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Bloody Roar 2 (e)

                                                   BLOODY ROAR 2
                                              -Bringer of the New Age-

                                                   FAQ Ver. 0.1
                                                Written by Deeshad

        This FAQ is written for fun and personal usage. It's okay to reproduce this FAQ as long 
as it's meant to better your game play and knowledge on the game being discussed below. It's 
NOT to be used for profitable and/or promotional means, nor should the contents from this page 
be copied in ANY way and used under a different name. If placed on a web site or page, please 
be sure to give credit to where it's from (me!). If you have any questions or comments about this 
FAQ, feel free to contact me at .

This game copyright (c) by Hudson Soft 
and (c) Eighting/Raizing.

This FAQ is copyright (c) '99  Deeshad

I) Game Modes
II) Gameplay
III) Controls and Basic Functions
IV) Defensive System
V) "Bestorized" System
VI) Beast Drive: Savage Instant Kill 
VII) Secrets And Custom Features
VIII) Revisions and Ending Words

I) Game Modes

        In Bloody Roar 2, there are 7 modes present, each offering different gameplay (slightly):

ARCADE: Basically the regular mode of the one can find. Straight from the arcade itself, you have 
to fight through 7 stages, each randomly hosting one of the 9 selectable characters. Once you 
defeat all 7, you'll go to the Final Stage, where you will have to fight Gado as the last boss. 
If you play straight through without continuing, you'll go to a Special Stage, where you'll have 
to go toe-to-toe with Shen Long, the secret character. 
        If you play a normal game, (with 1 or more continues) you'll see the regular ending, 
which shows all the 9 characters doing their best combo/juggle during the Staff Roll. Play a 
great game and beat Sheng Long, you'll get the special Staff Roll which'll present all 11 
characters doing a combo that involves their "Beast Drive". While you can always continue if 
you should lose against any of the first 8 characters,  you cannot continue if you lose 
against Shen Long. You'll automatically be taken to the ending, which'll be the regular Staff 

VS: Like any other VS mode in existence, you and a friend duke it out against each other, 
selecting anyone you please to represent your might. 

STORY: This is a very unique mode to be introduced into the Bloody Roar series. This can be 
looked as the missing pages from the game manual, (the actual manual only spoke about the game 
and its features. A separate pamphlet illustrates the characters, fighting descriptions, and 
their moves) for you'll get to learn about each of the characters' personal story line, their 
interaction with the other characters, and how they would deal with the problem present. All 
you have to do is select a character, (each with a little hint about their storyline under their 
name) and battle along as you get a glimpse more and more into the game's plot, guided with many 
picture illustrations of the action taking place.

SURVIVAL: In this mode, you have to fight through 1-round, 60-minute set stages against each of 
the characters in the game. Like its name, you will have to fight each of the characters more 
than once, (possibly 20+ stages. I've yet to finish this mode) where the difficulty increase 
with every turn. Your life bar will not be set full for each stages as regular. Instead, how 
much health that'll be recovered depends on how much damage you received from each fight and 
how long it took you. If you lose 95% of health and win by time, you'll start the next match 
with just that 5% health that remained. If you want to always start with a full life bar, 
practice hard, master your attacks & combos, and finish each match as quickly as possible, 
for it doesn't get easy. 
WATCH: Not much needs to be said about this, except that you select the fighters to fight and just 
watch each match as the CPU takes control of both fighters. A good way if you want to learn about 
all the secrets and tricks that each character possess.

*(Please note that the walls will no longer break in any of these mode EXCEPT after you execute the 
killing blow on an opponent in the final round)

CUSTOM: Similar to the "Omake" mode from the BR1, this mode lets you customize the game in special 
manners that you desire. At the start, you will be given both "Wall Display" and "Afterimage Mode". 
There are more, but you will have to figure out how to acquire them. (See "Secrets and Custom 
Features" for more on this.") Along with this is the "Game Start" feature, where you can select 
to fight against a friend, a computer-controlled opponent, or all 11 of the characters one after 

OPTIONS: Pretty much explains itself by its name. Not to be confused with the Custom mode, this 
is where you can fiddle around with the game's basic features, like "Match Point", "Difficulty", 
and "Control Config". At the "Sound Option", not only can you change the game between stereo/mono, 
set the volume, and listen to the sound effects & voices, you can select the music for the game. 
So, you can either play to the same tracks screaming at the arcade, or select the "Playstation 
only" tracks, which is all heavy metal and rock! Pick your choice. The "Movies and Pictures" 
feature is what you can call the gallery of the game, for anything visual, from the opening video* 
to the illustrations from the "Story" mode, can be found here once you see it. Be sure to check this 
out as much as possible. Also, the "Memory Card" feature can also be found here, so remember to save 
your game as often as possible.

