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Bomberman 64 (e)

* * * Bomberman 64 FAQ * * *
Author: marshmallow (

Bomberman 64 is either game you hate or love...and personnely, I LOVE 
IT! I already made a FAQ for its superb Battle Mode, so I decided to 
expand and make one for it's (IMO) AWESOME 1 player mode...

Version 1.0


December 15th - Released. I was feeling lazy and didn't check for 
spelling errors. Excuses? Uh...I'm lazy =) Sorry, it'll be fixed in a 
later version. HEY! Just be happy it's coherent...

Note: The most updated version can ALWAYS be found at 
Now, most other sites also have the most updated version, but if you're 
going to ask a question, be 100% sure you're not viewing a way outdated 
version. In other words - if you're not sure, check out Gamefaqs. All 
other two dozen or so of my FAQs can also be found there. Enjoy! Or 

1) Story
2) Basics/Controls
3) Items
4) Walkthrough
5) Enemies
6) Bosses
7) Secrets
8) Credits
9) Legal Junk
10) End

1) Story

(as shown by the opening cinema)

Above a planet, dozens of warriors beam in, under the command of a 
nameless (for now) warrior, in red.. Above on a starship, a crowd 
gathers around a cube that starts to suck energy from the planet itself, 
they store it into the cube.

Red Commander:

"Mission Complete!"

Then, a person in black turns towards him and:

"Great Job! Well, we've certainly cleaned up this planet! What's our 
next target?"

A screen appears, showing planet Bomber. A large ship, with pieces of 
planets chained to it, situates itself above a town, then in the nearby 
hills, Bomberman is jogging and stops to see what is going on. Then, a 
searing laser rips from the main ship, landing on the village and 
blowing it up. The view goes to the streets...

Bombermen and women run for their life, when one trips, then suddenly a 
HUGE blue laser rips across his body, blowing away everything in its 
path, then everything is engulfed in flames. 

Bomberman, still in the hills, is thrown back by the blast, when he 
notices a person in a Golden Suit descend near him. 

"Do you plan to defeat them? Then, I'll let you on a secret. I have a 
bone to pick with them. The main base is guarded by the four worlds 
connected to it, but you can break the barrier by going into each world 
and destroying it's guardian. Then you must make your way to the central 
base. It's asking too much for you to go I guess I'll see you 

And our adventure begins.

2) Basics/Controls

Moving Bomberman: Analog Stick - Push it all the way and he'll run, 
barely push it and he'll tiptoe. Also used on how far the actual bomb 
will go.

Laying a Bomb: Press 

Picking up a Bomb: Lay a bomb, then get up to it and

Kicking a Bomb: Lay down a bomb, then press     again to kick it. You 
could also run into an already laid bomb to kick it automatically.

Stopping a Bomb: After kicking a bomb, press R to stop it.

Bomb Lift: Press A & B at the same time and a bomb will automatically 
appear in Bomberman's  hand - EXTRREMELY USEFUL

Pumping Up a Bomb: Somehow get a bomb in Bomberman's hands, then tap B 
and it'll start to grow! When it flashes yellow it's pumped up.

3) Items

These items will explode after only a few seconds, destroying blocks, 
enemies, and YOU if you're not careful! Bomberman has an unlimited 
amount of these, but there is a limit on how many you can lay at once.

Bomb Item: 
These items are found in destructible blocks, they allow you to lay one 
more bomb at once. The max. is eight, which is more than enough!

Flame Item:
Also found in blocks, this helpful item increases the raidus of your 
explosion as well as the power! It stops working after about five, 

Blue Gem: 
Usually found after defeating enemies (and in blocks, too), these shiny 
objects add one gem to your Gem Meter. Collect 50 for an extra life!

Red Gem:
Same as above, except more rare and adds five to the meter.

Remote Bomb:
This is quite possibly the most useful item in the game! This will 
affect ALL bombs, no matter what. It makes them remote controlled, and 
they will not explode until a flame hits them (or a laser) or you 
trigger them with the Z button. Useful for taking out far away enemies 
and making bomb-bridges. 

Heart Item:
Found after defeating difficult enemies, lets you get hit without 
dieing. In the normal difficulty setting it will pop out, and, if you're 
fast enough, you can go catch it and pick it up again! However, in the 
hard difficulty setting, it vanishes into thin air.

Gold Cards:
The most elusive item of all, they are found within each level by 
completing a certain objective, defeating certain enemies, a number of 
them, etc. There are 120 of them in all (Now, where have I heard that 
number before? Hmm...)

Ultra Bomb:
Ultra Bombs look like red bombs inside of an explosion. This will turn 
all of your bombs red. Red bombs explode blue, which can destroy blocks 
that even Pumped Up Bombs could not, and it's a lot more powerful, too! 
Just be careful, because the explosions are HUGE!

4) Walkthrough

NOTE: This will include everything you need to know, from Gold Cards, 
Costume Pieces...oh, and the way to beat each level =) A note on Gold 
Cards though, you can collect ONE for beating 30 baddies, the 30th one 
giving it up, so make sure you can collect it. You can get another ONE 
for beating the stage within the time limit. Also, when talking about 
Golden Cards and Costume Pieces, sometimes when in the harder difficulty 
setting a piece will be in a different location. These will be noted 
with a "HARD" section...sorta.

                                 GREEN GARDEN

                          G R E E N    G A R D E N 

                 - - - Stage 1: Untouchable Treasure - - -

Beating Stage: 

To complete this stage you must retrieve the Red Ruby in the 2nd room, 
but a shield is protecting it, so you must open it somehow. There are 
four switches in this level, and, by activating them, you can de-
activate the shield! 

The first one is to your right (from the start), it's in a large 
structure, protected by a gate. Go to the other side to find a narrow 
slit - kick bombs in there until the pillars holding the grating are 
blown up, then the grating will come down, allowing you to get down 
there via the stairs.

Second one is to the right of the Dragon Head (door), just blow the 
blocks up to reveal it. 

