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Bloody Roar 2 (e)

              BBBBBBBBBBB         LLLLL                              OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO     DDDDDDDDD   YYY           YYYY
             BBBBBBBBBBBBB       LLLLL                              OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO    DDDDDDDDDDD   YYY         YYYY
            BBBB       BBB      LLLLL                              OOOO         OOOO   DDDD     DDDD   YYY       YYYY
           BBBB       BBB      LLLLL             OOOOOOOOOOOOO    OOOO         OOOO   DDDD      DDDD    YYY     YYYY
          BBBBBBBBBBBBBB      LLLLL             OOOOOOOOOOOOOO   OOOO         OOOO   DDDD       DDDD     YYY   YYYY 
         BBBBBBBBBBBBB       LLLLL             OOOO      OOOO   OOOO         OOOO   DDDD        DDD       YYYYYYYY
        BBBB        BBB     LLLLL             OOOO      OOOO   OOOO         OOOO   DDDD       DDDD         YYYYYY
       BBBB        BBB     LLLLL             OOOO      OOOO   OOOO         OOOO   DDDD      DDDDD           YYYY
      BBBB        BBB     LLLLL             OOOO      OOOO   OOOO         OOOO   DDDD      DDDD            YYYY
   BBBB                LLLLL                                                  DDDD                      YYYY
  BBBB                LLLLL                                                  DDDD                      YYYY
 BBB                 LLLLL                                                                            YYYY
BB                                                                                                   YYYY
        RRRR       RRRRR   OOOO         OOOO   AAAAA  AAAAA                 RRRR       RRRRR
       RRRR       RRRRR   OOOO         OOOO   AAAAA    AAAAA               RRRR       RRRRR
      RRRR       RRRRR   OOOO         OOOO   AAAAA      AAAAA             RRRR       RRRRR
  RRRRR   RRRRRR     OOOO         OOOO   AAAAA              AAAAA     RRRRR   RRRRRR
RRRR         RRRRRR                                                RRRRR         RRRRRR
RRR                                                                               RRRRRR
RR                             IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                     RRRR
R                              IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                      RRRR
                               IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                       RRRR 
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII                                RRR 
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII                                  R
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII                    
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII 
                                      IIIIII       IIIIII

        ___   __ ___           ____    _____  __         ____   ____       _______         _____  
       | _ \ |  \ |   |\   |  /    \  |      |  \       |    | |              |    |    | |
       |   / |__/ |   | \  | |    ___ |___   |__/       |    | |___           |    |____| |___
       | _ \ |\   |   |  \ | |     |  |      |\         |    | |              |    |    | |
       |___/ | \ _|_  |   \|  \____|  |_____ | \        |____| |              |    |    | |_____

                                  _____                      __       ____    _____
                          |\   | |      \          /        /  \     /    \  |
                          | \  | |___    \   \/   /        /____\   |    ___ |___
                          |  \ | |        \  /\  /        /      \  |     |  |
                          |   \| |_____    \/  \/        /        \  \____|  |_____

*Game: Bloody Roar 2: Bringer of the New Age        *
*Game Version: American (NTSC/USA)                  *
*Faq Version: 0.1                                   *
*Console: PlayStation                               *
*Memory Card: 1 Block                               *
*Game Type: beat'em up                              *
*Software House: Udson                              *
*Author: Gianluca Urbani                            *
*E-Mail Address:	                    *
*ICQ: 27991530                                      *

WARNING! This Faq is ONLY for personal use; if you want to place it on a web page or site you
         must ask me for permission; you can find this faq at , ,  or . In those two last site you can find the Italian version of 
         this faq too adapted by me under request. 
         If you want to help me founding GameShark's Codes or moves, please send me an E-Mail at
          or <>; if my post mail is full or the server IOL is 
         down, send your letters to those address:  or  . 
         If this faq is (according to you) terrible, horrible or whatever you want I'll be very 
         sorry :( ; I hope that this faq will help you! 
         BYE BYE

This Faq is best viewed in 800 x 600 with WordPad (except the logo ^_^;;; thit is best viewed in
1027 x 768).

