Andere Lösungen

Brave Fencer Musashi (e)

              ~~~Brave Fencer Musashi Village Guide~~~
By Yee Seng Fu(Yu shenfu)
Check out my URL:
Dragonball and Final Fantasy 7 page.
Version 1.0
You can also find the neccessary informations in this guide in my main Brave 
Fencer Musashi Strategy Guide FAQ.Remember to refer to it.
This FAQ is best viewed using wordpad with word wrapped to window.
Shopping Guide
Open from 7am to 7pm,closed Thursday

Item                 Cost/Sale              Description
Rye Bread              80/50                Restores 25 BP
Bagel                 120/90                Restores 50BP
Scone                 150/120               Restores 150BP
Milk                   70/40                Restores 10 BP and 10 HP
Biscuit               300/270               Restores 100 BP,won't spoil
Jam bread             450/420               Restores 300BP

Each day the bakery is open,they will have a sale from 6pm to 7pm.Make full use 
of that.

Note:All bread and milk(except the biscuit will spoil after three to five days 
in your inventory.Milk will become spoiled milk after five days and become 
yogurt after several days later.The same goes to bread become Ol'bread and then 
Rot Bread after several days.As these items rot,it will become less and less 
Grocery Store
Open daily from 10am to 8pm.

Item                  Cost/sale              Description
Gel                   150/120               Restores 80HP
W-gel                 250/200               Restores 150HP 
C-Drink               500/400               Restores 250HP and 5BP
S-revive             3000/2400              Automatically revives Musashi                                                
and fully recover Hp and BP
Mint                  120/90                Reduces tiredness by                                                         
50%,restores 5 BP
Antidote              250/200               Removes poison and restore 5BP
Cheese                390/310               Restores HP and BP;more effectve                                             
if kept long.
H-mint                200/160               Reduces tiredness by 90%
Ex-Drink              500/640               Fully recover HP and 5 BP
Orange                300/240               Restores 30HP and 10 BP
Riceball              320/250               Restores 150 HP and BP
Neatball              520/410               Restores 300 HP and BP

*Sometimes,the shop will have sale.Make full use of that.

Note:All items sold in the grocery will not spoil,except orange changes to        
Sporange,Riceball changes to Sour ball and Neatball changes to Mold ball      
after three to five days.
Open everyday in 24 hours

Room             Cost                 Description
201              210             8 hours rest,fully restores BP and 100HP
202              390             8 hours rest,fully restores BP and 250HP
203              550             8 hours rest,fully restores BP,HP;Cures                                      

Open from 6pm to 2am,closed on Sunday

Meal             Cost                 Description
Juice            300              5 HP restore   
Pea Soup         450              100HP and 50BP restore
cake             600              150HP and 100BP restore
Gravy            800              150HP and 200BP restore
Salad            800              200HP and 150BP restore
Lasagna         1000              250HP and 300BP restore
Pork chops      1200              Completely restores HP and BP

#The restaurant is mainly used for earning extra Dran by playing cards with's also used for reentering the basement by talking to Mannick after  
Chapter 3.
Open from 12pm to 8pm,closed Wednesday

Series1     Series2    Series3   Series4  Series5    Series6    Special
Musashi     Soldier3   R-Vambie  Penguin  GiAnt      Soldier1H  Fillet
Bee Plant  Herb Plant V-Soldier Haya wolf Toad stool Soldier2H  Jon and Leno
Soldier 1  KManeater   Bowler    Slowguy  Ed & Ben   Soldier3H  Mom Minku
Soldier 2   Magician  Cure Worm  S-Golem  Topo      Big walker  Kojiro
Rootrick    Sleepie    Bubbles  Ginger-E  Col-Capri  Flatski    Dlumina1
Stknight   Skullpion  R-keeper  F-Dragon  Queen Ant  T.O.D      Dlumina2

Note:The price of the toy varies depending on when you purchase the toy.The       
longer the time,you buy the figure when it is available,the more Drans       you 
would have to spent.
Treasure List

