Andere Lösungen

Beyond the Beyond (e)


Editor's note:
Many thanks to Iwata Shoji ( whose walkthru for the Japanese version of the game I relied on heavily to finish the game. It still took us 51 hours but they were all enjoyable. This updated version of walkthru includes details of what to find in each location, and a list of the items and their uses. (The levels suggested are only guide-lines but you might find life difficult at lower levels). 

Isla Village
Introduction of characters. FINN, our hero. STEINER, his pet dragon. ANNIE, his childhood friend - a feisty young lady. Galahad and Sonya, Annie's parents who foster Finn. Sir Kevins, Finn's father. Finn and Steiner go south to the Cave of Spirits to collect Spirit Water for Galahad.
Herb x2, Antidote, Short sword. Storage chest - Herb x2, Antidote x4, Light shield.

Cave of Spirits
Annie appears, then runs off. Follow her. After a vain attempt to rescue her from the Kraken go to the Spirit Water pool and fill the Flask. Return to the swampy area and use the Spirit Water. Annie joins the party.
Source of Wisdom.

Isla Village
Return to the village. PERCY, Annie's brother, staggers in. Annie learns healing magic and saves him. Bandore troops have attacked Marion Castle. Finn and Percy set off there, accompanied by Annie.

Marion Castle
Town and Castle are under Bandore control. Prince EDWARD has been captured and will be executed unless his bodyguard, Sir SAMSON, gives himself up. Follow Samson into the underground passage through the graveyard. Samson joins. Rescue Edward. Samson is cursed by Ramue and drops from level 15 to level 1. The party splits and Finn, Percy and Annie travel east to the border church with the Royal Pendant from Edward for the pastor of the church. Explore castle before leaving.
Smoke bomb.

Border Church - St Baldricks
Pass through the church. Samson and Edward join the party. Solve the picture puzzle to go into the cave behind. (Trial and error will activate the picture).
Resist jewel, Antidote.

Border Cave
Percy stays behind as a rearguard (foolish boy) while the rest of the party continue through the cave. Collect a priest on the way.
Blizzard card, Herb, Source of Agility.

Mountain Cottage
Rest and save.
Healing herb.

Dragon's Cave (south entrance)
Healing herb.

Two Trees.
Pass through the forest via two trees. Up the first, moving the sleeping woodlice to block the holes; then down the second, falling through holes and not bouncing off spiders webs.
Steel mail, Counter jewel, Source of life.

Counter orb.

Zalagoon Town
Talk to everyone and then fall down the wells (3) to find the way into the castle. Meet Sir Bison and Queen Scarlet, then go back to the town. The party will be allowed into the castle where Edward and Samson are accused of being impostors. Samson's strength is tested but he fails the test because of the curse. The party is thrown out. Go through the sewers again to meet Queen Scarlet who gives you the Magic Bean. Samson is told to go to the Village of the Elders, in the south west, to have the curse removed and then return to Zalagoon. Unfortunately the direct passage is controlled by Bandore soldiers so you have to go by the long, scenic route down the coast.
Sewers. Smoke bomb, Source of Magic, Bronze Key. Magic Bean.

Ophera Village
Not much to see but the shop sells Mage's Potions (20 MP replaced).
Healing herb, Smoke bomb, Flame card.

Luna Town
South east of Ophera. Absolutely no pirates (but wait until dark when the tide goes out). Don't worry about not being able to buy a boat. Travel north towards Simone.

Cave to Simone Village.
Make sure you find the Green Emerald which a careless magician has dropped and then go to Simone.
Broad sword, Flame card, Power gauntlet. Magic emerald.
Simone Village (level 12)
Talk to everyone including the elders in the tree on the northern path from the village. Return the Green Emerald to the magician. After the explosion a yellow blob will follow you. When you exit the village the blob will turn into TONT who joins your party.
Source of Agility x2, Antidote, Tempest jewel.

Arawn's Palace
Go down through the levels to find the Moon Crescent which will turn day into night in Luna.
Smoke bomb, Dragon card, Firedrake vase, Moon crescent.

Luna Town (night)
Use the Moon Crescent while outside Luna and then enter. Wow, the place has changed. Talk to everyone, buy weapons and then go out. When you go back in, exchange the Moon Crescent for the Statue of Gaea by talking to one of the men on the dock.
Healing herb, Source of Growth, Critical jewel.

Rainbow Valley
On the way to Jonowan. East of Luna in a little forested gap in the mountains. The first part is misty but both parts have chain-tongued heads which will grab you. Either use them or avoid them by walking out of range.
Angel ribbon, Source of Vitality.

Look at everything and then activate the Monument in the village by following the instructions given on the large statue. (The most difficult thing is working out where the centre of the four rocks is). Using the Statue of Gaea will open a causeway across to the island.
Cure herb, Source of Wisdom.

Shrine of Water (level 16)
Work your way up the levels of the shrine. Manoeuvre the stalking statues onto the appropriate floor panels. Beware! the pink glowing tiles will remove MPs and they cannot be restored. At the top of the shrine is the first Boss. As he is a Water Demon use as much Fire as possible. Meet DOMINO and receive the Vase of Life from him.
Steel plate, Battle dress, Vase of Life.

Arawn's Tower
Use the Magic Bean and the Vase of Life to create an enormous beanstalk up to the Tower. Unfortunately it is not fully grown so you will have water the buds and small leaves to reach the top.(Great mail).
Work your way up the Tower using the Sun and Moon doors to raise and lower the blocks. While travelling up keep your eyes peeled for a Hammer, and a crack in the floor, which will allow you to access the right side of the Tower. Continue up until you reach an area with three jewels set in the wall. The pink one will restore VP/LP and the blue MP. The one in the centre resurrects any dead party member and then summons Arawn. Arawn gives every member of the party a Light Orb which can be used to warp from place to place, once the party exceeds five members. He also gives you one of the Ancient Tablets that are needed to raise the Flying Palace. Then the party is transported to the Mystic Shrine where Master Zeon lifts the curse from Samson.
Tempest sword. Ancient Tablet. Wind cloak (Mystic Shrine)

Cave above Mystic Shrine
The fast way to get back to Zalagoon. Warning - the two soldiers are very tough.
Healing herb.

Zalagoon Castle (level 21)
The town is deserted and only the inn is open. Get into the castle via the cellars. Samson uses his strength to prove his identity and the royal adviser, Glade, goes mad.(One of the funnier scenes). He is revealed as a traitor and turns into a Demon. No particular strategy for defeating him - hit and hope. Accept the plaudits of the crowd, explore the castle and buy new weapons.
Monster bait, Guiding Branch, Iron Plate, Cure herb, Heavy mail.

Marion Castle
Return to Marion via the Dragon Cave (north entrance) and the Border Cave where the gate is now open. Before you enter the town go to the bridge south of St Baldricks and defeat the soldiers. Then you can get into Marion Castle. Follow the soldiers, watch the Emperor escape and then make your way up to the West Tower. There you will get a Steel Key which will open the locked gate. Ramue and Lord Shutat escape taking Lord Kevins and a masked prisoner with them. The party decides to follow them to Bandore but Edward and Samson stay in Marion.
Healing herb, Thunder card (Dragon Cave). Steel key, Source of Defense, Thunder card, Mages potion.

Bandore Town and Castle (level 23)
At the bridge Edward and Samson rejoin. (Mages potion, Healing potion, Source of Growth). There is a long walk west to a bridge and then east to Bandore Castle next to a volcano. Find the volcano dungeon path to get into the castle. (Flame scroll). One of the guards has the key to allow you to talk to Lord Kevins in the dungeon. 
Go east towards the volcano from the castle to stop the execution of Lord Kevins. A masked stranger will help you. Unfortunately it's a trap and Lord Kevins and Yeon, one of Shutat's generals, fall into the volcano. (Remember to pop into the cave to the right). The Gold Key will also allow you to enter through the door in the dungeon to obtain an Ancient Tablet. Domino reappears, offers his boat to you and joins the party. Before setting sail, explore the castle, the dock and the ship. (Now you can start using the Light Orb).
Ring of Revenge, Chain key, Angels Ocarina, Ancient Tablet, Silver Key, Robe of Darkness, Critical Orb, Gold Key, Wind vase, Healing potion, Dragon card, Healing herb x2. 

Discipline Island
Sail there. The members of the party need to at level 20 before they can change class but only Finn has to undertake the challenge. The patterns up the stairs are the same as the ones on the floor below so work your way round to the treasure chests. The one in the centre containing the Mystic Sword ends the challenge. Use the island as a training ground for anyone not at level 20.
Healing potion, Chaos shield, Blizzard scroll. Labyrinth - Source of Power, Heavy shield, Mystic Blade.

Leave Village/Barbaros Castle
On the east coast of Aridia. (Guiding branch, Demons leather, Reviving herb). Sail or fly there on your way to Barbaros Castle. Steiner cannot land at Barbaros but use him to work out the route to the castle. Sail round the coast and up the river, then walk. The King, before dying, asks you to look after his daughter and gives you an Ancient Tablet. Explore to find the item seller, in the ruined gate house, and Princess LORELE, who is concealed in the north east part of the castle. She joins the party.
Ancient Tablet, Bronze key, War Rod, Wind Bandanna, Healing jewel, Thunder scroll, Demon's gauntlet.

A village in the north of Aridia only accessible by flying. Learn about the mithril in the ice cave to the east. Unfortunately Steiner cannot fly high enough to get to the cave but the Flying Palace will get you there.
Ice Ring.

Pity Island
The site of the fourth Tablet. Explore. The green mushrooms make you small to go through small archways and the red mushrooms make you large again to climb ladders. Remember to fall down holes. Find the last Tablet.
Mages jewel, Power knuckles, Battle girdle.

Flying Palace
Place one Tablet in each of the Shrines on the small islands north of Discipline Island. (Cursed scarf, Fire ring, Evil scale). The Flying Palace will rise from the sea. Fly there on Steiner and go inside. There are various puzzles to solve, moving statues, using torches, etc. until you reach the core area to activate the machine. Dagoot, another of Shutat's generals, will attempt to prevent you from taking off but Steiner, ever loyal, sacrifices himself to free the Palace.
Devil ribbon, Mages jewel, Battle shield, Silk scarf, Torch.

Ice Cave
The Flying Palace will allow you to get to this cave where you will slip, slide and drop through holes. Take the Mithril back to the smith in Mistral who will make you weapons and armour, though most of the items will be at the Weapons shop.
Gimry's axe, Helium ring, Dagger, Battle scarf, Storm bandanna, Flint stone, Mithril silver.

Merlin's Cave
Sail to the valley north of Marion next to the Dragon Shrine. Disembark and walk east. There is an invisible cave where Merlin lives. He will give one party member the Resurrect spell. (Thanks for this information to Bob Petterson
Tempest orb, Tornado scroll.

Dragon Shrine (Level 8)
A totally enclosed area to the west of Marion. There you will discover Steiner - alive. You will also learn that there is a Final Tablet you have to find. Source of Life.
Have a look on the map for an island to the south west of Aridia and go there. Defeat Dagoot. Collect the Final Tablet.
Magic staff, Seraphic ring.

Zeal Village
In the desert east of Bandore and only accessible with the Flying Palace. (Evil armour, Drain rod(sic), Source of Magic).  Walk south to the cave that leads to Quamdar. This cave is particularly difficult due to the invisible holes that open up and drop you down. Take note of the shadows on the floors which relate to the holes in the floor above and stick close to the walls. Persevere. The masked stranger appears. Defend against him for 10-15 rounds until the mask breaks. Surprise! it's Percy. Percy joins the party. (Thanks for this info to Jeremiah R. Cruz
Healing jewel, Source of Vitality, Shadow girdle, Thunder vase, Demons Axe.

Quamdar (Level 13)
The last village before the Abyss. Explore and talk. Walk to the shrine to north west and place the Tablet in the floor after defeating Yeon. The door to the Abyss will open. 
Before you plunge in, return to the Dragon Cave to the sleeping Dragon. Now he has woken up and left you a Skeleton Key. This will open all the chests that you couldn't get in to before and the dungeon door next to Lord Kevins cell for that chest - Dragon Blade, Mystic girdle, Reviving herb, Tornado vase.

The Abyss
You need to find the room with the statues holding the Orb of Light and the Orb of Darkness. Take one of the Orbs to the core room and place it in the appropriate statue there. Then go back and collect the other Orb (you can't carry both at the same time) and take that to the core room and put it in place. The music gets faster the closer you are to the core room. Be warned that when you are carrying an Orb the opposing statues are unapproachable which makes navigating around more difficult. Some of the statues have items next to them. (Three treasure chests plus items from the statues). When both Orbs are in position the doors will open and you battle Ramue and Shutat. Keep your magic in reserve. Basically "hit" Ramue first and then go after Shutat. 
THEN the Big, Big Boss appears - Akkadias. He casts Soul Blast twice in every round and he's very fast. The only way to survive is to have Annie faster than he is so that she can use HealRain before he attacks. (A difficult thing to judge as you don't know his speed, but you're on the way when Annie is faster than the Demons Pets). Throw every Card, Jewel, Vase, Scroll at him, plus Tolle 2, plus Steiner, plus Thunder 4 and then just hit him. Have plenty of Mage's Potions and use them on Annie at every opportunity. Good luck.
End sequence - Finn flies off to the Underworld to rescue Lord Kevins (Beyond the Beyond 2?)

Angels ocarina	Cast Healrain		Anytime	Multi-use.Repairable
Antidote		Cures poison		Anytime				
Awaken stone	Casts Awaken		Battle	
Blizzard scroll	Casts Blizzard Breath	Battle
Confusion feather	Casts Confusion		Battle
Counter jewel	Counterattack % inc. 	Battle
Counter orb		Counterattack % inc.All	Battle
Critical jewel	Critical hit % inc	Battle
Critical orb	Critical hit % inc. All	Battle
Cure herb		Cures abnormal states	Anytime
Dragon card		Casts Fire Breath		Battle
Drain Rod		Weapon. Casts Steal	Equip/Use
Fire ring		Def +2. Casts Fire 2	Equip/Use	Multi-use.Repairable
Firedrake vase	Casts Firedrake 2		Battle
Flame card		Casts Fire			Battle
Flame scroll	Casts Fire 4		Battle
Guiding branch	Casts Escape		Dungeon
Healing herb	Restores 25 VP		Anytime
Healing jewel	Restores all VP		Anytime
Healing potion	Restores 35 VP		Anytime
Helium ring		?				?
Herb			Restores 15 VP		Anytime
Ice ring		Def +2. Casts Ice 2	Equip/Use
Illusion potion	Decreased battles		Anywhere
Illusion powder	Casts Illusion		Battle
Light orb		Warp between towns	Field
Mage's jewel	Restores all MP		Anytime	Only 2 in the game
Mage's potion	Restores 20 MP		Anytime
Monster bait	Increased battles		Anywhere
Mystic vase		?				?
Resist jewel	Magic damage halved	Battle
Reviving herb	Resurrects party member	Anytime
Ring of revenge	?				?
Seraphic ring	Def +2. Casts Healrain	Equip/Use	Multi-use.Repairable
Silence crystal	Casts Silence		Battle
Slow card		Casts Slow			Battle
Smoke bomb		Retreat from battle	Battle
Source of Agility	Increase in speed		Not battle	Permanent
Source of Courage	Increase one level	Not battle	Permanent
Source of Defense	Increase in defence	Not battle	Permanent
Source of Growth	Exp. points			Not battle	Permanent
Source of Life	Increase in LP		Not battle	Permanent
Source of Magic	Increase in MP		Not battle	Permanent
Source of Power	Increase in strength	Not battle	Permanent
Source of VitalityIncrease in VP		Not battle	Permanent
Source of Wisdom	Increase in IQ		Not battle	Permanent
Tempest jewel	Double attack % inc.	Battle
Tempest orb		Double attack % inc.All	Battle
Thunder card	Casts Thunder		Battle
Thunder vase	Casts Thunder 2		Battle
Tornado scroll	Casts Wind 4		Battle
Tornado vase	Casts Wind 2		Battle
Unicorn's horn	Cures abnormal states	Anytime	Multi-use.Repairable
Vision crystal	Enlarges landscape view	Field
War amulet		Def/Agility inc.All	Battle
Wind vase		Casts Wind 2		Battle

General notes
Search all barrels, vases, bookshelves, ovens, bushes, statues, lamps...
Store major battle items to prevent them from being used too early.
Don't use the "Source" items immediately. Wait and see who would profit most from them.
Think carefully about using new party members.
Rapid pressing of the X button seems the only way to activate the APS. If you hear a "ting" then it's working otherwise you just develop a callus on your thumb.
Any weapon or armour that sounds unpleasant (Darkness, Malicious, Demons, etc) although powerful is probably cursed.
Question - did anyone ever manage to buy a vase from Dorothy's Vase Shop?  

Ann and Iain Noble