In the second room, go to the right side and climb up the stairs to find 

The last one can be hard to see, since some pillars are blocking it. 
It's right next to the Dragon Head that is spewing water into the river, 
blow the pillars away to find it. Now go and collect the Red Ruby!

Golden Cards:

Before collecting any of the cards in this level you'll need to get the 
Ultra Bomb, which is very difficult to get if you don't know how. First, 
go to the 2nd room, then by the switch on the right side of the level, 
build a Bomb Ladder (the Remote Bomb item is near the pillars that hold 
up the bridge not far from here) so you can get up to the warp. Once 
inside you'll have to lay bombs on pillars, bounce bombs off of that, 
and etc. to blow up pillars on the other side, which hold up some 
grating. When the grating is down, go in there and get the Ultra Bomb 
item! If you can't get there before then, simply exit and come back in, 
it'll be there.

Card # 1 - In the first room, destroy the Blue Pillars blocking the 
stairs, now you can get up there and cross the bridge. Notice the block 
floating in mid-air? Take careful aim and toss!

Card # 2 - In the 2nd room, go near the switch on the right side and 
then go up the stairs and across the bridge. Make chunks of the blue 
pillars with your Ultra Bombs, then fall down to the teleporter in the 
little crevice. Inside is a large room - go forward and blow up the 

Card # 3 - Go to the 2nd room, left side. See the Blue Pillar blocking 
the path? Blow her up! Go left, stepping on the switch to slow down the 
river (this makes exiting from the room with Card # 2 a bit easier) and 
then blow up the block that's floating in mid-air!

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - Go to the first room, see the warp up there? Make a bomb 
ladder up there and blow up the box! 

HARD: In hard mode, do the same, but bomb through the floor to find a 
secret room - it's in one of the blocks.

Ball # 2 - In the same room as Card # 2, when exiting, walk along the 
thin path to find a block at the end.

HARD: It's in the same area, just a different...area :) On the beginning 
wall, right side, start throwing bombs to make a large stack. When it's 
at the very top, let 'em explode! Wait and the piece will fall down to 
you. This requires the Remote and Ultra Bomb Items.


The Blue Pillars in this stage can only be blown up by using the Ultra 
Bomb, but it's qorth your effort since they hold gobs of Red Gems!

                    - - - Stage 2: Friend or Foe? - - - 

                  [See "Boss" Section for details]

                   - - - Stage 3: To Have or Have Not - - -

Beating Stage:

In this level you must chase down the Blue Diamond until you have it! 
First, go forward and attempt to collect enemy of somekind will 
come down and grab it and then whisk it away to the next room. This 
would be a good time to get the Remote Item (right) and some Crystals 
(left). Finally, go forward into the Dragon Head, then lay a bomb down 
under the elevator, then quickly stand on the plate - the blast will 
rocket the platform up to the 2nd level, where the Diamond is. The bird 
thing will take it away, back to the first room.

Return there, and go where the Remote Bomb item was. See the elevator? 
Use it to collect the Diamond...almost, he comes back and puts it in the 
third area (after Sirius destroys it...)! Look down, you should see a 
large wall with the symbol of a bird on it (this is the enemy sign, 
you'll see it  a lot). Throw a Pumped Bomb on it, the explosion will 
destroy it, revealing a teleporter. Go inside to find the third room! 

Go around and find the elevator that takes you up to the top...there it 
is! Grab it to beat the level!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Pretty simple...Go to the 2nd room, to the left, and make 
your way through the block maze. Be careful which blocks you blow up, 
since you could easily block your path! But if you do, not big deal, 
just make a bomb bridge, or you could re-enter the room (the blocks will 
re-appear). At the end is a block in mid-air...You know what to do.

Card # 2 - In the third room, one of the elevators will take you up to a 
place where there is a platform in mid-air with a block on it. Blow up 
the block, then fall back to the ground. The Card will come down in a 
few seconds...

HARD: Same method, just on the opposite side of the tower.

Card # 3 - In room three, you should notice a place where there are 
several holes, ending with a platform and a block. Put a bomb in each 
space, then make your way across to the platform!

HARD: Scale the tower (room 3, again), it is right in front of the Enemy 
Sign. To get there, use every elevator you see when you enter the room 
(i.e. the one in front of you).

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 -  On the first section, you'll notice a teleporter across a 
bit of water. Get the Remote Bomb Item, and remove all the blocks in 
that area. Then put a bomb in the elevator, but don't do anything to it 
(don't explode it). Then put two Pumped Up Bombs, one on top of the 
other, against the wall, as close to the edge of the platform as 
possible. Then use the elevator to go up, and line yourself up with 
those bombs. Then carefully walk off and push in the direction of the 
teleporter. If you're lucky, you should go sailing off the bombs and 
land in the teleporter. Blow up the blocks to find it.

Ball # 2 - In the third room, go to the side of the tower directly 
OPPOSITE of the entrance (ground level). Walk against the walls and 
you'll find a secret entrance to a small room, with two blocks. Lay a 
bomb here, go back out, wait for the explosion, then go back in to claim 
your treasures.


Don't miss the gobs of blocks near where the little elf creature drops 
the Blue Diamond! 

                                                   - - - Stage 4: Winged Guardian - - -

                  [See "Boss" Section for details]

                              BLUE RESORT  

                         B L U E   R E S O R T

                  - - - Stage 1: Switches and Bridges - - -

Beating Stage:

The exit to the level is actually quite close, but you have to find a 
way to lower a large bridge to get there. Follow the path to find a 
drawbridge in the 'up' position, to lower it, throw a Pumped Up Bomb 
then stand back, the blast will knock it clear forward, allowing you to 
go on ahead to the next area.

Run as fast as your little feet will allow you, as there will be several 
cannons firing at you. Near the mid-way point of this area are some 
pots, two of them contain the Remote Bomb! Keep going, up the bridge, 
and into the next area.