Unappraised       Appraised           Value          Location
Old crown         Cakepan              150          Somnolent Forest 
Old book          Comic                400          Twinpeak Mt
Dagger            Penknife             800          Twinpeak Mt
Bracelet          L-Brace              n/A          Hell's Valley
Aged coin         Gold Coin            10           Steamwood
Rock              Crystal             2500       at the peak of Twinpeak Mt
old glove         A-glove              700          Underground Lake
shield            Frisbee              120          Restaurant Basement
cloth             L-cloth              N/A          Restaurant Basement
Old sword         Shovel               780          Restaurant Basement
Old pipe          Flute                 10          Restaurant Basement
Helmet            Bedpan                70          Restaurant Basement
Powder            Soap                  50          Restaurant Basement
Odd hat           Pie Plate            350          Restaurant Basement
Ugly-Belt         L-belt               N/A          Restaurant Basement
used boot         A-boots             1200          Inside the Well
Old shirt         L-vest               N/A          Inside the Well
Armor             Large Pot            470          Inside the Well
Glasses           L-Goggles            N/A          Somnolent Forest
Long Tube         Big straw           4500          Frozen Palace
red shoes         L-shoes              N/A          Frozen Palace
red cloth         E-undies             10           Frozen Palace
wh-cloth          B-undies             10           Frozen Palace
Bl-cloth          T-hanky             2000          Frozen Palace
lrg Tool          Pickaxe              750          Upper Mine
odd bone          Baton                200          Upper Mine

*Note the value may change depend on conner's mood.

Other Chest
Memory Box     Mine,below the first fan.
Memory Box     Restaurant Basement.
Memory Box     Twinpeak Mt. after crossing the river with three poles.
Memory Box     Entrance of Frozen Palace.
Memory Box     Right before you fought with Froze Dragon.
Memory Box     Right before you fought with Queen Ant.
Memory Box     Entrance of Soda Fountain Part I.
500 Dran       Chest in forest south of town (after Steamwood).
500 Dran       Island of Dragons, near Fire Scroll.
300 Dran       Restaurant Basement, bowl wall on right path.
200 Dran       Twinpeak Mt. just before where you climb with Rootrick.
200 Dran       Left ledge on way to Hell's Valley (raft or Water Scroll).
C-Drink        Soda Fountain Part I.
W-Gel          Soda Fountain Part I.
Ex-Drink       Soda Fountain Part III.
C-Drinkx2      Soda Fountain Part III.

Credit:The list of memory box,Drans is given by Thorfinn Tait 

Item name/Where?      Description                                  Cost/Sell
Gel/Grocery           80HP                                           150/120
W-gel/Grocery         150HP                                          250/200
C-Drink/Grocery       250HP and 5BP                                  500/400
Ex-Drink/Grocery      Fully restores HP and BP                       800/640
S-revive/Grocery      Auto revives and restore HP and BP           3000/2400 
Mint/Grocery          Reduces tiredness by 50% and recover 5BP       100/90
H-mint/Grocery        Reduces tiredness by 90% and recover 5BP       200/160
Antidote/Grocery      Cures poison and restores 5BP                  250/200
Cheese/Grocery        More effectivly if kept long;restore HP and BP 390/310
Rye Bread/Breadshop   25BP                                           120/90
Bagel/Breadshop       50BP                                           150/120
Scone/Breadshop       80BP                                           240/210
Gr-bread/Breadshop    150BP                                          240/210
Jam bread/Breadshop   300BP                                          450/420
Biscuit/Breadshop     100BP;does not spoil                           300/270
Ol'bread/Nil          Restores 10BP and removes 5HP                  N/A
Rot Bread/Nil         Restores 10BP and removes 10HP                 N/A
Milk/Breadshop        Restores 70BP                                  N/A
sour milk/Nil         Restores 5BP and removes 5HP                   N/A
Yogurt/Nil            Restores 50BP and removes 5oHP                 N/A
Longevity berry/Minku Increases max HP by 25;HP fully restored       N/A
Orange/Grocery        Restores 30HP and 10BP                         300/240
Sporange/Nil          Restores 2BP and removes 5HP                   N/A
Rice ball/Grocery     Restores 150 HP and BP                         320/250
Neat ball/Grocery     Restores 300 HP and BP                         520/410
Mold ball/Nil         Restores 25BP and removes 5HP                  N/A
Juice/Restaurant      Restores 5HP                                   300
Pea Soup              Restores 100HP and 50BP                        450
Cake/Restaurant*      Restores 150HP and 100BP                       600
Gravy/Restaurant      Restores 150HP and 200BP                       800
Salad/Restaurant      Restores 200HP and 150BP                       800
Lasagna/Restaurant    Restores 250HP and 300BP                       1000
Pork Chops/Restaurant Completely restores HP and BP                  1200
Aqualin/Twinpeak Mt   Removes poison and restores 10HP;also save Tim N/A
Alchemic Tart/Castle  Restores 10BP                                  N/A
SP-Recover/Castle     Restores HP and BP fully;cures poison          N/A
H2O/Well              Restores 5HP                                   N/A
Bincho Field/Varies#  Fully recovers BP and increases max 5BP        N/A

Note:Those foods without location are rotten foods.

Note:All of the above list belongs to Food Catagory,except bincho field      
     marked with an #.

Note:The foods with restaurant as location doesn't has a selling price.You        
cannot sell restaurant foods back to them again because once you buy         the 
food,you will eat there immediately. 

Note:The cakes are marked with an * because if you are in the basement,you        
will receive free cakes from Mannick and your HP and BP are automatic

Here is what i have observed of different people about the various movement 
during different time.

Mayor Govern                        Mrs Govern
8am to 10am        At home          10am to 11.15am  At home
10am to 11.15am    Village          11.15am to 3pm   Unavailable
11.15 to 3pm       At home          3pm to 4.15pm    At home     
3pm to 4.15pm      Village          4.15pm to 10am   Unavailable
4.15pm to 8pm      At home          
8pm to 8 am        Unavailable

Tim                                 Mint
9am to 6pm         Village          9am to 5.30pm    Village
6pm to 9am         Unavailable      5.30pm to 9am    Unavailable

Father white                        Wid
10am to 8pm        In the Church    11pm to 11am     Windmill
8pm to 10am        Unavailable      11am to 11pm     Unavailable

5am to 6.30am      Roaming Steamwood Office
6.30am to 9pm      Inside Steamwood Office
9pm to 5am         Unavailable

Mrs Grange                          Mrs Lands 
10am to 4pm        Near well        10am to 4pm       Standing near well
4.30pm to 9pm      At home          4pm to 10pm       At home
9pm to 10am        Unavailable      10pm to 1o am     Unavailable

Mgr.Mannick                         Mr Towst
6pm to 2am         Restaurant       6pm to 2am        Restaurant
2am to 6pm         Unavailable      2pm to 6pm        Unavailable
Sunday             Unavailable      Sunday            Unavailable

Tourist                             Macho
6pm to 2am         Restaurant       6pm to 2am        Restaurant
2am to 6pm         Unavailable      2am to 6pm        Unavailable
Sunday             Unavailable      Sunday            Unavailable
                                    2am to 6pm        Guarding Twinpeak  
                                                      entrance;only if guard 
                                                      Lumpwood is not saved.

Farmer McRice                       Farmer Grange
6am to 8am         Village          9am to 3.15pm     In the fields
8am to 4pm         At home          3.15pm to 5pm     Unavailable
4pm to 6pm         Village          5pm to 6.45pm     Visits the toy store
6pm to 8pm         At home          6.45pm to 9am     Unavailable
8pm to 6am         Unavailable      

Farmer Lacter                       Mrs Lacter
7am to 8pm         In the fields    7am to 10am       At home
8pm to 7am         Unavailable      10am to 12.45am   Goes for walk
                                    12.45am to 8pm    At home
                                    8pm tp 7am        Unavailable

Jam                                 Hilda
7am to 7pm         In Breadshop     10am to 8pm       Grocery shop
7pm to 7am         Unavailable      8pm to 10am       Unavailable
Thursday           Unavailable

Hotelo/Motelo                       Kurt
24 hours daily     In Inn           12pm to 8pm       Toy Store
                                    8pm to 12pm       unavailable
                                    Wednesday         unavailable

Conner                              Wanda
11am to 4pm        Pawn Shop        6pm to 2am        Restaurant
4pm to 11am        Unavailable      2am to 6pm        Unavailable
                                    Sunday            Unavailable
Here's the end.Thanks for reading!!!
Copyright Protected
Written by
No part of the informations can be reproduced without the prior author's 
permission.This is the work and effort of the author.Please do not destroy it to 
gain credit for yourself.