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BattleTanx - Global Assault (e)

*** BattleTanx: The FAQ ***
Version 1.0

Author: R. K. Raja


Revision History

1.0 - Began the whole guide.


I. Introduction

II. Information

III. Power-Ups

IV. Characters / Tanks

V. Codes and Secrets

VI. Legal Stuff

VII. Other Stuff

VIII. Ending


                            I. Introduction

Hey everyone! This is my 3rd FAQ and I just want to tell you that it is 
short. I know it's out, but there weren't many FAQs on this game, so I 
decided what the heck! Why don't I write my own?
I hope you like the format (it's something new I came up with).
If you want to use this FAQ on your site, or anything, skip down to the 
bottom. I would also thank Nintendo Power for alot of the information used
in this FAQ.

Enjoy the FAQ!!!


                           II. Information

These are just some options to look at:

Control -
You should setup the controls to suit your needs before going on to play.

_Easy Control_

With the Easy  control setup, your gun turrt is locked facing forward.
The big drawback to this setup is that turning around to face an enemy
takes time and leaves vulnerable.

_Arcade Control_

The arcade setup lets you move both your turret and your tank with the 
Control Stick. Holding R locks the turret into its current position,
allowing you to strafe targets as you roll past.

_Gunner & Driver Control_

These control setups allow you to move your turret and tank independently
of each other. With the Gunner setup, you move the Control Stick and drive
the tank with the C buttons. Thses controls are reversed in the Driver
setup. All setups can be customized to your likings.

_Switching Tanks_

In some stages, you can switch between your default tank and a massive 
Goliath tank that's guarding your base. The Goliath is mounted on a rail 
and can move back and forth along it very quickly. It can leave the rail, 
but it's speed is greatly reduced.

Multiplayer -
There are four multiplayer games for one to four tank commanders. In Multiplayer
games, you can either go solo or team up with one or two of your different gangs
and tanks, even if they're on the same team. You also have a choice of arenas,
difficulty and control setups.


The first of the four multiplayer games is Annihilation. In Annihilation,
each combatant battles until his or her tank is destroyed. The last surviv-
ing warrior wins.


BattleLord is the tank version of "capture the flag." You must find your 
enemy's base and destroy it to find there QueenLord inside. You then take that 
QueenLord back to your base. In the meantime, you must also protect your base 
from enemy raiders.

_Deathmatch & Family Mode_
In a Deathmatch, the first player to destroy seven of the enemy tanks wins the game.
The Family Mode rules are the same, but the controls are simplified. In
Family Mode, your main gun turret is disabled, and you must collect
power-ups to gain weapons.


                            III. Power-Ups

You can upgrade your tank with a variety of items and special weapons.
Power-ups can be found in plain sight or by blowing up buildings and
enemy tanks. If you collect three Swarmers, Lasers, Mines, or Guided Missile
icons, press A and B simultaneously to fire a super version of that weapon.

Star -

When tanks are destroyed, they often leave a star behind. They're worth
a random amount of health and ammo. They disappear after only a few
seconds, so try to pick them up as quickly as possible.

Bonus Points -

This power-up is worth 1,000 bonus points. As your score goes up, you're 
awarded extra tanks for hitting certain high marks. every little bit helps,
so don't pass these up.

Radar -

Once you have a radar, enemy tanks will be marked by red triangles, 
which can be seen from far waway and through buuildings. A radar map
will also appear to give you a bird's-eye-view of the stage.

Swarmers -

One volley of Swarmers is usually enough to take out anything but the 
Goliath. These missiles spread out in a V-shaped pattern as they fly, 
so they're more effective at close range.

Guided Missiles -

These are the weapons of choice against Goliath tanks. Press and hold
A to fire, then use the Control Stick to steer. Guided missiles have an
extremely long rage and are moderately powerful.

Laser -

Lasers fire-high energy pulses and are the most powerful weapon, next
to the Nuke. If you're brave (or foolhardy) enough to attack a Goliath 
head-on, you might want to have these.

Nukes -

Nukes will literally level the buildings and enemy vehicles in the stage.
You'll also take some damage, so put as much distance between you and
ground zero as possible.

Health -

Health icons repair damage to your tank. If your vehicle is at full strength,
any health you collect is stored for later use. Scroll through your items
until the icon appears, then press A.

Ammo -

If you find yourself running low on ammo for your regular gun, pick up one
of these babies. You'll recieve 30 rounds of ammo if you're driving an M1
or a Goliath, and 70 if you're in a MotoTank.

Shield -

Shields protect you from all damage temporarily and are great for head-on
assualts against enemy bases. They can withstand only a few hits, though,
and they fade away on their after a short time.

Extra Tanks -

The more tanks you have in reserve, the farther you'll go in this game.
It's a long way between New York and San Francisco, even without hordes
of crazed mutants trying to stop you!

Grenades -

Grenades are very useful for clearing our minefields. if you use them against
enemy tanks, remember that they have delayed fuses and will bounce off of

Mines -

Mines are very powerful and are great for defending your bases. Just remember
that they don't discriminate between friend or foe, and you can be damaged
by your own mines.

Cloaking Device -

the Cloaking Device makes you invisible to radar as well as to the naked eye.
Be warned, though, that you'll reappear for a moment when you fire or when 
you're hit.

