger [*]
Requirements:     STR 55, AGI 60
Attacks:          Brave Knuckle
                  Crash Beat [C]
Elemental:        Nil
Class:            Rangers

Mage [*]
Requirements:     INT 60
Attacks:          Sorcery Staff
Magic:            Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex. 
                  Geno-Flame, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                  Thunder, MPC: 91, 3 hex. 
                  Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Elemental:        1 Red
Class:            Mages


Bishop [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Priest
Attacks:          Clergy Mace
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex. 
                  Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex. 
                  Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex. 
                  Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex. 
Elemental:        2 White
Class:            Priests

Cavalier [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Fighter, EXPERT Barbarian
Attacks:          Knight Sword
                  Cross Cutter [C]
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
Elemental:        1 White
Class:            Armoured Knights

Sorcerer [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Mage
Attacks:          Sorcery Staff
Magic:            Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Geno-Flame, MPC: 166, 3 hex.
                  Thunder, MPC: 91, 3 hex.
                  Exa-Blast, MPC: 152, 2 hex.
                  Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
                  Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
Elemental:        Blue-Red

Ninja [**]
Requirements:     Shiraha in your country, STR 60, AGI 70
Attacks:          Kunai
                  Illusion [C]
                  Shuriken, 2 hex. able to use after movement.
Skill:            Hit and Away
Magic:            Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
                  Accel, MPC: 59, 3 hex.
                  Paralyze, MPC: 77, 3 hex.
Elemental:        Black, Green
Class:            Ninjas

Monk [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Priest
Attacks:          Debar Knuckle, may cause paralysis
                  Prana Burst [C]
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
Elemental:        1 white
Class:            Rangers

Druid [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Mage
Attacks:          Sorcery Staff
Magic:            Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
                  Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
                  Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
                  Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Geno-Flame, MPC: 166, 3 hex.
                  Thunder, MPC: 91, 3 hex.
                  Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Elemental:        Red, Black
Class:            Mages

Grappler [**]
Requirements:     EXPERT Ranger
Attacks:          Brave Knuckle
                  Crash Beat [C]
Skills:           Critical + 5 %
Elemental:        Nil
Class:            Rangers

Samurai [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Barbarian, EXPERT Fighter [higher in DEF]
Attacks:           Katana Blade
                   Shadow Moon [C]
Special:           Iai Slash, MPC: 40, 2 hex.
Skills:            Hit rate +10%
Elemental:         Nil
Class:             Samurais

Berserker [**]
Requirements:      EXPERT Barbarian, EXPERT Fighter
Attacks:           Fury Axe
                   Axe Rush [C]
Skill:             HP Recovery 5 %
Elemental:         1 Black
Class:             Barbarian

FINAL CLASS [Level 20+ Units]

Avenger [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Berserker
Attacks:          Knight Sword
                  Genocide [C]
Magic:            Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
                  Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
Skill:            HP Recovery 5 %
Elemental:        2 Black
Class:            Armoured Knights

Paladin [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Cavalier
Attacks:          Knight Sword
                  Justice Cutter [C]
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
                  Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex. [A]
Elemental:        2 White
Class:            Armoured Knights

Shogun [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Samurai
Attacks:          Katana Blade
                  Shadow Moon [C]
Special:          Iai Slash, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
Skills:           Hit + 20%
Class:            Samurais

Cardinal [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Bishop
Attacks:          Clergy Mace
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex. 
                  Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
                  Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
                  Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
                  Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex. [A]
                  Flight, MPC: 90, 3 hex.
Elemental:        2 White, 1 Blue
Class:            Priests

Necromancer [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Druid
Attacks:          Sorcery Staff
Magic:            Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
                  Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex. [A]{affect allies]
                  Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
                  Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
                  Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
                  Necro Rebirth, MPC: 97, 1 hex.
                  Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Geno-Flame, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                  Thunder, MPC: 91, 3 hex.
                  Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Elemental:        2 Black, 1 Red
Class:            Mages

Guardian [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Monk
Attacks:          Debar Knuckle, causes Paralysis
                  Ultra Combo [C]
Magic:            Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                  Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
                  Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
Elemental:        2 white
Class:            Rangers

Champion [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Grappler
Attacks:          Brave Knuckle
                  Ultra Combo [C]
Skill:            Critical Rate + 10%
Elemental:        Nil
Class:            Rangers

Ninja Master [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Ninja
Attacks:          Kunai
                  Illusion [C]
                  Shuriken, 3 hex. able use after movement.
Skills:           Hit and Away
Magic:            Dimension, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
                  Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
                  Accel, MPC: 59, 3 hex.
                  Protect, MPC: 61, 4 hex.
                  Paralyze, MPC: 77, 3 hex.
                  Solid, MPC: 85, 3 hex.
                  Silent, MPC: 56, 4 hex.
Class:            Ninjas

Wizard [***]
Requirements:     EXPERT Sorcerer
Attacks:          Sorcery Staff
Magic:            Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Geno-Flame, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                  Thunder, MPC: 91, 3 hex.
                  Geno-Thunder, MPC: 193, 3 hex. [A, 2 hex.]
                  Geno-Frost, MPC: 166, 3 hex. [A]
                  React, MPC: 126, 2 hex.
                  Exa-Blast, MPC: 152, 2 hex.
                  Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
                  Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
                  Fog, MPC: 49, 4 hex.
Elementals:       Red, Blue, Green
Class:            Mages

6.   L I S T    O F    I T E M S 

This is the list of items, I myself have managed to get after playing 
the five rulers. Well here is the list:
Name of Item                        Effect
Power Potion                        STR +3
Wisdom Potion                       INT +3
Speed Potion                        AGI +3
Life Potion                         HP +18
Rune Potion                         Rune Power + 10 [Knights only]
Rune-A Potion                       Rune Area + 1 [Knights only]
Fruit of Vice                       Changes Seraph to Lucifer
Liquor of Charm                     Changes Satan to Lilith
Rage Lightning                      Changes Titan to Thor
Wisdom Seed                         Changes Gigas to Loki

6.1     W E A P O N   L I S T

There are several things to take note before I begin this section. 
Firstly, you must finished reading section 5. before reading this
section. Now there is a reminder for everyone, that this list is still
not complete, so feel free if you managed to get those that is not 
mentioned in the List.

For those whom are too lazy to read, here is the summary.

Fighters:         Fighter class
Barbarians:       Barbarian and Berserker classes
Mages:            Mage, Sorcerer, Druid, Wizard, Necromancer classes
Rangers:          Ranger, Monk, Grappler, Guardian, Champion classes
Priests:          Priest, Bishop, Cardinal classes
Scouts:           Scout, Archer, Artemis classes
Enchantresses:    Enchantress, Sorceress, Witch classes
Clerics:          Cleric, Lector, Saint classes
Armoured Knights: Cavalier, Paladin, Avenger classes
Samurais:         Samurai, Shogun classes
Ninjas:           Ninja, Ninja Master classes
Lancers:          Lancer, Valkyrie classes
Mystics:          Mystics, Sage classes
Rulers:           Lance, Dryst, Vaynard, Cai, Lyoneese, Zemeckis, Cador

A R M O U R E D    K N I G H T S                        [Swords]
Name of Swords                Status                        Elemental
Laevatein                     ATK+20, Hit-5                 Red
Answeller                     ATK+14                        White
Mithril Sword                 MP+20, ATK+10, INT+4          Nil
Flame Edge                    ATK+8                         Red
Claimh Solais                 MP+30                         White
Bastard Sword                 ATK+6                         Nil
Gram                          ATK+18                        Nil
Tyrhung                       ATK+14, Hit+5                 Black

F I G H T E R S                                [Blades]
Name of Blades                Status                        Elemental
Death Master                  ATK+22, Hit-10                Nil
Evil Buster                   ATK+12, Hit+5                 White
Claymore                      ATK+10                        Nil
Giant Sword                   ATK-6, Hit-5, DEF+6           Nil
                              Rune Power + 15

S A M U R A I S                                       [Katanas]
Name of Katanas               Status                        Elemental
Kokoro                        ATK+16, Hit+10, RunePow-30    Nil
Kaze                          ATK+10                        Black
Tora                          ATK+8                         Nil
Tsuki                         ATK+19, HP+5                  Blue
Kusanagi                      ATK+5, RunePow.+20            Nil

B A R B A R I A N S                                  [Axes]
Name of Axes                  Status                        Elemental
Balor                         ATK+18                        Black
Revolving Axe                 ATK+14, Hit+8                 Nil
Flame Axe                     ATK+10                        Red
Beheading Axe                 ATK+8                         Black
Dwarf Axe                     ATK+6, Hit+5                  Nil

L A N C E R S                                         [Spears]
Name of Spears                Status                        Elemental
Gae Bolg                      ATK+18, Hit+10                Nil
Goddess Spear                 ATK+8                         White
Black Spear                   ATK+6                         Black
Ice Javelin                   ATK+10                        Blue
Gungnir                       ATK+24, Hit+5                 Nil
Brionac                       ATK+16                        Nil
Mithril Spear                 MP+20, ATK+12, INT+2          Nil

S C O U T S                                          [Bows]
Name of Bows                  Status                        Elemental
Crescent Bow                  ATK+19, INT+2,Hit+8           Nil
Heaven Bow                    ATK15                         White
Mithril Bow                   MP+20, ATK+10, INT+4          Nil
Flame Bow                     ATK+8                         Red
Elven Bow                     ATK+6, Hit+5                  Nil

M A G E S                                            [Staves]
Name of Staves               Status                         Elemental
Striking Staff               ATK+10                         Nil
Red Staff                    INT+4                          Red
Blue Staff                   INT+4                          Blue
Ganbantein                   ATK+8, INT+8                   Nil
Mithril Staff                MP+20, ATK+12, INT+2           Nil

C L E R I C S                                               [Rods]
Name of Rods                 Status                        Elemental
Telesis                      ATK+18, Hit+5                 Nil
Mithril Rod                  MP+20, ATK+6, INT+4           Nil
Madonna's Rod                INT+4                         White
Death Rod                    ATK+12, INT+2                 Black

P R I E S T S                                         [Maces]
Name of Maces                Status                        Elemental
Gravity Mace                 ATK+12,                       Nil
Judgement Mace               ATK+6                         White
Brave Hammer                 HP+10, ATK+10                 Nil
Skull Flail                  ATK+18                        Black
Mithril Mace                 MP+20, ATK+8, INT+4           Nil

E N C H A N T R E S S E S                            [Whips]
Name of Whips                Status                        Elemental
Cat O' Nine Tail             ATK+12                        Nil
Snake Tongue                 ATK+8, Hit+10                 Red
Torn Whip                    ATK+6                         Nil
Love Whip                    ATK-10, Hit-10,               Nil
                             Rune Power +10

