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Brave Fencer Musashi (e)

           ~~~Brave Fencer Musashi Action Figure Guide~~~
By Yee Seng Fu(Yu shenfu)
Check out my URL:
Dragonball and Final Fantasy 7 page.
Version 1.0
You can also find the action figure informations in my main Brave Fencer Musashi 
Strategy Guide FAQ.Remember to refer to it.
This FAQ is best viewed using wordpad with word wrapped to window.
List of Action Figure

Series 1

Toy           Description                   Explanation

Musashi    Two types of action moves!  A young fencer summoned to
           A collector's item!!        save Allucaneet Kingdom. 
           Lumina and Fusion included.

Bee Plant  Poking action figure!       A mutant plant living in the
           Two Sphere Bats included!   surroundings of Allucaneet. 

Soldier 1  Quick action figure!        Thirstquencher's Bincholoid.
           A collector's item!!        Fencing skills are 3rd rate. 
           Sword and rod included!

Soldier 2  Quick action figure!        Thirstquencher's Bincholoid.
           A collector's item!!        Aim is 2nd rate! 
           Rifle and cartridge included

Rootrick   Laughs!Talks!Cape included. Second Lieutenant of the 
                                       Thirstquencher Empire.

St-Knight# Twirls pillars!             Steam Knight.Nearly destroyed
           Pillar included.            Allucaneet Empire. 

Series 2

Soldier3   Quick action figure!        Thirstquencher's Bincoloid.
           A collector's item!         Uses a sharp spear
           Spear and Axe included      

Herb Plant Shooting action figure!     Exists in the the surrounding
           A collector's item!         areas of Allucaneet.
           Hopper included. 

KManeater  Large jaws move!            A large man-eating Bincho Monster. 
           A collector's item!
           ManEater included! 

Magician   Performs magic!Very         Uses magic to shrink its enemies.
           Musashi included

Sleepie    Crumbles into pieces with   A mushroom that gives off sleeping
           the touch of a button!      powder.
           A collector's item! 

Skullpion# Howling action figure!      The CREST GUARDIAN that protects the 
           A collector's item!         Earth Scroll.
           Boulders and bombs included.

Series 3

R-Vambee   Grabs and attacks!Wisp      Blood-sucking Zombie that exists in  
           and LoneMist included       the dungeon.

V-Soldier  Breaks with the touch of a  Powerful Bincholoid Vambee Soldier. 
           button! A spectacular
           breaking action figure! 

Bowler     Spits out gigantic seeds!!  A plant which grows in the dungeon
           Two oozes included          beneath the village.

Cure Worm  Flexible action figure!B-   A mutant worm which carries
           Eater and LampBat included  anti-venom. 

Bubbles    Shooting action figure!     Beautiful First Lieutenant of the 
           A collector's item!         the Thirstquencher Empire. 
           Bincho Field Gun included   

R-Keeper#  Punching action figure!     Relic Keeper.Protects the Water
           Flames included.            Scroll in the dungeon. 

Series 4

Penguin    Two interchangable heads    Robot soldier made by Thirstquencher 
           Two ice cubes included.     Empire.

HayaWolf   Drop-Kicking action figure. A bincholoid wolf.Superb karate 
           Mapper included.            attack.

SlowGuy    Powerful throwing movements A bincholodi abominable snowman.
           with a touch of a button.    

S-Golem    Intensely explosive superby Thirstquencher's guard.Will squash
           falling action.1 copycat    enemies.
Ginger-E   Two types of action moves!  Captain of Thirstquencher Empire.
           Attractive kicking motion!  Bubbles' elder sister.
           Fencing action figure!       

F-Dragon#  Flexible action figure!     Frost Dragon.Protects the fire scroll 
           Growls with the touch of a  frozen palace

Series 5

GiAnt      Lifelike!NeedlAnt included. Binchotite mutants.

