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Bio Freaks (e)

Bio Freaks FAQ ver 1


Well, Bio Freaks certainly isn't by any means an orthodox
fighting game, quite frankly it spawns the use of the word
orthodox.  Bio Freaks is set in a fully 3D environment, with
quasi-limited 3D action.  The quasi is tagged on because as a
rule the game must be broken down into two modes, ground and
airborne.  On the ground you have Tekken style movement with
specific sidestepping buttons or techniques.  In the air it
becomes more or less real 3D, similar to that of Bushido Blade. 
The battle arenas make use of dangerous obstacles such as lava
pools, toxic ooze pits, huge buzz saws, and many of the arenas
are multi-leveled, some being 3 storied with some raised areas
above that.  Many of the pre-release previews and reviews account
much of the gameplay to ranged, such was the case with games like
Psychic Force.  In fact, I have owned Psychic Force, and now own
Bio Freaks, and there is a distinct difference.  Granted many of
the special techniques in Bio Freaks are long ranged, and there
is a distinct element of run and shoot, or in Sabotage's case,
load and wait, but Bio Freaks, when played with some skill,
relies much more on close combat. Unfortunately for the game, the
close combat isn't quite as detailed as in such games as Tekken
or Virtua Fighter, but it still holds enough on its own.  In a
sense, Bio Freaks takes up where Midway left off with God Wars,
adding more moves, more distinct characters, and a lot more blood
and carnage, with the exception of less fatalities.  Many have
claimed, and many will claim that Bio Freaks is God Wars meets
Time Killers and a jet pack, and they are correct.

Basic Fighting:

There are two types of combat, close and long ranged, accompanied
with two types of damage, physical and fire.

Close Ranged:

Each character has a very limited amount of combos, which act and
feel very much like God Wars fighting.  When at close range, you
can pummel away with combos, but of course you must be wary of
those who would block.  The combos don't seem to vary very much
with low and high hits, allowing nearly every combo to be blocked
with a crouch block.  This is in fact an easy way to score some
hits, block low and wait for a window, but one must be aware that
throws work regardless of standing position, and the computer, or
a smart player, will use that on would-be turtles.
Note: All combos score physical damage, so shields don't do much
good at close range.

Long Range:

All long ranged combat inflicts fire damage, with the exception
of a few techniques, such as Minotek's mace throw, or those nasty
teleport hits Purge and Ssapo have.  This is where long range
combat lacks enough to sustain descent fire fights.  All one
needs to do is raise the shield, and all fire related damage is
canceled out, with the exception of certain techniques such as
Sabotage's shield breaker ammo.  You CAN run down the clock by
running away and shooting or tossing bombs, but in the long run
it wont accomplish much of anything, unless your opponent isn't
smart enough to raise their shields often enough.

Airborne vs. Ground combat:

The inclusion of the airborne element certainly sets this game
apart.  Specific techniques can be performed in the air, as well
as the increased use of 3D space.  It becomes much easier to
dodge attacks in the air, and for some reason people aren't as
likely to raise a shield when someone takes flight, making it
much easier to commit to a fire fight.  One bad thing about
flying is the limited supply of jet you actually do possess.  It
doesn't last long, spurt hovering takes a great amount of
practice and still wastes fuel quickly, and once you've used the
extent of your fuel, your jets become damaged and you are
flightless for a small amount of time.  With all that in mind,
fly cautiously and it can pay off in the long run.

Move lists:

Well, with the basic mechanics out of the way, we can get down to
strategies and moves for each character.  There will be more
strategies listed for those characters I favor, but that's life
isn't it?  Also note that all of these moves, with the exception
of the combos and a few of the mutilations can be found within
the game itself, but I'd like a printed copy myself to review
mid-game, so you get one as well.


The combo system generally doesn't follow the tree system like
Tekken or Star Gladiator, and it also doesn't follow the strict
one combo system that War Gods had.  It's more or less a system
with a few small combos, some that lead into special techniques,
and one large combo.  As a rule, a combo has truly ended when
some small sparks fly from the opponent's body, which means some
that I have found aren't complete combos I am suspecting, but who
knows at this point.

Strategies for Playing the Computer:

Well, the turtle-combo strategy works well until the Mutilator,
whereas combos just don't do anything to her.  The easiest 
way I've come to beat her is to fly away and keep lobbing
whatever you have at her:

Sabotage's   Spears
Minotek's    Shockwave
Zipperhead's Grenades
Bullzeye's   Skull bombs
Psyclown's   Balloon mines/shield
Delta's      Hover Lock
Ssapo's      Puke Cannon
Purge's      Fire-something 

Moves Key:

Lp  - Left Punch
Rp  - Right Punch
Lk  - Left Kick
Rk  - Right Kick
U   - Up
D   - Down
F   - Forward
B   - Back
Hcf - Half Circle Forward    < B,DB,D,DF,F >
Hcb - Half Circle Back      < F,DF,D,DB,B >
Qcf - Quarter Circle Forward < D,DF,F >
Qcb - Quarter Circle Back   < D,DB,B >
f   - Fire
T   - Thrust
+   - Press at the same time as < ie - Lk+f >
_   - Press quickly after       < ie - Lk_f >

All Physical Moves have a P next to the name, the rest are fire.