Table of Contents:

1-  General Informations:
     1.1)  Main Menu
     1.2)  Game Controls
     1.3)  Notes
2-  Custom Mode:
     2.1)  Notes
     2.2)  Hugo the Wolf
     2.3)  Stun the Insect
     2.4)  Shina the Leopard
     2.5)  Bakuryu the Mole
     2.6)  Long the Tiger
     2.7)  Alice the Rabbit
     2.8)  Uriko the Half Beast
     2.9)  Busuzima the Chameleon
     2.10) Jenny the Bat
     2.11) Custom
3-  Custom Mode Secret Characters:
     3.1)  Notes
4-  Story Mode:
     4.1)  Hugo the Wolf
     4.2)  Stun the Insect
     4.3)  Shina the Leopard
     4.4)  Bakuryu the Mole
     4.5)  Long the Tiger
     4.6)  Alice the Rabbit
     4.7)  Uriko the Half Beast
     4.8)  Busuzima the Chameleon
     4.9)  Jenny the Bat
5-  Arcade Mode:
6-  Movies and Pictures:
7-  Watch Mode:
8-  Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes (PAR/GS):
     8.1)  Codes
     8.2)  Notes
9- Secrets:
     9.1)  Secret Characters
     9.2)  Tricks
10- Innovations:
    10.1)  Faq 0.1
11- Special Thanks:
12- Author's Notes:

1- General Informations:

1.1) Main Menu:

1. ARCADE      ===>  this is the Arcade Mode

2. VS          ===>  here you can fight versus one of your friends (or your brother GHGAHAHAHAHAHAH
                     ...AHAHAHAA...ehm...ehm...sorry ^_^;;;)

3. STORY       ===>  here you can understand the story of every characters and see the "endings"

4. SURVIVAL    ===>  beat more fighter as possible

5. WATCH       ===>  you can watch some fighting and see the strongerst fighter controlled by the

6. CUSTOM      ===>  this is a Practice Mode; When you enter in this mode you'll some options:
    Game Start      >>>> Practice/VS Human/VS Computer/VS Computer All Members
    Wall Display    >>>> On/Off
    Afterimage Mode >>>> On/Off
    Side Step       >>>> On/Off
    Default         >>>> retake the default settings
    Exit            >>>> Exit to the topmenu

7. OPTIONS     ===>  here you can change the game's settings
    Memory Card     >>>> Auto Save: On/Off
                    >>>> Load from memory card slot 1
                    >>>> Save to memory card slot 1
                    >>>> Exit
    Contr. Config.  >>>> hold the button that you want change and press the directional pad to 
                         left/right to see all the effects
    Difficulty      >>>> 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
    Attack Level    >>>> 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
    Time Limit      >>>> ----/20 sec./40 sec./60 sec./90 sec.
    Match Point     >>>> 1/2/3/4
    Charc. Select   >>>> Normal/Quick
    Display Type    >>>> Normal/Wide 1/Wide 2/Wide 3
    Sound Options   >>>> Output Select: Stereo/Mono
                    >>>> BGM Select: Console/Arcade
                    >>>> Master Volume: from 1 to 100
                    >>>> BGM Volume: from 1 to 100
                    >>>> BGM Player: from 1 to 24 (Console) and from 1 to 19 (Arcade)
                    >>>> Se Type: ??????
                    >>>> Se Player: from 1 to 18
                    >>>> Default: retake the default settings
                    >>>> Exit: exit to the topmenu
    Movies and Pic. >>>> all the FMVs of the games and all the pictures of the Story Mode
                    >>>> Movies: all the FMVs of the game
                    >>>> Pictures: all the picture of the Story Mode
                    >>>> Exit: exit to the topmenu
    Play Data       >>>> all records of the Modes of the game
                    >>>> Display: all the records
                    >>>> Exit: exit to the topmenu
    Vibration       >>>> On/Off
    Default         >>>> retake the default settings
    Exit            >>>> exit to the topmenu

1.2) Game Controls:

u: up            fu: forward/up                                  R1 : Right 1
d: down          fd: forward/down                                R2 : Right 2
f: forward       bu: back/up                                     ?+?: simultaneously
b: back          bd: back/down                                   Sel: Select
T: triangle      h?: hold ??? (example: hf >>> hold forward)     Str: Start
X: X             l?: leave ??? (example: lf >>> leave forward)   360°: rotate totally the pad
O: O             L1: Left 1                                      Run: f, hf
S: square        L2: Left 2                                      ?x?: button x number of times
                                                                      that it must be pressed
                                                                      (example: Sx3 >>> Square
                                                                      pressed three times)
qcf: d, fd, f
qcb: d, bd, b
hcf: b, bd, d, fd, f
hcb: f, fd, d, bd, b

1.3) Notes:

NOTE 1: the game is compatible with the Analogic Controller 
NOTE 2: the game is compatible with the Dual Shock
NOTE 3: this is my configuration (as the default settings):

PLAYER 1                        PLAYER 2

S   >>>  Punch                  S   >>>  Punch
X   >>>  Kick                   X   >>>  Kick
O   >>>  Beast                  O   >>>  Beast
T   >>>  Punch+Kick             T   >>>  Punch+Kick
R1  >>>  Guard                  R1  >>>  Guard
R2  >>>  Right                  R2  >>>  Right
L1  >>>  Punch+Kick+Beast       L1  >>>  Punch+Kick+Beast
L2  >>>  Left                   L2  >>>  Left