Toad Stool Breaks into two with the    Poisonous mushroom living in Grillin'
           touch of a button!          mine.
           A collector's item!

Ed and Ben Both Ed and Ben!Ed's        Members of Leader's Force.Both think
           special ki-Canon!           they are the boss.
           Ben's propeller moves!

Topo       Dancing action figure.Music Leader of Leader's Force?Nasty
           and speakers included.      personality.

Col-Capri  Aiming action figure!       Thirstquencher's Colonel.Promoted 
           Beloved gun and cape        early in his career.

Queen Ant# Moves its scythe arms with  The CREST GUARDIAN that protects the
           the touch of a button!      wind scroll.
           Larvae included.
Series 6   
Soldier 1H Fencing action figure!A     Latest Bincholoid Soldier.Five times 
           collector's item!Shield     more powerful.
           and sword included.

Soldier 2H Holds a large gun!A         Latest Bincholoid Soldier.Five times 
           collector's item!Large gun  more powerful.

Soldier 3H Holds a large bazooka!A     Latest Bincholoid Soldier.Five times 
           collector's item!Bazooka    more powerful.

Big Walker A truely realistic super    Thirstquencher's walking weapon.
           action figure!Pigloter      Attacks with a laser. 

Flatski    Speaking action figure!     Thirstquencher's Fuhrer.A ruthlessly     
           Armor included.             ambitious guy.

T.O.D.#    Rotates with the touch of a Tower of Death.Excavated by 
           button!Electric panels pop  Thirstquencher Empire.


Fillet    Speaking action figure!      Princess of Allucaneet.Kidnapped
          Binchotite included.         by Thirstquencher. 

Jon       Feed him from his stocks!    Mysterious treasure hunter.
 &        Stocks and Leno the dog      Leno is the town sweetheart! 
Leno      included.

MomMinku  A family of them!            Endangered species.
          Longevity Berry included.    Lives on Longevity Berries. 

Kojiro    Two types of action moves!   Musashi's rival.Would give his life 

          A collector's item!          to battle Musashi.
          Swallow Wave included. 

DLumina 1 Powerfully built figure with The Wizard of Darkness.Will use the 
          two types of action moves!   Five Scrolls to... 

DLumina 2 Re-experience the final      The Wizard of Darkness.Will use the 
          battle!Shakes its tail!!     Five Scrolls to...                                
DLumina 3 Interchangable parts gives 3 The Wizard of Darkness.Will use the
          types of action moves!!!     Five Scrolls to... 

All toys marked with an #sign are action figures of the Crest Guardians,with the 
exception of Steam Knight.

Source:Descriptions and explanations are taken directly from the game.
Getting all Special Figures

Fillet    :Rescue all 35 palace members
Jon & Leno:See below for complete info
Mon Minku :Refer to the above
Kojiro    :Visit Farmer Lacter during chapter 6
Dlumina1  :Finish the game once and reload from Fin save.Complete the  game 
           first to second time.
Dlumina2  :Finish the game and then reload from the latest Fin save;appears                                                                                                              
           randomly.Complete the game with all your stats trained to Lv30.
Dlumina3  :See below for complete info
Credits:Thanks to for telling me about completing the game  
        with Lv 30 to get Dlumina 2.
The Elusive Special Action Figures

There has been many arguements and questions a lot about these 7 special action 
figure,especially the 2nd and the 7th figure.I'll start with the easy one first.

Dlumina1:Although i'll not sure about the exact method,it seems that                  
completing the first time will enable you to buy the figure.If               
not,try the second time.

Dlumina2:It has been say that this figure has random availability like the            
2nd and 7th figure but there's actually been a way to get it.Train           all 
your stats(Mind,Body,Fusion,Lumina)to Lv 30,complete the game            to earn 
the "HERO" rank.But it's strange.I get it the first time i           complete 
the game and i think my Lv was also 30.

Credits:Thanks to for telling me about completing the game  
        with Lv 30 to get Dlumina 2.

