Paul E. Roberts Beavis & Butthead - Virtual Stupidity These are the direct solutions to the game. There are many other things to see and do for fun in the game which are not essential to the game's solution. Take the time to talk to everyone and to explore every area. You will not get penalized for doing or saying things. You'll know when you are supposed to use something in your inventory because it lights up red when it is correct. Have fun!! HIGHLAND HIGH In science class, grab the washroom/hall pass off the wall. Give the pass to the teacher. Exit classroom. Go to the fountain in the hallway, pick up the chewed up bubble gum off the fountain. Go thru the gym doors. Jump onto the springboard. Jump again but direct the hand sign toward the pummel horse. You should jump onto it. It may take a few tries. Jump back onto the springboard. Butthead should jump up and grab onto the ladder. Climb up ladder. On the roof, look over the edge and you'll enter the mini game "Hock-a-loogie". Hints: every 10 points you get for hitting something, you get a big green loogies. This is how you win the game. Hock the green loogie on the principals head (using the right mouse button). After returning to the game, pick up the stick, stick the stick into the fan. Climb in. You'll return to the school's front doors, exit the school. THE PARK Go the park and talk to Todd's gang. They won't say much now. At this point you can play "Court Chaos" by entering the tennis courts. Knock over the garbage can and pick up the flyer. AT HOME Answer the phone. Pick up the magnifying glass (at this point you could return to school and use the magnifying glass on the anthill beside the steps to play Bug Justice, there are points in the game you can play this game). You can also watch some of the videos by watching television. THE STORE Go to the store, ask the clerk about Todd. BACK TO THE PARK After the squirrel dies, try to pick it up. Talk again to the gang, eventually they'll ask you to get them some Burgerworld. Exit BURGERWORLD Go to burgerworld and talk to the manager. Ask for some food. BACK TO THE STORE Go the store and try to take some nachos. Talk to Mr. Anderson, ask him about Nachos. Ask him for a dollar. Exit. VETERAN'S HALL Talk to Buzzcut. Attempt to wash the tank, you won't do it. Attempt to open the tank's hatch, you won't be able to now. Talk to the hippy teacher, Vandreson. Ask him about the sperm whales. Exit. THE COFFEE HOUSE Talk to the girl at the front door, she won't let you by until you give her the flyer you got from the garbage. Walk around the coffee shop, pick up the poetry book on the table in the far corner. Talk to Wilber to find out about Open Mike Night. Talk to Vandreson. Drink coffee from the cups around the coffee shop. Have Beavis talk to the coffee guy, ask for more coffee. After he leaves, use the coffee machine. Beavis will turn into CORNHOLIO. Exit. BACK TO THE VETERAN'S HALL Beavis aka CORNHOLIO can now open the tank's hatch, climb inside. After the video sequence, you'll end up in jail. JAIL Pick up the toilet paper and soap sitting on the sink. Give the soap to Beavis. Leave the soap on the floor. Talk to the guy sitting on the bed, he'll tell you about Todd, the quarter and have Beavis ask him about dinner. Pick up the keys after the guard gets it. Use the keys in the jail door, you can now exit the cell. THE COURTYARD Talk to Kyler ( guy in the green shirt with the quarter), pick up the pillow beside him. Walk around the courtyard. Use the basketball to get rid of the guard on the wall. Pick up the towel beside the lady guard. Go into the insane wing. Talk to the guy reading the book. Pick up the blocks, the teddy bear, the camera and open up the cabinet to find an electroshock therapy machine. Exit the insane wing and return to your cell. BACK IN YOUR CELL Give the guy under the bed the bear, the blocks, the book, the toilet paper and the pillow. Pick up the flash bulb on the cell floor that comes out of the pillow. Use the flash on the camera. Exit the cell to go back to the courtyard. Use the camera with the flash on Kyler, you have to use it more than once to piss him off and start a riot. When you are returned to your cell, use the keys to get out again. Go to the courtyard and retrieve the quarter. Return to your cell and give the quarter to the guy sitting on the bed. BREAKING OUT OF JAIL They're out but you have to get past the sleeping guard. Use the electroshock machine on his chair. Get onto the van. THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE To get the chains of Beavis and Butthead, look at the pile of wood next to them. Pick up a piece of wood and use it on the chains. You have use it once on the chains and then use it again for Butthead to have his "idea". After the video sequence and finding out what you have to do to get into Todd's gang return to the slaughter house. Pick up Todd's license plate outside. Go inside and pick up the steak on the floor. Look at the killing machine, it on. Turn the machine up by the knob to right on the lever. Turn the machine on fast and let it go. Pick up the axe spit out by the machine. Exit the slaughter house and go to the farm. THE FARM Talk to the farmer, ask him about Todd, the barn and why he talks funny. For a laugh have Beavis go after the chicken and the pig. Exit from the farm. BACK TO THE VETERAN'S HALL Talk to Mr Anderson, ask him about Todd and the remote. THE TAXIDERMIST SHOP Talk to the lady. Pick the pen sitting on the counter. Grab the rabbit to acquire some string. Look in the box on the table and pick up a snake eye. Exit and go to Beavis and Butthead house, use the string on the chewed up gum and fish the quarter out of the grate. BACK TO THE COFFEE HOUSE Talk to Wilbur and kick him off the stage, use the mike to play "Air Guitar". Go into the bathroom (to the left of the stage) and use your quarter to get a condom out of the machine. Exit the coffee house. BACK AT BURGER WORLD Talk to the guy behind the counter. Talk to Gina, ask her about Todd and the keys. Pick up Gina hamburger and use it on the ceiling fan. At this point you can pick up the food on the counter and use it on the ceiling fan, use the drive thru mic and for a laugh use the mic at the counter. Go into the back and pick up the spatula on the counter. Pick up the mouse for fun. BACK TO THE STORE Use the condom on the air tank in between the gas pumps. Exit and go to the school. Talk to the janitor and ask him about the locker combinations. Give him the blown up condom, exit and head to the jail. THE GATE TO THE JAIL Give the dog the steak, it won't work. Give the dog the blown up condom dog and while he's busy use the clippers to cut his chain. Pick up the hammer. Go down the tunnel. Exit your cell and go into the insane wing. Give the one eyed guy the snake eye. Ask him about the book and he'll give it to you. Return to your cell and give the book to the guy underneath the bed. Pick up his teeth and exit to the park. BACK TO THE PARK Look at the squirrel underneath the car, try to pick it up. Touch the car and look at the Free Parking Sign. To get rid of the car, use the pen from the taxidermist on the sign, after its gone pick up the road kill by using the spatula on the roadkill and the hammer on the spatula. Pick up the road kill and exit to the taxidermist. BACK AT THE TAXIDERMIST Give her the roadkill and pick up the stuffed squirrel. Ask her about the bear. Exit to the coffee shop to talk to Buzzcut. Talk to Buzzcut. To have him let you go, kick him in the nads. You overhear the bear is at the Veteran's Hall so off you go. BACK TO THE VETERAN'S HALL Look at the bear and have Butthead kick it. Go around and look at the bear's butt. Have Beavis stick his hand up the bear's butt, you have to do this a couple of times before the remote comes out. Now you have the remote so all you need is the keys which are in Gina's locker, so back to the school. BACK TO HIGHLAND HIGH Give the stuffed squirrel to the janitor. Enter the gym and have Beavis jump on the rope. Use the towel on Beavis to get him to go up. Once at the top have Beavis use the axe to cut the rope. After the video sequence look around the boiler room. Pick up the can of paint by the sink. Open the filing cabinet and take out the locker combination file folder. Exit the boiler room. Use the file folder and the lockers. Gina's locker is number 69. Grab the keys and exit the school. Head to the farm. BACK AT THE FARM Give the farmer the teeth and he'll leave. Use the garage door opener on the barn and head that way. You have to disguise the car so pull off the license plate and stick the one with Todd's name on the car. Use the can of paint on the car. Use the keys on the car. After the video sequence ask Daria to let you out of the truck, but be nice. Use the keys on the car again to drive away. AND YOU'RE DONE!!!!! Solution written by Michelle Theriault & Paul Roberts That's it the game is over. If you have any questions about the game, this solution page or you've found something cool I didn't do let me know by contacting us at