Andere Lösungen

Bushido Blade (e)


                    Bushido Blade Faq v0.8


                 Andy Chien(
	- Needs
	- Credits
	- Title Screen Translation
	- Character Select Screen Translation
	- Weapon Select Screen Translation
	- Option Screen Translation
        - General Questions and Information
	- Abriviations
	- Common Moves
	- Move List per Weapon
	- Character and Weapon Specific Moves

  - A nice Bushido Blade ASCII logo would be nice 8)
  - Any one knows the differences between high and low collision
  - Information on how to get extra characters, weapons, etc.
  - Whatever you think will be good for the Faq.

  Weekly Famitsu.............................Majority of the Moves
  Marty Chinn................Provider of Informations from Famitsu
  RAYSURX.................Weapons and Character Names Translations
  Drblasfemy..........................Some Additional Katana Moves

- Title Screen Translation: from default then press down
        Story Mode
        VS Mode
        Chanbara Mode
        Practice Mode
        On View Mode
        Link Mode

- Character Selecting Screen Translation:

  Hotarubi    Tatsumi    Mikado    Kokuren    Utsusemi   Kanuki
 +Speed <--------------------------------------------> Strength+

- Weapon Selecting Screen Translation: from default weapon then 
  press right.

  Katana  Rapier  Naginata  Hammer  Nodachi  Long  Saber  Broad
                                             Sword        Sword

- Option Screen Translation: from left to right

  Difficulty Level (Easy/Hard)
  Collision Detection (High/Low)
  Music (On/Off)
  Color (On/Off)
  Continue (On/Off)
  Background (Dark/Bright)
  Memory Card (Save/Load)
  Auto-Save (On/Off)

General Questions and Information:

- How to get the CG ending instead of a black screen of text?
  In the game, you must follow the Bushido honor code when 
  defeating your opponent which means do not touch your opponents
  while they are still talking (don't bump into them or throw your
  sub-weapon at them either); do not kill your opponents while
  they are laying on the ground; do not kill your opponents while
  they are running away from you.  There may be more
  restrictions but I think you get the idea. ^_^

- How to get the 2nd ending for the game?
  It does not matter whether you are playing on easy or hard.
  First of all, after the game started, you should run to the well 
  at the construction yard. (The one you see your character jumps
  in if you play the game normally.)  After you have arrived the
  construction yard, injure your opponent's leg then jump in the 
  well.  After this, you just need to complete the game normally 
  and you will end up fighting one extra boss after the person you
  normally would fight last.  *NOTE* you have to go through the 
  game up to the extra boss without getting a single scratch on 
  your character.  It is okay to continue fighting the extra boss.

	u	Up
	d	Down
	f	Forward
	b	Back
	T	Triangle Button
	S	Square Button
	X	X Button
	O	O Button
	Rx	R1 or R2
	Lx	L1 or L2
	a,b	Do a then do b
	a,,b    Do a, slight pause then do b
	a+b	Do a and b at the same time

Common Moves:

	While Standing:
	L1                            Run
	R1                            Raise Stance
	R2                            Lower Stance
	T                             High Attack
	O                             Mid Attack
	X                             Low Attack
	S                             Block (has parry effect
                                      if timed correctly)
	Start                         Pause
	u,u or d,d                    Side Step
	b,f+X                         Pounce
	R1 (close to any platform)    Climb
	R2 (after block or being hit) Roll Back
	f+R2                          Crounch Dash Forward or
                                      pick up Sub-Weapon
	f+R2,R1                       Jump Forward
	T, O or X (after jump)        Jump Attack
	f+R2,O                        Throw Sub-Weapon
	f+R2,R2                       Throw Dirts, Water, or Snow at
                                      your opponent. (only works
                                      while on sand, grass, snow,
                                      etc areas)
	While Running:
	T                             Verticle Slash
	O                             Horizontal Slash
	X                             Turn Around Slash

	While on your knee:
	Select                        Concede Defeat
	f+R2                          Throw Dirts, Water, or
                                      Snow at your opponent
	f+O                           Throw Sub-Weapon
        f+O,T                         Throw Sub-Weapon if applicable
                                      then falling strike
	f,f+T                         High Strike
	R2                            Lay Down

	After Layed Down:
	b+O                           Get Up Strike
	T or O or X                   Slash
	S                             Block

	Common but with Exceptions:
	f+R2,T                        Crounch Forward High
	f+R2,X                        Back Flip or Low to High
	f+R2,R1,X                     Rising Attack

Moves:  The moves in this game is mainly weapon dependent.  Each 
        weapon listed below is divided into 3 categories: normal 
        moves, multi-hit attacks, and special moves that are 
        characters specific, in that order.  Special moves can be 
        done in any stance!
        (The moves with * after has exceptionns or special effects
        on certain characters.  The discriptions will be added 

