Andere Lösungen

Brigandine (e)

                      *The Legend of Forsena*
                         By: Dhan Samson
v1.0 - 3/25/99
     - contains playstyle tips, some info about characters and incomplete list of 
       monsters and classes of warriors.
v1.1 - 4/3/99
     - More information on game characters, more monsters. I corrected the code for 
       Esgares Empire, it is not L1 + R1 + start, but L2 + R1 + start
I.   Introduction 
II.  Story
III. Explanation of gameplay
IV.  Monster List
     - Ghouls          - Wyverns         - Angels
     - Hounds          - Rocs            - Demons
     - Giants          - Hydras          - Scorpions
     - Golems          - Jinns
     - Unicorn         - Centaurs
     - Pixies          - Dragons
     - Lizards         - Gryphons
V.   Character Information
VI.  Others
VII. Credits
I. Introduction
 Located on the central plains of Forsena, Almekia finally brought peace to the land by
defeating the country of Norgard, in 214. The long war was finally over...
 However, in the second month of 215, Admiral Zemeckis assassinated King Henguist of Almekia.
Almekia collapsed and Zemeckis proclaimed himself emperor and established Esgares. He was 
possessed by the desire to conquer the world and began his assault on neighboring countries.
 You will become one of the Knights of the Rune and participate in the war for the continent.
You mission: Bring peace back to Forsena.......
 Brigandine is a fine strategy game from Atlus. The fight scenes make the game abit more fun and
lenghty. But the downside of this game is that it gets really monotonous and very boring. But 
it's still great.
II. Story
 Welcome to the land of Forsena, The land where the people are guided by the Runes. 
The time is just a few years after New Almekia has defeated the country of Norgard. Admiral
Zemeckis is accused of being a traitor to the country.Cador, his right hand has adviced him of
really turning his back on the Kingdom to build his own empire that consists of all seven
countries. He and his followers then betray their country and assassinate the King. 
The Prince, Lance, luckily, is able to escape with the aid of loyal servants. The massacre
included burning of the kingdom. And Zemeckis is victorious.
 When Zemeckis was about to kill Lance, Gereint saves him and is wounded. Just when all hopes of
Prince Lance ever escaping was killed, an unexpected brunette Lady Knight came to save him from
death, the Lady Knight and Zemeckis duel, while Gereint and Lance escape, not knowing about the
fate of the unknown Knight. Then, Zemeckis proclaims himself Emperor of Esgares Empire.
 Now, that he is safe, the prince seeks help from former friends of his father. After King Coel 
stepped down from his position as King of Padstow, Lance is proclaimed as King of New Almekia.
This is where the game begins..............
 When You begin the game, you are made to choose one of the six Kingdoms. Here is the list
of the kingdoms and their ruler.
 New Almekia - The rebellious kingdom formed by Prince Lance and his followers. Most of the 
               Knights/Followers here are pupils of those who are in Esgares Empire.
 Norgard - The Tundra Kingdom has been silent for a long time since their defeat from Almekia.
           Now ruled by King Vaynard, the White Wolf, they plan to take matters into their own
           hands and conquer the continent.
 Iscalio - Ruled by the Mad Tyrant King Dryst, most generals here seem to be mad as well (clown
 Leonia - The religous country of Leonia is ruled by queen Lyonesse, and seeks peace. Most of 
          their magics are Holy, or concentrates with healing. Offered alliance by Norgard, they
          refuse, and Vaynard declared war between Leonia and Norgard.

 Caerlon - Ruled by Cai, Lance's old time friend, both Norgard and New Almekia form an alliance
           to defeat Esgares Empire and destroy Emperor Zemeckis.

