Andere Lösungen

Breath of Fire 3 (e)

X-From_:  Sun Jan 31 03:34:58 1999
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 04:34:08 EST

BOFIII: everything about fishing and dragons

Place: Hut in Cedar Woods(Yrall Region)
Requirements: none

Bunyan's skills
Skill                    Level Requirement
Risky Blow                       2
Focus                              5
Super Combo                   8
Disembowel                     10

Statistic                 Effect
Hp                        +2
AP                        -2
Power                    +2
Defence                  +1
Agility                     0
Intelligence             -2


Place:? location near Cedar woods
Requirements: Donation of all your Zenny, even if the amount is zero

skills              Level requirement
Frost                        1
Meditation                 4
Magic Ball                 6
Typhoon                    8

statistics        Effect
HP                    0
AP                    +1
Power                -1
Defence             -1
Agility                 0
Intelligence         +2


Place:Coffee Shop, at the top of the hill behind the building
Requirements:15 different weapons in inventory

Skills                  Level
Monopolize           2
Intimidate              3
Steal                    4

statistics               effect
HP                          -1
AP                          -2
Power                     +1
Defence                   0
Agility                     +1
Intelligence               0
Note: Agility up


Place: ? location behind Wyndia in a small hut
Requirements: none'

Skills                   Level
Unmotivate             1
Feign Swing           2
Backhand               3

statistics             Effect
HP                        0
AP                        0
Power                   0
Defence                0
Agility                   0
Intelligence            0


Place: ? location in forest directly east of the plant
requirements:  Peco must speak to him; you must give him a Wisdom Fruit

Skills                   Level
sanctuary               2
recall                      5
shield                     8

statistics               effect
HP                          -1
AP                          +1
Power                     -2
Defence                   +1
Agility                      0
Intelligence               +2
Note:weak against flame attacks


Place: ? location in Mysterious forest west of checkpoint(eastern Wyndia)
Requirements: You must have Peco in your party and must have visited Faiery

Skills                      Level
Charm                       2
Shadowalk                5
War Shout                8

statistics                 effect
HP                            -1
AP                            0
Power                       -1
Defence                     -1
Agility                       +2
Intelligence                 0


Place: ? location on beach south of Rhapala Bridge
Requirements:Rodmaster status or higher in fishing

skills           Level
Trump             2
Berserk          5
Death             8

statistics             effect
HP                        +4
AP                        +3
Power                    -1
Defence                 -1
Agility                    -1
Intelligence             -1


Place:Urkan Tapa Temple
Requirements:You must master Durandal's Backhand technique 

skills                    level
Purify                     2
Kyrie                      5
Benediction             8

statistics             effect
HP                        0
AP                      +2
Power                  -2
Defence                0
Agility                   0
Intelligence          +1
Note:Holy property up

Place: Pub in Arena
Requirements: You must fight and win at least 30 battles in a row without

Skills                Level
Charge                2
Counter               4
Resist                6

statistics             effect
HP                       +4
AP                         0
Power                   +1
Defence                 +3
Agility                    -3
Intelligence            -3


Place: ? location south of Dauna Mine
Requirements: 10,000 Zenny

Skills                   level
Barrier                   2
Mind Sword            4
Enlighten               6

statistics             effect
HP                       0
AP                       +4
Power                   -2
Defence                -2
Agility                   0
Intelligence            +4


Place:Wyndia city, hiding in dauna Mine
Requirements: Play hide and Seek

skill                         level
Chain formation          3

statistics             effect
HP                        0
AP                        0
Power                  +1
Defence                0
Agility                   0
Intelligence            0


Place:Wyndia city, hiding in catacombs in Wyndia
Requirements: Play Hide and Seek

Skills                        level
Cupid's Lyre(item)         3

statistics             effect
HP                         0
AP                         0
Power                     0
Defence                  +1
Agility                     0
Intelligence              0


Place: Wyndia city, behind wall at checkpoint
Requirements: Play Hide and Seek

Skills                      Level
Magic Formation          3

statistics             effect
HP                        0
AP                        0
Power                    0
Defence                 0
Agility                    0
Intelligence             +1