2- Custom Mode:

2.1) Notes:

NOTE 1: I don't know the real name of those moves and so I wrote near every moves a little de-
NOTE 2: when you see "<===> BEAST" near a move, a combo or a throw, it means that you must make
        this move when your character is morphed into beast
NOTE 3: when you're morphed into BEAST you have all the moves that you had first of the mutation 
        and other moves more stronger (to know those moves, see the NOTE 2)
NOTE 4: you can make the Special only when you are morphed into BEAST
NOTE 5: go to the section "1.3)" Notes to see my controller configuration

2.2) Hugo the Wolf:


1)  qcf, S                TWO COMBO PUNCH
2)  qcb, S                UPPERCUT
3)  qcf, X                KNEE ATTACK   
4)  qcb, X                HIGH KICK ATTACK
5)  hf, X                 MIDDLE KICK ATTACK
6)  u, hf, X              HIGH KICK ATTACK 2 (while you are jamping)
7)  u, fb, X              HIGH KICK ATTACK 3 (while you are jamping)
8)  f, f+S                HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
9)  run, S                SHOULDER ATTACK
10) run, X                LOW KICK ATTACK
11) hd, S                 LOW PUNCH
12) hd, X                 LOW KICK
13) hfd, S continually    MIDDLE AND HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
14) hfu, X                HIGH KICK ATTACK 4
15) hdb, S                LOW PUNCH ATTACK
16) hb, X                 HIGH KICK
17) hfu, S                HIGH PUNCH
18) f, f+X                MIDDLE KICK
19) h, bd, X              TRIP
20) hb, O                 MIDDLE WOLF PUNCH ATTACK <===> BEAST
21) hu, O                 HIGH WOLF KICK ATTACK <===> BEAST
22) hd, O                 HIGH WOLF PUNCH ATTACK <===> BEAST


1)  qcf, S, hf, S continually     4 HITS COMBO
2)  Sx4                           4 HITS COMBO
3)  Xx2                           2 HITS COMBO
4)  Sx2, X                        3 HITS COMBO
5)  qcf, S, hfd, S continually    7 HITS COMBO
6)  hb, Sx4                       4 HITS COMBO
7)  Sx3, X                        4 HITS COMBO
8)  qcf, S, hd, S continually     4 HITS COMBO 
9)  hd, Kx2                       2 HITS COMBO
10) S, X, hd, X                   3 HITS COMBO
11) S, Xx2                        3 HITS COMBO
12) hb, S, lb, Sx3                4 HITS COMBO
13) hb, Sx3, lb,  X               4 HITS COMBO
14) hfd, Xx2                      2 HITS COMBO
15) Ox3                           3 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
16) hf, O                         2 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
17) Sx2, Ox2                      4 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST


1)  T                 (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T                 (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T                 (make this move in front of the character) <===> BEAST
4)  T                 (make this move in the back of the character) <===> BEAST
5)  qcf, O            (make this move in front of the characte) <===> BEAST


2) hu, O      AIR MUTATION (while you are jamping)
4) qcf, O     THROW MUTATION


1) S+O+T             Special 
2) qcb, hcf, O       Special

2.3) Stun the Insect:


1)  qcb, X           MIDDLE KICK ATTACK
2)  hfd, S           UPPERCUT
3)  hd, S            LOW PUNCH
4)  hb, S            MIDDLE PUNCH ATTACK
5)  hbd, S           LOW PUNCH ATTACK
6)  hu, S            HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
7)  hd, X            LOW KICK
8)  hb, X            HIGH KICK
9)  hu, X            HIGH KICK ATTACK
10) hbd, X           DEFENSE
11) hfd, X           DEFENSE 2
12) f, f+S           HIGH PUNCH
13) f, f+K           MIDDLE KICK
14) u, hf, S         HIGH PUNCH ATTACK 2 (while you are jumping)
15) u, hb, S         HIGH PUNCH ATTACK 3 (while you are jumping)
16) u, hf, X         HIGH KICK ATTACK 2 (while you are jumping)
17) u, hb, X         HIGH KICK ATTACK 3 (while you are jumping)
18) run, S           SHOULDER ATTACK
19) run, X           LOW KICK ATTACK
20) qcb, X           CHARGE  <===> BEAST