General Moves:

Normal Fire
Activate Shield
Forward Dash
Upward Fire
Set Up                                                               f


Ground Techniques:

Triple Grenade
Hi-Low Attack
Plasma Rain
Rocket Climb
Dive, Roll, Shoot
Skull Bomb
Charge Forward, Shoot
Energy Drain
Slide Away, Shoot
Triple Skull Bomb
Left Grenade
Right Grenade
Shoulder Charge 

Plasma Storm Nuke Bomb Strafe Right, Shoot Strafe Left, Shoot Dance Freak Dance Foot Stomp

Jump Back, Shoot Airborne Techniques: Left Air Grenade Right Air Grenade Air Skull Bomb Mutilations: Rolling Arm Chop Spin and Decap Hcf+Rp+f Hcf+Rp+Lp U+Rp+Lp Hcf+f B,F+f Hcb+Rk B,F+Rp+Lp F,B+Lp B,B+Rp+Lp U+Lk+Rk B+Lp B+Rp B,F+Lp D,U+f F,Hcf+Rp Rp+Rk+f Lp+Lk+f B+Lk+Rk Hcf+Rk B,B+f+Lp B+Lp B+Rp f+Rk Hcf+Lp F,B+Rp Combos: Rp,Lp,Rp Rk,Rk,Lp Rp,Rp.Rk Lp,Rk,Rk Lp,Lp,Rp Lk,Lk,Rk Rk,Rk,Rp,Rk,Lp,Rp,Rk General Strategies: The skull bombs work wonderfully, since they have a delay, but watch out for the shrapnel. The grenades aren't much better than straight bullets, unless you need to create a shockwave, in which case they do the job. The nuke, which looks pretty and makes a shockwave isn't all it could be. The Energy Drain replenishes your shield energy, while stealing it from the opponent, it also only works at close range. The arm chop mutilation is fast and easy, which is unfortunate, for your opponent... Sabotage: Ground Moves: Tazer Shot Teleport Dodge Left, Shoot Dodge Right, Shoot Spear Toss Triple Spear Toss Spinning Bola Back Thrust Defense Floating Mines Poison Dart Blinding Shot Short Circuit Flame Ammo Load Shield Breaker Ammo Load Air Techniques: Homing Mine Electric Snare Spear Toss Mutilations It'll blow your mind Hcb+Rp D+Lk+Rk Lp+Lk+f Rp+Rk+f B,F+Rp F+Hcf+Rp F,B+Rp+Lp f B+f+Rp Hcb+f+Lp B,F+f B,F,B+Lp D,D+f D,U+f B+Lp+Rp f+Rk B,F+Rp B,B+Rk+Rp Combos: Rp,Rp,Rk,Rk Lp,Lp,Rk Lk,Lk,Lk Lk,Lk,Lp,Rk Rk,Rk,Rk Rk,Rk,Lk Rp,Rp,Rk,Lp,Lp Strategies: Well, Sabotage, besides being the best dressed also makes the best use of condition alteration damage, and ranged combat. Her Spears are probably the best aimed and most fun to use ranged weapons in the game, once they hit, they either stick in the ground or in the victim for the rest of the round. Her Shield breaker ammo, though limited to one per load, creates a situation where you can hide and ambush, since it floors the opponent, and you unfortunately, and it can not be blocked by any means. Her short circuit technique drains the opponents thrust power through a shield, and the blinding shot gives an opportunity to perform a combo, or whatever else you want. She only lacks in the physical damage department, which can be a hindrance, but a smart player will take advantage of her mobility and ambush possibilities. Lastly there's her mutilation, which must be seen, it's a riot! Psyclown: Ground Techniques: Bouncing Ball Shield Skip Head Tracker Hammer Uppercut

Sliding Flea Trail Big Wheel Slide

Foot Smash

Hammer Glove

Shield Throw Chattering Teeth Flea Attack Boomerang Shield Hammer Throw Golf Swing

