Andere Lösungen

Bloody Roar (Moves) (e)

Version: 1.0
Author: Dark Shadow

  1.  Notes
  2.  Versions
  3.  Gameplay
  4.  Move list conventions
  5.  Common moves
  6.  Individual character move lists


  - This move list is completely based on the PSX version of the game;
    I've been told that there is an arcade version, but I have never
    seen it in any of the arcades I go to (could be because down here
    in Australia we don't get arcade games until they are obsolete...)

  - Any corrections, additions, ideas, etc. are welcome.  Please email
    these to the address given at the bottom of this document.

  - Disclaimer: the author incurs no liability from public use or 
    misuse of this document.  The correctness and accuracy of the 
    contents of this document are not guaranteed, and the author will 
    not be liable for any damage resulting from errors or ommissions.

  - The latest version of this FAQ can be found at


  - Ver. 1.0 (current version): Added moves for normal characters.
    Completed: November 1997.


  - The game combines elements of both Tekken and Virtua Fighter; having
    the PPK combos of Virtua Fighter and the special move styles of
  - Gameplay takes place inside a ring, although the fighting itself is
    2 dimensional (some characters, however, have moves which move them
    into and out of the screen).
  - Underneath the stamina bar is the "beast bar" (again, I have no idea
    what the proper name of this is).  When there is a "B" at the end of
    the bar, then by pressing the "B" button, the character transforms
    into its beast form.  A little energy is healed when this happens.
  - In the beast form, the moves do more damage, but the character is
    slightly slower.


P:		Punch button
K:		Kick button
B:		Beast button
lowercase dir:	Tap direction; only hold for that attack
UPPERCASE DIR:	Hold direction; hold until stated otherwise
X, Y:		Button X then button Y
X/Y:		Button X or button Y
X+Y:		Button X and button Y
running		While running (f, F obviously)

KD:		Knocks opponent down
FA:		Faces away (turns you around)
floats:		Floats opponent
throw:		Will execute a throw routine


Common moves:
f, f		Dash forward
f, F		Run
b, b		Dash backward
d, D		Low crouch (will stay for about 1 sec.)
P+K		Throw

Air attacks:
f+P/b+P		(in air) Descending mid slam (KD)
f+K		(in air) Double foot kick & backward roll (KD)
b+K		(in air) Back double foot kick & forward roll
d+P		(just before landing) Rushing low punch (KD)
d+K		(just before landing) Sweep



P		Head jab			
f+P		Mid swipe			
df+P		Rising mid swipe		
d+P		Low punch			
db+P		Double low attack (FA)		
b+P		Turning mid slap		
ub/u/uf+P	Flip over opponent		
K		High Kick			
f+K		Step-in high kick (KD)		
df+K		Mid kick			
d+K		Low kick			
db+K		Standing sweep (KD)		
b+K		Roundhouse kick (KD)		
ub/u/uf+K	Flip kick (KD)			

Beast mode:
B		Mid kick
f+B		Step-in mid jab
df+B		Low claw (KD)
d+B		Low jab
db+B		Double leg low kick (KD)
b+B		Turning backhand swipe (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Air pounce

While facing away:
d/db+K	  	Sweep (KD)
K		Descending mid kick (KD)
d/db+B		Sweep (KD)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Triple mid strike
QCB+P		Charge-up rising backhand strike
QCF+K		Rising kick
QCB+K		Rising windmill kick
QCF+B		Charging double-claw swipe
QCB+B		Roll back (Press B while rolling to do jumping attack)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Charging leg sweep
running +K 	Charging forward flip head stomp
running +B	Flying headbutt
f, f+P		Rushing mid strike
f, f+K		Rushing knee
f, f+B		Forward flip slam

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Rising slap uppercut
K		2 hit leg sweep
B		Hind leg kick

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Double ground strike
d+K		Ground kick
d+B		Ground swipe

P, P, P, P			B, B, B, B
P, P, P, d + K			f+B, B
P, P, K				P, P, B, B
P, K
df+P, P
d+K, K
D+K, K
f+P, P, P, b + K
f+P, P, P, d + K
u+P, P
U+P, P
f, f+K, K



P		High Punch
f+P		Strong high punch
df+P		Turning low punch (FA)
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Mid attack (similar to Wang's "bowling" punch)
b+P		Charge-up double palm (KD)
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping head strike
K		Back leg high kick
f+K		Forward double-hit jumping roundhouse (KD)
df+K		Mid kick
d+K		Low kick
db+K		Sweep kick (KD)
b+K		Forward roundhouse kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+K	Jumping reverse roundhouse kick (KD)

