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Beetle Adventure Racing (e)

Beetle Adventure Racing FAQ v.38, r1
Author: Steven Towle
E-Mail: dipstick at superkawaii dot com
(Change it around to get it to work in an e-mail program)
Date: March 31, 1999

Disclaimer: This guide is for the use of people who play Beetle Adventure
Racing by Electronic Arts. The author of this guide (and all contributors)
can in no way be responsible for anything you do after reading this guide.
This guide guarantees *nothing* at all. All of the information in this guide
could be complete crap. You decide.


 This document Copyright 1999 Steven Towle 

 All trademarks (shown and not shown) are acknowledged.

 Copyright: This document Copyright 1999 Steven Towle. All rights reserved.
 You are granted the following rights:

 I. To make copies of this FAQ in original form, as long as

 (a) the copies are complete and are unaltered by anyone other than Steven
 (b) the copies are in electronic form
 (c) they give credit to the author, Steve Towle.

 II. To distribute this work, under the provisions above, as long as

 (a) the copies are complete and are unaltered by anyone other than Steve
 (b) no fee is charged
 (c) they give credit to the authors, Steve Towle, in any description
 (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer
 (e) the distributed form is the newest version of the FAQ (email the
     authors to find the latest version)
 (f) the distributed form is electronic.

 You may NOT distribute this in *any* non-electronic media. You may NOT
 distribute this guide in any electronic magazine. You may NOT distribute
 this guide within computer software. 

 NOTE: These rights are temporary, and may be revoked upon written, oral,
 or other notice by Steven Towle. If you wish to distribute this guide within
 a magazine or electronic magazine, or a piece of software, get in touch with
 the author.

 Read: Use this info for your own gain and chocobos will have your brains
       as an afternoon snack.  Screw up, it is your fault.  Error? Mail me.
       Play nice. Eat your veggies. Watch more anime. All yaya reserved.
       And damnit, stay away from those tentacles!

How the secrets work:

Getting new cars and new racing tracks: You must finish each championship 
in first place to get different sets of cars, and new tracks. You are 
rewarded the cars and tracks as follows:

When you win the novice circuit, you get the Beetle with racing stripes, 
the lightning Beetle, and the eight-ball Beetle. You also get the track
Inferno Isle.

When you win the advanced circuit, you get the flower Beetle, the lighting
Beetle w/ spoiler, and the eight-ball Beetle w/ spoiler. You also earn the 
track Sunset Sands.

When you win the pro circut, you get the alien Beetle, and Metro Madness.

When you win the bonus circut, you get the police Beetle (who's horn stops
CPU cars), and the track Wicked Woods.

Multiplayer tracks: To earn multiplayer tracks, you have to get all 100 points
on a single track in a Championship race. For the points to count, you also 
have to finish the race.

You start off with the Airport, Garage, and Stadium levels.

Get all 100 points on Coventry Cove to earn the Castle level.
Get all 100 points on Mount Mayhem to earn the Ice Flows level.
Get all 100 points on Inferno Isle to earn the Volcano level.
Get all 100 points on Sunset Sands to earn the Dunes level.
Get all 100 points on Metro Madness to earn the Rooftop level.
Get all 100 points on Wicked Woods to earn the Woods level.
the secrets:

Cheats: There are three flower boxes hidden on each track. If you find one,
you get a cheat. Again, you can only get these in Championship mode, and you
must finish the race.

Oh yeah, you're disqualified if you fall behind by 1 minute or more behind the
leader.  If you are disqualified, the points/cheats you earned DO NOT count.

Bonus/Flower Box Locations:

Explanation: When you see something that says "BREAK", that means there is
             more than one possible route through that part of the stage.
             Also, you can only take one of these routes per lap (unless
             you were to turn around and go backwards, which the 1-minute
             time limit makes difficult.)

Coventry Cove: Track 1

2 points  - Right after you merge onto the main road from the start (it's
            jump over the bridge near the house with the British flag flying
            on it), a two-point box is to your right, just off of the road.

4 points  - Immediately after the first box, cut left and you'll find two
            two point boxes on the left side of the road. Somewhat hard to
            get if you got the first box, pick it up on your second or third

--- BREAK ---

5 points  - When you enter the village after crossing the stone bridge, there
            should be a passage to your left, off of the main road. right
            before that, there is a window. break it, and grab the five point
            box inside.

11 points - contintuing from the last box, head straight for three more 2
            point boxes. Then hit the jump, go flying through the ship (doh),
            and grab the 5 point box on the other side.


4 points  - following the main road in the village, there should be a left
            turn before the drawbridge that is up. Instead, go straight (to
            the right of the phone booth), bash through the boxes, and grab
            the two two point boxes.

--- end break ---

Cheat Box - After taking the jump either over the ship or the bridge, turn
            around. There should be a little gap in the wall that keeps you
            out of the docks (it's right to your left from the bridge, and
            to your right from the ship). Go through the gap, and a flower
            box should be to your right.

4 points  - Right after you jump over the bridge/ship, there should be some
            train tracks. Follow them through the train tunnel, and grab the
            two two point boxes inside.

7 points  - After going up the hill, there should be a barn to your left.
            In the haystack right in front of the barn door, there is a two
            point box. Break through the barn doors, and on the right side
            of the barn is a 5 point box.

Cheat Box - Hidden inside the haystack to the left of the barn is a cheat box.

2 points  - On the downhill immediately following the barn, there is a 2
            point box just to your right, off of the road.

--- BREAK ---

7 points  - Exiting a small cave, you should see two signs pointing right.
            Ignore them, and instead, hit the jump behind the signs. Line
            yourself up with the five point box. After that, repeat this
            for the jump that'll put you back on the main route, for a two
            point box.

Cheat Box - After the first jump, look behind the monolithic stone figures
            on the left. There is a flower box behind one of them.


10 points - Follow the signs instead of knocking them down, and take the
            next left. On this straight, there is a big boulder. Immediately
            in front of that is the alternate path (watch out for the small
            rock though, you have to move around them like it is a sheakane)
            Break through the wooden planks covering the entrance, and floor
            it down the mine cart tracks. There is a 5 point box hanging in
            mid-air at a jump halfway down, and another 5 point box at the
            end of the tunnel.

--- End break ---

17 points - Right after the next tunnel on the main road through some rock,
            cut left off of the road. You should be on a green incline,
            running into a couple of bushes. Ignore them, and go through the
            cave behind them. Just right of center is a 2, 5, and 10 point

2 points  - There is a turn left where the dividor beween the normal and
            final part of the track is. Take the left (if you can, 1st and
            2nd lap only), and on the next left, there is a two point box just
            off of the road to the right.

--- BREAK ---

10 points - Right after the two-point box mentioned above, go over the wooden
            bridge. After that, there is a dirt ramp off to the left of the
            road. Put yourself on the middle of the jump and launch yourself
            for a 10 point box.

2 points  - When you land from the 10-point jump, you'll be running through
            a castle. In front of you is a two point box.


4 points  - Go over the wooden bridge, and take the left on the main road. At
            the right hairpin, cut hard inside the turn, so that you end up
            on the grass. You should see a gap in the castle wall, and two two
            point boxes in front of you.

5 points  - In front of the two two point boxes is a hole in a tower covered
            up by wooden planks. Break through those planks, climb up the
            mound in the tower, grab the five point box, and smash through the
            stain glass window.

4 points  - After you merge onto the main road, and right before the end of
            a lap, there are two two point boxes to your right. Grab them.


Mount Mayhem: Track 2

2 points  - Once you have merged onto the main road, there should be a snow
            mound with a two point box on top of it. Hit the jump lined up
            with the box.

5 points  - From above, you should smash into some trees at this time (doh).
            Turn left, and go through the vent-looking wall.

2 points  - Continuing straight from above, there will be a two point box in
            front of you.

--- BREAK ---

5 points  - You can keep going straight, right off the edge, and hit a five
            point box hanging in mid-air. Aim for where the detour looking
            barraciades are, in a gap in the wall

4 points  - Once you land, you'll be back on the main road. To the left, just
            off of the road, are two two point boxes.


10 points - After the two point box on the high road, instead of falling
            down, cut right and go through that window. Floor it to make it
            down the ski jump and over to the half-pipe. Two 5 point boxes
            sit in the half pipe


2 points  - If you go down the main route, you'll eventually go down a hill 
            that runs next to the town. After going down a steep hill, there
            should be a 2 point box off to the left side of the road. 

--- End break ---

--- BREAK ---

9 points  - Once you reach the first bridge, hit the bump in the bridge
            veering left. You'll land in a cave pretty far down, and there
            will be a 2 point box, a 5 point box, and a 2 point box inside.
            Oh yeah, don't mind the UFO.


5 points  - going over the first bridge, swing wide around the first rock,
            and there should be a 5 point box in front of you.

--- end break ---

--- BREAK ---

8 points  - When you emerge from the UFO cave or the snowy path with rocks
            in the middle and back onto road, there should be a frozen
            waterfall to your left. Jump onto the frozen lake, and head for
            the two point box. The ice behind the two point box will break,
            revealing a path with 3 more 2 point boxes.

11 points - When you come to the hairpin turn with the pipes sticking out of
            the ground. Follow the normal route until you break two two point
            boxes. At this point, turn around, and go in reverse. Right
            before the divider wall begins (remember, you're going backwards),
            there is a two point box to your right. Go down the hill there,
            and there is a five point box in front of you.

--- end break ---

4 points  - Going through the ice cave, there will be two 2 point boxes on
            your left. This is easier to get from the latter route from
            the last breakpoint.

2 points  - Right after the normal/finish route fork (and the left turn
            associated with the normal route), there will be a two-point
            box to your right

--- BREAK ---

10 points -       --- YOU NEED AT LEAST THE FLOWER CAR TO DO THIS ---
            Right after you hit the two point box mentioned above, you'll
            see a tunnel into a big cavern. Instead of taking the normal
            route, veer left (or right), so you start climbing the slope.
            On top of the slope, behind the trees, is a cave. And a big jump.
            You'll want to go off of the jump a little to the right, because
            to your left are some obstacles to smack into. There's a 10 point
            box on the ledge.

4 points  - When you hit the ledge with the 10 point box, you'll go down a
            tunnel. Fork right, and there are two two point boxes down this

Cheat Box - When you jump down from the mountain to the grass, turn around.
            There is a flower box behind the trees.

5 points  - Go the normal route, and right before you leave the second
            bridge, you can spot a box hanging in the air. Line yourself up
            with the box.

--- End break ---

2 points  - Once you hit the main road on the grassy area from either route
            above, there is a 2 point box just to the right of the road.

--- BREAK ---

5 points  - after the 2 point box, there are some trees to your right..
            covering a cave. Blast through the trees, and when you hit a
            jump along that path, hang left, land on the green hill, and
            crawl forward to a 5 point box.


5 points  - instead of taking the cave, follow the road until you see a
            blue sign indicating a fork in the road. cut hard right at
            that point.


Inferno Isle: Track 3

4 points  - Right after the start, after the first turn, you should see
            the road snake left and right, and two two point boxes in
            front of you.

4 points  - As soon as you leave the beach for some road, you'll see two
            two point boxes just to the right of the road.

--- BREAK ---

14 points - Right after grabbing the two two point boxes, you should see
            a dirt road just to the right of the road.. you can barely see
            it. Drive down that and through the foilage, and there's a two
            point box on the road. Soon enough, you'll come to a hut. See
            the ramp in front of the hut? See the 10 point box hanging in the
            air? Line yourself up.. but start cutting to the right as soon
            as you grab it, or you won't land back on the main road. At the
            end of the route is a wall and a two point box. Smash them both.


6 points  - Staying on the main road, there is a two point box to your left
            before you enter the dino park area, and two two point boxes to
            your left right after you leave.

7 points  - As soon as you enter the town, cut left, so that you'll be on a
            roof above and to the left of the main road. Smash the barrels,
            break the two point box, go down the passage, and break the five
            point box down there.

--- End Break ---
--- BREAK ---

8 points  - Right after you grab the two or five point box, there should
            be a gap in the rows of houses to your right, heading downhill.
            Go in there, and you'll find 4 two point boxes. Go slow, or you'll
            jump over them.


2 points  - Following the main route, on one of the hairpins is a two point
            box. It is on the hairpin that's after the hairpin after the blue

--- End Break ---

2 points  - On the last hairpin in the villa, there is a two point box to
            your left at the tail end of it.

--- BREAK ---

7 points  - Once you reach the docks, there will be a 2 point box on them.
            Grab it and follow the docks all the way down, and hit the jump
            at the end. You'll land on some ship wreckage, and there will be
            a 5 point box in front of you. Line yourself up with it.

            And if you want to get really clever, fall in the water right
            after the third jump. The game places you right where the start
            the other side of this breakpoint starts :)


12 points  - After the dirt area on the main route after the docks, there
             should be a steep hill off of the road to your right. There's
             a five point box hanging on top, so bash it and go diving into
             a crater in the volcano. Once you're in, stay on that route to
             find another five and two point box.

--- End Break ---

7 points  - In the volcano, when you see a sign hanging from the ceiling
            pointing right... go left. There is a five point and a two point
            box on this route.

10 points - Same as above, except it's a little father from the sign, a
            little bit better, and a little bit worse. And it's right
            after the one above.

5 points  - After the normal/final switchoff, you'll take a left, and then
            there will be signs to tell you to take a right.. smack them down
            and follow the beach. There is a five point box right before you
            rejoin the road.

--- BREAK ---
7 points  - Up the road is a broken suspension bridge. Fall down the hole, go
            through the cave, and at some point you'll see a broken bridge
            with a two point and a five point box on them, at different points
            on the bridge.


5 points  - On the main route after the broken suspension bridge, there is
            a hairpin turn facing an obsevory station and an old fort. On
            this turn is a small dirt mount. Hit it, and get into the fort
            (it looks like you can just drive up, but you can't). At the end
            of this route is a dropoff with a 5 point box hanging over it.

--- End Break ---
Cheat Box - At the -very- end of the course (literally feet from the finish
            line), break the hut to your left. There is a flower box inside.

Author's Notes:

Uh... I'll finish the FAQ when I can actually earn everything. ^_^
Somewhat hard to document a track you can not race on. Doh

This work copyright 1999 Steven Towle.