Place:Wyndia city, behind house at Junk town
Requirements: Play Hide and Seek

Skills               level
Hp formation        3

statistics             effect
HP                         +1
AP                          0
Power                     0
Defence                   0
Agility                     0
Intelligence              0


Place:Kitchen of Wyndia Castle
Requirements:Swallow eye, Beef Jerky, Angler, Martian squid

Skills                       Level
Mighty chop                 2
Demonsbane                4

statistics             effect
HP                        +2
AP                         -2
Power                    +2
Defence                  +1
Agility                     -1
Intelligence             -1


Place: Cave of Ages in Mount Zublo
Requirements:Beyond being polite and answering "I like you better this way"
when you meet her at Mount Zublo

Skills            Level
Inferno              2
Blizzard            5
Myollnir            8
Sirocco            11
Celerity            15

statistics             effect
HP                        -3
AP                        +3
Power                    +1
Defence                 -3
Agility                    +1
Intelligence             +3


Ladon, King of Dragons
Place: Wall relief directly above Port Drive in Dragonier (lost shore)
Requirements: You must have all 18 genes

Skills                level
Mind's eye           3
Holy strike           5
Ward of Light       7
Aura Smash        9

statistics             effect
HP                        -6
AP                        -6
Power                   +2
Defence                +2
Agility                   +1
Intelligence           +1


Fish data book

# in data book    Name                          Preferred bait
1                     Jellyfish                          any
2                     Piranha                           any
3                     Puffer                           Old
4                     Trout                              any
5                     Rainbow trout                 Worm,spirit,caro,heavy
6                     Red Catfish                     frog, baby frog, fat
7                     Bass                              any
8                     Martian Squid                  Worm,spirit,caro,heavy
9                     Black Bass                     Worm,spirit,caro,heavy
10                   Barandy                          Frog,baby frog, fat frog
11                   Man-o'-war                      any
12                   Flying fish                       Old popper, popper,
13                   Blowfish                          any
14                   Sea Bream                      Spirit, caro, heavy caro
15                   Sea Bass                        any
16                   Black Porgy                     Frog, fat frog
17                   Octopus                          Worm, spirit, caro,
heavy caro
18                   Angler                              sinker, deep diver
19                   Devilfish
Worm,spirit,caro,heavy caro
20                   Spearfish                         Deep Diver
21                   Whale                             Deep Diver
22                   Mackerel                         worm, spirit
23                   Manillo                            coin

Fishing spot

Location                       Fish types
W of McNeil Farm         Piranha, Puffer, trout, Manillo
W of McNeil Village      Jellyfish, Piranha, Rainbow trout
W of Mount Mynerg      Jellyfish, Bass, Martian Squid
Maekyss Gorge           Puffer, Martian Squid, Mackerel
W of Maekyss Gorge    Puffer, Rainbow trout, Bass
SE of Wyndia               Piranha, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Bass, Black Bass
S of Tower                    Flying fish, Blowfish, Black Porgy, Octopus,
N of Rhapala                 Man-o'-war, Flying fish, Sea bream
S of Rhapala Bridge      Man-o'-war, Flying Fish, Sea bass, Octopus
S of Urkan Tapa            Sea Bream, Black Porgy, Angler, Manillo
W of Junk Town            Sea Bass, Devil fish, Spearfish
Cape near outer sea      Man-o'-war,Flying fish,Blowfish,sea bream,sea
S of Dauna Mine           Red Catfish, Bass, Martian Squid
S of Northern Checkpoint Piranha, Trout, Rainbow trout, Barandy, Manillo
SE of Ogre Road           Puffer, Trout, Black bass
Near Kombinat              Whale, Manillo, Man-o'-war, Flying fish, Spearfish
S of Cliff                        Octopus, Angler, Devilfish, Manillo