Beast mode:
B		High slash
f+B		Descending back leg slam (KD)
df+B		Double claw slash sweep (KD)
d+B		Low slash
db+B		Back leg sweep (KD, FA)
b+B		Back leg kick-up (KD, FA)
ub/u/uf+B	Flip kick (KD)

While facing away:
K		Roundhouse kick (KD)
d/db+B		Low swipe (KD)
B		Back slam (KD)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Charging high punch
QCB+P		Charge-up mid elbow
QCF+K		Jumping double kick
QCB+K		Head stomp (head stomp throw if at correct range)
QCF+B		Diving neck throw (at correct range)
QCB+B		Earthquake stomp

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Charging mid punch
running +K 	Flying kick
running +B	Flying somersault attack
f, f+P		Rushing mid elbow
f, f+K		Step-in sweep
f, f+B		Uppercut slash

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P, P		Uppercut, descending strike
K		Handspring rising kick
B		Lifting attack

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Ground punch
d+K		Ground stomp
d+B		Ground slash

P, P,		High punch, mid punch,
  - P		  - Mid forearm hit,
    - P		    - Open stance high attack
    - K		    - Rising mid kick
    - d+P	    - Spinning low punches
    - f+K	    - Head kick
    - d+K	    - Leg kick
  - f+P		  - Straight mid punch
  - f+K		  - Head kick

P, K		High punch, high kick,
  - d+K		  - Low reverse sweep kick
  - Forward finishing move

f+P		Strong high punch
  - P		  - Open stance high attack
  - K		  - Rising mid kick

K		Back leg high kick
  - d+P		  - Spinning low punches
  - d+K		  - Leg kick

From Rising mid kick:
  - f+P		- Straight mid punch
  - d+P		- Spinning low punches
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Spinning low punches:
  - f+K		- Head kick
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Head kick:
  - P		- Open stance head punch
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Open stance high attack:
  - d+K		- Leg kick
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Leg kick:
  - f+P		- Straight mid punch
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Straight mid punch:
  - d+K		- Leg kick
  - B		- Descending backhand claw
  - Any finishing move

From Descending backhand claw:
  - B		- Spinning roundhouse kick (KD, FA)
  - d+B		- Low swipe (KD)
  - f+B		- Lifting attack (floats)

Finishing moves (knock opponent down):
  Back finishing moves:
    - b+P 	- Charging slam
    - b+K 	- 2 kicks
  Forward finishing moves:
    - f, f+P	- Reverse body slam
    - f, f+K	- Forward flip kick



P		High punch
f+P		Turning mid swipe
df+P		Rising mid strike
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Leg strike (FA)
b+P		Turning mid backhand
ub/u/uf+P	Jump over opponent
K		High kick
f+K		Forward flip kick
df+K		Shin kick
d+K		Low kick
db+K		Sweep (KD)
b+K		Revolving side kick
ub/u/uf+K	Flip kick

Beast mode:
B		High slash
f+B		Step-in mid slash
df+B		Slide (KD)
d+B		Low slash
db+B		Uppercut slash (KD)
b+B		Step-back double-claw slash (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Jump-in slam (KD)

While facing away:
K		Turning roundhouse (KD)
d/db+K		Sweep (KD)
B		Turning slash (KD)
d/db+B		Quick crawl away

Special moves:
QCF+P		Air throw (opponent must be at correct range in the air.  Usually 
will only work in 				beast mode).
QCB+P		Charge-up mid palm
QCF+K		Ninja disappear: appear behind opponent (from correct range)
QCB+K		Ninja disappear: spinning move in front of opponent
QCF+B		Stab and slash (throw: this one is really cool if you have blood on)
QCB+B		Slashing uppercut (floats)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Charging leg sweep
running +K	Running jump kick
running +B	Diving attack and spring back (FA)
f, f+P		Rushing double palm
f, f+K		Rising kick
f, f+B		Rushing double claw

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Mid strike
K, K		Rising face kick, forward flip kick
B		Low double swipe

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Ground punch
d+K		Ground kick
d+B, B, B, B, B	Ground slashes		

