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Brigandine (e)

Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 13:13:03 PST

Brigandine FAQ version 0.3
By Michael Tofer

1. New in this version
2. The very basics
3. List of unites
4. List of spells
5. Walkthroughs
6. Gaining Generals
7. Some Tips
8. Quests

New in version: In this version I added the `Gaining Generals` section 
and I added Norgard to my`Walkthroughs` section. I allso added my `Some 
Tips` section and the `Quests` section.

The very basics:

Quests:  First thing is that if you send a knight out on a quest you 
will have no ide when he or she will return or what the out come off the 
quest shall be. BUT quest are worth it. You can get level 10 monsters 
and great accessories for your knights. Often your knight that is on a 
quest will get for exampel 4 strengh points up or something lika that. 
But some very special times you can get a great monster or even a knight 
to join you. But if you are really unlucky your knight will only get 
wounded. Then you can not use that knight for a month (one turn). You 
can also get a kind of potion that will upgrade your high level 
creatures. I always use my worst knights to quest becuse other wise they 
will only sitt in a castle and do nothing.

Killing a hole country: When you have killed a hole nation you will get 
some knights. The bad thing is that the other nations will also get some 

Elemental differences: This is a thing that is very wise to use. I will 
give you a exampel. If you have a Tiamat and you attack a Phoenix your 
attack will take more than it would on a Wyvern. This happens for the 
Tiamat has two blue elemental and the Phoenix has three red. Get it!
This is how the elements work.

Red --- Blue
White --- Black

And then there is green but it has no color to compete with.

Setting up a arme:
Generals: I always choose the lord for the county, a Paladin or a 
Avenger and a Valkyrie.
Of course there are other generals that are better for special types of 
armes like Cardinal or Master Ninja. But they are also much harder to 
Creatures: One Salamander or Bahamut, five Centaur, one Pixies, one 
Angel, and some Wyverns.
There if you use this arme around five times you will be almost 
impossible to beat.

Fighting tactics: On easy you should first sett you Salamander/Bahamut 
where you think they will attack. Then sett your Wyverns along side it 
two create a wall. Then put you Centaur behind your wall of Wyverns. 
Then sett your pixies and Angel where they will do the most god, the 
same thing for your generals. Then when the enemy has arrived kill of 
there generals. And now you have won.

Same thing on normal and hard but now you can not wait for them if it is 
you who has attackt. But if come smart and kill there generals fast it 
should be no problem. The best thing that can happen to you is if your 
enemy has its lord in the battle. Just kill the lord and the other 
generals will also retret.

List of Units:

Ghoul			Rune cost 15
The weakest creature in the game, pretty worthless. But there leves go 
up extremly fast.

Vampire		Rune cost 30
Almost a ghoul, but with regenerative powers. There leves also goes up 

Vampire Lords		Rune cost 70
Superb unite. Great spells like Necro Rebirth. Like I said extremly good 

Pixie			Rune cost 30
Does not have any thing special exept the Protect spell. The attack 
power relly sucks.

Fairy			Rune cost 45
I love this small bug. This are the reason that I have Pixies in my 
arme. This bugs have the superb React spell. The React spell lets you do 
two acts with the creature you place it on.

Centaur		Rune cost 35
Fast moving horsemen that can shoot with a bow. Very good unite. I use 
four-five of them.

High Centaur		Rune cost 50
O my God what a great unite. There shoots take around 100 and they can 
shoot from relly long ranges. If you have one use it!

Dragon			Rune cost 75
Super strong unite. The bad thing is that it takes ages for there level 
to get a level up.
When you get up to level 10. You can chose if it is going to be a Red or 
White Dragon.

Red Dragon		Rune cost 90
Even more super strong than the normal Dragon. But the levels are very 
Nothing relly new here from the origanal. Exept for the strenght.

White Dragon		Rune cost  100
Like a Red Dragon exept for that this one is a flying unite.

Salamander		Rune cost 115
O my god this is proberly the best 3 level unite in the game.

Fafnir			Rune cost 120
Like the Salamander but with a less good special. But don`t get me wrong 
this is also a super unite.

Angel			Rune cost 85
I have 1 of these in my arme. They have plenty of mana for there heal 
spell and there Divine Ray.

Archangel		Rune cost 100
Like an Angel but with more MP and the super spell Holy Word.

Seraph			Rune cost 120
Like the Archangel but with even more MP and a new spell. The new spells 
is there Area Heal which is great. The also have a attack witch they can 
use from a two hex range. Plus they look relly cool.

Lucifer			Rune cost 120
Super mega unite. Has the super spell Meteor Doom, all the white spells 
plus the two red spells Flame and Power, it also has some black spells 
like Dimension. When it is on level 20 it has around 375 mana, I say 
thats pritty damn good. You need the Fruit of Vise to get this little 

Demon			Rune cost 85
The Angels opposite. They have two spells Venom and Curse. Curse is like 
Divine Ray exept that it is a black spell.

Archdemon		Rune cost 100
More MP and Wekness and Dimension spells. The have pritty high attack 
level too.

Satan			Rune cost 120
Pritty scary name there. Well there well worth it. They now have some 
new spells like the hyper superb Meteor Doom. And of course loads MP.

Lilith			Rune cost 120
You need the Charm Liquor to get one of these. This have some Angel 
spells and some red spells as well. What can I say, they are 

Mandrake		Rune cost 35
Very high HP but extremly low attack power. Don`t use this they are 
relly worthless.

Man-Eater		Rune cost 50
Much better than a Mandrake but still no great unite. The can attack 
over one hex now.

G-Scorpion		Rune cost 20
Pritty good for the low mana cost. The can some times poison the enemy 
it attacks. They have very low HP.

Death Needle		Rune cost 35
Not a thing new from the origanal exept for better attack and defense.

Merman		Rune cost 30
Made to be used in water and nothing else.

Triton			Rune cost 40
Like a Merman with better attack and defense. They have also got a 
special. But it can only be used in water.

Poseidon		Rune cost XXX
Have not gotten one yet but there proberly great in the water.

Hydra   		Rune cost 80
Like a Dragon but it is made for water. Much better than Merman. They 
have 5% recovery when there in water.

Tiamat	      		Rune cost 110
Has extremly high HP. Very high attack and defense power makes this 
unite good both in and out of the water. But they are relly slow on 

Wyvern	      	Rune cost 60
Relly fast/strong unite. One of my personal favorits. There levels go up 
pritty fast compered to Dragons.

Couatl	      		Rune cost 80
Like a Wyvern but stronger.

Bahamut	      	Rune cost 110
One of the best unites in the game. There breath attck is 5 hex long and 
if the Bahamut is on level 25 it will take around 150. It`s normal 
attacks take about 210.

Lizardmen	      	Rune cost 30
OK unite, but nothing special. There a little slow. But they don`t miss 
so much.

Lizard Guard	      	Rune cost 45
Like a stronger Lizardman and with a breath attack that can posion 

Jinn	      		Rune cost 30
If used correctly these can be quite good, but I never use them. These 
fellas can`t even attack/counter attack. It is that that makes them the 
patetic litle things they are.

Marid	      		Rune cost 50
Dao			Exacly like Jinn exept these fellas are special elemental units.

Griffin	      		Rune cost 55
Like a Wyvern, but stil not as good. But they advance in levels faster.

Holy Griffin	      	Rune cost 80
A very good flying unite. These are great aginst black elemental unites.

Hellhound	      	Rune cost 35
These have a special skill called Hit&Run. This enables the Hellhound 
first move than attack and then move again. But there not so strong.

Fenrir	      		Rune cost 50
Same skill as Hellhounds these are a little bit stronger and can move a 
little futher.

Roc	      		Rune cost 75
Allmost better than Wyvers becost of there skill to some times stone the 
enemy there attacking.

Phoenix	      	Rune cost 90
Super mega hyper good unite.It is strong, it can move very far, it has 
regeneration abilety and the coolest color in the game. If you have one 
you have to use.

Unicorns	      	Rune cost 40
I use one of these in my super arme. They have two spells Heal and Cure. 
They have low HP and only around 135 MP.

Pegasus	      	Rune cost 55
These like the Unicorns have Heal and Cure but also Halo. They are 
flying unites so thy can move more than Unicorns.

Nightmare	      	Rune cost 55
These are the evil Unicorns with there dimenstion spell and wekness. But 
you did chose Unicorn becuse you want to heal your self not transport 
your enemys some where else on the map with dimenstion.

Giant	      		Rune cost 60
I hate these becuse they always miss. Plus there very expencive.

Titan/Gigas	      	Rune cost 85
Like a Giant but better of course. These fellas at least hits a little 
bit. Still there nothing special.

Thor	      		Rune cost 105
These come from Titan and you must have the item Rage Lightning to get 

Loki	      		Rune cost 105
This one comes from Gigas and you must have Wisdom Seed to get this 
fella. But a Thor is better.

Clay Golem	      	Rune cost 45
Better than Giants and cheeper. These fellas have more defense power but 
less attack power than Giants.

