Andere Lösungen

Blast Corps (e)


FYI, I found this and other N64 FAQs at

Hopefully it'll help answer many of the questions that keep coming up.


  Blast Corps


  Area FAQs

  General FAQs



  Each vehicle is graded in the following areas:
  Destructive Power (DP), Speed (S), and Ease of Use

   Vehicle                     DP S  EU
   Backlash                    A  C  D
   Ballista                    B  A  C
   Cars (Police, Van, etc.)    E  A  A
   Cyclone Suit                B  B  C
   J-Bomb                      A  B  B
   Ram Dozer                   B  B  A
   Skyfall                     B  A  B
   Side Swipe                  A  B  B
   Thunderfist Plus            B  B  C


  Area FAQs

  Argent Towers              Oyster Harbor
  Havoc District             Jade Plateau
  Tempest City               Salvage Wharf
  Beeton Tracks              Marine Quarter
  Echo Marches               Twilight Foundry
  Ironstone Mine             Cooter Creek
  Ebony Coast                Skeeries Sleek Streets
  Crystal Rift               Moraine Chase
  Glory Crossing


  Argent Towers

  1. How do I get all the vehicles in Argent Towers?

       First, use the Backlash to destroy all the
       buildings that it can. Then, use it to push the
       large grey block out from in front of the ramp.
       Get out of the Backlash, go down the ramp and
       get into the Ram Dozer. Use it to push the TNT
       block over to the wooden door. When the door is
       destroyed, get out of the Ram Dozer and climb
       into the Train (you won't be able to see it).
       Drive the Train through the tunnel until you
       get to the Ballista. Use the Ballista's
       missiles to destroy the wooden door down in the
       pit on the right side of the area. Get out of
       the Ballista, walk down the ramp into the pit
       and go through the long tunnel (you will only
       see your driver's shadow as he is walking
       underground) until you come to the J-Bomb.

  2. How do I destroy the flashing tower in Argent

       Use the Motorcycle's missiles to destroy the
       flashing tower. It is one of the buildings that
       must be destroyed to achieve 100%. How do I do
       find the Scientist in Argent Towers? The
       flashing tower is actually a marker for a
       hidden tunnel. Go back into the tunnel and you
       will find another tunnel going off to the left
       at the flashing tower. You will find a Police
       Car that will help you navigate the maze. The
       Scientist is at the end of the maze.

  3. How do I find the Scientist?

       The flashing tower is actually a marker for a
       hidden tunnel. Go back into the tunnel and you
       will find another tunnel going off to the left
       at the flashing tower. You will find a Police
       Car that will help you navigate the maze. The
       Scientist is at the end of the maze.


  Havoc District

  1. Why can't I get 100% of the buildings in this

       This course has some difficult things to find
       that need to be destroyed to earn 100%. There
       are four lights on the top of the bridge that
       need to be destroyed. Also, there is an island
       with RDUs and a lighthouse in the Southwest
       corner of the area. There are five silver balls
       out in the water that must destroyed as well.

  2. How do I get to those tunnels underneath the

       Use the J-Bomb to get on top of the cliff above
       the Semi. You will find a darker patch of grass
       near the cliff edge. Step on the patch and you
       will drop down to the tunnels. Use the Muscle
       Car to go down the next tunnel and more RDUs.


  Tempest City

  1. How do I get 100% of all the buildings?

       On the far right side of the area, you will
       find a large gray building with lights around
       its sides. If you shoot the middle part of the
       building, the light will go out. Keep shooting
       until you destroy that section of the building.
       It takes a lot of missiles, so it may not look
       like you are doing damage to it. When
       destroyed, you will have access to a ramp to
       get up to the top. You will find a
       Communication Tower, the rest of the Buildings
       and the first Scientist.


  Beeton Tracks

  1. How am I supposed to destroy that big building
  near the end of the tracks?

       This may be your first encounter with the
       Crane. You need to drive the Ram Dozer onto the
       Crane's platform, get out of the Ram Dozer and
       assume the controls of the Crane. Place the Ram
       Dozer on the other side of the tracks so that
       you can push the TNT Crate into the building.


  Echo Marches

  1. Where are the two Communication Towers?

       The first one you will probably find is near
       where you pick up the barge. The second one is
       a bit trickier to find. Near the Semi, if you
       look in the open field, you will find a tall,
       narrow tower of rock. There is a rock platform
       at the top of the tower. Use J-Bomb to fly up
       to it.