Manillo Trade Shops
W of McNeil Farm 
Items                    Fish required
Silver Knife            Rainbow trout x2,Trout x2                   Pwr 12,
wgt 1, property:holy
Iron Helm              Trout, Piranha x2                              Def 6,
wgt 2
Waistcloth            Trout, Puffer                                       Def
5, wgt 3
Spirit                    Piranha x3
Baby frog              Piranha x3
popper                   Puffer x2
float                      Puffer x2
skill ink                 Rainbow trout, trout                          used
to write skill notes
bell collar             Anglerx3,martian squidx3,Sea Breamx5  raises chance of
holy mantle          Black bassx3, bassx9,sea bassx9      lowers chance of

S of Tower
Items               Fish required                         Description
Chain cap       bass, blowfishx3                    Def 19, wgt 5
Crepe Cape     black porgy, flying fish x4      def 19, wgt 2
spirit               blowfish x3                           fishing
Baby Frog       blowfish x3                           fishing
Popper            Puffer x2                              fishing
Float               puffer x2                              fishing
Skill ink          Octopus x2                          used to write skill

South of Cliff
Items                     Fish required                       Description
Hawk's ring        Black bass x3, bass x5              Raises chance of
surprise attack
Artemis's cap     Black bass x2,anglerx2,sea breamx5 Raises accuracy
Speed boots       Barandy,black bass,devilfishx2  raises agility
Soul gem           Barandy,seabassx2               save from death once
Bell collar          devilfishx2,anglerx3,seabreamx9  Raises chance of fights
holy mantle        Black bassx3,bassx9,sea bassx9  lowers chance of fights
skill ink             Octopusx2,devilfish               used to write skill

West of Steel Beach
Items                 Fish Required                       Description
Demonsbane     spearfish,black bass x2           Pwr 99, wgt 7, devil-slayer
Aries spear    spearfish,seabassx9,Seabreamx9   pwr88, wgt 4, devil-slayer
Heavy caro    Devilfish,Martian squid,Octopusx2   fishing
Fat frog         Devilfish,Martian squid,Octopusx2   fishing
Dogwalker     Devilfish,Martian squid,Octopusx2   fishing
Deepdiver      Devilfish,Martian squid,Octopusx2   fishing
Skill Ink        Octopusx2,devilfish                      Used to write skill

Near Northern checkpoint
Items                  Fish required                             Description
Wisdom Ring  Blackbass,Rainbowtroutx5,troutx5   Raises intelligence
Lion's belt     Angler,Rainbowtroutx9,troutx9          raises Willpower
Ginseng       Bassx2,Rainbowtroutx5,troutx5        raises power
Caro            Rainbow trout x2, trout x3               fishing
Frog            Rainbow trout x2, trout x3               fishing
top              Rainbow trout x3, trout x2               fishing
Hanger        Rainbow trout x3, trout x2              fishing
skill ink       Martiansquidx2,Rainbowtrout,trout  used to write skill notes
Katzbalger  Barandy,Blackbassx2,redcatfish    pwr 61, wgt1
Laurel         Barandy,Blackbassx2,bass          Def 15, wgt0

South of Urkan Tapa
Same things as the Manillo trade shop near Northern Checkpoint, except it
doesn't have the katzbalger and the laurel and all the items are much more
"expensive" and I don't want to list the items twice.  Just don't go shopping
south of Urkan Tapa because it's just a rip off.

Near Kombinat
Items               Fish required                                  Description
Royal sword   Whale,Spearfishx3,Barandy               Pwr 158, wgt 8,
property: electric
Life Armor      Whale,Spearfish,Barandyx3               Def 80, wgt 8,
regenerates HP 
Cupid's Lyre   Whale,Barandyx2,Red catfishx5         Restores HP while walking
Shaman's Ring    Whale,Spearfishx3,Red catfishx5  Reduces AP usage by 25%
Ivory Dice       Spearfish,Red catfish,Mackerelx5   Mystery effect when used
on enemies
Skill Ink         Spearfish, Devilfish                        used to write
skill notes
Some cool Dragon Splices
4)True Kaiser=Failure,Infinity
9)Peco Dragon=Fusion with peco in party
10)Momo Dragon=Fusion with Momo in party
11)Nina Dragon=Fusion with Nina in party
12)Rei Dragon=Fusion with Rei in party