Turn left and keep going that way until you find a blue switch, stand on 
it to empty the water in a lower section. Now go down the second set of 

Run past the cannons and blow fish and then blow up the final block 
before the drop, it holds the Ultra Bomb Item. Now drop down, go up the 
stairs, knock down the bridge (all it takes is a small Ultra Bomb) and 
then standing on the second blue switch, lowering the water even more. 
Go down there and talk to Sirius for some info, then blow away the 
crates and enter the warehouse. Make your way through the little maze, 
then stand on the final switch to lower the giant drawbridge. Blast your 
way out and go to the exit!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - In the room with the Remote Control Item, blow up the 
cannons; one of them will have a Gold Card.

Card # 2 - In Room 2 is a drawbridge, blow it down and cross it to find 
two cannons and a drawbridge in the'up' position, across a lake that is. 
To bring it down, throw a Pumped Up Ultra Bomb and explode it in mid-
air. Cross it, and explore around.

HARD: See normal Card # 3 

Card # 3 - Instead of stepping on the first switch, proceed down the 
staircase and around the small path to find two crates; one of them 
holds your card

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - In the area with the Remote Item and Cannons is a doorway in 
the last house, correct? To get in, build a bridge from the adjacent 
stairway. With some luck, you'll find yourself inside and with a new 
Costume Piece.

HARD: See normal Gold # 2

Ball # 2 - In the warehouse with the switch that opens the exit; it's in 
a crate.

HARD: In one of the house widnows (throw a bomb in it).

                    - - - Stage 2: Vs. Artemis - - - 

                  [See "Boss" Section for details]

                    - - - Stage 3: Pump it Up! - - -

Beating Stage:

Follow the path to the left, then go under the bridge and up the stairs. 
Destroy the cannon blocking your path with a bomb, then continue, 
avoiding the bombs, to the second room across the bridge. Turn to 
Bomberman's right and knock down that bridge and go up the skinny 
stairs. Proceed up the hill and knock down yet another bridge, then go 
across and stand on the switch to lower the water in a previous room. Go 
back and fall into the pit, right next to the skinny stairs.

Blow up all the blocks to find the Ultra Bomb, then face the wall with 
the Enemie's Symbol on it. Throw bombs at it until it's pushed back far 
enough to hit the switch which will connect the two paths, then water 
will go down and fill the container, which will sink and link up a piece 
of land...conufsed? Basically, it opens up the exit =)

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Go straight from the start and blow up the crate

HARD: Pretty much the same place, just in a different crate.

Card # 2 - Instead of knocking down the first bridge, go straight ahead 
to find another; knock this one down and follow the path to a block with 
the card.

HARD: In one of the blocks in the pit, near the wall with the Enemie's 

Card # 3 - Go past the first switch to find it in a block. No cunnignly 
laid out puzzles or trciky's just right there.

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - After draining the water via the switch, go to a block under 
the bridge and blow it up.

HARD: Where Gold 2 is in the normal difficulty.

Ball # 2 - Near the 2nd drawbridge, right before the switch that lowers 
the water. 

HARD: Go to the second pit (after draing water) and blow up all the 
blocks, it'll be in one of them.

                     - - - Stage 4: Sewer Savage - - -

                   [See "Boss" Section for details]

                             RED MOUNTAIN

                       R E D   M O U N T A I N

                   - - - Stage 1: Hot on the Trail - - -

Beating Stage:

Hold forward and fall off the cliff for a little shortcut, then turn 
left and go up the bridge. Now you run into your first obstacle: 
fireballs. They rise up from the lava and will hit you when you attempt 
to cross bridges. When you hear the "fwwwwsssss" sound quickly look down 
and see if it's going to hit you, if not, stay where you are, if so, run 
for safety! After a bit of walking you'll come to a fork, go right and 
then drop down. There are two ways to go from here; personally I take 
the one where you cross brown bridges. It may be longer, but it's safer! 
After leaving this area you'll find a block; be sure to blow this up for 
the Ultra Bomb Item! Keep going and you'll find the familiar Enemy Sign, 
so you know this is the exit. See the switches on the wall? You'll have 
to pump up bombs and throw it up there so it's activated. When all three 
are down (AT ONCE) the exit will be opened! The problem is, there are 
fireballs everywhere, and it's quite difficult to get them all down at 
the same time. Practice makes perverts! Er...practice makes perfect! 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - On the fork, turn left instead to find a trio of Fire 
Pillars. get the card! Just be careful exiting, though, that one must be 
destroyed since it is blocking the gating.

HARD: From your starting point, turn a hard right and blow up the rocks 

Card # 2 - After collecting the Ultra Bomb Item you can go back into the 
level and blow away the Metal Doors in the side of the walls. You'll 
find this card in one.

HARD: In a different Metal Door.

Card # 3 - Go right from the start to find a large red pillar, blow this 
away like you would a drawbridge. Go across the narrow ladders, bridges, 
etc. until you find a place with a bunch of Fire Pillars, blow up the 
block in the corner.

HARD: Same path, except go past the Fire Pillars and change your camera 
angle to find a platform with a pillar on it. Kick a bomb, pressing R to 
stop it on the pillar, then blow it up. Drop down there and collect it!

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - Same as hard card 2.

HARD: Same as normal caard 2.

Ball # 2 - Same as hard gold 3.

HARD: Behind a Metal Door.

                    - - - Stage 2: Vs Orion - - -

                   [See "Boss" Section for details]

                   - - - Stage 3: On the Right Track - - -

Beating Stage:

Go forward and through the tracks. Now, you could go through about a 
dozen rooms, but there's a large shortcut you can take: Simply fall down 
to the lower track! Follow it until the path ends, go around and keep 
going up the looong path, then keep going. About a minute later you'll 
find yourself at a platform being held up by four pillars. Destroy the 
pillars and then go across to the exit. Oh, whening crossing the tracks, 
be VERY careful, since there are still soldiers coming across.