1)  Sx4            4 HITS COMBO
2)  f+X, X         2 HITS COMBO
3)  S, X, Sx2      4 HITS COMBO
4)  X, Sx2         3 HITS COMBO
5)  Sx3, X         4 HITS COMBO
6)  hf, S, qcf, X  2 HITS THROW COMBO
7)  hf, S, qcf, S  2 HITS THROW COMBO
8)  hf, S, qcb, S  2 HITS THROW COMBO
9)  Ox2            2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST


1)  qcf, S         (make this move in front of the character)       
2)  qcb, S         (make this move in front of the character)
3)  qcf, X         (make this move in front of the character)
4)  hf, S          (make this move in front of the character)
5)  T              (make this move in front of the character)
6)  T              (make this move in the back of the character)
7)  qcf, O         (make this move in front of the character) <===> BEAST
8)  T              (make this move in front of the character) <===> BEAST
9)  T              (make this move in the back of the character) <===> BEAST


2)  hu, O     AIR MUTATION (while you are jumping)
4)  qcf, O    THROW MUTATION


1)  S+O+T       Special
2)  ??????      Special

2.4) Shina the Leopard:


1)  qcf, S              HIGH PUNCH
2)  qcb, S              MIDDLE PUNCH ATTACK
3)  qcf, X              HIGH JUMP
4)  qcb, X              COMBO KICK ATTACK
5)  u, hf, S            HIGH PUNCH ATTACK (while in air)
6)  u, hb, S            HIGH PUNCH ATTACK 2 (this move has the same effects of the move n° 5)
7)  u, hf, X            HIGH KICK ATTACK (while in air)
8)  u, hb, X            BACK HIGH KICK ATTACK (while in air)
9)  hb, X               MIDDLE KICK
10) hd, S               LOW PUNCH
11) hd, X               LOW KICK
12) hbd, X              TRIP
13) hfd, X              MIDDLE KICK 2
14) hbd, S              MIDDLE PUNCH
15) fu+S                HIGH PUNCH 2
16) fu+X                MIDDLE KICK 3
17) run, S              KNOCK OUT
18) run, X              TRIP
19) f, f+S              SHOULDER ATTACK
20) f, f+X              HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
21) hu, O               HIGH BEAST KICK ATTACK <===> BEAST
22) u, hf, O            HIGH BEAST ATTACK (while you are jumping) <===> BEAST
23) hfd, O              I'M A BIG CAT <===> BEAST


1)  Sx3                        3 HITS COMBO
2)  Xx3                        3 HITS COMBO
3)  S, X                       2 HITS COMBO
4)  Sx2, X                     3 HITS COMBO
5)  Sx3, X                     4 HITS COMBO
6)  hfd, Sx2                   2 HITS COMBO
7)  hfd, S, X                  2 HITS COMBO
8)  hb, Sx2                    2 HITS COMBO
9)  hf, Xx3                    3 HITS COMBO
10) hf, S, X                   2 HITS COMBO
11) hf, Sx3                    3 HITS COMBO 
12) Ox3                        3 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
13) hf, Ox2                    2 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
14) hb, Ox2                    2 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
15) hb, O, lb, hu, O, lu, O    3 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST
16) hbd, Ox2                   2 HITS COMBO <===> BEAST


1)  T         (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T         (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T         (make this move in front of the character) <===> BEAST
4)  T         (make this move in the back of the character) <===> BEAST
5)  qcf, O    (make this move in front of the character) <===> BEAST


2)  hu, O     AIR MUTATION (while you are jumping)
4)  qcf, O    THROW MUTATION
5)  qcb, O    MUTATION ATTACK     


1)  S+T+O      Special
2)  ??????     Special

2.5) Bakuryu the Mole:


1)  qcf, S          BIG JUMP
2)  qcb, S          MIDDLE PUNCH ATTACK
3)  qcf, X          TELEPORT
4)  qcb, X          AIR TELEPORT ATTACK
5)  run, S          LOW PUNCH ATTACK
6)  run, X          HIGH KICK ATTACK
7)  f, f+S          MIDDLE ATTACK
8)  hd, S           LOW PUNCH
9)  hf, S           HIGH PUNCH
10) hu, S           HIGH JUMP
11) hb, S           HIGH PUNCH 2
12) hd, X           LOW KICK
13) hb, X           MIDDLE KICK 
14) hf, X           HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
15) hu, X           HIGH KICK ATTACK 3
16) hdb, X          TRIP
17) u, hf, S        HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
18) u, hf, X        HIGH KICK ATTACK 4
19) u, hb, X        HIGH KICK ATTACK 5
20) hbd, S          TRIP 2
21) hb, O           DUNGEROUS ATTACK  <===> BEAST
22) hfd, O          TRIP 3  <===> BEAST
23) hd, O           LOW ATTACK  <===> BEAST
24) hbd, O          LOW ATTACK 2  <===> BEAST
25) hu, O           AIR ATTACK  <===> BEAST


