Fire Pro Gaiden BLAZING TORNADO by Human Entertainment for the SEGA SATURN released 1995 in Japan Fire Pro Gaiden Blazing Tornado English Guide v1.0 Copyright © 1997 FPORG Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Fire Pro Gaiden Blazing Tornado Copyright © 1995 Human Corporation ____________________________________________________________________________ Fire Pro Gaiden Blazing Tornado English Guide v1.0 by BTFight Last Upadated on: March 6, 1997 Special thanks to IH Kage, for whose efforts without, this guide would never have been possible. If you want to post this on your website, please do the courtesy of letting me know before you do it. And also, if you post this in a public forum, give credit where credit is due. And finally, this document is copyrighted and legally protected from unauthorized copying and distribution (meaning I can and will sue you and your ISP if I find out that you've been selling, copying or distributing contents of this file without my permission). ____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Blazing Tornado "The Neo Heroic Wrestlers" was originally a four player Japanese arcade game which was ported over to the Sega Saturn in 1995. What features the Saturn version lost in the conversion was the 4 player option, as the home version is only for 2 Players. This title is a fun "arcade-style" fantasy pro-wrestling video game with nice hand-drawn 2-D sprites reminiscent of Japanese Anime art. The amount of characters to select from in this game is minuscule compared to it's Fire Pro cousins. However, decent game play makes up for the lack of player selection. You can use one of 8 (9 with the boss code) pro-wrestlers who originate from all corners of the globe to contend for the vacant H.W.F. (Heroic Wrestling Federation) Neo Heroic Championship. The control is a bit harder to master than current Fire Prowrestling games and the "Special Moves" are tougher to pull off than some of those fighting games that are currently out. The following is a partial translation of the actual instruction manual itself. Keep in mind that I am not Japanese, nor am I fluent in the Japanese language. If there are any mistakes you find, feel free to correct me on it. Now onto the manual... ____________________________________________________________________________ CIRCUIT MODE 1 player game mode in a quest for the Neo Heroic Championship ELIMINATION MODE Team single elimination matches. ____________________________________________________________________________ POWER BATTLE MODE Endurance game where one wrestler faces all. INSTRUCTION MODE How to play the game OPTION MODE Configure the game to suit your tastes ____________________________________________________________________________ FIGHT SCENE CONTROLS -Control Pad D-Pad Wrestler movement Recover while downed or being pinned (Spin around) Start Button Pause game, 2nd player join in. A button Small Attack B button Big Attack C button Run, Pin opponent X button Appeal Performance Y button Not used Z button ? MENU CONTROLS D-Pad Move cursor Start Button Confirm selection A button Confirm selection B button Cancel selection C button Confirm selection X button Not used Y button Not used Z button Not used L/R button Wrestler Auto Select/Menu Tips ____________________________________________________________________________ GRAPPLE OFFENSE The wrestler with the best timing at grapple will get offense. Execute the button combinations as both wrestlers touch. MATCH RULES A match can be won by 1. 3 count fall (pin) 2. Give up (submission) 3. Outside Ring out (count out) If a match goes to the time limit, the player with the most energy will be awarded the decision. If the match ends in a Dual Ring out (Double Count out) Sudden Death will take place and the winner is determined by whoever scores the first knockdown for a TKO victory. ____________________________________________________________________________ WRESTLER MOVEMENT -Stand position Strike with A or B button Guard against opponent's striking attack by holding down the A button Hammer throw (throw opponent into the ropes) by grappling with opponent and pressing D-Pad + C Button. -Ground position Fall (pin) press C button to cover opponent press C button to release pin or submission hold. Ground technique press B button while opponent is downed press A button to pick up a downed opponent. ____________________________________________________________________________ -Option position While running, press A or B button to attack To climb the post, press D-Pad towards + A or B button press A or B to attack from the top Corner Attack, use a hammer throw to whip the opponent to the corner, while he's standing dazed, press D-Pad towards Foreign Objects D-Pad Toward Ringside Barrier + A or B button Climb back into the ring D-Pad Towards Ring + A or B button Recover when downed or dazed When an opponent knocks you down or picks you up after knocking you down, you