  2. What am I supposed to do with the arrows pointing
  to the train track and the moat?

       You will need to bring the Train over to the
       ramps and move the Barge to make a bridge. I
       suggest that you take your J-Bomb only to the
       first tunnel, exit the J-Bomb and run the Man
       through the tunnel to get to the train. That
       way, you won't have far to go to get back into
       the J-Bomb. You can drive the Muscle Car
       through the tunnel, but time is of the essence
       in this course!


  Ironstone Mine

  1. How do I find the Scientist in this course?

       You will need to use all of the vehicles
       availble in this stage. Near the end of the
       stage, you will find a Train that you will need
       to back-up all the way to the end of the
       tracks. Exit the train, cross the pedestrian
       bridge and follow the path unti you locate the
       Ram Dozer. Drive the Ram Dozer onto the Crane's
       platform. Set the platform down on the other
       side of the tracks. Use the Ram Dozer to push
       the TNT Crate into the large building. This
       will open a tunnel filled with RDUs. This is
       the hiding spot of the scientist.


  Ebony Coast

  1. How do I find the Scientist in this course?

       This is one of the trickier Scientists to find.
       Near the beginning of the stage, you will see
       some grey stones blocking the train track. To
       destroy the grey stones, use the Ram Dozer to
       push the TNT Crate into them. On the other side
       of the tunnel, you will see an "Easter Island"
       statue (J-Bomb is inside it). Once you have
       cleared the tracks, take the Ram Dozer and the
       Train all the way to the train station at the
       end of the tracks. Use the Ram Dozer to destroy
       the train station. Be careful not to activate
       the TNT Crate. When everything is cleared away,
       use the Ram Dozer to push the TNT Crate onto
       the Train's flatbed. Get out of the Ram Dozer,
       get into the Train and back it up all the way
       to the "Easter Island" statue. This TNT Crate
       has a slow detonation time, so you will have
       time to back it up all the way. Make sure to
       position the TNT Crate so that it is next to
       the statue. When the statue is destoyed, you
       will have access to the J-Bomb. The Scientist
       is in a hidden cove to the right of the tunnel
       that the Missile Truck drove through..

  2. How do I get 100% RDUs and Buildings?

       Using the J-Bomb, find the large island in the
       Northwest corner of this area. The island has a
       large "field hieroglyphic" of a man holding a
       spear. Near the there will be three more
       "Easter Island" statues and a bunch of RDUs
       near the northern tip of the island.


  Glory Crossing

[I1. How do I find the Scientist?

       If you drive straight ahead in the direction
       that the Semi is pointing, you will find a
       tunnel that goes to the Scientist.


  Crystal Rift

  1. How do I get the Van?

       Use the Ram Dozer to push the dark gray block
       out of the first tunnel. Keep pushing it to the
       other side of the road into the next tunnel.
       The block will fall into position and allow you
       to drive the Ram Dozer through the tunnel and
       get the Van.


  Oyster Harbor

  1. How am I supposed to get through this stage?!?

       Start off by using the Ballista's missiles to
       destroy the first set of containers in the
       Truck's path. Next, destroy the containers that
       block the path to the Ram Dozer. Exit the
       Ballista, run down the ramp and get into the
       Ram Dozer. Quickly clear the rest of the
       containers in the Truck's path. Clear a path to
       the right of where you got the Ram Dozer and
       you will find a number of TNT Crates. Exit the
       Ram Dozer, climb into the Crane and bring the
       platform around to the Ram Dozer. Exit the
       Crane, jump back into the Ram Dozer and use it
       to push a TNT Crate onto the platform. Exit the
       Ram Dozer, get back into the crane and swing
       the platform around so that the TNT Crate will
       be detonated on the middle of building.

       Note: This building can be destroyed piece by
       piece, so be sure to detonate the TNT Crate at
       the place indicated by the arrows! To detonate
       the TNT Crate, lower the platform onto the
       building. Exit the Crane, jump back into the
       Ram Dozer and drive to the new area that you've
       just opened up. You will see a bunch of holes
       in the ground that must be filled with the
       different shaped blocks. Use the Ram Dozer to
       push the first block into the first hole. Next,
       destroy the two blue-roofed buildings to the
       right of the first block/hole. You will see a
       hole that must be filled with the second block.
       This will give you access to two more blocks.

       You can save time by pushing both of these
       blocks into the main area at the same. Fill in
       the rest of the holes until you get to the last
       one. You will find the last block behind the
       two large, red fuel tanks over to the right of
       where all the holes are. The next obstacles are
       the three Barges that must be moved into
       position. Go past the first and second Barges
       and stop on the deck of the third. Get into the
       Barge, back it all the way up into position and
       then drive the Ram Dozer to the pedestrian
       bridge. Cross the bridge, run to the left to
       the second Barge and back it up into position.
       Depending on the postion of the Truck and its
       distance to the first Barge, this next step can
       be done before the Truck passes the first Barge
       or after. Drive the Ram Dozer onto the deck of
       the first Barge. Sail it all the way forward
       and use the Ram Dozer to push the TNT Crate
       onto the deck. Sail the Barge back into
       position for the Truck and push the TNT Crate
       all the way to the end. There will be a large
       building that can only be destroyed with the
       TNT Crate.

  2. How do I get the Scientist in this course?

       Once you have completed the area, go back in
       and work your way back to the Barges. As in the
       first time around, load the TNT Crate onto the
       first barge. Use the TNT Crate to destroy the
       white blocks that serve as the stopping point
       for the third Barge. Get back in the Barge and
       back it all the way up to the Scientist.


  Jade Plateau

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       Probably the Muscle Car since it doesn't lose
       any speed on the dirt or swamp. Using this car,
       you can take the shortcut to the right after
       you cross the first bridge without losing any


  Salvage Wharf

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       The Ram Dozer since it makes up in destructive
       power and ease of use from what it lacks in


  Marine Quarter

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       Probably the Van since it combines high speed
       with tight cornering; perfect for any race
       course on streets.


  Twilight Foundry

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

  Probably the Ram Dozer since it combines size (you
  won't have to run right over the RDU to activate it)
  and destructive power with easy handling.


  Cooter Creek

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

  Probably the Muscle Car since it doesn't lose speed
  in the off-road areas. You can cut across the rocks
  to shorten your laps.



  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       Probably the Van due to its high-speed and
       excellent handling. There is a short-cut after
       the second bridge. Look for the indentation on
       the rock wall and you can drive right through a
       hidden tunnel.


  Sleek Streets

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       The Van since it combines high speed with
       excellent handling.


  Moraine Chase

  1. What's the best vehicle to use?

       Probably the Muscle Car since it doesn't lose
       speed in the off-road areas. You can cut across
       the rocks to shorten your laps. If you cut
       across the rocks after the third stone "gate,"
       you can cut down on your lap time.



  Why can't I use the Sideswipe's jackhammer (or) the
  Ballista's missiles anymore?

       The jackhammer and missiles are limited items.
       If you run out, drive past an ammo crate to
       pick up more. Ammo crates are usually scattered
       throughout a stage that uses the Sideswipe or

  How do I know if I've found everything in a
  particular course?

       If you go back out to the World Map screen, the
       Course will be circled in Red. If it is circled
       in Green, then you have missed
       something--usually a Communication Tower.

  I went back in the stage, completed more of the
  goals, but now it doesn't show?

       If you go back into a stage to work on
       achieving 100% in all categories, make sure you
       exit the stage through the Semi. This is the
       only way to save your progress!

  What does this Radar do for me?

       The Radar in this game gives the general
       position of the Semi in relation to where you
       are located. If the Yellow Block (the Semi) is
       at the top of the Radar, then you need to go
       straight up to get to it.

  How do I get 100% in this Course!

       In order to grab the gold medal in each course,
       you'll need to get 100% in several categories.
       Luckily, most of the categories are linked in
       some way. First, you will need to destroy all
       of the builings. This, in turn, will allow you
       to locate all of the Survivors. Finally, you'll
       need to locate all the RDUs. This can be the
       most difficult category to complete since the
       RDUs are often well-hidden. Be sure to use all
       the available vehicles to search every square
       inch of the course. RDUs are often in groups,
       so make sure you didn't skip one in a long line
       of them. GPC Note: Check the Common Questions
       for the individual courses if someone is having
       a lot of difficulty finding 100% in a
       particular course.

  How do I erase the game on the Memory Chip?

       Press the Start button when you turn on the
       Nintendo 64. An Game Erase Option Screen will

-- end of FAQ --

Gene >>(<<