R A N G E R S                                        [Knuckles]
Name of Knuckles             Status                         Elemental
Blast Knuckle                ATK+18                         Red
Speed Knuckle                ATK+9, Hit+10                  Nil
Rivet Knuckle                ATK+6                          Nil
Ogre Knuckle                 ATK+13                         Black
Wind Knuckle                 ATK+16                         Blue

N I N J A S                                           [Knives]
Name of Knives               Status                         Elemental
Shock Knife                  ATK+14, Hit+10                 Red
Painless Knife               ATK+8                          Nil
The Ripper                   MP-20, ATK+9, INT-10           Black

6.2     A R M O R    L I S T

Certain classes can only equip certain armor. Here is the list

Accessories:                  All
Shields:                      Only Priests, Clerics, Armoured Knights
Plate Mail:                   All except Mages, Rangers, Enchantresses
                              Mystics, Ninjas and Rulers
Robes:                        All except Rulers
Helmets:                      Only Fighters, Barbarians, Armoured 
                              Knights, Samurais and Lancers.
Hats:                         All except Rulers
Gloves:                       All except Mages, Enchantress, Mystics 
                              and Rulers
Boots:                        All except Rulers

Name of Accessories           Status
Pin of Defense*               DEF+8, Lowers damage by magic
Talisman                      Prevent status disorder
Wiseman Medal                 MP+10, INT+2
Ancient Book                  INT+6
Fire Amulet                   Red resist Up
Sacred Amulet                 White resist Up
Ring of Sorcery               MP+30, INT+4
Earring of the Sea            DEF+2, Blue resist Up
AntiMagic Ring                Lowers damage caused by magic
Wind Armband                  AGI+5
Forest Amulet                 Green resist Up
Solomon's Ring                Rune Power+30, Rune Area +1
Heal Ring                     Gain 20 HP every turn
Almighty Ring                 STR+3, INT+3, AGI+3, DEF+3
Soldier's Medal               HP+20, STR+2
Rune Armband                  Rune Power +25
Black Amulet                  Black resist Up
Bell of Comfort               Rune Power +15
Pirate's Medal                AGI+2
Ice Amulet                    Blue resist Up
Apostle's Horn                Rune Area+1
Rierre's Ring*                INT+5, DEF+5, Red Resist Up

* The Pin of Defense is obtained from the twins, Mira and Millet's 
  quest. The Rierre's Ring can be only obtained from Georg's Quest
  [Leonia ONLY]*

Name of Shields               Status
Battle Shield                 ATK+4, DEF+8
Flame Shield                  DEF+7, Red Resist Up
Ice Shield                    DEF+7, Blue Resist Up
Large Shield                  DEF+5
Aegis                         ATK+8

P L A T E    M A I L S
Name of Plate Mails           Status                        Elemental
Diamond Mail                  Evade-30, DEF+22, MOV:Down    Nil
                              Red resist Down.
Ice Mail                      DEF+10                        Blue
Volcano Armor                 DEF+15                        Red
Holy Armor                    DEF+12                        White
Evil Armor                    DEF+12                        Black
Heavy Armor                   DEF+6                         Nil

Name of Robes                  Status
Light Robe                     DEF+8, White resist Up
Dark Robe                      DEF+8, Black resist Up
Mirage Robe                    Evade+10, DEF+4
Solar Robe                     DEF+6, Red resist Up
IcyFog Robe                    DEF+6, Blue resist Up
Star Robe                      Evade+5, DEF+5

Name of Helmets                Status
Rune Helm                      DEF+4, Rune Area+1
Horned Helm                    DEF+5
Brute Mask                     HP+30, ATK+4, INT-8
Aiguil Helm                    HP+10, DEF+10

Name of Hats                   Status
Circlet of Wits                INT+6
Cool Hat                       DEF+3, Blue resist Up
Fairy Crown                    INT+4, DEF+1
Pixie Hat                      INT+2, DEF+2

Name of Gloves                 Status
Precise Glove                  Hit+15, DEF+6
Power Glove                    ATK+8, DEF+4
Ruby Glove                     MP+20, DEF+8, Red resist Up

Name of Boots                  Status
Fairy Pumps                    Evade+5, MOV: Up
Wing Shoes                     DEF+2, MOV:Down, Type: High Sky
Aqua Shoes                     MOV Type: Shoal
Flipper Boots                  DEF+3, Type: Water
Valient's WIng                 Type: High Sky
Speed Boots                    MOV: Up

7.    T H E    M O N S T E R    L I S T 

This list consist of the elementals, Rune Cost, Mana Cost, requirements
and my personal comments. Feel free to send your comments if you have
one. For your convience, I have arranged in order of their Rune Cost.

P R I M A R Y     M O N S T E R   U N I T S  [Level 1+, *]

Primary units can be obtained from quests and summoning. Sometimes you
can get them when someone has joined your country [For example, Dogal]

Elemental:        1 Black
Attacks:          Necro Eater
Comments:         Cheap and good attacker. Low Rune Cost makes it
                  affective. An ideal monster which can be use to lure
                  enemies. Level very fast. Medium MOV range.
Rune Cost:        15          Mana: 60 

Elemental:        1 Red
Attacks:          Poison Tail, may poisoned the enemy
Comments:         Low HP is the main weakness. But Poison Tail can be
                  dangerous as it cause poison [removes HP slowly]. 
                  This may force healing parties to waste their MP on
                  Cure. Low MOV range.
Rune Cost:        20         Mana: 100

Elemental:        Nil
Special:          Air Storm, MPC: 40, 2 hex.
Comments:         Does a fair amount of damage with Air Storm. Basic
                  attack requires MP. Can't counterattack. 
Rune Cost:        30         Mana: 120

Elemental:       1 Green
Attacks:         Stick Tap
                 Leave me be! [C]
Magic:           Protect, MPC: 61, 4 hex. 
                 Silent, MPC: 50, 4 hex.
Comments:        Good as prevent Mages from using magic by using 
                 Silent. Low attacking power make it useless in
                 combat, but a good support team.
Rune Cost:       30          Mana: 120

Elemental:      1 Blue
Attacks:        Splash Arch
Skills:         Aqua Recovery 5%, Aqua Attack + 20%
Comments:       Strictly an aquatic force. Does higher amount of
                damage in water and recovers HP in water. Moves more
                faster in water than on land.
Rune Cost:      25           Mana: 120

Lizard Man
Elemental:       1 Blue
Attacks:         Lefty Axe, high hit and critical rate.
Comments:        High critical and hit rate makes this monster a
                 valuble one. Good on marine battlefields and land.
Rune Cost:       30          Mana: 140

Elemental:      1 Black
Attacks:        Hell Fang
Special:        Hell Fire, MPC: 40, 2 hex.
Skill:          Hit and Away
Comments:       Levels up fast. Still can move after attacking. Use
                in conjuction with Halo spell.
Rune Cost:      35          Mana: 140

Elemental:      1 Green
Attacks:        Hunter Shot, 2 hex. useable after movement
Comments:       Good and decent sniper. Attacking from long range
                enables opponent to unable to counterattack, but low
                attacking power.
Rune Cost:      35           Mana: 160

Elemental:      1 White
Attacks:        Horn Attack
                Back Kick [C]
Magic:          Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
Comments:       Cheap and good support for Heal and Cure. Place them
                in the back row and recovers allies lost HP.
Rune Cost:      40           Mana: 220

Elemental:      1 Green
Attacks:        Tentacle Snap, may causes Paralysis
Comments:       High HP for a good blocker, could paralyze opponent
                with it's Tentacle Snap, but low attacking power.
Rune Cost:      35           Mana: 220

Clay Golem 
Elemental:      Nil
Attacks:        Golem Punch
Special:        Golem Attributes
Comments:       High in defense, makes it a great blocker. But low
                AGI causes it to misses it's attack. Can't petrify,
                paralyzed, silent or poisoned. Note that when a Fog
                spell is being cast on it, it will be vulnerable.
Rune Cost:      45           Mana: 240

Elemental:      1 Red
Attacks:        Power Fist
Comments:       Great attacker. Could do a serious damage to 
                Enchantresses with a Power spell cast on it.
Rune Cost:      60           Mana: 280

Elemental:      1 White
Attacks:        Beak Attack
Comments:       High MOV range allows it to move fast and catches the
                escaping general. Decent attacking power but misses
                quite often against low lying creatures.
Rune Cost:      55           Mana: 300

Elemental:      Nil
Attacks:        Tail Whip
Comments:       Use it to snipe up dying creatures, but beware of
                average hit rate.
Rune Cost:      60           Mana: 320

Elemental:      Nil
Attacks:        Solid Claw, may petrify enemy
Special:        Cry Bird, MPC: 60, 2 hex. [A]
Comments:       Best swooping monster. Moves fast and has a high rate
                of petrifying monsters. Cry Bird causes random 
                paralysis, but it also affect allies.
Rune Cost:      70           Mana: 380

Elemental:      1 Red
Attacks:        Terrow Jaw
Special:        Acid Breath, MPC: 40, 3 hex.
Comments:       Obviously the BEST troop. A solid line of this could
                does massive amount of damage to enemies. Acid Breath
                does damage to those in range, but also affect allies
                that are within the range. There is a high rate of 
                being poisoned.
Rune Cost:      75           Mana: 420

Elemental:      2 Blue
Attacks:        Freezing Spiral
Special:        Ice Breath, MPC: 45, 4 hex.
Skill:          Aqua Recovery 5%
Comments:       Treat it as the aquatic version of Dragons. it moves 
                slowly on land, but moves much faster on water. The
                4 hex. breath weapon could does huge amount on mages 
                with a Power spell being cast on it.
Rune Cost:      80           Mana: 460

Elemental:      2 Black
Attacks:        Evil Spike
Magic:          Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
                Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
Comments:       Average attacking power and high MOV range. High
                blasting magic. Venom may causes poison and Curse
                packs a punch.
Rune Cost:      85           Mana: 480

Elemental:      1 White
Attacks:        Cross Strike
Magic:          Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
                Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
Comments:       Good healing party and average attacker. Divine Ray
                can does a high damage of 130+ HP. But high Rune Costs
                and Mana makes it tough to choose.
Rune Cost:      85            Mana: 500

S E C O N D A R Y   M O N S T E R   U N I T S [Level 10+, **]

Once a particular monster have reached Level 10, it's time to change to
the secondary class [2 stars]. Firstly, choose Organize from the main
menu and then choose Class from the sub-menu and you should see an "UP"
and select it and you will be given the list, that a monster could 
change to. Note that you can only choose one. Secondary monsters has 
higher Rune Costs compared to primary monsters.

