Andere Lösungen

Bloody Roar 2 (e)

                     BBBBB  LLL     OOOO   OOOO   DDDD   YY  YY    222222222
                     BB  BB LLL    OO  OO OO  OO  DD DD   YYYY    22222222222
                     BBBBB  LLL    OO  OO OO  OO  DD  DD   YY     2222   22222 
                     BB  BB LLL    OO  OO OO  OO  DD DD    YY     2222   22222
                     BBBBBB LLLLLL  OOOO   OOOO   DDDD     YY           22222
                          RRRRR   OOOO     A    RRRRR                 22222
                          RR  RR OO  OO  AA AA  RR  RR               22222
                          RRRRR  OO  OO AA   AA RRRRR               22222
                          RR  RR OO  OO AAAAAAA RR  RR            222222222222
                          RR  RR  OOOO  AA   AA RR  RR            222222222222

                                      -BRINGER OF THE NEW AGE-

                                         Mini-FAQ Ver. 1.0

                                         Written by Deeshad

        This Mini-FAQ is written for fun and personal usage. It's okay to reproduce this FAQ as long 
as it's meant to better your game play and knowledge on the game being discussed below. It's 
NOT to be used for profitable and/or promotional means, nor should the contents from this page 
be copied in ANY way and used under a different name. While this has less talk than its "Mother" 
version, I'll know if this has been copied or ripped off of in any way. If placed on a web site or 
page, please let me know so I can give permission to do so. If you have any questions or comments 
about this Mini-FAQ, feel free to contact me at .


This Mini-FAQ can be found at:



This game copyright (c) by Hudson Soft 
and (c) Eighting/Raizing.

I) Intro: The Cub of the Wolfpack
II) Controls and Basic Functions
III) Characters and their Movelists
	A) Yugo
	B) Alice
	C) Long
	D) Uriko
	E) Bakuryu
	F) Marvel	
	G) Busuzima
	H) Jenny 
	I) Stun
	J) Gado
	K) Shen Long
IV) Secrets And Custom Features
X) Revisions and Contributors


I) Intro: The Cub of the Wolfpack

      This is the BR2 Mini-FAQ, where you can find all the moves, codes, and secrets to this
game, straight from the arcade. If you're reading this, then I presume that you've come here 
for that purpose. If you're looking for storylines, in-depth game details, descriptions, etc.,
then you should be reading my other FAQ, called "BR2: Perfect Players' Guide". That can be found
at  and . If there should be any difficulties finding 
that FAQ, then let me know. Console Gamer,
      To cut things short, this is a very condensed FAQ compared to the other, listing all the 
moves for each characters with little to no sidenotes, as well as BR2 secrets and Custom features.
This is just if you need to have the moves right besides you without flipping through loose pages.
(Yeah, I know that feeling as well.) Okay, without any more chatter, go on and read the rest of 
the contents of this page.

"Let's do this!!" - Yugo Oogami



VI) Controls and Basic Functions

f = forward                         P = Punch             Tri = Throw
b = back	                    K = Kick              R1 = Heavy Guard
d = crouch                          B = Beast
u = jump

f = Walk forward                            b,b = Backstep

b = Walk backward                           d,d (hold) = Lie down (last for about a second) 

df = Crawl forward                          Dash, then jump = Super jump

db = Crawl backward                         Jump at a wall, f = Wall jump (in beast form only)

f,f = Dash                                  f,f or b,b in the air = Hover** 
                                            (Jenny in beast form only)

**You can hover for an infinite amount of time. To do this, you have to alternate directions
by pressing f,f and b,b one after the other. All attacks that can be done in the air can 
still be performed, as well as wall jumping. You can also hover after a wall jump.

Neutral = Light guard (Cannot defend against Guard Break)
R1 or b = Heavy guard (Can defend against Guard Break)

Neutral = Standing Light guard
d = Crouching Light guard
R1 or b = Standing Heavy guard 
d+R1 or db = Crouching Heavy guard

Press f when attacked in Light guard = Guard Escape:
        -In the air

d,db,b + P or K = Guard Attack (Can only be stopped by low attacks, throws, and Guard Break)

Press R1 during Guard attack or any other Command attack = Guard Cancel

Any attack with a golden flash of light = Guard Break (Can only be stopped with a Heavy Guard)

P+K  \
 or   > Standing throw (both with miss animation)
R1+P /

d+P+K  \  
 or     > Crouching throw (both with miss animation)
d+R1+P /  

P+K = Throw escape (must be done just as the opposition initiates a throw)

*Note that a throw escape can only be done against the basic grabs stated above. It cannot be
performed against Command Attack throws, air throws, or any special throws. (i.e. Stun's f + P,
Gado's Dash + P)

P+K = Air Recovery : 
                  -When launched into the air
                  -When juggled
                  -When sent flying into a wall (not when you're slammed into 
                        a wall and take damage. This is just as you're about to
                        hit a wall)

P+K = Ground Recovery : 
                  -When knocked off your feet (Float)
                  -When you're about to be sent sliding on the ground

*Note that you cannot recover if you're sent spiralling in the air

Jump, P = Simple downward punch              Jump, f or b + {P} = Hammer Drop

Jump, K = Simple flying side kick            Jump, f + {K} = Drop Kick

Jump, B = Simple flying front kick           Jump, b + {K} = Reverse Drop Kick

u + P, K, or B = Leap Attack                   

d+P, K, or B = Ground attack 

When knocked down:
               -Press in any direction to roll on the ground
               -Tap P repeatedly to increase your recovery speed
               -Press K to flip up with a kick attack


1)B = Normal transformation (Invincible):
        -On the ground 
        -In the air

2)Dash, B = Charging tansformation (Vulnerable)

3)d,df,f or d,db,b + B = Attacking transformation (Vulnerable)

4)During a combination attack, (f+,d+,or b+) B = Mid-combo transformation (Vulnerable)

*Only works in combos that have an extension to B attacks

Press B when Beast Gauge is empty:
               -Do a mid-level attack
               -All around protection (hits from the front and back)
               -Little offense ability (works up close)
               -Each unique for all characters


VII. Characters and Their Movelists

        Before you use each character's movelist, read this part for some important 
guidelines used in writing this section:

* = Can cancel into a Command attack
[H] = Hold down the preceding button
[T] = Back is turned to the opponent
< > = Can transform into a Beast during this attack
{ } = Guard Crush
{c} = If you see this after an attack, it means it'll become a Guard Crush when you 
       transform  into a beast (ex. df + K {c})
# = In some special cases, you can only cancel into a Command Attack only when 
       you're a beast, even if it is an attack that can be done as a human

        I don't know all the names of the moves (mainly because not all of them were 
given names). Some names were taken from BR1, mainly because they're the 
same. Most of the names, however, are taken from the BR2 Characters' Move list. 
Some moves may be given a description if necessary. (It'll be inbetween 

        Some moves and combos have numerous enders or ways it can be used. 
Not to be redundant, I'm branching all of them together, listing them one after 
another under the move or combo they belong to. So, if you see anything that 
has a ":" afterwards, this will indicate that more than one method will follow as 
an ender. Also, for some reason, there might be more than one method to do a 
combo. If you use another method that differs from mine, neither mine nor yours 
is wrong.

        This Mini-FAQ is written so to make things simpler in using the movelist. If there
should be anything strange, confusing, or hard to understand, experiment as best as you can.
Things won't get any easier than this for the moment.  