As for Fillet,Kojiro,MomMinku,i don't need to explain more.


There have been many questions asked regarding Jon and Leno and Dlumina3.
There are many theories suggesting to unlock these figures but most has proven 
unsuccessful.It's has been said you need to play the game multiple times whereas 
some said you can't have continues during Chapter 6.Some even claim that it's 
got to do with how fast you complete the game.Another theory suggested that you 
cannot dying or restarting from memory box and saved data but proves 

Here are some of the ways to get these two figures,however,i'll not sure that it 
will work,however,i will write down all the method,including the chances rating 
in %,so that you can choose the right method yourself.The % chances were based 
on estimated no of people who got these figures using these methods and is in 
range.Look for the best way.

Note:All these chances are not accurate and is based on estimation.


Info   :Complete the game 3 to 5 times.Then reload from FIN save and it will         
appear randomly.  
About  :However,i find it very unreliable since i complete the game 7 times          
and yet unable to get Dlumina3 through this way.Besides,there have           
been many reports that some got Dlumina3 only complete the game at           one 
to two times whereas some completed more than 5 times yet unable         to get 
it.Another guy at PSM said that he got the figure during the          third 
Chances:20% to 55%

Credits:Thanks to John Huang( telling me about             
this method above even though it doesn't work for me.
Info   :Randomly selected.From a guy at PSM.He said that the figure will             
appear only perhaps on certain day,certain time or have other                
obscure factor that influence it.
About  :It doesn't work for me either and basically no clue to it.
Chances:0.1% to 10%

Info   :Depends on how fast you complete Chapter 6
About  :What an unreasonable conclusion and an unreliable way!
Chances:2% to 4%

Jon and Leno

Info   :Enter the toy store at the same time when Farmer Grange enter.
About  :This method seems to prove unsuccessful but definitely possible.
        As you know,Farmer Grange is an action figure collector and will             
visit the toy store everyday in the evening.Read the schedule in the         
advanced tactics for the actual time he visit the store.His wife             
hates doll and if you talk to her when she's at home by knocking on          the 
door,she would say something like "i wonder which doll i should          sell 
next," and she sold away her husband's collection behind his            
back.Remember during a period when Farmer Grange was so depressed?
        However,i found something very strange.You know that the toy store           
is closed on Wednesday.There's actually a way to enter the store on          
Wednesday but you will have to wait for Farmer Grange to come and            
open the door.When the door is opened,immediately enter the store            
before the door is closed.You have to be fast.I wonder what Kurt and         
Farmer Grange is secretly talking about on every wednesday.However,
        the sad thing is i entered the store on Wednesday but still doesn't          
work but that doesn't mean it is not possible. 
Chances:25% to 65%

Info   :Randomly selected.This could mean that they only appear at a certain         
time or on a certain day, or perhaps have some other obscure factor
        governing their appearance. Or, they could just be random,which              
would be irritating.
About  :Like the above,it doesn't work for me.
Chances:0.01% to 10%

Bad News

Most of the official guide,player guide,other guide books and other sources all 
claim that these two action figures were randomly selected,which seems as if 
they are not taking the responsible to solve the mystery for us.What a 
shame and how can they call themselves professional strategy guide writer!
But still i don't believe in randomly selected.You will know why later on.

Good news

Everyone will be wondering how i got these two figures and before that i have to 
thanks for sharing with me the info he got 
from all the feedbacks in his site.However,he still hasn't got them.And his 
Brave Fencer site too really rocks and his URL can be found at the 
acknowledgement section.I managed to come out with a conclusion with the info i 
got from him and it works perfectly well.However,it sounds very complicated and 
you got to understand it.if you feel that you do not understand,feel free to 
mail me at

Chest Theory

What is this chest theory?All right!You must have guessed it,it is somehow 
related to the chests that you collected.Here's how to get them.