can recover much faster if you rotate the D-Pad in a circular motion. ____________________________________________________________________________ DAIJIRO ZAMA Age: 24 Height: 190cm Weight: 108kg Blood Type: O Extraction: Japan MOVES: -Standing A High Kick - Distance) Middle Kick - Close) B Dropkick C Run X Performance -Running A Dropkick B Counter Hatate -Dive to outside (Stand halfway across from ring ropes)Run + hold down B Daijiro Rocket -Corner charge attack Jumping Knee Pat -Corner post Blue/Red Corner A Diving Elbow drop B Diving Head butt Neutral Corners A Diving Double Leg Knee drop B Flying Body press (Top Rope Splash) -Front Grapple A Reverse Backhand Chop A + Neutral Knee Kick A + Up Short Open Hand Jabs A + Down Body slam B Neck breaker Drop B + Up Brain buster B + Neutral Uranage B + Down Power bomb (Hold) -Back Grapple A Face Crusher B Backdrop (belly to back suplex) Back Counter Flying Mare Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Stomping Legs Back Prawn Hold (Boston Crab) SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple New Arrow Crush D-Pad Back, Towards, Back, Towards + A & B buttons BARON FIREBIRD Age: 32 Height: 182cm Weight: 95kg Blood Type: AB Extraction: France MOVES: -Standing A Middle Kick - Distance) Low Kick - Close) B Rolling Sole butt C Run X Performance -Running A Dropkick B Frankensteiner -Dive to outside (Stand halfway across from ring ropes)Run + hold down B Baron Special (Sasuke Special 1) -Corner charge attack Somersault Kick -Cornerpost Blue/Red Corner A Diving double knee press B Moonsault Press Neutral Corners A Diving double knee press B Moonsault Press -Front Grapple A Elbow smash A + Neutral Flying Mare A + Up Head Butt A + Down Body slam B Quebradala Con Hiro (Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker) B + Up Kamisoli Brain buster (Dynamite Kid style snap suplex) B + Neutral Double Arm Suplex B + Down Baron Bomb (Jumping Bomb or Lyger Bomb) -Back Grapple A Shoulder Neck breaker Drop B German Suplex Hold Back Counter Kangoru Kick (mule kick) Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Sunset Flip Legs Romero Special SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Eiffel De Parachute D-Pad Back, Back-Down, Down, Down-Towards, Towards + A & B buttons ____________________________________________________________________________ WOLF McSCHNEIDER Age: 23 Height: 177 Weight: 87 Blood Type: A Extraction: Sweden MOVES: -Standing A High Kick - Distance) Low Kick - Close) B Dragon Kick C Run X Performance -Running A Dropkick B Quebradala Con Hiro -Dive to outside None -Corner charge attack Flying Elbow -Corner post None -Front Grapple A Araite A + Neutral Leg Tackle A + Up Back Round Kick A + Down Dragon Screw B Side Suplex (Gut-Wrench Suplex) B + Up Ipponzei B + Neutral Back switch German Suplex Whip B + Down Side Arm breaker (Wakigatame) -Back Grapple A Choke Sleeper Hold B Dragon Suplex (Hold) Back Counter Side Arm Breaker (Wakigatame) Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Crucifix Arm Breaker Legs STF (Step-over-Toe-hold-with-Facelock) SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Cross Bridge Hold D-Pad Back, Back-Down, Down, Down-Towards, Towards + A & B buttons JOHN BANTLINE SAIGO Age: 44 Height: 197cm Weight: 146kg Blood Type: B Extraction: Canada MOVES: -Standing A Front High Kick - Distance) Kick - Close) B Big Slap C Run X Performance -Running A Shoulder Tackle B Lariat -Dive to outside None -Corner charge attack ??? -Cornerpost None -Front Grapple A Hammer Blow (Forearm to neck) A + Neutral Single Leg Monkey Flip A + Up Single Leg Raise Head butt A + Down Hip Throw B Front Slam B + Up Ipponzei B + Neutral Front Neck Chanceree (sp?) B + Down Jumping Power bomb -Back Grapple A Uranage B Reverse Hold (Backslide) Back Counter Sweeping Kick (Leg sweep) Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Senton Legs Senton SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Ippon Suplex Grapple D-Pad 360 degree motion + A & B buttons ____________________________________________________________________________ HAYATE Age: ? Height: ? Weight: ? Blood Type: ? Extraction: Cuba MOVES: -Standing A Thrust Kick - Distance) Thigh Kick - Close) B Enzuigiri (Back Brain Kick) C Run X Performance -Running A Running Elbow B Jumping Knee Pat -Dive to outside (Stand halfway across from ring ropes)Run + hold down B Hayate Special (La Quebrada) -Corner charge attack Flying Knee Attack -Corner post Blue/Red Corner A Diving Double Leg Knee drop B Diving Head butt Neutral Corners A Diving Double Leg Knee drop B Diving Head butt -Front Grapple A Thrust to throat A + Neutral Flying Mare A + Up Body Knee lift A + Down Face Scratch B Tombstone Piledriver B + Up Monkey Flip B + Neutral Biting B + Down Northern Light Suplex Hold -Back Grapple A Reverse Brain buster B Hayate Suplex Hold (Tiger Suplex Hold) Back Counter Groin Kick Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Elbow drop