*Just in case you're interested, the track played at the opening video is called "Carnation 
Reincarnation", played by that jamming group called "Kinniku Shoujo Tai" Like it? I know I do. 


II) Gameplay

        While you'll notice alot of new changes just by looking at the graphics, (which is a major 
improvement over the first IMO) the gameplay itself went through some changes as well. I'll discuss 
about this under four different categories: 

        One thing is the speed of the game. While it's faster than in the first, it's not as insane 
as it sounds. The speed is more realistic. I say this because it felt as if everyone in BR1 attacked 
at an insane speed, even the bigger characters seem to be able to rival smaller characters with 
ease. Now, there is a difference noticeable about each character's speed compared with their 
movements, attacks, and their size. For instance, a character who plays as Yugo, whose size decently 
big and wields alot of power, cannot easily match the lightning-fast movements and attacks done by 
Bakuryu, whose size adds to his elusiveness. Now you really have study and learn your characters if 
you want to cover their weaknesses.

        More on how real the game seems is by the power that each character possess. It not as 
explosive as it was before. In BR1, characters would go flying to and fro across each stage from 
the slightest hits. This was a great danger that had to be watched for, especially when the walls 
on each stage were destroyed, and victory can only be obtained through a ring out because "Vital 
Recovery" is on. This was the case no matter what form you were in. Now, it's not so anymore. It's 
rare to see characters go flying across the stages, or being knocked off their feet by the slightest 
tap. This "1-hit-and-lift-off" case seems to be dependent on 3 factors: 1) the characters and their 
attributes 2) the attack done, and 3) whether or not you're in Beast mode or not. Due to this, 
Yugo's Dashing P, which is a tackle, will rarely send you soaring across a stage into a wall, even 
when done as a wolf.

        Kind of like a follow-up from the discussion on "power", the actions that a character 
undergoes within a fight now plays a very important role. Depending on the attack, the recovery 
from a blow differs, from a simple head rock to having one of your leg swept from under you.  I 
say this because the tables can be turned on a character if they keep getting hit by attacks 
that have a long stun or put them in positions that interfere with the fight. Some of these 
vary from having your head rock back so much that you're stumbling backwards, being turned 
around by a whiplash-like blow, knocked off  your feet so hard you're slammed onto the ground 
hard, and hopping around on one foot because someone (Busuzima) stepped on the other.
        Gravity seems to be stronger, for characters no longer fly high into the air as they 
used to. The ascension has been shorten big time, so making those insane, never-ending juggles 
and setting up opponents for those special air-only attacks (i.e. Bakuryu's air throw) is much 
more difficult. It now takes more skills to make those infallible juggles.

        The damage in the game is pretty much the same, maybe a notch more than BR1. The one 
thing that's different is when and how you're hit. While I'm not sure yet whether the damage 
increases depending on the position you're put in from a hit, but it's definite that attacks 
to the back will get you killed. Besides the fact that it's still difficult to turn around if 
you're facing the wrong way, (am I the only one who noticed that or not?) you'll now take twice 
to quadruple the damage if hit while turned around. For instance, Gado's "Fire!" punch 
(made-up name) does 15-30% damage from the from, it will do almost 80% damage if caught from 
behind! Heck, I've lost a match that was sure to be mine with Bakuryu against a near-dead 
Uriko because I teleported infront of her with my back turned to her. My almost-filled life 
bar went to nil from a couple of blows as Uriko used her never-ending version of the 
"Shin-I-Roku-Gou-Ken" on me. This makes the game even more intense, meaning a strong defense 
should never be neglected.


III) Controls and Basic Functions

f = forward                         P = Punch            Tri = Throw
b = back	                    K = Kick              R1 = Heavy Guard
d = crouch                          B = Beast
u = jump

f,f = Dash (note if you jump while dashing, you'll do a super jump)
b,b = Backstep
d,d (hold) = Lie down (last for about a second) 

P+K = Throw (miss animation if it doesn't connect)
R1+P = Throw (no miss animation)

P+K = Throw escape (must be done just as the opposition initiates a throw)

P+K = Recovery (when you're knocked off your feet or sent flying in the air)

d+P, K, or B = Ground attack
When knocked down:
               -Press in any direction to roll on the ground
               -Tap P repeatedly to increase your recovery speed
               -Press K to flip up with a kick attack


IV) Defensive System

        The methods of defense have been focused on more in BR2, having a big 
effect on the gameplay. For starters, read below on the way a character's defense 
can effect the game.