Elemental:    2 Black
Attacks:      Life Drain
Skill:        HP Recovery 5%
Comments:     Vampires are just better Ghouls with HP recovery. Life
              Drain not only causes damage, but as drains about 5% of
Rune Cost:    30             Requirements: Level 10 Ghoul

Death Needle
Elemental:    2 Red
Attacks:      Deadly Tail, may causes poison.
Comments:     Just a better Scorpion and higher attacking power.
Rune Cost:    35             Requirements: Level 10 G-Scorpion.

Elemental:    2 Blue
Attacks:      Wave Arch
Special:      Maelstorm, MPC: 40, 2 hex. [A]
Skill:        Aqua Recovery 5%
              Aqua Attack + 20%
Comments:     Maelstorm can only be used in water. Improved attacking
              power. However it is still better to used on marine
              battlefieds such as Lidney.
Rune Cost:    40             Requirements: Level 10 Merman

Elemental:    1 Black
Special:      Rottern Storm, MPC: 50, 3 hex.
Comments:     Improved attacking power and range. It's still can't
Rune Cost:    45             Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

Elemental:    1 Blue
Attacks:      Aqua Storm, MPC: 50, 3 hex.
Comments:     Longer range and higher attacking power. It's still can't
Rune Cost:    45              Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

Elementals:   1 Red
Special:      Fire Storm, MPC: 50, 3 hex.
Weak:         Longer range and improved attacking power. Still can't
Rune Cost:    45             Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

Elemental:   1 White
Special:     Ray Storm, MPC: 50, 3 hex.
Comments:    Longer range and improved attacking power. Still can't
Rune Cost:   45              Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

Elemental:   2 Green
Attacks:     Magic Stick
             Leave me be! [C]
Magic:       Protect, MPC: 60, 4 hex.
             Paralyze, MPC: 77, 3 hex.
             React, MPC: 126, 2 hex.
             Silent, MPC: 50, 4 hex.
Comments:    Slight improvement in attacking power. Has accquired more
             spells. React is useful and Paralyze could give them an
             edge in combat.
Rune Cost:   45               Requirements: Level 10 Pixie

Lizard Guard
Elemental:   2 Blue
Attack:      Guard Axe
Special:     Poison Breath, MPC: 30, 2 hex.
Comments:    Has very high hit rate, seems almost perfect. Average
             attacking power and Poison Breath also causes poison.
Rune Cost:   45              Requirements: Level 10 Lizard Man.

Elemental:   2 Black
Attacks:     Ruin Fang
Special:     Inferno, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
Comments:    Improved breath weapon and high attacking power.
Rune Cost:   50              Requirements: Level 10 Hellhound

High Centaur
Elemental:   2 Green
Attacks:     Killer Shot, 3 hex.
Comments:    Basically, a better Centaur with improved range and good
             attacking power. A solid line of these will result in a
             massive amount of damage to foes.
Rune Cost:   50              Requirements: Level 10 Centaur

Man Eater
Elemental:   2 Green
Attacks:     Tentacle Beat, may paralyzed opponent
Special:     Spine Missile, 3 hex. 
Comments:    A beefed up Mandrake plus a long range attacks. Spine 
             Missile can not be used after movement.
Rune Cost:   50              Requirements: Level 10 Mandrake.

Elemental:   2 White
Attacks:     Diving Horn
             Back Kick [C]
Magic:       Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
             Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
             Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
Comments:    A Unicorn with wings plus the Halo Spell. Back Kick will
             moves an opponent 1 hex. away. An ideal heal support.
Rune Cost:   55               Requirement: Level 10 Unicorn,
                                           Level 20 Nightmare
Elemental:  2 Black
Attacks:    Calamity Horn
            Back Kick [C]
Magic:      Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
            Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
Comments:   A unicorn with no healing spells. Dimension can move away
            key monsters such as Unicorns and Angels. Average attacking
            power. Use Weakness on your foe before start attacking.
Rune Cost:  55                Requirements: Level 10 Unicorn

Stone Golem
Elemental:  Nil
Attacks:    Stone Punch
            Stone Throw, 2 hex.
Skill:      Golem Attributes
Comments:   Just a better Golem with higher defence and has a long 
            range based weapon, but low hit rate.
Rune Cost:  70               Requirements: Level 10 Clay Golem.

Elemental:  1 White, 1 Red
Attacks:    Hyper Fist
Comments:   Just a better Giant with improved attacking power, but it
            has a low movement range. When a Power spell is cast on 
            these guys, they can do a massive amount of damage.
Rune Cost:  75               Requirements: Level 10 Giant

Elemental:  1 Black, 1 Red
Attacks:    Heavy Fist
Comments:   Slow movement, but high attacking power. With a Power spell
            cast on these guys, they can do a massive amount of damage.
Rune Cost:  75               Requirements: Level 10 Giant.

Elemental:  Nil
Attacks:    Tail Chain
Special:    Dragon Roar, MPC: 25, 1 hex [A]
Comments:   A better Wyvern with higher attacking power. Dragon Roar
            affects both allies and enemies within the range [it reduce
            1/6 of total HP]
Rune Cost:  80                Requirements: Level 10 Wyvern

Holy Griffin
Elemental:  2 White
Attacks:    Beak Clash
            Feather Storm, 2 hex.
Comments:   A better Gryhon with a long range attack. Feather Storm can
            not be used after movement. A decent attacker.
Rune Cost:  80               Requirements: Level 10 Gryhon.

Elemental:  3 Red
Attacks:    Fire Claw
Special:    Heal Voice, MPC: 80, 2 hex.
Skill:      HP Recovery 10%
Comments:   The toughest secondary class monster. It has a 10% HP
            recovery plus a decent attacking power. Heal Voice is 
            useful, just like the Area Heal, but beware enemies 
            whom is within the region also gets healed too.
Rune Cost:  90               Requirements: Level 10 Roc

Red Dragon
Elemental:  2 Red
Attacks:    Burning Jaw
Specials:   Fire Breath, MPC: 45, 4 hex.
Comments:   An improved Dragon with longer breath weapon and increased
            attacking power. A walking powerful machine.
Rune Cost:  95               Requirements: Level 10 Dragon

White Dragon
Elemental:  1 White, 1 Red
Attacks:    Lightning Fang
Special:    Energy Bolt, MPC: 45, 4 hex.
Comments:   A flying Dragon with improved movement, attacking power and
            extended breath weapon. More expensive compared to Red
Rune Cost:  100               Requirements: Level 10 Dragon

Arch Demon
Elemental:  3 Black
Attacks:    Crime Spike
Magic:      Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
            Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
            Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
            Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
Comments:   A better Demon with two more spells. High attacking power
            makes it a better attacker in combat.

Elemental:  2 Blue, 1 Black
Attacks:    Ruinous Spiral
Special:    Death Breath, MPC: 50, 5 hex.
Comments:   A better Hydra. High HP makes it a tough one on both land 
            and sea battles. Plus it has 5 hex. breath weapon which is
            also a killer weapon too.
Rune Cost:  110              Requirements: Level 10 Hydra

Arch Angel
Elemental:  3 White
Attacks:    Cross Blitz
Magic:      Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
            Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
            Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
            Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex.
Comments:   Rather expensive, but more affective as it has more spells
            such as Holy Word and Halo.
Rune Cost:  105              Requirements: Level 10 Angel.

F I N A L    C L A S S    M O N S T E R S   [Level 20+]

Vampire Lord
Elemental:    3 Black
Attacks:      Life Drain
Special:      Bat Attack, MPC: 50, 2 hex.
Skill:        HP Recovery 10%
Magic:        Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
              Necro Rebirth, MPC: 97, 1 hex.
Comments:     The easiest to get among all Final Class monsters. 10%
              HP Recovery make them a tough unit, plus they have
              Necro Rebirth
Rune Cost:    70             Requirements: Level 20 Vampire

Elementak:    3 Blue
Attacks:      Flood Arch
Special:      Mael Storm, MPC: 50, 3 hex. [A]
Skills:       Aqua Recovery 10%
              Aqua Attack 20%
Rune Cost:    75             Requirements: Level 20 Triton

Bronze Golem
Elemental:    Nil
Attacks:      Bronze Punch
              Rock Throw, 3 hex.
Skill:        Golem Attributes
Comments:     Basically a better Golem. Longer Rock Throw makes it a
              better attack, but still has crappy hit rate with the
              Rock Throw.
Rune Cost:    85             Requirements: Level 20 Stone Golem

Elemental:    2 White, 1 red
Attacks:      Mjolnir
Special:      Thor Hammer, MPC: 120, 3 hex.
Comments:     A very powerful attacking warrior with a new outfit. 
              Thor Hammer gives this guy an edge to combat.
Rune Cost:    95              Requirements: Rage Lightning + Titan

Elemental:    2 Black, 1 red
Attacks:      Megaton
Magic:        Dimension, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
              Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex. [2 hex. A]
Comments:     Similar to the Titan, but has Meteor Doom. Reach until 
              Level 18 so that Meteor Doom can be used or use Magic
Rune Cost:    95              Requirements: Wisdom Seed + Gigas

Elemental:    3 Red
Attacks:      Burning Fang
Special:      Grand Flame, MPC: 55, 5 hex.
              Dragon Roar, MPC: 25, 1 hex. [A]
Comments:     A very powerful monster. Grand Flame can does damage up
              to 200+ and can have Enchantresses for breadfast!
Rune Cost:    110              Requirements: Level 20 Red Dragon

Elemental:    2 White, 1 Red
Attacks:      Lustral Fang
Magic         Photon, MPC: 55, 5 hex.
              Dragon Roar, MPC: 25, 1 hex.
Comments:     Very powerful and destructive and seems stand at pace
              with the Tiamats. High destructive attacking power.
Rune Cost:    115           Requirements: Level 10 White Dragon.