 Esgares - Perhaps the most powerful Kingdom in the game, Esgares is ruled by Zemeckis. The 
           Generals of Esgares Empire are mostly the Mentors of other generals from other 
           countries. Why they are allied with Zemeckis and betrayed Almekia is a mystery.
           (Esgares Empire is a hidden country, to enable it Press and hold L2 + R1 + start when
           at the country select screen.)
III. Gameplay
 If you play with "Magic: The Gathering" TCG, you won't have much trouble because the gameplay
of Brigandine works similarly. Here are some tips when playing the game:
 * There are contradicting elements here try thinking of the colors here this way
   White = Holy
   Black = Evil
   Red = Fire and Electricity
   Blue = water
   Green = Earth
   So, White is strong against Black and vice versa; while Blue is strong against Red. Treat 
   Green like those that do not have elemental alignment. 
 * Some creatures deal more damage to a creature of one color, than another creature with a 
   different color.
    A white creature will deal more damage to a Black creature than to a Blue creature.
    (The color of a creature can be seen on it's slots, but some creatures do not have any
     color, like wyvern)

 * Some spells will deal more damage to a creature of one color than another, so don't wonder why
   geno-flame will deal more damage to an enemy which is far from the general that casted it 
   than an enemy closer to the caster. 
    Cador (Esgares Empire General) casts Geno-flame, It might deal more damage to a Tiamat 3 
    hexes away than a  Red Salamander beside him.
   NOTE: This also goes for specials like Hellfire.
 * You can only summon Basic creatures (original form), so don't wonder why you can't find a
   castle that can summon a Tiamat. You can only get these kind of creatures by Making their
   levels go up.

 * Holding square raises the chances of your Defending/attacking General to perform his Critical
   Attack (this works most of the time).

 * You cannot equip monsters with weapons.

 * When fighting battles, try to end the fight quickly by trying to kill opposing Generals 
   immediately. This is also useful because if you kill the generals first, some of their 
   monsters will not be able to leave and you may capture them when you win the battle. 
 * To be able to promote creatures, during your organize phase, choose organize on the menu,
   choose class, and the creature.

IV. Monster List
 Here is a list of monsters in Brigandine. I will no longer specify the range of hexes because
other FAQs a GameFAQs have done that. Some creatures have requirements, except Basic creatures.
Also here is the explanation of their special abilities.

- Flying: When a creature without flying attacks a creature with flying, the damage will be 20% 
          less than the damage he will be able to deal to a creature also without Flying. On the
          other hand, a creature with Flying will be able to deal 100% damage to a creature, 
          whether or not it has flying. (This is true unless the attack of the creature without
          flying is a long range attack. ex. Hunter Shot, Acid Breath)

- Recovery: A creature that has regeneration capability (ex. Vampire), regains HP each turn
            (Turn 1) equal to the amount specified (ex. 5% of max HP). 

- Hit and Away: The Hounds have the ability to move after attacking, this can only be done once
                each turn, and cannot attack another enemy after moving this way.

- Immunity: Some creatures, Golems to be specific, are immune to abnormal statuses, this means
            they cannot be poisoned, stoned (they are already made up of rocks!), paralyzed, or
            silenced (silencing them is actually useless because they don't have spells). 

 * Ghouls
   - Ghoul
     Attack: Necro Eater
     Special Attack: None
     Skills: None
     Spells: None
     Rune Cost: 15
     Mana Cost: 60
     Requirements: None
   - Vampire
     Attack: Life Drain      
     Special Attack: None
     Skills: 5% HP Recovery
     Spells: None
     Rune Cost: 30
     Mana Cost: 0
     Requirements: Level 10 Ghoul
   - Vampire Lord
     Attack: Life Drain
     Special Attack: Bat Attack
     Skills: 5% HP Recovery    
     Spells: Necro Rebirth, Weakness
     Rune Cost: 70
     Mana Cost: 0
     Requirements: Level 20 Vampire
 * Hounds 
  - Hell Hound
    Attack: Hell Fang
    Special Attack: Hell Fire  
    Skills: Hit and Away
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 35
    Mana Cost: 180
    Requirements: None
  - Fenrir
    Attack: Ruin Fang
    Special Attack: Inferno 
    Skills: Hit and Away
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 50
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: None

 * Giants
  - Giant
    Attack: Power Fist
    Special Attack: None 
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 60
    Mana Cost: 280
    Requirements: None

  - Titan
    Attack: Hyper Fist
    Special Attack: None  
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 75
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Giant

  - Gigas
    Attack: Heavy Fist
    Special Attack: None 
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 75
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Giant

  - Thor
    Attack: Hyper Fist
    Special Attack: Earthquake 
    Skills: None
    Spells: Rage Lightning
    Rune Cost: 75
    Mana Cost: 0 
    Requirements: Level 10 Giant 

  - Loki
    Attack: Megaton
    Special Attack: None 
    Skills: None
    Spells: Meteor Doom, Dimension
    Rune Cost: 75
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Gigas, Wisdom Seed
 * Golems
  - Clay Golem
    Attack: Golem Fist
    Special Attack: None 
    Skills: Immune to abnormal statuses
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 240
    Requirements: None

  - Stone Golem
    Attack: Stone Fist, Rock Throw
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Immune to abnormal statuses
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 60
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Clay Golem

 * Unicorns
  - Unicorn
    Attack: Horn Attack
    Special Attack:  Back Kick
    Skills: Critical Attack can move opponent away by 1 hex
    Spells: Cure, Heal
    Rune Cost: 40
    Mana Cost: 220
    Requirements: None
  - Pegasus
    Attack: Diving Horn
    Special Attack:  Back Kick
    Skills: Critical Attack can move opponent away by 1 hex, Flying
    Spells: Cure, Heal, Halo
    Rune Cost: 55
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Unicorn

  - Nightmare
    Attack: Calamity Horn
    Special Attack:  Back Kick
    Skills: Critical attack can move opponent away by 1 hex
    Spells: Dimension, Weakness
    Rune Cost: 55
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Unicorn

 * Pixies
  - Pixie
    Attack: Stick Tap
    Special Attack:  Leave Me Be!
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Protect, Silent
    Rune Cost: 30
    Mana Cost: 120
    Requirements: None

  - Fairy
    Attack: Magical Stick
    Special Attack:  Leave Me Be!
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Protect, Silent, React, Paralyze
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Pixie

 * Lizards
  - Lizard Man
    Attack: Lefty Axe
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: None
    Spells: none
    Rune Cost: 30
    Mana Cost:
    Requirements: None

  - Lizard Guard
    Attack: Guard Axe
    Special Attack: Poison Breath
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost:
    Requirements: Level 10 Lizard

 * Wyverns
  - Wyvern
    Attack: Tail Whip
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Flying 
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 60
    Mana Cost: 320
    Requirements: None

  - Couatl
    Attack: Tail Whip
    Special Attack: Dragon Roar
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 80
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Wyvern

  - Bahamut
    Attack: Final Fang
    Special Attack: Dragon Roar, Final Breath
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 110
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 20 Couatl

 * Rocs
  - Roc
    Attack: Solid Claw
    Special Attack: Cry Bird 
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 70
    Mana Cost: 360
    Requirements: None

 * Hydras
  - Hydra
    Attack: Freezing Spiral 
    Special Attack: Ice Breath
    Skills: 5% Aqua Recovery
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 80
    Mana Cost: 460
    Requirements: None
  - Tiamat
    Attack: Ruinous Spiral 
    Special Attack: Dragon Roar, Death Breath
    Skills: 5% Aqua Recovery
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 110
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Hydra

 * Jinns
  - Jinn
    Attack: None 
    Special Attack: Air Storm
    Skills: Flying, can use special attack after moving
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 30
    Mana Cost:
    Requirements: None

  - Djinni
    Attack: None 
    Special Attack: Ray Storm
    Skills: Flying, can use special attack after movement
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

  - Marid
    Attack: None 
    Special Attack: Water Storm
    Skills: Flying, can use special attack after movement
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

  - Dao
    Attack: None 
    Special Attack: Rotten Storm
    Skills: Flying, can use special attack after movement
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

  - Efreeti
    Attack: None 
    Special Attack: Fire Storm
    Skills: Flying, can use special attack after movement
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 45
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Jinn

 * Centaurs
  - Centaur
    Attack: Hunter Shot  
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Normal attack can be used 2 hexes away from target
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 35
    Mana Cost: 60
    Requirements: None
  - High Centaur
    Attack: Killer Shot 
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Normal attack can be used 3 hexes away from target
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 50
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Centaur

 * Dragons
  - Dragon
    Attack: Terror Jaw 
    Special Attack: Acid Breath
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 75
    Mana Cost: 420
    Requirements: None

  - White Dragon
    Attack: Lightning Fang
    Special Attack: Energy Bolt
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 100
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Dragon

  - Red Dragon
    Attack: Burning Jaw
    Special Attack: Fire Breath
    Skills: None
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 90
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Dragon

  - Salamander
    Attack: Burning Fang 
    Special Attack: Grand Flame, Dragon Roar
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 115
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 20 Red Dragon

  - Fafnir
    Attack: Lustral Fang 
    Special Attack: Dragon Roar, Photon
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 115
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 20 White Dragon

 * Gryphons
  - Gryphon
    Attack: Beak Attack
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 55
    Mana Cost: 300
    Requirements: None

  - Holy Gryphon
    Attack: Snap Beak 
    Special Attack: Feather Storm
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: None
    Rune Cost: 80
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Gryphon

 * Angels
  - Angel
    Attack: Cross Strike
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Heal, Divine Ray
    Rune Cost: 85
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: None

  - Archangel
    Attack: Cross Blitz
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Divine Ray, Halo, Heal, Holy Word
    Rune Cost: 100
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Angel

 * Demons
  - Demon
    Attack: Evil Spike
    Special Attack: None 
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Venom, Curse
    Rune Cost: 85
    Mana Cost: 480
    Requirements: None

  - Archdemon
    Attack: Crime Spike
    Special Attack: None
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Curse, Dimension, Venom, Weakness
    Rune Cost: 100
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 10 Demon

  - Satan
    Attack: Dark Pleasure
    Special Attack: Nasty Needle
    Skills: Flying
    Spells: Curse, Dimension, Meteor Doom, Necro Rebirth, Venom, Weakness
    Rune Cost: 115
    Mana Cost: 0
    Requirements: Level 20 Archdemon

 * Scorpions
   Attack: Poison Tail
   Special Attack: None
   Skills: Attack can poison enemies
   Spells: None
   Rune Cost: 20
   Mana Cost: 180
   Requirements: None

V. Character Information
 * Lance [Ruler]
   Age: 14
   Sex: M
   Country Affiliation: New Almekia
   Original Position: Prince
   Starting Rune Power: 228
   Attack: Twin Blade
   Special Attack: None
   Spells: Heal, Flame
   Critical Attack: Wing Slash
   Skills: None

* Gereint
  Age: 31
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Samurai
  Starting Rune Power: 284
  Attack: Tora
  Special Attack: Iai Slash
  Spells: None 
  Critical Attack: Shadow Moon
  Skills: Hit + 10%

* Meleagant
  Age: 25
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Avenger
  Starting Rune Power: 209
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Curse, Weakness
  Critical Attack: Genocide
  Skills: 5% HP Recovery

* Loufal
  Age: 25
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Fighter
  Starting Rune Power: 165
  Attack: Fighter Blade
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: None
  Critical Attack: Power Strike
  Skills: None

* Glauze
  Age: 28
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 222
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Schutleis
  Age: 20
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 171
  Attack: Knightsword 
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Gilsus
  Age: 24
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: New Almekia
  Original Position: Sorcerer
  Starting Rune Power: 189
  Attack: striking Staff
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Fog
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Cai [Ruler]
  Age: 25
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Caerlon
  Original Position: Warlock
  Starting Rune Power: 319
  Attack: Word of Magic
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Flame, Frost, Thunder, Geno-Flame, Geno-Frost, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast,
  Geno-Frost, Flight, Silent 
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Merriot
  Age: 16
  Sex: F
  Country Affiliation: Caerlon
  Original Position: Scout
  Starting Rune Power: 221
  Attack: Elven Bow
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: None
  Critical Attack: Twin Shot
  Skills: None

* Zemeckis [Ruler]
  Age: 36
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Emperor
  Starting Rune Power: 351
  Attack: Tempest Bow
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Geno-Thunder, Power
  Critical Attack: Lightning Bow
  Skills: None

* Cador
  Age: Unknown
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Death Knight
  Starting Rune Power: 275
  Attack: Death Bringer
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Curse, Geno-Flame
  Critical Attack: Dolorous Stroke
  Skills: None

* Shiraha
  Age: 21
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Ninja
  Starting Rune Power: 173 
  Attack: Painless Knife, Shuriken 
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Weakness, Accel, Paralyze
  Critical Attack: Illusion
  Skills: Hit and Away

* Fiel
  Age: 25 
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 166
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Roecod
  Age: 27
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 177
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Paradoll
  Age: 27
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Bishop
  Starting Rune Power: 182
  Attack: Clergy Mace 
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Divine Ray
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Escalados
  Age: 51
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Shogun
  Starting Rune Power: 218
  Attack: Katana Blade
  Special Attack: Iai Slash
  Spells: None
  Critical Attack: Shadow Moon
  Skills: None

* Ranguinus
  Age: 50
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Esgares
  Original Position: Sorcerer
  Starting Rune Power: 216
  Attack: Sorcery Staff
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Fog
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Lyonesse [Ruler]
  Age: 17
  Sex: F
  Country Affiliation: Leonia
  Original Position: Queen
  Starting Rune Power: 262
  Attack: Liath Fail
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Charm, Protect
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Filo
  Age: 18
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Leonia
  Original Position: Cleric
  Starting Rune Power: 193
  Attack: Pilgrim Rod
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Halo
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Paternus
  Age: 42
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Leonia
  Original Position: Cardinal
  Starting Rune Power: 273
  Attack: Gravity
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Flight, Charm
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Asmit
  Age: 29
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Leonia
  Original Position: Bishop
  Starting Rune Power: 214
  Attack: Clergy Mace
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Langueborg
  Age: 21
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Leonia
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 138
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Vaynard [Ruler]
  Age: 21
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Norgard
  Original Position: Lord
  Starting Rune Power: 332
  Attack: Caladbolg
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Frost, Geno-Frost, Fog
  Critical Attack: Wolf Fang
  Skills: None

* Roadbull
  Age: 49
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Norgard
  Original Position: Bishop
  Starting Rune Power: 247
  Attack: Clergy Mace
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray
  Critical Attack: None
  Skills: None

* Guinglain
  Age: 23
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Norgard
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 294
  Attack: Answeller
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None

* Yvain
  Age: 22
  Sex: M
  Country Affiliation: Norgard
  Original Position: Cavalier
  Starting Rune Power: 231
  Attack: Knightsword
  Special Attack: None
  Spells: Heal
  Critical Attack: Cross Cutter
  Skills: None
VI. Others
 I haven't really beaten the game, but I am trying hard to do so now. Esgares Really ROCKS! 
You start with a Tiamat, A Vampire Lord, the Kingdom really is great. The Team of Shiraha,
Escalados and a Mage or Sorcerer can kill opponenets really fast.
 And can anyone help me? I accidentally sold my Chocobo Lure Materia in FFVII, where can I buy 
another one? Please Help!
VII. Credits
 I would like to thank all Brigandine FAQ writers from, they are:
Stewart Vachal, Michael Tofer, Justin Cipparone, Anthony Nguyen, and Zhou Tai Tan.
 Though I never had any contact with either one of them, I used their FAQs as reference when I 
first played and while I was writing this FAQ.
 All games and names mentioned are copyright their respective companies and owners. This Faq is
made by me, Dhan Samson and owned by me. Feel free to post this anywhere you want as long as I
get some credit. Thank you.   
-Copyright 1999 Dhan Samson-