Gun Buddies -

Gun buddies are one of our favorite power-ups. When you activate the, they 
drop auto gun turrets on the ground. The Gun Buddy attacks any enemy tanks
that come in range until they're destroyed.


                          IV. Characters / Tanks

Each character will have a ranking for their Speed, Firepower, Armor, and 
Intelligence. 1 is the worst and 10 is the best.

Urban Decay -

After the government fell, the street gangs of New York organized and
took over the island of Manhattan. Despite their horrific appearance,
these gang bangers or highly intelligent.

TANK COLOR: Golden Gray

WEAPON: Swarmer Missiles

SPEED: 5/10


ARMOR: 5 ˝ /10



After Shocks -

The After Shocks hail from southern California, but they're expanding
their territory northward. They prefer the open road to urban combat zones,
and speed is their signature skill.

TANK COLOR: Dark Orange

WEAPONS: Grenades & Mines

SPEED: 8 ˝ /10


ARMOR: 2 ˝ /10



Nuclear Knights -

A product of genetic engineering, the Nuclear Knights are a band of homicidal
super soldiers. They're armed with stolen Nukes and are one of of the most 
feared gangs.



SPEED: 1 ˝ /10


ARMOR: 10/10



Skull Riderz -

Made up of former outlaw bikers, the Skull Riderz now roam the highways
in blood-red tanks equipped with guided missiles. What they lack in 
defense they make up for in speed.


WEAPON: Guided Missile

SPEED: 10/10

FIREPOWER: 2 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 1/10



Griffin's Army -

As Griffin Slade, you begin each Capaign missionwith no power-ups. In 
multiplayer games, you begin with a random power-up. Your army is one
of the most balanced groups.

TANK COLOR: Steel Gray

WEAPON: Random

SPEED: 5/10

FIREPOWER: 5 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 6/10



Charlie Co. -

Charlie Company is made up of remnants of the U.S. Army. They're highly disc-
iplined and have and edge on you in fire power and armor. They may be your 
most formidable foes.

TANK COLOR: Olive Drab


SPEED: 4 ˝ /10

FIREPOWER: 9 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 8/10



Dark Angels -

The Dark Angels battle not for money or political power, but to appease their
dark god. Equipped with Cloaking Devices, they strike without warning, then
fade into the shadows.


WEAPON: Cloaking Device

SPEED: 8 ˝ /10

FIREPOWER: 6 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 3 ˝ /10



Mech Maniacs -

"Paranoid" is the world that best describes the Mech Maniacs. Members of 
the various extremist groups, they trust no one. They shoot first and never
get around asking questiond.

TANK COLOR: Dark Gray-Green

WEAPON: Gun Buddy

SPEED: 5 ˝ /10

FIREPOWER: 4 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 4 ˝ /10



Psycho Brigade -

When the government collapsed, so did the prison system, releasing thousands
of viloent felons. With little direction, these Psychos loot and pillage at 
at random.

TANK COLOR: Light Blue

WEAPON: Shield

SPEED: 9/10

FIREPOWER: 4 ˝ /10

ARMOR: 4 ˝ /10



                           V. Codes and Secrets

Thanks to Nintendo for the following codes:


To improve the firepower of your weapons in a multi player game, collect 15 
or more of a certain type of weapon, then press A and B simultaneously. The 
weapon will shoot ALL it's ammunition at once, so make sure you want to do 
this before trying it.... 


To select your gang during a Campaign, type LTSLTSGNGS in the input code 


Type WMNRSMRTR to unlock the Storm Ravens gang. It's an all-woman gang 
and the game has the cloaking and laser powerups. 


CJSKPFLGMH opens up the State Street, Chicago level. You'll have 10 lives, 
5 goliath tanx and a nuclear weapon when you start this game. This code is 
not compatible with a Controller Pak. 



FRGZ--plague of frogs 

TDZ--Queen Lords are replaced by toads 

Well that's it.... 


                          VI. Legal Stuff

This is just some stuff that most people won't even bother reading....
Hey, you're reading this, aren't you?

Ok, I just want to say three things:

1) You cannot use this FAQ as profit.

2) You cannot replace my name with yours (isn't that something called 

3) If you want to use this FAQ on your site or something, e-mail me at or (both would be nice...) and
ask for permission before using. Say what you want to do with the FAQ, 
where you are going to put it, and most likely I'll say yes (Notice the
use of the words "most likely." I don't mean that I WILL say yes).


                            VII. Other Stuff

This is a real short section, and I don't even know why I put it up...



If you have Fighting Force 64, or Banjo-Kazooie, you can see my:

Fighting Force 64 FAQ/Movelist

Banjo-Kazooie World Location Guide

And if you're thinking about buying Fighting Force 64, check out my review.

Also, I hope to contribute more reviews to, and watch out
for my Nightmare Creatures FAQ. Heck, I *might* even make a Rampage 2: Universal
Tour FAQ.

I know these games came out a while ago, but I'm bored (and there aren't
many FAQs out there covering these games).

Ok, go away now!
Wait a minute, that supposed to go in the next section.......


                             VIII. Ending

And that about wraps it up. I'm not really good with words, so get out, now!
Whaddya still doing here?
If you don't get off now, I'm gonna _____
Hey, I warned you
Now you're just being _____
You're scraing me!
                                       --- R. K. Raja (

You're still here?
Well, have fun staring at these words.........