Stone Golem	      	Rune cost 55
Like Clay but stronger and these can do an attack from 2 hexes away from 
the enemy.

Bronze Golem	      	Rune cost 70
Stronger than the Stone Golem and now his Rock Throw attack is 3 hex 
long instead of 2 hex.

Talos	      		Rune cost 90
A super, super, super unite. Its attack the Rock Throw can attack from 4 
hexes and it takes aboute 250 on the target. The only bad thing is that 
you have to get your Bronze Golem up to level 30 before you can get one.

List of spells:

White spells:
Heal one of your unites.

Cures one of your unites from a negative status like stoned or poison.

Makes the unite you have target gain more experience.

Divine Ray
Attacks one of your enemys with white magic.

Area Heal
Heals all your unites within the rune range of your unite.

Holy Word
Great spell witch attacks all of your enemts within the rune range.

Black spells:
Weakenss one of your oppenents. Not so usefull.

Transports one of your enemys unites else where.

Attacks one of your enemys with black magic.

Necro Rebirth
Brings one of your enemys dead unites to your side for the rest of the 
battle. The creature you have choose becomes a zombie(you can see that 
on the creature condition. There are some spells that are made to kill 
zombies fast like Holy Word and Divine Ray.

Meteor Doom
It works lika Geno-Thunder but it has a much bigger area and it attacks 
with black elemental magic. But it costs 255 MP and pritty much(but it 
is worth it).
Attacks one unite of your enemy with poison damage. Has pritty long 

Green spells:
Halves all the damage from normal attacks the first turn. The second 
turn all normal damage is quartered and the third turn the spell is 

Put this on one of your enemys unite and it can`t do any spells. Relly 
usefull on  mages.

Enables one of your unites to move more one turn. Not sucha good spell.

Decreases one unites hit rate. If you use it on a Giant it will never 
hit anything.

It paralyzes a enemy unite.

Petrifies enemies. I think that the Ninja Master is the only one that 
can cast this spell.

Lets the targeted unite do two acts. A very  superb spell.

Red spells:
Raises one unites strenght. When I use this spell one my level 30 
Bahamut and does his breath attack it takes 370 damage on all five 

Attacks one unite with red elemental power.

Attacks all unites within rune range.

Exa Blast
Lika a Curse but stronger and with red elemental power.

Blue spells:
Like Flame but with blue power.

Like Geno-Flame but with blue power.

Fall Berg.
Like Exa Blast but with blue magic.

I have just finished my walkthrough for Iscalio, New Almekia and 
Norgard, but more will come.

Walkthrough Iscalio

So you want to play with Iscalio. Well I myself think it`s the most easy 
nation. First of all you should creat a super arme. The generals will be 
Dryst(the lord of the country), Iria and Bademagus. It would allso be a 
good ide to use the Bahamut that you begine with. Then sett up the arme 
the way that I discraibe in the secion `Setting up a arme`. Now you 
should attack Hervery and Salisbury. After that you should begine to 
take over the hole of Caerleon. I allways killed of Cai then waited one 
turn so he could fight again. That way the battles should be very fast 
and if you are lycky(like me), you might even get there Couatl. Let Iria 
kill the monsters so she can gain some levels so she can use Holy Word. 
Then let Bademagus kill the rest until he reaches level 20 so you can 
upgrade him to Avenger. After that you should select a creatur to gain 
levels. After you killed Caerleon you should get one or two generals 
which is very use full. Now go and kill New Almekia. After that you can 
choose if you are going to kill Norgard or the Esgares. I would choose 
the Esgares Empire. If you come into a position where you have several 
generals over you can just quest with them. Allright after you have 
killed the Esgares Empire you will go after Leonia. They will not posse 
a to big of a problem. It would be very good if you would quest some, 
for now you could get Millan and Mira which are two great knights. You 
can only get them after you have defeated the Esgares Empire. After you 
have defeated the little Leonia kingdome it`s time for Norgard. And they 
could put up a real fight. They have two White Dragons and some times a 
Fafnir. But if you have used the same arme trough the hole game it 
should not be a problem. You should plan your attack so you only have to 
defend 3-4 castles becouse they can do some pritty tough attacks.