Beast Form: WOLF


        Through his boxing style, Yugo combines both speed and power together to fight. 
Everything about him represents him as the standard "All-Mighty character".


p (Normal) = Orange vest, brown pants, black gloves, shoes, and belt / Gray-furred wolf
K (2nd) = Blue vest and wrist straps, black gloves and shoes, grayish pants / Gray & tan-furred wolf
B (Extra) = Blue vest and pants, black gloves, red shirt / Sky blue furred-wolf
Start (Secret) = Brown vest, shoes, and gloves, dark gray pants and shirt / Rusty tan-furred wolf


                                 Normal Moves

        -----                                             -----       
        HUMAN                                             BEAST
        -----                                             -----

FACING FORWARD                                      

       Ground                                             Ground
       ------                                             -------
   d + P (Low Knuckle)                                 df + B (Ground Slash)
   db + P (Sway Back)                                  b+{B} (Wolf Knuckle)
   f + {K} (Heel Drop)                                 f,f + {B} (Wild Pounce)     
   b + K (Spin Kick)                                   Dash, B (Spiral Fall)
   db + K (Ground Reverse Sweep)                       Lie Down, B (Spiral Claw)
   f,f + P (Turn Upper)                                
   Dash, P (Tackle)                                    
   Dash, K (Sliding Kick)
   Lie Down, P (Climb Upper)

FACING BACKWARD                                      

       Ground                                             Ground
       ------                                             -------
   P (Turn Sideswipe) (tn)                           B (Overhead Slash)                
   d + P (Straight Upper)                            d + B (Wolf Retreat) 
   K (Rev. Roundhouse)
   d + K (Turn Shin Kick)

         Air                                               Air
         ---                                               ---
   u + P (Leaping Punch)                              f or b + B (Round Flip Kick)
   u + K (Leaping Spin Kick)                          u + B (Wolf Flip Kick)

   Front (Standing) = Fallen Shoulder Throw           Front (Standing) = Neck-Ripping Strangulation
   Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash             Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash
   Back = Waist-Lock Body Slam                        Back = Waist-Lock Body Slam               

                                COMMAND ATTACKS

1) Watsu Body Upper                                   2) (Final Shuttle Shoot)
   Motion: d,df,f + 

,f+{P}*, f+P Motion: d, df, f + K (Launcher) -or- Watsu.... Motion: d,df,f +

. Follow with a: -d+K, df+P* (Sway In) -P, P, d+K, df+P* (Sway In) -P: -f+P{c} -b+P -d+P -K -df+P* (Sway In) -d+P -K -B, B -B, b+{B} 3) Silver Wolf Knuckle 4) (Wild Eclipse) Motion: d, df, f + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d, db, b + K 5) (Wolf Fang Ripper) 6) Meteor Crush Motion: d, df, f + B* (Throw) Motion: d, db, b + B near a wall: -P, K, or B to attack -Press nothing to wall jump BEAST DRIVE: SPIRAL FANG ------------------------- Motion: d,db,b,db,d,df,f + {B} HITS: 24 ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Standing Lock P,P,

*,P (No Name) P,P,

*,P,d+K,df+P* (Sway In) (No Name) P,P,P*: -f+P {c} -b+P -d+P -d+B -df+P* (Sway In) Knuckle Twin Kick P,K,K* (Knuckle Low & Sway In) P,K,d.K,df+P* (Sway In) (No Name) f+P,P: -P,d+K,df+P (Sway In) -f+P {c} -b+P -d+P -df+P* (Sway In) -K Dragon Finish.... b+P,

,P: (...Punch Combo) -P,d+K,df+P (Sway In) (...Kick Combo) -K (...Straight Combo) -f+P {c} (...Hook Combo) -b+P (...Sway In Combo) -df+P ...Blow Combo -d+P (...Crescent Combo) -d+B (Dragon & Blow) b+P, d+P Sway Back db+P Sway... db+P, P, P: (...Punch Combo) -P (...Crescent Combo) -B (...Blow Combo) -d+P (...Crescent Combo) -d+B ...Hook Combo -b+P (...Straight Combo) -f+P {c} (...& Sway in Combo) -df+P* (Sway In) (Sway Back & Blow) db+P, d+P (Sway Back & Watsu) db+P, f+

(Watsu...) Final Machine Gun Upper df+P,P,P,P* High Kick Twin K,K Spiral Kick K,d+K Low & Sway In d+K,df+P* (Sway In) Side Kick Twin df+K,K Heel Tusk Lie Down, K,K Panther ??? f,f+K,P,P* ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Triple Slash B,B*,{B} (Slash Flame Knuckle) B,B*,b+{B} (Slash Crescent) B,d+B Slash Dive B,f+B Double Wolf Kick db+B,B Blind Blow df+B,f+{P} Claw Twin Knuckle.... B,P,P: ...Slash -B*,{B} (...Flame Combo) -B*,b+{B} (...Kick) -K (Low & Sway In) -d+K,df+P* (Sway In) Combo Crescent B,P,P,P,d+{B} Claw Combo.... B,P,P,P: ...Kick -K (...Straight) -f+P {c} (...Hook) -b+P (...Blow) -d+P (Claw Kick Twin) B,K,K* (Claw Spiral Kick) B,K,d+K (No Name) P,P,B*: -{B} -b+{B} (No Name) f+P,B*: -{B} -b+{B} (No Name) b+P,P,b+B (No Name) b+P,B,d+P (No Name) b+P,B,B: -f+P -b+P -d+P -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- B) ----- ALICE ----- Full Name: ALICE TSUKAGAMI Beast Form: RABBIT FIGHTING STYLE While feeble in power, Alice is a character that excels in speed and high jumping abilities. Her fighting style involves applying her attacks one after another by rushing at her foes. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Pink uniform, cap, and sneakers, white leggings and gloves / White-furred rabbit K (2nd) = Whitish uniform, white gloves and leggings, blue shoes / Pink-furred rabbit B (Extra) = Orange uniform and shoes, white gloves and leggings / Creame-colored furred rabbit Start (Secret) = Red stockings, shoes, and trimmings, navy bluish uniform and gloves, dark brownish hair and anklets / Black-furred rabbit ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- b + K (Back Somersault) f+B (Strong Blow) db + K, [T] (Turn Ground Kick) b+B (Overhead Kick) f,f + P (Low Dash Punch) df + B (Double Leg Sweep) f,f + K (Leaping Knee Lift) f,f + B (Stepping Punt) Dash, P (Tackle) Dash, {B} (Whirling Flip Kick) Dash, K (Sliding Kick) Lie Down, {B} (Handspring Stomp) Lie Down, P (Double Lift) FACING BACKWARD --------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- P (Turn Straight) B (Low Reverse Drop Kick) d + P (Turn Low Straight) d + B (Leg Sweeper) K (Wide Rev. Roundhouse) d + K (Rev. Sweep) Air Air --- --- u + P (Leaping Hammer Drop) f or b + B (Overhead Pounce) u + K (Overhead Stab Kick) u + B (Flip-Over Kick) THROWS ------ Front (Standing) = Neck Mount Flip Slam Front (Standing) = Flip Over Back Stamp Front (Crouching) = Flip Over Somersault Smash Front (Crouching) = Flip Over Somersault Smash Back = Back Mount & Stomp Back = Back Mount & Stomp =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) Rabbit Spiral 2) (Bunny Slide) Motion: d, df, f + P (Air Combo Move) Motion: d, df, f + P 3) Spinning Hopper 4) Triple Somersault Motion: d, db, b + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d, db, b + K, b + {c}, b + {B} *Omit b + {B} for the "Double Somersault". 5) Rabbit Flip 6) Switch Moonsault Motion: d, df, f + B (Launcher) Motion: d, db, b + B (Cross-over Move) 7) Air Raid Motion: d + P + K (Air Throw) BEAST DRIVE: LIFTING STALLION ----------------------------- Motion: d,df,f,d,df,f + {B} HITS: 9 ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Upper Rush P,P,P,f+

* Slasto (Low) Rush P,P,P,d+P (Blitz Heel Combo....) P,K,K: (...High) -b+K {c} (...Mid) -f+K (...Low) -d+K Blitz Reverse Low P,K,P,d+K Heel Edge Combo... K,K: ...High -b+K {c} ...Mid -f+K ...Low -d+K (No Name) K,P,d+K Throw Punch Upper f+P,P* (No Name) d [H], P,K,K Sway Kick Combo b+P,K Rabbit Step df+P,P,P*,d+K Low Sway Combo db+P,K Arc Drop Combo f+K,b+K Arc Drop Combo Rush f+K,d+K,d+P (No Name) d [H],K,K Leg Beat Combo df+K,K,K (No Name) Lie Down, K,f+K (Reverse....) [T] P,P,P: (...Upper Rush) -f+

* (...Slasto [Low] Rush) -d+P (No Name) f,f + K,P: -P,P: -f+

* -d+P -K,K: -b+K {c} -f+K -d+K -P,K,P,d+K ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ High Rabbit Combo B,B,B,f+B* Middle Rabbit Combo B,B,B,b+B Low Rabbit Combo B,B,B,d+B Low Rabit Rush Knee d+B,d+B,B,B,B* Low Rabbit Rush.... db+B,B,B: (...High) -B ...Ground -d+B Low Rabbit Rush Slider d [H],B,B,K,P (Rush Rabbit Combo....) P,P,P,f+P*,B,B,B: (...High) -f+B* (...Middle) -b+B (...Low) -d+B (No Name) f,f + K,P,P,P,f+P*,B,B,B: -f+B* -b+B -d+B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- C) ---- LONG ---- Full Name: JIN LONG Beast Form: TIGER FIGHTING STYLE Long is the wielder of the ever-changing Circle Combo system, called "Shin-I-Gou-Ken." (Fist of the Mind & Cosmos) He is truly an advance, technical character to face. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Turquois shirt, blue pants, gold & white wrist and ankle braces, black sash, orange symbol / Orange-furred tiger K (2nd) = Brown pants and gloves, white & orange wrist and ankle braces, white shirt, gray symbol / Grayish- furred tiger B (Extra) = Orange shirt, green & orange wrist and ankle braces, green sash, purple pants / Bluish-gray furred tiger Start (Secret) = Black shirt, black & gray wrist and ankle braces, white gloves, yellow symbol / Orange tiger ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- SHIN-I-ROKU-GOU-KEN: Rokugou Kourin Shiki (Style of the Universal -------------------- Goose Circle) The "Rokugou Kourin Shiki" is a Circle combo that is the main weapon used by Long. Consisting of 6 different attacks, each attack follows each other in a circle-like motion, in any direction desired. While this Circle combo can be started in numerous ways, each attack follows each other in a set manner one after another. Also, the same attack cannot be used twice. Here's a diagram on this Circle combo and the pattern it follows: Fujin Kyaku <----------> Dakai <----------> Hidari Tan Kyaku d+K P# f+K /\ /\ | | \/ \/ Tan Ha <-----> Migi Tan Kyaku <-----> Nichigetsu Ha f+P* K d+P (Note that each attack can be cancelled into a B,B or B,f+B, etc. combo.) Also, this Circle combo can be followed up with any one of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki Shuryo Waza", (Ender Techniques of the "Style of the Universal Goose Circle") which can be inputted from any one attack of the R.K.S. It doesn't matter whether you complete the Cicle combo or not: Uramon Chochu Pon Ken Renju Houdou f,f+P# b+{P} d,d+P \\ || // Rokugou Kourin Shiki Shuryo Waza // || \\ Senpuu Kyaku Honshin RenKyaku Zensou Genkyaku f,f+K b+K d,d+K Also are *special* R.K.S Shuryo Waza techniques which can be done as a beast (or, when your Beast gauge is full): Joushi Senrin f,f+{B} /\ || Beast's R.K.S Shuryo Waza || \/ Hangetsu Jin d,d+B ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- f + P (Slide Punch) f + B (Overhead Palm Press) (Can go into "Dakai" or "Migi Tan Kyaku" of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki") b + {B} (Power Palm Burst) db + P (Low Underhand Punch) d + B (Low Claw Snatch) (Can go into "Uramon Chochu", "Senpuu (Can go into "Nichigetsu Ha" Kyaku", or "Youshi Senrin" of the of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki") "R.K.S Shuryo Waza") b + P (Shichisun Kou) f,f + B (Stepping Slash) f + K (Tornado Kick) Dash, B (7-hit Ball attack) b + K, [T] (Turn Thrust Kick) Lie Down, B (Raising Claw) df + K (Stepping Side Kick) db + K (Low Reverse Sweep) f,f + P (Turn Back Check) f,f + K (Diving Reverse Sweep) Dash, P (Mid Shoulder Slam) Dash, K (Flying Side Kick) Lie Down, P* (Double Swing Punches) Lie Down, K (Skyward Kick Shoot) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ P (Protecting Palms) {B} (Back Check) d + P (Low Backhand) d + B (Leg-Clawing Swipe) K (Crescent Kick) d + K (Ground Stretch Kick) Air Air --- --- u + P (Leaping Fist Drop) f or b + B (Spinning Slash) u + K (Hopping Toe Kick) u + B (Turn Whirlwind Kick) THROWS ------ Front (Standing) = Chi Blaster Front (Standing) = Merciless Slaughter Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash Back = Trip Takedown Back = Trip Takedown =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) (Outstretched Punch) 2) (Double Front Kick) Motion: d, df, f + P {c} Motion: d, df, f + K {c} (Launcher) 3) (Charged Elbow Thrust) 4) (Skyward Stomping) (Throw) Motion: d, db, b + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d, db, b + K *Will hit twice as an attack. 5) (Biting Slam) (Throw) 6) (Ground Thunder) Motion: d, df, f + B Motion: d, db, b + B: -Hold f or b & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through "Fujin Kyaku". -Hold u or d & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through "Nichigetsu Ha". -B,B,B: -d+B after the 2nd or 3rd B -d,db,b + K anytime after the 1st B -P,{P}(To strengthen attack, add one or two more P. To cancel, press R1) -K,f+B,d+P (Only works on contact) BEAST DRIVE: MOUKO KOU HAZAN ---------------------------- Motion: d,df,f,df,d,db,b + B (Throw) HITS: 22 ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Rensui Choryo P,P,P: -(Start the R.K.S through this) -u+B (No Name) P,P (Start the R.K.S by "Tan Ha" or "Hidari Tan Kyaku") Rensen Uramon Chochu P,K,d+K (can end with any R.K.S Shuryo except "Honshin Ren Kyaku" or "Pon Ken") (No Name) K (Start the R.K.S by "Fujin Kyaku" or "Nichigetsu Ha") Youshi Saiken df+P,P ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Tsuten Juuji Ha B,B*,B Juuji Rakan B,B*,f+B Fukko Juuji Sou B,B*,d+B Kosou Senkyaku B,d+B (No Name) df+B,B Tenben Ren Kazan db+B,B Sou Shou Da B,P: -(Start the R.K.S through this) -u+B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- D) -------- URIKO -------- Full Name: URIKO NONOMURA Beast Form: HALF BEAST (CAT) FIGHTING STYLE Uriko uses an incomplete copy of "Shin-I-Roku-Gou-Ken". While similar to Long's style, there's no weight behind her attacks. Due to this, Uriko has to rely on speed to be effective. Her techniques are truly reckless & that of an amatuer. COSTUME COLORS P (Normal) = Blue chinese outfit w/purple trimmings, white sleeves w/blue cuffs, brown boots / Pale brown-furred cat K (2nd) = Green chinese outfit w/gold trims, white sleeves w/green & gold cuffs / Light orange-furred cat B (Extra) = Black boots, tights, and hair, black vest and gloves w/red outlines, white shirt / Brown- furred cat Start (Secret) = White vest, shorts, and shoes w/gold trims, blue shirt & underpants / Dark-gray furred cat ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- SHIN-I-ROKU-GOU-KEN: Rokugou Hourin Shiki (Style of the Universal -------------------- Phoenix Circle) The "Rokugou Hourin Shiki" is a Circle combo that is the main weapon used by Uriko. Consisting of 6 different attacks, each attack follows each other in a circle-like motion, in any direction desired. While this Circle combo can be started in numerous ways, each attack follows each other in a set manner one after another. Also, the same attack cannot be used twice. Here's a diagram on this Circle combo and the pattern it follows: Dokuko <----------> Ranten Kakyaku <-------> Kyuso Douzan Sho P* f+K f+P /\ /\ | | \/ \/ Sousou Taiko <-------> Nichgetsu Ha <-----------> Soushi Tai K d+P d+K Also, this Circle combo can be followed up with any one of the "Rokugou Hourin Shiki Shuryo Waza", (Ender Techniques of the "Style of the Universal Phoenix Circle") which can be inputted from any one attack of the R.H.S. It doesn't matter whether you complete the Cicle combo or not: Gaku Ratotsu Tenmon Kaishu Renju Houdou f,f+P# b+{P} d,d+P \\ || // Rokugou Hourin Shiki Shuryo Waza // || \\ Enma Senrin** Fugaku Sanjuuroku Mon Yukio Renrin f,f+K, b+K d,d+K **The R.H.S Shuryo Waza "Enma Senrin" has two outcomes. If the initial move is blocked, she'll flip over and kick the opponent in the back of the head (K). If the initial move isn't blocked, she'll flip over a greater height, and fall on her stunned opponent({K}). ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- f + B (Elbow Jab) db + B (Ground Reverse Sweep) b + P {c} (Double Palm Blow) f + B* (Flicking Claw) df + P* (Back Rush) b + B (Reckless Revolver) db + P (Outstretched Punch) df + {B} (Rearing Paw) f + K (Sky-high Heel Kick) f,f + {B} (Arcing Upperslash) b+K (Hop Back & Thrust) Dash, B [T] (Ground-Shaver) db + K (Low Sweep Kick) Lie Down, B (Rolling Foot Claw) f,f + K (Flying Triple Kick) f,f + P (Ground Rolling) Dash, P,[T] (Flying Collision)** Dash, K (Leaping Butterfly Kick) Lie Down,