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Follow the 'nomal' path until you come to a place with 
boulders rolling down a hill. Watch them for awhile, memorizing the 
pattern, then dash across the side to find a switch, hit it. Go up the 
slope to find three more. When they are all activated go down the left 
side and step on the little mat and not only will the spikes move down, 
allowing you to go forward, but a card will appear!

Card # 2 - When going the 'normal' way you will find a room with 
boulders and some mesh grating. Don't blow up the barrels! They allow 
you to transverse from one side to the other. Blow up one of the 
machines by the Fire Pillar to find a card.

Card # 3 - Wandering around the tracks, you've probably have found two 
barrels stacked up on eahc other, above a horde of Fire Pillars. Knock 
out the lower barrel, then get as close to the edge as you dare. One 
inch over and you'll be taking a hot lava bath! Carefully blow up the 
upper barrel and, if you're close enough, the card will fall and hit 
you. If it falls into the fiery sea below, simply exit the room and then 
come back to find evertyhing back the way it was.

HARD: Drop below the exit track and blow up that furnace.

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - Same as hard card # 3.

HARD: Same as normal carf # 3.

Ball # 2 - Near card # 2 is a metal door, the item is inside. But 
getting the Ultra Bomb is another deal's in a barrel near 
it, but be careful you don't destroy the bridge to the little island 
when you blow it up. If you do, simply exit and go back in the room to 
find it intact.

                       - - - Stage 4: Hot Avenger - - -

                   [See "Boss" Section for details]

                           WHITE GLACIAR

                   W H I T E   G L A C I A R

                     - - - Stage 1: Blizzard Peaks - - -

Beating Stage:

This stage is pretty non-linear, but I'll just show you the best way. Go 
left, towards the lagre hill with a sign that is frozen over. Go up the 
hill to find snow blocking your path. Pump up a bomb, then toss it in 
there! QUICK! Get out of there! A huge avalanche will occur, pushing the 
snow aside. Now you can get up there, drop down, then go through the 
thin door. 

Go to Bomberman's right, trekking you the steep hill. The wind in this 
area is nasty, making you 'run' terribly slow. A good exercise in 
patience! Once at the top, run past the house and across the bridge. Jog 
up the mountain, then go down the thin path to find a cottage with a 
friendly snowman on top. Bomb the house and the snowman, then stand on 
the switch behind it, triggering the ski-lift to come and pick you up.

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - In a tree that blocks the path after the avalanche area, 
right by the snowman.

HARD: In the area with bunnies and snowmen in trees, and a few 
snowflakes, look for a secret cave in the wall. It's on the second level 
if you go to the place where skiers are going down a hill in the first 
area. Confused? Me too!

Card # 2 - When you come out of one area from the main area (beginning), 
go to Bomberman's left to find a cliff that leads to a tree. Fight the 
wind and go up to it, bomb it, and presto!

HARD: Blow up the cottage in the walkthrough above (1st one you see) and 
then the tree behind it.

Card # 3 - In another tree, same position as # 2, except in a different 

HARD: Instead of blowing up the final cottage to find the switch, kill 
the snowmen, then make a bridge to the top of the house using the 
platform nearby. Once on top, go to the platform in mid-air (connected 
to the cottage) and blow up the tree.

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - See Hard Gold # 3

HARD: Again, in the secret cave.

Ball # 2 - See hard Gold # 2

HARD: When you drop down to the snowman after the avalcnhe, there is a 
secret cave there. Go in, drop a bomb,m then exit. The bomb will go off, 
then you can go back in and collect it (along with some other goodies)! 

Collecting Remote Control Item:

Some people seem to be in the dark about's pretty simple, yet 
utterly genius. At the very tops of the mountain areas (places with high 
winds) are snow blobs sticking over the cliff, correct? Stand on one and 
it will fall to the lower section...when it lands it will explode and 
reveal an item. One of them holds the Remote Control Item!

                      - - - Stage 2: Vs Regulus - - -

                    [See "Boss" Section for details]

                 - - - Stage 3: Shiny Slippery Icy Floor - - -

Beating Stage:

This stage is a giant donut, the hole in the center being the exit, but 
you have to call the lift here, and the switch is in a confusing place. 
It's simple logic...Go right (your right) and into the door, now you're 
in one of the strangest places in Bomberman 64! The camera will shift 
under your feet to show everything from under the ice! Interesting, to 
say the least. Go 'forward' and you'll find yet another door, but this 
is an elevator and it will take you to a large hilly area. Follow the 
little path, to the most for away sliding area. 3 for some money, 2 for 
the show, one get ready and goooo...whoohoo! Slide down the slope and 
use your momentum to safely attach yourself to a snowy platform with a 
snowman and a large, red switch. Hit the switch to activate the lift, 
then exit the area, stage right. Follow the enemy infested path to the 
beginning, then get on the pulley and you're outta there!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - In the room before the first (that is, to the left of the 
start) there is a little ice pillar out in a little peninsula of ice 
sticking out of the main shape. Blow it up to find the Gold!

Card # 2 - In the second room (to the right of the start) is a a ice 
pillar, it's to Bomberman's left when you enter. Simple!

HARD: NO!!! Oi...You've prolly spotted the narrow nridge of ice jutting 
out of the main piece in room 2, so I won't point out it's location. 
make your way across to the small island, then blow up the ice pillar 
there. The key is to center the camera behind you and take it slow! 

Card # 3 - Instead of sliding down the slopes, take a detour to the 
right and follow the white path, then throw a bomb at the small platform 
with an ice pillar. When it blows, fall down there and collect it. Whew!

HARD: Slide down the slopes, except to the opposite side of the switch 
ledge. Should be easy once you know what to do and when.