Elemental:     Nil
Attacks:       Final Fang
Special:       Final Breath, MPC: 55, 5 hex.
               Dragon Roar, MPC: 25, 1 hex. [A]
Comments:      Has higher MOV range compared to Salamander. Very 
               destructive when a Power spell is being cast on it.
Rune Cost:     115            Requirements: Level 20 Couatl

Elemental:     3 Black
Attacks:       Dark Pleasure
               Death Lip [C]
               Nasty Needle, 2 hex.
Magic:         Venom, MPC: 45, 3 hex.
               Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex. [2 hex, A]
               Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
               Necro Rebirth, MPC: 97, 1 hex.
               Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
               Weakness, MPC: 66, 4 hex.
Comments:      It has the whole load of Black Magic. It has also 
               accquired the Meteor Doom, the mostly deadly black 
               magic. The only problem is that it practically takes 
               AGES to advance this far. Nastly Needle can used after
Rune Cost:     115           Requirements: Level 20 Arch Demon

Elemental:    3 White
Attacks:      Punish Rise
              Nemesis [C]
              Light Feather, 2 hex.
Magic:        Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
              Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
              Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
              Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
              Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex.
              Divin Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
Comments:     A very good healing party. This unit has accquired the
              a whole load of White Magic, plus a two hex useable
              attack [after movement]
Rune Cost:    120           Requirements: Level 20 Arch Angel

Elemental:    1 White, 1 Black, 1 Blue
Attacks:      Dark Ecstasy
              Lilith Kiss [c], may messerises opponent.
              Chaos Needle, 2 hex.
Magic:        Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
              Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
              Venom, MPC: 54, 3 hex.
              Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex. [2 hex A]
              Curse, MPC: 108, 2 hex.
              Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
              Weakness, MPC: 68, 4 hex.
              Necro Rebirth, MPC: 97, 1 hex.
              Frost, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
              Charm, MPC: 110, 2 hex.
Comments:     Wow! This is great. With a whole of magic, this unit 
              can be use as a defensive unit or attacking force.
              Needed to get Liquor of Charm.
Rune Power:   120                   Requirements: Satan + Liquor of

Elemental:   1 White, 1 Red, 1 Black
Attacks:     Fallen Shine
             Shalom [C]
             Chaos Feather, 2 hex.
Magic:       Heal, MPC: 65, 3 hex.
             Area Heal, MPC: 147, 2 hex. [A]
             Cure, MPC: 54, 4 hex.
             Halo, MPC: 88, 4 hex.
             Divine Ray, MPC: 112, 2 hex.
             Holy Word, MPC: 183, 4 hex. [A]
             Meteor Doom, MPC: 255, 3 hex [A-2 hex]
             Dimension, MPC: 83, 4 hex.
             Flame, MPC: 68, 3 hex.
             Power, MPC: 62, 4 hex.
Comments:    Has Meteor Doom, Holy Word and Area Heal. Great, but
             it also consume time for an Angel to reach so far.
Rune Cost:   125              Requirements: Seraph + Fruit of Vice.

Elemental:   Nil
Attacks:     Mega Punch
             Rock Throw, 4 hex.
Comments:    This unit is deadly as it does tons of damage to a
             single foe. The 4 hex Rock Throw may be deadly, but it
             still has a crappy hit rate.             
Rune Cost:   90               Requirements: Level 30 Bronze Golem

8.    T H E     R U L E R ' S    W A L K T H R O U G H

These are just the basic guidlines for a ruler. I have also included a
list of data about the castles. There is a list of Rune Knights and the 
Rune Knights breakdown. 

Vaynard:     Norgard's Walkthrough
This Kingdom is situated in the north continent. The ruler, Vaynard
begins with several good generals such as Guinglain, Yvain, Palomides
and Brangien. This country has a powerful troop of dragons, therefore
it is not a good one to mess with. The only problem with this country
is that you may have trouble in defend your domain as there are a total 
of four castles to defend.

Okay, here is the character's list in their respective castles at the
Name of Castle          Name of Leader          Occupation
Flogeru                 Vaynard                 Lord
                        Brangien                Archer
Senadon                 --                      --
Kardiff                 --                      --
Humber                  Noie                    Cleric
                        Kirkmond                Sorcerer
                        Dillard                 Grappler
Jukes                   Guinglain               Cavalier
                        Yvain                   Cavalier
                        Palomides               Berserker
Listinoise              Roadbull                Bishop
                        Elaine                  Enchantress
Alliryme                Zerafin                 Mage
                        Faticia                 Lancer
                        Ector                   Fighter
C A S T L E S   O F    N O R G A R D

Name of Castle:    Alliryme        Income: 225
Summon List:       Jinn, Unicorn, Clay Golem, Dragon
Status:            Prevent New Almekia's invasions from Gorule.

Name of Castle:    Kardiff         Income: 196
Summon List:       Ghoul, Giant, Wyvern.
Status:            An important castle. In hot soup, if this castle is
                   occupied by an enemy. 5-castle path.

Name of Castle:    Senadon         Income: 234
Summon List:       G-Scorpion, Centaur, Unicorn, Roc
Status:            Another key castle in the northern terrain. 4-castle

Name of Castle:    Flogeru         Income: 439
Summon List:       G-Scorpion, Jinn, Lizard Man, Hellhound, Giant, 
                   Wyvern, Dragon
Status:            Captial of Norgard. Valuble for northern conquests.

Name of Castle:    Listinoise      Income: 231
Summon List:       Ghoul, Hellhound, Roc, Demon
Status:            Choke point for Norgard, prvent Esgares' invasion
                   through Orkney.

Name of Castle:    Jukes           Income: 216
Summon List:       Pixie, Lizard Man, Gryhon, Dragon
Status:            This castle is separated from Lidney by a bridge.

Name of Castle:    Humber          Income: 207
Summon List:       G-Scorpion, Merman, Hellhound, Hydra.
Status:            This castle prevents invasions from Leonia.

Firstly, move your leaders well so that there are at least 3 Rune 
Knights guard a castle that are located at the borders. Defend your 
borders well and attack them slowly, about one at the time. At 215, 
3rd month, Vaynard will head to Leonia and engage war with Leonia. 
After your first victory, Luintail will join you. Attack New Almekia 
until you reach Camelford. Morholt will join you at about 4th month of 
215, if you are lucky enough, you will get Schutlesis to join your 
party. Attack Leonia, which is the weakest country in the game, keep on 
attacking just sending your best knights and you will be able to finish 
Leonia in a year. Station a decent force at Hadrian. Do some quests and 
hopefully can get more Rune Knights. Attack Lidney with marine force 
such as Hydras [Lidney has a high income of 300!] and this will greatly 
weaken Esgares. Attack Orkney to create more trouble. Now concentrate 
on finishing New Almekia. Take the castle of Camelford and advance to 
other cities until you reach BaydonHill. Now with enough manpower, 
advance on your attacks on Esgares. Hopefully that it is greatly weaken 
by other countries. Dealt the finishing blow and you be able to finish 
Esgares in a year of so. Now concentrate on quests, getting ex-Esgares 
Knights to your terrain. Soleil will join you if Schutlesis is on your 
side. Now advance your attacks on Iscalio and move with same party that 
have defeat Leonia, if not consider send in more reinforcements and 
finished off Iscalio. At last, down to the last country, Caerleon. 
Advance your attacks on Squests with marine force and from Asten, 
advance towards Hervey and capture Linnuis and Baynock. Caerleon will 
be greatly weaken as Kail is the lowest income castle in their country. 
Now dealt the finishing blow and you have succeeded in unify the entire 

R U N E   K N I G H T S   O F   N O R G A R D 

Vaynard:    Level 18 Lord, Rune Power: 332. High Attacking Power
            Known as the White Wolf of Norgard. Second best Rune Power.
Guinglain:  Level 17 Cavalier, EXPERT, Rune Power: 294, 3 more levels
            to reach Paladin. Equip: Answeller.
Brangien:   Level 10 Archer, Rune Power: 257. Equip: Heaven Bow.
Noie:       Level 2 Cleric, Rune Power: 201. High Rune Power for low
            levels. 4 stars to reach EXPERT in Cleric. Equip: Madonna's
Kirkmond:   Level 12 Sorcerer, Rune Power: 191. 3 stars to reach 
            EXPERT! in Sorcerer.
Dillard:    Level 10 Grappler, Rune Power: 180. Requires 5 stars to
            reach EXPERT! in Grappler.
Zerafin:    Level 7 Mage, Rune Power: 175. Requires 3 more levels to
            reach secondary classes.
Faticia:    Level 10 Lancer, Rune Power: 164. Low Rune Power. Equip
            her with a Solomon's Ring .
Ector:      Level 5 Fighter, Rune Power: 161. Just a star is required 
            to reach EXPERT! in Fighter and 5 levels to secondary 
Roadbull:   Level 14 Bishop, Rune Power: 247. Just a star is required
            to reach EXPERT! in Bishop. High chance of getting to
            Cardinal Class.
Elaine:     Level 1 Enchantress. Rune Power: 151. Need to gain more 
            experience points ! Better off by sending her for quests.
Yvain:      Level 13 Cavalier. Rune Power: 231. 2 stars to reach 
            EXPERT! in Cavalier. High Rune Power. Equip: Large Shield
Palomides:  Level 13 Berserker. Rune Power: 211. 2 stars to reach
            EXPERT! In Berserker.
Morholt:    Level 16 Druid. Rune Power: 205. 4 levels to reach the
            Necromancer class.
Luintail:   Level 17 Berserker. Rune Power: 225 . 3 levels to reach 
            the Avenger class. This guy will join you when you play as

Lance:       New Almekia Walkthrough

This is probably the best country to start with and you will be going
to have an easy time. Lance maybe just a Level 1 Prince, but he reach
support from several powerful knights such as Gereint, Coel, Meleagant
and Halley. Lance may be weak, but in no time, you should be able to 
see the real power of Lance. He will become King with the addition of
his original magic spells plus the Geno-Flame.

Well let's proceed to the list of Rune Knights and the castles they are
originally at.

Name of Castle          Name of Leader          Occupation
Calamry                 Lance                   Prince
                        Gereint                 Samurai
                        Coel                    Bishop
                        Meleagant               Avenger
                        Carlota                 Enchantress
Phazard                 Loufal                  Fighter
Camelford               Adilicia                Lancer
                        Batercus                Grappler
                        Brusom                  Samurai
Gorule                  Gilsus                  Sorcerer
                        Aphelia                 Cleric
                        Liguel                  Scout
BaydonHill              --                      --
C A S T L E S    O F     N E W    A L M E K I A

Name of Castle:   Gorule      Income:     209
Summon List:      Pixie, Merman, Clay Golem, Wyvern
Status:           Prevent Norgard invasions through castle Alliyrme

Name of Castles:  Camelford   Income:     289
Summon List:      Jinn, Mandrake, Gryhon, Angel
Status:           A key castle, defend it well as it prevents attacks
                  from the Esgares Empire through castles Eorsia and

Name of Castle:   Calmary     Income:     405
Summon List:      G-Scorpion, Jinn, Centaur, Unicorn, Clay Golem, 
                  Gryhon, Dragon
Status:           High income and former captial of Padstow.

Name of Castle:   Phazard     Income:     200
Summon List:      Ghoul, Merman, Giant, Hydra.
Status:           A castle that is located at the east of Calmary

Name of Castle:   BaydonHill  Income:     239
Summon List:      Ghoul, Merman, Giant, Hydra
Status:           A castle that leads to Squest of Caerleon.