Dyno Balloons Clown Flip

Air Techniques: Shield Throw Balloon Mines Mutilations: Zorro Cut Torso Tantrum f+Rp F,B+Lp D+Lp+Rp, f,f... D,U+Rp B,F+Lk+Rk B+Lk+Rk D,D+Rp Lp+Rp+Rk B,F+Lp D,U+Lp Hcb+Lp Hcf+Lp B,F+Rp F,B+Lk F,B+Rk U+Lp B,F+Lp Lp+Rp+f Hcb+Rp F,B+Rk+Rp Combos: Lp,Lp,Rk Rp,Rp,Rk,Lk,Rp Lp,Lk,Rk,Lp Rk,Lp,Rk,Lk,Rp Lk,Lk,Rk Strategies: PsyClown has much potential, but he is a thinking man's character. The Ranged weapons he has have differing tragectory, speed, and some are timed or create a barrier such as the flea or the chattering teeth, or the floating bombs . His mutilation isn't all that great, since its rather slow. The big wheel slide and flea slide are great, as well as the hammer glove to get opponents away from you. Be wary of his long range attacks however, as timing with the flea is essential, and once you use the shield or hammer, you lose that damage and range in the combos, and of course u cant throw them again, until they repop, which can ruin you if your timing is off. Ssapo: Ground Techniques: Gas Bubble Swamp Attack

Swamp Teleport Stink Attack JAWS Energy Spread Puke Ball Fire Blast Bad Breath Attack Triple Shockwave Electrical Shockwave Cannon Puke Ball Maul Attack Sinister Stomp Foot Shockwave Crippling Harpoon Bouncing Ball Air Techniques: Puke Ball Harpoon Mutilations: Rolly Polly Severed Heads B,B+Lp+Lk D,U+f D,U+Lp D+Rp+Lk B,F+Rp F,B+Lk Hcf+f B,F+f B,F+Rk Lp+Lk+Rk Lp+Rp+Lk Hcb+Rk B,F+Rp+Lp D+Lk+Rk Hcf+Lk f+Lp Hcf+Rk f+Rp f+Lp F,B+Rp+Rk Combos: Lp,Lp,Rk Lp,Rp,Rp,Lp Rp,Lp,Lp Rp,Rp,Lp Lk,Rk,Lp,Rk Strategies: Well, I don't use Ssapo much, but his teleports are extremely annoying, and therefor useful, his mutilation is fun to watch, and that gas bubble, which makes shields inoperative for a few seconds can be a round winner in itself, besides his immense amount of shockwave attacks. All in all he is a bit slow, and has bad arm/leg length, making combos harder to start, but his ranged attacks and annoyance level make up for it. Zipperhead: Ground Techniques: Tornado Vortex Triple Buzzsaw Gunfighter Boot Leg

Buzz Strafe Mitt Shockwave Dive, Slide, Shoot Double Whammy

Ram and Slam

Running Clothesline

Twist Again

Foot Hurricane

Tumble and Slam

Spike Grenade Maul Attacker

Zipper Impaler

Air Techniques Double Spike Grenade Mutilations Up, Up and Away F,B+Lk f+Rp f+Rk F,Rk+Lk B,F+Rk Lp+Rp+Lk Rk+Lk B+Rk+Rp B,F,B+Lk+Lp Hcf+Rp B+Lk+Rp F+Rk Hcf+Lp B,F+f F,B+Rk B,F+Lk B,F+f F,B+Rp Combos: Rp,Rp,Lk Lp,Lp,Rk Rp,Lp,Rp Rk,Rk,Lp Rk,Lk,Rp,Lp,Lp Lk,Rk,Rk,Lp,Rp Strategies: While Zipperhead doesn't have much use long range, his large amount of useful and varied physical techniques more than makes up for it. The spike grenades are useful, but since they are shrapnel and timed, one must be wary, as a shield will cause them to bounce erratically, and who knows, you might be standing on one when it goes off, but of course your opponent might be as well... Minatek: Ground Techniques: Jet Uppercut

Mouth Cannon Barrage Guided Salvo Spinning Hammer

Rocket Salvo Rocket Slide Attack Left Ram 'N Slide

Triple Shot Battle Cannon M.R.V. Ground Shockwave Nuke Canister Mace Cannon

Chain Sweep

Gas Breath Charge 'N Ram

Target 'N Fire Bull Bellow Spinning Shockwave Rocket Slide Attack Right Air Techniques Ground Shockwave Mutilations Wrong Answer! B,F+Lp Rp+Lp+Lk Hcb+Lp Hcb+Rp D+Rp+Lp f+Lp+Lk B,F+f Hcf+Lk D+f+Rk Hcf+Rp F,Hcf+f B,F+Rp B,B,F+Rp B,F+Rp+Lp F,Hcf+Lp F,Hcf+Rk B,F+Rp+Rk B,F+Lk+Rk f+Rp+Rk f+Rp F,B+Rk+Rp Combos: Lp,Lp,Rp Rp,Rp Lk,Rp Rk,Lp,Rp,Rp,Rp Rk,Rk,Lp Strategy: Minatek is probably the strongest character in the game, but also the slowest. His array of physical attacks, which include a number of useful dashing, and the only long range physical attack in the game give him a distinct advantage. His mutilation is fun to watch, but too slow for regular combat. The salvo attacks provide the heavy firepower for a long range round, even if his air techniques lack a bit. Overall he's the powerhouse of the game, besides the Mutilator of course. Purge: Ground Techniques: Flame Pillars Phoenix Attack Blender Fire Ring Burning Top Flame Blast Fan Deflect

Cutting Top

Multi-Fireballs Fan Stumble

Napalm Canister Fan Charge

Fanning Flames Lawn Mower

Hand Fan Ground Attack

Hi-Lo Burn Air Techniques: Carpet Bombing Mutilations: Time Killers Revisited! B,F+f+Rp Hcf+Rp+Lp D+Rk+Lk U+f B,F+f Hcf+f F,B+Rk+Rp Hcb+Rp Lp+Lk+f B+Rp+Lp B,F+Rp+Lp F,B+Lp Rp+Rk+f B,F+Rp B,B+Lp Hcf+Rk D,U+f Lp+Rp B,F+Rp+Rk Combos: Rp,Rp,Lp Rp,Lp,Lp,Rp Lp,Lp,Lk Rk,Lk,Rp Strategy: This guy is for all the pyromaniacs and wannabe pyros out there. Everything he does involves fire, with the exception of the fan attacks. The fire is probably the most annoying projectile weapon in the game, as its hard to judge when its over or not. His air tech is really good, unless the opp. uses shields, his ground attack move is truly bothersome, and his other physical attacks hold their own as well. His mutilation is actually fast enough to try and use, and in the spirit of Time Killers, it chops everything off with not one drop of blood spared. Delta Ground Techniques: Razor Spin

Rising Turbo Top

Sword Spout Energy Demon Energy Stab

Scissor Sword

Turbo Top II

Plasma Dome Spirit Fire Raised Sword Attack Fly by Wing

Spin Strike Laser Swipe Mystic Rumble Planted Pounce

Back Strike LifeStealer Laser Spin Air Techniques: Track Shot Mutilations: Home Surgery Swinger Hcb+Lp B,F+Rk Hcf+f B,B+f+Rp B,F+Lp+Rp B,F+Lp B,F+Rp Lp+Lk+f F,B,F+Lp F,B+f+Rp B,B+Rp+Lp B,B+Rk+Lk B,F,B+Lp Hcf+Lp+Lk D+Rk+Lk D,F+Rp+Rk B,B+Lk+f Hcf+Rk+Lp Rp+f F,B+Lk B,B+Rp Combos: Rp,Rp,Lp Rp,Rp,Lk Lp,Lp,Rp,Rk,Lp,Rp Lp,Lp,Lp Lk,Rp,Lp,Lp Lk,Rp,Rk Rk,Lp Strategy: Delta has a funny array of stuff. Her little energy demons are pretty slow, so they can be shielded against easily, unless they are coupled with some sword lasers or the air tech track shot, which is actually probably the most useful air-fire technique, as it hits multiple times, and if done at the right moment can easily bring down even the toughest shielder. Stuff: Well, I've seen/heard rumors about secret characters, I'm sure clonus is somewhere, in his true form, and I'd be a fool not to think the Mutilator isn't playable, even though the thought of a human controlled Mutilator frightens me. I Hope's: I hopes are what I hope are in the game. A complex battle pit would be nice, like tunnels or something of the like, and more hazards, no fire pits, we need more meat grinders and buzz saws, those things are probably the most hazardous hazards, and the most fun to have in a battle pit. Character types I hope will be in there: Some kind of squid or octopus-like retro, maybe a different type of dozer, one that isn't an elephant. A true- breed, maybe someone with a strange weapon. Acknowledgments: I'd like to thank myself, for purchasing the game, spending time to learn it before returning it for being harder to learn than a street fighter clone, putting down Tekken 3 for just a second to try a different game, spending the 4 or 5 hours to take the time to make this FAQ, since I haven't found another one out there . Oh yeah, thanks to the wonderful people at Sony for building the Playstation and the warped people at Midway for creating Bio Freaks. Information: I, of course, am Swift, I can be reached at -or- ICQ UIN: 2513688 This was produced in mono-space format,12 point courier new font. This is the property of me, Swift. If you go off and try to sell this FAQ, not that anyone would purchase it, you will be in violation of some law somewhere, and I'll nail your arse to the wall, so don't do it. You may, however, freely distribute this FAQ/file wherever you please, as long as it remains unchanged. Tekken is trademarked by Namco, Star Gladiator by Capcom, Playstation by Sony, War Gods and nearly everything else in this FAQ by Midway. If I missed something, and your too damned lazy to make a FAQ, inform me and It'll go into my next edition. Anything else, contact me anyhow.