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - See hard Gold # 3

HARD: See normal Gold # 3

Ball # 2 - See hard Gold # 2

HARD: See normal Gold # 2

                     - - - Stage 4: Cold Killer - - -

                   [See "Boss" Section for details]

                           BLACK FORTRESS

                    B L A C K   F O R T R E S S 

                     - - - Stage 1: Go for Broke - - -

Beating Stage:

This level is...well, frustrating, to say the least. You have to run 
through streets, with traffic coming from nearly every direction, and 
then there's the soldiers, lock-on airplanes, and turrets, but let's not 
make situations worse, ok? :) The only way to make it past this area is 
to run along the skypaths, which criss-cross over the streets. However, 
you will, on many occasions, find yourself in the middle of the street 
and the lights of a semi blinding you. Tut tut little man, this requires 
patience, it's like crossing the street: Look left, look right, look 
left...then look right again =)

In the final, purple room I suggest you go up to the second area to pick 
up the Remote Bomb and Ultra Bomb Items, as they will come in handy in a 
few seconds. When you walk onto the platform with the Enemie's Sign, it 
will lower and a large, super enemy will come out. He's actually quite 
easy to defeat...when you stand on/behind the tail of the symbol the 
lasers can't lock on and the plasma balls fade before they hit you! And 
the soldiers shouldn't posess that much of a problem, and if they do, 
you know how to take care of them =) Simply kick bombs at the machine 
until it all blows up, then the exit will open up.

Golden Cards:

All the cards in this level are in blocks in the various tunnels. 

Costume Pieces;

Ball # 1 - Before you enter the  boss room, look under the pillar that 
holsd the street platforms up to find a small block, it holds the piece. 
There are several ways to get there, the best is to get on the first 
platform in the room, then just bomb jump over there. 

                  - - - Stage 2: High-Tech Harvester  - - -

                 [See "Boss" Section for details]

                  - - - Stage 3: Trap Tower - - -

Beating Stage:

This level is HUGE! Go right and pick up the Heart in the box, then come 
back and hit switch 1 to open up the platform. Go across, then left, and 
hit that switch. Make your way past the lasers by waiting for them to 
stop then run by. You might want to pick up the Remote Control Item here 
(easy, it's on the adjacent platform). Now go to your far right to find 
three red sqaures, and one will turn green, then the next, 
etc...Standing on the red will enable the alarm, cutting off access 
(life wasted). So step on the green block and then hop on the elevator.

 Go all the way forward to find switch 2, hit this and then make your 
way through all of the lasers to get back to the main area where you 
will find an elevator, take this. Now you're on a trident shaped 
platform...make your way to the farthest away 'fork' and drop down to 
land on a platform. Using your bomb jumping abilities, make your way to 
the elevator platform, not far away.

 Follow the path th find yet another elevator, take this one. Take the 
next elevator. And the next. And the next...And the one on the left. 

Go all the way forward, through the lasers and enemies, to find two 
switches. Hit the black one (number 2!). Now return to the elevator that 
brought you here, take the one right in front of you, now you're back. 
Do the same thing as last time, only take the elevator on the trident 
this time.

Now, hit the # 2 switch, then go forward, across the path, hit the 
switch, then go back through the lasers and hit switch # 1, then go left 
then forward, to the next elevator. Some of the paths in this area are 
dead-ends, you can tell because a box will block the view. In the next 
room, blow up the gigantic door with Pumped Up Bombs, then make your way 
through the maze of ladders, boxes, and enemies. Tada! Exit...

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - On the second floor, after activating the switch, make your 
way through lasers to find a box, blow it up! This is pretty easy, which 
is strange for the 'last' level in the game.

Card # 2 - In the room with three switches to the left, hit # 3 then go 
right to find a huge congrogation of red alarm tiles...ouchies! If luck 
is with you, you'll make it to the other side where you can bomb the box 
and get the Card! Memorize the pattern of the green tile before even 
attempting to go across...If you screw up and set off the sirens, there 
is a plate that will warp you back to the start of the level. Hey, 
better than nothing, right?

Card # 3 - Remember the area after you dropped off the trident-shaped 
platform, the one with the switches? After the series of elevators? 
Yeah, now you do! =) When you enter, turn left and make your way past 
the lasers, then blow up the group of boxes to find this Card. Oh, you 
have to first hit the switch in this room to form a platform to the 

Costume Pieces;

Ball # 1 - In the room with three switches to the left, hit the third 
switch and head left, up the stairs, then make a long bomb ladder to the 
opposite platform. Once there, take the elevator up to find a bridge to 
the this Costume Piece.

Ball # 2 - Hit the switch near Gold Card # 3, then go down the stairs 
that form and go down the elevator. Below the elevator is an island with 
blocks...blow them up to find all kinds of goodies, including this 

Ball # 3 - Near Gold Card # 2 are some boxes up on the wall. Blow them 
up, then wait for them to drop down. 

                  - - - Stage 4: Vs Altair - - -

                [See "Boss" Section for details]

                          RAINBOW PALACE 

                    R A I N B O W   P A L A C E

NOTE: This level can not be opened until you have retrieved 100 Gold 
Cards and then have beaten Altar (after collecting them).

                      - - - Stage 1: Beyond the Clouds... - - -

Beating Stage:

Go forward and left to find a rainbow...walk onto it and Bomberman willl 
use it as a bridge to the next room. Destroy the pillars to receive the 
Remote Control Item, then exit and go back to the first room. Ok, 
collect a lot of Bomb Items from the pillars, kill all the nasties, and 
get ready to be confused! 

Ok, see the platform in front of the exit (Enemy Symbol)? Get on it with 
a bomb, then go forward and throw a bomb at the ledge, against the wall, 
then kick a bomb in the little ditch. Then throw a bomb so it is in 
front of the bomb on the ledge. Drop down to the bomb on the ledge to 
bounce up, now you're on the level with the switch...sorta. When you 
land, just plant a bomb. Lay another bomb in front of it, then kick a 
bomb down to the first ditch, now just walk down there, then fall into 
the ditch, and you'll automatically go up to the switch! Remember, don't 
use the analog stick! You'll be fine on your own. Now, go to the 
platform in front of the exit and throw a Pumped Up Bomb there, and a 
smaller bomb in front, then jump to the exit!

Confused? Yeah, it's not easy to put into words. Here's a crappy little 
map that won't help anyone at all:
               54| |
               --   ---
       -    --

* - Switch.