        The way you guard attacks still goes by the height of the attack executed 
at you. Here's a chart written up from the game manual that charts about the proper 
way to guard against an attack:

                High Guard          Low Guard        Mid-Air Guard      Lie Down	

High Attack         O                    --             O (1x)              --
Mid Attack          O                    X              O (1x)              --	
Low Attack          X                    O              O (1x)              X            

        For this chart, a "O" means that an attack can be blocked in the position 
you're in. an "X" means it is not possible to block in that position. A "--" means 
that a defense doesn't apply, for the attack will not come in contact. Note that 
you can only block once in the air. Afterwards, you'll be hit no matter what. Keeping 
an eye on the height of an attack is difficult, which is why it's best to get used to 
falling into defense in a smart, calm manner. If you don't know the height on which 
the attack will come from, (unless you memorized the opponent's moves) try to watch it 
as it comes and judge its motion, before you choose the best way to defend against it. 
If you can guess (or even know) the height of the attack, think about how you can 
follow up with an attack of your own. For instance, if you see Alice coming with a 
low kick attack, a low guard may be good for protection, but if you can hop above the 
attack and counterattack, you can get the upperhand in the fight. Study well.

        In the gaming world of BR2, there are now two different types of guards you can 
use, each with their own purpose. These two guards are called the Light guard and the 
Heavy guard respectfully. The Light guard is executed from the neutral position on the 
key pad, that is, you press nothing. (in case of a low attack, you press down only for 
Light guard) It works like a regular guard and, unlike the Heavy guard, your recovery 
time is very short. Due to this, you can counterattack almost soon after you block an 
attack. However, you cannot block "Guard Break" attacks from the Light Guard. (this'll 
be discussed a little bit further later)
        The Heavy guard will probably be the guard chosen favorite by many due to habit 
of its motion. The Heavy guard can be executed by either pressing in the opposite 
direction from your opponent (pressing backwards on the key pad), or by pressing the R1 
button. (which'll put you in a guard position even if the opposition isn't attacking) 
While it's not possible to counterattack because of the slow recovery time from this 
guarding method, it will protect you from any attack, including "Guard Break" attacks. 
Each guard has its usage, so try to master both and use them when needed. 

        Just to start off, my suggestion to using each of the two guards is to not 
press back on the key pad unless you want to walk backwards. Rely on the R1 button. 
That way, it'll be much more easier to differentiate between Light and Heavy guard. 
Now back to the subject, each guard can help in offensive means: 

           -Guard Escape: Done from a Light guard by pressing forward just as you 
                          block an attack, this'll usually put you out of harm's 
                          path and allow for a more safer, carefree counterattack of 
           -Guard Attack: Implicates the attributes of a Light guard, for you will 
                          be protected against high and mid attacks. The only thing 
                          that'll stop you is a low attack, a throw, and a Guard Break 
           -Non-Moving Throw: While this isn't its name, it should be for you won't be 
                          left open if you miss. Done by pressing both punch and R1 
                          (Heavy guard) buttons together, this works like a regular 
                          throw, except that you won't know if you're doing it right 
                          unless it actually works. There is no miss animation, so 
                          you don't have to be worry about attempting a throw.
           -Canceling Command Moves: By pressing the R1 (Heavy guard) button when doing 
                          any of the quarter-circle attacks, you can cancel them at 
                          mid point. This is helpful for faking out the opposition, 
                          canceling an attack done by accident, or just canceling an 
                          attack because the situation no longer calls for. While its 
                          easier to do this with a Guard Attack, it may not be so with 
                          another attack. 

        Mentioned before were moves called "Guard Break", which could only be blocked with 
a Heavy guard. Guard Breaks are attacks that flash with light before execution. This can 
range from a single attack to a combo attack to even a Command move. While there's a handful 
when in human form, almost most of your attacks will turn into Guard Breaks, making it 
difficult to rely on a Light guard. While it's quite difficult to try and memorize each 
character and which attack is a Guard Break and which'll turn into a Guard Break once 
beastorized, the only way to avoid them is through good judgement and the Heavy guard button. 