First,you must remember two conditions.I tried using this method over four times 
under the same conditions using the same data and work successfully,
however,all these conditions must be meet before it can work.

Make sure you picked out every chest, and including memory box at least once
in your game.

Note:For chest list,please refer to the advanced tactics section.
First condition:Before you go and collect sky scroll,make sure you leave ONE 
                empty chest,any one including old shirt,goggles etc but not                  
memory box since it is always close.Not more than one chest
                ,if not it will work.Then complete the chapter 6 and opened 
                every single chest in Soda Fountain,which means you are only 
                short of one.

2nd   condition:When you complete the game,reload it from FIN save and you                   
will start at 1900 at SKYDAY once you complete the game,then                 go 
and collect the remaining ONE chest.After collecting the                  
chest,go back to the toy store and wait until the next day,
                which is Saturday since it's impossible to return to the toy                 
store again on skyday before it closes at 2000.In fact,after                 
collecting the last remaining chest,you can enter the store                  any 
time of the day.You will see Jon and leno action figure.
                Buy the figure,exit and then enter and you will see Dlumina                  
3 figure appeared and now you have all the action figures                    and 
is ready to discover the third ending.In fact,i tried                    not to 
buy both Jon and Leno and Dlumina 3 figure and waited                 till the 
next day to see if these figures would disappear                    ,but thanks 
it didn't so i guessed there wasn't anymore                      randomly.You 
got to buy Jon and Leno figure first before                     Dlumina 3 would 

Very Important!!!

1.Make sure it's not more than one chest,not two,excluding memory box.If you   
have got more than one chests,i suggests that you opened every chest and     
leave any one you like,complete the game again and get the remaining         
chest.Do not take more than one as it will not work.
2.Make sure you start at 1900 at skyday immediately you load after you         
complete the game.And you must remember that after you reload,you will       
start at 1900,right,but you cannot like wait until let say 2000 at skyday,
  then save the game,switched off the Playstation and reload again,start at    
2000 again,take the remaining one chest and it will not work.  

Note:If these 2 conditions are meet,you will be able to buy Jon and Leno          
action figure,including Dlumina 3.If you can't meet any one of these         
conditions above,it will not work.This is very important.

Note:Any treasure chest will do but not memory box.Memory box must be opened 
     at least once.

Important notice!!!:Have you collected all the chests?Too bad for you.This 
                    method won't work if all your treasure chests are 
                    opened.For example,i am still short of two chests.When i 
                    opened any one of the chests,complete the game and come 
                    back to collect the last remaining chest,the method 
                    works but if you opened all the two remaining chest,
                    complete the game,that means when you reload,all the 
                    treasures are opened and goodbye to you because you will 
                    have no more treasure chest to open and Jon and Leno 
                    figure will not appear.These sounds a bit bad because i 
                    once tried and collect all the chest without leaving one 
                    and complete the game but didn't get it.You need to 
                    leave only one chest before you complete the game and 
                    then collect the only one remaining chest that you leave 
                    after you complete and reload.I have not yet been able 
                    to come out with another way for those who have 
                    collected all the treasure chests.You will have to think 
                    of other ways which i mentioned above.If you have any 
                    enquires,feel free to mail me at

You may ask how do i come out with these conclusion?The reason is simple.I have 
multiple saves and i tried each and every save until i succeeded.I have four 
saves and only one fulfill the two conditions whereas the other three got only 
one of these conditions meet or none at all.It seems that the whole document 
took up over 280KB of space in your computer and i didn't want to waste up your 

If you are interested in how i arrive with this conclusion,pls e-mail me at and i'll be gladly to answer your questions.

For more info on these Jon and Leno and Dlumina 3,visit
This brave fencer site is created by Thorfinn Tait 
Here's the end.Thanks for reading!!!
Copyright Protected
Written by
No part of the infomrations on action figures can be reproduced without the 
prior author's permission.This is the work and effort of the author.Please do 
not destroy it to gain credit for yourself.