@ - Little platform in front of the exit 

So, you get on @ and them toss bomb "1" into the ditch, then throw bomb 
"2" on the next cliff. Followed by bomb "3." It's easy to mess bomb 
three up, but you'll get it. Now, fall onto bomb "1" and you will bounce 
off of it and go up "3" and "2" up to the area before the switch. Lay 
down "4" directly in front of the switch, then back up a bit and lay 
another, "5." Kick bomb "6" back down to the first ditch, this will 
serve your way back to @. Now fall on bomb "1" and then everything else 
is automatic! Does it make sense now? No? Screw you! No, seriously...

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - In room two, where you picked up the Remote Control Item, is 
a large pillar at the end. Ok, simply make a bomb ladder there, then 
blow it up! 

Card # 2/Card # 3 -!!! This is truely the work of someone 
who loves to watch people fail. Curse them...curse them!! 

There are platforms in mid-air next to the exit, each has a pillar, each 
holding a Card. Now, you must Bomb Jump through all of those platforms, 
and...and...screw it! I am NOT going to make a map for this! No way, 
it'd be impossible...

Once you do get them, you'll never want to do it again! 

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - When you're inches away from the exit, turn left and use Bomb 
Bridges to get to that platform.

Ball # 2 - Again, only on the right.

                             - - - Stage 2: Spellmaker - - - 

                 [See "Boss" Section for details]

                     - - - Stage 3: Doom Castle - - -

Beating Stage:

...*breaks into tears* 

Ok, now, to open the exit you must activate each switch, one for every 
corner in the room (that's four for you mathematically challenged). 
Sounds easy, right? WRONG! There are numerous steps, where building BomB 
Bridges is a must. Actually, the way they're set up is almost identical 
to the past level, so it's not that much new. To get to the left side of 
the room (from the camera angle when you enter, at least) you'll have to 
use the stairs that go into the floor for your bombs. Then you'll use 
them to get to the right side of the room again. Be careful of those 
enemies that fire lasers, since one blast will destroy all of your 
bombs, and the explosion will quite possibly kill you as well!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - In the little stairs.

HARD: Outside

Card # 2 - In a block inside

Card # 3 - In a block inside. I guess they didn't want to torture your 
brain anyone...

Costume Pieces:

Ball # 1 - Outside

Ball # 1 - Outside

                      - - - Stage 4: Final Battle! - - -

                  [See "Boss" Section for details]

Hooray! Congrats!

5) Enemies

1. Rocks:
After a few explosions it will split into two smaller, and weaker, 
oppenents. A Pumped Bomb to the head will kill it instantly.

2. Fire Falcon:
They will up in the air, occasionally diving to you, attempting to light 
you on fire.

3. Eggs:
They wander about aimlessly. Blow them up for a Heart Item!

4. Soldiers (red):
Pretty much useless...It wanders about, very slowly...not even a real 

5. Soldiers (blue):
These guys are a bit more tough, as they wield two sharo blades and will 
go into a deadly spin. Stay away and throw bombs at 'em!

6. Soldiers (green):
Only a few exist, they will fire shells at you. Pretty powerful, but not 
too fast.

7. Totem Poles:
Not much of any enemy. They are somewhat slow, but can burst into speed 
when you get near.

8. Cannons:
They fire cannon shells at you, a Pumped Up Bomb is all it takes to put 
them out. 

9. Blow Fish:
Although harmless, they take 10 Pumped Up Ultra Bombs to destroy them! 
All of this red gem. It's rather sad, really. Ignore these.

10. Butterflies:
These aren't REALLY enemies...blow them up for a Heart Item!

11. Fish:
With chicken legs? Yup, this game has it all..When you get near, these 
strange creatures will spij. Due to their unpredictable patterns, you 
should ignore these.

12. Fire Pillars:
These look like normal blocks, but when you get near, they will open up 
and kill you with their Fire Breathe! After about 40 normal bombs they 
will die...Good for Heart Items!

13. Sparks:
Only found in dark caves, these neat looking creatures will come to you 
and attempt to impale you on their spikes! A bomb will split them in 

14. Mining Soliders:
They'll try to knock you out with their picks.

15. Mine Cart Soldiers:
They travel in carts, which are, of course, on the tracks. Listen for 
the familiar "click clack click clack" sound, then quickly get to 

16. Bats:
One eyed creatures that will try to land on you. Not much to look at...

17. Snow Bunnies:
Harmless. Blow them up for a Heart Item!

18. Ski Soldiers:
They just want to have some fun, then Bomberman comes to ruin their 
vacation...Watch out, as their blades are quite sharp.

19. Snowmen:
Like their cute cousins in Mario 64, these guys will toss snowballs at 

20. Snowflakes:
Not much, really. They just float about...

21. Apple Frogs:
What the heck is this thing? I dunno, but it does split into two 
different pieces after being bombed.

22. Missile Solider:
Launches missiles at you...

23. Missile Launcher:
See above. Oh, except this one tracks you. Watch out when the target 
gets near it!

24. Green Robot:
When you get near it will fire three laser beams at you.

25. Airplane:
It will dive and try to impale you on it's sharp nose

26. UFO:
Will get over you and shoot a laser down. Kill for a Heart Item!

6) Bosses

Boss: Sirius
Level Title: "Friend or Foe"? 

This one is pretty simple...Just toss bombs at him so he gets knocked 
out, then pum up a bomb and toss it at him! When it explodes, he'll be 
damaged and you'll receive a Golden Card. Next, hit him over the head 
with a Pumped Up Bomb, which will give you another card. The best way to 
do this is to wait until he's just walking around, since he can block 
your bombs with his, like you! After that, just knock him out and lay a 
circle of bombs around him. He won't have enough time to escape!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Hit him on the head with a Pumped Up Bomb

Card # 2 AND 3 - Explode a Pumped Up Bomb on him

Card # 4 - Defeat him

Card # 5 - Defeat him by the target time

Boss: Draco the Dragon
Level Title: "Winged Guardion"

This large, blue dragon flies around a tiny bridge in mid-air, which you 
are precariously perched on. The main thing to be aware of is the fact 
that his body can bounce your bombs back at you! This guy is pretty 
easy, all you have to do is throw Pumped Up Bombs at his body until he 
dies. If you stand still for too long he'll come in and bite your head 
off. The best place to get some of the Golden Cards is when he is 
breathing fire...