Defending this country is extreme easy as you can seal off your terrain
with two castles, Camelford and Gorule. Set a decent troop at Camelford
so that you can prevent any enemy invasion through Orkney or Eorsia.
Start out by attacking Alliyrme and Kardiff. After the first month, Cai
on the behalf of Caerleon will form an alliance. Now with sufficient 
support, launch repeat attacks on Esgares. Intial assaults on Cador 
may be tough but do give up. As Coel says that whether he is should pay
a visit to Officer Glauze, sent him for quest and this will recruit 
Glauze to your side. On the 9th month of 215, the lady whom has saved
both Lance and Gereint will come and meet Prince Lance. She is searching
for Bulnoil, the magician whom is responsible for all the chaos caused
on the continent. During the first month of 216, Alsace will join Lance.
Now start to attack Norgard, take Flogeru, an ideal castle for ruling
the north continent. Then about somewhere around this year, Halley will
join you. Now dealt the finishing blow on Norgard and this should be no
problem. With Halley in your party, attack on Esgares [which is should 
be greatly weaken by Iscalio, Caerleon and Norgard]. This may take up
to the maximum of 3 years. Now you will held the coronation at Logres 
and Prince Lance will be promoted to King and gain Geno-Flame. Now
attack on Leonia, just send Meleagant, Gereint and a Mage will do the
trick. Attack and dealt the finishing blow. Caerleon should be
intensively with war against Iscalio and should be able to finish
Iscalio in a year or so. At last, victory is yours.
Note: You may need to occupied Logres.

Under ANY circumstances, do NOT attack CAERLEON. If you did so, you 
will introduce a strong foe, Cai and ths Knight Master, Dinadan. This
will make life tough as you have to guard more castles and so don't
ever try to fight Caerleon!

R U N E    K N I G H T S    O F    N E W    A L M E K I A

Lance:      Level 1 Prince. Rune Power: 220. This guy may have low 
            levels, but can gain more levels and accquire Geno-Flame
            when you defeat Esgares.
Gereint:    Level 19 Samurai. Rune Power: 284. EXPERT! in Samurai.
            Just gain about 1,000+ EXP and Gereint will reach the
            Shogun Class. Equip: Tora
Meleagant:  Level 20 Avenger. Rune Power: 209. This guy is tough. 
            Probably your best bet at the beginning of the game.
Coel:       Level 16 Bishop. Rune Power: 254. Just gain 4 more levels
            and you will reach the Cardinal Class. Can get Glauze
            to join when goes for quest. Equip: Sacred Amulet.
Carlota:    Level 8 Enchantress. Rune Power: 170. Gain 2 more levels
            and you will reach the secondary class from the basic
            Enchantress. Equip: Ring of Sorcery
Loufal:     Level 6 Fighter. Rune Power: 165. Just gain 4 more levels
            to the Cavalier Class. Can get Mithril Sword by questing
            after he have become a Cavalier.
Adilicia:   Level 11 Lancer. Rune Power: 230. High Rune Power makes
            it a strong foe. Known as the Death Lady.
Batercus:   Level 11 Grappler. Rune Power: 176. Low Rune Power makes
            this guy much weaker compared to Adilicia. 
Brusom:     Level 13 Samurai. Rune Power: 158. Gain 2 more stars to
            reach EXPERT in Samurai class. Horrible Rune Power. 
Gilsus:     Level 11 Sorcerer. Rune Power: 189. Gain 4 more stars to
            reach EXPERT in Sorcerer class: Equip: Striking Staff
Aphelia:    Level 9 Cleric. Rune Power: 183. Just a level from the
            Lector or Mystic class. EXPERT in Cleric class.
Liguel:     Level 2 Scout. Rune Power: 163. The only person in New
            Almekia whom has the probability of reaching the Archer
            class. Can get Liguel [defeat Iscalio] and Castor [defeat
            Esgares to join you.
Glauze:     Level 15 Cavalier. Rune Power: 222. An acceptable fighter.
            5 more levels from the Paladin status. 
Alsace:     Level 1 Fighter. Rune Power: 150 . This guy is better off 
            by sending him for quests.
Halley:     Level 21 Valkyrie, Rune Power: 294. High Rune Power and has
            accquired Holy Word, leaves after serving a year.

Cai:        Caerleon Walkthrough  
This country is probably the second best as Cai is very powerful 
magician whom has accquired all Genos. Under him, includes the cheerful
Merriot, Bishop BeauArte and Knight Master Dinadan. This country is
the easiest to defend as you can just seal off the entrance with one

Now onto the list of Rune Knights and castles in Caerleon.

Name of Castle          Name of Leader          Occupation
Linnuis                 Cai                     Warlock
                        Merriot                 Scout
                        Dinadan                 Paladin
                        BeauArte                Bishop
Kail                    Janfadar                Druid
Baynock                 Cierra                  Sorceress
Hervey                  Shast                   Grappler
                        Bilcock                 Priest
Squest                  --                      --
C A S T L E S    O F     C A E R L E O N

Name of Castle:   Squest           Income:      211
Summon List:      Merman, Lizard Man, Roc, Hydra
Status:           One of the castles in the four castles path. Leads to
                  BaydonHill of New Almekia. Vital if is fighting 
                  against Caerleon.

Name of Castle:   Kail             Income:      176
Summon List:      Ghoul, Hellhound, Wyvern
Status:           Two-castle path leading to Linnuis and Squest.

Name of Castle:   Linnuis          Income:      469
Summon List:      Pixie, Jinn, Lizard Man, Centaur, Mandrake, Giant,
Status:           Captial of Caerleon with a high income and in the 
                  three castle path.

Name of Castle:   Baynock          Income:      214
Summon List:      Unicorn, Gryhon, Wyvern, Dragon
Status:           The choke point of Caerleon against eastern invasions

Name of Castle:   Hervery          Income:      233
Summon List:      G-Scorpion, Centaur, Clay Golem, Angel
Status:           The castle that allows Caerleon to attack Salisbury
                  and Xanas. Second highest income for Caerleon.
Okay, now let's get started. Sent some of Rune Knights for quests and 
stabilize your defense at Hervery. At 215, 3rd Month, Cai and Merriot
will head for New Almekia and confirmed the alliance. Millia will joins
your soon after. As Millia says that she is going to visit an old 
friend call Eloute, sent her for quest and you will get Eloute to join
you. With sufficient manpower, attack Salisbury and Xanas. As Eloute
mentions to Millia about a guy named Gush, be sure to sent both of them
for a quest, provide you have enough manpower. With Gush on your side, 
launch attack on Iscalio with Dinadan, BeauArte and Jandafar. From 
Xanas, keep on attacking down the row. After a year of so, Millia will 
talk to both Gush and Eloute about visit a friend which will recruit 
Lecarra by sending all 3 at time. Make sure you have enough manpower
to cover all the castles at your border for the time being. You will be 
able to finish Iscalio and keep on attacking on Leonia and defeat this 
weak country and take Humber of Norgard. Hopefully that Esgares is great 
weaken by New Almekia and Norgard and give some aid to New Almekia. 
Capture key castles such as Kardiff and Senadon which will greatly 
weaken Norgard. New Almekia should have done a massive amount of damage
on Norgard and Esgares. Finished off Vaynard with your troop and 
allowing New Almekia to defeat Esgares. If there is a need remember to
aid New Almekia and you will beat the game.

R U N E   K N I G H T S   O F   C A E R L E O N

Cai:      Level 22 Warlock, Rune Power: 319. The guy with the all-Genos.
          Very destructive.
Dindan:   Level 25 Paladin, Rune Power: 307. This guy is the only 
          Knight Master as he has accquired EXPERT in Paladin !
Merriot:  Level 3 Scout, Rune Power: 221. A cheerful lady with high 
          Rune Power. Gain 3 more levels to reach EXPERT in Archer 
          class. Equip: Elven Bow
BeauArte: Level 12 Bishop, Rune Power: 224. A advisor to Cai. High
          Rune Power, makes him better in combat.
Cierra:   Level 15 Sorceress, Rune Power: 180. Low in Rune Power, but
          only five levels from the Witch status. Equip: Earring of the
Shast:    Level 11 Grappler, Rune Power: 172. Low in Rune Power, but
          has a higher ATK compared to others.
Bilcock:  Level 5 Pirest, Just a star from the EXPERT status in Pirest.
          Has the chance to advance to a Monk or Bishop.
Janfadar: Level 12 Druid, Rune Power: 198. Acceptable Rune Power and
          seems to the second magician in Caerleon ! 3 stars to reach
          EXPERT!. Equip: Ancient Book.
Millia:   Level 5 Enchantress, Rune Power: 194. Acceptable warrior 
          with high Rune Power, and just a star from reaching EXPERT!
Eloute:   Level 9 Fighter. Rune Power: 208. An nice guy towards 
          Millia, just a level from the Cavalier/Berserker status.
Gush:     Level 11 Monk, Rune Power: 167 . Another guy whom falls in 
          love for Millia, just four stars from becoming EXPERT.
Lecarra:  Level 16, Mystic, Rune Power: 217. Just four levels to 
          reach the Sage status.

Dryst:    Iscalio Walkthrough
So you have decided to play the Man in Fancy Hat, Dryst. He is a 
Tryant and is tough cookie along with good warriors such as Iria, 
Ulster and Camden. This country is easy to defend [can seal off with
only two castles], but still very difficult to attack. There is 
another problem, he loves gambling and he is rather stuborn in nature.
Let's proceed to the list of castles and Rune Knights.

Name of Castle          Name of Leader         Occupation
Caelsent                Dryst                  Tryant
                        Iria                   Valkyrie
                        Camden                 Druid
                        Ulster                 Bishop
                        Hula                   Cleric
Lothian                 --                     --
Bronceliande            --                     --
Letishnote              Daffy                  Samurai
Xanas                   Bagdemagus             Berserker
                        Gallo                  Rnager
                        Victoria               Sorceress
Asten                   Miguel                 Cavalier
                        Lucia                  Scout
                        Teath                  Fighter
C A S T L E S    O F     I S C A L I O

Name of Castle:   Xanas             Income:     236
Summon List:      Pixie, Mandrake, Clay Golem, Dragon
Status:           Three castle path. This castle is the choke point for
                  Iscalio. Prevent attacks from Esgares and Caerleon.

Name of Castle:   Asten             Income:     203
Summon List:      G-Scorpion, Jinn, Centaur, Giant
Status:           Another three-castle path. This castle is another
                  choke point and prevent attacks from Leonia and 

Name of Castle:   Letishnote        Income:     208
Summon List:      Jinn, Merman, Unicorn, Giant
Status:           A two-castle path that leads to Xanas and Caelsent.

Name of Castle:   Bronceliande      Income:     253
Summon List:      Pixie, Hellhound, Mandrake, Demon
Status:           A two-castle path, that leads to Asten and Caelsent.

Name of Castle:   Caelsent          Income:     424
Summon List:      Ghoul, Lizard Man, Centaur, Hellhound, Mandrake,
                  Wyvern, Roc.
Status:           Captial of Iscalio. High income make it worth to
                  defend. It is the core of Iscalio. 