(Double Swing Fists) Lie Down, K (Handstand Twirl Kick) **Note that the Dash + P attack has two outcomes. If it connects, Uriko will bounce away and land on her feet, even if blocked. If the attack hits nothing, she'll painfully tumble on the ground before coming to a stop, slowly rising to her feet. FACING BACKWARD --------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- P (Shoulder Check) B (Falling Back Kick) d + P (Leg Banishing Backfist) d + B (Retreating Run) K (Knee Kick) d + K (Heel Sweep) Air Air --- --- u + P (Leaping Upward Hammer) f or b + B (Overhead Stomp) u + K (Leaping Round Kick) u + {B} (Wild Claw) THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Blind Hit Combo Front (Standing) = Head Pounce (hc) Front (Crouching) = Arm Slingshot Front (Crouching) = Arm Slingshot Back = Improper Trip Takedown Back = Improper Trip Takedown =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) (Blink Swan Wing) 2) (Whirling Heel Flip) (Launcher) Motion: d,df,f + P Motion: d,df,f +K {c} 3) (Leaping Palm) 4) (Flying Heel Stomp) Motion: d,db,b + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d,db,d + K: -f or b (bound off) -B (Ball Attack) *When you bounce off your foe's head, two outcomes may occur. If you're facing a wall, you'll backflip after connection. If your back is to a wall, you'll bounce back towards your opponent with a kick. Note that this move will hit twice if the conditions are right. 5) (Purring Kitten) 6) (Graceful Posture) Motion: d,df,f + B (Stance Change): Motion: d,db,b + {B}: -B rapidly (Called the "Hekireki Heiwa") -B,B,{B} (Called the "Senten Houyoku") -P (Face rub) -Hold f or b & press B repeatedly to -K (Scratching post claws) start the R.H.S through "Ranten Kakyaku" -f+B (Pounce forward) -Hold u or d & press B repeatedly to start the R.H.S through the "Nichigetsu Ha" *Note that all except f+B will hit. BEAST DRIVE: KIKKYO BYOTEN -------------------------- Motion: D,DB,B,DB,D,DF,F + {B} *Note that pressing in any direction and any button rapidly will let you control the direction and height of the attack. ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Raikan Tenbu P,P,P,P: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Dokuko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Kyuso Dousan Shou") *The 3rd punch will turn her around if nothing else follows up. Also, while the 4th punch can be delayed to a certain degree, she'll turn her back to her foe after 2 seconds if nothing is imputted afterwards. (No Name) P,P,d+P: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Nichigetsu" Ha) Yomo Shin Ichinisan P,K,K*,u+K (No Name) P,K,K*: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") (No Name) d [H],P,K (No Name) db+P,P,P,P: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Dokuko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Kyuso Dousan Shou") (No Name) db+P,P,d+P: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Nichigetsu" Ha) (No Name) K,K*: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") -u+K (No Name) b+K,K* -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") -u+K (No Name) d+K,K* -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") -u+K (No Name) u+K,K* -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") -u+K (No Name) f+K,K (No Name) df+K,K: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") Tenha Senkyu.... f,f+P: ...Tai -K (...Shou) -P (No Name) [T],K: -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Sousou Taiko", "Ranten Kakyaku", or "Soushi Tai") ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ (No Name) B,B: -B -(You can start the Rokugou Shiki through "Dokuko") (No Name) Lie Down,P,f+B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- E) ------- BAKURYU ------- Real Name: KAKERU Beast Form: MOLE FIGHTING STYLE As a light-weighted kid, along with many ninjutsu techniques, Bakuryu brings his foes to confusion. He's a character that can unify tricky attacks if possible. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Golden outfit w/brown outlines, silver shin & arm guards, brown gloves & tabi (shoes), red scarf and obi (belt) / Brown-furred mole with red eyes K (2nd) = Blue tabi (shoes) and outfit with black outlines, gray shin and arm guards, white scarf and obi (belt) / Silver-blue mole with red eyes B (Extra) = Blazing red outfit w/gray outlines, silver shin and arm guards, brown gloves and tabi (shoes), gray scarf and obi (belt) / Reddish mole with green eyes Start (Secret) = Silver outfit w/black outlines, gray shin and arm guards, navy blue tabi (shoes) and gloves, white scarf and obi (belt) / Gray mole with orange eyes ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- f + P (Spinning Chop) b + {B} (Overhead Slam) b +

(Overhead Chop) df + B (Low Slash) db + P, [T] (Turn Ground Chop) db + B (Upward Round Slash) b + K (Fade-away Spin Kick) f,f + {B} (Paired Piercing Ram) db + K (Low Reverse Sweep) Dash + {B}, [T] (Spiral Drill) f,f + P (Paired Palm Strike) Lie Down, B (Ground Scissor) Dash, P (Diving Ground Slash) Dash, K (Flying Side Kick) Lie Down, P (Elbow Thrust) Lie Down, K (Vaulting Kick) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- P (Palm Claw) B (Banishing Slash) d + P (Turn Palm) d + B (Crawl Away) K (Crescent Kick) d + K (Standing Sweep) AIR AIR --- --- u + P (Round-Over Transfer) f or b + B (Spinning Slash) u + K (Flip Kick) u + B (Leaping Ground Piercing) THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Down-And-Out Hidden Takedown Front (Standing) = Neck Spiral Slaughter Front (Crouching) = Vault-Over (Transfer) Front (Crouching) = Vault-Over (Transfer) Back = Reverse Izuna Drop Back = Reverse Izuna Drop =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1)Raikou Han Kou Otoshi 2) Enmaku Dan Motion: d,df,f + P {c} (Throw) Motion: d,df,f + K (Position Transfer) -or- *Note that its startup is an attack first. If (Gi Enmaku) it hits, then Bakuryu can complete this move Motion: d,df,f + K, press R1 (Disappear/Reappear) into a throw. As a beast, this move becomes unblockable in the air upclose. *The trick to doing the "Gi Enmaku" is to press the R1 button just as the bomb in Bakuryu's hand hits the ground, so you'll disappear for about a second before reappearing back in the same spot. Also, the log can be hit at times, giving Bakuryu some protection. 3) Enjin Rasen Kyaku 4) Kouki Ryuu Gekihou Motion: d,db,b + K (Skyward Teleport & Attack) Motion: d,db,b + P (Guard Attack) -or- (Tenen no Mai) Motion: d,db,b + K, hold P (Skyward Teleport) *The "Tenen no Mai" makes you drop from the sky doing nothing. Note that the log can be hit at times, giving Bakuryu some protection. 5) (Zansou Rekkan Totsu) 6) Shoten Kaki Age Motion: d,df,f + {B} (Throw) Motion: d,db,b + {B} (Launcher) BEAST DRIVE: BUNSHIN KAEN JIGOKU -------------------------------- Motion: b,f,b,db,d,df,f + {B} ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Resen Ryu Eijin P,P,P,