P, P, P, P, f+P			B, B, B
P, P, P, u+P			B, B, d+B
P, P, P, d+K, P			B, B, d+K, K, K
P, P, d+K, P
P, P, K, K
P, P, K, d+K
P, K, K, K
K, K, K
df+P, P
df+P, K
df+K, K, K
f + K, b + K
f, f+K, K, K



P		High punch
f+P		Mid punch (strong)
df+P		Mid punch (weak)
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Turning low punch
b+P		Turning high punch
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping elbow slam (KD)
K		High kick
f+K		Axe kick (KD)
df+K		Mid kick
d+K		Low kick
db+K		Sweep (KD)
b+K		Spinning kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+K	Flying spinning kick (KD)

Beast mode:
B		Mid slash
f+B		Jumping double slash
df+B		Low swipe
d+B		Lifting attack (floats)
db+B		Low kick-out (FA)
b+B		Turning backhand swipe (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Flip kick (KD)

While facing away:
K		Turn around kick (KD)
d/db+K		Standing sweep (KD)
B		Turning claw (KD)
d/db+K		Rising handspring kick (floats)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Rushing elbow
QCB+P		Charge-up uppercut
QCF+K		Jumping knee
QCB+K		Flip kick
QCF+B		Neck rip (throw, FA)
QCB+B		Jump back (if close enough to a wall, press P or B to
		attack off the wall, or B to jump off the wall)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Rushing attack
running +K	Rushing sweep
running +B	Somersault face stomp
f, f+P		Jumping uppercut (FA)
f, f+K		Rushing knee
f, f+B		Claw slam

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Uppercut (floats)
K, K		Double axe kick
B		Rising uppercut (floats)

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Ground punch
d+K		Ground kick

P, P, P, K			B, B, B
P, P, K				P, P, B
P, K, K				DB+B, B
K, K
DF+P, P, P, P
df+K, K
D+K, K
B+P, P, P



P		High punch
f+P		Elbow
df+P		Mid punch
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Turn-around low punch
b+P		Turn-aroung elbow
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping chop (KD)
K		High side kick
f+K		Knee
df+K		Mid roundhouse kick
d+K		Low kick
db+K		Sweep (KD)
b+K		High reverse roundhouse kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+K	Jumping face stomp kick (KD)

Beast mode:
B		High swipe
f+B		Mid stab
df+B		Pouncing double claw swipe
d+B		Low slash
db+B		Back leg sweep (KD, FA)
b+B		Reverse roundhouse kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Flip kick (KD)

While facing away:
K		Back kick (KD)
d/db+K		Sweep (KD)
B		Kick-out mid stomp (KD)
d/db+K		Low slash

Special moves:
QCF+P		Double hit & toss (throw)
QCB+P		Charge-up power punch
QCF+K		Double axe kick
QCB+K		Charge-up triple kick
QCF+B		Neck rip & slash (throw)
QCB+B		Uppercut slash (floats)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Running tackle
running +K	Rushing sweep
running +B	Running dive
f, f+P		Shoulder charge
f, f+K		Rushing knee
f, f+B		Jumping headbutt

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P, P		Double uppercut (floats)
K		Rising kick (floats)
B		Rolling low swipe

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Jumping ground elbow
d+K		Ground kick

P, P			B, B, B
f+P, P, P		f+B, B
f+P, K			d+B, B
df+P, P
b+P, P
K, K, K
f+K, K, K



P		High punch
f+P		High slam (KD)
df+P		Mid punch
d+P		Low jab
db+P		Mid backhand
b+P		Double descending strike
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping strike
K		Face stomp kick
f+K		Step-in mid kick
df+K		Low kick (front leg)
d+K		Shin kick
db+K		Low kick (back leg)
b+K		Back lifting kick (floats)
ub/u/uf+K	Jumping rising kick (floats)

Beast mode:
B		Face swipe
f+B		Backhand
df+B		Double hammer (KD)
d+B		Low slash
db+B		Low double claw swipe
b+B		Face slap (FA)
ub/u/uf+B	Lifting slap (floats)

While facing away:
K		Turn-around kick (KD)
d/db+K		Sweep (KD)
B		Mid backhand (KD)
d/db+K		Low power punch (KD)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Leg grab & swing throw
QCB+P		Wind up punch (keep holding back and tapping P)
QCF+K		Lifting throw (forward)
QCB+K		Charge-up kick
QCF+B		Grab & triple slam throw
QCB+B		Lifting throw (backward)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Low dive
running +K	Flying face stomp
running +B	Charging belly hit (for lack of a better name...)
f, f+P		Dashing hammer
f, f+K		Flying kick (FA)
f, f+B		Mid punch