V) "Beastorized" System

        Just like its predecessor, the Beast Button is still present, allowing each character 
to transform into their "beast" form. However, there's alot of neat tricks added to 
-TRANSFORM!: Like in BR1, you can transform in the standard method, which is standing still 
and hitting the Beast button. This can also be done in the air as well.

-DASH & TRANSFORM!: Again, this method is still in the game. Just run and hit the Beast button 
to "beastorize" and charge in at the same time.

-ATTACK & TRANSFORM!: If you want to transform safely, but not obviously, do one of the Command 
moves while hitting the Beast button. You'll execute your Beast Command move and transform at 
the same time. Good for surprise attacks and getting into Beast mode without any problems.

-COMBO & TRANSFORM! : Within the middle of a combos, hitting the Beast button will allow you 
to transform while continuing the assault. This can only be done in some combos, which have 
an extension to adding in Beast combos and attacks. With this, the opposition will have to 
keep guessing the outcome of your assault as you trip them up and take control! 

        It's now important to frequently change into Beast mode, for it possesses alot of 
advantages that you won't have as a human. These features are:
               -Attacks are now stronger as a beast
               -Characters' jumping skills increase
               -Characters can jump off walls
               -Recover health into the temporary damage (white area) of your life gauge
               -There are more cancel points (canceling attacks into Command attacks)
               -Attacks have more power to knock foes away & higher in the air
               -Characters can take more damage(?)
               -All attacks will now take off block damage. This depends on the character 
                when they're a beast and the attack executed. Each attack may either take off
                health, or both health & the temporary damage in your life gauge.

        The Beast gauge will fill up on its own, along with executing attacks and taking 
damage as well. This makes it easier to transform into a beast frequently. However, once a 
beast, your Beast gauge will go down not only if you take damage, but if you're blocking 
attacks, so be careful.


VI) Beast Drive: Savage Instant Kill 

        The newest and best feature to be put into the Bloody Roar series is the "Beast 
Drive". The "Beast Drive" is an all-out attack that does big damage onto the opposition 
if they get hit. To execute this, first you have to be in Beast mode. After that, you just 
have to do is input the motion that corresponds with the Beast Drive. (different for each 
character) Doing this move will turn the screen black and use up all your energy from your
Beast gauge, (whether it be a full gauge or a nearly empty gauge) returning you back to 
human after the move ends. If the Beast Drive misses, you'll automatically turn into a 
human and be left open for an attack. To avoid this, tag this into a combo that can be 
canceled into a Command attack. Be careful while using this move and go for the kill!


VII) Secrets And Custom Features

        Note that all of these were obtained on Lvl 4. All the Custom mode features, except 
for "Model Type" features, were obtained by using Bakuryu. (I used Yugo for that feature) 
These are all the secrets that I've found at the moment. There's more, (I'm sure of it) 
but I've yet to find them:

               1) Beat Arcade Mode to get Gado (Continue if necessary)
               2) Beat Arcade Mode with no continues to:
                             -Fight Shen Long in the "Special Stage"
                             -Get Shen Long (You have to win. If you lose, you won't 
                                             obtain him)
                             -Get Ending #1 (Can be watched at the "Movies and Pictures" 
               3) Beat Story Mode to get "Model Type" (Continue if necessary)
               4) Beat Story Mode to get "Recovery Speed" (No Continues)
               5) Beat 15 & up characters in Survival Mode to get "Any Cancel Point"
               6) Beat Arcade with each character to get 4th costume
                             (Press Start at the selection screen in any mode)


VIII) Revisions and Ending Words

Revision History:

-(2/12/99) My first attempt at an FAQ!!! Lacking in a lot, it's kind of hard to call 
           this an "FAQ". At the moment, I'm only putting up an explanation on the 
           game modes, functions, and secrets. 


        As can be seen, there's not much in this FAQ. However I plan add a lot of 
stuff to make this really usable. Here's what I plan to add:

               -Characters and their personal profiles
               -Move list
               -VS strategies
               -Costume colors
               -Explanation on Custom features
               -Translate speech and comments in the game
               -Change the format for this FAQ

        Keep checking this FAQ daily, for it'll soon be finished. That's that!


"Aaah!! Blood came out of my nose!" - Uriko Nonomura