1)  f, f+X, Xx2            2 HITS COMBO
2)  Sx4                    4 HITS COMBO
3)  Xx3                    3 HITS COMBO
4)  S, Xx3                 4 HITS COMBO
5)  Sx2, Xx2               4 HITS COMBO
6)  hfd, Xx2               2 HITS COMBO
7)  hfd, Sx2               2 HITS COMBO
8)  hfd, S, X              2 HITS COMBO
9)  Sx3, d+X, S            5 HITS COMBO
10) Sx4, f+S               5 HITS COMBO
11) Xx2, f+X               3 HITS COMBO
12) f+X, b+X               2 HITS COMBO
13) Ox3                    3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
14) hf, Ox5                5 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
15) hf, O, Xx3             4 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
16) Sx4, O                 7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST


1)  T        (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T        (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T        (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T        (make this move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST
5)  qcf, O   (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST


2)  hu, O    AIR MUTATION (while you are jumping)


1)  S+O+T      Special
2)  ??????     Special

2.6) Long the Tigher:


1)  qcf, S          HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
2)  qcb, S          MIDDLE PUNCH ATTACK
3)  qcf, X          DOUBLE KICK ATTACK
4)  qcb, X          HIGH KICK ATTACK
5)  hd, S           LOW PUNCH
6)  hd, X           LOW KICK
7)  hf, X           MIDDLE KICK ATTACK
8)  hb, S           SHOULDER ATTACK
9)  run, S          SHOULDER ATTACK 2
10) run, X          HIGH KICK ATTACK
11) hu, S           HIGH PUNCH
12) hu, X           HIGH KICK
13) d+T             LOW PUNCH ATTACK (when the enemy is on the ground)
14) d, hd, X        HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
15) u, hf, S        HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
16) u, hf, X        HIGH KICK ATTACK 3
17) u, hb, X        HIGH KICK ATTACK 4
18) f, f+S          SHOULDER ATTACK 3
19) f, f+X          TRIP
20) hbd, S          MIDDLE ATTACK


1)  b+X, S                       2 HITS COMBO
2)  b+X, X                       2 HITS COMBO
3)  hfd, Sx2                     2 HITS COMBO
4)  hfd, X continually           INFINITE HITS COMBO (but it's very very slow)
5)  d, hd, S                     2 HITS COMBO
6)  f+S, S, b+S                  3 HITS COMBO
7)  S, X                         2 HITS COMBO
8)  Sx4                          4 HITS COMBO
9)  Sx3, X                       4 HITS COMBO
10) Sx3, d+X, S                  5 HITS COMBO
11) Sx4, d+X                     5 HITS COMBO
12) Sx4, d, d+X                  5 HITS COMBO
13) Sx3, d+X, d, d+X             5 HITS COMBO
14) Sx3, X, d, d+X               5 HITS COMBO
15) Sx4, hf, X                   5 HITS COMBO
16) Sx3, hf, X                   4 HITS COMBO
17) Sx2, hf, X                   3 HITS COMBO
18) Sx3, hd, S, ld, X, d, d+X    7 HITS COMBO
19) Sx3, S+d continually        24 HITS COMBO
20) Sx4, S+d continually        23 HITS COMBO 
21) Sx4, Ox2                     6 HITS COMBO
22) Ox3                          3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
23) O, Sx2                       3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
24) Ox3, (while in air) Sx4      7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
25) Ox3, (while in air) Sx3, X   7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST  (after this combo your enemy is in 
    air; press Sx3, X continually when he is near to the ground... you'll obtain INFINITE HITS
    COMBO!!! Note that the enemy must be near the walls! 


1)  T           (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T           (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T           (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T           (make this move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST
5)  qcf, O      (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST


1)  O            NORMAL MUTATION
2)  hu, O        AIR MUTATION
3)  run, O       RUNNING MUTATION
4)  qcf, O       THROW MUTATION
5)  qcb, O       POWER MUATION
6)  Sx4, Ox2     COMBO MUTATION


1)  S+O+T        Special
2)  ??????       Special

2.7)  Alice the Rabbit:


1)  qcf, S                      SUPER UPPERCUT
2)  qcb, S                      SUPER SHOULDER ATTACK
3)  qcf, X                      LOW KICK ATTACK
4)  qcb, X                      HIGH KICK ATTACK
5)  run, S                      SHOULDER ATTACK
6)  run, X                      LOW KICK ATTACK 2
7)  hd, S                       LOW PUNCH
8)  hu, S                       HIGH ATTACK
9)  hu, X                       MIDDLE KICK ATTACK
10) hb, S                       MIDDLE ATTACK
11) hb, X                       DEFENSE JUMP
12) u, hf, S                    HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
13) u, hf, X                    HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
14) u, hb, X                    HIGH KICK ATTACK 3
15) f, f+X                      KNEE ATTACK
16) f, f+S                      LOW ATTACK
17) qcf, O                      HIGH KICK ATTACK 4  <===> BEAST
18) qcb, O                      HIGH JUMP  <===> BEAST
19) hf, O                       HIGH PUNCH  <===> BEAST
20) hb, O                       HIGH ATTACK 2  <===> BEAST
21) hu, O                       HIGH ATTACK 3  <===> BEAST
22) u, (while in air), hf, O    HIGH ATTACK 4  <===> BEAST
23) f, f+O                      MIDDLE KICK  <===> BEAST


1)  X, S, hd, X                          3 HITS COMBO
2)  qcb, X, hb, X                        2 HITS COMBO
3)  hb, S, lb, X                         2 HITS COMBO
4)  hf, Sx2                              2 HITS COMBO
5)  hd, Xx2                              2 HITS COMBO
6)  hbd, S, lbd, X                       2 HITS COMBO
7)  hfd, Xx3                             3 HITS COMBO
8)  hbd, Xx2                             2 HITS COMBO
9)  hbd, X, lbd, X, hbd, X               2 HITS COMBO
10) hfd, Sx3                             3 HITS COMBO
11) Sx3                                  3 HITS COMBO
12) Xx2                                  2 HITS COMBO
13) S, Xx2                               3 HITS COMBO
14) hf, X, lf, hb, X                     2 HITS COMBO
15) Sx2, hf, Sx2                         4 HITS COMBO
16) Sx2, hd, Sx2                         4 HITS COMBO
17) Xx2, hd, X                           3 HITS COMBO
18) Xx2, hb, X                           3 HITS COMBO
19) Xx2, hf, X                           3 HITS COMBO
20) S, X, S                              3 HITS COMBO
21) S, Xx2, hd, X                        4 HITS COMBO
22) S, Xx2, hb, X                        4 HITS COMBO
23) S, Xx2, hf, X                        4 HITS COMBO
24) Ox3                                  3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
25) qcf, O (while in air), Sx3           4 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
26) qcf, O (while in air), Xx2           2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
27) qcf, O (while in air), X, S, hd, X   3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
28) qcf, O (while in air), S, Xx2        3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
29) qcf, O (while in air), S, X, S       3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
30) hd, Ox5                              5 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST


1)  T         (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T         (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T         (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T         (make this move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST


2)  hu, O     AIR MUTATION


1)  S+O+T      Special
2)  ??????

2.8) Uriko the Half Beast:


1)  qcf, S                 PUNCH ATTACK
2)  qcb, S                 HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
3)  qcf, X                 HIGH KICK
4)  qcb, X                 HIGH KICK 2
5)  run, S                 SHOULDER ATTACK
6)  run, X                 KICK COMBO ATTACK
7)  hd, S                  MIDDLE PUNCH
8)  hd, X                  LOW KICK
9)  f, f+S                 ATTACK POSITION
10) f, f+X                 SUPER KICK COMBO ATTACK
11) u, hf, S               HIGH ATTACK
12) u, hf, X               HIGH KICK 3
13) u, hb, X               HIGH KICK 4
14) hf, S                  MIDDLE ATTACK
18) hb, S                  MIDDLE ATTACK 2
19) hb, X                  HIGH KICK 5
20) hu, S                  HIGH ATTACK 2
21) hu, X                  MIDDLE KICK
22) hfd, S                 SIDE ATTACK
23) hfd, X                 DOUBLE ATTACK
24) hbd, X                 TRIP
25) hf, O                  TRIPLE ATTACK  <===> BEAST
26) hd, O                  LOW ATTACK  <===> BEAST
27) hb, O                  HIGH BEAST ATTACK  <===> BEAST
28) qcf, O                 MIAOH  <===> BEAST (-_-!)  <===> BEAST
29) hu, O                  GREAT ATTACK  <===> BEAST
30) u, O                   HIGH BEAST ATTACK 2  <===> BEAST