*,f+P# (*Only cancel into Raikou Han Kou Otoshi) Rentou Fushin Gaeri P,P,P,u+P (No Name) P,P,P: -df+P,P or K -d+K,P Rentou.... P,P: ...Jinkyaku -K ...Rakujin Kyaku -K,K# (No Name) -K,d+K ...Ransen Barai -d+K ...Rasen Ura Hiji -d+K,P ...Engetsu Keri -b+K Renga P,K Renga.... P,K,K*: ...(Mawashi Geri) -K ...Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Kyaku -f+K,b+K ...Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Gaeri -f+K,b+K,u+P ...(Engetsu Keri) -b+K Ryuuei.... df+P: ...Hougeki -P# ...Nichirin Zan -K Ryuuga.... K,K*: ...(Mawashi Geri) -K ...Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Kyaku -f+K,b+K ...Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Gaeri -f+K,b+K,u+P ...(Engetsu Keri) -b+K (No Name) f+K,b+K Retsujin.... df+K: ...Nadare Geri -K*,K* ...Kari Geri -f+K ...Kusazuri Geri -d+K Shippuu.... f,f+K,K: ...Mi Kazuki Otoshi -K* ...(Kazuki Rakurai) -K*,d [H]+K,{K}* ...Rasen Renkyaku -Enjin Rasen Kyaku Rakurai Lie Down, K,K* (No Name) [T], P: -P,P,

*,f+P# (*Only cancel into Raikou Han Kou Otoshi) -P,P,P,u+P -P,P: -df+P,P or K -d+K,P -P: -K,K# -K,d+K -d+K,P -b+K -K,K*: -K -f+K,b+K -f+K,b+K,u+P -b+K ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Dokusou Eizan Geki B,B*,{B} Renkaki.... B,B*: ...Ten Tou Hou -d+B ...Nadare Geri -d+K,K*,K* ...Kari Geri -d+K,f+K ...Kusazuri Geri -d+K,d+K Dokukaki Shiten Kyaku B,d+B Dokusou Bakujuu Rengeki f+B,B*,B,B,B Dokusen Rakutsui Kyaku f+B,K,K* (Dokusen....) f+B,K: (...Mawashi Geri) -K*,K (...Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Kyaku) -K*,f+K,b+K (..Raku Tsuigetsu Eijin Gaeri) -K*,f+K,b+K,u+P (...Engetsu Keri) -K*,b+K (Rentou Doku....) P,P,P,P*,B,B* (...Eizan Geki) -{B} (...Ten Tou Hou) -d+B (...Nadare Geri) -d+K,K*,K* (...Kari Geri) -d+K,f+K (...Kusazuri Geri) -d+K,d+K (No Name) [T], P,P,P,P*,B,B*: -{B} -d+B -d+K,K*,K* -d+K,f+K -d+K,d+K (Urajin Maru Eikan) -b+P,db+B *Note that this only works if it hits the opponent. Mukurosaki d+B,B,B,B,B *Note that this'li only work when the opponent has been knocked down -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- F) ------ MARVEL ------ Real Name: JANNE GADO Beast Form: LEOPARD FIGHTING STYLE Backed with power her blows are like a rifle, for every shot after another she does is effective. Her basic style is that of what Gado developed, a style that she's adopting as her own. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Creme-color hair, white shirt and gloves, light brown boots and arm band / Beige-furred leopard K (2nd) = Navy blue clothes, pea-green gloves and boots, yellow symbol and armband / Pale-white furred leapord B (Extra) = Blue shirt, shorts, sneakers, and gloves, black wristbands and socks, golden hair and symbol / Black-furred leopard with red-glowing eyes Start (Secret) = Black clothes and armband, golden gloves, boots, and symbol / Orange-furred leopard ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- db + P (Low Spin Chop) b + {B} (Cannon Thrust Kick) b + K (High Spin Kick) df + B (Hungry Prowler) df + K (Mid Roundhouse) db + B (Turn Ground Kick) db + K (Low Round Kick) f,f + B* (Leaping Headbutt) f,f + P {c} (Shoulder Tackle) Dash, B (Claw Scissor Tackle) f,f + {K} (Rising Knee) Lie Down, B (Scratch & Roll) Dash, P (Rushing Takedown)(Throw) Dash, K (Sliding Kick) Lie Down, P (Elbow Lift) Lie Down, K (Low Spin Thrust) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- P (Bottom Fist Strike) B (Back Frop Kick) d + P (Turn Thrust Punch) d + B (Turn Leg Claw) K (Head Hook Kick) d + K (Shin Hook Kick) AIR AIR --- --- u + {P} (Tomahawk Chop) f or b + B (Revolving Flip Kick) u + {K} (Overhead Slicer) u + B (Flip Kick) THROWS ------ Front (Standing) = Suplex Front (Standing) = Neck-Tearing Slam Front (Crouching) = Step-Over Neck Scissor Slam Front (Crouching) = Step-Over Neck Scissor Slam Back = Back Drop Back = Back Drop =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) (Rocket Upper) 2) Scramble Snatch Motion: d,df,f + P (Launcher) (1st) Motion: d,df,f + K (Air Throw) (2nd) Motion: d,u + (Cross-Over Attack) (3rd) Motion: b,f + B (Diving Slash) *Note that the 1st part will be a throw only when foe is airborne. On tall opponents, or on anyone who jumps up slightly under her, it'll hit like a regular attack. 3) (Heat Bazooka Buster) 4) Trident Shoot Motion: d,db,b + {P} Motion: d,db,b + K (Guard Attack) 5) (Violent Rage) 6) Rising Laser Motion: d,df,f + B (Throw) Motion: d,db,b + {B} (Launcher) BEAST DRIVE: CROSS BLADE ZAPPER ------------------------------- Motion: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + {B} ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ M-VI Stinger P,P,

*,K* M-VI.... P,P: (No Name) -K* ... Napalm -d+K (No Name) P,K Hunting.... f+P: ...Dive Elbow -f+P*,f+P* ...Hunting Arrow -K (No Name) b+P,

Amazoness.... df+

: ...Smash -{P} ...Slash -d+K (No Name) K,K,K (No Name) K,K: -f+K,K,K: -P,P,

*,K* -P,P,K* or d+K -f+{K} -d+K -f+K: -K,P (Fake) -d+K,K or P (Fake) -f+K,K or P (Fake) -d+K,f+K# or P (Fake) -f+K,f+K# or P (Fake) (No Name) K,b+P,

Assault... f+K: -K,K: (...Striker) -P,P,

*,K* (...??/Napalm) -P,P,K* or d+K -f+{K} ...Kick Mine -d+K -K,P (Fake) -d+K,K or P (Fake) ...Kick (Fake) Bomb -f+K,K or P (Fake) -d+K,f+K# or P (Fake) -f+K,f+K# or P (Fake) ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Triple.... B,B*: ...Scratch -B ...Low Scratch -B (No Name) B,B*: -f+K,K,K: -P,P,

*,K* -P,P,K* or d+K -f+{K} -d+K -f+K: -K,P (Fake) -d+K,K or P (Fake) -f+K,K or P (Fake) -d+K,f+K# or P (Fake) -f+K,f+K# or P (Fake) Angry Slash B,d+B Violent Scratch f+B,B (No Name) f+B,d+B (Silent Rage) df+B, d,df,f + B (Throw) Lightning Scratch df+P,f+B,B Darkness Scratch df+P,f+B,d+B Shotgun Scratch P,P,d+B (No Name) P,P,P,f+B: -B -d+B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- G) -------- BUSUZIMA -------- Real Name: BUSUZIMA Beast Form: CHAMELEON FIGHTING STYLE With the ability to disappear, sidestep, and so on, Busuzima has many techniques to trample his foes. He's a character type who fights dirty. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Green shirt, blue sleeves, and symbol, reddish shorts, and wristbands, yellow geta (shoes), green hair and goatee / Green-skinned chameleon K (2nd) = Purple hair, goatee, and sleeves, gold shorts and wristbands, yellow shirt and geta (shoes) / Purple-skinned chameleon B (Extra) = Purple shorts, wrist bands, and symbol, pink shirt with brick red sleeves, orange geta (shoes), lavender hair and goatee / Reddish-pink skinned chameleon Start (Secret) = lime-colored shorts, pale shirt with green sleeves and design, white geta, greenis hair and goatee / Silver-skinned chameleon ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ b + P {c}, [T] (Banishing Backfist) df + B (Rising Header) db + P (Spinning Backhand) d + {B} (Overhead Beat) b + K (Round Heel Drop) f,f + B (Flip Away)** db + K, [T] (Turn Ground Kick) Dash, B (Dashing Flip Away)** f,f + {P} (Ground Hammer) Lie Down, B (Head Dash) f,f + K (Foot Stomp) (Lg) Dash, {P} (Diving Tackle) Dash, {K}, [T] (Spin Splash Fall) Lie Down, K (Roll & Kick) Lie Down, P (Swiping Upper) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ P (Overhead Hammer) B (Step Back Kick) d + P (Turn Thrust Punch) d + B (Ground Scrape Kick) K (Blind Sidestep) d + K {c} (Spring-Back Smash) *Note that only P and d + P will make Busuzima face foe AIR AIR --- --- u + P (Turn Around) f or b + B (Belly Flop) u + {K} (Drop Kick) u + B (Retreating Back Flip)** THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Low Blow Front (Standing) = Tongue Flick (Launcher) Front (Crouching) = Pin-Down Submission Front (Crouching) = Pin-Down Submission Back = Reverse Neck Slam Back = Reverse Neck Slam **Note that these moves will hit anyone behind him. =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) Bukkomi Chop 2) Busuzima Maji Motion: d,df,f + P (Stun Attack) Motion: d,df,f + K (Stance Change): -f or b to move -Maji de Punch Motion: P,P*,P -Maji de Kick Motion: K,{K} -(Maji de Whip) Motion: B or d+B -(Maji de Stomping) Motion: d [H] *Doing just the 1st punch or 1st kick during Busuzima Maji will keep him in this stance. 3) (Strong Sideswipe) 4) Busuzima Exercise Motion: d,db,b + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d,db,b + K, K, K, K, K, {K} 5) Shishometsu Attack** 6) Shishometsu** Motion: d,df,f + B (Attack & Disapper) Motion: d,db,b + B (Disappear) **Shishometsu Attack will leave Busuzima invisible for a short duration of time, while Shishometsu has a longer duration. When you become invisible, you will appear once you're hit. BEAST DRIVE: DAIJOUBUTSU THROW ------------------------------- Motion: d,df,f,d,df,f + {B} ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ (No Name) P,P*,

,f+P,f+{P} Zenkai Butchi Giri P,P*,

,K,d+K Sukashi Kyaku (No Name) P,P*,

,K,b+{K} (No Name) P,P*,d+{K} (No Name) P,K,P: -P*,

: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -P*,d+{K} (No Name) P,K,d+K,: -P*,

: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -P*,d+{K} Baribari Chop K,d+K,P*,

(No Name) K,P: -P*,

: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -P*,d+{K} (No Name) K,d+K: -P*,

: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -P*,d+{K} Taiman Aku Kick f+P,K (No Name) f+P,f+P,f+P,f+P: -K {c} (Or after any of the first 3 f+P) -f+P,f+{P} Chinpira Usogeri f+K,f+K,f+P Retsuden (No Name) f+K,f+K,f+P,f+P,f+{P} (No Name) df+P,f+P, [T] Yakiyaki.... df+P,df+P: ...Ura Ken -b+P (...Kai Ken) -f+P, [T] (No Name) [T],P,

: -

: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -d+{K} ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ (No Name) B,d+B,B*,{B} (Press u+{B} anytime to fake) (No Name) b+B,d+B,B*,{B} (Press u+{B} anytime to fake) Slide Shoten Upper f+B,f+B Somersault.... u+B: ...Kaomen Slider -db+B,d+B (...Slide Shoten Upper) -f+B,f+B (Kaomen Slider) db+B,d+B (No Name) B,d+K,P*,P: -f+P,f+{P} -K,d+K -K,b+{K} -B (No Name) B,d+K,P*,d+{K} Zenkai Butchi Giri Upper P,P*,P,B (No Name) P,K,B (No Name) P,K,d+K,P*,P,B (No Name) K,B (No Name) Lie down,B,df+B (No Name) [T],P,P,B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- H) ----- JENNY ----- Full Name: JENNY BARTOLI Beast Form: BAT Fighting Style Focusing mainly on leg techniques, Jenny uses a far-range type of fighting style. Moreover, after bestialization, the addition of her flying ability, she can depend on hit & run strategies to wear down her opponents COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Black boots and collar, red outfit, blond hair / Dark brown-furred bat K (2nd) = Black outfit, pumps, and collar, red hair / Black-furred bat B (Extra) = Blue outfit and collar, black tights, dark lavender boots, laveder hair / Purplish furred bat Start (Secret) = Yellow outfit, black pumps and collar, brown hair / Golden-furred bat ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ f + P (Mid Chop) b + B, [T] (Spinning Wing Slice) b + P (Taunting Smack) df + B (Low Wing Slice) df + P, [T] (Turn Chop) db + B (Crawling Retreat) db + P, [T] (Turn Down Chop) f,f + B (Overhead Heel Kick) b + K, [T] (Taunting Kick) Lie Down, B (High Spin Kick) db + K (Ground Leg Sweep) f,f + P (Elbow Thrust) f,f + K (Aerial Whip Kick) Dash, P {c} (Paired Palm Push) Dash, K (Sliding Kick) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- P (Back Elbow) B (Ascending Back Heel) d + P (Round Chop) d + B (Ground Cross Sweep) K (High Back Kick) d + K (Heel Stamp) AIR AIR --- --- u + P (Leap Over Handspring) f or B + B (Round Flip Kick) u + K (Aerial Twirl Kick) u + B (Whirling Overhead Claw) THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Sensuous Neck Break Front (Standing) = Blood-Sucking Neck Bite Front (Crouching) = Heels & Hips Estacy Front (Crouching) = Heels & Hips Estacy Back = Dead Weight Crusher Back = Dead Weight Crusher =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) Twist 2) Excentric Kick Motion: d,df,f + P (Stance Change): Motion: d,df,f + K (Multi-Hit Attack) -f or b to move -d+K -K,K,d+K -K,K,K,K,K, [T] -K,K,K,K,K,K,d+K -K,K,K,K,K,K,{K} *If you do the attack with only Kick, (the last combo variation above) Jenny will fall out of Twist if you stop at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th kick. 3) (Mayhem Cutter) 4) (Rave Mixer) Motion: d,db,b + P (Guard Attack) Motion: d,db,b + K 5) Bat Wing Blade 6) Drill Talon Motion: d,df,f + {B} (Launcher) Motion: d,db,b + B: -Nothing (Fly Back -B (Attack) *Note that the Drill Talon can also be done in the air. BEAST DRIVE: SKY HIGH TEMPEST ------------------------------ Motion: F,B,DB,D,Df,f + {B} ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Slap Slap P,

* (No Name) P,

*,f+K,K,*: -b+P (cancel) -b+K,[T] (Cancel) -K,K -K,d+K Passionate Heel.... f+K,K,*: ...Rush -K,K (...Psyke) -b+P (cancel) ...Bye-Bye -b+K,[T] (Cancel) (No Name) -K,d+K Sly Kick d+K,K Enamul.... df+K,K,K ...Blade -K (...Psyke) -b+P (No Name) df+K,K,d+K,K Gloss Edge Lie Down,K,K (No Name) [T],K,K,*: -K,K -b+P (cancel) -b+K,[T] (Cancel) -K,d+K ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Complete Death Order B,B,B*,B,B (*Only will cancel into Drill Talon) Wind Slider B,B,B,d+{B} Nightmare Walking f+B,B,B* (*Only will cancel into Frill Talon) (No Name) P,

*,B,B,B*: -B,B -d+B (No Name) P,

*,f+K,K,*,f+B,B,B* (No Name) f+K,K,*,f+B,B,B* (No Name) Dash,B,B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- I) ---- STUN ---- Real Name: STEVEN GOLDBURG Beast Form: INSECT Fighting Style Stun is a power character, surpassing in throws and a system of rushing techniques. Though he has to avoid being reckless, for that can be a problem. So, Stun is an advanced character, utilizing both close and far range distance to battle. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Orange shorts and cap, blue skin, sky blue shirt / Blue skin insect K (2nd) = Blue clothing and cap, black skin, brown belt / Black skin insect B (Extra) = Brownish clothes and cap, green skin, gray belt / Green skin insect Start (Secret) = Red shorts and cap, black shirt, pink skin / Pink skin insect ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- f + P (Fling away) (Throw) f + {B} (Tackle Thrust) b + {P} (Buster Blow) b + {B} (Back Up & Thrust) df + P (Mid Body Upper) df + {B} (Poke & Lift) db + P (Called "Bio Shock") db + B (Backstep & Shoot) b + K (Skyward Thrust) f,f + B (Overhead Poke) df + K (Crawl Forward) Dash, {B} (Gliding Skewer) db + K (Roll Backward) Lie Down, B (Low Rush Thrust) f,f + {P} (Stepping Ax Chop) f,f + K {c}, [T] (Thrusting Punt) Lie Down, P (Uppercut) Lie Donw, K (High Punt) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- P (Turn Backfist) B (Back Drop Kick) d + P (Turn Thrust Punch) d + B (Low Hook Claw) K {c}(Crescent Kick) d + K (Standing Foot Sweep) AIR AIR --- --- u + P (Overhead Hammer) f or b + {B} (Splash Fall) u + {K} (Heel Fall) u + B (Overhead Jab) THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Waist-Lock Suplex Front (Standing) = Bio Feed Back Front (Crouching) = Reverse Pile Slam Front (Crouching) = Reverse Pile Slam Back = Shoulder Mount Slingshot Back = Shoulder Mount Slingshot =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) Spider Drop 2) Hornet Grab Motion: d,df,f + P (High Throw) Motion: d,df,f + K (Mid level Throw) 3) Antler Bomb 4) Grasshopper Leg Motion: d,db,b + P (Low Throw) Motion: d,db,b + K (Guard Attack) 5) (Mosquito Lock) 6) Bio Reject Motion: d,df,f + B (Throw) Motion: d,db,b + B (High/Mid Guard Reversal) 7) Stun Crush 8) (Stun Pile Slam) -1st Motion: d,df,f + P + K (Upclose) Motion: d + P + K (Air Throw) -2nd Motion: d,db,b + P + K *Opponent can easily escape the 2nd part by pressing P + K BEAST DRIVE: BOOSTING BURST --------------------------- Motion: F,DF,D,DB,B,F,DF,D,DB,B + B (Throw) ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Shell Face Scratch P,P*,P,{P} (Throw) Shell Rush Guillotine P,P*,P,{K} (Shell Combo Antler Bomb) P,P,P,d+K, Antler Bomb Shell Slasher P,K,P*,P (No Name) K,P,P Torasuto Blow f+K,K,b+{B} (Torasuto Shock) f+K,K,db+P Combo Antler Bomb f+K,d+K, Antler Bomb Handknife Combo d [H],P,K ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Chaos Beetle Rush B,B,d+B,d+B Violent Beetle Rush B,B,d+B,df+B,u+B -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- J) ---- GADO ---- Full Name: ALAN GADO Beast Form: LION Fighting Style Utilizing a basic fighting style combined with military techniques, Gado strikes with lethal power. With his large size & a strength like a cannon, he can topple his foes with just a few hits. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Black shirt, shoes, and gloves, brown pants, golden hair, green symbol / Gold-furred lion K (2nd) = White shirt, pants, and hair, brown gloves and shoes, gold symbol / Red-furred lion B (Extra) = Brown pants, grayish shirt, black gloves, shoes, and hair, turquois symbol / Blue-furred lion Start (Secret) = Orange hair, black gloves and shoes, green clothes, gold symbol and belt / Hellfire red- furred lion ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ db + P (Step Back & Low Punch) b + {B}, [T] (Cannon Thrust Kick) b + K {c} (High Spin Kick) df + B (Pouncing Snatch) df + K (Side Snap Kick) db + B, [T] (Turn Ground Kick) db + K (360 Sweep Kick) f,f + B* (Leaping Headhutt) f,f + P {c} (Shoulder Tackle) Dash, {B} (Claw Scissor Tackle) f,f + {K} (Rising Knee) Lie Down, B (Scratch & Roll) Dash + P (Rushing Takedown) (Throw) Dash + K (Sliding Kick) Lie Down, P (Hook/Upper Combo) Lie Down, K (High Punt) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------- P (Bottom Fist Strike) B (Back Drop Kick) d + P (Turn Thrust Punch) d + B (Low Hook Claw) K (Back Kick) d + K (Ground Thrust Kick) AIR AIR --- --- u + {P} (Tomahawk Chop) f or b + B (Revolving Flip Kick) u + {K} (Cannon Drop Kick) u + B (Flip Kick) THROWS THROWS ------ ------ Front (Standing) = Lifting Punch Out Front (Standing) = Neck-Tearing Slam Front (Crouching) = Reverse Pile Slam Front (Crouching) = Reverse Pile Slam Back = Turn Around KO Back = Turn Around KO =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) Heat Capture.... 2) (High Heel Drop) Motion: d,df,f + P {c}: Motion: d,df,f + K -K "Middle Kick" -d+K "Low Kick" -Nothing "Throw" 3) (Heat Bazooka Buster) 4) (Spin Axle Flash) Motion: d,db,b + {P} Motion: d,db,b + K (Guard Attack) -or- (Quad Flash Break) Motion: d,db,b + K, f + {P}, d,df,f + {P}, d,db,b + {P} 5) (Violent Rage) 6) Rising Laser Motion: d,df,f + {B} (Throw) Motion: d,db,b + {B} (Launcher) BEAST DRIVE: (ROARING SUPREME) ------------------------------ MOTION: D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B + {B} ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Shotgun Combination.... P,

: ...Fire -f+P ...Drive -f+{K} Spinning Strike b+P,

* Tomahawk.... f+P: ...Buster -P*,P* ...Drive -K Shell.... df: ...Smash -P ...Slash -df+K Trooper Combination K,K,{K} Commando Edge Combination.... K,K,f+K: (...Strike) -K,K ...Middle -f+K,K ...Low -d+K,K (...Feint) -(f+ or d+)K,P Heat Blaster Twin K,b+P,

* Sky Launcher.... f+K: ...Strike -K,K (...Middle) -f+K,K (...Low) -d+K,K (...Feint) -(f+ or d+)K,P ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Triple.... B,B*: ...Scratch -{B} (...Low Scratch) -d+B (...Sky Launcher....) -f+K: (...Strike) -K,K (...Midd) -f+K,K (...Low) -d+K,K (...Feint) -(f+ or d+)K,P Angry Slash B,d+B* Violent.... f+{B}: ...Scratch -{B}* {...Turn Scratch) -d+B,[T] Bloody Rage df+B, d,df,f+{B} Shotgun Scratch P,P,d+B Lightning Scratch df+P,f+{B},{B} Darkness Scratch df+P,f+{B},d+B Heat Blast Sky Launcher.... K,b+P,P,B*,f+K: ...Strike -K,K (...Middle) -f+K,K (...Low) -d+K,K (...Feint) -(f+ or d+)K,P -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- K) --------- SHEN LONG --------- Full Name: SHEN LONG Beast Form: TIGER Fighting Style A user of the Circle Combo, "Shin-I-Roku-Gou-Ken", Shen Long is an advance player by far. His style is similar to Long, except more focused on injuring is foes with deadly force. COSTUME COLORS p (Normal) = Purple shoes and shirt w/red & gold stripes, gray gloves and pants, gold belt, red& gold symbol / Gray-furred tiger K (2nd) = Purplish shirt w/white trims, purple gloves, blue pants / Red-furred tiger B (Extra) = Green pants, gloves, and belt, brick red shirt with gold trims, red and gold symbol / White-furred tiger Start (Secret) = Sky blue shirt white trims, greenish pants, white gloves, black belt, gold and red symbol / Orange-furred tiger ------------------- ------------------- -------------------- SHIN-I-ROKU-GOU-KEN: Rokugou Kourin Shiki (Style of the Universal -------------------- Goose Circle) The "Rokugou Kourin Shiki" is a Circle combo that is the main weapon used by Shen Long. Consisting of 6 different attacks, each attack follows each other in a circle-like motion, in any direction desired. While this Circle combo can be started in numerous ways, each attack follows each other in a set manner one after another. Also, the same attack cannot be used twice. Here's a diagram on this Circle combo and the pattern it follows: Fujin Kyaku <------------> Dakai <---------> Sokuchuu Kyaku d+K P#{c} f+K /\ /\ | | \/ \/ Pon Ken <-----> Migi Tan Kyaku <-----> Nichigetsu Ha f+{P}# K d+P *Note that each attack can be cancelled into a B,B or B,f+B, etc. combo. When you do all parts of the Circle combo in beast form, Shen Long's hits'll get stronger as he starts to flash. As you imput the last part, he will turn red and inflict great damage. Also, this Circle combo can be followed up with any one of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki Shuryo Waza", (Ender Techniques of the "Style of the Universal Goose Circle") which can be inputted from any one attack of the R.K.S. It doesn't matter whether you complete the Cicle combo or not: Youshi Senrin Shichisun Ko Renshu Houdou f,f+P b+{P} d,d+P {c} \\ || // Rokugou Kourin Shiki Shuryo Waza // || \\ Hangetsu Jin Honshin RenKyaku Zensou Genkyaku f,f+{K} b+K d,d+K ------------------- ------------------- ============ Normal Moves ============ ----- ----- HUMAN BEAST ----- ----- FACING FORWARD -------------- Ground Ground ------ ------- f + P (Extended Palm) d + B (Low Claw Slash) (Can go into "Dakai" or "Migi Tan Kyaku" (Can go into "Nichigetsu Ha" or "Fujin of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki") Kyaku" of the "Rokugou Kourin Shiki") b + {P} (Power Palm Burst) f + B (Heel Flattener) df + P (Turn Foot Chop) b + B, [T] (Turn Back Kick) db + P# (Low Underhand Punch) df + B (Low Claw Snatch) f + K (Tornado Kick) db + B (Turn Ground Kick) f,f + B (Stepping Slash) Dash, {B} (Ball Attack) b + K (Full Roundhouse) Lie Down, B (Raising Claw) df + K (Step Side Kick) db + K (Low Reverse Sweep) f,f + P (Elbow Jab) f,f + K (Diving Reverse Sweep) Dash, {P} (Shattering Straight Blow) Dash, {K} (Flying Side Kick) Lie Down, P (Standing Upper) Lie Down, K {c} (Skyward Kick Shoot) FACING BACKWARD --------------- GROUND GROUND ------ ------ P (Sidestep & Elbow) {B} (Back Check) d + P (Turn Punch) d + B (Turning Claw Swipe) K (Rev. Roundhouse) d + K (Ground Stretch Kick) AIR AIR --- --- u + P (Leaping Head Punch) f or b + B (Spinning Slash) u + K (Leaping Spin Kick) u + B (Flip Kick) THROWS ------ Front (Standing) = Chi Blaster Front (Standing) = Merciless Slaughter Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash Front (Crouching) = Head-to-Knee Smash Back = Waist-Lock Body Slam Back = Waist-Lock Body Slam =============== COMMAND ATTACKS =============== 1) (Outstretched Punch) 2) (Double Front Kick) Motion: d, df, f + {P} Motion: d, df, f + K {c} (Launcher) 3) (Charged Elbow Thrust) (Guard Attack) 4) (Skyward Stomping) (Throw) Motion: d, db, b + P Motion: d, db, b + K {c} *Note that this hits twice as an attack. 5) (Biting Slam) (Throw) 6) (Ground Thunder) Motion: d, df, f + {B} Motion: d, db, b + B: -Hold b & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through the "Sokuchuu Kyaku". -Hold f & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through the "Pon Ken". -Hold u & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through the "Fujin Kyaku". -Hold d & press B repeatedly. Start the R.K.S through the "Nichigetsu Ha". -{B},{B},{B}: -d,db,b + {K} anytime after 1st {B} -Press d+B after the 2nd or 3rd {B} BEAST DRIVE: MOUKO KOU HAZAN ---------------------------- Motion: d,df,f,df,d,db,b + {B} (Throw) HITS: 22 ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Human) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Rensui Choryo P,P,P: -(Start the R.K.S through this) -u+B (No Name) P,P (Start the R.K.S by "Pon Ken" or "Sokuchuu Kyaku") Rensen Uramon Chochu P,K,d+K (can end with any R.K.S Shuryo except "Honshin Ren Kyaku" or "Shichisun Ko") (No Name) K (Start the R.K.S by "Fujin Kyaku" or "Nichigetsu Ha") Youshi Saiken Lie Down, P,{P} ---------------------------- Combination Attacks (Beast) ---------------------------- Name Input ------ ------ Kanun Juuji Ha B,B*,B [T] Juuji Rakan B,B*,f+B Fukko Juuji Sou B,B*,d+B Kosou Senkyaku B,d+B Tenben Ren Kazan db+B,B Sou Shou Da B,P: -(Start the R.K.S through this) -u+B ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- VIII) Secrets And Custom Features ======= SECRETS ======= To Get Do This ------ ------- -4th costume Beat Arcade with each character (Press Start at Selection screen) -Gado Beat Arcade Mode (Continue if necessary) -The "Special Stage" Play Arcade Mode with no continues (to fight Shen Long) -Shen Long Beat him in Arcade Mode (You have to win. If you lose, you won't obtain him) -Ending #2 1)Beat Arcade Mode with a continue -or- 2)Beat Story Mode with no continues -Ending #1 1)Beat Arcade Mode with no continues -or- 2)Beat Story Mode with no continues -Clean Pause Press R2 while game is pause -Afterimage Victory Hold P,K, and B when you win the final round -See BR1 Gado Fight in the "Tatami" Stage, and get the camera to turn to the huge, circular rock-like monument (He's sitting on top) -Play on "Bloody Hard" Mode Hold all L & R buttons as you select any mode (Speed Timer will be red instead of blue. Game play is insane!) =============== CUSTOM FEATURES =============== To Get Do This ------ ------- -Model Type Beat Story Mode (Continue if necessary) -Recovery Speed Beat Story Mode (No Continues) -Any Cancel Point Beat 15 & up characters in Survival Mode -Charge Speed Get all pictures from Story Mode (?) *Note that all of Custom mode's features work in the "Game Start" option only. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- IX) Revisions and Contributors ----------------- Revision History: ----------------- (3/24/99) -First initial release. Contains all the moves and secrets from the other FAQ. Also, the info on "'Beastorization' System" and "Defensive System" from the other FAQ have been simplified and added to the "Basic Controls and Functions" section. --------------------- ------------------------------------- **Contributors to the Bloody Roar 2 FAQ** ------------------------------------- ====== =============== [NAME] [Contributions] ====== =============== Ray Benson -For the 2nd method on obtaining the Endings through Story Mode -For the "Clean Pause" amd "Afterimage Victory" tricks Héctor G. Martínez Madrid -For the "Bloody Hard" mode trick ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come back when you're ready!" - Alan Gado ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Mini-FAQ is copyright (c) '99 Deeshad