Legs Kabel Naria (Romero Special w/ Dragon Sleeper) SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Head Express D-Pad Back, Towards, Back, Towards + A & B buttons HO YIN-LONG Age: 56 Height: 180cm Weight: 86kg Blood Type: B Extraction: Hong Kong MOVES: -Standing A High Kick - Distance) Low Kick - Close) B Flying Back Round Kick C Run X Performance -Running A Dragon Punch B Dragon Kick -Dive to outside None -Corner charge attack Lee Kick -Cornerpost Blue/Red Corner A Diving Elbow drop B Foot Stamp Neutral Corners A Diving Elbow drop B Foot Stamp -Front Grapple A Back fist A + Neutral Twin Back fist A + Up Face Knee lift A + Down Kakato Otoshi (Ax Kick) B Back Round Kick B + Up Fast Brain buster B + Neutral Body Sole butt B + Down Fisherman's Suplex (Hold) -Back Grapple A Kowlon Elbow (Commando Elbow) B German Suplex Hold Back Counter Sweeping Kick (Leg sweep) Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Double Leg Knee drop Legs Back Single Prawn Hold (Half Crab) SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Fists of Fury D-Pad Back, Towards, Back, Towards + A & B buttons ____________________________________________________________________________ ERIC STARBACK Age: 26 Height: 193cm Weight: 112kg Blood Type: A Extraction: New Zealand MOVES: -Standing A High Kick - Distance) Low Kick - Close) B Flying Neel Kick C Run X Performance -Running A Flying Clothesline B Power slam -Dive to outside None -Corner charge attack Lariat -Corner post Blue/Red Corner A Diving Elbow drop B Diving Knee drop Neutral Corners A Diving Elbow drop B Diving Knee drop -Front Grapple A Noggin Elbow A + Neutral Combination Punch A + Up Body Knee lift A + Down Lift Slam B Jumping Piledriver B + Up Cap Shoulder B + Neutral DDT B + Down Fisherman's Suplex (Hold) -Back Grapple A Atomic Drop B Small Slap German (Suplex Hold) Back Counter Flying Mare Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Eric Sleeper Hold (Dragon Sleeper) Legs Elbow drop SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Deadly Go Round D-Pad Away, Away-Down, Down, Up + A & B buttons JAILBREAKER BULLNOI Age: ? Height: 202cm Weight: 168kg Blood Type: O Extraction: America MOVES: -Standing A Kick - Distance) Lower Kick - Close) B Spinning Back fist C Run X Performance -Running A Body Splash B Rolling Hip Attack -Dive to outside (Stand halfway across from ring ropes)Run + hold down B Rolling Hip Attack -Corner charge attack Space Rolling Elbow -Corner post Blue/Red Corner A Diving Elbow drop B Diving Hip drop Neutral Corners A Diving double knee press B Moonsault Press -Front Grapple A Hammer Blow w/ Ball A + Neutral Knee Kick A + Up Head butt A + Down Bullnoi style Body slam (Back breaker slam) B Piledriver B + Up Brain buster Slam B + Neutral Jumping DDT B + Down Love Fire (Bear Hug) -Back Grapple A Enzui Lariat B Throwing German Suplex Back Counter Hip thrust Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Body press (Splash) Legs Leg Spread SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Bullnoi Stomper D-Pad 360 degree motion + A & B buttons ____________________________________________________________________________ HIZELSHUSTAT VON LUDWIG Age: ? Height: ? Weight: ? Blood Type: ? Extraction: Germany SECRET CODE TO PLAY AS THE BOSS CHARACTER: Normally to obtain this code, you would have to beat all 9 wrestlers in the Power Battle mode (hard), but thanks to VGABad Guy, there's no need to do that now! :) At the Wrestler Select screen, move the cursor to Ho Yin-Long (the Chinese old man to HAYATE's right) and press D-Pad Left + L, R and B buttons at the same time. You should see HAYATE's portrait turn into a shadow as confirmation that the code worked. NOTE: Ludwig cannot use any of the illegal objects available at ringside. MOVES: -Standing A Muay Thai High Kick - Distance) Muay Thai Low Kick - Close) B Abise Giri (Bicycle kick) C Run X Performance -Running A Ax Bomber (Forearm Lariat) B Ax Bomber (Forearm Lariat) -Dive to outside None -Cornerpost Blue/Red Corner A Swan Double Press B Swan Double Press Neutral Corners A Backward Diving Elbow drop B Backward Diving Elbow drop -Front Grapple A Iron Claw Tree(Submission) A + Neutral Lift Up Slam A + Up Heart Punch A + Down Bear Hug(Submission) B Cap Shoulder B + Up Polka Dance! ;) (This....ahem move actually does damage!) B + Neutral Powerful Uppercut B + Down One Hand Choke Slam -Back Grapple A Argentine Backbreaker Drop(Torture Rack Drop) B Twin Belly-To-Back Suplex -Back Counter Elbow Pat -Opponent downed (Press B button over while standing over opponent) Head Iron Claw (Submission) Legs Elbowdrop SPECIAL TECHNIQUE: -Front Grapple Blazing Tornado Super Uppercut Driver Up Down Up + AB ____________________________________________________________________________ Fire Pro Gaiden Blazing Tornado English Guide v1.0 Copyright © 1997 FPORG Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Fire Pro Gaiden Blazing Tornado Copyright © 1995 Human Corporation