1)  hf, Xx2                            2 HITS COMBO
2)  hbd, S, lbd, Sx4                   5 HITS COMBO
3)  Sx5                                5 HITS COMBO
4)  hfu, X, lfu, Xx2                   3 HITS COMBO
5)  Xx3                                3 HITS COMBO
6)  S, Xx3                             4 HITS COMBO
7)  X, hf, Xx2                         3 HITS COMBO
8)  X, hd, Xx2                         3 HITS COMBO
9)  Xx3, S                             4 HITS COMBO
10) S, Xx3, S                          5 HITS COMBO
11) hd, X, ld, Xx2                     3 HITS COMBO
12) Sx2, hd, Sx2, X                    5 HITS COMBO
13) Sx2, hd, Sx2, ld, X                6 HITS COMBO
14) Ox3                                3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
15) Sx3, O                             4 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
16) qcb, O, Ox3                        4 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
17) qcb, O, Ox3, (while in air), Ox3   7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST (make this move when the enemy 
    is in the corner of the ring)


1)  T          (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T          (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T          (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T          (make this move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST


1)  O           NORMAL MUTATION
2)  hu, O       AIR MUTATION
3)  run, O      RUNNING MUTATION
4)  qcf, O      MUTATION MIAOH (;_____;)
5)  qcb, O      MUTATION ATTACK


1)  S+O+T      Special
2)  ??????     Special

2.9) Busuzima the Chameleon:


1)  qcf, S           HIGH ATTACK
2)  qcb, S           HIGH ATTACK 2
3)  qcf, X           CHANGE POSITION
4)  qcb, X           HIGH KICK ATTACK
5)  run, S           HEAD ATTACK
6)  run, X           HIGH KICK ATTACK
7)  d+S              LOW PUNCH
8)  d+X              LOW KICK
9)  b+S              HIGH PUNCH
10) b+X              MIDDLE KICK ATTACK
11) hu, X            HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
12) hu, S            TURN THE CHARACTER
13) u, hf, S         HIGH PUNCH ATTACK
14) u, hf, X         HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
15) u, hb, X         HIGH/BACK KICK ATTACK
16) f, f+S           HIGH ATTACK 3
17) f, f+X           LOW ATTACK (;____;)
18) hbd, S           MIDDLE PUNCH ATTACK
19) hfd, X           TRIP
20) qcf, O           INVISIBLE ATTACK  <===> BEAST
21) qcb, O           INVISIBLE JUMP  <===> BEAST
22) u, hf, O         HIGH HEAD ATTACK  <===> BEAST
23) hb, O            MIDDLE ATTACK  <===> BEAST
24) hd, O            HIGH ATTACK 3  <===> BEAST
25) hu, O            HIGH KICK  <===> BEAST
26) huf/hub, O       HIGH DEFENSE ATTACK  <===> BEAST


1)  S, hb, Sx3                                                  4 HITS COMBO
2)  Sx4                                                         4 HITS COMBO
3)  hfd, Sx2                                                    2 HITS COMBO
4)  hbd, X, Sx3                                                 4 HITS COMBO
5)  X, hd, X, ld, Sx3                                           5 HITS COMBO
6)  X, Sx4                                                      5 HITS COMBO
7)  S, X, Sx4                                                   6 HITS COMBO
8)  S, X, Sx3, X, hd, X, ld, Sx3, X repeat "Sx3, X, hd, X"      INFINITE COMBOS
9)  Sx3, X, hd, X, Sx3, X, hd, X repeat "Sx3, X, hd, X          INFINITE COMBOS
10) hbd, Xx2                                                    2 HITS COMBO
11) hbd, X, S                                                   2 HITS COMBO
12) Sx4, O                                                      5 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
13) X, O                                                        2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
14) X, Sx4, O (while the enemy is in air), Sx4, O              11 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
15) X, Sx4, O (while the enemy is in air), Sx4, X, hd, X       12 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
16) hf, Ox2 (while the enemy is in air), Sx4, X, hd, X          8 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
17) hf, Ox2 (while th enemy is in air), Sx4, O                  7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
18) hfd, Ox2                                                    2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
19) hbd, Ox2                                                    2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST


1)  T             (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T             (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T             (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T             (make htis move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST


1)  O           NORMAL MUTATION
2)  hu, O       AIR MUTATION
3)  run, O      RUNNING MUTATION
6)  Sx4, O      COMBO MUTATION


1)  S+O+T         Special
2)  ??????        Special

2.10) Jenny the Bat:


1)  qcf, S               HWOARANG POSITON
2)  qcb, S               MIDDLE ATTACK
3)  qcf, X               HIGH KICK ATTACK
4)  qcb, X               LOW KICK ATTACK
5)  hd, S                LOW PUNCH
6)  hu, X                HIGH KICK ATTACK
7)  hu, S                HIGH JUMP
8)  hb, S                -_-
9)  hf, S                MIDDLE PUNCH
10) run, S               MIDDLE ATTACK
11) run, X               LOW KICK ATTACK
12) hbd, X               TRIP
13) hfd, S               UPPERCUT
14) f, f+S               MIDDLE ATTACK
15) f, f+X               HIGH KICK
16) u, hf, S             HIGH ATTACK
17) u, hf, X             HIGH KICK ATTACK 2
18) u, hb, X             HIGH/BACK KICK ATTACK
19) hd, O                LOW PUNCH 2  <===> BEAST
20) hu, O                HIGH KICK ATTACK 3  <===> BEAST
21) u, hf, O             HIGH KICK ATTACK 4  <===> BEAST


1)  hd, Xx2                    2 HITS COMBO
2)  hb, X, X continually       7 HITS COMBO
3)  hf, X continually          6 HITS COMBO
4)  hbd, Sx2                   2 HITS COMBO
5)  hfd, Xx4                   4 HITS COMBO
6)  Sx2                        2 HITS COMBO
7)  qcf, S, hd, X continually  INFINITE HITS COMBO
8)  qcf, S, S continually      7 HITS COMBO
9)  run, Ox2                   2 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
10) Sx2, Ox5                   7 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
11) Ox5                        5 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
12) hf, Ox3                    5 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST
13) hb, Ox2                    3 HITS COMBO  <===> BEAST


1)  T           (make this move in front of the character)
2)  T           (make this move in the back of the character)
3)  T           (make this move in front of the character)  <===> BEAST
4)  T           (make this move in the back of the character)  <===> BEAST


1)  O          NORMAL MUTATION
2)  hu, O      AIR MUTATION
4)  qcf, O     MUTATION ATTACK


1)  S+O+T      Special
2)  ??????     Special

2.11) Custom:


3-  Custom Mode Secret Characters:


4-  Story Mode:


5-  Arcade Mode:

When you end the game with a character first to see the final FMV you'll see a move. This is the 
Beast Drive. If you don't have any idea to finish the Arcade Mode, press S+O+T to make this great

|                           |                     |
| CHARACTER:                | BEAST DRIVE:        |
|                           |                     |
|1)  Hugo the Wolf          | qcb, hcf, O         |
|2)  Stun the Insect        | hcb, hcb, O         |
|3)  Shina the Leopard      | qcb, qcb, O         |
|4)  Bakuryu the Mole       | from b to f, hcf, O |
|5)  Long the Tiger         | qcf, hcb, O         |
|6)  Alice the Rabbit       | qcf, qcf, O         |
|7)  Uriko the Half Beast   | qcb, hcf, O         |
|8)  Busuzima the Chameleon | qcf, qcf, O         |
|9)  Jenny the Bat          | from b to f, hcf, O |

6-  Movies and Pictures:


7-  Watch Mode:


8-  Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes (PAR/GS):


10- Secrets:

9.1)  Secret Characters:

- Gado the Lion: finish the Arcade Mode and beat the Final Boss: Gado. You can use continues
- ShenLong the Tiger: end the Arcade Mode without using continues. When you beat Gado the Lion
  you'll fight VS ShenLong the Tiger; if you beat him, you could be able to chose him

9.2)  Tricks:

- To have the 4th costume: finish the Arcade Mode with each fighter and to dress it, press Start
  when you choose you character
- To have the "Ending 2": finish the Arcade Mode using continues too
- To get a PERFECT: beat you enemy without losing Health Power (HP). You can morph into Beast
- To have the victory in the Beast Drive Stage: make the Beast Drive after you beat your enemy.
  Make it very quickly!
- To have the "Ending1": finish the Arcade Mode without using continues
- To see some strange Characters: in the stage called "Tatami" there are six fighters (I suppose
  they are fighter from their clothes) and one strange character on the big stones; according to
  some people this strange character could be the Old-Gado of Bloody Roar but I don't think so...
  If anyone of you know more about this strange fighter with the red mask please E-mail me ^_^.

10- Innovations:

10.1) Faq 0.1:

SIZE: 45,8 Kb

- Logo
- Section 1- General Informations
- Section 2- Custome Mode
- Section 5- Arcade Mode
- Section 9- Secrets

11- Special Thanks:

UNDER CONSTRUCTION  (gimmie baby one more time... ^_^;;;)

12- Author's Notes:

- This only the version 0.1 of this faq. In the next faqs I'll insert more moves and many other 
  secrets, GameSharks/Pro Action Replay Codes ecc. ecc. There are a lot of combos and I'll try
  to discover the combo illustrated in the FMVs "Ending 1" and "Ending 2".

- I'll translate this faq in Italian because I'm working for two Italian site... You'll be able
  to find this version to those site:  or