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Burn his head. Easy.

Card # 2 - Burn his left wing.

Card # 3 - Burn his right wing.

Card # 4 - Burn his tail. You're probably wondering how the heck that's 
possible, since his tail is always out of your range. You know the 
attack when he flies far away then swoops under your bridge? Well, when 
he's almost there, throw a Pumped Up Bomb and detonate it! There's your 
card. You'll also probably get Card # 1 by doing this. 

Card # 5 - Defeat him by the target time. 

Boss: Artemis
Level Title: "Vs. Artemis"

This girl is leaps and bounds above Sirius! Her first attack is laying 
bombs can use these against her if you kick them back 
at her. Her main attack is getting a few feet off the ground and 
spitting three missiles at you, spray style. The missiles won't do 
anything, but the explosions will. They can hurt you and blow up bombs. 
To kill it, lay down a bomb and wait a few KICK IT! When 
it gets near Artemis it will explode, hurting her. Do this a bit and 
she's a goner.

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Trap her in the explosion of a Pumped Bomb

Card # 2 - Bounce a Pumped Bomb off her head. THe best time to do this 
is when she is spewing missiles, however, I suggest you have a Heart 
Item, just in case.

Card # 3 - Another Bomb on the head.

Card # 4 - Destroy her.

Card # 5 - Defeat it by the target time.

Boss: Leviathen the Angler Fish
Level Title: "Sewer Savage"

Killing it is simple...Just toss Pumped Bombs at his body. Well, now 
that's done with let's talk about it's attacks, and how to avoid them. 
The first one is where it will attempt to pound you with it's 'fishing 
pole.' Just run left or right, which ever side presents more space. 
Another is gettin behind your raft and making bubbles that will dizzy 
you. If you're in the center you'll be knocked about, but that's ok. 
Stand near the edge and you'll fall into the water! The most devastating 
is when it will go way behind your raft and create a huge tidal wave 
which will wash you over the boat...unless you hold against it. You'll 
also notice that pieces of your boat will fall off. This is determined 
by where you move at certain points (see those "shredders"?).

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - When it's pounding you, it opens it's mouth. Toss one in and 
watch the fireworks!

Card # 2 - Burn his 'fishing pole.' CAUTION: The Bombs can bounce back, 
so be careful.

Card # 3 - When it showers you with bubbles, blow up his tail. 

Card # 4 - Stand on the very edge of the raft when it does it's Tidal 
Wave move, this will reduce you to one log. Presto!

Card # 5 - Defeat it under the target time.

Boss: Orion
Level Title: "Vs. Orion"

Besides dropping bombs, he will make a large, green force field come out 
of him. Touching this will dizzy Bomberman, then Orion will pick you up 
and hurl you over the edge, straight into the hot lava. Counteract this 
trickery by quickly rotating the Analog Stick. For killing him, just 
kick bombs at him. YAWN.

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Touch his shield (be careful not to be near the ledge!)

Card # 2 - Catch him in a Pumped Up Bomb Explosion

Card # 3 - Bounce a Pumped Up Bomb off his cranium

Card # 4 - Defeat him

Card # 5 - Kill 'em by the target time. 

Boss: Hades the Robot
Level Title: "Hot Avenger"

Orion is back for revenge in his supped up robot, Hades, who is armed to 
the teeth. Like other bosses, just toss Pumped Up Bombs into his body. 
His main attack is punching you. This attack is almost impossible to 
avoid, but that's ok, it'll just dizzy you. Quickly get up and avoid the 
laser from his eye. To avoid, wait a split-second, then dart to the left 
or right, which ever has the most room to manuever. His second attack 
will probably surprise you, he'll spin around like a top, arms 
outstretched. Your first instinct is to go out onto the rim of the 
platform. DON'T! Instead, go inside. His 'arms' will pass through you. 
Another offensive move is launching boulders at you from his hat. Just 
stand still, and if a rock comes, move to the side! 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Burn his left hand.

Card # 2 - Burn his right hand.

Card # 3 - Burn his hat (best when he's submerged in the lava and 
shooting lasers at you).

Card # 4 - After burning his cap, wait for him to be submerged again, 
just his head sticking out. Pump Up a Bomb and toss it at his head and 
let it bounce off! He'll be dizzy and a door will open, revealing the 
driver, Orion. Toss a bomb in there!

Card # 5 - Defeat him by the target time.

Boss: Regulus
Level Title: "Vs. Regulus"

Use your basic bombing techniques and he'll go down very quickly. He has 
a tendancy to wade right into a group of bombs...use this to your 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - When he is charging at you (he'll flash yellow before doing 
it), kick a bomb directly at him.

Card # 2 - Toss a Pumped Bomb off his head, best to do when he's turning 

Card # 3 - Catch him in a Pumped Up Bomb Explosion. Best to do when 

Card # 4 - Defeat him...

Card # 5 - the target time.

Boss: Manta the Ice Spider
Level Title: "Cold Killers"

Again, pretty simple to kill. Throw Pumped Up Bombs at her chest! This 
behemothe will first try to swipe at you with her massive claws, then 
try to impale you by smashing down from above. Just run UNDER her shadow 
to avoid all of these attacks. If you stay under there for awhile, she 
will pause and a "?" will appear over her head. This is a good time to 
throw some bombs at her chest, since she's not moving. Her least common 
attack is climbing on the wall and laying spider babies, which will run 
after you. Kick bombs at them! When one Heart is remaining of it's 
energy everyone will fall to an icy web below. This is still pretty 
simple, despite the large holes everywhere. 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Burn her left claw.