Walkthrough New Almekia

First of all, you should like allways make a super arme. I would choose 
Geraint, Meleagant and Coel as generals and later in the game when 
Halley joins you, you could put her in your super arme. As creatures you 
should of course take the Salamander that you begin the game with. The 
rest is up to you. You can turn to my `Setting up a arme` part of this 
faq for help. First you should take some castles from the Esgares 
Empire. Let Geraint kill some enemys so he can gain one level, so he can 
become a Shogun. Take the castles smart so you don`t have so many 
pleaces to defend. Now go after Norgard. With your super arme it should 
not be so difficult. Just remember to go after there generals. After you 
defeated the hole of Norgard. You should go after Leonia. Then down and 
kill Iscalio. You could try to take over there Bahamut by killing the 
leader that controls it. After that if your lycky, your allie Caerleon 
may even have damage the Esgares Empire so much that it will be no 
problem to kill them of. Remember that if you need some more war, you 
could allways attack Caerleon. But they are relly hard with there Cai 
and Dinadan. But if you want a cooler ending you should attack Caerleon.

P.S When you kill the Esgares Empire Lance will be promoted to King. 
This gives him a boost in power and defence, he gets one red elemental 
and he can do the Geno-Flame.

Walktrough Norgard:
In your super arme you should have Vaynard, Gunglain and Yvain. You 
begine the game with two White Dragons witch is a very good start. The 
rest is up to you. First thing go and murder Leonia. Be sure to not use 
so many black creatures becuse in Leonia there are almost only white 
creature. But it is good if you can get a hold of a Demon for becuse if 
you do a Curse spell on a white creature it will take a lot of HP. You 
can try to get some of Leonias special creatures. I mean there high 
level creatures like there Holygriff, Pegasus and there rocking 
Phoenix(I got there Phoenix). After you killed  them you will get two 
more generals. If you are not playing on easy your proberly under attack 
on your west side of the nation. But you have to fix it some way. A good 
way is to send some high level creatures from your super arme there. 
When you have defeated Leonia you should proberly go after Iscalio. Now 
your two new generals might come to use. After the defeat of Iscalio you 
will get Daffy a Samurai and Victoria a Sorceress. Just move on against 
Caerleon. They could be pritty hard becouse of Dinadan and Cai. Even 
after you have killed Caerleon and got your two new generals it may be a 
shortage of generals for you. So you have to plan your attacks smart. It 
does not matter if you go after New Almekia or Esgares. Becouse your 
super arme is proberly enough strong to beat any thing.

More to come...

Gaining Generals:
If you are short on generals this is proberly the best part of the faq 
for you. You can gain generals by either defeating a hole country or you 
by questing.

These are the generals(rune knights) that you can get by questing.

Dogal: A male knight with extrimly high rune power and he is only level 
2 when you get him, so you can get relly high rune power with him.

Hyude: Pretty worthless male knight. When he joins you he will go on a 

Limlight: You can only get this male elf knight by questing with Hyude. 
It will take aboute 3 moths to get him.

Mire and Millet: These two sisters are pritty good. One is a Lancer and 
the other a Sorceress. They can first join you after you  have defeated 
the Esgares Empire.

Shiraha: Super cool ninja knight(proberly the coolest in the game). When 
you get him, you can train your other male knights to become ninjas. You 
can only get him after you have defeated the Esgares Empire.

Clauze: You can only get this male knight by questing with Coel.

Cathleen and Klaques: Nothing special here.

Cortina: This little girl has high rune power witch could be usfull.

Balder: Just a male knight.

Aldis: If you quest with her you get a level 20 Fafnir named Puro. Relly 
extremly good.

Rain: He just joins you  after you  have gotten Mire and Millet.

Ranguinus: Relly good male knight. He used to work for the Esgares 
Empire. You get him by questing with Rain.

These are the knight that you can get by defeating a nation.

New Almekia: Carlota and Loufal

Caerleon: Janfadar and Bilcock

Iscalio: Daffy and Victoria

Leonia: I am afraid I don`t remember, but I think it was a Cavalier and 
a Druid. I am relly sorry.

Norgard: Dillard and Kirkmond

Esgares: Ivan and Fiel

Some Tips:
These are just some tips that don`t fit in to the other sections.

Plan smart defences:
This tip is writen by ©Gregg© (alias P|/\/\PDaddy)
Hey, um I was just playing Brandine and I noticed cause my good guys are 
pretty powerful, but when Esgares Empire attacked and The guys i had 
there were weak. So I turned it off and started it back up cause i had 
just saved it.I moved my most powerful guy to where they were going to 
attack and they did and I won but i tried it a couple of times and it 
kept on happening so you can figure out when and where the enemy is 
going to attack and what you will need to stop em'!!!

Getting powerfull unites easy:
To get powerfull unites like New Almekias Salamander or the Esgares 
Empire Vampire Lord and other unites like that. All you have to do is 
kill the General that controlls the creature. But if you just kill the 
general it is still a pritty good chance that the general will take the 
unite with him/her. The best way to get the creature is to first wound 
it were badly(let it have aboute 50 or so). Then try to get it out of 
the generals rune range(you can see it if you click on the general). Now 
go for the kill and if you are lycke(becouse it is still a 50 50 chance) 
you will get the unite you want.

Getting more generals:
You all know that when you defeated a country you will get two generals. 
Well it has happend to me that you get four and even five generals. Like 
once when I defeated the Esgares Empire I got five generals and once 
when I defeated Iscalio I got four generals. I don`t know what you 
should do to get more than two generals, but you can.

Getting Carmine:
To get Carmine you must first get Mira and Millet. When you have got 
them you should quest with both of `em. Some times they will go on a 
quest together. There quest will take them to there hometown. A 
Salamander will attack there hometown but Mira and Millet will save 
there hometown from the Salamander. One of them will get wounded. But 
will be saved by the doctor Carmine. In the end of the quest Mira and 
Millet will get a item from there old nanny. After the quest is over and 
a year has gone Carmine should join you.

Here are all the quest that I have gotten.

Flower girl in town gives you a
-Red rose = STR 
-Yellow sunflower = AGI increase
-White lily = INT increase

A dwarf in the forset gives your knight a mushroom which enables your 
knight to understand what the birds are saying. This leads to a item.

Your knight meets a drunk man in a bar.
-The drunk does not like rune knights = you get a item
-The drunk likes rune knights = nothing

Your knight meets a soothsayer on a road and the soothsayer will let you 
draw a card.
-World = rune power increase
-Magician = MP increase
-Strength = STR increase
-Chariot = HP increase

Your knight will sleep in a old castle where there are ghosts. You will 
get a item.

Your knight sees a large dragon. Sometimes you get a item and sometimes 
you don`t.

Your knight is about to cook a rabbit. Then the rabbit will talk its way 
out by saying where a treasure is. Your knight finds
- the treasure = you get a item
- a viper = wounded for a month

Your knight drinks up some honey and a large bee then comes. Your knight 
will get a boost in HP.

A village is botherd by a level 10 monster.
-Your knight defeats the monster = the monster joins you
-The monster wins = you get nothing

Your knight throws a coin in a fountain and a fairy appears and
-Thank your knight with a kiss and a item = you get a item
-Puts a hex on your knight = your knight get wounded, sort of.

Your knight is about to drink from a fountain and
-A frightfull picture appears = nothing
-Your knight is knocked out by drinking the water = knights AGI 

Your knight gets on a boat that takes him/her to a island. On the 
island, your knight
-will find a very old man that tells a story = knight rune power 
-finds some maidens = MP increased
-finds some fairies that learns your knight how to dance on water = AGI 
-a idol trops a item = you get one of the final class up items

Your knight comes to a bridge where there is a old man that tells a 
relly long story. Your knights INT gets increased.

It starts raining and your knight takes cover under a tree. A girl is 
also under the tree and she begins to tell a story. Then the girl 
dissappears leaving your knight with a item.

Your knight finds a eight legged horse and then takes a ride on it. Your 
then gets his/her STR increased.

A man offers you to test and grind his sandstone. Then a curse is set on 
your knight. At the end of this story your knight will get a boost in 

On a road your knight will find a bottle of liquid.
-It is poison = your knight is wounded for a month
-It is not poison = the knights AGI is increased

In the a town your knight will hear a song. The knights MP is increased.

Your knight finds a strange flower in a forest. The knight is knocked 
out by the aroma of the flower. Your knight then wakes up and
-Has increased INT
-Has increased MP
-Has beem robbed = you get nothing

Your knight ventures in a tall tower.
-Your knight reads the `Lost Text` = increased INT
-There is a large explosion = knight gets wounded for a month

After entering a dark cave your knight
-finds a item
-finds a level 1 creature
-finds and reads a scroll = increased INT
-falls into a pit = wounded for one month

Your knight drinks from a waterfall when a fairy appers and then
-the fairy dissappears = nothing
-the fairy sings a song = either the knights HP or rune power will be 

Your knight puts his/her hand into a hole in staty and then
-gets a objekt = you get a item
-finds a item but can`t get it out = you get nothing

Your knight comes to a old monument where there is a tomb with a item.
-your knight is not able to get the item = you don`t get anything
-your knight gets the item = you get the item

Your knight is walking on a road with a merchant. When the two are going 
to go two different ways the merchant will give your knight a item.

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