Name of Castle:   Lothian           Income:     202
Summon list:      Ghoul, Lizard Man, Hellhound, Hydra.
Status:           A backyard castle, no importance in geographical

Firstly, take a strike at Hadrian at Leonia and attack with 2 parties.
Stationed a party for each castle at Xanas and Hadrian. Just send Dryst,
Camden and Iria to attack Leonia. Do take the castle of Humber yet as
Norgard is huge country, more tougher with Vaynard and Guinglain. There
is one bad thing for Iscalio, that is there is no Knight whom is going
to join you freely, just like Millia of Caerleon. You can only obtained
new Rune Knights through quests. With sufficient manpower, attempt to
take Karnabone, Salisbury and Hervery. Have Camden and Ulster to attack
Caerleon. Capturing Hervey will greatly decreases the income of 
Caerleon and attack Linnuis and Squest and you will be able to finish
Caerleon. Now advance your attacks on New Almekia until, you have
captured Phazard and invade Toria and Oltroute. Invading Toria will
causing Esgares to split up and will make Norgard and New Alemkia to
invade Esgares. So seize the opportunity and get Aldis on your side.
As New Almekia attention is drawn away, attack Calmary and Camelford 
and this will weaken New Almekia in addition of Norgard's attacks.
With Norgard's attention being drawn to Esgares start attack Humber
and take the castle of Jukes and Senadon. Dealt the finishing blow
on Esgares and you will have no problem in defeating the other two. PS:
Take note of the stupid war between Dryst and his partners after they
have defeat all countries.

R U N E    K N I G H T S   O F   C A E R L E O N

Bagdemagus:      Level 16 Berserker. Rune Power: 215. High attacking
                 power and just four levels from Avenger status. 
                 Equip: Power Glove
Gallo:           Level 9 Ranger. Rune Power: 197. Just a level from the
                 Grappler status. High Rune Power when reach 10+
Victoria:        Level 11 Sorceress. Rune Power: 144. Extremely low
                 Rune Power. Four stars to EXPERT in Sorceress.
                 Equip: Pixie Hat.
Daffy:           Level 12 Samurai. Rune Power: 181. Just 3 stars from
                 an EXPERT in Samurai class. Equip: Horned Helm
Dryst:           Level 21 Tryant. Rune Power: 322. High attacking
                 power and along with some magic. Deadly when Super
                 Tryant is reached [requires Level 30]
Iria:            Level 20 Valkyrie. Rune Power: 248. Just a level from
                 here and you can use the Holy Word. Second best bet 
                 for Iscalio. Equip: Black Spear
Camden:          Level 14 Druid. Rune Power: 235. Just a star to reach
                 EXPERT in Druid. Deadly when Necromancer is reached.
Ulster:          Level 12 Bishop. Rune Power: 228. Just 3 stars to
                 reach EXPERT in Bishop class.
Hula:            Level 1 Cleric. Rune Power: 178. High Rune Power for
                 a low class. Level up very fast.
Miguel:          Level 10 Cavalier. Rune Power: 178. Low Rune Power and
                 requires upgrading. Require 5 stars to reach EXPERT in
                 Cavalier. can get Liguel [defeat New Almekia] and
                 Castor [defeat Esgares]
Lucia:           Level 8 Scout. Rune Power: 165. Low Rune Power but 
                 just 2 levels from reach the Archer/Lancer.
Teath:           Level 2 Fighter. Rune Power: 153. Acceptable Rune
                 Power and just 4 stars from reaching EXPERT in the
                 Figher class.

Lyoneese:        Leonia Walkthrough
Now I have reached the fifth ruler, Lyoneese. This country is hardiest
to use as Queen Lyoneese has only one Level 20 general and that's 
Paternus. The country may be weak but you can defend it well, but 
guarding the castles at it's borders [Damas and Hadrian]. There is 
another point, that is the only one castle that allows you to summon
Dragons and that is Glume. [it also applies to Iscalio, which is Xanas]
Okay let's proceed to the list and the castles.

Name of Castle          Name of Leaders         Occupation
Tallas                  Lyonesse                Queen 
                        Kiloph                  Barbarian
                        Paternus                Cardinal
                        Asmit                   Bishop
Damas:                  Isfas                   Monk
                        Charlene                Lancer
                        Languebrog              Cavalier
Whislind                Filo                    Cleric
                        Sophia                  Cleric
Kelilauns               --                      --
Glume                   --                      --
Hadrian                 Chantail                Mage
                        Raizen                  Monk
C A S T L E S    O F   L E O N I A

Name of Castle:   Damas            Income:     201
Summon List:      G-Scorpion, Jinn, Centaur, Gryhon
Status:           Prevent Norgard invasions from the north

Name of Castle:   Whislind         Income:     226
Summon List:      Unicorn, Clay Golem, Giant, Roc
Status:           A castle in three-castle path. Provides route to
                  Tallas and Damas.

Name of Castle:   Keliluans        Income:     195
Summon List:      Merman, Lizard Man, Wyvern, Roc
Status:           A castle in two-castle path. Provides route to 
                  Tallas and Damas.

Name of Castle:   Tallas           Income:     391
Summon List:      Pixie, Jinn, Centaur, Unicorn, Mandrake, Gryhon,
Status:           Lowest income gaining capital, but the income is

Name of Castle:   Glume            Income:     213
Summon List:      Pixie, Lizard Man, Gryhon, Dragon
Status:           The backbone of Leonia as the only castle that 
                  summons Dragon

Name of Castle:   Hadrian          Income:     249
Summon List:      Jinn, Unicorn, Clay Golem, Roc
Status:           Prevent Iscalio invasions from Asten.
Station all your forces at Damas, Glume and Hadrian. At the fourth 
month, Lyoneese will meet Vaynard and engage enemies with Norgard.
At about the next month, Galonwand and Baleen will joins you. This
country is rather weak. Get Paternus, Isfas and Sophia or Filo and 
attack Asten, hopefully is lightly defend. As you have occupied Asten,
attack down the row and advance to backyard castle with 2 parties, 
the other with Kiloph, Charlene and Lyonnese, while the rest at 
Damas. Has your troops consists of Roc and Centaurs. This may work
on Hard and you should be able to defeat Iscalio for the most in five
years time. Station a decent force at Xanas and Asten while the rest
go for quest and hopefully you can get Rune Knights and Georg whom is
an Ex-Leonia Knight. Continue and concentrate on training Lyoneese and
get Hydras in your force [that's Lothian] and send them to Damas. With
Hydras in your arsenal, you can defeat Humber [hopefully that Norgard
is greatly weaken during that five years. Attack and take the castle of 
Jukes and Senadon and you will create confusions for Norgard and it 
should be heavily wounded by Esgares and New Alemkia. Seize 
opportunities and dealt the finishing blow. After Norgard had been
defeated, continue attack those castle in the south continent. Take 
Hervey and do not attack Baynock ! With sufficient manpower, start to
attack New Almekia [about 5 years] and advance until you have reach
BaydonHill. Now cover as many Esgares castles as possible and you will
be to defeat Esgares. Do more quests and get all the Ex-Esgares Knights
to your side and you should have no problem in defeating Caerleon.

R U N E    K N I G H T S    O F    L E O N I A

Isfras:     Level 16 Monk. Rune Power: 233. Probably your second best
            bet after Paternus. Just 4 levels from the Guardian status.
Charlene:   Level 12 Lancer. Rune Power: 226. Just 3 stars to reach the
            EXPERT status. High Rune Power. Equip: Ice Javelin.
Langueborg: Level 10 Cavalier. Rune Power: 138. This guy is extremely
            weak with such a low Rune Power. Plus he is the only 
Filo:       Level 7 Cleric. Rune Power: 193. Just 3 levels from 
            reaching the Lector/Mystic class.
Sophia:     Level 7 Cleric. Rune Power: 174. Just 3 levels from 
            reaching the Lector/Mystic class.
Kiloph:     Level 3 Barbarian. Rune Power: 203. High Rune Power for
            such a low class. Just 3 stars for gaining EXPERT in
Lyoneese:   Level 3 Queen. Rune Power: 262. Second highest Rune Power
            in Leonia, has Holy Word, but has very low HP.
Paternus:   Level 20 Cardinal. Rune Power: 273. Obviously the best
            warrior for Leonia. Equip: Gravity Mace
Asmit:      Level 13 Bishop. Rune Power: 214. Just 2 stars from 
            reaching EXPERT in Bishop. Equip: Almighty Ring
Chantail:   Level 6 Mage. Rune Power: 168. Just 4 levels from Sorcerer
            or Druid class. Low Rune Power.
Raizen:     Level 11 Monk. Rune Power: 180. Just 4 stars to reach
            EXPERT in Monk class. Equip: Rivet Knuckle
Galonwand:  Level 2 Barbarian. Rune Power: 157. Just 4 stars from
            reaching EXPERT in Barbarian. High chance of approaching
            level 10.
Baleen:     Level 1 Archer. Rune Power: 187. Gain more EXP is your aim
            High Rune Power for low class.
Georg:      Level 8 Pirest. Rune Power: 177, Gain more two levels to
            reach Bishop. Can get Rierre's Ring when questing later.

Zemeckis:   Esgares Empire Walkthrough

A very special thanks to Zhou Tai An for submitting the code for using
Esgares Empire. The Empire is the most powerful country and has four
extremely great generals such as Esmeree [Vaynard's older sister],
Death Knight Cador, Gish and Esclados [Gereint's master]

To play as Esgares Empire, at the Character Selection screen, press
L1 + R2 + Start. This code is taken from Zhou Tai An's FAQ. If done
correctly, you will heard a ring and the screen quickly changes to
screen where you select the difficulty. Thanks to the person whom has
submitted the code. 
I have finished the game with all countries but I will not be writing
a walkthrough for Esgares but I give the list of important castles and
important information.

Choke Point No. 1 Lidney: Prevents attacks from Norgard.
Choke Point No. 2 Orkney: Prevents attacks from Norgard and New Alemkia
Choke Point No. 3 Eorsia: Prevents attacks from New Almekia
Choke Point No. 4 Salisbury: Prevent attacks from Caerleon and Iscalio
Choke Point No. 5 Karnabone: Prevent attacks from Iscalio.

For Esgares, you can only recurit members by defeating other countries.
You can not do other character quests except for Mira and Millet's 
quest. Through that quest you can get a Bishop, Carmine to join you.
Rain will NOT join you !

Let's proceed to the list.
Name of Castle          Name of Leader          Occupation
Lidney                  Cador                   Death Knight
                        MelTorefas              Fighter
                        Ivan                    Druid
Fato                    --                      --
Cadbury                 --                      --
Dilworth                --                      --
Toria                   Soleil                  Bishop
Karnabone               Esclados                Shogun
                        Shiraha                 Ninja
Salisbury               Paradoll                Bishop
                        Roecod                  Cavalier
                        Fiel                    Cavalier
Oltroute                Ranguinus               Sorcerer
Eorsia                  Mira                    Lancer
                        Millet                  Sorceress
                        Irvin                   Mage
Orkney                  Gish                    Wizard
                        Eniede                  Archer
Logres                  Zemeckis                Emperor
                        Esmeree                 Lector

C A S T L E S    O F    E S G A R E S   E M P I R E

Name of Castle:  Lidney            Income:      301
Summon List:     Merman, Lizard Man, Clay Golem, Wyvern, Hydra
Status:          Highest income amongst all non-captials. Greatly
                 weaken Esgares when conquered.

Name of Castle:  Orkney            Income:      227
Summon List:     Pixie, Centaur, Hellhound, Dragon
Status:          A key castle for defeating Esgares Empire. Five castle
                 path. Prevent attacks from New Almekia and Norgard

Name of Castle:  Eorsia            Income:      202
Summon List:     Pixie, Lizard Man, Unicorn, Giant, Wyvern
Status:          A castle that connects to Orkney and Oltroute

Name of Castle:  Toria             Income:      215
Summon List:     Pixie, Mandrake, Unicorn, Dragon
Status:          One of the best summoning castles. Important 
                 geographical site which leads to the 3 castles found
                 in the center of Esgares.

Name of Castle:  Salisbury         Income:      183
Summon List:     G-Scorpion, Giant, Wyvern
Status:          Low income, but great geographical site for defeating
                 Esgares when playing as Caerleon or Iscalio

Name of Castle:  Karnabone         Income:      147
Summon List:     Ghoul, Centaur, Hellhound, Clay Golem
Status:          Connects Salisbury and Toria, fastest route to Toria.

Name of Castle:  Cadbury           Income:      236
Summon List:     G-Scorpion, Lizard Man, Dragon, Angel
Status:          Great and ideal castle, leading a path to Orkney, 
                 Logres and Lidney.

Name of Castle:  Dilworth          Income:      181
Summon List:     G-Scorpion, Hellhound, Giant, Gryhon
Status:          3-castle path leading to Logres, Toria and Orkney.

Name of Castle:  Fato              Income:      221
Summon List:     Ghoul, G-Scorpion, Roc, Demon
Status:          Castle that connects Lidney and Toria

Name of Castle:  Logres            Income:      452
Summon List:     G-Scorpion, Jinn, Clay Golem, Giant, Gryhon, Wyvern
Status:          Highest income recieving castle in game. Central 
                 position of Esgares. Former captial of Almekia.
R U N E   K N I G H T S    O F    E S G A R E S

Zemeckis:   Level 27 Emperor. Rune Power: 351. He has accquired the
            Geno-Thunder and Power spells. Can easily defeat Vaynard
            Long range powerful attacks
Esmeree:    Level 17 Lector. Rune Power: 304. Just three more levels to
            reach the Saint status. Can easily toast Dryst. Wife of
            Zemeckis and older sister of Vaynard
Esclados:   Level 26 Shogun. Rune Power: 218. Just 4 more levels to
            prefection. High attacking power.
Shiraha:    Level 14 Ninja. Rune Power: 173. Just 6 more levels from
            Ninja Master. A star to EXPERT Ninja. Get this guy
            through questing after defeated Esgares. Equip: Painless
Soleil:     Level 11 Bishop. Rune Power: 311. High Rune Power. Known as
            the "Beast Ruler". Get him to your country if you have 
            Schutlesis [Level 12 Cavalier, Rune Power: 171] on your 
            side when defeat Esgares.
Paradoll:   Level 11 Bishop. Rune Power: 182. 4 stars to EXPERT in
            Bishop class
Roecod:     Level 10 Cavalier. Rune Power: 177. 5 stars to EXPERT in
            Cavalier class.
Fiel:       Level 12 Cavalier. Rune Power: 166. 3 stars to EXPERT in
            Cavalier class. Joins you if Esgares is defeated.
Cador:      Level 29 Death Knight. Rune Power: 275. 1 more level to
            perfection. Has Genp-Flame and Curse. Great for fight
            against Cai and Lyoneese. Leaves Esgares if Esgares is
            down to only one castle.
Ivan:       Level 10 Druid. Rune Power: 154. Low Rune Power but
            only 5 stars from EXPERT status in Druid class.
MelTorefas: Level 7 Fighter. Rune Power: 152. Low Rune Power but only
            3 levels from Cavalier/Samurai/Berserker class.
Gish:       Level 20 Wizard. Rune Power: 232. The 3rd most powerful
            magician in Forsena. Equip: Dark Robe
Eniede:     Level 11 Archer. Rune Power: 192. 4 more stars to EXPERT
            in Archer class.
Castor:     Level 8 Fighter. Rune Power: 169. 2 more levels to
            Cavalier/Samurai/Berserker clas.
Mira:       Level 10 Lancer. Rune Power: 223. One of the twins. Can
            get her and Millet to join after the fall of Esgares.
            Equip: Goddness Spear
Millet:     Level 10 Sorceress. Rune Power: 219. The other twins.
            Rain will joins on her behalf, except for Esgares.
Irwin:      Level 3 Mage. Rune Power: 162. Obviously the weakest
            Rune Knight in the Empire. 3 more stars to EXPERT status.
Ranguinus:  Level 16 Sorcerer. Rune Power: 216. Just 4 more levels 
            from the Wizard class. Father of Rain.

9.        G A M E S H A R K    C O D E S

The following codes are taken from the Gameshark Official site. Here
is the HTML address of the Gameshark Official site.
For your information, this requires a Gameshark or Pro Action Replay 
to work. For your convience, I have reformat the order bt arranging
them in order of their countries

999 HP Vaynard                     80076E7803E7
999 MP Vaynard                     80076E7A03E7
Super Strength Vaynard             30076E7C00FF
Super Intelligence Vaynard         30076E7D00FF
Super Agility Vaynard              30076E7E00FF
999 Rune Power Vaynard             80076E8003E7

999 HP Brangien                    80077C3803E7
999 MP Brangien                    80077C3A03E7
Super Strength Brangien            30077C3C00FF
Super Intelligence Brangien        30077C3D00FF
Super Agility Brangien             30077C3E00FF
999 Rune Power Brangien            80077C4003E7

N E W    A L M E K I A
999 HP Lance                       80075E2803E7
999 MP Lance                       80075E2A03E7
Super Strength Lance               30076E2C00FF
Super Intelligence Lance           30076E2D00FF
Super Agility Lance                30076E2E00FF
999 Rune Power Lance               80075E3003E7

999 HP Gereint                     80076FB903E7
999 MP Gereint                     80076FBA03E7
Super Strength Gereint             30076FBC00FF
Super Intelligence Gereint         30076FBD00FF
Super Agility Gereint              30076FBE00FF
999 Rune Power Gereint             80076FC003E7

999 HP Meleagant                   80076FE003E7
999 MP Meleagant                   80076FE203E7
Super Strength Meleagant           30076FE400FF
Super Intelligence Meleagant       30076FE500FF
Super Agility Meleagant            30076FE600FF
999 Rune Power Meleagant           80076FE803E7

999 HP Coel                        8007714803E7
999 MP Coel                        8007714A03E7
Super Strength Coel                3007714C00FF
Super Intelligence Coel            3007714D00FF
Super Agility Coel                 3007714E00FF
999 Rune Power Coel                8007715003E7

999 HP Carlota                     8007741803E7
999 MP Carlota                     8007741A03E7
Super Strength Carlota             3007741C00FF
Super Intelligence Carlota         3007741D00FF
Super Agility Carlota              3007741E00FF
999 Rune Power Carlota             8007742003E7

999 HP Cai                         80076EA003E7
999 MP Cai                         80076EA203E7
Super Strength Cai                 30076EA400FF
Super Intelligence Cai             30076EA500FF
Super Agility Cai                  30076EA600FF
999 Rune Power Cai                 80076EA803E7

999 HP Merriot                     80076F6803E7
999 MP Merriot                     80076F6A03E7
Super Strength Merriot             30076F6C00FF
Super Intelligence Merriot         30076F6D00FF
Super Agility Merriot              30076F6E00FF
999 Rune Power Merriot             80076F7003E7

999 HP Dinadan                     8007705803E7
999 MP Dinadan                     8007705A03E7
Super Strength Dinadan             3007705C00FF
Super Intelligence Dinadan         3007705D00FF
Super Agility Dinadan              3007705E00FF
999 Rune Power Dinadan             8007706003E7

999 HP BeauArte                    800777B003E7
999 MP BeauArte                    800777B203E7
Super Strength BeauArte            300777B400FF
Super Intelligence BeauArte        300777B500FF
Super Agility BeauArte             300777B600FF
999 Rune Power BeauArte            800777B803E7

999 HP Dryst                       80076EF003E7
999 MP Dryst                       80076EF203E7
Super Srength Dryst                30076EF400FF
Super Intelligence Dryst           30076EF500FF
Super Agility Dryst                30076EF600FF
999 Rune Power Dryst               80076EF803E7

999 HP Iria                        80076F9003E7
999 MP Iria                        80076F9203E7
Super Strength Iria                30076F9400FF
Super Intelligence Iria            30076F9500FF
Super Agility Iria                 30076F9600FF
999 Rune Power Iria                80076F9803E7

999 HP Camden                      8007780003E7
999 MP Camden                      8007780203E7
Super Strength Camden              3007780400FF
Super Intelligence Camden          3007780500FF
Super Agility Camden               3007780600FF
999 Rune Power Camden              8007780803E7

999 HP Ulster                      800777D803E7
999 MP Ulster                      800777DA03E7
Super Strength Ulster              300777DC00FF
Super Intelligence Ulster          300777DD00FF
Super Agility Ulster               300777DE00FF
999 Rune Power Ulster              800777E003E7

999 HP Hula                        800776E803E7
999 MP Hula                        800776EA03E7
Super Strength Hula                300776EC00FF
Super Intelligence Hula            300776ED00FF
Super Agility Hula                 300776EE00FF
999 Rune Power Hula                800776F003E7

999 HP Lyoneese                    80076E5003E7
999 MP Lyoneese                    80076E5203E7
Super Strength Lyoneese            30076E5400FF
Super Intelligence Lyoneese        30076E5500FF
Super Agility Lyoneese             30076E5600FF
999 Rune Power Lyoneese            80076E5803E7

999 HP Kiloph                      8007700803E7
999 MP Kiloph                      8007700A03E7
Super Strength Kiloph              3007700C00FF
Super Intelligence Kilpoh          3007700D00FF
Super Agility Kiloph               3007700E00FF
999 Rune Power Kiloph              8007701003E7

999 HP Asmit                       8007721003E7
999 MP Asmit                       8007721203E7
Super Strength Asmit               3007721400FF
Super Intelligence Asmit           3007721500FF
Super Agility Asmit                3007721600FF
999 Rune Power Asmit               8007721803E7

* When New Almekia is defeated, Carlota will joins you. The code can be
  used for other countries too*

U N A U T H O R I Z E D    C O D E S
Here is some of the unauthorized codes, I have found while browsing
the Internet.

M A X    M A N A                   800C4AB8E49F
This code is taken from Cheat Code Central []

With this code on, you can enjoy infinite 99999 Mana. Note that you can
only hold up to 140 monsters.

Give ???? MAX EXP
Just subsitute the name of character with ????
Your character will automatically level to Level 30.

Vaynard                            80076E77FFFF
Brangien                           80077C37FFFF
Lance                              80076E27FFFF
Gereint                            80076FB7FFFF
Cai                                80076EBEFFFF
Coel                               80077147FFFF
Carlota                            80077417FFFF
Merriot                            80076F67FFFF
Dinadan                            800776E7FFFF
Ulster                             800777D7FFFF
Hula                               800776E7FFFF

Character Modifier
Certain characters can use this code only. Here is the list and codes

Name                               Modifier Code
Vaynard                            80076E7400xx
Brangien                           80077C3400xx
Lance                              80076E2400xx
Gereint                            80076FB400xx
Coel                               8007714400xx
Carlota                            8007741400xx
Merriot                            80076F6400xx
Dinadan                            800776E400xx
Ulster                             800777D400xx
Hula                               800776E400xx

 < NOTES >
*     Your character will be at Level 0. Once you start to attack and
      the opponent receives damage, you will gain levels. With MAX EXP,
      your character will automatically reach Level 30
*     For example, if you modified Gereint into an Archer, the weapon
      he has originally equipped will remain unchanged. Once you disarm
      the weapon, you can no longer equip it anymore. 
*     You can't changed to any other class, even the graphics did so.
*     Some characters has originally mastered the class, the magic and
      skills will remain even if the code is on.

Here is list of codes, replace xx with digits. The list on the left
column is the list of character modifier digits while on the right is 
the monster modifier digits.

01    Barbarian               2C    Angel
02    Berserker               2D    Arch Angel
03    Samurai                 2E    Unicorn
04    Shogun                  2F    Nightmare
05    Cavalier                30    Pegasus
06    Paladin                 31    Gryhon
07    Avenger                 32    HolyGriff
08    Mage                    33    Seraph
09    Sorcerer                34    Lucifer
0A    Wizard                  35    Demon
0B    Druid                   36    Arch Demon
0C    Necromancer             37    Ghoul
0D    Priest                  38    Vampire
0E    Bishop                  39    Hellhound
0F    Cardinal                3A    Fenrir
10    Monk                    3B    Satan
11    Guardian                3C    Litith
12    Ranger                  3D    Vampire Lord
13    Grappler                3E    Merman
14    Monk                    40    Poseidon
16    Ninja Master            41    Lizard Man
17    Scout                   42    Lizard Guard
18    Archer                  43    Wyvern
19    Artemis                 44    Couatl
1A    Lancer                  45    Pixie
1B    Valkyrie                46    Fairy
1C    Enchantress             47    Centaur
1D    Sorceress               48    High Centaur
1E    Witch                   49    Mandrake
1F    Mystic                  4A    Man Eater
20    Sage                    4B    Dragon
21    Cleric                  4C    Red Dragon
22    Lector                  4D    Giant
23    Saint                   4E    Titan
24    Prince                  4F    Gigas
25    Lord                    50    G-Scorpion
26    Queen                   51    Death Needle
27    Warlock                 52    Salamander
28    Tryant                  53    White Dragon
29    Emperor                 54    Fafnir
2A    Death Knight            55    Bahamut 
2B    Claimer                 56    Hydra
66    King                    57    Tiamat
67    Super Tryant            58    Thor
                              59    Loki
                              5A    Roc
                              5B    Phoenix
                              5C    Clay Golem
                              5D    Stone Golem
                              5E    Bronze Golem
                              5F    Talos
                              60    Jinn
                              61    Djinni
                              62    Efreeti
                              63    Marid
                              64    Dao

PS: I have found out there are a total of 3000+ codes for Brigandine
    found in a website. There is so many and I won't be bother to 
    write them down. They are found at the following address:

10       M I S C E L L A N E O U S

These are observed in different difficulty levels.
1.    The nations become smarter in their attacks and defense. They 
      will not leave the key castles such as Camelford undefended and
      will only advance cautinously.
2.    During battlefields, the enemies will stay in place and would not
      rushes forward towards your troops, unless you approach them OR
      they got attacked.
3.    At hard diffculty mode, you will need to fight Bulnoil after 
      defeating all country. He is rather tough as he has one of the
      most deadly spells plus Cador on his side. So be prepared for a
      tough fight. Once I have completed Hard mode using New Almekia,
      but Lance did change to King status and had Caerleon defeated
      Iscalio and it just ended the game! Well that's maybe that you
      can't fight Bulnoil ^_^. To fight Bulnoil, it's possible for you
      to have that Halley's sequence at her boyfriend's grave, which is
      quite late in game... Have tested it yet. I think you will be 
      able FIGHT Bulnoil, if you defeated Esgares LAST in Hard Mode.

10.1     Bulnoil Information

A man of endless desire. He is the person whom has instigate Zemeckis
to betray King Henguist, Lance's father. At the battle of Lidney, he
has stopped King Doremiditt, Brangien's father. As you defeat Esgares,
he will appear and tries to kill the ruler. It seems to me that Cador
will leave Zemeckis if Esgares is down to one castle. Bulnoil will
fight you in the final battle, along with Cador on his side, so be
prepared for a tough fight....

You can only fight Bulnoil while playing as Norgard or Iscalio.

10.2    Cador Information

A man whom is already dead and was ressurrected by Bulnoil. Cador's
actual name is Leland, Halley's boyfriend. Halley has been searching
for Bulnoil whom has killed her boyfriend. Towards the end, Halley
will take the sword from Leland's grave and finally fight the last
battle. Leland regains consicious and instigate Halley to break the
mask .......

10.3    Special Rune Knights

Shred:   Shred was in jail under the Main Castle until it was overtook,
         When the empire retook the castle he has no choice but to join
         the Empires army. Level 20 Champion. Equip: Ogre Knuckle.
         Rune Power: ???.
         This information was sent by Frank Mantis.

Helrato: Level 20 Avenger, An one-eyed Avenger whom seeks revenge on
         Layoneil and has a mean sword. Equip: Tyrhung. 
         Rune Power: 190 . Joins another country along with 2 Fenrirs

Kazan:   Level 15 Ninja. Fellow disciple of Shiraha. Joins another
         country after Shiraha joins you. Rune Power: 179
         Join the other country with a Bronze Golem and a Dao.

10.5     M A P S

This is my first time, drawing maps using ASCII Art. Hope that it will 
be easy for you to read.

Symbol                Meaning
- -                   Path
[Name]                Castle
[N]                   Norgard
[A]                   New Almekia
[C]                   Caerleon
[I]                   Iscalio
[L]                   Leonia
[E]                   Esgares

M A P   O F    N E W   A L M E K I A

               To Alliryme [N]
                     |      _ _ _ to Orkney [E]
                     |     /
                     |    /
                     |   /
              /     |   \
             /      |    \
            /       |     \_ _ _to Eorsia [E]
           /        |
     [Calmary] _ [Phazard] 
               To Squest [C]

M A P    O F   C A E R L E O N

               To BaydonHill [C]
                    |                        To Salisbury [E]
                    |                            /
          _ _ _ _[Squest]_ _ _                  /
         /          |         \                /
        /           |          [Baynock]_ [Hervey]     To Xanas [I]
       /            |          /             \         /
   [Kail]_ _ _ _ [Linnuis]_ _ /               \_ _ _ _/ 

M A P    O F   I S C A L I O

                                To Karnabone [E]
                  To Salisbury [E]    |
                         |       \    |
                         |        \   |      To Hadrian [L]
                         |         \  |       / 
                          \       _[ Asten ]_/
     To Hervey [C] _ _[ Xanas ]_/      \
                             \          \
                              \          \
                               \       [Bronceliande]
                        [Letishnote]       |
                                 \          \
                                  \          \
                                   \_ _ [Caelsent]

M A P    O F     L E O N I A

                To Humber [N]
                 _ _ [Damas]_ _ 
                \              \              
                 \            [Kelilauns]
                  \              \
                   \              \
                    \             |
                [Whislind]_ _ _ [Tallas]
                      \           |
                       \          |
                        \         |
                         \       /
                          \     /
    To Asten [I] _ _ _ [Hadrian]

M A P     O F     N O R G A R D                               
                            /     \
                           /       \   
                   [Kardiff] _ _ _ [Senadon]
                   /    |   \          |   \
   [Alliyrme] _ _ /     |    \_       /     \_ 
         /              /      \     |         \
        /              /        \    |          \
       /    [Listinoise] _ _     \   |           \
      /          |           \   |   /            \
To Gorule [A]    |            [Jukes]  - - -[Humber] 
                /                |                  \
          To Orkney [E]          |                   \
                            To Lidney [E]           To Damas [L]


M A P   O F   E S G A R E S    E M P I R E

                  To Listinoise [N]
                       |                [Lidney]
                       |              /    |    \
  To               _[Orkney]_ [Cadbury]    |     \
   Camelford [A]_ /             |          |      \
            |  \                 \_ _      |       \
            |   \_ _ _ [Dilworth]_   \     |        \
            \              \      \_ _ [ Logres ]   [Fato]
             \              \              |         /
              \              \             |        /
              [Eorsia]        \_ _ _  [ Toria ]_ _ /
                  \_                     /  \_ _ _ _ [Karnabone]
                    \                   /              /  |          
                     \_ _ [Oltroute]_ _/            _ /   |
                              \_                   /      |
                                \_ _ _ _ [Salisbury]      |
                                         _ /   |_   \     |
                                       /         |   \    |
                                      /           \   \   |
                                     /            |    \  /
                          To Hervey [C]   To Xanas[I]   To Asten [I]  

10.4     C R E D I T S

1.   Thanks to Atlus for making this game.
2.   Thanks to GameFAQs for teaching me on how to write a FAQ. Thanks
     to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for the addition on the copyright section
3.   Thanks to the person whom submit the code on playing as Esgares.
4.   Thanks to Gameshark official site for the codes.
5.   Thanks to Cheat Code Central for the MAX Mana Code.
6.   Thanks to CodeBoy, Code Master for character modifier codes.
     Thanks to Gameshark Code Creator Club.
7.   Thanks to those whom have been supporting me information about