Card # 2 - Burn her right claw.

Card # 3 - Burn her mask off.

Card # 4 - Burn her bottom.

Card # 5 - When she lays dead before the target time, this one is yours

Boss: The Ultra Spaceship Mech
Level Title: "High-Tech Harvester"

This robot is the definition of overkill, literally. If you see some 
cross-hairs on Bomberman, move left or right to avoid a barrage of 
machine gun fire. It'll also fire grenades at you! Sometimes these 
grenades will open up to reveal smaller missiles which will track you 
down. These are a pain, almost impossible to avoid. You have to lay down 
bombs and explode them when they go overhead. Sometimes two gigantic 
knives will come out of his arms, then it will attempt to impale you on 
them. It can also slow everything in the room down by putting a large 
orb in the center. Just use a bomb to destroy it. The final, and most 
painful attack is where it will fire two large satellite missile into 
the air. They'll float around for awhile, then fire lasers at you, then 
drop into the ground where a wall of fire will erupt from...ouch. To 
destroy the mech, kick bombs at his middle part until he dies. The worst 
thing about this guy is his ability to overlap his attacks, you can be 
chased by missiles while being shot at with machine gun fire! Scary 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Destroy his left cannon.

Card # 2 - Destroy his right cannon

Card # 3 - Destroy the cap on his head. Very difficult...try a Pumped Up 

Card # 4 - When he makes the orb in the center, toss a bomb into it!

Card # 5 - Blow him to pieces by the target time.

Boss: Altair
Level Title: "Vs. Altair"

This guy is a lot like a Mini-Boss, and you can use the same tactics. 
This would be easy if it weren't for the fact that a small droid is 
flying around the room, firing lasers at you. Sometimes it misses you 
and hits Altair! After being hit for awhile, Altair and the Droid will 
join to make a Super Bot! Now when you throw bombs at him he'll 
disappear and re-appear somewhere else. All you have to do is kick bombs 
at him now! 

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Kill him in his first form.

Card # 2 - Bounce a Pumped Up Bomb off his head. To do this, knock him 
out with a kicking bomb, then prepare a Pumped Bomb. When he 
awakes...TOSS IT! Requires practice.

Card # 3 - Catch him in a Pumped Up Bomb explosion.

Card # 4 - Defeat him.

Card # 5 - Leave him in parts by the target time.

If you did this after collecting 100 Golden Cards, a cinema will show 
Sirius come in and kick Altair out of the way, then grab the Omni Cube 
and abosrb is energy then toss it away. Then he'll destroy Altair with 
his awesome firepower! It seems Sirius is the real enemy here...on to 
the secret levels!

Boss: Spellmaker the Clown
Level Title: "Vs. Spellmaker"

This guy is a cinch to beat, but getting Cards without the Remote Bomb 
Item is another story entirely. Just run at him and he'll go away, 
predict where he'll land, and toss a bomb there. He won't do anything, 
and if the explosion hits his shadow he'll be hurt! He has several 

- A shadow hand will come and try to grab you.

- Explosives will appear all around

- Stars will rain down and dizzy you

- Giant Hands will try to crush you

- A HUGE foot will try to stomp you

- A fire Dragon will attempt to fry you

- He'll offer you some items. Take one and your first Gold Card is gone.

- A large blade will slice across the room. Hug the walls!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Blow up his head. Do this by throwing bombs at him when he's 
in the ground. Hard? You bet! Random? Yeah. 

Card # 2 - Burn his cape. You can do this by using Pumped Bombs to 
destroy him.

Card # 3 - When the shadow hand comes, make a bomb explode on it

Card # 4 - You get one for free when you come in.

Card # 5 - Defeat this clown by the target time...

Boss: Sirius
Level Title: "Final Battle!"

In the first part he will fly off, come back and spray you with lasers, 
then land and kick bombs at you. When he's on the ground, stay close so 
he doesn't fly away, then lay multiple bombs to hurt him. After a bit of 
this Regulus will fly in, destroy the Omni Cube, then join your side in 
the fight. Now, this part is _FUN_! Just do whatever you want, any bomb 
blasts to Sirius will hurt him. He has two new attacks: The laser, which 
he demonstrated when he killed Altair. To avoid, simply move to the side 
and wait for it to finish. The other is a little speed boost, but it's 
nothing much. After this you will have truely beaten the game. Congrats!

Golden Cards:

Card # 1 - Beat the first Sirius by the target time. This is best done 
by knocking him out then throwing him off the ledge, this will 
automatically kill him. Pretty easy...

(rest in the second mode)

Card # 2 - Toss a Pumped Bomb off his head. The easiest way to do this 
is to wait until his laser attack is almost done, then toss it.

Card # 3 - Catch him in a Pumped Up Bomb explosion.

Card # 4 - Keep Regulus alive until the end

Card # 5 - Destroy the insane one by the target time 

7) Secrets

Get 100 Cards to find the secret level!

Get 120 for new Battle Courses!

Talk to Sirius in the various stages after collecting 100 Cards. It's 

Go back to the first Battle with Sirius (Green Gardens) after collecting 
100 cards. Strange...

When fighting the Ice Spider on the web, when you fall, Sirius will come 
to your rescue. After collecting 100 Cards he will not do this, making 
the battle much tougher!

Get 120 Cards and a new option will appear in the Options menu! This 
will allow you to enter each level with Maxed Out Remote Controlled 
Ultra Bombs. Whew, what a mouth-ful. Recommended for the harder 
difficulty level. It's also pretty fun to play around with.

8) Credits



9) Legal Junk

This guide can not be copied without permission of the author. It can 
not be used as a means of profit. Basically, just don't put your name 
where mine should be (i.e. stealing).
Copyright (C) 1998 marshmallow

Yes, you can print it out, silly =) Just don't sell it for money.

10) End

I highly doubt I'll have another update...But if you do have any 
questions, e-mail me at (also found under title of 
this FAQ). Well, c-ya!

- marshmallow -