Weapon Name          High Stance       Mid Stance       Low Stance
Katana 1.5 kg        b+T               b+T              b+X
       92.0 cm       b+O               b+O              u+X
                     u+O *             u+O              d+X
                     d+O *             d+O              f,f+X
                     f,f+O             f,f+T            b,f+T
                     f,f+X             f,f+O            b,f+O
                     b,f+O             f,f+X
                     T,O               O,O,,f+O         X,O
                     b+T,T             b,f+O,T          O,O
                     O,T               T,O,O            T,X
                     X,T               T,O,T
                     f+R2,X            (All)
                     f+R2,R1,X         (Hotarubi, Kokuren, 
                     f+R2,T            (Mikado, Kokuren, Utsusemi)
                     f+R2,X,T          (Kokuren, Utsusemi)
Rapier 0.9 kg        b+T               b+O              b+O
       75.0 cm       b+X               u+T              b+X
                     u+O               d+T              u+O
                     d+O               f,f+T            d+O
                     f,f+T             f,f+O            f,f+T *
                     f,f+O             b,f+T *          f,f+O
                     b,f+T             b,f+O            f,f+X
                                                        b,f+T *
                     T,O               T,X,,T,,O,,O     T,T
                     f+R2, X           (Hotarubi, Tatsumi, Mikado
                     f+R2, R1, X       (Hotarubi, Tatsumi, Mikado
Naginata 2.2 kg      f+X               f+X              f+X
         181.0 cm    b+T               b+O              b+O
                     u+O               u+O              b+X
                     d+O               d+O              u+O
                     f,f+O             f+O              d+O
                     b,f+T             f,f+O            b,f+T
                     b,f+O             b,f+T
                     T,T,,T            T,O              b,f+T,O,X
Hammer 4.5 kg        b+T               b+O              b+X
       83.5 cm       u+O               u+O              u+O
                     d+O               d+O              d+O
                     f,f+T             f,f+T            b,f+O *
                     f,f+O             f,f+O
                     f,f+X *           b,f+T
                     b,f+T             b,f+O
                     T,T,,T,,T         O,T              X,T
                     f+R2,T            (Kanuki)
                     f+R2,X            (Utsusemi, Kanuki)
Nodachi 1.9 kg       b+T               f+X              b+X
        119.0 cm     f+X               b+O              f+X
                     u+O               u+O              u+O
                     d+O               d+O              d+O
                     b,f+T             f,f+O            f,f+O
                     b,f+O             b,f+T            f,f+X
                                       b,f+O            b,f+T
                     T,T,,f+T          O,O,,f+T         X,T
                     f+R2,T            (Mikado, Utsusemi)
Long Sword 1.4 kg    b+T               b+O              b+O
           79.0 cm   u+T               u+O              b+X
                     d+T               d+O              u+O
                     b,f+T             b,f+T            d+O
                     b,f+O             f+O              f,f+O
                     O,O               T,X              X,T,,T
                     f+R2,R1,X         (Hotarubi, Tatsumi, Mikado)
Saber 1.2 kg         b+T               b+O              b+O
      72.0 cm        u+O               u+O              b+X
                     d+O               d+O              f+X
                     f,f+T             f,f+O            u+O
                     f,f+X             b,f+O            d+O
                     b,f+T                              f,f+X
                     b,f+O                              b,f+T
                     T,O               X,T,,O           T,T
                     f+R2,X            (Hotarubi, Tatsumi, Mikado, 
Broad Sword 4.1 kg   b+T               b+O              O *
            85.0 cm  u+O               u+O              b+O
                     d+O               d+O              b+X
                     f,f+T             f,f+T            u+O
                     f,f+O             f,f+O            d+O
                     f,f+X             f,f+X            f,f+O
                     b,f+T             b,f+O            b,f+T
                     b,f+O                              b,f+O
                     O,O               O,O              T,T
                     f+R2,T            (Kokuren, Kanuki)
                     f+R2,X            (Kokuren, Kanuki)

Character And Weapon Specific Moves:

Character       Weapon           Stance        Command
Hotarubi        Rapier           High          b,f+O
                Long Sword       Mid           b,f+O
                Saber            High          f,f,f+O
                                 Mid           O,O,T,,X
Tatsumi         Rapier           High          b,f+O
                Naginata         Mid           f,f+T
                Hammer           High          f,f+T
                                 Low           b,f+O
                                 All           f+R2,T
                Saber            High          b,f+O,O,O,O,O
                                 Mid           O,O,T,,X
                                 Low           X,T
Mikado          Katana           High          f,f+T,T,O
                Rapier           High          b,f+O
                Naginata         High          T,T,,O
                                 Mid           f,f+T
                                 Low           b,f+O
                Nodachi          High          f,f+T
                                 Mid           b,f+O
                                 Low           X,X
                Saber            High          f,f,f+O
                                 Mid           O,O,T,,X
                Broad Sword      High          b,f+T
Kokuren         Katana           High          f,f+O
                Rapier           High          f,f+X
                                               b,f+O (hits mid)
                                 Mid           b,f+O
                                 Low           f,f+T,O,X,,O,O
                Long Sword       Low           f,f+X
                Saber            High          b,f+O,O,O,O,O
                                 Mid           O,O,T,,X
                                 Low           X,T
                Broad Sword      Low           X,T,,O
Utsusemi        Katana           High          b,f+T
                                 Low           f,f+X
                Naginata         Low           b,f+O
                Nodachi          High          f,f+T
                                 Mid           b,f+O
                                 Low           b,f+O
                                               b,f+T (x4)
Kanuki          Hammer           Low           b,f+O,T
                Broad Sword      High          f,f+X
                                 Mid           f,f+X
email: +==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+===+=+==+ +==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+==+=
 ____         ____       _  | Mai/Mature's Eternal Luver !!!    |
|  _ \ _   _ / ___| __ _| | | Now, sing along with me,          |
| |_) | | | | |  _ / _` | | |    "Bouncing Mai, Bouncing Mai,   |
|  _ <| |_| | |_| | (_| | | |     Bouncing All the Way..."      |
|_| \_\\__,_|\____|\__,_|_| | "Nippon Ichi!" *grin* [KoF]       |
That's all...[R]