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Lifting strike (floats)
K		Leg stomp
B		Lifting throw (backward)

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Jumping ground elbow
d+K		Ground kick

P, P, P			B, B, B
df+P, P, P		B, f+B
D+P, K, K		B, d+B
u+P, P
P, K
b+K, K



P		Face attack
f+P		Fast head punch (KD)
df+P		Lifting middle punch (KD)
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Overhead mid swipe
b+P		Double fist slam (KD)
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping double fist slam (KD)
K		High kick
f+K		Mid knee
df+K		Shin kick
d+K		Low kick
db+K		Sweep (of sorts; KD)
b+K		Reverse roundhouse kick (FA)
ub/u/uf+K	Jumping face kick

Beast mode:
B		Headbutt
f+B		Knee
df+B		Rush-in lifting sweep (floats)
d+B		Lifting shoulder (floats)
db+B		Low charge (KD)
b+B		Charging headbutt (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Jump-in slam (KD)

While facing away:
b+K		Jump back attack (KD, still FA)
d/db+K		Standing sweep (KD)
B		Mid back stomp kick (KD)
d/db+B		Low swipe (KD)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Neck slam (throw)
QCB+P		Charge-up head strike
QCF+K		Neck throw (King style throw)
QCB+K		Earthquake stomp
QCF+B		Lift & smash throw
QCB+B		Wind up (repeatedly tap B to attack for 9 hits)

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Shoulder charge
running +K 	Rushing low double foot kick
running +B	Diving headbutt
f, f+P		Turning mid punch
f, f+K		Rushing forward kick
f, f+B		Rushing headbutt
b, b+B		Dash back, charge in, lifting headbutt (floats)

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Jumping uppercut
K		Strong rising kick
B		Head-first slide

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Ground punch
d+K		Ground stomp
d+B		Horn ground attack

P, P, P			B, B, f+B
P, P, K			P, P, B, B, f+B
P, P, d+K		B, B, d+B, B
K, P			P, P, B, B, d+B, B
db+P, P
f+P, K
f+K, K
DF+K, K, K



P		High punch
f+P		Strong mid slash
df+P		Mid punch
d+P		Low punch
db+P		Spinning leg punch
b+P		Retreat & mid punch
ub/u/uf+P	Jumping head attack
K		High kick
f+K		Forward flip kick
df+K		Shin kick
d+K		Low lick
db+K		Turning leg kick (FA)
b+K		Fast reverse roundhouse kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+K	Jumping rising kick (KD)

Beast mode:
B		High punch
f+B		Jump kick
df+B		Low leg stomp kick (KD)
d+B		Low punch
db+B		Turning low kick
b+B		Jumping double foot stomp kick (KD)
ub/u/uf+B	Forward flip kick (KD)

While facing away:
K		Turning mid kick (KD)
d/db+K		Sweep (KD)
B		Jumping back stomp kick (KD)
d/db+B		Low punch-sweep (KD)

Special moves:
QCF+P		Rising spin attack
QCB+P		Charge-up mid forearm attack
QCF+K		Handstand flip kick
QCB+K		Flip kick
QCF+B		Jump-in head throw
QCB+B		Jump & land kick attack

Rushing attacks:
running +P	Shoulder charge
running +K 	Slide attack
running +B	Run-up flip kick
f, f+P		Rushing low punch
f, f+K		Rushing knee
f, f+B		Dashing rising kick (floats)

Crouching attacks (from d, D position):
P		Rising double fist strike
K		Backward handstand flip kick
B		Somersault handspring kick (floats)

Ground attacks (opponent on ground):
d+P		Double fist ground attack
d+K		Splits kick
d+B		Jumping somersault splits kick

K, K, f+K			B, B, B, f+B
K, K, b+K			B, B, B, b+B
K, K, d+K			B, B, B, d+B
P, P, P, f+P
P, P, P, d+P
P, P, P, b+K
P, K, K, b+K
P, K, K, d+K
d+K, K
D+K, K
b+P, P, K
b+P, K
df+P, P
db+P, K
f+K, b+K


- I would appreciate any extra info that you might have on the game.  
  Of particular need are any cheats, codes, extra moves and combos.
- E-mail to Dark Shadow at: